OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1922 PAGE SEVEN DR. T. 0. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, ng St. West, Phone 231. . B, ADAMS, DENTIST, lock, Simcoe St. 8, Phone 504. 89-tf ley Articles For Sale FOR SALE -- FUMED OAK PIANO in good condition. Reasonable, Ap- ply evenings, 2 Rowena St., Cedar Dale. 8-c FOR SALE -- A NEWFOUNDLAND dog. Phone 811, 8-¢ DR. T, 8, TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's store. Phone 948. 1-yr, DR. 8. J, PHILLIPS -- DBNTIS I8T; OfMce over Kyle's Srosery Store. Phone 959, 4-1 yr. DR. JAMES DENTIST = OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store, Phone No, 97. wu DR. TREWIN, DENTIST _ trance to office ome door east Detenbeck's Store. Medical DR. C. BE. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St. North. Phone 57. 110-1yr DR, MoKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- geou, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria 8t., Oshawa, Phone 94. DR. L. J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST., Bast, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell"s Drug Store each Baturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p,m. for consulta- tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr . B. NEBLY, PHYSICIA & Surgeon, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office over Dominion Bank. Tele- phone 1155. Hours 2 to 4 p.m., or by appointment. 96-11 DR. A. A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, wiil be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store every Friday from 2.30 to 4.30 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. Com 134-tt DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Btreet West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Money to loan. Office, " % King St. East, Oshawa, Phone D. A. J. SWANEDIN--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, etc. All br es of Civil and Criminal Law. Leans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- ava. Phoues, Office 940; Residence GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank. entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. F. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, B.A, G. D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St., South, Oshawa. Loans arranged om mortgages, conveyancing and gen- eral practice. Phone 62. H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. Chiropractic IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Frxaminations free at office. Dr. 8. M Jones, 86 Simeoe St. North. Surveyors M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyor and Civic En- gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Sue- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 73-1 Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- nection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. Residence 19 Division St. 26-1 yr Insurance Agents FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN Wellington Musial and Union Fire Ins S ty, Lond England. N. A. McLean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- age, Silhone St. South. Tires for sale. amieson Bros., Proprietors. Phone 766. 11-41 Musical Instruction HERBERT C. TRENEER, ATC.M., and choirmaster of the King St. Methodist Church, is prepared to accept 2 limited number of pupils in Piamoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe Organ. For terms, etc, apply on Saturdays at King St. Methodist Church, or Phone 807J. 73-jne 30 -- EN- of FOR SALE -- ONE KITCHEN range, Champion Summit, with hot water front, 8ix octave organ, both in first clas shape. Cash or terms. 75 Bond St, E,, Oshawa, Apr. 30 HORSE FOR SALE--3 YEARS OLD and sound. Harris, Harmony, Four Corners, Apply after six, 9-b FOR SALE--3-PIECE MAHOGANY parlor suite, Apply 124 Agnes St. 10-¢ FOR SALE--ECONOMICAL BURN- ing gas range cheap. Apply 465 Simcoe St. N. PY Ya FOR SALE--7 EXTENSION WIN- dow screens, in good condition. Ap- ply 24 Royal St. 10-a FOR SALE--SPLENDID DRIVING mare. Good, fast roader, broken to saddle, quiet to handle. Apply eve- nings. Myles, Whiting Ave., Cedar Dale. 10- b FOR SALE--1 SET BED "SPRINGS, 1 parlor suite (cheap), 1 wicker baby carriage, 1 laundry stove, 1 hair cloth suite (would make good office furniture), 1 wicker go-cart (like new), 1 wheelbarrow. Apply 31 Elgin Street, BE. 10-¢ FOR SALE -- CREAM WICKER baby carriage in good condition, Ap- ply 196 Athol St. E, 10-b FOR SALE--GAS STOVE, HALL rack and single bed. Apply 251 10-a Arthur St. ONE WICKER BABY CARRIAGE good as new. Apply 75 Eldon Ave. 10-¢ RANGE Phone 9-c FOR SALE--CHAMPION with coal er wood grate, 450-W Real Estate for Sale REAL ESTATE FOR YOUR summer home enquire about Windy Cove, just West of Bowmanville Beach. Beautiful front lots for sale. Moderate building restrie- tions. ¥. G. Dyke, Room 708, Do- minion Bank Building, Torontec. 144-may4 LOT IN cn Simcoe FOR SALE--THE BEST Oshawa, 70 feet frontage St. N., west side, Mundy"s end Mr. Apply R. L. Gray, Bakery. GOOD BUILDING Luss FOR on Alice St., between Mary sts. Will sell cheap. Apply 214 Division St. 10-G 150 ACRES ON IMPROGVED ROAD --3 horses, colt, 11 cows and young cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry, machin- ery, tools, vehicles, cream separator, feed, stovewood included; in thick- ly-settled section near school. chureh, stores; city markets; 100 acres loamy, machine-worked fields; 20- cow pasture; 1l0-acres woodlot; ple orchard; attractive S-room house maple shade, lake view; fine 60-ft. basement barn, running water, poul- try house, other buildings. Owner unable operate, $6,950 gets all, part cash, easy-terms. Everything ready for a big year. Act quickly. Catalog free. Johan C. Montgomery, Strout Farm Agency, King St. Chambers. Oshawa, Ont. 9-¢ Audios Sali There will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, May 6th, on the premises, south-east corner of Colborne and Mary Streets, Oshawa, the following valuable real estate:-- A seven roomed, one and a half storey frame and rough cast house, with water, light and gas installed, the property of the late Ann Reyn- olds. The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Sale com- mences at 2.30 P.M. TERMS OF SALE: --160 per cent on day of sale and balance in 30 days. Further terms and conditions will be made known on the day of the sale or can be obtained in the meantime from vendors' solicitor. Dated April 24th, A.D. 1922 JAMES BISHOP, Auctioneer. A. J. Reynolds, and E. Saunders, Executors Estate Ann Reynolds, Ww. E. N. Sinclair, K.C. Vendors solicitor Bank of Commerce Building. Oshawa 10-12-14 Poultry JATCHING EGGS, FROM BRED- o-lay White Wyandottes, Martin strain, 2 50 pe 15 eggs; $7 per 100. enney, R. R. No. 1, A iin, gh Phone 785-2-2 April 30 RHODE ISLAND RED EGGS FOR hatching --From carefully seleeted fowl. $1.50 a setting. Apply Edgar Horn, Hampton, or Hogg & Oshawa. 148-1. E. at D. Bradley's M. Tod's SALE Division and Auctioneer WILL. T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT. Live Stock a specialty. 167r1-4 Bowmanville BEFORE BUYING OF. SUL new home, or repairing yo Sep fis 1 2a have omar. sal I can give you easy payments and save you money.--C. N. Stacey, Builder and Contractor, FOR SALE -- CORD AND fabric tires at 20 per cent. off Tire Sales, 160 . Phone 93. stock. King Sk. FOR SALE -- HATCHING EGGS from single comb Browm Leghorns, $1 for 15 eggs. W. A. Lavis, phone 291r23. 7-a 10-a LOST--AUTO LICENSE NO. 159868 in or near Oshawa, on Friday last. | Finder will be rewarded by leaving at Reformer Office. 10-c DODDS KIDNEY ~~ >) [ f EL between Mr, C. | 10-C | ap- | Houses For Sale | FOR SALE--SEVEN ROOM BRICK! veneer house, all modern conven- lences, Apply Mrs. K. J. Fargey, 51 Ritson Rd. N. b-f FOR SALE--2 ROOM HOUSE, water, sewers, electric lights, 3 lots, all in garden, strawberries, rasp- berries, and two cellars dug and lumber on place. 245 Gibbs St. W., near Park Road. 9-c FOR SALE OR RENT -- ¢ ROOMED brick house, with every convenience. Apply 171 Medcalfe Street. Price $2,600, 9c FOR SALE--SEVEN ROOM BRICK house. All modern conveniences, Good location. Apply 51 Ritson Rd. N. or phone 941 W, 10-c HOUSE FOR SALE -- 4 ROOM house on French st, containing wood shed, electric lights, water, and lot on side. Sell cheap for cash, Al- 80 2 lots 30 x 120 adjoining, $300 cash, if sold at once. Apply Box 64, Oshawa, 10-¢ SPECIAL $3500 will buy an 8 room house with all modern conveniences, conven- iently locoted. Terms easy. 83000 will give you ,an 8 room house with water and electric lights, one blogk from car line, $300 down. $1900 will buy a four room house with water and electric lights, convenient to car line, $200 down, $300 will buy a nice lot in West-| mount on Pine St. Apply | Oshawa Real Estate Sales Co, 61 King St, East, # Phone 793 | or A. A, Farrar, Trenton, Ont, 6tf OSHAWA REAL EST. SALES (0, 61 King St, E. Phone 793 $500 DOWN WILL BUY A NICE 6 room pressed brick house, with! all conveniences und nreplace, in North. Reasonable terms will be | given on balance. $4200 WILL BUY A 6 ROOM BRICK |j with all conveniences and summer kitchen on paved street near Ped- lar Plant. $6600 WILL, BUY AN 8 ROOM brick with all conveniences and garage, just off paved street, and not far out, $7100" WILL, BUY A ROOM brick with all -conveniences and garage, on one of our main streets and just a nice distance from the! centre of the town Now is the time to buy your lot to! | get ready for your new house. We | have some choice ones but they won't last forever. A C. LYCETT, J. C. YOUNG, Phone 625 Phone 909-J HARRY SALTER'S | FOR SALE ROOM HOUSE Drew Street 7 ROOM HOUSE ON ATHOLL ST., hot water heating. ROOM HOUSE ON DIVISION ST. ROOM HOUSE N PEARL ST ROOM HOUSE ON BRASSEY ST. ROOM HOUSE ON VERDUN RD., furnace, electric light and water, 2,300, $1,000 down, halance as| rent, Lots on Jarvis St. Money to loan. H. SALTER, | 24 Royal Street Phone 185 10-h] --6 ON 40 x 110, $240. | Suitable for married couple, | TO tants considered. {TO Help Wanted--Female WANTED -- GIRL OR MIDDLE aged woman, must understand cooking. No washing. Good home, small family, Duties to commence May 1st, Mrs, C, A, Smith, 150-tf WANTED -- RELIABLE COOK, general or working housekeeper. Apply Mrs. G, D, Conant, Simcoe St. 8. Phone 921, 7-tf WANTED --- EXPERIENCED GIRL or woman for general housework, Apply Mrs, G. W, Hezzelwood, 59 Bond St. BE. 7-t.1. WANTED---RESPECTARLE YOUNG girl for light housework, must be fond of children; Scotch preferred. Phone 25-J or call after 7 p. m Mrs, Trayne, 64 Bond St. E. 10-b LITTLE was home. hed she knelt at the hostess to say her prayers, expecting her usual prompting, to can't remember my prayers, and I'm staying with a lady that don't know ' |any." PROPOSED EXTENSION TO OSH- AWA HOSPITAL The time for the opening of ten- ders for the proposed extension of the Oshawa Hospital has been tended to noon on Friday next, 27th April, ex- the DR, F, L. HENRY, Secretary. GIRL'S CONCLUSION. Port Rowan News:--A little girl spending a night away from When it was time to go to knee of her she was heard "Please excuse me, I This not coming, remark: WANTED -- AN EXPERIENCED cook, general, Appiy 1. V. Lander, 221 Simcoe St, N, 10-a WANTED--WOMAN TO DO CLEAN- ing and laundgy work. Phone 249, i 10-c WANTED -- A HOUSEKEEPER, capable and honest woman to keep house for family of three. Good farm home with all conveniences, L. J. Stainton, Brooklin, Ont. Apply |! 10-a To Rent FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT Apply 43 Elena Street. 8-c THREE ROOMED APARTMENT to rent, with modern conveniences. Phone | 9-h 730-W. RENT-- nished in best COMPLETELY house for summer months locality, Only eareful ten- | Apply Box *"L" 10-h | BRICK, | p. Reformer. TO RENT--AN §_ with all conveniences and garage, just off pavement, and fairly close |, in. Necessary to aet quickly. Osh- awa Real Estate Sales Co., St. E., Phone 792 TO RENT-- TWO LARGE nished rooms, 175 Celina "ROOM 10-¢ UNFUR- St. p 10-hH RENT--2 RNISH ed rooms for young couple, ply 251 Arthur PARTLY light nouse in a quiet St, 1] ome D Auntomobiles For Sale FOR SALE--1 TON } | a [ d 2, Division; 8.45 p.m., all East. 7. | cept Sunday ;9.40 p.m. a. de "1 de aily 8.04 p.m. OSHAWA POST OFFICE Mails close at local postoffice at: Going East: 17.30 a.m,, all East; 00 p.m, Port Hope and Peterboro Going West: 1.15 p.m., all West; 00 p.m., Whitby, Port Perry and 'ndsay Division; 8.45 p.m, West, RAILWAY TIMETABLES GRAND TRUNK AN AND CANADIAN I'wall NATIONAL RAILWAYS FROM OSHAWA JUNCTION Going east: 8.28 am, daily ex- cept Sunday; 8.58 a.m. Sunday only; | 10.22 | except Sunday; 2.50 p.m, "FUR- | oe p day ¥ | a.m. daily; 1,04 p.m. dally dally ex- daily oxX- daily; 11.50 daily stops only for passengers pt Sunday; 6.54 p.m. m. * | for Montreal and beyond; 12.19 a.m. { daily, Going west: m. daily; 6.24 a.m. daily; 10,2 .m. daily except Sunday; 2.15 p.m. 1 Ki daily except Sunday; 4.44 p.m. daily; ! 61 King | zag nm. daily i Sunday; 7.23 m. Sunday only;8.85 p.m, daily ex- | cept Sunday. [, | CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 10 a.m. daily; 2.19 daily except Sunday; 9.40 p.m except Sunday; 12.03 am. Going east: m. aily ily. Going west: m. daily 6.07 a.m. daily; except Sunday; 5 p.m. daily exce pt Sunday. FORD TRYCK, {in first class shape, $350 cash. Apply 458 Albert Street 121-tf FOR SAL KE -- CORD AND FABRIC | tires at 20 per cent. discount off gular prices. All sizes in } er Tire Saleg, 160 King 8 93. FOR SALE 1920 model, ply Archie of Ross' Oshawa. $65 WILL BUY -AN EXCELSIOR motoreycle in good running order. | Fifth red brick house past pave-! CHEVROLET in good conditio Hopkins, 1e. m Corners. P. TWO LOTS On Alma St., 3 min. from Simcoe and Alexandra Park. Farticulars terms apply: W. A. Grooms, 125 Alma Street; or at Hogg & Lyt Store, King West. re { ment, nt, King St. 9-1 B.| E. FOR 8, SALE _-- IV) ROL E T F roadster.' Apply 109 Brock St. Work Wanted | WANTED -- POSITION BY EXPE- rienced stenographer. Good refer- ences. Apply to Box "F", Reform-| ", 10-2 ~ C. JARVIS PRACTICAL | BOOT | wl shoe repairer, 13 Prince Street. Repaired while you wait. Ladies and gents rubber heels put on in a few minutes. All work promptly nd neatly executed. 10-¢ Houses Wanted | OWNER WHO WANTS A GOOD, careful tenant or who has house for sale, please communicate immediate- ly with P. O. Box 745, Oshawa. 10¢ WANTED TO RENT -- A SMALL house or bungalow. apply Box "G", Reformer. 10-c TENDERS WANTED Owing to a change 1n specifica- tions whereby concrete will be used instead of brick in foundation walls. new sealed tenders will be received | by the undersigned until Friday, May 5th. 1922, for excavation and | construction of foundations for st. | George's Memorial Church. Oshawa. | according to plans and specifica- | tions. which may be seen at the] offices of the Architects. Messrs. Bden Smith & Sous. Torputo, or at the office of Mr. E. C. Hodgius, | Standard Bank. Oshawa. H Lowest or any tender not neces- | ! sarily Ancepiod. | S$. Swith. Warden, Box 394, Oshawa. pe 43 ASTE mot, want mot." This old never more significant than to- day when the high cost of liv- ing is mounting steadily. It is sound economy to send your old potted and soiled gar us. We will veturn them im- maculate and you'll be pleased. proverb was ts to "WE TAKE OUT THE SPors" PARKER'S | = | never gets Male or Female ATTENTION -- SITUATIONS NOW | 8 occuring for Inspectors Weights | Measures; Food; Immigration, Eggs. | Also clerical positions. Full infor- mation free. Canadian Civil Service | Institute, Box 595, Toronto. 7-2 | HAVE A POSITION FOR THREL | ladies or gentlemen. You may live in Oshawa for another ten years and nother opportunity like or appointment, phone, 10-¢ New Lumber for Sale TIMBER AND LUMBER MOR SALE at Port Whitby, out of the Watson elevator, suitable for all kinds oi frame buildings, barus, etc. Quantity of belting, shafting and scales ready for delivery April ist.--Apply, John Watson, Port Whitby. ' Phone 3. | 14f | A this one. 1021. Something to s Romemthir Efficiency slips quickly through than from any away more faulty vision other cause. Is your efficiency effected? Our dependable examination i will determine the exact condi- § tion of your eyes. If your eyes are subject to strain we can furnish you with the glasses you should wear for comfort and visual enjoy- ment. When We Test Eyes It is Done Properly § JURY & LOVELL, Ltd Phone 28 "Phone 110 § palm oil and vegetable oils--the greatest of all skin § -- are used in the making of Lifebuoy Soap. Thee odour vanishes quickly afier use all | = teontinue 4.44 a.m. daily; 5.56 criticism hecause they | been 8.40 | Long F ight MIDDLETON The Long BY J. E. From the beginning of its exist- ence the Ontario Hydro-Electric System has been continually at- tacked by men directly or indirectly interested in private power com- panies. Not only the officers, direc- tors and officials of such Companies, but their financial associates in banks. trust compares, insurance companies, bond houses and news- paper offices have been unremitting in their hostility. No occasion has been missed to question and test the validity of the legislation govern- ing the enterprise, to throw doubt upon the gogd faith and honor of the Commissioners and to denounce the estimates of the engineering staff. The opposition has been un- tiring and implacable, Although beaten again and again on ground of their own ' choosing, although accusations have been disproved and prophecies have been made ridicu- lous in the light of actual results, the enemies of the "Hydro" have persisted and still persist, showing a determination worthy of a better |cause. There is an ancient story ahout ithe building of the walls of Jerusa- lem: "They which builded on the and they that hear burdens, with those that laded, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon. For the builders every one had his sword girded hy his side. and so builded." The men who established and continued the Hydro-Eleetric System have been, metaphorieally, in the same position as ehemiah masons and hod- carrier They have been willing to under such a storm of have know- There is no yawning languor at 190 University Avenue. Against all charges, and allegations the men of the "Hydro" submit omeial records. They can show that tne great body of small consumers of light and power are getting a service unequal- led in the world at rates that no private corporation can offer---false- hoods to the contrary notwithstand- ing. They can prove that despite these low rates over 120 local Hydro-Electric systems of Ontario have accumulated = surplus, after paying all fixed charges, reserve charges and current expenditure, They can prove that their construc- tion work Is of superb quality, that their equipment is modern, and that there has heen no graft or patron- age, They have a clear under- standing that the beer tribute to the success of the enterprise is found in the mud-throwing of the enemy. If "Hydro" was a failure the Priv- ate Ownership Power Barons would be overflowing with oily sympathy and unctuous regret. So they 'carry on" convinced that their work is their vindication, insinuations, SUFFICIENT UNTO THE DAY Boston Transcript: The subject given them being "The Future," one schoolboy wrote: "We are told not to be anxious about the future, as | the future will come in time." Another youngster cogitated this gem: "We are taught in the Sermon on the Mount not to think of the fu- ture, because the evil we do in one day is sufficient." ROMAN MEAL DEMONSTRATION {ledge that their work has been and If you have not yet tried Roman | will be of great public advantage, | Meal, that most delicious dish, call and also because they have quite as, at Harper & Clemens' store any time much tenacity as their opponents. | this week and try it. A demonstra They will not quit under fire. Their |tor will be there to serve you all this hides have been toughened hy | week. 10-a twelve years of fighting. The cor- ------------------ porate-spirit of the institution has If ever the human race is lost, it strengthened by controversy. | won't be for want of speed.--Roch officer is indignantly active. je ster Times-Union. Every ~4 » Character C+ LEINDULGENCE is admit. *ted to be a sign of a weak, and sclf-denial of a strong character. Are you building up both your char- acter and your Savings Bank account by thoughtful economies and the de- posit « f all your surplus wages each pay day. 648 LS We welcome accounts, large or small. | THE. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 OSHAWA BRAXCH, H. E. Tylor, Manager. | WINNIPEG SASKATOON PRINCE RUPERY BRANDON CALGARY VANCOUVER REGINA EDMONTON VICTORIA AND ALL WESTERN POINTS CHOICE OF ROUTES Leave Toronto 8.45 p.m. daily. Standard Sleeping car Toronto. to Winnipes via North Bay and Cochuame. Through ourist on i Leave Toronto 10.35 p.m. "The National" Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays via Sudbury and Port Arthur. Solid through train with Standard and Tousist Sleeping cars, Coaches, Colonist car and Dining Car Service. Connection at Winnipeg for all points West. a amnpeg » Get Full Particulars, reservations, ete., from Local Agent or nearest Agent of the Canadian National--Grand Trunk Railway. GELELIETN ENTLEIN EIEN Farm & Garden Seeds wammmm--_-- We have a stock of choice seeds for both Farmer and Gardener. Our Red Clover, Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa are "No. 1 for purity." Buy from us and you will get the best. Get your supply of Flour before we have to advance prices. We have the best grades at lowest prices. Have you tried our new Feed for hogs and cattle? Made from pure grain, it is as meally as pea meal, as fine as flour, as white as middlings, and better hog feed than pure corn. Phone 8 Celina St.