PAGE EIGHT K, OFC." HOLD AN ENJOYABLE DANCE Delightful Social Function in St Gregory's Hall Easter Monday Night . No more delightful social funec- tion has taken place in Oshawa for many weeks than the dance held in St. Gregory's Hall, Monday evening, under the auspices of Knights of Columbus. The spacious and well appointed hall was looking its best, being gaily bedecked with ferns, palms and other decorations kind. ly loaned for the occasion, The ev- ent was an outstanding success, re- flecting great credit on the commit- tee in charge of arrangements, which was composed of Dr, 1, J. Barnett, Mr, E. J, O'Reilly and Mr. J. P. Man: gan, The Adanac seven-piece orchestra was in attendance and this in itsel' is sufficient assurance, that the music was of a high order. The opening Fanos, the Grand Naveh, took place at 9.15 and for the entire ev- ening a fine program had been ar- ranged, including many novelty dances, all of which were entirely sucessful. The evening was a very enjoyable one and although their previous dances were outstanding, this one, it was granted by every one eclipsed all former efforts, About fifty couples were numbered among the guests, not a few of them being vizitors from other cities. During the evening refreshments, daintly served by the ladies, added greatly to the success of the evening. Among the guests from outside points were, Miss Lyona Hunt, Miss Alice Somerville, Miss Helen Wight and Miss McAuley, all of the Cana- dian Academy of Music, Toronto; Miss Mott, Ottawa; Miss Martin, London, and Mis "Quibbell, Hamil- ton; Messrs, Gee l.,, Brennan, Frank Ebbs, and T. I'. Cully, of Osgoode Hall, Toronto; Mr. J. Kervin, Tor- onto; Mr. 8, Cummings, Cornwall, and Mr. W. Heffernan, Gananoque. See Welsh's windows for a fine display of homemade candy. 8-b Skating on thin ice may be nice but it demands a price. TO 'TEACH ART IN THE SCHOOLS? Editor The Reformer: Dear Sir--May T draw vour atten] tion to the case of a young man who | canvassed Centre Street in this| town on Thursday of last week in| the interests of a Toronto studio. He hegan by saying he called to get the number of children of school age, in Oshawa, as he expected to spend some time here teaching art in the| schools, a Japanese pastel system | at sixty cents a lesson, Does the School Board know this?' Is it true or only some sort of al scheme gotten up by false pre-| tenses?" Would some member of the School Board answer this letter in the interests of the people of Osh-| awa and the public in general, Yours truly, A SUBSCRIBER. BORN SHETLER.---At Riverdale Private] Hospital, Toronto, on Wednesday, | April 12th, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. | D. L. Shetler, (nee Lila Brown), 8-0 F. T. LAMBLE BRASSIERES regular 59¢. Friday and Saturday 2 for $1.00 This store has an enviable reputation for the wonderful Corsets it sells and we are doing our very utmost in making it as reputable a Stocking Store, and to advertise this fact more extensively we will offer for Friday and Saturday only a 10 Per Cent. Discount on All Our Hosiery This Includes b <on and Sergt.-Major Lisle, Silk Lisle, Silk and Lisle Mixture, Silk and Wool, Cash- mere, Silk with Lisle Tops, Pure Silks, Italian Silks, and every- thing in Children's Hosiery. Come and take advantage of this reduction and realize the quality and real values we offer. L 4 | SOCIAL and | | PERSONAL | The Reformer invites the ~o-opera- tion of its readers in contributing [fl items 10 this column, Send us a | posteard or 'phone 85. | | Po = ree --=Mr, and Mrs, R. Belt were vise (itors in Toronto on Kaster Monday, ~--Miss Laura Cawker, of Toron- to, spent a few days with relatives in town over Easter, --Mr, Jas. H, Smithers, Simcoe {8t, South, spent Eastertide at [Guelph with friends, --~Miss Martha Hogarth, of To- routo, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W, IJ. Davis, Mill Street, ~-Mrs, A. J. McCormick, of To- ronto, spent Easter with hdr sister, | Mrs. Follest. Jon Street, | -Mr, W, Ryan, of Toronto, is | viziting his by Mrs. J. R, Par-| 'ker, Park Road. -Miss Julia Connolly spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs, Con- nolly, Brock Street West. -Miss M. Mott, of Ottawa, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. J, B,| [Barrett, over Easter, --Mrs, G. Strachan, of Toronto, | was the guest over aster of Mrs. | Walker, Celina Street -Miss May Dillon, of Colling- | wood, is spending the Easter vaea- tion at her home in town. -Miss Clara Houlihan, of Lind-| say. spent the week-end with Miss | Delia Bryant, Agnes Street, | --Mr. George Norman, of West] | Toronto, spent the week-end at his] home here, ~-Miss Lowes, of the Elite Beauty | Parlors, spent the week-end with [her sister, in Toronto. | | ---Miss Betty Thomson, of Port | i3lgin, N.B.. has accepted a position | with Moffatt Motor Sales, | Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery spent] [the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. M. | Baker, Hastings, Mf. and Mrs. Alex. Kaster in Peterboro, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Evans, George St. | ~Rev. J. E. Beckel, of Bethany, spent last week with 'Oshawa friends, --Mr. and Mrs. 4h: holidays with the ents in Havelock. Mr. Harry guest of his Alillbrook for ! --Miss Annie was a visitor with her md Mrs. W. Brasley, over the week-end. Mr. H. Oswald Bradley, Brock Street. spent the week-end with his) parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bradley, Port Hope. Capt. C. | mia Ross spent | Henry Scott spent latter's par-| Francey was tha mother and sister im Easter. i Brasley, of Toronto, parents, Mr. | Royal Street, ! Lieut. FF. Wat- N. Walker, of Oshawa Cadet Corps, spent the Eas-! ter holidays in Toronto. Mrs. Arnold. of Toronto, was a tor at the home of Mrs, C. Fol- est, John Street, over the Easter holiday. " Mrs. Thompson and daughter, Westmount, Montreal. are spend-| a week with the former's sister, Mrs LL Germond, Miss Margaret Nireot and Mr Kenneth Avenue, in Belleville Ald. HH. M. Davey. of Toronto. spent the week-end visiting his sis-! ter, Mrs. A. W. Bell, 468 Simcoe - \, Follest, Brock Walker holiday Thickett, Leonard spent the L_Nrs. Walter Fulton. has ro- turned to Toronto after: visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bryant, | s Street | Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Felton of | Toronto, were Easter vigitors with| This Is Not - A One Cent Sale But a Distribution of Goods To Our Customers One bottle of Palm Olive Shampoo free to every- one making a purchase Thursday. One cake of Palm Olive Castile Soap to everyone making a purchase in our store Friday or Saturday. See our window display of Palm Olive Shampoo (the Olive Oil Shampoo). per bottle. BEATTIE'S Sale price. 45¢ {her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. B.} Samells, Church Street | Mr. Robert Henderson left to-| day for Calgary to visit his brother, | Nir. Archie Henderson, who -is ser-| ously ill. Miss M. Collins and her nieces, Helen, and Rernice Dunford, are visiting Mr. and Mr Fred Stith, | Millbrook. this week Misses Estella Matthie. Gladys) Viestawav and Mayme Adams spent Easter the guests of Mrs. A. B. Parrish, Lindsay. ---Mr. A. W. Bell has purchased | the residence of Mr. A. J. Adams, | "7 Athol St.. Mr. Adams having ac-| cepted a position with Durant Mot-| ors, Toronto. | Misses Maude and Minmie Stick- | ells, of Toronto, were the guests of | their brother. Mr. Harry Stickells,| =THE ARCADE 25 New Spring Hats, $1.48 Just a clean-up of our Millinery Department. © have in stock is less than six weeks out of the makers' workshops. As you know, every hat we We have had phenomenal business, and are now clearing out all balances, ready for new Summer Ideas. SEE NORTH WINDOW TO-NIGHT $1,500.00 Worth of New Gingham Dresses Will be on display Saturday. Newest New York novelties will be shown, and when you compare prices you will be surprised at the extraordinary values and prices we are quoting --Saturday, 2nd floor. Here's a Dozen Good Bargains for Friday and Saturday 4 Specials from Department R. 4 dozen D. and A. good Corsets, sizes 20 to 28, regular $1.50, for 3 dozen Women's White Nainsook Gowns, regular $1.25, for 3 dozen Children's (Infants) White Dresses, up to $4.50, for 25 new Spring Hats, regular up to $8.00 each, for py; / For Your House Cleaning Days Fancy yard wide Chintz, 5 patterns, regular 30c, for And 5 patterns of Blue Bird Chintz, regular 50c. for Also 5 dozen of cute little Print Aprons, made with yoke edging of Ric Rac Braid all round and on pocket and Mrs. Stickells, Jarvis Street, | over the week-end. i --Miss Frances Campbell Matthew Donald Campbell. of To- roto, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. James Wilson, 22 Brock Street E. | --Miss Gladys McLaughlin and | Miss Lorraine Frances spent Easter with Miss Forence McCausland,' Ops. and Miss Violet Beggs, Cam-| eron. . | --Miss Mary Donald gave a de-| lightful dance to about thirty of her young friends on Monday even- ing at her home. Simcoe Street XN. h Suitable music was furnished for; 1he occasion and dainty refreshments | | were served. | ----Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin, Mrs. C.| A. Kinnear, Mrs. B. C. Colpus. Miss IN. Keddie and Mrs. T. Witterick. re- {rresented dhe Home and Sc hool {Clubs of Oshawa at the annual Con- vention of the Provincial Confedera- | tion of Home and School Clubs in Toronto. yesterday. This was held in connection with the Ontario Edu- i and | 'ing--is the moral told in the * The White Front Drug Store NO. 9 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA cational Association. He who Huss Alates on the job may lose money. Beware of wolves in sheep's cloth- 'Ae- sop's Film Fable" eatitled "The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing." Six piece orchestra at Welsh's Saturday evening. 8-b eu Dept. D -- Silks and Dress Goods Yard wide Satin Duchess, black. regular $2.50. Special 38-inch fine Charmeuse, black and colors, $3.50. Special Yard wide White Habitau Silk, regular $1.50. Special 54-inch Navy and Black Tricotine, extra value $3.25. Special SEE THE WINDOWS TO-NIGHT SURE If You Wear Grey Hose, Here's Two Bargains Holopsook Huse ia dad gry or taupe, sifloud von. S223, tor Real Penman"s grey and champagne Lisle Hose, regular 75c pair, for It would pay you to dye these black. Special for Saturday, whipped cream layer cake. - 8-b MONDAY TUESDAY and REGENT zoos oe D. W. GRIFFITES "WAY DOWN EAST" Come on in. When you make an appointment with your friend just say to her-- Meet me at Arcade Rest Room.