Ontario Reformer, 20 Apr 1922, p. 7

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RAIA SuARaS Sl Dental DR, T. CO. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, Office over Andison's Tallor Shop, 19 King St. West, Phone 231, DPR. KR. B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- | ley Block, Simcoe St. S, Phone 504. a 80-tt " DR, T, 8, TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's store. Phone 948, 1-yr, DR. ®, J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; Office over Kyle's Grocery Etore. Phone 959, 4-1 yr, DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store, Phone No, 97, DR. TREWIN, DENTIST -- ®N- trance to office one door east of Detenbeck's Store. DR, C, BE. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St. North, Phone 57, 110-1yr DR. McKAY -- PHYBICIAN, BUR- goon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King Bt. East, corner Victoria 8t., Oshawa, Phone 94. » L. J. BEBERT, 73 i East, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m, for Ita OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1922 PAGE SEVEN Articles For Sale BED AND BPRINGS FOR SALE, cheap. Apply 102 Nassau St, 7-b buggy, one cultivator, one one-horse plough, 93 Bruce Street, -C FOR SALE--DRIVING OUTFIT, horse good for team or single. Phone 70, 7-c FOR SALE--SIDEBOARD. BED- room suite, large heater, two screen doors, iron bed, Apply 160 Bruce Street, or phone 782, Call in fore- noon, - FOR SALE--COMBINATION BODK- case and desk, also leather seated armchair, in first class condition, Mission finished oak, 2¥8 Golf St., phone 893, FOR SALE--RASPBERRY PLANTS 600 Cuthbert and Herbert's pure stock, also baby carriage. nearly new. Apply 211 Verdun Rd. 7-b FOR SALE--BOOKCASE, PARLOR and dining room carpets, and other articles. Apply between 7 and 9 p. m, to 113 Eldon ave. 7-c FOR SALE -- FUMED OAK PIANO in good condition, Reasonable. Ap- ply evenings, 2 Rowena St. Cedar Dale, = 8-c FOR BALE -- CHEVROLET F. B. roadster, Apply 109 Brock St. E. 8- tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr DR. D. B. NEELY, PHYSICIAN & Surgeon. Ear, Nose and Throat, Office over Dominion Bank. Tele- phone 1155. Hours 2 to 4 p.m., or by appointment. 96-L DR. A." A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell"s Drug Store every Friday from 2.30 to 4.30 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 134-tf DR. F, T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Legal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Money to loan. Office a % King St. East, Oshawa. Phone D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, ete. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence 5167. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BALR- FOR SALE -- A NEWFOUNDLAND dog. Phone 811. 8-c FREE TRIAL--JOHNSON LIGHT, speedy, outboard motors, Hyde pro- pellers, aceessories, cut prices, free deliveries." Large variety engines, new, rebuilt. Canoes. Bicycle mo- tors. Free Catalogues. Canadian Boat and Engine Exchange, To- ronto, 6-38-11 $40.00 BUYS YEARLING THOR- oughbred Holstein bull, Ormsby Pontiac Burkeyje, No. 46751. Apply Le Roy Trull, Bowmanville. Phone Bowmanville 176-13, 3-1 FUR SALE -- ONE KITCHEN range, Champion Summit, with hot water front. Six octave organ, both in first class shape. Cash or terms. 75 Bond St. E., Oshawa. Apr. 30 BARGAINS IN FURNITURE -- 200 iron beds, all sizes, iron and wood frame springs, 50 new cotton 'mat- tresses, all sizes, cheap. Camp eots nd mattresses, steel sliding couches with new green covers, sideboards, extension tables, dining room suites, dressers, washstands, stoves and ranges. Oshawa Bargain House, 17 Prince St. 4-1 CORNET FOR SALE HIGH GRADE "Conn" instrument, trumpet style, silver plated, can be used in band or orchestra, practically new, phone 162-J 5tf. EE -- flat Port Whitby, out -of the Watson -- Automobiles For Sale Houses For Sale FOR SALE--1 TON FORD TRUCK, in first class shape, $360 cash. Apply 4568 Albert Street 131-tt FOR SALE--490 CHEVROLET IN Al condition, Cheap for cash, Ap- ply 70 Celina Street, Phone 383. 7-c A GOOD CHEVEROLET CAR IN good conditions, new License includ- ed for $300. Apply to 90 Alice Bt. Mr, F, Sharradd, 6-c tires at 20 per cent, discount off re- guiar prices, All sizes in stock, Tig: er Tire Sales, 160 King St, W, Phone 93. . 6-1mos, FOR SALE -- FORD TOURING car, cheap. Apply 110 Albert Street, 7-b FOR SALE -- CHEVROLET 490, A 1920 model, in good condition, Ap- ply Archie Hopkins, one mile east of Ross' Corners. P. 0. Box b4, Oshawa. 8-c New Lumber for Sale WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF ROUGH and dressed lumber. Ask for quo- tations, Whitby Lumber & Wood- |yard. 'Telephone 12, Whitby, Ont. May 20 TIMBER AND LUMBER FOR SALE elevator, suitable for all kinds of frame buildings, barns, etc, Quantity of belting, shafting and scales ready? for delivery April 1st,--Apply, Jobn Watson, Port Whitby. "Phone 3. o 1+ Real Fstate for Sale GOOD BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE on Alice St. between Division and Mary Sts. Will sell cheap. Apply 214 Division Street. 7-¢ FOR SALE -- TWO LOTS ON French Street, 30 'x 115, Apply 122 Simeoe St. North, 6c. LARGE LOT, SIMCOE STREET N., 50 x 150. Snap for quick sale. This fs a very choice lot; netr Bucking- ham Avenue. See W. H. Scilley at once. Phone 42. 6-d house, FOR SALE.-- A BRICK VENEBR Apply Box "V", Reformer, 6-d FOR SALE--BEVEN ROOM BRICK veneer house, all modern conven- lences, Apply Mrs. KE. J, Fargey, b Ritson Rd, N. FOR SALE -- BRICK VENEER house, 8 rooms, all modern conven- lences, centrally located. Bargain for quick sale, Apply 356 John St, 6 FOR SALE -- 6 ROOMED BRICK house, with every convenience, 3 plece bathroom, Price $2,600. Ap: ply 71 Medcalf St. 7-c house on French St, containing wood shed, electric lights, water, and lot on side. Sell cheap for cash. Al- 80 2 lots 30 x 120 adjoining, $300 cash, if sold at once. Apply Box 64, Oshawa, 7-¢ SPECIAL $5500 will buy an 8 room house with all modern™conveniences, conven- fently locoted. Terms easy. $3000 will give you an 8 room house with water and electric lights, one block from car line. $300 down. $1900 will buy a four room house with water and electric lights, convenient to car line. $200 down, $300 will buy a nice lot in West- mount on Pine St. Apply Oshawa Real Estate Sales Co, 61 King St. East, Phone 793 or A, A, Farrar, Trenton, Ont, 6tLf OSHAWA REAL ESTATE Sales Co, G1 King St, East, Phone 7903 $3000 will buy a six room brick, new with all conveniences and hardwood floors downstairs. Terms reasonable, $6200 will buy a seven room brick, with all conveniences, hard- wood floors upstairs and down, electric range, electric jacket heater, divided cellar, lovely electric fixtures and stairs to attie, $4500 will give you a niece six room brick, with all conveniences, in FOR SALE--TWO LOTS, EACH | 30 feet frontage, on French Street, | east side, near South End, $480 for | the two . Apply W. H. Scilley, of | Puckett Bros. & Scilley. 6-d | REAL ESTATE FOR YOUR | summer home enquire about Windy | | Cove, just West of Bowmanville! [ Beach." Beautiful front lots. for | { sale. Moderate building restrie-| i tions. KF. G. Dyke, Room 708, Do- | | minion Bank Building, Toronte. | 144-may4 | | General Wants WASHING DONE, 1621 Olive Ave. | good location--easy terms. $300 down will buy a six room brick, with all conveniences, in North. Balance on easy term $3000 will buy a nice five with all conveniences furnace, and a half room, except acre of LORD GLADSTONE'S VERDICT London Sunday Pictorial: The wild idea that Mr. Lloyd George might suddenly issue forth to battle at the head of a united Liberal par- ty has been swiftly crushed hy Vis- count Gladstone, now in control of the Independent Liberal machine, He says in effect that the Independ- ent Liberals are fighting against the Coalition and all its works, and they cannot invite Mr, Lloyd George and the Coalition Liberals to condemn their own record during the e past three years, Such a step is possible, WANTED, THE MAN Washington Star: Judge Landis is supgevising baseball and Wills im- | Hays is regulating the movies. when what the country really appears to need is a reliable and energetic mediator for the strike situation, "All the world needs is to cheer up and get on its toes." It might help some, however, to get on its knees at intervals.--McKeesport Re- cord, -- A {imma DOM INION ST CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS 36 King st. w. 2 2 530 Simcoe St. STORES IN OSHAWA 0 3 RES Lu. BROOMS - . THE BEST VALUE IN TOWN - 39c¢. oh, MACHINE SLICED CHOICE BREAKFAST Bacon 33c. BLUE ROSE RFs. CHOICE FANCY Tapioca 2 5 5 Bars 'GOLD, COMFORT, SUNLIGHT, SURPRISE, P. & G. Soap $1.00 FRESH BULK Cocoa 25. splendid garden land. Lots in all parts of the and East. Try us. A. C. Lyeett 4. C Phone 625 Phone 909 T-¢ NOTICE The undersigned hereby gives no- town with | some especially choice ones in North | Young | 3.LB. PAIL LARD 55c. 3-LB. PAIL DOMESTIC SHORTENING Sle. Fresh Ground COFFEE 39c. 1b. 2 lbs. 10 LBS. 68c¢. PURE CANE SUGAR 100 LBS. $6.50 KELLOGG'S CORN FOR SALE -- TWO CANARIES, pure yellow and good singers. Can be seen any time. 18 Jackson St. S., near Pedlars Plant. 6c risters, Convevancers, Notaries Pub- lie, ete. over Standard Bank. entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. 7-c [tice that he is about 0 purchase the | SECOND HAND CAN- , entire business, stock. trade and fix. | Apply Phone | tures of the Superior Brass & Alum- i 7-¢ | Inum Company, of Oshawa, Ontario. | FLAKES WANTED - oe in good condition. PUFFED 1 4 SHREDDED 1 2 i WHEAT Cc. Cc WHEAT F. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, B.A. G. D. CONANT, B.A, L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen- eral practice. Phone 63. H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Examinations free at office. Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. Surveyors WM. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyor and Civic En- gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Suc- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 7341 Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- mection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 219. Residence 19 Division St. 26-1 yr FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN Wellington Mutual and Union Fire Insurance Society, London, England. N. A. McLean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- age, Simcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros, Proprietors. Phone 766. 11-41 Musical Instruction accept a limited number of pupils in Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe Organ. For terms, etc, apply on Saturdays at King WILL. T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONY. Live Stock a 167rl-¢ Bowmanville. Emm FOR SALE--TAPESTRY RUG, 3 x 3%, congoleum rug, 2 x 3, and kit- chen range, in splendid condition. Fourth brick house past pavement, King Street East. Gc CREAM WICKER BABY CAR- riage, water power machine, Jewel gas range with coal annex for sale. 154 Nassau St. 7-b FOR SALE --A FIRST CLASS MO- tor boat 281% hull, new 12-20 h. p. Miller engine, only run one season; boat house and full equipment, $900. Apply to J. A. Faulkner, 113 Simcoe St. N. 8-b FOR SALE--TWO TEAMING OUT- fits complete, also one general pur- pose horse, young and sound, also young Holstein cow in calf. rubber tired top buggy and driving har- ness, nearly new. 'This outfit is in the best of shape and must be sold. Apply 539 King St. E. Phone 908-r-22. 8-b FOR SALE--OUTSIDE STAIRWAY (20 steps) with railing, all hard- wood and unearly mew. Apply to Henderson Bros. 8-a Houses Wanted WANTED TO BUY OR RENT--A house. Apply 745 Oshawa. 7-c WANTED--AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, a house with all conveniencesfor, for young couple, mo children, careful tenats. Apply Box "C", Reformer. i-c Help Wanted--Female WANTED -- GIRL OR MIDDLE aged woman, must understand cooking. No washing. Good home, small family. Duties to commence May Ist. Mrs. C. A. Smith. 150-tf WANTED -- EXPERIENCED GIRL for gemeral housework. Apply 233 Kendall Ave., Phone 107. 150-t.1. I HAVE A POSITION FOR THREE ladies or gentemen. You may live in Oshawa for another ten years and never get another opportunity like this ene. For appointment, phone, 1021. Gc. WANTED -- RELIABLE COOK, general or Tf EXPERIENCED S. Phone 921. WANTED -- AN girl for gemeral housework. Apply 152 King E., or phone 319. 7-b WANTED -- EXPERIENCED GIRL or woman for & 1 housework, Apply Mrs. G. W."Hezzelwood, 59 Bond St. E: he 8 TO RENT -- THREE NEWLY PUR- nished rooms, single or 'double, <en- tral, one minute to restaurants fine for business men. Private house. Phone 733-J, afternoon or evening. 6c. HALF HOUSE T0 RENT--OON- sisting of three rooms, ene large room on ground floor. near lake and cars. Stabling one horse if veguived. Apply Box "R." Reformer 7b TO LET--BRIGHT, NEWLY DBC- orated vooms, Murnished, conven- iences, suitable for business men or #&irls, or for light housk i Ap- "| GIRL WANTED -- T0 HELP WITH housework. Apply 10 Mrs. A. R. Al- loway. Telephone 395. 7» WANTED -- A GENERAL, SMALL house, small family, every conven- ience. Apply 425 Simcoe Street N. Taf Male or Female ATTENTION -- SITUA occuring for Inspectors Weights Measures; Food; Immigration, Eggs. Also clerical positions. Full infor- mation free. Canadian Civil Service Institute, Box 595, Toronto. 3 ply 189 Albert Street. 1c FOR RENT -- SIX ROOM BRICK house with all conveniences and fur- nished. Apply at 154 Colborne St. E. after 6 p. m feet long. solid oak | working housekeeper. | Apply Mrs. G. D. Conant, Simcoe St. | 937J. ! Lost and Found FOUND -- A BAG CONTAINING clover seed near Harmony. Owner may have same by proving property | and paying expenses ana c COST--RIM AND LENS OF HEAD light. Sunday, between Kedron | church and Oshawa Hospital. Phone | 784-21. Receive reward. T-¢ | LOST -- NEAR POST OFFICE. ON | King or Simece S., between King and Oak, pair of gold-rimmed eye- | glasses with black ribbon attached. Reward for return to Reformer Of- fice. -- -- 8-a LOST -- RETURNED SOLDIER'S war service badge. No. 295762. Finder please return to 54 Albert Street. 8 a LOST -- A RAILWAY TICKET TO Calgary. Finder kindly leave at Mr. Rags, Brock E. _ 8a | Situations Wanted POSITION WANTED -- YOUNG man with I. C. S. course, desires po- sition in garage. Box 'T", Reformer. 7-b BOY WANTED TO LEARN printing business. Must have some high school training. Apply to Mr. Alloway, Reformer Office. 7-c Work Wanted WANTED -- POSITION TO DO bookkeeping in evenings for any small concern. Apply Box "A", Re- former ib W. CG. JARVIS PRACTICAL BOOT and shoe repairer, 13 Prince Street. Repaired while you wait. Ladies and geuts rubber hecls put on in a few minutes. All work promptly and neatly executed. 1 Poultry FOR SALE -- BARRED ROCK eggs for hatching. $1 per setting. Phone 1153-W. - o-lay White Wpyandottes, Martin strain, $1.50 per 15 eggs: $7 per 100. H. A. Tenney, R. R. No. 1, Cedardale, Ont. Phone 785-2-2 3 April 3 Rooms Wanted WANTED--AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, a house or apartment, with all con- veniences, for young couple, no chil- dren, careful tenants. Apply Box "CC. Reformer. a T-¢ WANTED--ROOM WITH BREAK- fast. Apply Mr. Heaman, $§ King St. AW. 8-a = Wires ForSale 28th, All those having Company are hereby required to | mail the same by prepaid register- ed letter, on or before Friday, April | to the undersigned. FRANK McCULLOCH, | Oshawa, Ontaric. | Or to JOSEPH P. MANGAN Oshawa, Ontario Solicitor for the purchaser. Sal id, Automobiles wouldn't be danger- ous if the horsepower of the engine was proportioned to the horse sense of the driver --Marion Star. | Lloyd George warns young people that the mountain of fame is not an enviable spot. That explains his abnormal dislike for it.--New York Evening Post. FRIGHTENED! | "Every morning I woke up, I felt that ing terrible was going to » Writes Mrs. M. and she goes on to say, "f wonder if any other woman ever had such fits of depression as I had for over a year. I was so utterly despondent that if it had not been for my children, 1 believe I would have putan end tomy life. Bvery day and every night was a nightmare. I dreaded going to bed because 1 lay awake most of the night. When I did sleep, I had the most dreadful dreams. Icouldn'teat. I was completely run down--nothing iunter- ested me, nothing appealed to me. I consulted several doctors. They pres- | cribed different remedies to build me up but these preparations didn't do we any good. Doctors told me I had a nervous breakdown. 1 was tired all the time. 1 feltevery day that my strength was gradually leaving me. The least little exertion left me thoroughly tired out. 1 knew Iwasgradually wasting away I felt I was going todic and I was so thoroughly misegable that I did notcare whether I livedjor mot. And then 1 heard about C and what a fine tonic it was. At first I refused to take itas 1 was sure it wouldn't do me any good. Finally I did try it with the most won- derful results. I am well and happy every minute of the day now. . 1 eat heartily and sleepsoundly. My friends won't believe that Carnol alone has done this for me. I am never despon- dent now and every day is a day of joy. What Carnol has done for me it will do for you." Carnal is sold by your druggist and if you can conscientiously say, alter you claims against | the said Superior Brass & Aluminum | 3 FOR 29c. PICNIC Hams 25c. 24-LB. SACK PASTRY FLOUR 99c. LARGE BOTTLE CATSUP 23c. > For our new cushion sole (COMFORTABLE HOUSEWEAR At this close price we are making a Special Tray of Fine Soft Housewear, flexible turn soles, rubber heels, strap or Oxford styles. May be had in all sizes for Ladies. Special wide widths for short wide feet. $2.50 Oxford. Tals is an aun- usually high grade Ox- ford and the price is very low. Made neat bal. last and having a rubber heel, it is one of the most popular of summer shoes. All sizes for ladies. $3.50 on a very Come in and look over our $2.75 Bargain Table for Ladies. Besides a lot of Broken Sizes in many fine clearing lines we have in this tray all sizes in a smart Brown Sport Heeled 2 Strap Slipper, in a Brown Sport Heeled Oxford, in a Patent Three Strap Slipper and in a fine Kid turn solid Slipper with bar straps. $2.75 Will provide comfort and neat, broad heeled, omne-strap house slipper of kid leather. All sizes for ladies. $1.75 wonderful wear in a fitting low $2.75 Will purchase a Solid Leather Boot for your boy in either Black or Brown. Very neat medium weight boots and of good quality. They may be had in sizes 11 to -13 and sizes | to 5. The Price is Low. | AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE FOR MEN We are clearing at { This special sale price broken sizes in some high grade mens boots. The lot im cludes medium, full and pointed toes in either Black or Brown New Spring have tried it, that it hasn't done you " , return the empty bottle and any tie mill refund your F money. 2-122 FOR SALE -- CORD AND Saori tives at. 20 pet cot. of regular prices. sizes in stock. Tiger Tire Sales, 160 King St. W. Phone 93. 6-1 mos. if more moilaers were strappers we'd have fewer flappers --Kirks- ville Express. It appears that Irish Rey ave seeking a fight to a finisl er than a finish to a fight.--) blicans rath- alk Virginian-Pilot. 2 MONDAY WEDNESDAY D. W. GRIFFITHS "WAY DOWN EAS Fo; FOE AN The Double Track Route hs" K RAILWAY] Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on might tains parior cars un principal day trains, Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent -or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, H. R. Sheridan, Town Agent Telephone 132 and W. H. Hutchison, Depot Agent" Telephone 60 Footwear of all kinds on . When thinking of Children's Footwear think of our Bargain Tables. They con- tain an assortment of kinds and prices too varied and large to be described. Drop in and look them over at any time. Whether the prices are unusually low or not you could then decide yourself. fine calfskin. Gooad- year welted soles on every pair. These boots were selling at from. $7.00 to $8.00 {last week. See them ! {in the winGow. Als | sizes in the lot. $4.75 See Our Windows The Burns Co., Ltd.

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