Ontario Reformer, 20 Apr 1922, p. 6

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PAGE SIX ° - ORISP Dante lived too early, Think of the price he might of received for the motion plcture-rights.-- Warren Chronicle, Six piece orchestra at Welsh's Saturday evening. 8-h Auction Sale | There will be oftered by public rT tion the following parcels of Oshawa real estate on Saturday, April 20th, 1022, at the premises, 143 Celina Street. Sale commences at 2 p, m, 1. Two story rough cast house, h rooms, with water, at 138 Albert Street, 2. Two story rough cast house, 6 rooms, with water, at 143 Celina Street, 3. Two story rough cast house, 8 rooms, with water, at 147 Celina Street, The properties are subject to month- ly tenancies and will be put up sep- arately, subject to a reserved bid in each case, TERMS OF SALE: 10 per cent, on day of sale and balance in 30 days. Further terms and conditions will he made known on the day of the salé, or can be obtained in the meantime from the Vendors" solicitor, Dated April 10th, 1922, JAMES BISHOP, Auctioneer. RALPH J. ROBINSON, G. B. MOTHERSILL, Executors of C. N. Rob- inson Estate, Vendors. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K, C. . Vendors' Solicitor. Ca Ga-12-2 Special for Saturday, cream layer cake. WEDNESDAY D. W. GRIFFITHS "WAY DOWN EAST" YOUNG WOMEN WHO SUFFER Letter Points Way Towards Relief--Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Toronto, Ontario. --*I suffered from the time I was a chook gi) until I R28888000088288880880804 whipped 8-b MONDAY TUESDAY and pound and how thankful I ant that I tried it. I am relieved from pain and cramps and feel as if it has saved my life. You may use my letter to help other women as I am glad to recommend the medicine.""-- Mes. H. A. Gooomax, 14 Rockvale Ave., Toromto, Ontario. Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text- k "Ailments Peculiar to Women" will pe sent to you free upon request. Write to The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co, Lyon, Mass. This book contains valuable infor- mation. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1922 Ey Sn -- News of Nearby Places RAGLAN Holiday visitors: Misses Feleda and Beulah Dring, of Toronto, with their parents, Miss Ada Brent, Toronto, at Mr. W. Brent's, Miss Bertie Luke, Toronto, with her parents, Miss Greta Hodgson, Oshawa, at Mr. W. Hodgson's, - Mr. Jack Stanton, St. Cartharines, with his mother, Mrs, L, Stanton, Mr. and Mrs, N. Hughson and son. Lloyd, Toronto, with the lat. ter's father, Mr, W. Brent. Mr. Arthur Stanton, Toronto, at Mrs, L. Stanton's, Miss Iona Hodgson, Port Perry, with her parents, Miss Velma Stacey, Toronto, at her home here. Mr. Lorne Stanton. Oshawa, with his parents. A number from 'here attendéd the concert held at Columbus on Wed- nesday evening last, Misses V, Hylan and M. Sommer- ville are spending the holidays at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. N. Luke and family motored from Toronto and spent Sunday at Mr. W. Luke's, The tea and concert held under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid on Good Friday was a decided success. Much credit is due the Dramatic Club for the way in which they pre- sented the play, "The Young Coun- try Schoolma'am." The proceeds amounted to about $40. Mrs. Wm. Kellington and daugh- ter, Mary, are spending a few days with the former's mother at Good- H wood. Mr. Alden Hodgson, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hodgson. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mr. Philip Stome, of Columbus, on Thursday last, The church was filled to capacity on Sunday evening to hear Rev. C. Adams deliver his Easter message. The choir rendered some very fine selections which were helpful and instructive. Mr. J. R. Brent is improving his house by erecting a new kitchen. COLUMBUS Mrs. Fred Goodman has been spending a few days with her moth- er and other relatives in the, city. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stone of Saintfield,. and Mrs. Sonley, of Pine- dale, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ellins. Mr. Harry Wilcoxen and sister, Efficiency slips away more quickly through faulty vision 3 than from any other cause, ; Is your efficiency effected? Our dependable examination will determine the exact condi- § tion of your eyes. If your eyes are subject to strain we can furnish you with # the glasses you should wear 4 ow comfort and visual enjoy- § men Pm ---- When We last Eyes is ON, Done Properly JURY & LOVELL, [i § Mabel are home settling up the hus- iness of the estate and have succeed- ed in selling their home to Mr. Jas. Ashton, who Intends erecting a har- ness shop in the near future. We welcome Mr, and Mrs, Ashton to our village, and it needless to say the farmers in this community will appreciate having a harness shop es- tablished again. The adult Bible class held their annual meeting on Tuesday night for the election of officers, The Choral Class concert last Wednesday night was not very well attended, owing to the rainy weath- er and had roads. Reeve Elling and Deputy Reeve Nesbit and P. G, Purvis. clerk, at- tended the annexation meeting at Cedar Dale on Tuesday evening. The Reeve says if the terms laid down hy East Whithy and Cedar Dale will be accepted by Oshawa, annexation will be Possible in uh in the near futire, MYRTLE Mrs. Fisher and daughter, Doro- thy are visiting in Oshawa during the holiday week, with the [ormer's daughter, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Blight, of Whithy, is visit- ing with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Briggs. While here she was taken suddenly ill. but is improving. Mr. Eli Harnden and Mr. George Blight, of Whithy, visited in the vil- lage on Sunday. Mrs. Rodd has two of her married p------ A -- daughters from the city with her for a time. Mr. Wm. Hoar is improving the appareance of his residence hy treat- | it is hoped! ing it to a coat of paint, that other will follow residents of the village his good example, nothing improves the looks of a place 'more than to have brightly painted houses throughout, Mr. Ivan Rodd has exchanged his driver for a beautiful hackney with the very finest knee action, Mr. John Birkett has sold his re- cently purchased store to Mr, Downey, who is moving it up to his father's place to he used os a gar- age, er ------------------ See Welsh's windows for a fins display of homemade candy. 8h Oscar |, Council Had Laugh On Mayor Stacey! When members of the cil assembled for a as | night they found a rehearsal of the show "Jack's Wife" gress in the mayor. It Worship that the holding forth in the up there?" he asked, be his partner in life, ¢ ing of the rehearsal of the show that is heing put on for the Hospital bhene- fit. His Worship's colleagues good laugh on him, pro- | legislative Someone pulled a good pun on the was intimated Council was held up hy Jack's wife 'What in the mischief is she _ | display of homemade |it is the H: TABITS ONE DOES NOT HAVE Philadelphia Inquirer: "The to- bacco habit," says an urgent Uplifter, "has nothing to commend it." The habit one does not have seldom | seems commendable, If everything to which anyone objects could be forbidden by law the race would die {of inertia, It really does not make any diff- erence whether tobacco deserves ban- {ing or blessing, It has some good | effects, some bad ones, If mankind worse than smoke, this 2 [world he a pretty good place to live | mn. windows for a fine candy. 8-bh See Welsh's The haseball season having opened time Legislators at Ottawa hastened matters and ~-Guelph Herald. and Toronto got off the map.- -- -------- I dtm EE speculative as the stock market and fluctuates even more. 25% to 33 1/3" one month, and then turn around and mark it down 25. tion that is unfair to you. The Only Hotel of its Kind in Canals Qentrally situated, close Sostiops an thestoes. hotel conven- Take Free taxi service from trains and boats. Black and White Taxis only. Write for booklet 240 JARVIS STREET . ~ TORONTO, ONT. ' 42 SIMCOE ST. NORTH SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AND ALL NEXT WEEK Working Trousers Blue Serge Trousers .. Tweed Trousers, all colors, regular $5.00 .. Blue Serge Trousers, Indigo dye, regular $7.50 Caps, all sizes and colors, silk lining, regular $1.50 Overalls from $3.75 to $5.00 and give us a teal. All goods guaranteed firsts; if mot Selling Expense Boosts Prices IF IT WERE NOT for this last item--Selling Expense--our $22.50 Suit would cost you at least $32.50. The suit you are There is a right price for every suit that is sold. price from the very start, there is absolutely no reason for see-sawing prices. How We Cut Selling now wearing contains a number of yards of cloth, worth a certain amount. price. The labor item is a little more flexible, and varies but slightly. 'Mark-Ups' That Cost You 33 1-3 Per Cent. NOW WHEN WE come to "Selling Expense," we are dealing with the one item in the retail clothing business that is as It is this condition that causes a store to mark up a suit from at the end of the season. to3313 FOR STYLE AND QUALITY A A LOW PRICE LEEDS LEADS We Would Like To Shout Our Values From The Housetops ID you ever stop to think what you paid for in a suit of clothes? Take, for example, the one you are wearing. There are three factors that made the price--Material, Labor and Selling Expense. The trimmings and linings are worth a fixed And if it is sold at this right Expenses and can offer values fy cannot be matched anywhere in Canada. BECAUSE QUR CHAIN OF STORES are operated economically; because we carry no accnts, buying and selling for cash only, and because we main- tain no expensive ¢clivery systems, we have cut "selling expense" to the core it is this condi- IN A NUTSHELL, you at exactly the same cloth, exactly the same trimmings, exactly the same workmanship and style, minus the selling expense 0) charge accounts, bad debts, delivery systems and high overhead. Come and See Our Wonderful Values. Every Suit Made to Measure Satisfaction Guaranteed OSHAWA STORE EN I RNY D Will Truly be Amazed pn 13 ring Pa S. You OPEN SAT. EVEMNGS = + =

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