Ontario Reformer, 20 Apr 1922, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1922 awa and District [Osh Trade Commissioner Coming The wmecretary of the Board of Trade, Mr. J. A. McGibbon, has been advised from the Intelligence Bran- ch, Department of Trade and Com- merce, Ottawa, that the Junior Trade Commissioner, P. W, Cook, will pay a visit to Oshawa, on April 27th. the ligaments of the fingers torn. Friends of Mrs, Parker wish her a speedy recovery, To Corvect. Wrong Impression peared in Tuesday's Reformer, Mr. W. H. Karn | were will In regard to a personal which ap- issue of The the | Local Play The rehearsals for "Jack's Wife," the local talent play under the aus- pices of the Hospital Auxiliary, are progressing heautifully and from 4 all indications this play will excell in all ways, Mr. Bird's previous pro- | duetton, "The Girl In Red." Seek Factory Site i The Peninsular Cord, Tire and] Rubber Company, of Hamilton, look- ing for a site and location for a factory, have written Towh Clerk | |! NTE | R cent RICHARD DAVIS JAMES Becoming suddenly ill work in the plant of the Leather Company last morning, Mr. of Cedar Dale, while a Robson was taken to the during the afternoon, the Dest medical care being of no avail, De Deaths Saturday | Richard Davis James, t 1 An Open Confession I'he Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario, ) 15 King St. East, 'Oshawa Hospital but he passed away "B i : Gentlemen,--Good Friday being a holiday | stayed at home to fuss Oshawa, Apr. 20th, 1922. about the house and yard. My wife remarked that inasmuch as | was at home I could assist her in preparing the chicken dinner. She first asked me to take the Gasoline Stove off the kitchen stove and rake the ashes out of the grate, split rome kindling, chop up some stove wood and build a fire. | followed directions to the letter. The water pipe had sprung a leak the night before i and the kindling wood was wet. | used coal-oil as a quick expedient. It was a little too quick. It blew off the stove lids and littered the kitchen with ashes and filled the house with smoke. After the fire had gained headway and the chicken was simmering in the recesses of the oven, | got a pair of overalls, put gloves on my hands and assumed the position of fireman. I worked between the basement and kitchen for three hours until twelve o'clock, when | struck, because | am a good Union man. My wife remarked: How did you like it? Suppose you had your hands in biscuit dough and had to wash them to fire up or supposing a thousand other things. | simply said 'You win." Please send me one of those No. 44 Gas Ranges which you advertise to Bim Strect and the bridge. They | Mr. James was 30 years of age. | sell for $45.00 complete installed. Do it at once, because | have another have petitioned to have the pave-| MRS. JOHN CINNAMON | holiday on the 24th of May. ment laid from Bruce Street to Al- i * f Respectfully, hert Street bridge. The petition] The many friends in this vicintty! : was last night referred by the Coun-! will he sorry to learn of the death | A. Wiseman. eil to the Board of Works. fof Mrs. John Cinnamon, at her | --- ! home in Carnduff, Sask., on Friday. | | April 14th, of heart failure after | 'less than an hour's illness. Last bad attack and | she had a heen in very good health o'clock Friday The officer is making a tour of Can- ada .to complete his training before proceeding to one of the Depart- ment's foreign offices as assistant trade commissioner, Hare to ascertain if there is a suil-|ceased was a native of Englund, able huilding here and what the | ing to Canada geveral y | town has to offer in the way of in-| taking up residence with his sister | ducements, From 50 to 100 men | Mrs, Edith Morris, Whiting Avenue, would he employed. The letter, read | Ho served overseas with the Cun- at the Council meeting last night, adian forces for three years. While was referred "to the Manufacturer'siin Oshawa he gained the respect of Committee. a wide eirele of friends because of {his kindly disposition. The funeral services was conducted from the resi tdence of his sister, Mrs, Morris, Tues | day afternosn by Rev. J. 8. McMullen Street from Bruce to Elm, ratepay- | Interment taking place in the Vete- ors in that section have written the|™@ns' plot at Union Cemetery. To Council expressing the opinion that {show their respect for their deceased it wonld not he wise for the Coun- | comrade, a representation of Veterans | o A , attended the funeral in a body. He y y tt 1 reet as the (% ; | €l to pave just to Kim Stre ® the aves one sister to mourn his loss y : LH worst part of the road is hetween | Col druggist wishes to state that his store has absolutely no connection financially or otherwise, with any| other Drug store, his business being entirely of his own undertaking. Rebekahs Help Ovphans Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. 3 held a very successful progressive euchre Just night in aid of the Oddfellows Orphanage in Toronto, There were 19 tables, und the prize winners were as follows: Ladies, Mrs, Wal- ton, 4 sherbert glasses;* Mrs, (3. Rob- inson, cream pitcher, and Mrs. Rom- bough, ent glass. Gentlemen, Mr. Keele, ebony brush; Me. Harding, | cuff links; Mr. Gledhill, mouth or- gan, Rexall Stores A FUE. wai $0 ' NATANBVANIR SVANVIOI EAR i SH 01 SIU IQR <3 H6) =A 3L=S Don't Miss The One Cent Sale Thursday, Ld a night's lodgings, Albert Roy ea-| ri a an b joved a bed in the lock-up hut to! Bh day he is being held in custody for A ; M8 investigation. Roy claims to he ali Sustained Painful Accident 'Mrs. J, R, Parker, 77 Park Road South, met with a painful accident on Wednesday when a stepladder on which she was standing suddenly slipped causing her to fall to the ground. Her full weight fell on her left arm, breaking the bone. Mrs, Parker was taken to the Hospital where the bone was set after which she was able to return home. Dr, Rundle, wiso . attended her, gtated that the injury was a severe gne as ---- Want Pavement Extended Having heard that the Town Council contemplated paving Albert : | | Use Gas For Greater Convenience, Comfort and Cleanliness. Permanent Gas Service. Hydro-Electric Power Commission Of Ontario Held Successful Bazaar The Pythian Sisters held a very successful sale of aprons, home made | August cooking and other articles in the |had not True Blue Hall yesterday afternoon, | Since. About one which largely attended and | Morning her "sons, Roy and Dan, | about $50 realized. Afternoon tea |heard her and they found another | served, those in charge being attack coming on ATL that conld Sharp, Mrs. Shortt, Mrs. Nor- be done wag of no avail She to iy they and Mrs. Chub. The conveners | them she had to leave them anc of the various committees were: hade them all goodhy and passed | Home made cooking, Mrs. Goyne; peacefully away, ln 1811 Mi |eandy. Mrs. R. Northey; fancy work, | Mrs. Cinnamon and family % "palmer: aprons, Mrs. Graham {from Harmony to ( arnduff, Rundle, L.E.C., supervised the | they farmed extensively. Mr ge whole affair and gave the ladies | mon died in Dec. 1916. Mrs Cinna 1 much valuable assistance. | mon and sons, Roy and Dan, havin. t ig tecontinued on the farm. She leaves to | {mourn the loss f loving 'he Baster i mother. four sons and one daguhter, Edwin, of Carribale, Sask, J. C. | Carnduff, Roy, Dan and Marion, home, and five granchildren Mrs. Cinnamon was a w of Mr. T. Cinnamon bert Brooks, of Oshawa PHONE 233 15 KING ST. EAST and moved where | Cinna- you can always talk her out of it." "1 could if I could lie like you can," said the Bachelor, thought- fully. TAXES AND TEXT BOOKS Woodstock MISSION BAND | ELECTS OFFICERS | Lo { munici I Sentinel-Review : introduced in the islature providing thrown nites A Ontario free text by the Tor heen ! com has rn mn PRAISE FOR MR. MURDOCK Toronto Saturday Night: Those who locked with some degree of mis giving on the choice of Mr. Murdock by the Prime Minister have been recably surprised so far. The Min- of Labor has been doing much little. He has taken hold 1 n old hand and has learn- od sson quite early in his ministerial career that the politician who keeps his mouth shut and eyes only there but stays 1 ut ol a most meeting JR ou Band of the Simcoe held Tuesday at most suceessful one red by the presentation life membership certi whieh, accompanied |'! ven to the assistan Mr dee hand Du ouraging ented ol Sun a Held Here Presenting himself at police head in Custody ion . of | Ma at Church, Semel 1ing east, lor » I a is made argued compul-| with some means education d If the wern- ildren tH attend ume tl the they sister ht ind Mrs. | ficat ons pin ntende vho ha Irishmen ie work i- afternoon report W of of that the ' N le o g 1 t forces ¢h it 'nt and sa) taken a the ver l] | returned soldier and that he was dis jeharged from the Christie Hospital (Toronto, yesterday He stated h was going to Montreal but 'stopped here for a rest He was attended ¢ the lock-up this morning by Dr. Me- Donald, because suffering from a embrasure of the caused hy o, wooden leg. On communicating with Hospital authorities in Toronto : 4 : The it was learned that Roy d other end id : at, yell foind ful been discharged from there on We 1.1 there's never a rk to go' hb | inesday. Further developments | expected when proper inve is made ol should not a seeing wks? hooks :, and SKILL REQUIRED 10 Te- Wayside Tales Tw were standing in the st teamer Said M the Captain f« the of g th are the fina: would with oulc more mean expen- taxation, serious F nel Ia 804 yinds all r wa) how his war yi lanes Now only! th of ti open not gets ACrOS8s Channel at howing the 'we was goin' t 1 * {O f low the n there But sacrifice 1 here skin othe vouthful members of wernments popular would sv hoite streak ause of sions an FA) oy 10 eak cau ) ) he it Goin & Comin decid ve Zo up to th childy Hass uns which were the ) »" A pessimist a man who, when his choice of two evils gqgkes them.--McKeesport News. ou is giv form of refreshments The REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell F. W. Thompson imber whic ol «nj given Fine Fun daint am Aesop's animals ---------- In enovie fable, . 'We la ind laugh anc laugh » el Miss Lo Submit | Fiecrs for 1922 Mason etizing i wa yon the : ed over by t Mundy President dent, Mar tary Te cartool to! both .of MONDAY TUESDAY and REGENT reo -. D. W. GRIFFITHS "WAY DOWN EAST" are vice Luke; Germond Wilda Kn retary, Mildred Mundy recor in carin you can children 1) { Aesop, Jr. rel FRECKLES, Don't Hide Them move Them Double (Continued from benefit from local improvements hich they were now deprived but had to pay high taxes, - while the | TTT town, taking in the lake section and Hi . arbor. would also beneiit Cedar ft = h or, ob i " E="Dale in more ways than ons CLOTHING Mens Furnishing £ BOOTS and SHOES el Iw Claims | | made Sew regarding : and pavi- { Several proposals haol tax waier, ! ments also discussed, and was finallp decided that represent (tives of the village and of the town-| ship would get together and smbmil proposals to Oshawa Council it {sentatives from (the township was vitally interested | refund the mone: in the annexation move and that it Don't hide was expected that the Council would !veil: get an have something to say regarding the move then proposals and terms made to Cedar plications Dale (improvement {freckles vanis) i i Be sarc to k e ug r ant revent {the double strength Othine this or hove that i= sold on the money-back guar our jantee With a Veil: With Othine-- Strength es, were . er This ment ful 1g a clear {that it is =old Re- preparation for f freckle s ¢ in ren 2150 most strong- ci W was pointed out that by yore East Whithy repre that t hwousing of the other outlying improved; that passable and and Sewer wie compulsory obtained. con- town, ANd i « ¥ Po nder dit if your Es | ounce | A should ven Council the SPECIAL SALE On building is and the extension of present siu Well By foreigners dled with 1 that area." Doing Forvignens in Osi every the C its ntion certain want themselves an unless do and gner The (Continued from {tanks but poles off business _ streets. When it was explained 10 | him that he was misinformed he . . REGENT MONDAY withdrew his objection. i TUESDAY and D.wW Want Sidewalk Repaired WEDNESDAY "WAY DOWN EAST" page 1 the | "That heing were ristian Council was power for of Coun class and | and ther | ther | town | im- hai a There was who did keep i ele to drown of people would not their pr | were comp not in Ward & Dewland, merchants, ! wrote the Council regarding the bad) GRIFFITHS condition of the sidewalk im front | of their store on Simcoe Streot| {South. which they pointed out the | for Council had promised to repair last] dL | vear but ill i unable to a a] lvas try id to do alt it covd lof dhe ladeness of the season The { prove the conditions: of foreigners letter was referred to the Board of 1B lie Thought tia it was a Shame SO 10 Special Men's Tan Calf Oxfords, new last, rubber heels, : Goodyear welts $4.95 Men's All Wool Navy Blue Serge Suits, indigo dye, $30.00 Men's Working Trousers, good wearing material $2.50 new shipment Carhartts Overalls, best in the world $250 ms J. €. McGIL = and sustained imjuries. =| fighting the action. fu EVERY MONTH A letter from the Loeal Council of! MANY WOM EN Women, suggesting that a better Te mr a ot por! Take ZUTOO Tablets and: wre that in the past much money for free of the Griping Pain and {this work had been spent without! Sick Headaches. satisfaction, was referred to the Read what Mrs. Wright says : Board .of Works. { "I received your sample of Zutoo Tab- Would Let Them Sue { lets, and took them for severe pain A leiter was wead from Mr. D. A. | (monthly) and headache. At the end of 'J. Swanson threatening to launch a| 30 minutes, I was entirely free of pain {damage action against the towa if | 2ndexpericnced no more throughout tne {that the town had been called upon to pay out se much for them in hos- {pital and other bills from time to [time for There was a wide {difference between Christian Vears. senti-, iment and practical Christianty. said! Coun. Brown. The town was doing and would continue to do what 1t could for the foreigner. With refer- {ence to compelling them to coanect {with the sanitary sewer when same {was available. Coun. Brown pointed out that the Council had already | taken action in this respect and or- some action were not taken by Fri-! period. Isufier a great deal atthese times 'day in connection with a claim made! some weeks ago on behalf of Mrs, saird, who fell on an icy sidewalk Mr. Swan-| son also demanded common cour- tesy of having two of his letters on! vthis subject sacknowledged. i {| The Council after some discussion ' 'during which the town's and wisdom in fighting this and sim- | (ilar actions was questioned. refer (red the letter to the Board of Works | (to take it up with the Town Solicitor | jwho wanted to know all the facts of | the case. | Coun. Trick stated that last win- | ter, owing te unusual weather it) Iwas impossible te keep sidewalks] jclear of ice. The city of Toronto {did not de it, and Oshawa could not! ibe expected to do it. He favored Mayor Stacey said that if the] 'damage bill was a small amount it; jmight pay the town to settle. i ! A PROMISING FUTURE i Los Angeles Times: They ° are \#oing to send pictures by wireless. ! 'First thing we know the wireless' {will supply all our contacts with! {the universe. I a few thousand! years it will take the place of es-| erything from the grand opera sea-| {son to a square meal, Hability | and feel graieful that I have aremedy {ders had been issued by the Sanitary which affords quick relief. Every woman in the land should mow about Zutoo Tablets and what they willdo." Mrs. ALLEN WRIGHT, Fulford, Que, | councillor remarked as he took his TAKE ZUTOO!™ x svi ne chinese Inspector. *i resemt such a letter {from the Council" of Women when | we are trying to do our duty." the Another resolution from the Lo- SHILOH STOPS THAT COUGH For grown-ups or children. Safe, sure and efficient. Small dose means economy and does not up- set the stomach. At all dealers, 30e, Hoc and $1.20. 4 | Brew This Fine Spring Tonic Yourself Brew a cup of this gentle and effec tive remedy and take it before going | i fo bed. three times a week, for a while. It will purify the blood, make you feel vigorous and healthy at a eost of only a few cent Give it to the chil- deen, too. AN s have Celery King, large pe and 60c Py happened to Hearst, =r" loal Couneil of Women asked the | Town Council to pass a bylaw pro- | hibitingz the employment by Chinese {of white women. ! | Coun. Burns stated that if the women read the papers they would | see that it was beyond the jurisdic- tion of the Council to pass such a B7- jlaw. a judge haying recently so rul- {ed in connection with a similar sit- | mation that arose im the town of | Sudbury ! Without further letters from the Women containing { were ordered to discussion the Local Council of the resolutions be received and AN AWHUL WARNING Kincardine Review: When Rev, | Ben Spence and his friends jour- ineyed to Ottawa to ask for a bome- {dry prohibition law for Canada, | they must have imagined the Cab- {inet | Ministers had -all forgotten { Boots and Shoes For Men, Women and Children SEE NORTH WINDOW AT ENGELS

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