Ontario Reformer, 13 Apr 1922, p. 7

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Ea ¢ PE CT a eT Vi Ontario Reformer ' VOLUME 51--No. 6 Published at Oshawa, Ont,, Canada Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday SRE 1922 Yearly Subscription $3.00 Single Goples § Cents OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, Second Section--Pages 7-12 THEIR WORLD EVENTS: SIGNIFICANCE. Re yy "William Banks. - Premier Lloyd George and the Brit- ish government were sustained in the vote of.confidence on their Gen- oa policy by a vote of 372 to 94, For the Premier himself the triumph was a striking one. He will head the British delegation to the Econ- omic Conference with the confident knowledge that for some time at least his political position is secure, Despatches report that his speech preceéding the vote, occupied about one hour and a half, was character- ised by unusual gravity, and for him, unusual hesitancy at times. Two reasons are given for the latter; one that he has scargely recovered from the ifaisposiion that was the cause of his holiday the other that he is still anxious as to the preliminaries of the conference. This anxiety would no doubt be somewhat re- lieved by the knowledge that on the same day that the British House of Commons expressed its confidence in bim. Premier Poincare of France. whose foreign policy was also under attack, was upheld by a vote of 452 to 84. Both Lloyd George and Poin- care declared in effect that Germuny must pay, "If Germany does not ay,"" said the British Premier, "France and Great Britain have to. Germany's ultimate capacity to pay must not be judged by the present general depression." In the Com- mons the vote of confidence followed an amendment moved for the Labor party by John R. Clynes, and which was defeated by 379 to 84, The ad- dress by Clynes was generally speaking, based on the argument that unless the Genoa Conference revised the Peace Treaties it would fail, It is on this very point that France is adamant. At one time, indeed, it seemed as if she would de- cline to attend the conference fear- ing thal it would resolve itself into an attempt to revise the Peace agree- ments, It is improbable that any j other of the powers, outside of Ger- many and Russia, would seriously press this point. The undoing of the Peace Treaties now would he an vitation to resume war on a gen- eral scale, with many of the nations feeling that they might as well be fighting as not, ' Ld ., Ll | It is in respect to ts' policy on | Russia that the Genoa conference will face its most severe test looking jat the situation from the distance, [In respect to this Lloyd George out- lined the policy on which the allies are prepared to recognise the Soviet ""While There's Life There's Hope."' But Hope Becomes Certainty with The London Life Insuran ce Company "Policies Good as Gold" "HEAD OFFICES - Agencies in all - LONDON, CANADA principal cities H. L. RUTHIG, Dist. Representative, 22!, Simcoe St. We Encourage Enterprise S an institution that has played a vital part in developing Canadian Com- merce, this Bank is always ready to assist the financing of sound industrial en- terprise. Manufacturers, exporters and importers are invited to consult our local manager. DOMINIO OSHAWA BRANCH, CEDAR DALE BRANCI{, . BROOKLIN BRANCH, THE N B . . c - . N. HENRY, Manager. - W. H. SHEPPARD, Manager. . E. C. CROSS, Manager. a a et water wn. AUTOGRAPH KING RCC Bonar Always Delicious ann probationary period, Recognition of the debts contract- | -------- ed under the Czarist regime, | Many of the so-v'lled 'ignorant Always Refreshing superstitions" of the Orient have a i surprising tendency to work out to Fifty Thousand Signatures Con. undeniable truths, und as more and tain: {more of them are demonstrated to ed In It--Book Weighs {be founded on scientific facts, the 31 Pounds {broad-minded person hesitates to Russian government members are ne jsondenin as absurdities the customs not yet proven logical; it seems bet- auoted as saying that the Soviet will aolly tiousand Hpnaturey in the} er to suspend judgment, ever agree to any provision for ree- Binds mr. J, FF, , ognition of debts incurred in the ol who rightly styles himself "the auto: A good case in point is the an- IE on oF di graph King." icient method of "trial hy rico," as JON Ts itange If paintaing His autograph album weighs 31 (Practiced in Bengal, fo determine Sold in sealed block hecause th & stun BE hs, and is 2 feet long and & inches [the Bull of a suspected person. = A ¢ use there is such an m= ok, says a London paper, erime having heen committed, every | lense amount of money owing by It has taken him twenty years to | Person who might possibly have heen | | Reduction of Soviet armies, Russia must not attack its nelgh- bors and vice versa, Access to Ru zlan ports, Establishment of the usual agene- | fes for the protection of trade. "SAL AD A" wr y_. aluminum pacKets Never in Bulk. BLACK-GREEN-MIXED only Bus? |Russia to the ) p | | 4 . ar a Ito ante. "allies Bd Paricularty | co; during which time he has SuiLy was prdered to APDELT AL 8 | eo------ change and the resumption of trad-|'ravelled 175,000 miies by land and torts 8 tise 'Bd Place, 1010 ing on a large scale are hoped for as f¢% and visited no fewer than| When they had assembled they a result of the Conference, but they |tWenty-six different countries, Dur-|Were required to sit in.a semi-circle, will not he easily attained, The 'n8 MMs stay in London he has secur. | and given raw rice with the com- gathering is really in the nature of|®d the signatures of Mr. Lloyd|mand to chew it to m pulp. At the a final attempt to bring real peace George and many other Cabinet Min-|end of ten minutes all were ordered to Europe. The pessimists are tell ters and Privy Councillors, 'to eject the mouthful upon a plant- {ing the world that Germany and | Another famous collection is that |8in leaf, so it might be inspected, qo Russia, with a number of the neut- [owned by Mr. 8. B. Williams, form- | Invariably the guilty person, it . {rals, 'will stand together; that Ger-!"F ©f the Australian Defence Force, present, would cry out and confess, Man Named Morgan Has Killed many will guide their campaign, |¥h0 In August, 1919, gained en- or be unfailingly pointed out by the F land will emerge with more success tralce ig Buckingham Palace hy! juage. ie to the amazement of ourteen of Them In than any other nation, The pessi- '1¢ans of a clever ruse, and actually all except the natives. ! One Night | misty have been confounded more £yssceaed ad ining Die auto-' ye explanation realy is simple. | 8 i ol ial. | graphs en, Pot Sing a oily con.) {than once of lute |". Yet another is that of Mr. W. i. [Feal, arising from a guilty con. | BERR Bray, of Forest Hill, Kent England, se i" 9, Lhe oy x pveN ola y pre | Sharks are very ple tiful ar 1 i A shadow on the success of Prem- whose "bag" during and immediate- yon . : iy Bi , } H ih 2 moy 457 " a nly) ry oh SnLl A rol ier Lloyd George and his government 'ly after the War included President B00 the Jce which the guiity pe FON ae a sira jan 1 ari in the Commons is the success of the Wilson, signed at the peace table: had attempted to chew would be dis- | them patrolling the warious beaches, { Labor partyin tre--hy-eleetion at Admiral 'Bearty "SIgIoa a the Li > lelosed practically dry, while that [watching for their prey, writes John TLE TRAIT , a iY > MON opewed by the innocent persons | Hughes, in a London paper, ! ? bor man during the Battle of Helligoland; would be a wet pulp | says that at Bondi---quite secured 14,062 votes against 8,710 Admiral Jellicoe, signed in the Iron pul { Coogee a : man ay Morgan |for the Coalition Liberal and 3,825 Duke; Marshal Foch and karl Haig, ER iad Whose fame has one. far Fil ou Hor the Independent Liberal. , The who hoth signed on the battlefield; ec nfl es of the p) ' real h, has (vacancy was caused by the appoint-| Madame Botchkareva, who com. rors on wealty, bas ment of Sir Gordon Howart as Lord manded the Russian Women's Bat-| y ie | Chief Justice of England. He had talion of Death; and Marshal Joffre, represented the riding for some time gigned at Buckingham Palace as a coalitionist, CRISP COMMENT Our idea ot a clever woman is one | of them each year by means of a rod Probab 12 aa ia who makes a man think he thinks.-- and line. robably, however, the most val- {itile Rock, (Ark.) Gazette uable collection of the kind is that Jeannes "the perfect traitor," who owned by Mr. Ludwig Barth. betrayed Edith Cavell to the Ger- Though it embraces only a few thous- mans, will be executed at Mons, Bel- and autcgraphs, they are all those . : Cabs Sho gium, ly oe Secule ot Nous, nel of super-celebrites--men and women 9 elock,~- Baltimore Eun : been found guilty by the civil court whose names 'are world-famous. We enjoy many blessings. For ex- which tried him. He was also con- King Edward and Queen Alexandra, ample, d'Annunzio and Vesuvius are | demned to pay the costs of the trial. King George and Queen Mary are not in eruption at the same time.-- {The despatches ha.e not, however, there. So are the Shab of Persia, Milwaukee Journal disclosed whether any of the money and the Mikado or possessions he got from the Ger- Practically all the European roy- mans, was his at the time of his im-/altie s and ex-royalties figure in this prisonment. The trial was marked collection, and 'the remarkable thing by much bitterness of feeling on the @beut it is that each and every sig- part of spectators, many of whom nature was obtained as the result of thad suffered grievously because of personal interview, to secure which ithe prisoner's nefarious work, and Mr. Barth, has, upon occasion, trav- {by violent outbursts on the part of €lled more than half-way round the {the accused himself. It is recorded | World. a that in those outbursts he econtin- It was for this unique collection ually incriminated himself and seem- that Mr. Pierepont Morgan--as was ed to take a sort of pride in doing it reported -in the newspapers at the so long as he gould arouse the emo- time---once offered $500,000. But tions of the people who heard him. Mr. Barth wanted to photograph it ihr | first, and as the United States multi- Premier J Willlem "Martin of Sas- millionare would not consent to this Katchewan has resigned to accept an' the deal was declared off. appointment to the Dbemch of the Court of Appeals of that province. He has been . head of the Liberal government of the province: for soms time. Government supporters in caucus unanimously close Hon C. A. Dunning, Treasurer of Saskateh- ewan, to succeed tc tac premiership Like the rest of Cunada there are strange curgents in the political - : I suppose Morgan is about the only 2 The farm movement will oon be- fisherman in existence who can land in in earnest. It will. And it will [4 14 foot shark on a silk twist, begin each morning at. about 4 . * He begins operations about dusk, throwing well out into the surf, and fishes through the night I haye seen 300 or 400 fascinated people, bed forgotten, watching him. Why didn't Mr. Harding transfer Secretary Davis to the Post Office Department, and make Mr. Work See- retary of Labor? --New York Tri bune. "Whiskey Still the most for the money. spotters are not pop- ular." says the Port Hope Guide. They seldom are, with the men "spotted,"anyway.-- Orillia Packet. Again we confess that we shall who | close to| been doing a big | | public service in destroying hundreds | When a monster #s hooked Mor- gan never fights It: He lets the reel | run out and thew settle down 'tp tire | out his vietim. | It is a great game, hut ther ghark | Is invariably tired at the end-of half {and hour or so and playéd with | masterly skHl until there isn't a | "kek" left in him. To prevent the. rod fpom being | snapped Morgan wears a triangular leather strap on his shoulder, With this he takes the strain off his rod ~ ["hen the shark is fresh. running up and down thim, not the heach and playing with his hands, but with coast, hundreds of | his body Finally, when all fight has gone vut of hin, the shark is brought in to the edge of the surf, where scores of interested small boys are waiting to throw a lasso over his tail, He is then dfagged ignominously on to the beach, and quickly finished off with a he baton. I Indye seen Morgan land as many as 14 "sharks. all over 10 feet in length, on Bondi beach between the dusk and dawn of a February night. After all, happiness does not de- pend on an automobile. "Even a poor man can run down his neighbors -- Rochester Times-Union. streams of the prafie provinees, and this . latest change may presage changes in the complexion of the government which mav not be not iceable to the general observers foi never seem to kill each other as joy- ously as they used to kill the British 'constabulary.---- Columbia Record some time to come * * LJ The Prince of Wales who is wak- @l ing his way home from India by de- Easter Specials Pongee Silk Shirts, with Collars to match. Reg. $5.50 $3.95 15 doz. only. Berkly Brand Zephyr Shirts. Reg. $3.50 $2.00 Alsc Big Assortment of Fine Print Shirts. Reg. $1.75. 98¢c Swiss Silk Ties, assorted patterns. To clear at Men's and Young Men's English Gaberdine Spring Coats. Reg. $35.00 Also other Assortments of Gaberdines to clear at Men's Sample Raincoats. Reg. $12.00. Easter Special $4.75 Boys and Girls' Blue Serge Reefers. Reg. $9.00 Boys Blue Serge Suits. Reg. $12.00 Men's New Spring Hats, latest styles. To clear at Men's and Young Men's Spring Caps. Reg. $2.50 .... $1.50 Boys Caps. all sizes. Reg. $1.25 Men's Fine Black Boots. Reg. $5.50 Men's and Young Men's Oxfords. Reg. $7.00 100 Pairs Men's Working Trousers. Reg. $2.50 Men's Dark Grey Suits, well tailored. To clear at... $17.50 Rubber Belts, Grey, Black or Brown, to clear at 50 doz. Men's Black Sox, to clear at Also Big Specials in Work Shirts, Work Gloves, Work Boots, Overalls, etc. Men's Blue Serge Suits, guaranteed not to fade. Reg. $39.50. a... Bs AAT $27.50 Dominion Clothing KNOWN AS KING ST, CHAMBERS. 68 King . Phone 1151 J St. N, FORMERLY OLD OSHAWA HOUSE igrees is having a flue week in Japan where he is the guest of the Crown! | Prince Higashi Fushimi, who is re-| gent owing to mental iidness of his! father. the Emperor. The influence | of Britain in Japan is still great des-| pite the fact that the new four power Pacific Paet will serap the Britisi-| Japadese alliance. Whatever her! motives, and it is only fair to give] her credit for sincerity, Japan has shown a willingness io acer with the | other powers in the preservation of] peace at a time when sh: was better! 'ready for war than ayv of them, | probably. Her people have shown a! {desire to gain 1he zoodwill of other nations, and have steered a course {that is mot incompatible with tae dignity of their own. ) * ww » There has been « suod deal of] |smmpathetic as weil as morbid in-| {terest in the case of tne Siamese itwins Josefa and Rosa Blazek who died in a Chicago hospiial after an {illness of two weeks. They were {known to millions of people who had | {seen them in various shows and eir-| |cuses, and to many other miliions | {who had only ] nny AR NLS = / read about them | ntracted ar iliaess ns said must ead refused to be sev- in. They were] {joined at the e and also had | (many svital organs common ac-| {cording to X ray photographs taken a few hours after their death, so! [that the proposed operation would | {have been fatal to both in any event. {They were not only attached physic- jally from birth, but were jy i lately devoted to each other and they died within a few minutes of each other. One of them was married. | and had a som who is perfectly normal in every respect" and prom- ises to develop into a fine young] { man. The marriage relationship of} | so strange a pair probably prevoked! ! {more discussion among the public) : than anything else, with its accom-| | paniments of arguments as to wheth-| A Fine onic | er such freaks should be aliowed to | { ive and if life is decided, whether | i y should ever be permitted 10 €X-| There is no hesitation abeut recom- hibit themselves for monetary gain. | mending this blend of pure herbs and | . 2» roots, so safe and suve Tor all, { The former Emperor of Austria | and King of Hungary, Charles 1.1 L died in Madeira, after a short illness from pnuemonia. He had a brief| 5.0.0 away feverish colds, dull but stormy reign, following the| peadaches and skin eruptions. Brew death of Emperor Francis Joseph.| it yourself. costs only a few cents. In addition . to succeeding '0 the! Gentle and pleasant to take. All i a 80c and Soc. (Continued on page twelve) ay Two plugs for 25 cts! a Nol SHILOH STOPS THAT COUGH For grown-ups or children. Safe, sure and efficient. Small dose means economy and does not up- set the stomach. At all dealers, 30c, $0c and $1.20. 3 treat of your life! 4 \ | { { 1 hg VN Thats setting the pace! Without a doubt the greatest chewing tobacco value on the market! And for real quality=King George's got the world beat! Just try it--for the 1 a

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