Ontario Reformer, 13 Apr 1922, p. 6

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PAGE SIX WISE and -- OTHERWISE DEAD LANGUAGE New York Mail: "For rent." "What yours?" "Here's your party." "Does my petticoat show?" AVERTED A TRAGEDY "Grigsby called me a lair yester- day and I told him that for two cents I'd whip him." "Did he give you the money?" "No, he had nothing but a stamp, and 1 never take stamps." TOUGH LUCK, Agent-----But, ma"m, it's a shame to CANADIAN 14, PACIFIC ST. JOHN TO LIVERPOOL Empress of Britain r------------s nF let your hushand"s life lapse, Woman (over wastub)--I'll not pay another cent. I've paid regular fer eight years an' I've had no luck yet, aE MIGHT. yh A lady reports that her colored laundress said tq her: "Somehow ah nevah keered much for books, but (after a thoughtful pause) ah kaint read an' mebh&ithat as sumpin' to | do wit it," CLEVER BOY, Mother---You should learn to make things go as far as possible, Johnny --- Should I stretch truth, ma?--Boston Transcript. WHAT ARE BRAHMS? She--"Te!: me, are you fond of the i, very! But I think I like shredded v heat biscuits even bet: ter." --Life. NOT REALLY WORTHLESS, Stage Aspirant--*Do you think I can ever do anything with my voice?" Blunt Professor--*Well it may come in handy in case of five --Boston Transcript. insurance os EET Te ® OSHAWA, SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Reformer invites the ~o-opera- tion of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send us a8 i postcard or 'phone 35, EE --.s ei --Mr, Arthur McIntosh spent the week-end with friends in Buffalo, ~=Mr. Murray Eilbeck , spent last week-end at his home in Newcastle, ---Mr. Walter Killoran spent the week-end with friends in Toronto. ~Mrs. Wililam Matthews is spend- ing a month in Windsor, where she is the guest-of Mrs, (Dr.) Flock. "Mr. G, Thompson, of the Strout Farm Agency, Toronto, was an Osh- awa visitor yesterday. --Mrs, A. J. Wm, Gumlow, ~Mr. Howard Cowling and son, Stanley, of Hampton, while in town this week, called on his cousins, Mr. and Mrs, M. W. Bickell, Courtice of Brock-| gop ville is the guest of her mother, Mrs; aily. OSHAWA POST OFFICE Mails close at local postoffice at: joing East: 7.30 a.m., all East; 2.00 p.m., Port Hope and Peterhoro Division; 8.45 p.m., all East. Going West: 1.15 p.m,, all West; 7.00 p.m., Whitby, Port Perry and Lindsay Division; 8.45 p.m, all West. RAILWAY TIMETABLES GRAND TRUNK AND CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS FROM OSHAWA JUNCTION Going east: 8.23 am. daily ex- cept Sunday; 8.58 a.m. Sunday only; 10,22 a.m. daily; 1,04 p.m. daily | except Sunday; 2.50 p.m. daily ex- | cept Sunday; 6.54 p.m. daily ex- | cept Sunday;9.40 p.m. daily; 11.50 | p.m. daily stops only for passengers Montreal and beyond; 12.19 a.m. | Going west: 4.44 a.m. daily; 5.50 | a.m, daily; 6.24 a.m. daily; 10.21 a.m. daily except Sunday; 2.13 p.m. | daily except Sunday; 4.44 p.m. daily; {7.20 p.m. daily except Sunday; 7.23 --Chief of Police Owen D. Friend | p.m. Sunday only;8.35 p.m, daily ex- and Sgt, C. THREE OF A KIND Toronto. Star: Premier Dunning, of Saskatchewan, was born in Lel- cesterghire, England, Premier Oliver, of British Columbia, was born in Derbyshire, England; Premier Green- field, of Alberta, was born in Lin- colnshire, England. If this does not encourage immigration from Eng- land to.the Canadian west, what will? She liked poodles, and he liked children, and that is how jt started. ~--Milwaukee Sentinel CONTENTMENT My neighbor hath a lordly pfle-- A palace reared of polished stone, In which he lives in lavish style, Alone, 1 look upon his wealth and smile In rare content, while on my knee A wee one rides and crows at me-- My own! My neighbor's is a regal place; But oh, it hathsno laughing face Of childhood there for sympathy, My neighbor hath a host of cares, For he must guard his costly wares And golden hoard; While I, crowned with domstic hliss May gain a fond parental kiss He can't afford. QUALITY MEATS FOR EASTER The flower of the meat market comes to us for retail distribu. tion. We handle only the best, and cater to the best trade of this section, We don't helieve in handling anything but the best, It will pay you to try this market, ATKINSON 12 CHURCH NT. PHONE 936 SERVING HUMANKIND You are serving humankind most when grief deprives the stricken of their best judgment of what to/do and how to do it. The thoughts of hundreds are expressed in these words. We strive to deserve your CRISP COMMENT Paxton were in Cobourg | cept Sunday. confidence. ARVE--GLASGOW Corsies Apr. 2May 0 Sicilian ope St. Lawrence Sailings QUEBEC--CHERBOLRG--SOUTHAMPTON -- HAMBOURG May 2/May 30Qune 27..Empress of Scotland May t6June 13July 11... Empress of France QUEBEC--LIVERPOOL May 23June 28July 21 .. Empress of Britain MONTREAL--LIVERPOOL May 5June 2June 30 ............ Montealm MY A. ovaerrnsinsrasioss coves Minnedosa May 19 Montrose June Vietorian ly 7 . Montelare May . Metagama aJune 3july hens oan . Seotmn May 13 June 7 May 20June 17 uly . Tunisian May 27 June 26July 22 ............. Corsican MONTREAL--SOUTHAMPTON ANTWERP Nay June 10 .. » pinay fan May 24June 211July Melita June Fully mnedosa MONTREA! 1a seoian . Montreal MONTREAL--NAPLES --GENOA June 22 AIG ATE . Montreal Apply Local Agents, or i. B. BEAUMONT, G Agl. 1 King St, . Dept, Adelaide 5 CANADIAN PACIFIC. RAILWAY Tralic Agenis There are those who might he better off if they were not so well off --Detroit Neéws, After the fine weather of last Sunday it is not to he expected that there will be many new spring bon- nets in the Easter fashion parade FRECKLE-FACE Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots, How to Remove Easily Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable concern thal it will not cost you a penny uniess it removes the freckles; while if it does give you a clear complexion the ex- pense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of Othine double strength----from any druggist and a few applications «honld show you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a "beauti- ful complexion. Rarely is more than one ounce needed for the worst case, Be sure to ask the druggist for t} double swgretigth Othine ots this strength is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. SPECIALS FOR Thursday and Saturday Ladies' Dresses, Suits, Coats, Skirts and Blouses all re- duced to the lowest prices. Our motto is: and Quick Returns." We can do it, as our overhead expenses are small. Come and examine our goods and compare our prices. Also bargains in Men's Suits, Coats and Pants. in Suits range from $12.49 to $26.90. Coats $26.50. Pants from $1.50 to $4.99 a pair. If you trade with us, we both gain. Schwartz Bargain "Small Profits . Prices Store Phone 725 HE IS COMING Rev. Felix Powell of Portland, Maine, a man difterent to anyone else Easter April 16th BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY TOPICS 11 am.--"A Step 4 p.m.--"The Soul Winner's Secret" 7 pm--"Team Work" April 17 --MONDAY NIGHT -- 8 o'dock Lecture on "Love, Courtship, Marriage and Home" Rev. Mr. Powell will lead Special Song Service each evening Everybody lnvited--Let Everyone Come See further references in news columns Sunday Farther" yesterday attending the sittings of the County Judge's criminal court. ----Miss' Agnes Fowler, of the Gen-! eral Motors Export Department, will spend Easter at her home in King- ston, ~Mr., W. G, Worden, former wa terworks engineer in Oshawa, was a visitor in town yesterday He is now contracting in Toronto. --Miss E. M. Sieling, Public! School nurse, will spend part of the Easter holidays at her home in Han-| over, : --Mr. Arthur Peacock, of the loe- al branch of the Bank of Commerce, has been transferred to the Exeter! DFanch. ! Mrs. (i, H. Pedlar, Sr., and Mr: J. D. Smith were called home from California, owing to the death of the late J. D, Smith, of Chicago. -Mrs. Sid Davison and son, James, and Master William, Toron-| to, spent the week-end with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. M. W, Bick- ell. -Mrs. Stanley Real and children, | of Blackwater, have returned home | after spending a few days with Mrs. | Real's sister, Mrs. N. S. Baird, Drew | Street, After three months spent inl Florida, mostly at St. Petersburg, | Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Storie and Miss Pollard have returned to Oshawa. | They enjoyed the climate very much and had a most pleasant holiday. Chirman Dr. Hoig of the Li- brary Board, and Librarian Miss Jones, will attend the annual con- vention of the Ontario Library A sociation to be held in Toronto on Monday and Tuesday next Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris, 269 Mary Street, will deeply sympathize with them in the loss of their infant daughter, Dorothy en, aged 3 weeks, whose death oe- curred yesterday morning Mr. J. A. Brand, of the General Motors staff, bas accepted a position as General Comptroller with the Dur rant Motor Company, of Leaside. Mr Brand left Wednesday night to as sume his new duties, The sympathy of a wide of friends goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bathe, 115 Ritson Road South, who on Wednesday were be- reaved of their infant son. Jawes aged three years, The funeral took place this afternoon C W. Owens leaves to-night (Thursday) for St. John, N.B, from where he sails by C.P.R. steamer Melita for England, where he expects | to remain several months, also visiting the battlefields of France and Bei- guim before returning Mrs. George A Martin. The Boulevard, left to day for Toronto. where, as the staff correspondent of | The Toronto Evening Telegram, she | will join a party of 800 Queen City and Provincial educationists tomor row morning on a ten day trip to] Washington, Philadelphia and New| York. Dr. James L.. Hughes, who is in charge of the party, has arrang-| ed for them to be received by Presi- dent Harding at the White House, | and later to be dinner guests of Sir| Auckland and Lady Geddes MoCABE-McLEAN A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the Anglican rectory at 9.30 o'clock yesterday morning when Miss Eva May, daughter of Mr and Mrs. John Melean, William ' Street Kast, was urited in marriage to Mr. James Leonard McCabe, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McCabe, 172 Bruce Street. The bride was charm- ingly attired in a suit of navy blue tricontine with hat to match aud car- | ried a bouquet of sweetheart roses and lily of the valley. The brides- maid was Miss Beatrice McCabe, who wore a brown tricotine suit and carried a bouquet of sweet peas and | lily of the valley. Mr. William Mueck-| ler assisted the bridegroom. The ceremony was pefformed by Rev. C. R. de Pencier after which the] young couple left via the C.P.R. for! Belleville, Napanee and other east-| ern points. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold wrist watch, to the bridesmaid a pearl necklace and to the groomsman «uff links. On their return Mr. and Mrs. McCabe will re-| side on Gliddon Avenue. | Hel- cirele BORN GARRETT TO Mrs. W. G. Garrett, Montrave Ave. on Monday, April 10th. a daughter. G-a "DON'T BE BALD At the first sign of falling hair| don't wait another day but go to your | druggist and get a bottle of Parisian | Sage, the one really efficient hair saver. | Parisian Sage is a scientific prep- | ty | aration that supplies hair needs. 'is guaranteed to stop falling hair and | stimulate new hair to grow, or moth-| ing to pay. It is easy to use, and the first application makes the hair and | scalp look and feel 100% better. | If you want to save your hair begin | using Parisian Sage to-night. It's not | expensive and all drug and toilet | counters sell it with guarantee of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Going east: 10 a.m. daily; 2.19 p.m. daily except Sunday; 9.40 p.m. | daily except Sunday; | daily. 12.03 Going west: m. daily except Sunday; a.m. 6.07 a.m. daily; 8.40 5 p.m. daily;8.04 p.m. daily except Sunday. I and my neighbor never meet, An alley separates our lands; My house is in a modest street, His on the drive--see, there stands; man, he's nought but gold and CALL AT ANY HOUR, DAY OR NIGHT The Disney Funeral Service 14 Bond Street, West Telephone 1082 he Poor gear; While I have bome--and you, dear! my --Ray Clarke Rose. I Faster s Nodes Introducing New Wearables for Spring OU have seldom had the opportunity to plan for Spring Dress-up Day from selections of such beautiful things The styles, the fabrics and the colors all add their share of interest. There is new apparel, for instance, of rich colorful silk, such as you have never seen before; hats in unique shapes that sparkle with color; frocks of beautiful fabrics and most becoming lines; and accessories of distinc- tion that give the finishing touch to the Easter costume. to wear. Coats and Suits From the numbers we have sold, it is almost un- necessary to try and tell the people of this city the wonderful assortments, the beautiful styles, the ex- cellent quality of cloths and linings--and most of you are familiar with the Miller close price individual style garments that you will like at the prices you like to pay. Every kind of Wrappy or Sporty Coats, as well as the staple lines, bought from the best makers in Canada, made of the most dependable materials. (A Bargain in Kiddies' Reefers) Dresses and Skirts A clever range of Silks, Serges, Canton Crepes, Crepe Knit, Satins, and combinations of different materials, too many for individual description, as they are all different designs and styles: This applies to the Dresses. The Skirts are wonderful combina- tions of pleated, plain and plaid all pure wool ma- terials. Not only are they individual styles, but the very newest of these styles, and the best of quality. and priced much less than you can buy anywhere else (A Bargain in Kiddies' Reefers) Saturday Hat Day On. dingloy 5 oy or . Frid night if they arrive, dozens of new pretty hats direct from the clever designers' workrooms and several "chic" styles in sailor hats. You can depend on geiting a good assortment and the lowest possible price--all trimmed hats, no two alike. money refunded if not satisfaciory.

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