Ontario Reformer, 13 Apr 1922, p. 5

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hs -- bs pars gS ANA MAAR lB eS BRAS BR | ee * 'OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 1 18, 1922 Ho mpd a w i ald ------ AG: SAA Sia mat RIS, = PAGE TIVE Dental DR. T. C. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, 19 King St, West, Phone 231. DR, R. B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- _ ley Block, Simcoe St. 8, Phone 504. 89-tf DR, T, 8. TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's stored. Phone 948, 1-yr. DR, 8. J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; Office over Kyle's Grocery Store. Phone 959, 4-1 yr. DR. JAMES, DENTIST ~-- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell"s Drug Store. Phone No, 97, DR. TREWIN, DENTIST trance to office one door east Detenbeck's Store, / Medical DR, C, B., WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St. North, Phone 67, 110-1yr DR. M¢KAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St, Bast, corner Victoria 8t., Oshawa, Phone 94, £N- of _Help Wanted--Female Houses Wanted WANTED ~~ GIRL, OR MIDDLE! aged woman, 'must understand cooking, No washing, Good home, small family, Duties to commence May 1st, Mrs, C. A. Smith, 160-tf WANTED -- EXPERIENCED GIRL Tor general housework. Apply 233 Keéndall Ave,, Phong 107, 150-11. COOK AND HOUSE PARLOR MAID for country home, to take up duties on May 1st, Reference r:quired, Apply Mrs, R. Ray McLaughlin, Box 235, Oshawa. 1-tf HAVE A POSITION FOR THRER I ladies or gentlemen, You may live in Oshawa for another ten years and never get another oppor- tunity like this one. For appoint- ment, phone 1021, 2-tf WANTED TO RENT--A 6 ROOM| house far desirable family, one child 11 years old, Apply Box V8", Ra- former, -C WANDTED TO RENT -- § OR roomed house, central as possible. Three adults, Apply Box "J", Re- former, 6-h WANTED TO TENT--A FURNISH- ed house, Apply Box "X", Reforms er, hc WANTE "URNISHED HOUSE, eight rooms, in good locality hy a family of three. Box "K" or phone 700 Davidson, b-b WANTED---TO RENT HOUSE OF 7 or 8 rooms ,Cenral, by May 11th, Leave word at 9 Bagot St, and re- ceive the reward. h-c ------ -- «| Balance Board and Koom BOARDERS WANTED --ATDLY 4028 Centre St. Business for Sale | FOR BALE GTANDARD TOT, completely furnished, all conven- veniences ,easy terms, for partic- ulars apply Box 4 8, Port Hope. de Lost and Found LOST--A BLACK PUP, ANSWERS to name of "Seamp" and wears col- lar with name "Snookie" on it, Tele-| phone 344 when found for reward. b-h LOST---SMALL, BROWN SUITCASE Houses For Sale [FOR SALE -- SIX ROOMED BRICK house, with all conveniences, uni lwirad for electric stove, Apply after | 6 p. m, at 164 Colborne St, B, 4-0 | FOI BALE -- 6 ROOMED™ BRICK % onto with every convenience, 3- piece bathroom. Price $2,600, Ap- ply 17 Meteale 4.0 SMALL, HOUSES, BUILT TO SUIT buyers, Cost from $1,600 to $2,600, cash payment of $600, or more down, arranged, Phone 651 ov 1207, z : 4-0 FOR SALE--SRVEN 100M BRICK house, Park td N. Phone 491-W hie st, Make this a happy Easter hy carrying ade- quate protection, V. A. HENRY INSURANCE 1115 Simcoe 8, 1198W 1046W Phone FOR SALE--SEVEN ROOM BRICK |between Grand Trunk Depot and Central Hotel, Finder please leave at Central Hotel, LOST -- ON RITSON HOAD OR veneer house, all modorn eonven- fences, Apply Mrs, IK, J, Fargey, il Ritson Rd. N, bh-¢ WANTED--YOUNG GIRL FOR general hoarding house work, good wages, For particulars, apply L. k Bosheff, Port. Hope, Box 98, THIS CORPORATION 18 So minded enough to appreciate a wo- man's ability to fill a high-salaried position, We are willing to train the right one, Mr, Syms, 5, Stand- ard Bank Building, Oshawa hc DR. L. J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST., Bast, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell"s Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease of the eye, 12-1 yr WANTED -- OFFICE GIRL, MUST be accurate in figures and willing to learn. No previous experience nec- essary, Apply Box "P", Reformer. 6-0 DR. D. B, NEELY, PHYSICIAN & Surgeon, Ear, Nose and Throat, Office over Dominion Bank, Tele- phone 1155. Hours 2-to 4 p.m., or by _appointment. 96-1 WANTED: --WOMAN FOR CLEAN- ing to work by the day Phone 249. 6-a Articles For Sale DR. A, A HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store every Friday from 2.30 to 4.30 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 13a-tr DR. FP. I, 'BRYANS, oF 160 BLOOR Btreet West, Toronto, will be at his oBice over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, _ JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Publie, Con- veyancer, Money to loan. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, etc. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- BU3, Phoues, Office 940; Residence GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lie, ete. Office over Standard Bank. entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. F. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, G. D. CONANT, B.A, L.I..B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Publie, ete. Offi¢e (entrance) 7% Simcoe St. .South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen- eral eral practice. Phone 63. HE. MORPHY, B.A BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones---Oflice 210, Res. 160. Chiropractic IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Fgaminations free at office. Dr. 5 M Jones, 86 Simcoe St, North. Surveyors M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyor and Civie En- gineer, Whithy. Phone 221. Sue- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of P ort Perry. 341 Undertakers & Coit LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- mection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. Residence 19 Division St. FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN Wellington Mutual and Union Fire Insurance Society, London, England.' x. A. MeLean, Oshawa Ase nt, Tel. 21 ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- age, Simcoe St. South. "Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros. Proprietors. Phone 766. 11-41 M | Inst ti HERBERT C. TRENEER, AT.C.M., organist and choirmaster of the King St. Methodist Church, is prepared to accept a limited number of pupils in Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe Organ. For terms, etc., apply on Saturdays at King St. Methodist Church, or Phone $077. 73-jne 20 Auctioneer WILL. T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT. Live Stock a specialty. Phone 167 ri-4 Bowmanville. 124-6mos Re = {dining room chairs; $40.00 BUYS YEARLING THOR- oughbred Holstein bull, Ormsby Pontiac Burkeyje, No. 46751, Apply Le Roy Trull, Bowmanville. Phone Bowmanville 176-13, 3-f IATCHING EGGS, FROM BRRED- to-lay White Wyandottes, Martin strain, $1.50 per 15 eggs; $7 per 100. H. A. Tenney, RR, R. No, 1, Cedardale, Ont. Phone 785-2-2 FOR SALE -- ONE KITCIIEN range, Champion Summi/, with hot water front. Six octave organ, hoth in first class shape, Cash or terms. 75 Bond St, E., Oshawa. Apr. 30 TWO 100 BGG BROODERS FOR sale, and hothed sash. Apply after 6 o'clock, Howard Wilson, King E. Phone 346-J. 4-tf FOR SALE -- FIVE-PIECE PAR- lor suite, three-piece walnut ieod- room suite, Dominion organ, six oec- tave, six-piece parlor smite (wainu* frames), 1 child's high chair and laundry stove,.all in good condition. Apply 21 Elgin St. E. b-c FOR SALE 5-PIECE PARLOL suite, 1 eouch, 10 square feet lino. eum, Rayo lamp, fancy parlor lamp, kitchen range. Fourth red brick house past pavement, King St. E. 5-b BARGAINS IN FURNITURE -- 200 iron beds, all sizes, iron and wood frame springs, 50 new cotton mat- tresses, all sizes, cheap. Camp eots fand mattresses, with new green covers, sideboards, extension tables, dining room suites, dressers, \washstands, stoves and ranges, Oshawa Bargain House, 17 Prince St. 4-1 CORNET FOR SALE HIGH GRADE "Conn" instrument, trumpet style, silver plated, can be used in band or orchestra, practically new, phone 162-3 f. FOR SALE--WALNUT ~ DINING Room Suite, and two brussels rugs. Apply 242 Kendall Ave. or Phone) 329-W h-e | FREE JOHNSON CICGHT, speedy, outhoard motors. Iyde pro- pellers, accessories, cut prices, free deliveries. Large variety engines, new, rebuilt. Canoes, Bierele mo- tors. Free Catalogues. Canadian Boat and Engine Exchange, To. ronto, 6-85-11 FOR SALE -- TWO CANARIES, pure yellow and good singers. Can he seen any time. 18 Jackson St. S., near Pedlars Plant. 6-c FOR SALE---TAPESTRY RUG, 3 x 31, congoleum rug, 2 x 3, and kit- chen range, in splendid condition. Fourth brick house past pavement, King Street East. 6-c FOR trees at 75 cents each, bulbs, $32 per 100. Johan Bartlett, Kingston Road, I mile west of Osh- awa. 6-2 POTATOES FOR SALE NEW Brunswick certified seed Irish cob- blers, Green Mountain, and Dela- wares, also ta potatoes, see stock and get prices. © Phone orders 565. John Shemilt, 34 Avenue St. 679 FOR SALE CLARKE JEWELL four burner, gas range, double oven. Good as mew. Price $20.00, a bar- gain. * Apply 219 King St. East, Phone S65. 6b TRIALS 5 PRIVATE SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, 150 Centre St. 1 Royal Oak heater, al- most new; 1 Jewer gas range, 6 burners; 1 white iron bed, springs and mattress; 1 small dresser; 6 1 piano case closed washstand; 1 Several other articles. 5-b organ; 1 wheelbarrow. Must be sold. Call after six. General Wants The Fonthill Nurseries Established 1837 Largest in Canada Headguarters for Quality Nursery Stock We carry a full line of rare choice shade trees, flowering shrubs, climbing vines, roses and herbaceous perennials. Finest assorunent of fruit stocks in BhDles. Pe are, a ams, chercies, peaches all fruits for garde bing garden or orchal Fruit and ornamental books sent on application, STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Oat. i GOLD MINES 00. LD. A number of shares in above com- pany for sale at advantageous price. Company owns valuable property. in Kirkland Lake and Alg WANTED -- GOOD HOME FOR! boy, 12 years old, with 2 good farm- er, willing to pay part of whole board; near school, state particulars. Box 537, Oshawa P. O. 150-¢ WANTED 10 PURCHASE IMMED- iately, 210 Barred Rock ezgs, from bred-to-lay stock. Apply 3i2 Ritson Rd. N. 4-c WANTED -- OPPORTUNITY TO sell properties which are at right value. 1 absolutely will not sell a Four Thousand dollar house for Six Thousand dollars. Any person who desir=s to get a home may be sure he is getting walue if he purchases through me. Before buying it will pay you to consuit Robt. D. Preston, 66 King West. Telephone 223-3. 6-b WANTED--CLIENT DESIRES TO got small house Colberne, Eigiu, Brock or in that vicinity. Robt. D. Preston, 66 King West. Tclephone 223-4. 6-b District. Apply XYZ, c/o J. J. GIBBONS LIMITED, 119 Wellington St. W., Toronto, Ont. FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN dry building. Also storage for cars. Day phone 5524, might 562W. Rit- son Road North. 9141. » ; steel sliding couches | Ste. | SALE--PLUM AND CHERRY | wiso gladiolus | Automobiles For Sale FOR SALE--1 TON FORD TRUCK, in first class shape, $360 cash, .| Apply 458 Albert Street 131-12 FOR SALE -- McLAVGHLIN CAR in good running brder, cheap for quick sale, Phone 1080 or call at 221% Simcoe St. S. pe 4-c FOR SALE -- A MOTOR TRUCK, good running order, good tires all around, $250, Apply 102 Church St. Phone 1064, b-e FOR BALE -- FORD TOURING, just overhauled, 110 Church St. 5-c A GOOD CHEVEROLET CAR IN good conditions, new License includ- ed for $300. Apply to 90 Alice St. Mr. F. Sharradd. 6-c FOR SALE -- CORD AND FABRIC tires at 20 per cent. discount off re- gular prices, All sizes in stock. Tig- er Tire Sales, 160 King St, W. Phone 93. 6-1mos, Real Estate for Sale GOOD BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE on Alice St; between Division and] Mary Sts. Will sell cheap. Avply 214 Division St. 4-c BUILDING LOTS ON PARK ROAD North, just north of new school, Frontage, 230 ft. Depth, 150 ft, $8 per ft. Name and pick your own frontage. Come and see and talk it over with me on Saturday 15th, 1 p. m, till 6. Monday 9 ¢ til! 6. Geo, Hurd, owner. Look sign, | Easy terms b-c FOR SALE -- LOT, KING STREET East, sixty feet frontage. Price very reasonable. Robt. D. Preston, Tele- phone 223-J. 6-h FUK SALE -- LOT, Avenue; 42 foot frontage. terms right. Robt. D. Preston, St. Chambers. FOR SALE TWO French Street, 30 x 115, Simcoe Street North. LARGE LOT, SIMCOE STREET N., 50 x 150.- Snap for quick sale. This is a very choice lot; netr Bucking ham Avenue, See W. H. Scilley at once Phone 42. t-d FOR SALE--/TWO LOTS. EACH 20, feet frontage, 'rench Street, east, side, near South E $480 for the two . Apply W. H. Secilley, Puckett Bros. & Scilley 6-d FOR SALE--2 Lois FOR SALE the 3rd and 4th lot on Connaught St. East of Masson St. Apply 119 Col- borne E. 1-a 6-a REAL ESTATE FOR YOUR summer home enquire about Windy Cove, just West of Bowmanville | Beach. Beautiful front lots for | sale. Moderate building restrie- { tions. J. G. Dyke, Room 708, Do- | minion Bank Building, Toronte. 144-may4 HARRY SALTER'S LIST FOR SALE 6 roomed house on Drew St. room house on Division St. room house on Athol St, hot water heating. ; room house on Roe room house on Bri ) room house on Elgin St. $200 down balance as rent. 'acant lots on Jarvis St. 40 X 110 $240 Cash or $280 on time. It will be to the interest of all per- sons waiting to buy a lot or house to see me, or Call up 185 before purchasing. I will pay 7 per cent for $10,000 and give first class security 5 or 7 ye Ars, Harry Salter, 24 Royal . Phone 185 5b Pai and Contractors m, for Pric: and King | 6-h| TOTS ON Apply 122 on of St. v St. worm drive, cab and stake body, in I GLADSTONE | Peace Park, nonskid chain, 34 x 4, Reward if returned promptly - to 38 Simeoe Street North, 6-n TOWN SOTTCARRE Depot, and Central Ho- tel, Finder please leave at Central Hotel, Ga FOUND -- A DARK BLUE CANVAS belt with leather pocket attached, small leather purse inside containing small sum of money, Owner may have by applying to 42 Bond St. W., prov- ing property, and paying for ad. Ga New Lumber for Sale FOR SALE--A NEW # ROOMED bungalow with clectric lights Good locality, Will sell cheap Apply to Box "I" Reformer, h-c FOR SALE--CLASSY UP-TO-DATE six room Bungalow and all conven- fences, $4,600---$1000 cash halance easy terms. Apply, N. A. Campbell, 300 Richmond St. Phone 1203-W 6-h t SALE--bH ROOM C AGE, west end, Price $2,300, Small payment down, Robt, D, Preston 66 King West, Telephone 223-J, 6-b FOR SALE -- SMALL COTTAGE and nearly five acres of land, Park between G, T, = ul rn HABBY FOR EASTER Have your Garments, Draperies, curtains, ete, Dry Cleaned superior method, and they Will look just like new and have that reesh appearance which yon so anch desice, You will not he disappointed ir you send them 10 E. Aldsworth Quality Cleaner and Dyer | €or, Celina and Athol Sts, Gonds called for and delivered, Mair orders receive special and prompt attention PHONE by our " 0 ld A WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF ROUGH and dressed lumber. Ask for quo- tations, Whithy Lumber & Wood- | yard. Telephone 12, Whitby, Ont. May 20 TIMBER AND LUMBER FOR SALE! at Port Whitby, ont of the Watson | elevator, suitable for all kinds of frame buildings, barns, ete, Quantity | of belting, shafting and scales ready | for delivery April 1st.--Apply, John Watson, Port Whithy, 'Phone 3, Road North, Price $3,500 with $1,- 000 cash and balance easy terms. Here is a place that will increase in value and while doing so the land will produce a good revenue. Robt, D. Preston, King St. Chambers, Tele- phone 223-] 6-b FOR SALE BRICK BARN, 19 x 35. Apply Mrs. Bogart, Dundas St., Whithy. Write P. 0. Box 115. 6-a | FOR SALE A BRICK VENEER 'house, Apply Box "V", Reformer. 6-d (FOR SALE BRICK VENEER house, 8 rooms, all modern conven- liences, centrally located. Bargain for [quick sale. Apply 36 John St. Ge = SPECIAL $3500 will buy an 8 room house with all modern conveniences, conven- iently locoted. Terms, easy | 83900 will give you an 8 house with water and eleetrie |" | lights, one block from car line. Street. $300 down. i Two $1900 will buy a four room house |S rooms, with water and electric lights, | Street. ; convenient to car line. $200 The pro perties are subject to down. neies and will he $300 will buy a nice lot in West ttoar mount on Pine St Apply Oshawa Real Estate Sales Co, 61 King St. East. I hone 793 or A. A. Farrar, Trenton, Ont, 6tf | $3200 WILL BUY LOU house on paved sir . 40k (TR =} Auction Sale 'There will be offered by public anc-| tion the following parcels of Oshawa) real estate on Saturday, April 29th, 1922, at the premises, 143 Street, Sale commences at 2 1. Two story rough cast 5 rooms, with water, at 138 Street. 2. Two 5 rooms, p. m. house, Albert story with rough water, at house Celine cast 143 room story rough with water, cast 147 house, Celina month nnt arately, Serv | cach « LrERrMS ALE I i bal { A i Celina | seem sara o-soe oo The Only Hotel of its TO in Canada Centrally situated, close to shops and theatres. Fireproof. Home comfort and hotel conven. fence. Finest cuisine. Cosy tea room open till midnight. Single room, with bath, $2.50 double room, with b ath, $4.00. Breakfast, H0c. to Tie. , 65c. Dinner, $1.00, from 4 wins nnd boats. Take TORONTO, ONT. JARVIS STREET . - io] Make Big Profits in TO RO! WELI Ag Ba Lie 7 and steady income driiling wells. Many day. are doing so to- Why not you ? Let me explain HOW 'DEN --Oshawa, Ont. to public school and Pe $4500 WILL BUY A brick with all conv location. Terms res ona 5090 DOWN WILL GIVE {room house with all except furnace, ecentraliy lo $500 DOWN WILL BUY A 6 ROOM brick, with all nvenicuces, ir north, balance monthly. We have some lovely and East. Give us : ciding on that lot of yours. OSHAWA REAL EST. SALES 61 King East. Phone LYCETT,. J.C. YO! Phone 625 Phone irs, « lots in North 4d Tenders Wanted | SEALED TENDER: *{by the under 17th, 1922, { | struction of 1 53 St. George Ci {cording to plans and vhich may be seen at the Architects, Messrs ACRES OF {nd Sons. Toronto, or at barn and {yp 3. CC. Hodgins, Stagdarsd Da Kingston |Oshawa. A marked cheque for 10° 6-2 lof the amount of tender must accom- THREE NEWLY FUR {pany each tender. Lowest or auy single or double, ecen- [1ender not necessarily aceepted. one minute to restaurants. Fine | H. 8. SMITH, Warden. business men. Private house. (Rox 294, Oshawa. 3-d | 733-J, afternoon or evening. [SEALED TENDERS, accompanied by | a | marked cheque for 10 per cent of the Poultry For Sale | value of the work, will be received, up FOR SALE BARRED ROCK [to noon of Monday April 24, 1922, for egezs for hatching. $1 per setting. | the construction of a Maternity Wing ! Phone 1153-W. 2-f | 10 the west of the above Hospital buil- FOR SALE I WYANDOTTE | ding. eggs, Martin strain, from carefully | The work will consist of concrete, selected winter layers. Dollar per |Mmasonery, carpenting, plumbing, heat- | dozen eggs. 73 Oshawa Boulevard. | ing and wiring. se | Plans, specifications, and conditions RIIODE ISLAND RED EGGS FOR |koverning the work may be seen at the hatehing--From carefully selected | office of the Hospital Treasurer, Bank fowl. $1.50 a setting. Apply Edgar fof Montreal, Oshawa. AE | Horn, Hampton, or Hogg & Lytle, "Tender for Hospital Wing" to be A.C 909-3 | the of Lan tae « To Rent 0 T H. M. Annis, TO RE: garden i stable. Miss Road West. TO RENT -- nished rooms, tral, for Phone BEFORE BUYING OR BUILDING A new home, or repairing your old cone see me. [I also have fine building lots for sale. I can give you easy payments and save you money.--( N. Stacey, Builder and Contractor, 329 Park Road South, Box Phone 557. 130-3 mos. NOTICE TO HOUSE OWNERS. HAVE US GIVE YOU A PRICE ON that hard wood floor you have been thinking about having laid. All kinds of house repairing done. Our prices will interest you. N. A. CAMPBELL. 300 Richmond St. 'Phone 1203W. Apr 15 $25-560 Week 100 men wanted at once, work as Auto Gas Tractor hid IWANT TO HEAR _ y |lars 550. | | Oshawa. 148-t.1 £ | Jemly marked on the top left hand a, GP corner of the envelope, which will be | Farms Wanted | addressed to Dr. F. L. Henry, 28 King | FROM OWNER | treet East, Oshawa. : i Y y a ec- having farm for sale; give particu- The lowest, or any tended not nec- | and lowest price. John J. essarily accepted. Black, Canada Street, Chippewa Messrs. Langley & Howland, archi- Falls, Wisconsin. tects, Toronto. 3a-6a | Your Poultry has cost real money and should have the protection of a strong, permeanént fence like "i PEERLESS POULTRY FENCE is closely spaced and has the strength to keep out unwelcome intruders. It is a fence worthy to enclose the flock of the pouitry fancier as well as that of the every day pouliry raiser. \ He { ' A ights 3 to 8 feet. at Peerless dealers. THE BANWELL-HOXIE WIRE FENCE CO. Limited HAMILTON, ONT. WINNIPEG, MAN. for illus'd. book on Styles for every requirement Write Poultry Protection. N => GALL STONES "MARLATT'S SPECIFIC" fh ever Solling xemety Sor Anpenlicitis. Indigestion, Stomach Di inwdets, Appenfisitic and Riduey Stones are often caused by Gall Stones, and mislead people until those bad attacks of Gall Stone Cotte Not one in ten Gall Stone Sufferers knows what is the Marlatt's will relieve without pain or operation. For sale at all Drug Stores or F. W. Thompson and Jury & Lovell DRUGGISTS, OSHAWA 4. W. MARLATT & CO., 211 Gerrard St. £., Toronto, Ont chanics. Low fees. Part pay, part earn, plan. Write for par- ticulars, quickly. Biggest pros- pects for ten years. Hemphill's Aute Gas Tractor School, 162 King St. West, Toronto, Ontario. trained in busi shorthand snd typewriting by Shaw 's W Hhey camefven all over the both to art at pat 4 supervision. nm Let Us Wire Your House If you are going io have wired done right. You can depend on We guarantee it, and use only first class, standard materials. Let us estimate on vour wiring. your house our workmanship. Our prices are night. W. A. Killoran PHONE 1083 34 SIMCOE N. Owned rd 2 opted by WwW. A. GERRY, 102 Alice St. Phone 1186J and your work is called for and delivered

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