if | -- =. | -- vi Powell's Life Story Watch for Rev. Felix Powell's Life Story, "From Pit to Pulpit"-- it is wonderful. Date to be announc-|a splendid tree for this purpose. It ed later. G-ayis hardy and vigorous, having with- " stood 21 degrees of frost, It bears, too, an excellent nut, a sample of which Mr. Kirby showed The Re- former as evidence. En a ed along the streets, Mr. W. H, Kir- by, of Westmount, said that the Japan Walnut or seibold walnut was Just Arrived We have just received shipment of the famous "Gibson's Lemon Soap," for tan and freckles: At Karn's Drug Store. a large Prices of Tractors Reduced Mr, 'A. N. Sharp, local agent of the International Harvester Co., told The Reformer yesterday that the price of the small tractor manufac- tured by that company had been re- duced to $775. Included with this is a $165 plow if the order is place ed before May 1. Mr, Sharp plained that there seems to be a price slashing war on tractors among some of the manufacturers, this causing the latest reduction. Tells of Work in Formosa Under the auspices of the Wo- men's Mission Circle, a very inter- esting and instructive address was given in the Baptist Church Sunday School room Tuesday evening 'by Mrs. (Rev) Duncan McLeod, who with her husband has spant many years in missionary work in For- 'mosa. Mrs. Mcleod was able to give a fine account of the work be- ing carried on in that country, particularly among the native wo- men. She also exhibited a number of curios brought with her from Formosa. : ex- Changes Made in Board Col. Neil ¥. MacNachten, C.V.O., has retired from the Northumber- land County Mothers' Allowance Board, and Mr. A, R. Dundas has been recommended hy the tooa hoard as his successor. The hoard for the coming year will be: Chair- man, J. Nelson Stone, Campbhell- J. D, Smith Buried The funeral took place here yes- terday morning of the late J. D, Smith, of Chicago, third son of the late Hon. Sydney Smith, of Cobourg, Mr, Smith passed away suddenly on Thursday last at the home of his granddaughter, in Chicago. The re- mains were brought to Oshawa vesterday for burial. Besides his wife he leaves three son to mourn his loss. Mrs. Geo. H. Pedlar Sr. is a sister-in-law of the deceased. Tenders Being Asked Tenders are being asked for by the Oshawa Hospital Board for their new maternity wing. The idea of the subsidy is to pay our ships for bringing to this country A Good Shade Tree Discussing with The Reformer the suggestion offered a short time ago that shade trees should be plant- | News, 2 To the People of Oshawa. Fellow Citizens-- Rev Felix Powell is coming Easter Sunday. Just a word regarding him. In Felix you will see a great soul on fire. You will see, too, the lovable characteristics and fine possibilities of a man of God. He pours out his soul for the people. A recent writer says of him: "A man who can come suddenly out of the Roman Church at the age of twenty-five, leave the calling of a ditch-digger, and graduate with honor at two of the best American Institutions deserves a place in our modern Book of Acts." Let me extend to you ONE and ALL a cordial invitation to hear him during his stay here. Yours Sincerely, 2, \ JAMES L. HARTON, Pastor, Baptist Church. P.S.--Watch for his "Life Story" --" From Pit to Pulpit' --It is wonderful. - J.C. McGILL| Your New Easter Suit Is Here At $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $28.50 and $30.00 In All The Newest Patterns and Styles J. C. McGILL 12 KING ST. E 6-a | what our tariff won't let in.--Dallas | | | oy OF CaN No. 2--THE GRIP At the present time the great majority of professionals, as well as amateur golfers, use the overlapping grip, and in order that what follows may he clearer 1 shall try to give a brief deseviption of it, This grip consists in holding the club as much as possible in the fin- gers, and in the standand type the forefinger and thumb of cach hand form a double V, which points down the shaft, In addition to this the lit- tle. finger of the right hand is allow- ed to ride on top of the forefinger {of the left hand, and the thumb of {the left hand is not down the shaft, but is to the right side of it, and in- side the right hand under the ball of {the vight thumb, © The advantage supposedly derived from this is that it brings the hands closer together than otherwise possible, and materi- ally assists in their more hearty co- operation, This method of hoiding a club is certainly not a natural one, and of all games requiring the use of two hands this grip, or anything approa- X ching it, is particularly restricted to ford ; Secretary, Edward Quinn, Colborne; Mrs. Clarke, Brighton township; Mrs, E. Maybee, Murray township; Mr. A. R. Dundas, Co- bourg. The meetings of the board | will now be held at Colborne. Frank THOMPSON, Amateur CHAMPION ADA. golf. There is no doubt but that this grip gets the hands closer together than other ones, and in any method of holding the club this seems to he a prime essential. Women as a rule seem to have a marked tendency to! keep the hands separated. 1 cannot suggest any valid reason for this un less it is a habit resulting from too much intimacy with the broom, But this grip is of comparatively recent origin and was not alwayk con- sidered the proper method of holding the club. Although Vardon did not invent it he certainly did a great deal to make it popular. Even in his case! it must be remembered that he won several championships before adopt- ing it, so that it cannot he said to explain his genius--and whether all players should adopt it is a question deserving some consideration, When Hutchinson edited his first hook on golf the player was advised to allow the club to fall back upon the web between the forefinger and thumb of the right hand. This advice applied only to the drive, for in the iron shots the club was not to turn an atom, but was to be held firmly in the fingers. Why there should be| this difference in the method of hold-| ing the wooden and iron clubs is not very clear to the golfer of the pres- ent day, unless it is that the gutta percha ball, being harder to get into (Continued on page 4) UL wo of Lindsay Bowmanville |STARK, CHAMBERS AND BAT | HAVE GONE TO HOME OF NEW LEAGUE ENTRY Three Lindsay baseball players | Jack Stark, Lloyd Chambers and KE | gin Bates mounted the train for Bowmanville on Wednesday. Probh- [ably that explains Bowmanville's re- quest for additional certificates Jack Stark. it is said, has located there definitely izaies did the bulk of the catching for the North Town last season and his will be greatly missea Chambers also was a valuable man for the Greybirds, having taken turn in the box oceasicnally. | According to rumors being lated practically all teams in league will be foreed to make yeral changes lacquisition of the Port Hope Club is creating more than ordinary inte rest. Since The Guide refuses to re- {lease any further information cerning him until May 24, when (team comes to Oshawa to open | season here, we will {a run down to Friend Lockington's town and look the new boy over May 20, when Bowmanville | there. a cn cy col: - the probably tuke on plays 'HOLD A BOXING A boxing tournament is being | planned for the near future by the Oshawa Boxing School A larg {number of boxers are in irainiong ial from which to chose an attractive {card | Officers of the Ontario County | Regiment have undertaken to pres- ent medals to the winners of the {various bouts, which will create a desire among the contestants to do their best. The bouts on Monday evening at the armories demonstrat- ed to the spectators that there are a number of boys in Oshawa who are capable of making a good show- ing in fast company. Is Now 2 Healthy Boy Little Jobuny has become a strong sturdy boy One mother writes:--*"If you had seen my 'boy Johnny four months age and you were to see him to-day. vou would never beleive that he is the same boy. Then he weiged only 49 pounds. To-day he weighs 90 pounds almost double what he weighed four months ago. His trouble first started with a cold, which we never noticed because he was strong and like all boys of his age occasionally caught cold. After a while we began to no- tice that his cough, instead of getting better, was getting worse, that he was looking pale and losing weight. He seemed to be tired all the time, had no energy to do anything. Be- fore he caught this cold he had ne trouble with his lessons and remain- ed at the head of his class without much study. But we began to notice a change. He didn't seem to care whether he knew his lessons or not and nothing seemed to interest him. He coughed so much and so hard at |times that his face would become {purple and we thought he would sure- ly burst a blood vessel. Medicines and cough mixtures didn't do him any good. Finally, in desperation and as a last resort, we tried Carnol. In a short time his cough had al- most disappeared. His appetite was returning and he was beginning to take an interest in his studies. And, thanks to Carnol, he has become as strong and healthy as he has ever been." Carnol is sold by your druggist and if you can conscientiously say, after you have tried it, that it has'nt done you any good, return the empty bottle and he will refund your money. Sold by Wm. H. Karn Oshawa, Ont. my 1-122 SPORTING 24 Games in the Players Go To | services | the | The new Jersey City | that TOURNEY SOON {and there 1s an abundance of mater. | Hill i { LLL Ul] Li | | J Town Ball League Secretary F. G. Chester, of the | Town Baseball League, has prepared the scedule for the season There [are twenty-four: games which com- | mence on Friday, May 19, and close 11 All games will be | played on Wednesday and Friday | evenings. At the meeting on Mon- | day night some discussion took place {about the time games were to Ih {called but no definite decision was reached. At the next meeting furthe rl | discussion will take place on this subject and umpires alo will be ap- pointed The lows | May jon August dates and games are as fol- 19 Chevrolet at 26 Fittings at Textile 31 Cedar Dale at Chevrolet Textile at Fittings Chevrolet at Textil Cedar Dale at Fittings Fitting it Chevrolet yo Textil al ittings a Dale 23 Textile at Chey Chevrolet at Fitting Cedar Dale at Textil Chevrolet at- Cedar Fittings at Textile Cedar Dale at Chevrolet Textile at Fitting Chevrolet at Textile Cedar Dale at Fitting Fittings at Chevrolet i Textile Cedar Dale | Aug. Fittings at Cedar Dale | Textile at Chevrolet Cedar Dale { June Dale at rr rr ------------ {PI Holiday Reminders Open Tonight Till Ten o'Clock. Closed All Day Friday. Ready - to - Wear Department is now in shape to meet the many last- minute demands that will be made on it. Ready-made clothing of a superior quality, including style and prices that are within the reach of the most modest pocketbook. After deciding on one's footwear, the next thing is Hosiery. Here you will find assortments that are bound to please. Among them are: A Pure Thread Silk Hose--Navy, white, and black, Puritan Maid lisle garter tops, seamless ................. Sumi 3 i An Umbrella to complete the effect, and we have many new, beautiful ideas in handles that are bound to please.. Also the Snappon Umbrella; they are so simple, so durable and so practical; will match any gown, changeable covers, on and off in a minute, any number of covers to one umbrella. Brown and black, silk all the way to hem of lisle garter top, seam up the back . $2.50 pair Fine Mercerised Hose for Children-- Bréwn and black, Monarch Knit, sizes 4 to 10. Prices ................ 40c to 75¢ pair Children's Easter Hats In all the most approved of styles and at astonishing low prices. Will fit any little girl from 4 to 14 years, and priced accordingly. Gloves In Silk, Kid or Chamoisette, with all the new novelties that go with them. A pair of gloves are as necessary as the suit itself, and great care has been taken in selecting our stock, which is open for your inspec- tion. CHILDREN'S Chameisette Gloves In Grey, Brown, Mode, White and Champagne. Spe Voile Blouses $1.95 A Voile Blouse for Easter is essential, and of course ones. But for a low-priced article we are sure you will dgree with us that these are beauties, They are all white, with square, round or V neck, some with dainty little self collars trimmed with a double or single row either Vestee or Tuxedo col ura d laces mmed, three-quarter and long slecve, » very lainti ( while others have dainty lace and tucks You will be pleased with any one of them, and they are so reasonabl) priced there are better of lace, 1 « willy priced 68c PAIR cuff Son 4 Chevrolet at Fittings 11 Cedar Dale at Textile i FIRST LACROSSE PRACTICE MONDAY | Manager Lovegrove, of the Falcon | | Lacrosse Club, which is placing two jteams in (he O.ALLA. this year, jon his rounds now in search of young players, who are eligible for junior (and juvenile lacrosse He posi=- | tive there are a great many young | players in Oshawa who should turn jout to practise and who should be | | able to make good on either team. | | Some idea of the material there is to choose from may be obtained on) Monday night when oth juniors and juveniles will hold their first prac tice of the season at Alexandra Park. , All players are asked to be on hand | at six o'clock. 1 The juvenile squad of last year is almost intact although some of those players may be shifted into the junior ranks. Norman Irwin whe played both intermediate and juven- ile will probably line up with the] juniors along with his brother. | Paul. "Bill" Clapper has two sons who made good last year and they) may be considered for junior com- pany. Alex Hall, and Al. Flintoff are also good players who will un- doubtedly show something worth while. The junior age limit is twenty years and the juvenile limit seventeen. It is hoped that a large number will respond to the call to turn out to practise. 18 is | Something to Remember § Efficiency slips away more quickly through faulty wision than from any other cause. 1s your efficiency effected? Our dependable examination will determine the exact condi- j§ tion of your eyes. If your eyes are subject to strain we can furnish you with the glasses you should wear for comfort and visual enjoy- ment. into the line-up 1 squad TEA PRICES RISING Rumour has it that the labor un. {rest and general dissatisfaction in India, the largest tea producing coun- trv in the world, have made produce tion so expensive and hazardous that a general rise in prices may be ex- pected in the near future. The es- timated consumption tis year will | be much larger than the crop avails riding | able. in | hold a banquet at the same time *) much new ! Ire the coming NEW BLOOD LIKELY [ion ON PETES TEAM Lion © officer ily hustness to bring wre the lab ides rewlecting vear. A meer be called for Mouday evens year prob when if arrangements can new hiood will be injected | completed, a banquet will In It has been decid-|and all business dealt with od to call a meeting of all players! who wish to try out for the Central | next Tuesday migot to talk | over the situation The meeting is for the executive dnd players only but every local boy who wants to try out whether he has had any previous experience or not, will be given a good oportunity to make good. The Examiner says: "At this stage no one is sure of a place and new blood 4 p will be welcomed. There is unusual { 17: e opportunities this season for ambi- a. tious youngsters to break into the WAYS | ie, G SI] big Central loop and the way is wide open to them." BOWLERS WILL MEET AGAIN NEXT WEEK Although quite a number of bowl- ing enthusiasts were present at the Town Hall TuesGay night for the annual meeting of the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club, owing to the unavoid- able absence of the president and vice president, no business of im- portance was transaec=ea It was de- cided to arrange another meeting when a large number of the mem- bers can be on hand and possibly Jake 1zain th able solomon wail ad the Petas | 12 may ind it is more ing he Ooms held ver m---------------- | THE PRINCE Brockville Recorder: After elephants and shooting India, the Prince of Wales now has to face the ordeal of coming home {and getting married. tigers" - of think Easter Day.--New Lots USumdar London women Decoration Evening Day. Rexall Store Spring Is The Time To Take A Tonic There is no other season of the year when we require medical aid more than we do in the Spring. With the coming of the warm Spring days we begin to feel the need of something to tone up our system. During the months of indoor living the average system becomes sluggish and needs something to cleanse and stimulate it. PEPTONA Is a Tonic and Blood Purifier combination of Malt, fron, Cod Liver Oil Extract and will give renewed activity to all of the organs and put you in perfect con- dition. Try a bottle to-day. The REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell F. W. Thompson