Ontario Reformer, 13 Apr 1922, p. 12

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EASTER Shoe Values Our mew stock so full of the new nice things in shoes in all departments, from the smallest Tot up to Dad and Mother. We are running some real Easter Specials. Read the adv, Keep it for reference, Bring it with you when yeu come to shop. BN Men's Department New brown and black % oxfords, new wide last 1.50 New gun metal bal, $ New French last..... 1.50 Splendid brown bluch, $ Slip sole, rubber heel 6.00 Neat brown bal. Snap- $ py new last 6.00 Wide fitting calf Blu, $ Rubber heels. Special 6.00 Special medium weight, brown, serviceable shoe. $4.50 5 : Special, same style in $ Yack. Reg. $4.50 .. 3.95 pecial neat Bal, ip both black and brown. Regular $ $4.50 3.95 Heavy Mennonite Blucher in th black and brown, $ gular $4.50, 3.95 + New Hosiery, all wool Cashmere in colors, Reg. 66¢, Easter spec. $ fal 2 for 1.00 LADIES' DEPT. Extra Special To further introduce our higher grade line we are going to put on sale for Thursday and Saturday only, our KoKo brown calf, 1 strap with Scotch grain collar. Also the new pat- ent 1 strap with dull calf collar. Both have splendid ~ walking heels, Regular values $6.50 and $7.00. Easter ee $5.95 New spring hosiery, silk, in the new color, fine silk and wool, Values from $1.25 to $1.75 and $1.90. Our Regular $4.50 Lines These are not of ends bought for th sion but our regula lines. They inclide oul mahogany oxford with 12-8 walking heel: ma hogany 2 strap with 12-8 walking. heel; 3, fine dong 2 strap with baby house heel: 4, growing girls' gun metal side, bal. low heel TERN TY Easter Special $3.45 Special Includes some very special values in the following styles, patent leather, 2 strap, low walking heel. The mate for it in an ox- 1d 2, our ford, new mahogany, 2 strap pattern with 12-8 walking heel. Also the same pattern and heel in dongola kid. A very neat dongola oxford, splendid medium heel. And our cushionete oxford which is a splendid house or street shoe. Thursday and Saturday only $3.45 For the Boys Sizes 1-5 Fine black elk blucher $ with rubber heels... 4.50 Same in brown elk Fine brown calf, neat $ medium toe ........ 4.50 Mahogany grain blucher, very strong and able Neat kip blucher, good $ sturdy soles 3.50 recede brogue bals, New rock rib stock- ings. Prices 5065¢ Youths' Sizes 11-12-13 Smaller Bal for smaller boys. A browa biogue bal $ like dad's 3.50 A good service shoe, black kip stock. Special $2.95 Splendid gun metal side, Blu- cher. Sizes up to 2 $3.50 MISSES' RANGE Sizes 11-2. New Buster Brown's sister stock- ings, a fine mercerized rib. to 75 55 "75¢ Just arrived this morning new heather socks, sport style, fancy rolled top, dandy for your new oxfords for early spring. High cut kip blucher. Just the thing for school $3 00 Ld Dull calf bal, good wide toe last ....... $3.50 Neat little Mary Jane pump in classic .. $3.75 Lad's and girls' size 8-107, New heather sox with faney roll top. New foot form oxfords to wear with sport sox 4 $4 00 » Splendid little kip blu- cher for lads «...... AGirls' high OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1922" ™ REPU A Aw, wo ---- | | AMONG THE CHURCHES "Villa Rose" |At the "Villa Rose | ------ (Continued from page eight) i house in Geneva, and on the same night Mlle, Celie loses her life, and ANGLICAN not--very pleasantly. 'They have St. George's--Cor, John and Centre, | no further use for her. She is were- Rev. C. R. dePencier, M.A., ly a danger to them, So I take my Fou precautions--never , mind for the 30 Athol St, West { moment what they were. 1 take Good Friday {care that if the murderer is in Aix Seryices 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. {and gets wind of our discovery he Ee iam Archdeacon Warren [Shall not be able to communicate SERVICES, SUNDAY APRIL 16th his news." | "The postoimice wouid have stopp- 8 a.m.--Holy Communion, ed letters or telegrams," said Ricar 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer. do 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 4 p.m.--Baptismal service ond Sunday each month,) 4 A § --Choral Evensong Geneva or the nanre 'of Rossignol. 7 p.m. : Ct | But one way of communication | Monday, ..0 p/m.--Teachers' meet- | did not think of. I did not think o1 ing, Y the possibility that the news might « ae, »| he sent to' a newspaper, which, of a vdueeiay) 7.30 . p. 'm~--Poys | course, would publish it and cry it ul. {through the streets of Geneva, The ST. GEORGE'S HALL {moment 1 heard the news I knew we jmust hurry. 2.30 p.m. --Sundaay School. | "The garuen of tie house ran Tuesday, 3 p.m.--Mothers' Un- down to the lake. A means of dis fon. | pusing ol Mie. Celle Was Siose ut | and, nd the night had fallen. Wed. and Thurs, 7.30 Peis it was, we arrived just in time, Girls' Club, land no earlier than just in time | "The paper had heen bought, the CHRISTIAN WORKERS' CHURCH | message had reached the house, . Athol Street | Mlle, Cee was no longer of any | R 1. J. Logan, Pastor juse, and every hour she stayed in | CV, L. oJ, y ithat house was, of course, an hour |SERVICES, SUNDAY APRIL 16thjof danger to her captors." i 11 am. Fellowship Meeting. What were titey going I Subject: "A Risen Christ" Mark 16 - | asked Ricardo. | 6. | Hanaud shrugged "It is not pretty 2-30 p.m. Sunday School and Bible] 5. not preity class. ! going to do. We 2 {in our launch. At that 1gomant 7 p.m.--Gospel Service Subject gippolyte and Adele, who is most "The Year of Jubilee or What the Res- likely Hippolyte's. wife, are in the urection of Jesus brings to us.' lighted parlor on the basement | Special Easter music Morning and, floor. ; | Byening by some of the young con-{ *Adeic i verts. (needle, ilippolyte 1s going to get Tuesday 8 ant feady the rowing boat which was Praise. tied at the end of the landingstage, Thursday 8 p.m.--Bible study. Quietly as we came into the bunk subject. Second Lecture. on Book of they heard or saw us. They ran out Ruth, by the Pastor. and hid in the garden, having no Sacuruay 8 p.m, Open air King St. time to lock the garden door, or : perhaps not daring to lock it lest the sound of the key should reach our cars BAPTIST ' To Be Emmanuel Baptist Church--King ¥, "1 understand." | "On the contrary," replied Ha- inaud. "No, I took my precautions, (sec-| which were of quité a different | kind, before I knew the- house in to do?" hig shoulders what they were reach the garden we is preparing her morphia p.m.--Prayer "veryhody Invited Continued --_---- ---- L passed out as a factor of importance in the grain trade. dven with pro 'duction of grain once more raised to the level of her own requirements. | the other grain raising countries will have nothing to fear say these experts. They contena that Canada. | Argentine and the United States have displaced Russia as wheat pro- ducers and that Canada will furs | ish all 'the low grade white oa's/ formerly. obtained from Russia. The | |old adage about the ill wind rises to] the mind on reading such views. But while Russia is in her present condition it is doubtful whether the capture of the grain trade by the countries mentioned, makes up for] the general disturbance of business. Big World Even g ts (Continued from page seven) throne of a great, though not a hom- ogeneous kingdom, he attained the tremendous strain of a country at war. Heo made one serious endeavor to bring about peace before the eol- lapse of the enemy powers \t that time it was made to appear that he was acting on his own initiative and without the consent of the other powers, It is not improbable tnat the Germans had as much®to do with his overtures as he did iiiin- self, His death in exile and in c¢com- paritive poverly Is a reminder tha! place and power are not assured even for comparatively young men. Charles made an attempt, a few months ago, to regain the throne|in others. She should, however, of Hungary. It was badly planned take advantage of every legitimate and had no support worthy the |opportunity to gather the advantag- name, behind it. His wife and ales that are obtainabie. number of children survive. | : ww 5% ow Lloyd George wasted no time after| Roumanian finances are in a bad | receiving a vote of confidence, on the way, causing 'much concern to the|Genoa policy, in turning his atten powers. Canada is fnterested in the | tion to the dispute in the engineer- matter owing to the non-payment of | ing trade. He succeeded in bringing interest or principal on the ¢redits|the employers and employees to- extended by this country just after |gether. At this writing some 600.- the armistice, The latest gefalea-| 000 men who were locked out are tion by Roumania is on its two year | back at work an the prospects are treasury notes on which the interest | for an amicable settlement of all of eight and one half percent was | differenees. Lloyd George's critics paid last year. Experts who have [are many, but his wizardy in finding | been assisting the country, are of | solutions for difficulties often con-| opinion that with its vast potentiali-| found them, | [ties in oil particularly, judicious ad- {ministration of the country should | "he able to bring aboui a considerable | (improvement in every respect short- | Ly. Meanwhile the government is! pressing the big powers for its share | of the German reparations, This | [amounts to One and a halt percent Ll LJ * The British Chancellor of the Ex cheguer, according to forecasts, will he able to announce in the course of | his coming budget, a surplus of | forty-six million pounds sterling | Gratifying as this is, it is still forty mittion pounds below the original | estimate Falling off ir the amount received from urplus profits tux and unforeseen 'emergencies made the difference liowever, the sold surplus iz congiderable enough It will he itilized in redu in one way, while losing somewhat! Copyrighted Press Limited British & Colonial Bronchitis Colds and Coughs Blown to atoms Every trace completely removed by the World's most powerful preparation ' ar . Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture Fully guaranteed to give you relief or money refunded, 40 Doses for The by all druggists or | the y mail from W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St. Toroate largely * According Lo some European con mentators Russia has permanently Sold in Oshawa by Jury & Lovell, F. W. Thompson, W. H. Karn. Rev. J. L. Harton, B'th, Pastor | Residence: 18 Aberdeen Street. SERVICES, SUNDAY APRIL 16th Rev. Felix Powell will at each seryice. 11 a.m.--"A Step Farther." 4 p.m.--"The Soul Winners Secref." 7 p.m.- seam Work." speak Rev. Felix Powell will speak every ! evening during Easter week in the Church. ! < CHRISTIAN Rev, E. T. Cotten, Ph.B., Pastor Parsonage 169 Athol St. I, hone S47) Christian Church----Centre St., near | King. | SUNDAY APRIL | 11 a.m.--Easter service. I 230 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.an.-- Easter Service. 1". W. Social. 'NOTE SANITARY TAPE BOWS, IN PLACE OF I DUST SERVICE 16th | | Mon., 8 p.m. Leader, Mr. H. B. Samells. | Wed., 8 p.m.-- Prayer Meeting. Public cordially invited. ) | | i CHRISTIAN SCIENCE | 18 Simcoe St. N. SERVICES, SUNDAY APRIL 16th] |! 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.--Public Wor- | 'ship. Subject, "Docirine of Atone- ment." { Wed. 8 p.m.--Testimony meeting, | | when testimonies are given of heal-| ing through Christian Science. | You are cordially invited. | | | | KING ST. METHODIST Kev. A. M. Irwin, B.A., B.D., Pastor Parsonage 139 King St. E. Phone 218 SERVICES, SUNDAY APRIL 16th] Easter-uide Services Special Easter Music | The Pasivr will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Parents please note: -- Baptismal Service 11 Sunday School at All are Welcome PRESBYTEN:ZAN { Simcoe St. South, Cor. Bruce Street. Rev. G. Yule, Minister, Residence the | , 65 Simcoe S., Phone 493. SERVICES, SUNDAY APRIL 16th 11 am.--Tne Minister. 8 p.m.-- Sunday School. o'clock. a wor <ZARSHA| SPRINGS . Marshall Mont arshall Sanitary Mattress The Mattress for Comfort from now on Why fuss with old-fashioned, unsanitary mattresses con- stantly requiring turning and other attentions--and after all never comfortable! | The Marshall is so perfectly ventilated and its thousand springs so efficient that it needs turning but twice a year. For permanent, perfect rest you need the Marshall. Get it NOW---Marshall month, when you can get two feather pil- lows free with every mattress. Marshall Ventilated Mattress Co., Limited, Toronto --APRIL IS-- 2 Feather Pillows Free with every mattress %) * %.9 BY parent ® arrLED FORD ik "" LUKE BROS. 31 7. p.m.--Public Worsaip. A cordial mvitation is exiended to all to attend these services and a hearty welcome awaits you. ! Friday, 8 p.m.--Choir practice. |SIMOOE ST. METHODIST CHURCH | Rev. J. H. McBain, B.A., Minister | |SERVICES, SUNDAY APRIL 16th 10 a.m.--Fellowsnip Meeting. 11 a.m.--Subject. "The resurrec- Bargain Event. EASTER BARGAINS A Clearing of some Odd Lots, in Mattresses and Springs, also a few Sample Beds, for Thursday and Saturday Selling. Come in early for Choices in this tion of Christ: A Fact and a Revela- tion." ' 3 pam.--Sunday | Club. | 7 p.m.--"With Me in Paradise." | Special Easter Music at both services. | Monday. § p.m.--Lpworta League. | Wednesday 7.30 --Prayer Meeting. Seats free--Welcome. ! MEN'S OWN NINE School and Men's Ticking. Regular $13.50.To Clear Full Size All Felt Mattresses in Art Values $8.00 each FIFTEEN Full Size Mattresses, splendid 'Tick- ing, clean sanitary mixed filling. Regular Values were $10.00 each. To Clear : $6.50 each up to SERVICES, SUNDAY APRIL 16th Brotherhood Federation of Canata Branch South Oshawa Methodist. | Meeting with Class "EIRRA" 2.39 'p.m. Bible Study, also Special and Vital Subjects, up-to-date. THE SALVATION ARMY Adjutant and Mrs. Graves, Com- SEVEN heavy ticking. Were Clear Full Double Size Mattresses, very $9.00 cach You can use sweet milk, sour milk, buttermilk or water with 3 EGG-O Baking Powder ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER ? Canada may reap more direct results| = ATHOL CLEANING & DYEING CO. PRICE MEN'S SUITS Men's suits cleaned and pressed Men's pants cleaned and pressed Men's pants pressed Men's suits pressed Men's white pants clean- ed and pressed ... Men's suits sponged and pressed - Men's sus dyed Men's oveWoats dyed Men's overcoats sponged and pressed LIST MEN'S OVERCOATS Men's overcoats pressed Men's overcoats cleaned and pressed \ Ladies' suits pressed ode Ladies' suits sponged al and pressed Ladies' suitg cleaned 7 pressed . . Ladies' and pressed . Sn Ladies' skirts pressed ... Ladies' suits dyed . Ladies' dresses cleaned and pressed .. 2,00 up £1.00 Rl 1 a pn and che) 1.00 1.00 L753 up o= 0 4.00 in "Ask About Our Low Contract Rate for Regular Service" Hats Cleaned and Blocked 10 Athol Street West Open From 7-30 to 9,00 Phone 658 Opposite Public Library Saturdays 7.80 to 10,00 FIVE Bed Springs, Wood Frames, slightly imperfect. Regular $6.00 to $8.00. To Clear $2.95 each $1500. To manding Officers i SERVICES, SUNDAY APRIL 16th | 11 am.--Holiness Meeting. 3 pam.-- Praise meeting. 7 p.m.--Salvation Meeting | Young People's classes direcily in the morning at 10 o'clock. each. To Clear $9.90 | TWO SAMPLE BEDS Continuous Post Style; TWO BRASS BEDS Full Size, the best of finish, splendid designs. Real Snaps. $15.00 each were $13.00 Sunday School and Bible Class; iat 2 p.m. Monday might Salvation lat 8 p.m. Tuesday--Life Saving Scouts and | iLife Saving Guards. | 4.30 pm. -- Also cottage prayer | fog at 8 pm. Saturday--Praise meeting meeting | at $j Read our ad. next week. We have something Special for you in another line. BROS., 6 KING EAsT " A IK7, Suits to please the man who is very particular Featuring Navy Serges and Cheviots For Easter Our Leader $35.00 Fine All-Wool Botany Cloths, in pre-war weight, quality and finish, shown in several new models for young men, and also in good styles fo he man who prefers a more conserva- tive type. Very Special Value at $35 00 * : Beautiful Shirts These fine days seem to remind men that Vests and Coats : will be left off often. They re looking for new Shirts. We have hundreds of beautiful W. G. & R. Shirts with the famous double wear cuff. Some gay; some very quiet; all beautiful. You'll like the way they fit, and wear, and wash. English Madras Cloths, English Pongee and Percales, Scotch Zephyrs and Dimitys. at $3.00 and $3.50. Special Values in these fine materials YOUR EASTER HAT IS HERE A Shipment just came in Wednesday containing sev- eral New Styles and Colors. BORSALINOS $8.00 WALTHAUSEN BROCK $5.00

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