FL cy bh AR ET haat PAGE TWELVE *¥ OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1922 SIA ---- r---- wn _--,e°&° pa ------ dull business, life insurance has |rangements have been completed by | MYRTLE | heen an exception. The Metropoli-{ which employers, insuring their em- | | tan again held the record among all{ployeés under group policies, re-} | Mrs. A. Carmichael Mas heen ill companies in the world in 1921 with [ceive the ! benefits of the nursing {for some time, suffering from ton- SLb04 75080? Rew fueuradce Dlac. service and welfare literature, | ellitis, and is under the doctor's ed on the books. In Canada it plac-| 1, making their w to fcare, ed more than $104,000,000, Its assets |qq)ject hing their Weekly sells to Mrs. Wm, Stephens died in Brook- [#nd has caused what we might al- increased more than one hundred gigtributed booklets and pamphlats| {lin on Friday last and will be bur- [most call. an epidemic of insurance and thirty million follare, and its|dealing with health and disease, |ied in the Burns Church cemutory, | AMONE the young men here, income was $38,462,919 more than telling in simple language how to Norri {where her late husband was iuter-| The Stockhreeders' Associati hy 18 nstrum: | 2 Association avoid preventable diseases and hao Mr Gecrge or Bes ne ent ed. They formerly lived north of [held thelr Spring sale at the North it was in 1920, The Metropolitan has a total in-[to do if the policy-holders are sick. | | Ashburn, Myrtle yards on Wednesday and wer. More than twenty-five millions of | Top Desk Judging from reports, the storin|favored with a huge crowd and good INSURANGE REPORT HUMAN DOCUMENT re " Metropolitan Life Co. Has Over 1,700,000 Policies in Canada OBSOLETE ALREADY Toronto Mail and Bmpie: The battleship New Zealand, contributed by the Dominion of that name to the British navy, is to be sent to- the scrap-heap. | It is obsolete eight years ' before it is fully paid for. But New Zealand has the satisfaction of know- ing she tried to do her full-duty in a naval way to the Empire at a tim when the Empire needed it, Mr. Wiley, organizer for The can-] adian Order of Foresters was among! us for a time during the week, gath- ering in more members for the Rag- lan Lodge. He has had wonderful success in this district this season The meanest man has heen found in Chicago. Fined $200 for peeping at the windows of an institution for young women, he told the .court i wasn't worth it.---Buffalo Express vestment in Canada amounting to these pamphlets were distributed In! | which we had here the last of March | prices. this way last year, The number | wag merely the edge of the real Mrs. Frise held an auction sale on distributed in Canada was 3,600,000. |thing, but it was sufficiently strong | Wednesday, as she has decided to pany for 1921 contains interosting | tration expenses, exceeds by $31, In 1921 the death rate among Toe Concerts by leading artists of Pitts. at that, many claiming that it was!leave the farm. A pathetic incident matter not generally found in the|p00,000 the amount of premiums! qustrial pclicy-holders reached its | Purg, Newark, N.J, an occasional (the worst storm we have had all|ocenrred during the afternoon, for statement of a financial corporation. received by the Company from Can-|jowest Riser ol raat "lower | BUmMber from a wireless station in winter, and in consequence the roads |when the buggy was sold and token It relates to the human side of 2 adian poliey-holders, [than it was ten years previous The! Pittsburg, the flashing of the time are just one mess of mud and slush. away, the dog, who had been accus- great business, The Company's as-{ . \ ' [rate from typhoid fever .decronsed | "om "Arlington, Arizona, were heard The well-known Ben Hokea was held [tomed to following it during nis late sets are more than one billion, one| For many years the Company's |t 0 (C0 WERE one 49 | distinctly by a representative of The un With his big car on one of the master's life, went along with it to; hundred and fifteen million dollars Principal business was Industrial-- '1 Pe nt, Ey uberculosis, 41 small policies generally held by the (Per cent; from Bright's disease, Iteformer sitting In a comfortable sidelines near here, the other day, jits new quarters and remained with and its - policies outstandin, are y « hats chair at e 3 ¢ Mr, George for three hours, and finally: had to it for severa) days and nights, n more Ay twenty-five and +4 working men of the U. 8, and Can: nearly 30 per cent. and from infec | ChAIT at the home of Mr. Geotk " ; ada, and their families. But Jotely (tious diseases of children nearly 37 haf Norris, Athol Street Kast, Saturday set a team to draw it out ut thre rut. | doubt hoping to find his lost master. | millions, Over 1,700,000 policie Iver ue " i ' evening. Great radio corporations Kxperts say he has an aeroplane en-| Finally someone from home, came are held by Canadians. Many peo- [the so-called Ordinary tasyrance, [Der Cent, The records Kent hy ho vie ne. WoL Jule id have gine in his car, so we always know [after him and took him away, I ple hold more than ore policy and EE ay pur {Io11 hove JO a, 1021, 56.000 established plants at various cities when he goes hy, J the best estimate of the Company is = eli ies Luin on the | fewer deaths than there would have from which each night are. sent hroad Mr. A. Cook, the butcher from that this number of policies helres, business now exceeds the Industria) |Peen if the 1911 death rate had pre- cust grand opera, light operas, ser. Brooklin, is making his wee in round numbers, nineteen million dy hit : | vailed. While there has heen a gen- mons, market reports as well as the rounds again, and we are aii pleases individuals. As over twenty million . th : ~..leral public health movement and | Children's bedtime stories, All these [to see him, after our long winter's of the policies are the so-called in- In accepting the opportunity for notable progress in medical science | for many weeks Mr. Norris and his | fast Ore, a woman wis shot while practi- dustrial, on which premiums are health and welfare work, the Com- a0 4 canitation, which contributed in | family have been enjoying as posses:| During the week, Messrs. A. Maw | sing in a church choir. Only those collected weekly by Agents who call| pany extended the free nursing... "pero is' evidence that a con-| 501s of a very up-to-date wireless out- and P. Kent, had the suwing mach- | who have heard te lady sing are fit at the policy-holders' homes, this |service given to industrial Polley |i qaranle factor in reducing the fit, perfected by Mr. Norris as the re- ine in, cutting up their supplies of [to pass comment on this seemingly gives lo a company iid Wie tug Rolders 2 hii lol eur Ut Wag "Il death rate among poliey-holders of sult of practical experience and know: | gummer wood. desperate act, plod for health di welfare [the United 'States and Canada, and | 102 Company has heen the Wide: jlodge of what bs going igh ne realm a _-- _ - _---- work. The statement published [the nurses made more than 2,100, Spread health CAmpalEn carried on Oa He Ee oO ne orn o shows How the Company has ac-|000 free visits. In Canada, largely by the \ ampany, nig and So i Be ae cepted this opportunity. in co-operation with the Victorian The Metropolitan announces it] Che Bb : 2 While the year 1921 in the popi-|Order of Nurses, Metropolitan Nurs-| Will continue its best efforts for the ™ T° : Jar mind is put down as a year of [es made 201,888 free visits, Ap-|!mprovement of health and the con A little son of the house, four year: sequent saving of life, recognizing old, can sit any night with receivers that the confidence which the people on his ear from 7.30 to 8.30 o'clock 'have in the Company gives it still and hear the recital ot Uncle Wiggily's greater opportunity to serve them, bedtime stories sent out from Pitts not only in insurance protection, | burg. ibut in the prolongation of life. Those {who have the management of its finances believe that great oppor- {tunity brings great responsibility. nearly $71,000,000. This amount, added to what hab seen paid in death claims ,dividends and adminis- The business statement of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Com- Asthma Sufferers Floyd McPnail of London, Ont,, writes, "This is without doubt the finest remedy I have ever used for asthma." Briggs' Asthma Remedy $1.50 per bottle. Money back it not satisfied, Jury & Lovell, Oshawa, and A. H, Allin, NOT FOR US | Detroit Free In Portland, | Press: Vk HOGG & LYTLE, Limited We are increasing our acreage on Contract Peas and have a few hundred bushels to place with good growers, 3 SS a] Saturday perfect evening conditions wer for "listening in," A concert given by wellknown artists at the Music Hall, Pittsburg, was heard di: tinetly, also two scenes from the play let, "Rip Van Winkle," given by Dr. I.. A. Moore, of Pittsburg On higher wave length another concert given by the Glee ("lub at Newark, N.J was heard equally as well. it consisted of solos, duets, violin solos, ete. Fk | complaisant on these other matters. a few minutes the instruments w The French people as a whole are !lso in touch with Chicago, but various inclined rather to favor the ideals interruptions, many of them caused (of diplomacy which the world locally, occurred In the distance thought it was to get rid of as a ré- could be heard other concerts, but it sult 'of the war. They are shrewd was dificult to tell from whence they diplomatic bargainers, cume FEED FE ~ - > » ' retire ' N a] ¢ Bran, Shorts, Cotton Seed Meal, Oil Cake Meal, and Ws ment Jrom the Mew i Cround Feed are in demand, with prices inclined upwards. eral generations has known as Arth- Nothing will be zained by waiting till you require these be- ur Balfour, is forshadowed in the fore you have them in your possession. SS (Continued from page 9) SEED and SEED GRAIN Our stock is complete. Quality the best and prices as low as good goods can be sold at, Come in and look them over. NORATTO == oH 30% SUNDAYS PROGRAM From Pittsburg the gram for Sunday was SSNS SS AN NR ANS SUS SS SR NA) ) SN TT A following announced pro PRS ~enamaaned SS av sen 10.45 aan. --Services of Calvary Epi copal Church 2.45 p.m Children's "The Boy with the 3 p.m. Radio K.DK.A. conducted by Ewer statement that he ls to be raised wo an earldom. The question of a title, it 18 stated, is the only point remain ing to be settled The recent eleva tion of Mr. Balfour to knighthood was unexpected Not that he not deserved the honor in view of 750 his many services to the Empire, hut | Breeze because it was generally thought that he would prefer to end his day entitled in the Learts of his country men rather than by Royal letters patent Bible Sto New Coat Chapel at tation Let us quote you prices, Rev. John Ray PHONE 203. SMOKI Ata } as PSUS NN A A NS TOBAC(O Point Services o yterian Church ihe USE IT. A -- -- ----_ -- ---- -------------- -------- Rex AL WRANY ' Monday were a le on "Engineering Dr. E. R. Weidleln another hour on Scientific Import Announced for Lire a N An pd Huppin by another address at 'Pittsburg HOGG & LYTLE, Limited |=. On the very day that rish Free State bill passed its third and the 1 final reading in the House of Lord a asure conferring self govern- | An Announcement: In announcing the opening of "THE ELECTRIC SHOP" On Saturday, April 8th, We feel just reason to be proud of our achievement, and it is with a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction in the know- ledge that we are filling a long felt need that we open our doors on Saturday and extend to you all a cordial welcome. We desire also at this time to acquaint you with THE ACTIVITIES, THE POLICY and THE AIM of THE ELEC- TRIC SHOP: for in this knowledge we know that you as our prospective customers will be the better served. OUR ACTIVITIES will be devoted exclusively to the furtherance of the use of Electricity in the home. This power, the most versatile servant of the age: guided through the proper channels and applied to your home life by the men best fitted to apply it, will make for the Ideal Home of Beauty, Comfort and Happiness. We, as Electricians, claim to have this knowledge and the organization back of it. We know your needs and cater to them. . OUR POLICY can be best expressed in the one word Service. That is the keynote of our organization. It means the best effort that's in us. It means the best merchandise. It means First, Last. and all the Time TT LULU UU ULL TU UU UU UU UU UU UL ULL LULL A SATISFIED CUSTOMER OUR AIM is to make every home a Home Electric. To pz Commons. " ment on Wales was introduced in the A similar bill applying Scotland is almost ready It is not yet known what progress these measures will make during the pres- ent session but they may be advune ed considerably in a very short time. The underlying motive of these measures is the control of purely Welsh or Scottish affairs within the limits of those countries Those familiar with the British House of Commons and its work, know that under existing conditions it is often engaged for long periods on matters that have no interest whatever for the people of Britain at large or for the Empire Matters in fact, that in this country would be settled by the various Legisla- tures without any reference what- ever to the Dominion Parliament The Welsh home rule bill referred to provides for the establishment of an upper chamber Qf thirty-six mem bers These are he elected by the geographical counties and the University of Wales The lower house is to cousist seventy-two 'members, elected the present constituencies $F = 10 ofl by While Welsh home (upper chamber it learn that the people of Queensland one of the states of the Australian Commonwealth, have abolished theirs. Lack of utility and reaction- ary tendencies are given as the reas on. Time was when such a proceed- ing would have very greatly agitat- ed many folks in the British Emp- ire. Some alarm has indeed been expresed in London over the step. chiefly on the ground that it may militate against Queensiand in the world's finaneial markets. Foermer- y the argument would have heen hat it was a sign of the breaking up of the Empire. The galaxy of nat- ions constituting that Empire are not going to be torn asunder and is {not so easy to follow the contention that the step may effect the floata- tion of loans for the state. The freer the British system of govern- ment is from any interference by ap- rulers want interesting in to 1 t une Dv he A tew weeks family listened ly any interruption ermon delivered in a Pittsburg church by William Jennings Bryan. on the topic "The Seven Alls of the Bible." Som: of the leading artists have also been heard from time to time The wireless outfit owned by Mr Norris is installed in a roll top desk and can be connected with a gramo- phone horn in the next room which serves as an excellent amplifier ame speaker ago Mr for ovey Norri ind in hot witl ition Unionist had nearly 11,000 over the Labor can didate. This time it was a straight battle between a Liberal and a © tionist Perhaps under ! stances, too much stress ha a majority oi, the laid upon the political possible that in a cont this between two generals, sonal equation would be mense faetor. There has good deal of sympthay for General Goygh in Britain and that may have had a lot ta do with the reduction of the Government majority This reduction, however, follows ions in other byelecticns giving the of concern re- that government a duct must good be deal It now sia will be Economic appears certain that Rus-| represented at the Genoa Conference by a strong! delegation The recognition of the Soviet government, reparation by the allied * damages aris- i from i and assistance! ven to anti-Soviet forces, and a big! loan are among the demands the Russians are reported to have agreed | to press. France is thought to be] still opposed to any hain nl of! the Red government The allies are] not likely to entertain any suggest-| ion that they pay anything in the) way of damages. The cost of Russia to them in the way of military plies that were never paid for, for the famine stricken areas, the care of refugees must run ano the billions of dollars. This makes no accounting of the enormous loans made by France and other countries to Russia in the days before the war, and on which neither principal nor | sell merchandise of only the Highest Quality upon which we unreservedly place our guarantee and pledge of service. Years of experience and a close study from every point of view have guided our choice in the selection of our mer- chandise, and we have the Best. ' We want you to feel that The Electric Shop is your Shop. It is Headquarters for your Electrical Needs. A wisit will always give us pleasure and you will always find a welcome at The Electric Shop. Come on Saturday and Have Tea from 3--5 SERVICE THAT SATISFIES The Electric Shop "PHONE 1055 52 SIMCOE ST. N. LC LLC CLT LUT CHT LU LU LUAU interest payments are being made, | pointed persons. the more smoothly i will it work if history is a guide. Ld LJ = (Copyrighted British & Colonial' | Press Limited.) | The British government has re-| TEX. ACCORDING T0 REX tained another seat, this time as the! woodstock Sentinel-Review: Rex! result of the byelection in the Chert-| goych, the novelist, has given char-| sey division of Surrey. General Sir peter evidence in favor of Tex Rick-| P. Richardson the Unionist was re-la,q the sport promoter, who is now | {turned by a vote of 11,811 against|acquitted of a serious offence against | |General Sir Herbert Gough. Liberal. |, voung girl. Tex. according to Rex, | who polled 9.490. The latter is the gyc0 ran a gambling house in Alaska. | General Gough who commanded the {jy which the novelist says he never British Fifth Army which was over- po.rd of anything erooked happen-! whelmed in the drive of the Gerling That is surely evidence of char-| mans in the spring of 1918. Natul-igeter--of a kind. A mau who can! ally that disaster played a part in the |, a straight gambling house in campaign. Gough of course used! gjaska - or anywhere else--maust | the opportunity to defend himself lp,ve some quatities not to be sneered! and his dispositions at the time of i, the great attack. He himself and those who supported him, including |*™ the Liberal newspapers. asserted that! although he gave ample warning of the offensive he was left with only | eleven divisions to meet the forty-| {five used by the Germans. The most significant point in the contest is {held to be the shrinkage in the Coali- ition majority. At the last election * Donald MacMaster, a Canadian Coal- INVITATION The Citizens of Oshawa and Vicinity are cordially invited TO ATTEND The Opening of Our NEW SHOE STORE SATURDAY, APRIL 8th - Orchestra 8.30 10 9.30 Evening 12 NORTH SIMCOE