SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Reformer invites the ~o0-opera- tion of Its readers in contributing items to this column, Send us a nosteard or "phone 385, Mr, D A, J, Swanson is in Hamil- ton to-day on business, --~Migs Mary Witherall spent Sun- day at her home in Newcastle, --Miss" Francis Gibson spent the week-end at home at "Willow Hill," Mrs, B, L, Petley spent the week- end in Toronto visiting the Misses Ky- elyn and Muriel Wilson, --Miss Lowes, of Toronto, has ac- cepted a position with the Elite Hair- dressing Parlors, Simcoe Street South, 4*--Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Snowden spent Sunday with the Misses Brim- acombe, Bowmanville, --Miss Irene Werry spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Sherwood Rundle, Bowmanville, --Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Fulton, of To- ronto, are in town owing to the death of her father, Mr, J. Williams, whose funeral takes place here on Saturday afternoon, --Mrs, W, A. Kirby and her daughter, Marion, of Detroit, Mich., are in town, and are starving with Mrs. R. A, Wright, 63 Division St. --Mvr, W, H, Wilson, Jr., of Toronto, is spending a few days visiting his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, W. H. Wilson, 51 Brock Street Kast, --Mr. Don Kenlock, of Welland, for- merly of Oshawa, has returned to town and accepted a position with Mr. C. W. Detenbeck, men's clothier, King Street East, --Mr, and Mrs. 8. Bragg, Bow- manville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Helena Mary, and Church at 4.30 pm, of Tuesday, Rev. A. M, Irwin, BA, B.D, officiating. The church was decorated wih ferns, palms and 1illies, and the organ mwsic | supplied by Mr, Geo, W, Henley pro-| vided a beautiful setting for the simple marriage service. The bride was charming in a gown of ivory charmeuse satin and veil with orange blossoms and pearls, and carrying a shower of lilly of the valley and sweet- heart roses, She entered the church during the playing of a Fantasia, (Weber) and was led to the alter by her father, Immediately after the prayer the organ took up the strains of Handel's majestic "Largo", which occupied the time of the signing of the register, and gave place to Men- delssohn's wedding march as the bridal party proceeded from the | church, The suests were later re- | ceived at t'c home of the bride's | sister, Mrs, Il. A, Wright, Division | Street, Going away the bride wore a smart tailored suit of navy trico- tine, with hat of navy and henna and brown fox fur, Recent Deaths re DAVID H. WILSON | A former plonger resident of Osh- | awa, in the person of David H, Wil-| son, passed away at his home in | Vancouver, on Tuesday March 14th | after an illness of sevegal years. | The late Mr. Wilson was born in | Oshawa 72 years ago and during his | early- days was actively engaged in! athletics here. His home was on King Street East until he moved to Vancouver 29 years ago, where he operated the old Dougall House for a number of years. Mourning his death are his wife, a son and one daughter. Three! brothers, John and William, of Osh- awa, and George, of Whithy, also survive. The funeral was held fron Mr, Edwin C. Hoar, Newcastle, the marriage to take place in April. ~--Mrs. Asling has returned home | from Stouftville where she attended | the funeral of her father, the late | Alexander MeLean: Mr. Mclean was one of the Scotch pioneers of Mariposa Township. T. Edwards' Undertaking Parlors, in {that city and interment was made in Mountain View Cemetery. MRE. JESSE WILLIAMS Death, due to a severe illness follow- ing a mild stroke about two weeks --Mrs. H. J. Johnston, Oshawa Blvd.,, has returned home from Linsay, where she has pent Khe last two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Parkinson, Bond Street. who has | heen seriously ill, WANAMAKER---JAMES | The Christian Parsonage was the | scene of a quiet marriage Tuesday | evening, April 4th, when Miss Ada James, of Oshawa, became the bride of Mr. Charlie Wanamaker, of Tren- | ton, Ontario. The ceremony was! read by Rey. E. T. Cotton. The! song entitled "Because" was sung | by Mrs. Cotten. ALVIN--CARPENTER A very pretty wedding was sol- | emnized a tthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carpenter, Valentia, by Rev G. R. Clare, March 29. when Stells | Irene Carpenter, their only daughter, | became the bride of Frederick Roy | Allin, voungest son of Mrs. W. C./! Allin, Bowmanville. The bride was attired in pale blue satin with silk overlace trimmed with rose buds. | Alter the ceremony was performed | a dainty luncheon was served and | the young couple left amid showers of confetti on the evening train for | Toronto whee the groom's uncle gave a big reception for them. The! young couple will reside in Bowman- | ville. ! PEXFOUND--KIRBY | The marriage of Miss Ethel Win- | nifred Kirby, youngest daughter of | Mr. W. H. Kirby and the late Mrs. | Kirby, to Mr. Chas. LeRoy Penfound | Simon Penfound, of South Darlington, | took place in King Street Methodist | ago, came to Mr. Jesse Williams, 39 Bruce Street, at the Oshawa Hospital | last evening. Deceased had been ap- parently in good health up to the time of sustaining the stroke while walk- ing on King Street East. He was tak- en to the Oshawa Hospital but his con dition could not he improved, Mr. Williams was born in Darlington Township 77 years ago, where he was one of the best known and most prom inent farmers in that district, Twenty years ago, he moved to Oshawa, re- tiring from business and living quietly with his family on Bruce Street, Deceased was a member of Simcoe | Strect Methodist Church and has gain- ed the respect of a wide circle of {friends in Oshawa. The funeral will take place from his late residence Sat- {urda¥ afternoon, with Rev. J. H. Me- | Bain conducting the service. Besides his widow, he leaves three daughters, Mrs. J. F. Fulton, Toronto: Mrs. J. H. Cowan and Miss Leona Wil- liams, Winnipeg. A brother, My. Charles Williams, who is seriously ill, resides in Bowmanville. MANY BOOKS WERE READ IN MARCH A total of 2,858 wooxs were read by patrons of Oshawa Public Library dur- ing March, Classified the books read were: -- Fiction Classed Total Adult .. .... 1698 232 1930 Juvenile .. .. 788 14 928 Total .. .. 2486 312 2858 Forty-one new readers were added, adult 31 and juvenile 10. Ianterest in | son of Mrs. Penfound and the. late | the library is increasing and the read- : ing room is being more largely patron- ized. Gentlemen We have a big stock of Men's Suits, all sizes, all colors, finest quality of ma- terials and in up-to-date styles. Prices ranging from $12.49 to $26.90 It is worth your while to inspect our stock; we can suit big stock of Pants, your needs. Also a ing Coats and Boys' Suits priced within the reach of everyone. We also make suits to measure, fit guaranteed or money refunded ; free pants with every suit. Ladies Why not buy your Easter Suit from us? We have them in the latest st; OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1922 SENSATIONAL PRICES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY IN THE ARCADE READY -TO - WEAR DEPARTMENT, ONLY ONE WEEK TO EASTER. WE HAVE ENJOYED PHENOMENAL READY- TO-WEAR BUSINESS, THE BEST IN OUR HISTORY NOW FOR TWO DAYS THE ARCADE OFFERS YOU Startling Bargains | IN Coats--Suits--Dresses Waists ana Skirts For FRIDAY and SATURDAY, April 7th and 8th We are taking many garments from our regular stock, but the great bulk of these are from makers anxious to get the ready money. When you compare our splendid qualities and see the perfect styles you will not hesitate buying all you want in these wonderful garments. Twenty Dollar Coats for $13.50; Thirty Dollar Coats for $19.50 We wont attempt descriptions, but both lines are the most sensational bargains we ever offered. All kinds of ood cloths in them. Every one brand new this season. Perfect in every detail. Some are samples "Some manufacturer's overmakes who needed ready money. But all are the best bargains you ever sav, Beautiful Silk Dresses at $25.00, and Others at the Low Price of $19.00 These dresses, of which we have thirty to sell, are grouped in two prices, and you haven't seen such be: tif | garments at these prices for many years. We won't attempt descriptions. The materials ing AR s, Taff Satins, Serges and an odd C Knit. We don't think vou can duplicate are Canton Crepes, Taffetas, Satins, Serges and an o repe Knit. do 3 these anvwhere at double these prices. You can always depend on our qualities. Fifteen Serge and Poire Twill Suits at $25.00 $40.00 is the value of these handsome suits. Every fibre is pure wool, colors mostly navy. Some are in Jumper Suits, some fitted slightly, many loose younger styles, fancy embroidered and braided, all lined g di. : . a . B® ¥ - "py . : Sg 4 with guaranteed silk, tailored to perfection, in a full range of sizes. An examination will prove to you our statements, and our reputation proves their goodness. Twenty-two Handsome New Pleated Skirts, $11.90 i i is when you s 'hey are made from the newest designs of f ill appreciate the value of this when you see them. They are ma e newes You vil hs materials. All new in, fresh from the makers, in pretty color combinations, The class of skirt you are looking for, a real city value at $20.00, and worth at our prices up to $16.50. Choose Friday or Saturday,$ 11.90. , Twenty-five New Spring Hats at a Ridiculous Price, $3.95 Every one of these hats have come into stock inside of seven weeks. No two of them are alike. The styles are becoming; the materials are good. They are in different colors and combinations, and regularly priced up to $9.00 each. Choose these from the north window to-night, then come in Friday morning at 8.30 and pay $395 for it. , : ithi . ' ity to ithin a week of Easter, when every woman loves to don new garments. Here's an opportuni You are ino woes "Come on in." Visit our Exclusive Department; use our Rest Room. 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