Ontario Reformer, 25 Mar 1922, p. 7

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Dental Help Wanted--Female OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MARE: 25, 1922 To Rent DR, T. C, CLEMENCE, DENTIST, EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN- Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, eral housework---462 Simcoe St, N. 19 King St, West, Phone 231, 148-c in -- i, look "after two children. Apply to Mrs. Engel, 44 Bond St. B, 148-h WANTHD -- OOMPETENT COOK, general, no upstairs work, Apply Mrs. Chas, Schofield, 382 Simcoe Bt. North, 147-tt , R. B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- Block, Simcoe St, 8, Phone pad, 89-t DR, T. 8. TUCKER--DENTIET, OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's store. Phone 948, 1-yr. DR, 8, J, PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; Office over Kyle's Grocery Ftore. Phone 959, 4-1 yr. DR, JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell"s Drug Store, Phone No, 97, DR. TREWIN, DENTIST trance to office one door east Detenbeck's Store. ply Mrs, H. E. Tylor. Simcoe 8t, or Canadian Bank of Commerce, 148-2 | WANTED -- A WOMAN TO HELP | with house work,3 or 4 days a week, Apply Mrs, J. F. Anderson, 268 Rit- son Road North. 148-c General Wants WANTED TO RENT -- GARAGE in Brock or Simcoe vicinity, H. 8. "Holcombe, 64 Brock St. 147-b N. KN- of or cottage, central or Apply with full particu- 147-¢ + CB. ILSON, PHYSICIAN [bungalow and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, |north end. Simcoe St. North, Phone 57, 110-1yr lars to 419 Masson St. DR, McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, BUR: | vi geon, Accoucher, Office and resi-| Auctioneer dence, King St. East, corner Victoria yyy; LT. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT St., Oshawa. Phone 94. {Live Stock a specialty. Phone | DR. L. J. SEBBRT, 73 BLOOR ST., |167r1-4 Bowmanville. 4 - | 10 TENT WANTED TO RENT OR BUY -- A| | Articles For Sale PAGE SEVEN .s FARM TO RENT -- APPLY BJ. Millson, R. R, No. 1, Enuiskil- len, 147-h OFFICES TO "RENT, "3h AND | $10 per month, Apply J. V. Hill. ; 146-c DOWN STA H D light; suitable for barber shop and baths. --H, Engel, 16 Simcoe North, Phone 308, 1401 WELL FURNISAED six roomed flat, all modern conven- lences, also good piano, very central, cheap rent to good responsible ten- ant, No children, Apply 520 Sim- coe St, South, 46-t1 FOR SALE OR TO RENT--STORE No. 19 Prince Street. For particu- lars apply 25 Princ St 147- bh Real Estate tor Sale LOT FOR SALE, 4127; x 99 PRET, 190 Albert St. Apply 102 Church St. 146G-¢ | FOR BALB--100 CHOICE BUIL: ing lots, Terms, $1.00 down, $1.00 per week. Apply Alex. Hart, owner 167 Park Rd. N. Phone 446 143-tf TO | BEA, ESTATE HAND- ed quickly and satisfactor- radley Bros, 146¢ Bast, Toronto, will be at Jury &! Builders and Contractors Lovell's Drug Store each Satyrday | from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for consulta-| isease BEFORE BUYING OR BUILDING A | Hon in 4 of the eve, 121 new home, or repairing your old ene, I also have fine building DR. D. B. NEELY, PHYSICIAN & isee me. lots for sale. I can give you easy Surgeon. Ear, Nose and Throat. Office over Dominion Bank. Tele- payments and save you money.--C. phone 1155. Hours 2 to 4 p.m., or |N. Stacey, Builder and Contractor, 96-2 i329 Park Road South, Box 550. by _appointment, ho DR. A. A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- |p one 557. 130-3 mos. lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jory & Loyell's Drug Store every Friday | from 2.30 to 4.30 for comsultation in | THE UNDERSIGNED HAS y } diseases of the. nose, throat ond €ar. | ceived instructions from Mrs. Wil-! {liam Manning and sons, to sell by DR. ¥. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR |, yction on Thursday, March 30th, at | Street West, Toronto, will be at his|their farm, Lot 15, office over Miller's Arcade each Sat-| ast Whithy, all of their farm stock | urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- and implements and a quantity tation and treatment of diseases of household furniture, See ear, nose and throat only. |for list. Sale commences == === 0'clock sharp. Terms, for Legal bay, roots, poultry. ensilage, furni- ture and all sums of $15 and under, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- cash; cover that amount seven | rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- | months' credit on approved notes. yveyancer. Money to loan. Office © per cent. per annum discount al- 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone lowed for cash. 445. 147-¢ D. A. J SWANSON--BARRISTER, | | EEE SE Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- Houses Wanted A ranch: f Civil cor, ete. All branches of Civil and cor siy yous WANTED - Office, King St. Chambers (formerly conveniences. Must be central. Ap- Oshawa Hi ) King St. West, Osh | { ply Box "NN" Reformer. 148-a awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence | WANTED YOUNG BUSINESS bis. | manager reguires house or apart- unfurnished, y ments. Furnished or GRIERSON & CREIGHTON BAR- | ihree children at sshool, 13 Simcoe sijiers, Gonveyanters, Notaries us South, Telephone 1212. 148-a entrance Simcoe St.: Phone 13. J. | a Vacant posters at JAS. BISHOP, Fs Srierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, | [F YoU HATE WORK DONT ANE. | of D. i a i lwer this ad. But if you would like CONANT, B.A, LL.B.--BAR-ilv eara eight to ten dollars a day tor Wate | abl vou cap de so by selling Gold Medal Sviicicor, Rosy Public, oe, | Government Tested Garden Seeds a South. * arranged "ten cents a packel----the biggest an Sg, awa, Sane al OR | best-looking packets ever sold" for 1 jes, conveyancing an gen- the money. Every householder a Ls ice. Phone 63. ___ prospect. Small outlay--big profit. H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, Good work for Man. Woman. Boy 11% Simeoe St. South, Oshawa. or Girl whole or spare time. Credit Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office Sven if you Phones--Office 219, Res. 160. joes. F. W. Johuston, = | Street, Toronto. i 2 oh Chiropractic "Business Chances IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO-! | SUSINISS OPPORTUNITY OFFER- practic Spinal Adjustments and get ©d local agent to use our Co-ppera- well. Examinations free at office. tive Selling System to develop your Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe st. North. {own local trade in town and country | real estate. Write Central Farm and Real Estate Exchange. Building, Toronto. M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyor and Civic En- Tenders Wanted gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Suc- SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port reived up to March 3st, 1922, for Panty. 4 the erection of a three storey apart- ment house. Plans and specifica- tions may be seen at the National Life Office, 19 King St. West. The 4 RIAL --- ERAIL lowest or any tender not necessarily AEE BuEiM. CO. a am- accepted. Nelson 8. Baird. 148- -a bulance; morgue and chapel in con- | p mection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe | St. South. Phone 210. Residence i» Division £ St. 26-1 al | FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN Wellington Mutual and Union Fire Ansurance Society, London, England. | a A. McLean, Osha Ag matron 10 keep the children while x 9 a ont, Tel. 51 | | parents ave at the picture.--Fremont ¥. A. HENRY, AGENT POR THE | Tribune. Sun Life of Canada, also places five,» accident and antomobile insurance in peliable companies. Phone 1046w. 9-6-3mo. Tire ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT | ideal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- | age, Simope St. South. Wires for sale. Jamieson Bros, Proprietors. Phone 766. Ait 311 Jarvis 148-b Naturally the Poutiegsers are op- posed to any light wine and beer measure.---Brockville Recorder. We're not surprised that a daugh- ter of the house of McCormick should have a binding attachment.--Weston Leader. One way to limit the influence of wicket movies would he to provide a nmr SALESMEN WANTED Several men acquainted in Oshawa or neighboring towns. Experience not necessary, as we will instruct son. Consdientions workers will make considerable more than a RE-| Broken Front. | of! 121 grain, | | Chambers. | can sell it. Auctioneer. | WITH can show good referem-, 4903 Lauusden | FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN dry building. Alsp storage Jr £208. ---------------------------- Day phone 552J, might S52W. Ru son Road North. reed BARBER, WYNNE-ROBERTS & Seymour, Engineering, Architecture and Surveying, 61 King St. Eas. Sia. phone 793. 40 Jarvis St., Phone Main, 2897. 29-1 J there is usually Musical Instruction HERBERT C. TRENEER, AT.C a. organist and choirmaster of the King St. Methodist Church, is prepared to accept a limited number of pupils in Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe . + For terms, etc, apply on at King St. Methodist ,or Phone 8074. 73<ne 30 MONICA McNBIL ACAM., TEACH- or of piano and theory. Pupils pre- paved for all examinations, 282 Jar- win Stren Acar ie direction, we ask your hearty support. Bring along anything that yon de- We will do the vest. y of Words Aincinnati Enquirer: The sweet thing who could not find words to express her love for him does ant fi ESTATE FOR YOUR summer home enquive about Windy Cove, just West of Bowmanville Beach. Beautiful front lots for sale. Moderate building restrie- tions. G. Dyke, Room 708, Do- minion Bank Building, Toronto. 144-may+4 ON COLBORNE Street East. This is one of very few "| lots left for building purposes on Colborne Street. Price is right. Robt. D. Preston, Exclusive Agent. Telephone 2233. 147-5 ! NICE LITTLE COTTAGE SIX rooms and bath, large lot, central. Price $3,600; One Thousand Cash, Robt. D. Preston, King St. Cham- bers. 147-b | WANTED -- PEOPLE WHO DE- sire to sell their property to list it with Robt. D. Preston, King St. If the price is right | But if the price is load- ed up don't hHother to tell me about (it. 1 absolutely will not sell prop- | erties that are not true value. To- day's building costs; to-day's land values and to-day's revenues must be taken into comsiderition when I handle a property. 1 know values in Oshawa and if you want to pur- chase a property at the right price sce me. Robt. D. Preston, King St. Chambers. Telephone 223J. 147-b House For Sale FOR SALE -- Celina St. BUILDING LOT DOUBLE HOUSE ON Apply Box 245, Oshawa 147-b ROOMED | 20 x 15, Lot Phone 402w. Sia 148 FOR SALE--SIX ROOMED BRIC Ki house with all conveniences. Ap-1 ply to owner at 154 Colborne St. | E., after six p.m. 145-c COTTAGE FOR SALE, WITH KIT-| chenette and summer kitcheu, very | large garden, all kinds of fruit, large chicken house. Apply bert St. FOR SALE -- A FIVE frame house with electric {ter and sas. FOR SALE - house and lot. v2 x 35. TWO House Terms cash. also | 377 Al- 146-c ROOMED | | light, wa-| Apply 200 Elliott Ave. | 146-c | FOR 8 SALE--SIX ROOMED HOU SE 4 an modern conveniences, wired | electric stove. Easy terms. App Housing Commission, | 162 Ritson Road. {3600 DOWN WILL BUY A SH i Room house with all conveniences, | central. mice lot, de sirable location. Price right. : $4000 WiLL, BUY A SIX ROOM brick with all conveniences. conven- iently located to General Motors and Fittings. $4200 WILL GIVE YOU room brick with all on paved street, lars. $5.800 A SEVEN conveniences, convenient to Ped- Wild, BUY A TEN ROOM house, all conveniences, with two acres of ground, in good location. Terms easy. We have some choice lots with water and sewer on Arthur St. 1p be sold at a price to interest yon Don't delay! Now is the time to get your lot. We have choice ots in all parts of the town. Farms near Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville for sale. Oshawa Real Estate Sales Co 61 King St. E. Phone 792 { C. Lycett, 4. C. Young, ! Phone 625 Phone 998 | slnichid A. Margot Asquith is going home this side of the Atlantic she found | everybody out of step except Hon. | Mackenzie King and Byron Stauffer. | --Tovonte Telegram. It seems that, potentially, almost every Gael is a tornado. --Vinginian Pilot. The prohibition agents ave trying 10 make the nation unsate for hypoc- risy.--Asheville Times, When Lloyd Gegpge shows Ww. a show-down.. Kingston Whig. He Needs Glasses-- the man you see whe holds book at arms' length really needs glasses. Fact is--he is about forty. and the hi of accommodation give, clear, comfortable sight™ that way with you too? When We Test Eyes fit As 1 does | Apply | tious | ready ford 2. TARRED ROCK HOGS FOR HAT- ching, from birds that are bred to lay, $1.26 per setting of fifteen eggs. 349 Mary Street. 144-) FOR BALE ---- ringe in good condition, will cheap. Apply 43 Meghanie St, RHODE ISLAND RED KGGS FOR hatching--From carefully selected fowl, $1.50 a setting. Apply Edgar Horn, Hampton, or Hogg & Lytle, Oshawa, 148-t.1, TOR SALE -- EGGS POR HATCH- ing, White Leghorns from Pennsyl- vania Stock Farm, $1.25 per setting. Frank Micheel, Phone 161r2, Osh- awa. 148-1561 FOR SALE--DINING ROOM TABLE and coal oil heater, both new, Ap- ply 232 Kendall Ave, 148-a FOR SALE -- 1 COAL OIL STQVE with oven. will sell cheap, Apply 38 Simcoe N., 3rd floor. 148-u HATCHING BEGGS FOR SALE 8. C. White Leghorns, Bred-to-iay, Oldham strain, $1.50 for 15. Apply J. Laverty, King Street East, just he- yond pavement. FOR SALE AN AUTO ENITTER; 3 eylinder.---Apply, Mrs, T, G. Vancroft, Whithy. 140¢ FOR SALE - 10 CEAR 30 FOOT lots off Drew St., sold singly, easy terms, no interest for a year, cher, 38 Maples Bain Ave. Ger. 2868). 148-a FOR BALE ---- CREAM WICKER carriage. Apply 23% Prince St. 140-c| C ARTUAGE | both in good sell 148-¢ Toronto. FOR SALE BABY and cabinct gas range, condition, Will sell cheap. 210 Prince St. North. 146-c FOR SALE KITCHEN CABINET, combination coal, wood and gas stove, one oak bed and springs. Ap- ply 98 Albert St. 146-c FOR SALE -- AN ORGAN AND other useful artieles. Apply to Mrs. Stevens, Park Rd. South. 146-¢ FOR SALE BUFFET, ROUND | dining table, refrigerator, two kit-| chen chairs. pair tapestry curtains. Apply 25 Ritson Rd. N. 146-¢c FOR SALE -- HOME also black Siberian doe Hayes, 223 Burk St. PURE CANE SUGAR bag. Hogg & Lyte. TYPEWRITER FOR SALE derwood. in first class practically mew. Can be cheap. for cash. Apply Box "J" former. Apply. P. 146-¢ $6.65 Re- FOR SALE--1 TON FORD TRUCK, in first class shape. $350 cash. Apply 458 Albert Street CAR FOR SALE--FORD, truck. stake and cab body. running shape Bargain, § Bradley Bros, Phone 131-te TON good 250.00. 169 1 EQUIP- | and this year's Apply Bradiey 147-2 "New | Lumber for Sale WE HAVE ALL KIXDS OF ROUGH | and dressed lumber, ask for guota-| Whitby Lumber & Woodyard. Telephone 12, Whithy, Out. 146€ TIMBER AND LUMBER FOR SALE {at Port Whitby, out of the Watson | clevator, suitable for all kinds of frame buildings, barns, ete. Quan- tity of belting, chaifting and scales for delivery April 1st. Apply! don Watson, Pont Whitby, Phone 145-0 FORD SEDAN FOR SALE] ped with spare tire license. £750.00. Bros Pp one 169. or eventing ut RAILWAY TIMETABLES GRAND TRI NK AND CANADIAN! NATIONAL RAMAWAYS FROM OSHAWA JUNCTION Going east: 823 am. daily cx- cept Sunday: 8.58 a.m. Sunday only; M22 a.m. daily; 204 p.m. except Sunday: 250 p.m. daily cept Sunday: 6.54 pm. daily ex-| cept Sunday 9.40 pan. daily; 140.58 pan. daily stops only for passe ugers | for Montreal and beyond: 2.49 a.m. daily. Going west: 4.44 aon. deily; 5.56 aa. daily; 624 a.m. daily: wa aan. daily except Sunday: 245 p.m. daily eacopt Sunday: 4.44 pan daily Ta9 p.m. daily except Sunday; 74 pan. Sunday only 8.35 pan. daily ex- | cept Sunday daily | CR- | ACANAMIAN PAIR BAMLW Going cast: MM am. daily; pan. daily except Sanday: 9.40 daily except Sunday. 2403 AX 249 p.m. am. | daily Going west: M05 a.m. daily; aan. daily except Sunday; H pm. daily 804 p.m daily xcem Sunday. s40 =| OSHAWA POST OFFICE! Mails close Going East: at Tool postoffice at: 7.50 am. all East; | 2.00 pan. Port Hope and Peterbore | Division: 8.45 pam. all East. Going West: 1.15 pan. all West: 700 pan., Whithy, Port Perry and Lindsay Division; 5.45 pa. all West. FIRE ALARM BOXES sFour Corners. ~MeLaughlin's. 1 __Pediars. 5----~Canning Factory. 6--8chofield Woollen Company. T--Rittings Lid. s--Divigion and King Stoeets. 2--Albert St. School. 14 Convent, Brock and Simcoe St. A5---Ontario Haligahie firon Co. 16---High School as a 18 Bishop Bethune College. « If it costs a New York girl $250 a year to clothe herself properly, much does it cost her to clothe her self jmproperly?--Delroit Free- Press. ©. Lawyers occasionally make mis- takes. But they seldom bring suit against one another. Philadelphia Bulletin. Ah well Prof. Prince got a fat fee and the Halifax Herald a lot of free advertising. It's a sick ghost that nobody any ' good.--Ottawa Journal: REED BABY CAR-|1 Flet-| PIGEONS, | the inside. condition. l bought = | aside. fher maid or her companion, Tires For Sale OR BALE--SPECIAT, 30 x 8% guaranteed tires, $1.660 and $12.60. Ask your dealer. Tiger Tire Sales, St. W., Oshawa, 143-1mo 6 each, 30 x 3%;, 31 x 4; $7, 82 x 3%, 82 x 4; $8, 33x 4; $8, 88 x4, 33x43, 34x 4; §0, 34 Xx 4%, 32 x 4%, 306 x 4%; $10, B86 x 4%, 87 x Bb, 3b x 6. These are all real good tires, all ready to put op your car. They are, as you might say, equal to new seconds. We ship everywhere, Weston Tire Co, 4 Wascana Ave, Toronto, 147- h Poultry For Sale FOR SALE CHEAP Bh 8 OC. White Leghorn pullets in full lay, in lots to suit purchaser, Dickie, hidid King | St. East, sre 147 'At The Villa Rose" (Continued from page 6) every drawer had been torn open, every wardrobe burst; the very bed had been moved from its position, "It wis in this safe that Madame Dauvray hid her jewels cach night," geid the Commissaire as Hapaud gazed about the room, "Oh, was it s0?" Hapaud asked slowly, It seemed to Ricardo that he {read something in the aspect of this room too, which troubled his mind and increased his perplexity. "Yes," said Besnard, confidently. "Every night Mme. Dauvray locked her jewels away in this safe. Vau- quier told us so this morning. Every night she was never too tired for that. Besides, here"--and putting his hand into the safe he drew out a paper ~~"here is the list of Mme. Dauvray's jewelry." Plainly, however, Hanaud satisfied. He took the glanced through the items. thoughts were not concerned with it. "If that is so" he said slowly, | | "Mme. Dauvray kept her jewels in this | safe, why has every drawer been ran- | | sacked, why was the hed moved? Per- | | richet. lock was not ilst and | But his | the door--quietly--from That is right. Now lean your back against it." | ® Hanaud waited until he saw Per- § | micher: s broad back against the door. Then he went down upon his knees, { and tossing the rugs here and there, | inlaid floor. By the side of the bed | a Persian mat of blue silk was spread. | This in its turn he moved quickly | He bent down again and inserted the blade between the cracks of the blocks. The three men in the room | watched him with an intense excite-| ment. A block of wood rose from the floor, He pulled it out, laid it noiselessly down and insdjred his hand into the opening. Wethermill at R icardc 's elbow ut tered a stifled ery. "Hus!" whis-, pered Hanaud angrily. He drew out {his hand again. It was holding a| green leather jewel case. He opened | and a diamond necklace flashed | {its thousand colors in their faces. | {He thrust in his hand again and jugain and again, and each time that | he withdrew it it held a jewel case | Before the astonished eyes of his le ompanions he opened them. Ropes lof pearls, collars of diamonds, neck- | | aces of emeralds, rings of pigeon- {blood rubies, bracelets of gold | | st udded with opals Mme. Dau- | Fray 's various jewelry was diclosed. | "But that is astounding.™ Besnard, in an awe-struck voice | "Then she was never robbed after (all? eried Ricardo. Hanaud rose 10 his feet "What a piece of irony." petag "The poor woman dered for 'her fjewdls, the Jturned upside down, and nothing is found. For all the while they lw safe im this cache. Nothing is tak- on except what she wore Let us jsee what she wore." "Only a few said | he is whis- mur- | Vau- "But } rings. Helene fquier thought," said Besaard she was not sure." "Ah?™ | make said Hanaud. "Well, ict | sure." gad, taking the list | from the safe, he compared it w ith | ithe jewelry in the cases on the flo | ticking off the items one by ole. {When he had finished he Kae (down again, and, thrasting his Do itno the hole, felt carefully about. "There is a pearl necklace miss- ing." he. said. "A valuable nock- lace, from the description in the list and some ring She must have | been wearing them," and he sat back upon his heels. "We will send! (the intelligent Perrichet for A bag," he said, "and we will counse! the in- |telligent Perrichet not to breathe a word to aay living soul of what he | [has seen in this room "Then we will seal up in the basi us i lto M. le Commissaire, whe will con- vey it ith the greatest secrecy jof this willa. For the 'lis keep it," and he placed it carefully {in his pocketbook. He unlocked the door and want out himself on to the landing. He lopked down the stairs and up the stairs: then he beckoned Pervichet to m * he whispered. "Be quick, ry ol Fou com back hide the hag cavefully under your coat.' Perrichet went down the stairs jwith pride written upon his face. Was he not assisting the great M. Hanand doom the Surete in Paris? Hanaud returned into Mme, Danv- ray's room and closed the door. Ha looked into the eves of his com- panions. Ne Tarning Back "Can't you see the "scene?" he asked with a queer smile of excite- ment. He had fongotten Wether- mill; he had forgotten even the dead aman shrouded the sheet. es were as absorbed. ey height. 1 his whole face vivid with life. Ricardo saw the zeal man at this truth and set his hands upon the quarry. Of that Ricardo feit save. He was trying now to make his | companions vismalise just what be | saw and understood. | "Can't yom see it. woman locking up ber jewels in tails safe every night before the eyes for a {safe and {nothing!--and examined with the minutest care the ja {stupcfaction, | pearl {hoped to reap a great fortune, | strange things--this is interesting. Ibag, |jewel-cases. them all. | comfort. AOOmM's | wy {this room we |deed, | Wethermill's face | understood. {phia Enquirer. the jewels. and we will hand it over | will | - ; Board and | Room Everything for TO RENT--COMFORTABLY FUR- ffi your office nished room with hoard. Suit two Desks, filing cabi- gentlemen, Phone 317W. 207 nets and other office Court Street, 147-¢ A ROOM SUITABLE furniture--ledgers, stationery--inks, pens, TO RENT 2 gentlemen, all conveniences. encils -- everything Bg for Apply 114 Agnes St. or Phone 810w. 148-u for your office is here at its best and at very reasonable prices, | ELDON, 0 The master drawing pencil" Rooms Wanted TO RENT -- TWO UNFURNISHED rooms, heated, all conveniences, suitable for light housekeeping, Near Pedlar Plant, Apply 16 Albany St. 148-¢ WANTED --70 RENT, BY ELDER- ly married couple, no children, two unfurnished rooms, with gas, near General Motors, reasonable, Box 116, Oshawa P. 0. 148-bh WANTED -- BY TWO BUSINESS girls, two or three unfurnished rooms, suitable for Ent housekeep- ing. Apply Box "E" Reformer. : 148-t.1. Work Wanted RUGS WANTED, ALSO CARPETS, draperies, pillows, mattresses, to be cleaned by our thoroughly sanitary cleaning process, Damaged, scratch- ed and old furniture re-polished. W, A. Gerry, 102 Alice St. Phone 1186J. 1 id 3-m has lead so smooth and easy -flowing that it makes writing a pleas- ure. All 17 degrees are for sale here (H B for general use). If you have never used the Eldorado, try one just to satisfy yourself. We shall gladly advise you which degree i: best for your work. REFORMER OFFICE Oshawa, Ont, General Wants WANTED--ONE BBL. NO. 1 NOR- thern Spy apples. Write P. 0. Box 476 or phone 303, 146-¢c It's about time for birds to start watching to se¢ who buys garden seed. --St. Joseph Gazette. A little flirting now and then is re- lished by most married men Sir Oliver Lodge says that spirits return; but nobody ever robbed his cellar.--American Lumberman. » then, as soon as she was alone, tak- ing them stealthily out of the safe and hiding them in this secret place. But I tell you--this is human. Yes, it is interesting just because it is 80 human, "Then picture to yourselves night, the murdereres opening finding nothing---oh, ransacking the deadly baste, kicking up the rugs. forcing open the drawers, and Iways finding nothing--nothing -- nothing. Think of their rage, their and finally their fear! Hopes All Gone "They must go. and necklace, when Robins are not in it as harbinger: of spring alongside the small girl's | skipping rope.--Toronto Star, Never mind admiring the last job: get on with the next.--Youth's Com- panion. last this but room SH in New and Second-band with they All kinds of Pump Repairing but this is interesting---yes, you--I, who have seen many | Agent for Gasoline Engines Perrichet returned with a canvas | and Windmills into which Hanaud placed the | He sealed the bag in| the presence of the foar men and! handed it to Besn He replaced | the block of wood bre floor, cov- | ered it over again with the rug, and rose Lo his feet. "Listen? t and with 2 See my new Three-Way Stock Pump | ROSS PIPER WESTMOUNT Phone 327TW un a low voice, | avi; hich pressed | Thre is something in| (this house which I do not under- | |stand. I have told you I tell | vou something more now. 1 am! afraid--1 am afraid." And the | word startled his hearers like a| SO, {thunderclap, thcugh it was breathed | 10 louder than a whisper. "Yes, my ! friends." he repeated. nodding his | head, "terribly afraid." others fell a dis- though some- dangerous were | and close te And upon th an awe, sinister aud in the room | i { circulation that exceeds 2800 copies is- sued every other day Its pages are crammed full of all the latest lo- cal news. Its WANT ADS are read by all and are sure to bring results. They cost little but ac- complish much. Don't hesitate, It will PAY you as it has hundreds of others to give The Reformer Want Ads a trial, as has ¢ thing present them. 5 ively vivid was the feeling they Now, I warn must no whisper jewels nave n dis newspaper must publish a ne one must suspec om here in have found them. 1s! that understood?" | "Certainly." said the Commissaire. | "Yes." said Mr. Ricardo 'To be sure, monsieur," richet. As tor no repiy. fixed upon ether. There | nese ed; no int of it; vou solemnly, th hoe over m u said Per- Harry Wethermill, he made His burning eyes Were Hanaud's face. and thu was all. Haunand. for his gars. asked for no reply irom him. In- he did not look towards Harry at all Ricardo | Hanaud did not mean | to be deterred by the suffering written there. t {To be continued) { not ruled by the Kaiser, is true. but personally we much practical difference "woarboten™ and "don't. =--Philadel- We're it | can't see between | There's Still Time But You'll Have to Hurry The Ontario Reformer Phone 35 They re going fast, those Lamps and Fixtures we told you about. : Friday's rush took some good ones, but theres a mice choiee left. Us Before its too late

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