Em Stn ad \ OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1922 care of are:-- Standard Bank Notes County Rate Salaries ., ,. Public Library .. .. Parks Commission .., ,. Town Planning Com,,... Bank Interest 2rovineial auditors ' W. C. Brennan contractor John Carroll, - contractor, egal sal. and expenses. Debentures and coupons not presented ., ,. irants to var. purposes. Bell Telephone Co, .. .. fous, Com. rent and sten, The Sources of Revenue NT SHOWS AWA WILL S REVENUE "All Sources Except Estimated at 135,669 EMONEY WILL GO Works Undertaken imittee Figures Ey Show vr sees he following items:-- *redit balance ..,, utstanding taxes ,. ,,. Water Commission for debenture deht os i tax .. ++ Dog tax ,. .e awer and Plumbing fees 'ines and Costs ,, Rents and fees ,, eddler"s licenses show and Opera House licenses + +s +4 2.1 Jilliard licenses .y.. slectric signs and gaso- line pump licenses ransient traders ,. aundries .. .. 'igarettes , . jitney licenses of receipts and ex- for the year, on whiecl p of 40 mills is based by the Finance Com: ® Town Council at Mon 'meeting. The estimat fliture for general pur R23,0566.35, and receipts Mirces such as licenses ., except taxes on this is $125,669.27. 'the Money Goes Btimate of expenditure i ue to note how much i he various departments BA growing town, Som of the big expenditures to be taken, Fish licenses |. ++$71,000,00 26,657,234 26,710.00 4,600,00 3,146,84 500.00 3,600.00 2,600,00 4,081.20 3,633.47 1,200.00 6,332.44 2,710.00 300.00 720.00 Sources of civic revenue, outside f the general taxes, are shown in vers $ 1,666,390 81,000.00 33,230.00 2,000.00 750.00 800.00 5,000,00 1;100,00 200.00 300.00 1,925.00 100.00 | 400, 00 Printing, postage, 100.00 | 1,000.00 350. | 60.00 650.00 Ice Cream licenses ., Streets 20,00 Roler Rink ,, ,.,, 26,00 The item of outstanding taxes is not only for last year but for several years 'previous, The bulk of other revenue is obtained, it will be not- ed, from police court fines and sun dry licenses, and charges on water works debenture debt, $2,710 For Grants The various estimated grants for this year are:-- South Ont. Agricul, Soc. ..., $400 Oebawa Hospital ..., 800 V. A, Band .. 200 Osman Band .. 300 W. V. A. Christ ans 'ehoer. 200 Ciren's Aid Soclety .. 300 Parks Com, re G, McLaughlin 250 Salvation Army Band 200 Can. Deep Waterways POWEE ABS'N, ovis +11 Central Ont, Power Ass' ™ 's Looks Like Retrenchment That the Council intends to do very little outside public work this year, as intimated by Mayor Stacey on Monday night, is very evident from the estimates of the various committees, particularly the Board of Works, whose estimate for 1922 is $21,150. The Committee estim- ates for this year are:-- Board of Works ., . | Board of Health .. trees and . $21,150 8,006 advartis- ing, stationery ., .., ., Relief and Sanitary Com-.. Town Propegty Committee, Fire and W¥ter Committee 12,500 2,000 7,200 9,000 the awe be found § Nothing But the Best eral Motor { The largest item in the Town | Property Committee's estimate is | $6,350. 51 to be paid to the Hydro { Electric Power Commission for street lighting, while $4,766.67 is a large item in the estimate of the Relief and Sanitary Committee for | garbage collection. Present Rotary (Continued from page 1) | the players would carry the same | spirit into the bigger battles of life as was shown in the games. On behalf of Oshawa Retary Club Mr. R. C. Douglas, manager of Bell | Telephone Co., presented the hand- some trophy to the team which was | received and suitably acknowledged | by Wm. Pointen, eaptain, in a very | appreciative manner. ! Mr. J. I. H. Jury, in presenting the Jury & Lovell Debating Shield thought the Board should feel proud of the school. Much had been said | about athletics and one might think this was the only thing in which this | school excelled, but such was not the | case. He considered {of the best debating one exercises as it |alertness and requires extensive | reading. Mr. Lawrence Mason as teaches | one of the successful debaters and in behalf of his colleague, Miss Helen | McGregor, accepted the shield in be- | half of the school and assured them BANA ADA'S HO pL al Ud WARM | they would do their part to retain this trophy. --Plans and specifications for the | New Oshawa Arena may be seen at | office of H. E. Smith. King St. Cham- bers, 66 King St. West. Open even- ings. 144-0 | Monday, Tuesday and Wed Lyda Boulli in, "Fires of Passion," at the Grand, NEW MART IN PHEATRE Doubtless thousands of his mirers think Charles Chaplin born with flat feet and never wears good clothes. They will he disil- lusioned, however, hy the comedian himself in an emphatic manner. For in his latest First National picture, "The Idle Class," which will he shown at the New Martin Theatre Monday, Tuesday and Weduesday, he appears in the dapper guise which his California him in public For the first time, it i said, Charles will play a dual role, so to speak, and reveal himself in other than slum habilaments. There will be scenes, of course, with the iliar funny walk and the trouser-seat, but in others will set over against them the Chaplin, sans moustache, derby No. 12 shoes, and in their will wear raiment for of St. James was baggy and place fit the Co African Argus: Thi some reason to believe "that times are in store for South in the near future, and that, the fipancial and industrial diflicul- ies can be overcome, as We they will, in spite of the look rat the present moment, the spirit of harmony and goodwill bound to assert itself, and in ticular racialism will die out native question, moving along more hopeful and, under enlightened and considerat: to whieh the Government is pledged, a new era in thd relationship of white and black can with some fidence be reckoned upon can be little doubt that the vear will he a critical and one South I is dark out- is par- The 00, 1s lines con- There coming on Conducted by the Questions and Answers Forestry. Canadian Forestry Association the big planting programme, I understand, the ment has launched. A. According to tentative an- nouncement of the Premier of Ou- | tario and his Chief Forester, se veral | square miles a year would be plant-| ed with white and red pine. The Government estimates that thousand acres a year were the provipce would have pine timber at the end of sixty years | to supply four hundred {board feet of lumber per {about DIF million feet the present annual cout. nual expenditure would which, | Ontario Govern- a if planted million { year orl more than | The be au- | $200,000. ERNIE MARKS, Mgr. Kineston WAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY comed by ton should § LYD A BORELLI bn tomas i # year, will pig PY "» ri rres of Passion be "set vues' § SELECTED COMEDY said to have bal REGULAR PRICES name has not beep _--: gi To-night last showing of dence rule in WIRGIN PARADISE" changed from Ma 1st. Hogtown importations al) March 1st and of care anything abe Some of us cannot aries for such a Club, hat wit 'M THE ATRE ait [JJ ARTIN FRIDAY, MARCH 24 Augustus Viton, Iac., Presents FAVORITE ACTOB-SINGER KE OHA 4 = a p N THE FASCINATING ROMANTIC SIORY he 1apPy of LE : Omedy of cass ina.c Ye i SEGAL BUYGLTEN TEL DL COlBARLE Cn INEW SONGS HAV AN INDESCRIBABLE PRICES--$1.50, $1.00, T5¢, 50¢ , O'Hava comes divest from the Princess Theatre, Toronto, & where he played at $2.00 top price . Seat Sale Wednesday, March 22, at 10 am. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY {dy td >] THE IDLE CLASS pe this is! Right when fans are still over humorous memories of "The Kid" ing when the next Chaplin is to | tie va sine: Hecm the workin, i his brand-new and very latest | AQ I am planning to plant {trees on several hundred | Where cam 1 obtain the start a nursery? | A. You would be better advised | | 10 secure seedlings from the Quebec ! | Government nurseries at Berthier- iwille, PA). or from a commercial nur- | sery, instead of putting your money {into the planting of seed. Spruce ! seed has been very scarce in recent years and quite costly. Q. What are the chief precan- tions to take in transplanting small | shade trees? | A. With such trees as maple, elm, | ash, vak, etc. make sure 10 your | transplanting before the leavescom- | mence to bud. Dig well around the | roots and cavefully avoid destroying any of the fine hair roots which are 50 vital to the growth of the tree in its mew location. Dig the mew hole Iplenty large enough te take the roots comfortably and plant your tree {about six inches deeper than in its first location. Allow as little time as possible to elapse while the roots are lying exposed to sun and wind. Put the best earth closest to the roots and tamp it fiemiy. Q. Have fovestry 'aevoplanes ever about | | | i spruce Acres. | seed to | A. Last fall in Ohio a six acre Erove irees contained 4800 covered with poison by an aeroplane Riemer and 'x > en Smart or Bum, 1 Your EYES tnt fo ] : wee Murine oie, ntor Adult, ry ey veel yelion {demonstrated the {desired and at the sam sufficient | onds to do the job ability of the poisonous stuff where time the Was most estimated destroyed. conducted by to place the fect on the gratifying, that | This the {lion caterpillars since it wus t per cont wen experiment was Ohio Government and the results ten lofheial, ad- | in| neighbors see | AT THE REGENT Alexander Dumas, the French author who gave the reading world some of the finest ficton of which it can 'hoast surpassed himself when he wrote "The Three Musketeers." The book is filled with suspense sit- uations, wit and action. To every reader of "The Three Musketeers' memory brings a panorama of dis- tinetly visualized personalities, every one vital and breathing. Louis XIII. of France, the king; his queen Anne' of Austria; the Cardinal; the henchman de Rochefort; Bucking- ham, the English courtier and states- man; Milady Winter, the deadly and fascinating adventuress; de Treville, blunt and masterful captain if the king's musketeers; the gentle Con- stance, sweetheart of the hook's hero; the swaggering, adventuresome trio whose slogan was "One for all, ali for one!" Athos, Porthos and Aramis, But the outstanding character who bewitches the imagination--D'Ant- agnan. : Motiday, 3 "uesday and Wednesday, Douglas Fairbanks will appear at | RE FORM i R the Regent in "The Three Musk- eteers." Dumas dod long before the era of Fairbanks popularity but he might have prophetically written the play for him. = Fairbanks is fully worthy of the strength of the story ahd worthy of its fame and its char- acter wealth, Unless he can find greater material it will always re- main Fairbanks' biggest picture, The principal struggle in the story is D'Artagan's dash to obtain evidence to clear a Queen's good name, and to return in time, al though nearly baffled at every turn in France by the Cardinal and his fighting guards; and in England b) his influence and by the machin ations of Milady, How D'Artagnar goes and returns, fighting every stej and manages to save the reputatio; of the Queen at the last moment provides the main thread; a mor tragic one is the secret history o. Ahtos, whose degenerate wife is di: covered in the Adventuress Milady, WA NT ADS PAY FIRST STUDENT OF GERMS In 1675 a merchant of Amsterdam wanted to determine that there were as many threads in a given aren of linen as the manufacture claimed, and for the purpose perfected a more powerful microscope than had hitherto been made. A drop of wa- ter fell hy accident upon the linen he was examining one day and he ound to his amazement that it was full of moving things. After try- ng other subjects, he examined ome tartar from his teeth, and of course, found bacteria, He com- nunicated with the Royai Society of London, who had a duplicate made of the lens, and from this grew the whole study of bacteria, --~--KEyery man and woman in Osh- awa and vicinity should be interest- .d in sceing the New Oshawa Arena Subscribe to-day, Shares See H, E, Smith or 144-b L BUCCess. Ten dollars. dobt. D. Preston, Dr -- %., : The experiment | pilot | fam- | Charles | real | urt hetter | Africa | ar it only | trust | the | policy | isive | 3 WE i | Q. Please give me details as to! which took not more than 54 sex | | | af- | | | | | experimenta- | as given are | Th TRAVEL FREE Through the Medium of "See Canada First" FREE TRAVEL SERVICE ds of p "See Canada First" where you to the redecin thy al wn * that's all, | JEWELLERY Arthur O. Felt KING ST. E. ELECTRICAL GOODS SIMCOE ST. SOUTH STATIONERY, ETC. Henderson Bros. KING ST. KE. DRUGS W. H. Karn KING ST. E. F. W. Thompson SIMCOE ST. SOUTH TOBACOOS, CIGARS M. Germond KING ST. W. by patronizing the sixteen > of onc-half mile of See Canada Firse® you have sufficient for the desived trip, t The Purdy Co., Limited » Oshawa stores issuing and 'coupons. What You Have to Do--- With every dollar you spend in cash in any of the 16 stores a "See Canada First" Free Travel coupon is given, entiding you (to the value of one mile of Free Travel you wish to go--with every ¢ Travel. * coupons. Each of HERE ARE YOUR STORES: PIANOS--RECORDS The Johns Piano Store SIMCOE ST. N, HARDWARE Fred Flintoff & Sons KING ST. WW. GROCERIES Puckett Bros. & Seilley KING ST. W. MEATS, ETC, R. Neill SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Jury & Lovell » Limited SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Free Fare are taking advantage of this Free Travel Service 50¢ cash purchase you Start saving the coupons now. When ake them to the stores and get your fare-- redeeming their own get a coupon entitling, the 16 stores issue and DRUGS Jury & Lovell Limited KING ST. E. FURNITURE Luke Bros. KING ST. E. GROCERIES A. L. Haverson DREW ST. MEATS, ETC. W. Atkinson CHURCH SY. MEN'S CLOTHING, ETC. C. WwW. KING ST. E. Anywhere EG EN ONE OF CANADA'S BEST TO-N THE TELLTALE "" Dangerous With David Powel Other Excellent Attractions COMING Thursday, Friday and Saturday ZANE GREY'S "RIDERS OF THE DAWN" Monday DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS "The Three Musketeers" After a Tremendous Run in Montreal and Toronto--Don't Miss This Master Altzaction THREE - DAYS - ONLY TWO PERFORMANCES D AILY---MATINEE 2.15 EVENING 815 RESERVED CENTRE SECTION, 50c; FRONT CENTRE, BACK CENTRE, SIDES, 35c; CHILDREN, 25¢ ALL SEATS OF MODERN MARRIAGE Lies"' Tuesday MATINEE DAILY Wednesday EXTRAORDINARY ENGAGEMENT TAX EXTRA