"Aon THE CHURCHES w | Blair (Continued fro vage 1) the managor of "The bank where he transacted hig business, told him the 'heque, was a forgery. On going to [102 Ossington Avenue, the address supplied by Blair, he teund the latter did not reside there but finally located him at another house where he had moved, Blair insisted that the chieque was all right. Witness claimed that Blair's wife had returned to him $32. Not Right Signature Syms, the present manager of the Ll, R. Steel Service Cor- poration, testified that no cheques iwere issued from 'this office, all salaries and other payments heing made hy the Head Office. Mr. Syms ulso swore that the name signed to vhe cheque was not Mr. Irvine's signature and the stamp which had been used to place the name of IL. R. Steel Service Corporation above it was never used for that purpose, but merely for signing other docum- ents heing sent into Head Office, He swore thut Blair had applied for a position as salesman and had re- ported for training for a whole week after that. Witness also stated Blair had been given two forms hut they had never .been returned. Evidence was given by Mr. Syms and Mr. Ford, accountant of the Royal Bank that the lL. R. Steel Servite | Corporation had never had an ac- count in the local branch of that institution Accused was given the privilege f king the witnesses any questions but apart from questioning the first witness on one or two matters he declined to examine the others. The trial will be held at the next court ofl competent jurisdiction. A Further Remand In Police Court yesterday morn- ing, Joseph Power:, who was con- vieted recently of selling liquor and on whom judgment was reserved, came up for sentence but was further remanded until March 24th. pending the investization of another ASK GOV'T AID IN REFORESTATION + IS Oshawa nd District ANGLICAN George's--Cos, John and Centre, | Rev, C. R, dePencier, M.A,, 39 Athol St, West SERVICES, SUNDAY, MARCH 8 a,m,~--Holy Communion, 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer. 2.30 p.m.~--Sunday School. | 4 p.m.--Baptismal Service 5 I ond Sunday each month.) A Mens Meeting - ae a. - 7 p.m,--Choral Evensong A special meeting tor men and! Monday, 7.30 p.m.--Teachers' mect- older boys will he held in the Y, M.| ing, C. A, Sunday afternoon at 4,15 Rey | Wednesday, Duncan MacLeod will he the speak-| Club, er for this meeting, A hearty invi- tation is extended to the men and boys of Oshawa to attend, | bridge did not tall back through re- | Bt of Vie movals in 1921, the population has toria College, Toronto, will he a | increased by By the return of visitor in Oshawa over Sunday ana | births and deaths for the year it will speak in Simcoe Street Metho-| shows 50 births and 20 deaths. dist Church at hoth morning and | There were ten marriages. The ins evening services. Professor John-| crease is regarded as very satisfac ston has taken charge of services | tory. here on private occasions, Prof, Johnston To Speak Professor A. J. Johnston, (see Mr. New Taller Shop A new store has been Oshawa recently, the Lecds Tailor. ing Company, of Toronto, with branches in Toronto and Hamilton having decided to locate in tits city. They have leased the store at 13 Simcoe Street South and have had the premises redecorated. The opening was held on Saturday last Mr. G, Small, of Toronto, has hen appointed manager of this branch A Change in Departments opened in 7.30 p. m.---Boys' ST 2.830 p.m. Tuesday, 3 fon, Wed. and | Girls' Club, GEORGE'S HALL -Sunaay School. p.m.--Mothers' Un- Quaker Hill for Hydro Farmers in the vicinity of Quaker Hill are desirous of securing a sup- ply of hydro power when it reaches | | the town of Uxbridge. The matter was introduced by the Reeve at the Uxbridge Township Council meeting on Saturday. Council is disposed do their part by passing the ne: sary legislation when the prope: time comes, which will when the power is once delivered to Uxbridge Thurs, 7.30 p.m.-- CHRISTIAN WORKERS' Me Street . Logan, Pastor SU whiny MARCH 1 ~KFellowship. Sunday Schoo! Address to Christians, Public Worship A. Sims will preach at each Also Monday night 8. 8, Convention Held CHURCH West Durham Sunday School con- vention, Division L,, comprising Buow- manville and Darlington, was held at Maple Grove, on Tuesday after. noon and evening, the chureh he ing filled to capacity. Principal Franklin J. Groat, of Hampton, the President, who presided, and the Secretary, Mrs. Charles A. Wight, of Bowmanville, in their annual ad- dresses and comprehensive review of the year's operations were heart- ily thanked tor their splendid re ports, ' E feel gure our customers will share our enthusiasm over ) this change, The Dress Goods Department has been moved to the rear of the store opposite the Ready-to- weary thus giving the public the benefit of buying dress goods. and silks in broad daylight, as no artificial light of any kind is required as long as the light of vay lasts. Then again, you can shop here at your ease, and not have your mind distracted by other customers passing in and out of the store. Rev, | SERVICES, | X I a.m 30 p.m. p.m. p.m Rev, service Sunday. at 8 o'clock. Purchased Timber Lands Wm. McDonald, an ex-councillor of Reach Twp, living near Sainttield is back at Tory Hill, near Kinmount, | where he has purchased 500 acres ot maple timber lands, Wes Merrick, of Vietoria Corners was back there last week, and reports that Mr. Me- { Donald has already cut some 50,000 feet of lumber. He is preparing®to tap about 500 maples for the sugar seagn, and says he has the trees to a BAPTIST Emmanuel Baptist Church--King E. Rev. J Harton, B'th, Pastor Residence: 18 Aberdeen Street, SERVICES, SUNDAY, MARCH 1 11 p.m.--Public Worship. 7 p.m.--Public Worship The adult bible classes will again on Sunday in Church ~orium Monday, 2 Wed., 8 p.m.-- Band Organized a meeting ol Citizens' On Tuesday evening { Whithy bandsmen was held, and it| was decided to organize under th name of the Whitby Citizens' Band For several years Whitby has not had an organized band, but during the last winter it has been revived under the name of the W. A. A. A, Band, and now blossoms out in full flower as the Whithy Citizens' Bund In place of the former Dress Goods Depar tment, a New Washfl Goods Section has been created. This is a very seasonable move may) with spring just in the offing. mee: } er Audit Mission Civele Met, The King We wish to make everyone feel comfortable, and we ar} always studying the ways and means to accomplish this eng} feeling sure that by doing this and by giving our customers t- value for money spent, we will gain their kind and very desiras------ patronage. ig A. Club, Meeting. practice pm.--F. M, -Prayer ~Choir Street. Methodist Mis sion Circle met at the home of Miss Marjorie Ii }8 King Street E on Tuesday evening Those present spent an enjoyable and profitable hour studying the work of the ltal | lan Missions in Toronto At the next meeting an examination will he | held covering the Missions whith have been studied in the past few months Miss 'Winnifred Tonkin gave an excellent recitation and Miss Ethel Kirby favored all hy a piano solo After the meeting very dainty luncheon was served AN Cotten, Ph.B., Pastor st. E.. pl Small Population Increase Providing the Township of Ux Rev. Parsonag« ET 169 Athol $475. Church--Centre With a view to securing a reforesta- mn area in Uxbridge, where an option h already been obtained on 700 acres, and to which they hope to sdd 300 acres more, a deputation from the Ontario County Council repre | senting the standing committee on reforestation waited on Hon. Mr. Bowman, Minister of Lands and For- ests, in Toronto on Wednesday. The | \ deputation was composed of: War- So F. H. as Supe of Pic kering. | {Landers Toru, H G. N. G w. Reeve bf Ux] + lor at Cashell's store, tinued Reeve GO. N. Urrow, fee { Julien and Mitchell Avenues, by S is much small hridge town: R. M ince. Ag Be: i | itary Inspector Palmer on Wednes- | past, therefore it does Representative, Reeve Owen Da day Dominion Food Inspector business « Uxbridge Tp. Councillor Cotter: | | Dager was with Mr. Palmer and oun ng post office in of Uxbridge, and John Forzie, | jo. ring the name of the firm from | stan tes and money Reeve of Pickering. were iniro- | whom the jam was purchased. had | ders bank, Heretofor of 18 Simeo A duced by J. W. Widdifield, M.P.P., for | examination made of the stock | this information has heen given W- SERVICES. SUNDAY. MARCH tg North Ontario The depuistion | jn Toronto, which was found to b- | following deures ow th ord i am Lait wor. Teceived a cordial reception and al8o | iy good condition. Inspector Dage: | oo "ee He IC th Luan. aka cs D0 Or. promise that careful consideration | gydered the firm to make ood the | if ' hip Subject, "Matte 1 iven that of cities and towns of fair com- Wed pont. Testi of the plan would be give { loss. to the local grocer parison in population. within a shor | Stratford 1 Ir A -- distance of Oshawa | Welland wi oo Selected for Sunday Reading | Woodstock The pain is now gome, but keep | ing, March 7th, about 3 a.m. and up '¥ Mirough bristian i Dodd's Kidney Piils in the hou to the time the doung. men wer You are cordially invited. as I have an occasional touch | sumwoned, steps had not been tak- ~ { Owen Sound Oriliia Thomas Port Arthur Se Christian St., mear King. Our Leader Our Name Our Creed-- Our Rig ght tion, Our SERVICES, 11 a.m.--Pablie 2.30 p.m sunday p.m.--Public wo \Vionday, 8 p.m Prayer ging Wed.. 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Public cordially invited to attend. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Dep. Pain in Mer Arm is Now All Gone RECOMMENDS | ris Christ Christian ~The Bible Individual STANTON Interpreta- DODD'S KIDNEY MRS. --- JAM WAS SEIZED jam. bought from: | was seized a: un St. Fellow ship--C1 SUNDAY Aracter MARCH worship. hool + Port Perry Pickering Uxbridge Bowmanvyi ile Cannington Greenwood Myrtl Station em Taunton Neweastle Cobourg Port Hope .. . Manchester ., .. In the post ofices there is little change from last year. Whitby crease of a few hundred Was Charged Georze Curl, Franci Heard, all sidents of ummoned to appear Police Court, Tuesday atten and charged with stealing an Only One am | matin | Revenue Ww Wer Hope noon anto the Woodstock Lady whose Rh has Vanished Tells why She lieves in Dodd's Kiduey =. Woodstock. Ont... March h (Special)---Mrs. John Stanton who | lives on R. R. 1. near here is never | tired of telling of the benefit re- | tire and several tubes from ceived from the use of Dodd's Kid-| garage of J. C. Low. Ontario ney Pills. | Street The charg ferred "About four years ago 1 had rheu-| against Read and Heard were wit matism in wy left arm," Mrs, Sian | but Curl pleaded guilty, ton states. "It was so painful 1] the excuse that he had « couldn't dress myself." | siderable tire trouble and in | | 19 Read and quantity of Oshawa in Por (Con from pag: 'r than not giv BY nes she of of wood, oad POS a8 pre St an ard 3 'ul and "I read about Dodd's Kidney Pills | to reach home he had taken og ot and what they had done for others, | goods mentic 1. but with the s0 I sent and got six boxes. They | tention of returning them. did me good right from the start. | theft occurred on Tues Te 3 . day morn 1 Proof Aplent ArtOrge that ever lived. May ---P do 3 Ray--Oh, | } arr od Topics of the bay' Figures of Nearby Places The following figures showing th A FR E c K of | lumbago and they help it a lot. They | en to return the stolen goods to Mr KING ST. METHODIST Has d help my husband's head too i | Low Magistrate Floyd owed Rev, 8. M. Irwin, B.A.. B.D.. Pastor ia) Was one Dodd's Kiduey Pills are the best] Curl t after the latter had paid Parsonage 139 King St. E. Phone 218 known aud most reliable of Kidney | the costs of the court, $19.25 SERVICES. SUNDAY. MARCH remedies. They heal the kidneys restitution : Sound kidneys strain all the uric = 11 a.m Public Wors ship id, the cause of rheumatism, out 2.30 p.m. --Sunday Sc the blood. 7 pwm.--Public Wo Ask your neighbors if cordial welcome 'ney Pills do not make Beys. ------ to 'hrist | "ail a proof that ~James Iverach Holding ourselves true 4 man is liy- devoted 10 his services will op- to us the secret of strength.--1 Herald of Gospel Liberty uly the golden the golden JAWrence vo and wen how and 18. en -- Christ man." rule of of VS, | making m ai | en doll --- -- age vill buy Are Of course t Were elf wh Charles lar m Bu D. Pix 144-0 ars © Prayers « Many believe in God. They are in real sense sure of God. but the | uessages of the Infinite has not yer | been translated to the needs of their hearts.--John Douglas Adam New Oshawa now HE naa Dodd's Kid healthy kid PRESBYTERIAN § Simcoe St. South, Cor. Bruce Streef. Rew. G. Yule. Minister, Residence the Manse, 65 Simooe §., Phone 493. SERVICES, SUNDAY. MARCH 19 11 a.m.--Public Wership { | | | ton | on io a eceble efforts of | stronger and wor- soul acquires an ial effort, and the | nand Henry | lower h leads r truth, prayer lead om hier « appetite supply P. Liddon trut revenue from accounting and non- accounting offices in this part of th county of Ontario, and in adjoining places in other coumtics, but close to Oshawa, will be or interest : 8% If your oven is slow to Heat you will find Egg-O just as slow to act--its double action insures JS Pubic Wor sas with a slow or hot oven. © pm. --Public Worship The pastor will have 0 to He with e whet bedient or rebellious obedient His presence brings joy; if we rebellious: His presence fills | us gloom. --Charles E. Jeffer- s us her we are If we are March Brings Out Uns How to Remove Ei Oshawa . South Oshawa Cedar Dale Whitby | Port Whitby Hampton Columbus Brooklin Enniskillen Raglan Beaverton The woman with dreads "March beeca 10 cover her face w " les. No matter how thich the sun and winds have tendency 10 make her Fortunately for her pé Othine ---~double strengt possible for even those ible freckles to keep are with Le: Charge oi : wu hast Yesterday thy duty done, | And thereby cleared firm fooling | for To-day tever clouds MOrrow's sun Thou not h th services. A cordial immvitation 1s extended all to attend these services and hearty welcome awaits you. Friday, 8 p.m.--Choir practice. SIMCOE ST. METHODIST CHURCH Ta ai reasons for at- tending church than one might sus- To- | pect Once I invited a rather sim- | ple-appearing man to come and hear me preach, and his answer was "Sure I'll come anything wo kill PN The Ie are dark ' make solitary Goethe. shalt miss thy way: om 5 296. 62 B.A. Minister Lo ORDER FROM YOUR ¢ Powder NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER ESL SL SRR GAS SE iad Rew. J. H. McBain, SERVICES, SUNDAY, MARCH 19 10. am. --Fellowsnip Meeting 11 am.--Public Worship pan Sunday School Club. 4 Public A. p.m Rev. Prof will 'roria College tee 5 E JURY & LOVELL LTD. Epworth League Meeting. . 8 p.m. day 7.30--Prayer s free--Weloome SERVES SU Ng om MARCH 19 Brotherhood Federation of Canada Branch South Oshawa Methodist, Meeting with Class "EIRRA™ 2.39 pan. Bible Study, also Special aad Vital Subjects, up-to-date. GOSPEL MEETING AT THE GRAN» THEATEE Speaker, W. R. Freach SERVICES, SUNDAY. MARCH 1%, at 7.30 pam Speaker. W French: The Seal of God." Admission free nvited. Subject public » ] The are THE SALVATION ARMY Adjutant and Mrs. Greaves. Com- manding Oficors SERVICES, SUNDAY, MARCH 1b {| 11 am. -- Holiness Meating 7 p.m.---Salvation Meeting Young People's classes direc morning at 10 o'clock School and Bible Jy im Lae Sunday lat 2 pin. Monday 5 pam Tuesday --Life Saving Life Saving Guards. 7.30 p.m Also cottase meeting at X pom. . Saturday---Praise pam. The Sennie Cannibal--Our Class | night Salvation meeting Lat praver meeting wt ---- First chief has Simcoe St $ hayfever. Second Cannibal it on? What hronght F. W. THOMPSON \ Te Cannibal---die ate a grass Journal Amer First widow isa a brother to stumble. 1 Nosh and Men's WOrs duties est things of life--Anon Scouts and maketh my will eat mo for evermore, that I make not brother to stumble--1. Cor. Wherefore. if meat | { | { | { iy The things breath in your nostrils, light ia your | . flowers at your feet, duties at wand. the gath of God just be- ou; then do not grasp at the but do life's plain, common as it comes, certain that daily | and daily bread are the sweet- | best are uearest; | man who is not content whene would never have been comient The ae 18, anywhere, though he might have lik= | ed it better. --George McDonald. { Love thrives only so long as mo | records of giving and receiving are kept; when mathematics come in at the door, love goes out of the wia- | dow.--The Outlook. of A belief is nol a proposition to be assented to and then put away and forgotten. I is always in our minds | and forever our thoughts. ft! guides our every action, it colors ear whole life. It is not for a day, hat forever. A belief is a sirand in the cord of our lives that rums through every fathom of it from the time i is first twisted among the others till the time that it shall end. --H. Fielding Hall. | time! { 17 when John Andrew Holmes. Harmony clean and white. . No, 10 | stubborn a case of freckje Loving God is but letting God love | us--~eiving welcome, that is, 10 God's ove, knowing and believing the love God hath to us... .0 thou. sorrow- ful. dejected, fainting----believe. and | burdens are forever. --Hor- + Bashaell Zone Where is thy God, my sod Is he within' thy heart. To Stop Falling Hair of dandruff, out and beautify isian gis Wa the double strength remove them. Get an ounce from gist and banish the fred your head back if it fails. hair falling Par- drug- easily clean prevent the i you use 14 1, You can ary & Sa Oshawa. Or ruler of a distant realm Iu which thou hast mo part" Where is thy God. my soul? Ouly in stars and san, Or have the holy werds His light In every « ~Thom the joyous day is ue i count the deeds that I have done, And find one act. that -h j= FF | A loving word, & sous. u § -- That did some he. be- guile { Or ww a soul recall : The sunlight of a Father's Then 1 will thank my God ¢ pruth « T. Lymch | addened LL SN i ove. | --Lalmer. | who | they alone, Aldrich They fail, and have not striven. God watches cach man as ie) were the only man to be wate "He will keep the feel of His saints, and the wicked shall be silent jm darkness." --John Parker. | Be noble? ness that lies in other men, sleeping but mewer dead, will rise in majesty to meet thine own.--Lowell. | master. --=Socrates. Be strong and work, for 1 am with | yon, saith the Lord of Haggai 2:4. 1 am but one, But I am one; vice for his Medical As- i PY VS a a a ala BE - 1 And take the moble |™ No men is a free man who has a | hosts. -- | improving Industrial [I "<A D-- they no tptor desir- vho in and suve to make many able openings for thes have industrial trofud bookkeeping, stenosid other office work. The cost ob bLusiness training is soom vetur: be reased earning power the 1 such train- ing gives. We qperaie Are their time. Cl Yom exes ag hem Day aud i IE enient COUTSes. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE SUL Chaautions Phy wv oth 1o be bad abtacks of Ga ¥ Sufferers ED -- po Jo y Aart' s Spuitic 8 PRIN Or operation. Fer sale aL Li har Bares F. Ww. Thompson and Jur: & DRUGGESTS OSMAN A A. WL. MARLATT & CO. 211 Genasd St. £.,