PAGE EIGHT Si © OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1022 DIAMOND WEDDING ¢ --- 1 SERVED STURDY Lo ] | The Reformer Jvites invites the ~o0-opera- brate Unique Event at tion of its readers in contributing r Port Perry items to this column. Send us a x! postcard or 'phone 85. 5 On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. James a, : B, Lent, formerly of Picton, celebrat- a A BR, wi hae peck ed the sixtieth anniversary of their| i i 9 rong : marriage at the home of their son-| 1668 18 improving. in-law, Rev. John T. Hall, "The| ---Miss Marjorie Fisher sang very | Manse," Port Perry, Messages of [acceptably in King Street Methodist | congratulation 'were received from |Church on Sunday morning. all rel She Province. Their sons, --Mrs. G. Recves, of Hamilton, | ° ad grandchildren and great-grandehil- | was the guest 0" 'vs, T. Cinnamon, | ref were present for the celebration, | Simeoe Street £ 'h, over the wook- | y an t y M h 17th 18th Mr, Sant was horn at Lent's Cor-{end. r a ur a arc " ners, four miles from Cobourg, in : 1832, and was one of nine children |. ~-Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lazier, of | to rénch maturity--the oldest ana | Belleville, were sponding the week | HE Gladness of Spring sounding over the hills is awakening to her task of rejuvenating only oth ivi |} f © family, being Mre: Bitz Lent Batew [lina Street. a Winter-worn world. Outdoors and in, the call is heard and heeded--nests are build- stil enjoys good health at the age ol m------ ing, homes are being re-furnished and wardrobes are in the making, In c it chet IEA ve 2 Ma rte | this beautifying and revivifying spirit the Store has put on its i Jn avpy S5eovd with if J hi From front to rear the blit me gpirit of Spring prevails and merchandise for the ville. In 1859 he moved to Pieton ok ' } the engagement of his where he continued in the same ann Nise $ " business for moro than 60 years. pA RR Ras home and for the individual is vibrantly attuned to Spring's pulsing theme, 2 Mr. Lent married Rllen 3 , ih Eliza Welhanks of Picton, oldest Alma St, vy Oshava, i daughter of David R. Welbanks, To them were born four children: Her CONCERT IN AID { ' hert, Agnes (Mrs, J. T. Hall), Port OF PIANO FUND! * Perry; David of Milwaukee and Bd- [ [ J win of South Bend, Ind. , ! ; The A. Y. P. A. of St. George's S ri htl N w F b wd many Yoars wr. and Mrs, Leni Church last evening held a most on- | e a rics Fe prominent in the chureh, the joyable concert in the Parish Hall, social, and especially the musical life} { "ia oe in niano tand. Mr. F IL of Picton. Mr. Len{ was a member | oo C00 "0 Fhe Chair and made | of the Town Council for a number hd f address, in which h srat- $ N p i y of years and much of the early tem- | Heat S0dress 1 FHC ek. Beautiful wool back Crepe Marquise, Cantons, Sat- perance legislation of Pieton was] [] : BBUF Vocal solos were rendered hy Mr. | ' : due In no small measure to his un-| x4 AOR WE PIII gl ins and the ever popular Taffetas in all the luscious selfish and untiring efforts in the | go, (0) "gain Mrs. Fred Palmer and | high colorings--coming from Switzerland with their cause of prohibition rit y | i ng a ' oe | Mr. Allan Williams; Miss V. Goyne A unique feature of the anniver-} oo © Toh no glo. Miss Robinson, | mellow, soft, textures, sary was the presence of their pas. ARE : WW , " Miss Clark and Mr. Geo. Puckett a : di Bp ' ai : tor, Rev. W. D. Harrison and Mrs. | FES CO K B06 CUE 0 fr art Beauteous Voiles in this season's dainty designs of Harrison of Picton. Mr. Harri a was on at their 20ihe AL tord a. reading, foulard patterns. 10 years hefore, fe PT | i 4 i CEDAR DALE COUPLE | The new Canadian made Homespuns so serviceable mmr rs » al " y . : ASK EMPLOYERS TO ARRESTED MONDAY and sporty--the airy fairy Georgettes and kindered FURNISH NAMES -- thin things all combine to make a lovely showing. Steines The theft charge which has heen | lg School Attendance Officer P. 11... preferred against five Oshawa men, | Punshon recently sent out notices: to|C nester Hill, Gordon French, Frank all local factory employers and mer- | Robertson, T. Riordon and _ I. Schwab, | chants hiring labor. having in their! who are alleged to have heen im- employ any girls or boys hetween | plicated in the Harris robbery at' the ages of 14 and 16. to send in the | Cobourg a few months ago, is be- Cl ; S ) names of these 0 that the necesss y [coming more complicated. Yester-| permits on school attendance may be {day Mr. and Mrs. James Bell of ever ul issued. Action is taken in accord- Cedar Dalé Were arrested and anee with the enforcement of the charged with receiving goods, whieh | Adolescent School Act. Mr. Pun-|they previously knew to be stolen. Sensing the important place which the Suit would assume in the shon, now relieved of the office of {In the witness box in Cobourg Police | Seerotary of the Board of Education, Court yesterday, Hill stated that spring outfit master costumers have employed their highest art in de- is devoting all his time to school at- | Israel Schwab had been & sted in| tat ' : 2 . ie ork. Some LIE IIo | edit eer wit married. 107] viging new and unexpected ways for making it smart and desirable-- employers have already been re-| carrying arms. Schwab is to be | «J J ' y nb . i, 4 . Rp Ganying some, - IRuwah 5s ve bel Suits that are beautifully tailored in Mannish Style Coats or Suits i when the police authorities in i®ei- fancy trimmed with embroidery or braided--or those dainty little | a » P RESENTED BRIDE {roll advise she Cobouse police tues Box Coat Suit so becoming to the slender small women or misses-- 41 Mr. and Mrs. Bell told the Court, all are represented here at the smallest of prices possible. er of | vesterday they had hecome suspic- i ious that the rugs left with them on the night of the Harris burglary, were stolen so they placed them in a | Gathered togetl ther at the home Mrs. William Questard, Whiting | Ave., last Wednesday evening, and | presented her with a beautiful cas- o I | wagon and dumped them in a field serol on the occasion of her mar- | h y @ riage to Mr. Quesiard on March 4. {in Staceyville where the poliee » " Wednesday evening was most en- | {would find them. My .and Mrs. Bell! rin ra '3 joyably spent. whist being played {are endeavoring to get bail ana ew roc part of the evening. for which prizes | their trial will probably be held on were given for the highest and low- | Monday next in Cobourg. Conceived in gracious mood are these drapery studied it's really wonderf. 3 SH Scores Sd tye To ov rn, | ro P. sraps. Some show a simple ciicular cut of graceful whildouds wonderiol Wheto tie Aesighors So peur Our new millinery. department bas met with instant i TR een nso ll od 78 P d tulpess with bi oft collars o! clo » silk--some : , 8atins, taffetas as success far beyond our greatest espectations. Our and Mr. H. Carter, gentleman's first, ounds uipess with bigh soft collarp o! cloth or slk--soms well as combinations of tricotines and silke of all rule is no two hats alike--large variety and moderate | and the ladies' lowest prize won by | | -- | times of fancy embroidery and also the coats of kinds are a marvelous showing, so many designs and prices. Our aim is to turn this stock over every Mrs. Lottie Thompson and the gen- (Continued from page 1) velour fancy strapped or embroidered and the famous Soils - 50 Awe alike=zBat you will have no difficulty month if possible so as to give you :ometh new oo ; ; tleman's lowest went to Mr. Chas. | Donald had charge of the tests made heavier wrappy motor coals ciul-ragtam--styde--hund- ho flog: hojce Whether you are a big woman or and our first month proves we can do Imething Fogg Tuson. Afterwards a nice lunch was i while Waterworks Engineer Goebel] reds to choose from at wonderful values auality, then turn over th i, examine kubit syle and OME opening days and sce the hew ones and the pretty served by Mrs. Questard and the (was alse on hund to generally look Ys e price ticket sailors, and find out how moderately priced they are. evening finished up with a few songs. | after the interests of the Water Com- | --. | mission and see that official tests ' a { | were recorded This Business Is 33 Years Old on Thursday Recent Deaths Speaking over the telephone from March 16th, 1889 we opened the Arcade--a moderate little reday in a small the pumping station where he re-| sized store with two salespeople--The town then was about 4,000 population and | mained during the test, Professor | we were the leaders in the Dry Goods business then--The town has grown to JOHN T. LATTLEJOHNS Angus, told The Reformer that with | three times that size and we have kept pace with it in every way and still lead-- | the pumping machinery at the station | Our volume of business is now more than 12 times what it was the first year- Death on Saturday morning claim-|, = oo perfectly satisfied. During | w e do more business every mouth than we did then in a year--We have al- ed a farmer well known in Courtice |, too the old steam pump and the | wars conducted our business fair and square--hence our customers have al- and Oshawa in the person of ohn new electrically driven pump just] ware stayed ith us--We have seen dozens come and go, but with our policy TT. LAdeianns, bis Sith Your. 8 ee recontly installcd were in operation | of fairness and close prices we still carry on. phic Th appendicitis, and in and gave the utmost satisfaetion, Oshawa Hospital last Thursday un- the professor said. The new pump derwent an operation, complications worked splendidly all during the test. | 4 ith | 1 setting in. For the past 11 years he Prof. Angus when told that wit ' fn had operated a farm for Mrs. Man-| seven streams going the pressure at | 24 Our d sabor. Mr. | " ome iailch anno have ping, southwest of the Base Line, |the Four Corners registered 70 " Ay Previous to that he lived | pounds, and asked for an opinion of | ; indo Ap propgiatsly desomted and will not be able to ion for many years in the Courtice sec- | this result, stated that he could make | 4 ¢ dow ednesday Bargains, but we are having a F in P al win- tion, where he was known for miles no statement until he saw the offi- | " A special sale in the stor. for around. Of recent years he visited | cial records kept by the engineers. Oshawa frequently and had many | ye explained that a standard test, | friends who will learn with regret of | ug required by the Underwriters, was | : WEDN AY A RN N ONLY his death. He was a native " Enz: being made, so that with the new | ae ESD. FTERNOO land, and had been in Canada for mew main installed the] 20 years. Five brothers and pump and ne | Space will mot oF Lae. oil ai . ~ - : town would be able to see what | Co permit three sisters live in England. Mrs. in Ou can see descrigiion simply ment what they are W. BR. Courtice, of Courtice, and Mr. shape the Waser pressure was i : them when you come Mark Littleichns of Rochester, X. | ad DIED Y.. are cousins, and the only rela- | Sab. tives on this side of the water. The RIRIY cit Basia, Sask, ohn dial funeral took place this afternoon at! fn oD ite on were Wi] © 30 o'clock fiom the residence of | mi A Wire | Mrs. W. R. Courtice. in Courtice, | Kirby. famermiens mo BREE. | and internment will be made in £b-{ W ednesday. March 15th. mel o y arvice at! ra ------ i meats Semeveny. Billig ol) A i Lenine is said to suffer from inso-' M. Irwin, of King Street Methodist |mnia. So did Macbeth, ang perhaps, Church, Oshawa, which doceased at- | tor the same reason --MHamilton Her- | tended, assisted by Rey. Mr. Boyce, | Ald. of Courtice. During the service a Now if only the Irish ean be per- solo was rendered by Mr. Frank suaded to give one another a title Waiters. liberty. --Kingston Whig. ! "Disney Service" is founded upon thorough intimate knowledge of all factors that enter into the making of a perfect funeral arrangement. CALL AX ANN MIOUR, PAY OR NiGEW