Ontario Reformer, 14 Mar 1922, p. 7

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> ye? ~ ~ DR. C. E, . T. C. CLEMENCE, maby ge over Andison's Tallor Shep, | 18 King St, West, a | DR, R, B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- | =" ley Block, Simeoe 8t, 8, Phone 504. 1 Ae ' Bost! BR. 7. 8, TUCKER--DENTIAT, OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's store. Phone 048, , 8, J, PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; 0 over Kyle's Grocery lore, Ph ne 969, 4 yr. DR. JAMES, DENTIST --- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. Phone No, 97, pee DR. TREWIN, DENTIST -- #N- 'trance to office one door east of enheck"s Store, i aa - y pre ff Medical ; TLBON, PHYSICIA 'and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, coe St, North. Phone 57, 110:1yr TH. McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, BUR g80:, Acconcher. Office and resi 'dence, King St. East, corner Vietoria 8t., Oshawa, Phone 94. ' A T, 19 0 T., , Toronto, will ho at Jury & 4 Drug Store each Saturday "frem 11 a.m. to 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr DR. D. B. NEELY, PHYSICIAN & Surgeon. Ear, Nose and Throat. Office over Dominion Bank, . Tele- phone 115656, Hours 2 to 4 p.m, or by appointment. y eu pR. A.A. WALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will he at Jury &! Lovell's Drug Store every Satnr- day from 2.30 to 4.30 for copsulta- tion in diseases of the nose, throat Se | 134-68 28)! ay Phone 231 Reforme | WANTED -+ BMART YOUNG GIRL {16 to 18, to learn hosiery knitting. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1922 Re added a amd PAGE SEVEN Help Wantegw=Male . WANTED--YOUNG MAN TO LEARN linetype machine; must have good education; ly. to Mr. Alloway, or Female MEN--OPPORTUNTTY sad gone: to-morrow, Are you a dg-itdgday-winner or wait. tin orowsdoser? We have the op: nun ty, at I% must come after it. # 0aR't BFE 11 to you hecause we n't. know, where you are. Our:ad- a4 is: given below, If you are typnty-five, op over, and have a fair Slusation, , references, call Room ., bh, Btandard Bank Building, ask far, Mr. Syms, 108m. to 9 p.m, is here 140¢ T Li Help Wanted--Female Ww --- G0OD, PLAIN COOR ands wihy:ilehe Llewlyn Wall, day. Apply 138 King St. Rast. 141-c Big money if eqmpetent. - Best }iy- ing conditions. Name on postal and representative wil} call. Thomson Knitting 'Co., Limited, Bowmanville. | Ont, : GIRL WANTED TO LEARN BIND- ery work. Apply to Mr. Alloway, | Reformer Office, 143-0 0 LAUN- | A dry and work and cleaning. Call 91 (King Bt. I, LL | GIRL WANTED -- TO ASSIST IN "house. Apply 156 Brock St. East. I 148-h | WANTED -- AN EXPERIENCED | maid for general house work. Ap- ---- ERE A Farms Wanted WANTED TO HEAR RROM dWN- or having farm or unimproved land for sale, John J, Black, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, 143-a 146-2 To Rent 3 HOWN STAIRS 8AOP WITH GOOD light; suitable for hagher shop and haths,--H. Bpgel, 16 Simeone North. Phone 308, 140tf TO LBT -- TWO PARTLY FURN- ished rooms for light housekeéping. Phone 067]. 143-h Lost and Found FOUND--TWO YEAR OLD HEIF- ar on Lot 8, Con. 8, EK. Whithy. Own- er may have same hy paying for ad. and applying to Wm. Brent, Raglan 143:h ET SR RS ER FIER Real Estate for Sale FOOD BUILDING LOTS FOR SALW wm Aice| St., between Division ana Mary Sts. Cheap and easy terms, Apply 214 Division St. 42 POR SALE --- CAESAREA, COTP- tage, stable, workshop, 4 a res sub- divide forty lots, er will all in lots to suit purchaser-owner. Address J. W. Sando, !f Lamh Avenue, To- ronto. 141-0 AT VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR sale, comprising fifty acres, nortn- west corner of lot 14, Con, 2, Bas Whithy., One half mile from Town of Oshawa. On the property are a comfortable five roomed house, hank v Articles For Sale FOR SALE -- COMBINATION GAB and coal range, in good condition. 109 Hrock St, Hast. 141-¢ FOR SALE--FIVE TONS OF TIM- othy hay. Apply G. A. Robinson, Lots 14-15, Broken Front 141-0 FOR SALE--THREE BURNER OI. stove and oven, Florence Autometle. In good eondition. $15 complete. Apply Mr A. C. Newton, Park 'Rd. South. 3 141-0 JOR BALE ----- TWO LARGE RU(w. two carpets, one Iron hedstean springs and mattress, 1 dresser, washstands. Apply HS Aherdeen St, 1424 FOR BSALE--1 HEATER, §5; organ, $6; 1 easy chair, $3. evenings, 8 to 16. 511 Albert St. 142-0 DUCK, NEARLY window. Will sel sale. Apply 17% Phone G0OHW, - - 141-¢ FOR SALE, PR' IL. Vaillancourt, 22 Court St. 142-4 FOR SALE AN AUTO ERLE B cylinder. -- Apply, Mrs, T. G. Vancroft, Whithy. 1400 FOR SALE---1 TON FORD TRICK in first class shape. $360 cash Apply 458 Albert Street 151-1 FORSALE -- CHEVROLET 190 AWNING, 8 0% new, for store gheap for quick ark Road South, harp, 62 x 32 on stone foundation, | cament stabling for 20 cattle ana four horses, silo and hen house Farm in the highest stage of cuti- vation, Plonghing all done and man- | ply 212 King E. 143-¢ WANTED -- A GOOD GENERAL, | some clover. A 143.11, | 3 acres of | Apply 28 King St. East. pre out, 10 acres of timothy ana real good garden. | orchard, mostly Spys. | {Immediate possession. Apply H. kK. | | Dearborn, on premi 2-b | Ask your dealer, roadster, fitted with ruck hody if desired. Good rupnig condition. Pires almost new. Can bh ween uf Stalter's Music Store, Oshawa i 139-40; FOR SALBE--SPECIAL 30 x #1; guaranteed tires, $1.650 and $12.50. Tiger Tire Sales, 160 King St. W., Oghawa. 143-1mo TIRES $6 each, 30 x 2 iH ye _-- ---------- ----1 A full-size, full-weight, solid bar of good soap is "SURPRISE." Best for any and all household use, For use in washing machines shave or slice s portion of the **SURPRISE' bar direct to the machine.--It will do fine work. gid esr, oo. ood Yt ~ Work Wanted | DOUBLE TIOTSE ~ FOI 3% 187,32 x 3%, 32 x 4; $8, 8% x 4; Me -- . P. 7. BRYANS, OF 180 BLOOR | wyRTEH-- EXPERIENCED FARM | cool "ALDI Box 245, Osawa, | 35 33 X 4, 35x 4%. 24 x 4; §9, 2 Te ; Siig - -- cot West, Toronto, will be at his yang wants work, married man, early hs ! 142. |X 4%. 32 x 4), 3h x ; T C il office over Milier's Arcade each Sat | viser, would bire for a month or a! ' SMR TIOTSE, 38 x 4%, 37 xh, 3b xf are own ounci Preston urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul-\year" = Ap Cedar | FOR SALE -BIX ROOME SEL all real good tires, all ready to put | tation and treatment of diseases of 'Dale P.O. 141-c brick veneer, all modern CONVED-| oy your car. They are, a: ht] anh eT, -r ear, nose and throat only, fe - rvs --ope- AODCES, Wired for electrle stove, 100a-| gy aqua) to now seconds hip | ontinued from page 1) : 1 {tion north. $7,000. Terms reason-| evertwhere, Weston Coun: tention that the Council ¢heuld know everything. The 'discussion was here allowed to drop. Agony Saved Here sak EVES __lable. Oshawa House and Land waciaio ave Torento WANTED TO RENT On LEase--.. Company, 38 Simcoe St, North. A For a few moments it looked as if the contentious and much debat- Legal iG six or seven roomed modern house, Lewis, Mgr. 143-¢ JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- (5.004 10cality. Apply Errol Bra- FOR BALE--T00 CHOICE BUILD: | rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- |, "gy Sore 38-h | E B Lp- yoyancer. Money to lean. Offies' Creo PON ce or 106 lots, Terms, $1.00 down. ¥1.0 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone WANTED -- TO RENT, MAY 18T. [per week. Apply Alex Hart Owens, 445 4 Modern house, medinm size. Box 1 167 Park Rd. N. Phone 446 143-u¢ ed raterwork lzati bill My 0 top 143-b | DOUBLE HOUSE FOR SALE ON we Tide hob br MR nig i TIN D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, TO RENT -- WANTED TO RENT (Celina St. Apply Box 245, Oshawa. ! whi Ming Jatey he Jegisiathte Solieitor, Notary Public, Conveyan-| six or seven roomed house with mod- M3 145 PORTSALE at length. A resolution passed - at cer, etc. All branches of Civil and | ern conveniences. In good locality. | WOR SALE --AHIRTY-FIVE ACRES | 5 Dussenger. the meeting held last, Friday even- Crimingl Law. Loans arranged.' Possession end of April, Apply Box good land, Port Perry district, splen | der 4. ing hy opponents of the bill azking Office, King St. Chambers (formerly ' "Q" Reformer. 142-¢ | did residence, steam heated, line | Box "JF Reformer 14% 2:most under another pool room tha in Oshawa that the proposed legislation be Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh-! 3 ------"" | water system, open grate, hardwood! FOR SALE -- HENS OR PULLE was being rou in on orderly manner. | Coun. Johpston submitted to a vote of the people bo. awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence | Auctioneer floors, large barns, stone stables, | pure bred und Aniconus or black | If Mr. Bouckley would open up| 06 several concrete : fore submitting it to the Legislature, 6167. 'WiLL. T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT. |® young orchard, hen and hog! Miporcas $2 to $2.50. Apply I. A. some ecrher place he would men caine 10 town, canvassed houses | yay received and filed. The mufor- ity of the Counefl took the vie¥ that inasmuch as the Council had prissed a resolution outlining the "terms of the bill, and in view of it being H rn 4 EI ot | OF wm " 'ae Crop . Ga} i TP 4 disposing of - . 2 by '. >hone | DOU W. C. Pollard, owner. Port | O'Donnell. Thornton's Corner 14% grant him a dices ana a : GRIERSON & CREIGHTON---BAR- hive Siwkk 8 Sheciaiy 124 ene | Perry. Ont. 143 146 149! = i ; Intends 10 Clean Up Ww ares in tition with loreal risters, Conyeyancers, Notaries Pub- | a nn eae | - General Wants Coun. Brown in view of certain | merchants, hich privilege they lie, etc. Office over Standard Bank. | Board and Room HARRY SALTER'S LIST x NevhER Gs . | rumors that he heard asked Mr. | paid only a small or uo | entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J.| $1,650 BUYS A SIX ROOM BRICK! WANTED--DRESSMAKER'S "| ready for presentation to the Logis- ROOMS WANTED Pine { lature, together with the faci that opponents to it would present their case in the city, nothing was to be MOD-1| Bouckley if he wanted the li not conve F. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, | SUITE BY house: $400 down, balance ac|€l. must be cheap. 49 Ave. | for himself. Mr. Bouckley repliod Jaw but ; B.A. Iyoung couple. Apply Box "S", Re- rent. Westmount. Phone 1121W gained by again opening up the question. estmg 142 that he was applying for himseli and | resurrected from ihe 7 eran ---- | former. 142-5 (85.000 buys a 6 room brick house! WANTED FOR A | would operate the pool rogin person- | hole and revised to meet G. D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B--BAR-| seam s--as wo YOUNG MES | on Drew St. All hardwood floors. | couple of hours each day Deputy-Reeve Mason admitted the possibility of the defeat of ihe bill ; y TI ' of pool rooms in Oshawa and place them on a higher plane The report of the License and | Printing Committee recommending | that Mr. Lakas' application be noi | granted, was presented some rime | ges in the town, as after Mr. Conant had spoken, and] the question was {there was no discussion on ir 5. | bad no prejudice against Mr. Pooex-1 1 an amendment to tne hy-luw ley who was his personal ition governing trapscienr trader and | for whom he peddlers which Coun. D. A. John turned soldier, ston will introduce at pext Council town had pool meeting becomes law, knights of the i ough | pack who canvass from Rouss (0 Coun. Preston said that while ho, house and transcient traders who set bad no objection to granting Mr. | UP business for a few months and In good running Bouckley a license he did object to then depart paying only a small tee, bargain for Apply | the fact that he was opening up Will in future be few und far between (Continued from page 1) Coun. Alger reaffirmed hi 1 | against granting any further you ig We stand Tire Co { Sai Preston stuck to his eon- BABY CARRIAGE, CREAM IE reversible, gear perfect Apply 22% Bruce Streel WHITE BABY CARRIAGL, new, $20.00, a snap Apply 102 1 gin Street West. 143 McLAUGHLIN CAR had regard but he room that licenses felt or- £700 told the Council | instances waere Vole to factories their needs wok who} ihe while man 40 x merch: town's also Plone 185 ' wn of Oshawa's + said that when he came aud opened up store 10 Years age : i Apply Box ally. |of the town. Coun. Johusion rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. |} double or two rooms, also a garage | Small payment down, balance to "K", Reformer 143-a Coun. Brown said) that a,j Particular exception Lo ihe Oflice (entrance) 7% Simcoe St, Apply Box "C" Reformer. 143-a| Suit. : RUGS WANTED. ALSO CARPETS. | Council might be opposed t- Same here rex Sguth, Oshawa. Loans arranged on - a i === | $240 buys a lot on Jarvis St draperies, pillows, mattresses. to he | iB other pool room licen: cs the | @ few months, and ier dispo rigages, conveyancing amd gen-| Contracto i 110 eleancd bv Lor Iv Capit: members ipdiv lly musi be broad- of a lot of goods sold by , ] pi actice oa. 63. Builders and 15 $1.060 will buy a house and lot and {cleaned by our thoroughly 'sanitar) arti Tg t hu y 5 2b aes, who lived bere and paid tax de-| O¥ing to the different opinipps ro- eral pr. . 0) 3. oa FORE BUYING OR BUILDING ! buy a nd lot and | cleaning process. Damaged, sciateh-| MING in catering to 1h arted hfter D Ny Xe garding it that would be given to ihe (BE u J stable, 12 x 12. fot 50 x 113 jed and old furniture re-polished. W | needs He did not know of apy parted afte paying oniy # small Legis 1 Ni H, E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER. new home, or repairing your old ove, $100 down, balance as rent | - ; ; ; ™ | person more entitled to a license 'license fee. He cited one inssanece | wgislature. The latter be believed | § Si 8 So Osha b fi buildin ing r aa » | A. Gerry, 102 Alice St. Phone 1186J. _ e ae : he i o " ne | would send it back with the pn est 11% Simcoe St. uth, Wa. see me. I also bave fine building, 15 on King Street Kast, opposite | 143.1. | than Mr. Bouckley whom he thought | Where a man came to town. done HOW 3 Ww e reque Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office lots for sale. I can give Vou sas school, 75 x 140 feet MUS De foe pica IRI ne 3 ! would operate a proper place. Coun. | business 1 three months and paid! that the opposing factions endeavor -Ofiice 210, {payments ang dave Jou Boney er sold to settle up estate i OSHAWA POLLTRY ASS'N. Brown ghve warning that as chair- | 0Bly a quarter of the license fee of | © get logether 5 5 8 N. Stacey, Builder Jac > TAsLOL, I have houses and vacant lots in| man of the Sanitary and Relief Cwe- | $50 provided by the by-la which | Want Btrest Graded Chiropractic id Park Road South, ied Nadia different parts of the town. (all up! Genoral Meeting of -at Phatrs { mittee he intended to co-operate with 1 12.54 ile wonld ] A petition from residenis of Rieh- ir YOU SICK, TAKE CHIRO. | Phone 55%. vo WON 1185 before you make a deal TP NaTCH 16th fo bh ps yon ited the sanitary iuspecior in having ex arried on business in this ma mond street and vicinity: to * have tic Spinal Adjust v: ts and get . H. SALTER, lepol San C0 000 I UNC isting pool rooms placed in a thor-} ber pay t i feo, and Would that portion of roadway between aa Ream i ne £e Notice 24 Royal St ! i K. J. CAREY { oughly sanitary condition and in | ak 20 high that it would Ritson Road and Oshawa Boulevard ll. FE inations p at office. | -- ---- oe 0.1 4, RY, Ser booming. arith tie ir of the furnish protection i cor 4 A Dr. 5. M. Jones, 86 Si St. North. | LOAD OF VEHICLES ACT 142-b | 4 Ta pt 1g with the full lettér of th | sails 9 hos £rvdod was referred 10 the Board of m= semen sw | PUBLIC. NOTICE is hereby given |FOUR NEW HOUSES FOR SALE IN | ERE ; Fosoliution 6 Ld . L. , 5 too OrkE. ia ; Surveyors that said Act provides that during OSHAWA'S BEST RESIDEN- | WALK IN AND LOOK Mi | The resolution io grant Mr. Bouck ¥ Was 100. An application from the Hydro | the months of March and April in IAL DISTRICT } STRAIGHT IN THE EYE {lex a license carried eight to five ' Flectric Railway Association, fe- { \D {each year, vehicles operating or ob- i : 1 CAN USE AN HONEST MAN WHO The Case of George Ladiax iewing last. years' work, and solic M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- |each year, vehicles op: Eg Only three new nouses for sale oil ix ole i a Ap gd Mr. G. 1. Conant on behali iting a $10 fee, wae referred to the minion Land Surveyor and Civic En- jects being moved over or upon a ihe four advertised on Saturday: in| gp pe ih CYONY WAY. Who wants 10} Geo. Lakas, seeking permission to | business leasing bis Finance Committee ; gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Suec-|public highway, which is not within Oshawa's best residential district LA t R euler job than he has new. Tol grupstar his place from Baad t ears. he had to pay Sundry ReocmmeaitondsasnT cessor to late W. E. Yaruold, of Port {2 City or separated town, and hav-}g4700. This one soid by us yesier-| fh WAN WHO Cah IMPress me as gen | ging Street, pointed out that not- | traders' license following recommendations ine, Iwill spend time and The Perry. 34 Educational MISS BEATRICE STACEY, TEACH- er of Piano. Pupils now being tak- en on. Conservatory method. For dppointment, phone 226. Residence 161 Athol St. E. 127-44 TITIES i rs & Embatmers KE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL Alirectors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- méction; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 214. Residence 19 Division St. 26-1 yr CE -- FB, ing a carrying capacity exceeding day. | one ton, shall not be loaded in ex- cess of one half the rated carrying | capacity of such vehicle or object without a permit as provided by said Act, i | The Act also provides that not-| | withstanding such permit, the own-| |er, driver or operator of such ve- | |hicle or object is responsible for any | { | damage caused to a highway by such | wehicle or object. 1 A penalty not exceeding $100.00 | is provided for a centraveantion of; any of the provisions of sald Act. | Notice is also hereby given that! {the provisions of the said Act will! (be strictly enforced with respect (o | the Highways under the juri:diction | lof the Council of the County of Gu-| tario. { County Road Foremen are Loceby | CED IN {instructed to wateh their respentive | SU E Wellington Mutual and Union Fire|sections for overloaded vehicles, ac- | Insurance Society, London, England. | cording to the said Act, causing | N: A. McLean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 damage to County Roads. and to act | V. A. HENRY, AGENT FOR THE Sun Life of Canada, also places fire, | accident and automobile insurance ia | reliable companies. Phone 1046w. i ALL KINDS OF deal Tira Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- age, Simcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bres., Proprietors. Phone 766. 11-41 aT] FURNITURI: STORED -- IN CLEAN | Ary buildinz. Also storage for cara. | phone L524, aight L52W. Ru san Road North. ML. Ee MARBER. | WYNNE-ROBERTS & . Seymour, Engineering, Architectu~e and Surveving, 61 King St. Eas. Oshawa, phone 793. 490 Jarvis St., ATgronto. Phone Main, 2897. 389-1' {Musical HERBERT C. TRENEBR, ATOM. | A anist and choirmaster.of the King xy ethodist Church, is prepaved to | | agept a limited number of in Pianoforter Voice Culture and Pipe ' QOcgan. For terms, etc., apply on' Saturdays at King St. Methodis* or Phone 8073. T3-jne 30 A McNEBIL ACT AM, TEACH- or of plano and theory. Pupils pre- Saved for all examinations, 282 Jar- os Sonat. mn >a accordingly. D. J. KEAN, County Engineer, J. E. FAREWELL, County Salicitor. 142-2 | | | 856500, will buy, an up to date $| roomed solid brick house; heaur-! ifully grained. and tinished. ull] modern conveniences, $500 | down, easy terms. | $6500, will buy a cosy, 6 roomed solid brick house, wired for an electric stove, all modern con-| venience, this is an exceptional | good buy, $500 down. terms) GaAsy. | $7800 will buy a new beautiful 8] roomed solid brick house, sito-] ate in centre of a 60ft, lot | driveway, good garden, fruit trees, sun parior. 2 fire places. with inset book cases, built in china cabinet, hardwood floors downstairs, oak finish. linen closet, separate toilet and bath. finished as kitchen in keen cem- ont; £1300 cash and easy! terms will bay this beautiful home. Dont he satisfied by reading about them, but see them, Act quickly if you are considering one of them as they will be sold quickly. Make your appointments by phoning KE. L. Petley. 117. money | and take a persopal intepest in train- ing and placing him where he be rewarded for Honest Principles and Good Hard Work. See me to day Mr Syms, Standard tank Bailding. 142-¢ Michael Collins aunounces that Irish liberty will no longer he men aced That will be well, it does not degenerate -liamilton Spectator so long as into lhicense TO THE PUBLIC A rou nam te sell that house of rours and gel quick pesalls, dist Qt with the OSHAWA HOUSE AND LAND CO. 38 Simcoe Noni A AEM, Mgr. HM. A. BOR, Pres 1it-a withstanding confusion unded iu his existed. the application of hi was not for a transfer of license to move a business from one place | # man t9 another. He knew that for years! and sold the policy of the Town Council had | Worked. in oue of been not to increase the number of | That no le pool and billiard licenses, but the | 80ods had call Council could grant this applicaii i some Cale to ars, day, o and not increase the present number. | she re Mr. Conant siid the new place King Street west, formerly known as Fowke's store, was a logical aud first class place where all require- | such ments could be met, and where Mr. | doors if on | wares Council by Coan gested that if ci men when th Lakas intended to operate a sanitary and up-to-date place uct only to the interest of the ap-| would soon be plicant but the citizens as a whole | pack that the application be granted, tor Mayor Stacey is in was it not better to have clean, san- | the propos.d iiary and wholesome premises. Mueh {that it was an ins was said of the evils of the pocl | essary it was. as he room, but such places would always | before. to have the exist until some sulstiiate found for them. and while they did [to date so that exist the Council should do its duty | knox the law. in fostering the idea of having them The matter Was kept sanitary and clean and up 10 the requircéments of the law. Mr. lakas' place Mr. Conant promised, would raise the whole tone 1t was | wer was in the rid the may be made at next tow gottng the s than five men seiling ! t his house in one; the maid i him exhibit information Moifatt | they kad a 1i clean. | fied the Chief of Police if negative, of some of amendment, we of how aee- | town consolidated and brought ap referved to License and Printing Committee to | report on, aad it was intimated that amendments iv the present were made in a report of the License and adopted: n last winier ur mean who faciories 1 on their cars. when | his He s would 2 ume to th pse. and noti- R" the the ang- | town | the sympathy with stating had advocated by-laws of the | people would | -- the | meeting. Printing Committee wh ich was That the jitpey drivers be moti- fied that they must display their M- cense numbers in a_prominept place That the application of W. F. Wil- liams 10 instal a gasoline fgnk on Prinee Street be granted. Tha: jitney men he asked fo . re- move the cabin erecied on Bond St. east, and that they k thelr cars 26 feet from the sidewalk. the communication Local Council of Women regarding travelling carnivals, that no action , be taken as there is already 2 peso- lution: on the books dealing with ; this quest : : oa Don't fail to hear Mr. Jules Bra- zil, humorist, entertainer at the drish Concert, Friday evening, at 8 pm., atl the Regent Theatre. frofa the 142-2 Whenever you hear a man sticking 10 his own opinions with obstinacy and | urging them with véhemence you may by-law | safely set him down as stepid.-- | Youths' Companion. f --- SAX - JIDDAY - THERE 15 A VASE IN THE HALL OF dX HOUSE - You CAN HAVE 17 WF YOULL SNEAK HES A FINE BLRGLAR - Aw! | HAD THE YASE wn PAE ARMS WHEN YOUR WIFE CRABBED iT Ast' BROKE iT OVER ME HEAD - NS OHI WELL - THAT'S ALL RIGHT IF ATS BROKE M-

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