Ontario Reformer, 11 Mar 1922, p. 5

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» Dental DPR, T. C. CLEMENCE, DENTIST, | Officé over Andison's Tailor Shop, 19 King St. West. Phone 231, | . DR. R. B. ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- ley Block, Simeoe St. 8, Phone 504. Help Wantea--Male AN ORGANIZATION WHICH 1% creating new hranches in several new distriets, wants to get in touch with a man who has direeted salen men and who is finanelally respon: gible, To this man we can offer a managership of our Oshawa Office 89-tf| 0a district on a liberal salary and DR, T. 8, TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- fice over Hogg and Lytle's store. Phone 948. 1-yr. DR. 8, J, PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; Office over Kyle's Grocery {tore Phone 959. 4-1 yr. DR. JAMES, DENTIST --- OFFICE over Jury and Lovgli's Drug Store, Phone No. 97. yh -- DR. TREWIN, DENTIST -- KN- trance to office one door east of | Detenbeck's Store. i Medical place to honus basis. Apply by letter in first Robertson Advertising Service, » Kast Richmond St, To: lrento, 142-a TF YOU ARE LOOKING POR "EASY money" don't ask us for it, But if you "want profitable, pleasant employment, ' you can make from eight to ten dollars u day selling Gold Medal Government Tested Garden Seeds at ten cents a |packel--the biggest and best-looking - | packets ever sold for the money, Small outlay---hig profits---for man, woman boy or girl, whole or spare time. Liberal credit if you can show good i reference, --F, W, Johnston, 311 Jarvis [8treet, Toronto, WANTED---A MARRIED MAN WOR farm, free house, good wages. Apply | Ont. TOE, WILSON, PHYSICIAN d Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Box "P. 141-h coe Bt. North, Phone 67, 110-1yr | "oon lo -- AR 7 WANTED---YOUNG MAN TO LEARN . McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- |11,01ype maching; must: have = good uv, Accoucher, = Office and resi- | quoation,--Apply to Mr. Alloway, nce, King St. East, corner Viotorin pagopmer Office, : ,, Oshawa, Phone 94, WHT . Ln J, Hast, Toronto, Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday in Oshawa to represent them In ____ WHSTERN ONTARIO PORWR PXCK: [Apply 214 Division St. 142-¢c FOR SALE -- , 78 BLOOR ST. ing and Prmduce House require the |FOR SALE -- MODERN BRICK Passenger tar, in good running or- will ba at Jury & services of oxperienced man 1iving house, 31 Ritson Rd., 8. hardwood der YL i TE at a maa rT ' OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1922 PAGE FIVE To Rent Articles For Sale DOWN STAIRS SHOP WITH GOOD | FOR SALE -- COMBINATION light: suitable for barber shep and | and coal range, in good condition. baths.--H. Engel, 16 Simcoe North.! 109 Brock St. Bast. 141-¢ Phone 308, 14018 | WW > I Nerve [FOR SALE==FIVE TONS OI TIM TWO FRONT OFFICES AND (iy hay. Apply G. A. Robinson, down stairs shop with good light, | a suitable for i shop and ri {1ots 14-15, Broken From = 141-8 ii. Engel, 16 Simcoe North, Fhone|FOR SALE--THREE BURNER OIL J08; 119-tf | stove and oven, Florence Automatic, TEES - In good condition. $15 ecomplote, Help Wanted--Female | Aply Mre A. C. Newton, Park Rd. HOUSEKERPBR WANTED FOR A South. £ idle working man. Apply Albert Riches, | FOR SALE -- TWO LARGE RU», 12 Richmond St. E., after 5 o'clock. [two carpets, one iron hedsteaa, 142-u [springs and mattress, 1 dresser, ¢ WANTED -- GOOD, TLATN TOOK | washstands. Apply 58 Aberdean and woman by the day. Apply | Bi. L420 Llewlyn -Hall, 188 Kiug St. East. FOR SALB--1 HEATER, $5; » EL _ dale lorgan, $h; 1 easy chair, §3. Call WANTED -- SMART YOUNG GIRL evenings, 8 to 10. 511 Albert St. 16 to 18, to learn hosiery knittipg.{'. _ gb Big money If competent, Best Wv-! Aw (Ts 0z DUCK, NEARLY ing conditions, Name on postal add {new for store window. Will sell ropresentative will call, © Thomson ieheap for quick sale. Apply 17 Knitting Co., Limited, Bowmanville, | park Road Sonth, Phone 600W, ef | 141.0 TE ret SETA TAI | specie ree A ES ----e ee Real Estate for Sale POR SALT TESTED SEED 0X7 GOOD BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE| (0 0. 15 ABBIY iiss Fave- on Alice St, hetween Division apd |p" pn No" 144 148 151 Maury Sts. Cheap and easy terms, -....= 77 - : MeLAUGHLIN FIV ---- Auetion Sales A THERE WILL BE OFFERED FOR |LOST Lost aud Found A DARK Farms Wanted ORCHID SILK | WANTED TO HENT Wald OF iu sule by auction, subject fo a regery- (Scarf between Welsh's Parlors and | to purchase, a farm in "hithy, Osh- ad bid, on Saturday, March 18th, at Simcoe St. Reward L340. pan. ou premises, 261 French | IV leave at Mr. M. W. Martin's Finder kind-| awa District 140 | Guelph. W. F. Cuown, OAC, 11 Street, a seven roomed frame house, | F18in Kast. water and sewer connection, the | LOST--BLACK praperty of D. KE. R. Streeton. Termu hag between 20 per cent. on day of sal: and bal- | Ritson Road mee in 30 days, ind particulars apply to D. kK. R,|Office. Srrotton. v4 ' JAMES BISHOP, auetipneer. | WANTED OLAwH, "Mur. Tih, 1922. fel, must he cheap. VELVET Finder 110-0 (WANTED -SMALL FARM TO BUY HAND | or rent ,ahout 50 aeres. Welsh's Parlors and | good bhulldings and wit receive | over 3 miles from) high school. Ap- Far further termes | reward by calling at the Reformer | ply to Jas. A. 1-4 Must have soil, and not Rider, Base Line, 2 142-a | miles west of Brook House, or R.R. . 2, Whithy. | hl | m= EE General Wants | "Not to he ministere DRESSMAKER'S MOD- | minister," 141-a =e FSS Ss »d unto, but to was the alm of the divin- 19 Pine Ave, | est Life ever lived among men. i Lan | Westmount, Phone 1121W. 142-¢| Hamilton Mabie. i March Records Are Here---- Come in and hear the latest in popular Dance and Song Records Dn A COMPLETE LINE OF RED SEAL RECORDS STOCKED D. A. Tait's Music Store 'Queen's Hotel Block Phone 1138j Simcoe St, North Will sell reasonable for quick {floors, all conveniences, new gar- Bale. Apply Box "Nv, Reformer. from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m, for consulta- Oshawa and Whitby, selling on a |uge; most desirable locality. Phone | 140-0 tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr commission hasis to the Butcher 7527] 140-c FOR SALE -- A THREE PIECE DR. D, B. NEELY, PHYSICIAN & 0 Grocery Trade, and able to de-| nop SALE ~~ CAESAREA. ~COT- mahogany parlor suite and 1 kitchen Blurgeon, Ear, Nose and Throal.| Office over Dominion Bank. Tela. | Ciclusively. phone 1155. Hours 2 to 4 p.m. OF [tjeulars in first letter, Room 11, be by appointment. ~~ 96-LL\\epingion' Streot, Bast, Toronto. . A, A, HALLIDAY, 143 COL-| . 142-a ldge Street, Toronto, will be at Jury = vote two to three days weekly to this Applicants must have icharacter references, give full par- tuge, stable, workshop, 4 ares sub-bkcabinet, Apply 282 Centre Styoet | divide forty lots, or will sell in lots) | Lia to suit purchaser-owner. Address | aT A. B. u Gk ] Bl. SALE -- A. B. GAS RANGE, | J. W. Sando, 18 Lamb Avenue, To- in' good condition, 2 ovens, 4 hurn-| ronto. Ie, Teneap. 210 Prince St. Nortl | THREE LOTS FOR SALE ON MILL! b oe. North 4 a & Lovell's Drug Store every Satur- - Male or Female day from 2.30 to 4,30 for consulta yrs AND WOMEN--OPPORTUNITY tion in diseases of the nose, throat ;/"p. and ear. 1 Street West, Toronto, will he at his 'gortunity, but you must come after it | office over Migr Arcade each Sat-|'We can't bring it to you because we| COuld. Esa. Barrister, &e., il day, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul-| don't know where you are. Our ad tation and treatment of diseases ofldress is given below. ear, nose and throat only. pene me. | lucation, good references, call Room *No. 5, Standard Bank Building, ask Legal (for Mr, Syms. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A --BAR-| Eel Sad rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- yeyancer. Money to loan. Office, __ Work Wanted 14% King St, East, Oshawa, Phone | WANTED--EXPERIENCED FARM 445. {hand wants work, married man, eariy -- - ~ riser, would hire for a month or a D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, | year. Apply T. Williams. Cedar Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan-! Dale P.O. eer, etc. All branches of Civil and | = Criminal Law, Loans arranged. Houses Wanted WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE--A ice, King St. Chambers (formerly! Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- i '4 . : _isix or seven roomed modern house, oe Phoues, Office 940; Residence, good locality. Apply Errol Bru- 164. (ton's Shoe Store, 138-b IERSON & CREIGHTON--BAL- | WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE A rifters, Conveyancers, Notarles Pub-| six roomed house with modern eon- lig; ete. Office over Standard Bank | yeniences: in good locality. --Apply efifrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J.| Box K. Reformer Office. 140¢ Fy Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, | freon" 1c If you are 140¢ HOUSE, LA - (all modern conveniences, and smal :D.. CONANT, B.A, L.L.B.--+BAR- stable by April 16th. Apply Box r, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. !"J", Reformer Office. 140-¢ (entrance) 7% Simcoe St, Bate re today and gone to-morrow. 3 Etat " a a _ 194TH Ave yon a dosittoday-winner or wait-i oo D0 we i » DRIP. T. BRYANS, OF 1460 BLOOR | till-to-morrow-loser? We have the op- | Meo and Quebec | twenty-five or over, and have a fair | land all ready for crop. A 141-c 140-c | street, 401t, by 250ft.; terms suitable,-- | - | Apply H. Payne, Cedar Dale, 140¢ | FURNITURE FOR SALE, PRY 5 3 | : { Court St. solid brick residence, on corner of | 2° . Streets; --Osh-{ POR SALE --- HORSE, HARNESS Apply 19 M. G. V.|land buggy. Snap if sold at once. | Bow=-iApply 117 Summer St., 8. 0, 110-¢ | YOR BALE - THREE STORE | vately. Mrs. LL. Vaillancourt, 5 | awa, Ontario. i og oy fg | rm-- Fi bin a St JAAR 139a-142u-1452 | pox SATE -- 22 Rhode Island Rod | 40 ACRES OF GOOD hens and 13 Plymouth Rock hens. | big [Apply 167 Pearl St, 140-¢ | brick house. large cement stable, | Zoe SALE AN AUTO KNITTER 3 | { large hen house and lots of water. | Viner Anis. rs. G. Vancrohi | | Apply D. J. O'Donnell. R. R. No eg du Apply, Mrs, 7, G Ancrolt, {or '% mile north of Cemetery Hi 1407 | 139a-142a-145a [FOR SALE--1 TON PORD TRUCK, 3 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOI. in first class shape, $350 cash | sale, comprising fifty acres, north-|Apply 158 Albert Street 121-48 | west corner of lot 14, Con. 2, East! FOR SALE 1 GENERAL PURPOSE | | Whitby. One half mile from Town | hgrse, 2? sets heavy single harpess, 1 {of Oshawa. On the property are i set light single harness, 1 spring wag- comfortable five roomed house, | gon. 1. top buggy. 1 cutter, 1 heavy one- (barn, 62 x 32 on stone foundation, |ior<e sleigh, Apply: A. J. Thertel jcement stabbing for 20 cattle and | Base Line West, 14 {four horses, silo and hen house.) a he aan Ys = { Farm in the highest stage of cuti-; POR SALE -ONE NORHEIMER I { vation. Ploughing all done and man- "30. $450.00 Choice 1hogany {ure out. 10 acres of timothy ana jase and extra fine quality 'of ton {some clover. A real good bargain. |' gular price $650.00 Stalter's 12 aeres of orchard," mostly Spys dani Store Oshawa |! ; { Immediate possessicn. Apply HB | FORSALE CCHEVROLEN £90 | Dearborn, on premises 142-9 1 oadster fitted with ruck body {DOUBLE HOUSE FOR SALE OX csired {inod runni condition { Celina St Apply Box 245. Oshawa. [Tires almost new Can 1 eon 42-0 Sialtér's Masic Store, Oshawa | TT HARRY SALTER'S LIST™ | 159-t $L.650 BUYS A SIX ROOM BRICK | jj ATCHING RGGS FOR SALE-S1. | house: $400 down. balance as ie Leghorns, bred to lay, Oldham wanville, Ontario. FOR SALE h, Oshawa. Loans arrapged oni oT -- Tn oo 1 Simcoe St. South,' Oshawa. ! itor, Notary Public, etc. Office; PBpnes---Office. 210, Res. 160. ! From Chhoorh } + Our OM Stand : 18 YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- to prietic pina Adjustments and get if 23 Bond St. E. well. Examinations free at office. Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North EaaaammEEEENS eyors < = M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minjon Land Surveyor aud Civic En- gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Sue- cessor Lo late W. E. Yarnold, of Port | i] Let ws show you ow work. It is swe to satisfy you. ; Educational MISS BEATRICE STACEY, TEACH- ef of Piano. Pupils now being tak- ed on. Conservatory method. For tment, "phone 226. Residenfe 161 Athol St. E. 1270 APRIVATE CLASS FOR 1am atin i pupils will commence Marca Lib. | =~ §5.000 buys a 6 rovm brick hous tgages, conveyanciug and con » | ers) practice. Phone 63. MO VE Ib | E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER. rent. "ctradn, $1.50 for 15.--~Apply, J. Laverty, | King Street Kast (just beyond All hardwood floors { ment). | Small payment down. balanee io suit { §240 buys # lot on Jarvis St, 49 x! Auctioneer { on Drew St. 110 | WILL. T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT. | | 81.000 will buy a house and lot and | Live Stock a specialty. Phoue | stable. 12 x 12 lot 50 x 113:|167rl-4 Bowmanville. 124-6mos | 4 $100 down, balance as rent i - 1 lot on Ring Street East. oppesite Board and Room | +} -5 I og Q a -. _--_ gehaal, Jo 2 140 feet. Must bel OFFICE GIRL DESIRES ROUX | 1 have houses and vacant lots in!' nd board in a private hom As nig { liferent parts of the town. Cali up Box MN _Reformer 1 3 $y 0 185 before you make a deal. {FRONT BEDHOOM, ATL CONVEX: i H. SALTER jences, bredkfast if desired Bn 24 Roya! st. ible for business gifl. Phone 15¢ 142-5 142- FoF =------=|SUITE ROOMS WANTED 3 Storage tvoung couple Apply Box "SN. Re- ! FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAX | former 142-1 5 dey building. Also storage for cars. | WANTED--ROOM WITH OR WIT H- | Day phone 552J, uight S52W. Rit 'out hoard. Must be central. Appl on Road North. 91-4.° hMr Small, 13 Simcoe 8 142-2 Phone 185 Dodge Cars Reduced | Builders and Contractors stantial no fe BEFORE BUYING OR BUILDING A | _-- nn edition yo imew home, or repairing your old one ! adies Bros ice me. ¥ alse bave fine building | of Ohana, Are the Dealers for this B90 000 cade" § cam give you easy | MC... Mie for shpat catalog | pay ments and save Fou wmoney.- | ar Phone 1 dor demonstration. IN. Stacey. Builder amd Contractor, | 329 Park Roud South, Box 550. o | Phone 557 120-3 mes. | ified, experienced teacher. For | = mtion apply 76 Colberme »t.! or phone $09. 136-2 EL SE Re Tr SA Undertakers & BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL , embalmers, private am-' balance; morgue and chapel in con-| nection; picture framing; 11 Simeoe | St. South. Phone 214. Residence! 26-1 3r ! WILL RETU Ow ned Wellington Mutual and Union Fire Establish 74.00 Wh RETURN YOU $97.33 IN 1939 And in Meantime Pay You 51,71 Per Year Interest Your iA , CANADIAN NATIONAL RAHWAYS OF CANADA . Fall Particaiars upon roguest H. L. M. WELLER & C0. : Be. | THE OSHAWA Ranaway LOM- PANY. i -- N i NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT | the Annual General Meeting of the] Shareholders of the Oshawa Railway Company will be held at the office of the Company in the Town of! Gananoque, Ontario, on Wednesday the 15th day of March. 192, at the hour of 1.50 a.m. for the election of | Directurs, and such other business as! may be brought before the said weet- is Past of the by the J. H. VALLEAU, od 189% Secretary. and Fi Insurance Society, Londen, Eagland. | 18 TORONTO SY. Book N. A. Mclean. Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 i : cial Agents TORONTO Gamanoyue, Ont, February Sth, 1922. | : I 13011 Vo A. HENRY, AGENT FOR THE! Sun Life of Canada, also pl fire, | A New Model Victrola That . You Can Fasily Take Anywhere 1} Hew i nyenent portable 1 mg-machine, d tO carry as 3 travelling L ndsac al instrument possessing all the Vicwola paren wad fa atures, Ask to hear these new selections played on this new model April Showers and Leave Me With a Smile Sung by Charles Harrison on His Master's Voice-Victor Record No. 18802. 19-inch 85¢. Hortense and Never Mind Two New Fox Trots by All Star Trio end Their Orchestre on ice- Victor Record No. 18803. 10 nch, 85¢. « AT ANY , "His Master's Voice" dealers Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., Limited Montreal Complete line of Christmas Records mow in stock Splendid assortment ¢f Children's Records. Buy some for the kiddies. They will enjoy them. \D. J. BROWN Phone 189 Jeweler, Optometrist King St. West A---- sccident and automobile insurance in | adliable companies. Phone 1046w. | 9-68mo. . Tire i ALL KINDS OF SAT | ideal Tir: Repair Shop, Jackson Gar-{ age, Simcoe St. South. Tires for! sale. Jamieson Bros, Proprietors. . id pare Methodist accept a limited number of pupils in | jorte, Voice Culture and Pipe | Organ. For terms, eic, apply Saturdays at St. Church, or Phone 3. 78-ine 30 er gf : pared and theory. for all examinations, 282 Jar- aKa JAMES - MAT 'S T MRS MGs VS) QIWING A TEA TEA ST WELL | | HOPE SHE <ved I™M CLAD SHE iS | ey el eT hER YEA TOO BUSY TO 7 a0 ; eS AT NOTICE ME: ! 3 Min] EVER - -- é V W = FES 5 \ THE Pi © 1921 or Ant Featune SERVICE. INC. 9-26 » Pupils pre- | ghtfieaet" ia a I. A aE

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