Ontario Reformer, 11 Mar 1922, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1922 SPORTING | yy iment Chase |'ORT HOPE CLUB Re feague Leaders KHAKL-CLAD BOYS DEFEATED BUSINESS MEN THURS- _ DAY NIGHT 19--6 than ordinary interest is heing shown in that town, The Port Hope Guide has the follinwg to say: As a result of their overwhelming victory over the Business Men on Thursday night the Regiment are wow only two points behihd the leaders and Williams and Pedlars in the Indoor Baseball League race The Soldiers are travelling at a fast clip at the present time and from now on they will be real contenders for the championship. The score was 19 to 6 in favow of the khak clad ball artists, and at no time dur- ing the game were they in the back: ground. Gower twirled a nice game keeping the hits well scattered while he was given excellent support, The line-ups were:-- Regiment Thompson, Gower Crouse, Salter, Creen, Gibson, Kil- bourne, Beevor, Ambrose and Met- calfe. . Business Men Bouckley, Alger, sheridan Rae, McNeally, A. Whin field, Chisholm, Ormiston, Kelso, ana Whinfield, The score: -- Regiment 230 J 2 Business Men . 0 3 0 Ks § Pedlars again put themselves on aven terms with Williams for the leadership by walking home ahead of General Motors 16 to 3. The game was a good exhibition despite | the large score rolled up by the win ners, | The annual meeting of Pire teams lined up as follows: |bourg baseball club was held Friday General Motors --- Belding, Corn- |¢Vening of last week, when quite ish MeDougall Moore, Dobney. number of baseball enthusiasts turn- Sly is, 1 i b Ingram and} 2%. out to get Cobourg on the hase- Trew, Jarvis, Kirby, negra ¥ [han map again. From the tone Southwell. {the meeting it was evident that ba Pedlars smith, Kilbourne, | ball will flourish there this season, it Thompson, Robinson, Morphy Me- | jg altogether likely the will Neally, O'Brien, Woods, Cruise and | jo payed at Horse Park, Bates. where there is ample Lund The seore: -- accommodation. The ol- Motors 5 | ficers were elected: py 5x :| Hon. Presidents-- H - {und Henry Fullerton. Hon. Viee-Presidents- las and P. Yorke President---Rev. Vice-President Harry Forler. Se § Geo. P. Strong Executive -=K. Payne, M. tee, KB. C. Hilliard. Fred D. Greer [is Wilson. ol the evening, the organization meeting baseball club Wednesday and if the interest and enthusiasm shown can be taken as a criterion haseball should be the popular pas. time in Port Hope this summer, many taking an active interest, still we feel that the team is rather over» burdened with officials hy Wednas- day night's meeting. The list Is ua follows: Hon, Pwesidents- IX. M. Thurber, L. T. Sylvester, Senator Mulholland, T. B. Chalk, Mayor Curtis, J. Hol land, A. C, Kimmell, ¢'. Roberts ana 'F. J. O'Neill, President--(, Strong. Vice-Presidents Roy Marshall, I.. Brown, Fred Sneyd. } Secretary---A. (', Kimmel, Treasurer- -W, Lawe. Manager--J. Rowden, Kxecutive Committee J. Hender- son, M. Hewson, V. Bradburn, 1 Clarke, F. J. Flood and H. Scul thorp. Delegate to annunl Ontario League Y. 2. li q Hl LH {Central den." 1 0 ol Row meeting J. Cobourg Ball Games in Horse Show Park games Show grand Lollowing (ieneral 0 Peédlars R Langslow A. R. Paa- » Baseball League | BA Indo Db 0 9 Pts. 16 16 14 §.4 - = Lemme A Faiher Corkery Williams Pedlars Regiment Bysiness Officers en General Motrs Kets. of Pythi 0 Meru Men i. Representative to C.O. BL. -H. © Higginbotham The treasurer's report was a ver atisfactory one, and showed a com rtable balance in the bank W. N. Mel.ecod is acting secretary: reasurer until Mr. Strong's from Mexico 'His Rheamatism and retary © Smash Your Cold To-day Give it a knockout blow with a few doses of . Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture Tried and proved by over 200.000 people. Positively Guaranteed to give relief. DODD'S KIDNEY 40 D.ses for THe PILLS Sold by all druggists | or by mail from W. K. Buckley, Limited. 142 Muluai. Si. Vorsate: Sold in Oshawa hy { ney Pills, Jury & Lovell, F. W, Fhompson | Percival, S8ask.. March 10th (Spee- and W. H. Karn ial) am more than glad to say 1 good word for Dodds P or Sak i and Gladly Ad. [T3) Suse vises Others to SHILOH STOPS THAT COUGH For grown-ups or children. Safe, sure and efficient. Small dose means economy and does not up- set tLe stoma At all dealers, 30¢, 60%¢ and $1. 1 ia Thess the Nordin. And Mr | give the t "For about ten dreadfully from %acks | 1 | ars words of Mr resident ready well-known Nordin is always reason why a 10 and ears 'he mattis." Then 1 take Dodd's Kidaey Pills. and rheumatism rhea he says backache ring Is Here--- Spring You Need A Tonic to purify the blood, tone up your stomach and make you feel bright and kealthy. Take CELERY KING it acts gently and without discom- fort. Brew a cup each night for every member of the family und feel fine this spring. At all druggists, 80¢ and 60c. 3 | keep Dodd's | Pills on hand in case of need and ts everybody with kidmey trouble an. always | Pills.' Dodd's Kidney Pills put the kid With no uri can he n acid out of the blood. acid in the blood there rheumatism. $ Ask you neighbors if Dodd's Kid ney Pills are not the greatest of al | Kidney remedies. | ELECTS OFFICERS) The Port Hope Baseball Club has | organized for the season and wore [ "There was a large attendance at' | "While we are pleased to seo so the Cos dent of the Central league, was Lo ' | thusiasm Backache both Gone FMR. JOHN NORDIN RECOMMENDS | Vas formed, was in the chair and in Dodd's Kid. Secretary Kidney John! here. | tarted | Now | gos. are Kidney | backache 1 say 'try Dodd's Kidney | fatt. Entertainment {ex Written by two children bring. ing out well thelr ability, One af her hest received numbers was that which described the visit of a Scott 0 the Eternal City of Rome, The artist gave a varied and popular pro- gramme, every number of which fell on receptive ears. Miss Dyke, soprano, gave her pro- gramme in groups of three numbers, J nicely distributed in French, Italian and English selections. Two of her numbers excellently rendered, and [ that seemed to he enjoyed so much, {were "11 Bacio," and that pleasant little ballad, "1 Passed hy Your Window." Miss Dyke has.a soprano voice of great power and flexibility, aud her work reflects much arduous and careful training, : The accompanist of the evening wis Madame Svbhil Krieghoff, ol To vonto, who proved to be anu expert Land most acceptable in that capacity, The proceeds of the entertainmént about $150, will go to the Ladies' » Auxiliary of 'the Hospital. - Ee - OSHAWA MAN LOST The Ontario Y. M. €'. A. wrestling championship houts at the West End YY" Toronto last night' provid. led considerable and at. Pteacted a large crowd, Oshawa's re- { prosentative, Benny Sheridan, mat excitement Recital from | ! page 1) | solo, "As You Pass By" (Russell), iss H. Engel; solos, (a) "Rosehnd" Drummond), (bh) "The Birth of (Continued happy?" but 1 make no hit with her dog Who [nds it pofitable. 10 go "woal- Judge i MARRIAGES John Seldan: Of all acticad.of a lite, his marriage does least concern other people; yet of all dei- a, of our lMfe, 'tis moat meddled with by other people. No Show . ; | David (lark, the Australian sheep | "Well, are you making your bride ip now visiting Cangda, owns 17. ) Cy . : 000,000 head of sheep. There's wu man | man's I dunno. She seems to like me, | gathering, Hamilton Herald. Morn." (Leoni), Miss Norine Trick; solo, "Song for .June" (Johnston), Miss Leah Garrow; solo, (a) "For You Alone" (Gehl); (bh) "Vesti 1d guibba' (Paglincei) (Leonvavallo), Mr. W. D. Robertson; solo, "Elegie" (Massanet), (bh) (Recit,) "1 Feel the Deity" (Handel), "Arm! Arm! Ye Brave," (Judas Maccabeaun), -My, T. Mcbhowell; solo, 'Marche awk Flambeaux' (Guilmuant) Miss Helen! Morris; solo, (a) "Sylvelin" (Sind-| ing), (h) "Ave Maria," (Luzzi), Miss Gladys Dyer; gquarteite,' "Strange Adventure" (Yeomen of! the Guard) (Sullivan), Miss M. Bal- mon, Mrs. Smith, Messrs. HH, Sal- mon and 1. MeDowell; solo, | "Abide With Me" (Liddle), with! orgun aud piano accompuniment, | Mrs. Roy Bennett; solo, "Divinites' de Styx" (Aleeste), (Glueck), Migs! Hilda Langmaid; solo, "M' Appayi" (Martha), Flotow), Mr. W. A. Dew-| land; solo, "Judith," (Conecons)! Mrs. Jack Smith; selection, "Miser- ere' (Il Trovatere), (Verdi) Miss Maud Salmon and My. Harry Salmon, | assisted hy the church choir' ! Mr. Stevenson presided at the' piano and Mr, Geo, W. Henloy, or- ganist and choirmaster of the Pres. byterian Church, played the organ accompaniments. Every number on the programme was well received and applauded, while the artists' were ably suported by their respect! ive accompunists, | | | given the decision on points. J. Welsh is a. Hughes, of West End Y. M. OC. A | the 10K-pound clase, Hughes wan 1 | Steps to be Taken at Once to i | Suggested at Annual Mee If all the suggestions made at the | {lannual meeting of the Oshawa Base ! - hall Club Thursday evening are pat| t | not into effect, all lovers of good bus ball in this locality, will have nc! "reason to feel worried about what | 'the coming season will bring forth. i Besides being in a position to place (a stronger team than ever before In the Central Ontario League, it was (decided to call a meeting shortly to reorganize the Town League and an- other suggestion whieh was made by {Mr. Ernie Parsons. first vice presi (form an intermediate series consist ling of teams from Oshawa, Whitby. | Bowmanville and Orono, with a view 'te developing senior plavers and Leveating interest generally Well Attended was a splendid meeting although a large were unable to be present of some of the industries overtims However, en was at its height Every {person present was in an optimistic 'frame of mind in regard to the ap- .proaching season, the feeling being luppermost that the local elub was booked for the most successful seis 'son in its history. Mr. George Mil- jer, who has been president of the local club since the Central League { There attendance iat the {number because working i ] opening the meeting pointed out, (that he had had the honor of head-! felt that new officers. and treasurer, | Nominations were then called for and Mr. J. Welsh was unanimously chosen for the presidency to succeed (Mr. Miller. The officers elected are 'as follows Officers Elected Honorary Presideats-- R \ie- Laughlin, G. W. Hezzlewood, Chas. Robson. F. 1. Bailes, Oliver Lander. I. C. Henry, Alex. Storie, George Ss » suffered po wden and £. W. Drew. President - J. Welsh 1st vice president- Ernie Puar- 2nd viee president - N. A. Mel.eun. Secretary Frank Chester. Treasurer--- Brinse Lowe Exceutive 300. Morris. RR. D. M. Anderson. Roland Mof- Mclutosh, W. D. Muckler, C. Dell Ww | Kerby, R. {Shultz and S. Official scorer Member Central > OBrien League Exoca- {ners in shape to strain ail the urie | give Frank Chester League an- Chester and cl Delegates to Central nual meeting -- Frank WC. M. Anderson. To Appoint Manager The Oshawa Club is to be compli- jmeuted on having appointed as offi- teers men who are hard aud eathus- GALL STONES "MARLATT'S SPECIFIC" A never failing remedy for Appendicitis. Indigestion, Stomach Disorders, Appendicitis and Kidney Stones are often caused by Gall Stones, and misiead people until those bad attacks of Gall Stone Colic year. Not one in ten Gall Stone Sufferers knows what is the trouble. Marlatt's Specific will relieve pain or operation. For sale 2t all Drug Stores or Jury & Lovell, Druggists, Oshawa, Ont. J. W. MARLATT & CO.. 211 Cerrard St. £., Toronto, Cnt, (dastic workers for the advancement of baseball here, and the executive of the club is considered to he one of the strongest ever seleeted by the local club. That they intend losing ao time to complete all necessary ar- rangements was shown by their call- (ing a meeting for next Friday afghi when the jand a general diseussion take place. i Toronto Eatry Discussed | One of the most interesting sub- Jeers brought to the attention of the (meeting was that of allewing a To- 'romto team iv join the Centra' League eircunit. Dr. Trewin: express- led himself as in Laver of admitting a city team, providing another one i could he secured. Secretary Xott of the Central League stated that only one application had been made, "whieh was from Leaside. although The Wife's Keen Eyes . are quick to detect those _ spots on your clothes and she is equally as quick to send them to Peter Mclaughlin The leaner & Presser 121, Ring SM. W. We do all kinds of alter- ations. Phone us at 509 and we will call and de- liver your garments. Over Bliis & Canning's Stove 'Bowmanville had expressed a desir. of entering. Mr. Nott felt that if the Central League were going to branch out now was the time to do dit. With seven teams in the circuit (one team would draw a bye. but the schedule would be drawn enough so that each cinb could ar- range exhibition games if they so de- sired. Mr. Nott felt that new blood {Would tend te create to teams themselves, H Must Be Good Teams Mr. Lowe was in favor of having ithe same six teams. although seves [teamt would be all right with a dou- ble schedule. If an eight <lub {league were formed, it was possible --Intermediate Group of Central Ontario League Also lwo { application should be, appointed. ! manager will be selectea early interest and act as a drawing card. but it was un i =| | i | | President 'Confidence The Confidence back of your Gas Plant is a Powerful Force. It.has inspired the Com- mission to carry on during the Years of Disccuragement during and since the war. It rests on a Foundation of Belief in our Business, Belief in the Future of Oshawa, Belief in the Per- manence of the Gas Industry, Belief that the people want and appreciate Good Gas Service. This Confidence i backed by the dollars that have been invested to Improve, Extend and Enlarge the Plant and Equipment for the Supply of Gas in Oshawa. The Remodelled and Enlarged Gas Plant is Flexible. It has Large Capacity. are of Ample Size for the duty imposed on them. The Service is Permanent. good and of Uniform Quality. The Oshawa Gas Plant is operated not for Profit, but with the Sole Object of supply- ing to the people High Grade Service at Cost. : The Greater the Use, the Lower the Cost of Production and the Greater the Tendency to Léwer Rates. Use Gas For Greater Convenien::, Comfort and Cleanliness Permanent Gas Service 8 EL OT. Its Maine The Gas is Hydro-Electric Power Commission Ot Ontario PHONE 233 { $A 4). t 4 15 KING ST. EAST " Oshawa Baseball Club Re-organize a Town League Fpl ting of Local Association that two groups would be formed! and three of the hest teams, Peter boro. Lindsay and Belleville, wonia play in Oshawa Mr Chester | was inclined to believe that with' EIrOups, interest in the games' wounid be considerably lowered. Ally teams in the league had proved; themselves worthy by playing high class ball and this matter was oge| which should he considered from a business standpoint as well as from] the sporting side. He did not think it would he wise to split up ile league Mr Parsons thought if two teams! {of the calibre of those already in line | could be obained, it might be good move but the difficulty. womia| be to have 'teams which would fur-i nish the brand of ball for which the fans in this district were looking He was in favor of the eight teams! with a single schedule. The geucral! feeling was that it was impossi®e: | to take a definite stand until it was found ont whether or not anothe: would be received, introduced th an intermediate be composed of uhove He Mr. Parsons of organizing ries to mentioned the eclubss pointed ont | that some leagues wers compelieg ! to support junio teams and he thought it would he a wise ste 10; baseball promoters to follow This suggestion mets with and some further up | approia information re- cohowan. Man Tells of Relief AN€ the club for some time and ne garding it will be published later. including the | Dunlop Double-Life, High- Mileage Cord and Fabric Tires Will Save You More Money Than Ever Compared to a few years ago tire users are getting easily double-- and even more than double the mileage in the tires of to-day. thousand miles are just average mileages to-day. And that Dunlop Cord Tires and Dunlop Fabric Tires are Ten, twelve and hfteen the records on the road show even exceeding these mileages. With Dunlop big mileage you have rock-bottom prices and paramount tire quality tire quality that is accepted as standard to-day, and which other makers aré vainly striving to duplicate. : Inara . . When you can get a tire with prestige back of it like-DUNLOP, and with practically an unlimited guarantee, why chance your life on 'a second-rate tire at any price ? In Dunlop Cord Tires you have "Traction" and "Ribbed" to choose from. 4 In Dunlop Fabric Tires youhave " Iraction," "Ribbed," "Special, " " Clipper." "Plain." ' Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limited Head Office and Factories: TORONTO. Branches in Leading Cities. } Town league Again Chester then reorganizing and requested {present who in any way represented | | industries get things and prepare for the coming season in! was at last decided to hold an or! gapization meeting on Taesday, Mar { 21, when the usual business of cleet-! {ing officers. will he dealt with H | | Mr. about | League spoke Lie 1 all brie Town | those { to going Fanpress of Keita ST. AN 10 GLASGOW } lo... g . Asie as - AGEN LIVERPOOL 4A ANGOW . - Meiarama | SE. HN ANIM Ear Vid Mare and sScuthampt a i 14 COSI AN | 1 ig . SCAUGINEY Tan | ) AGEN SOUTHAMPTON ANTWRERF | 2 nniman . Melita ST. AGHA BOSTON HANAN AINGSTON | 1 FEW on Sicilian MEM AORK Te LIVERPOOL | 4] ran Tiga ess of Britain St. Lawrence Sailings SONG Beldane 07 dune 3 dah 11, tagmess ul Scotland Fapress of J rancg + | 1 . 1 Mess of Britain VERPOOL { H ~ Monte aden | - HEHE Minnedosa CA dane toagiy 4G Montrose | 7 ad a coo. Momtelare | MONTREAL. GE ASLAN o dune ay A. 13 Anne Max 27 dune 24 MOA TREAL May ddune wo Loo. May 2%aune 21 2udy Molin | fuse duly 5 daria Mitiodosa | MONTREAL ~SOU THAMPTON a Pi vin a als Vietoran | MONTREM. -Aaniss : Baie cox Alpine 2 : Montreal MONTREAL NAPLES 4EA0A { 2. ann . =v. Noumreat§ i 1 1 Meat ly 2. i SOUTMAMPTON AND | Auly Na dae . FREMGHT ona Approaimate Sailing Dates SEL AGN Lame seams . Bolmglaake . Maistord 1 ROT TERD. Mar. 30 Apr. 15 ST. Am AM Mar. #0 Holbrook |i Ar. 8 posworih | ST. AMX LANWON -- ALONMOU IN 13 Mar. 14 . . Puaadridee | SE. AUN --AVONMOUDN ar. 7 : : Mottisfont { Faovight Bopl.. Phone Main G8 { Anh decal Agouis, ar ME BEAUMOM. Gon. Agl., Pass. Mept., | 1 King SLE. Tarante 2005 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAMLMAY A. AL AONWON | re trot MAMET . Scandinaying | « Sd 7M | ~~

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