Ontario Reformer, 9 Mar 1922, p. 5

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Il " Jl | | | i Hil LLL {LIL ALLL LULL Lacrosse Fans Talk Prospects WHETHER OSHAWA WILL HAVE SENIOR OR INTERMEDIATE TEAM NOT DETERMINED ULL ULL LLU S Soccer Players Sta Training WORK OUT ON "Y" GYM FLOOR TONIGHT AND AT REGULAR INTERVALS Al Players who will be found on the line-up of the Oshawa Football team this year, Ohsawa's representatives in the Toronto and District Football Association, will commence training this evening on the Y.M.C.A, gym. Every player is asked to be on hand at 8,15 o'clock, Regular hours have been arranged for the use of the gym by this club and the players ex- While nothing has yet heen done towards organizing the Oshawa La- erosse Club for the 1922 season, Kroup conferences can be noticed on every side and when the 0. A. 1. A. gets away to a start Oshawa will be found right in line fighting for the championship in the same manner as last year, Whether a team will pect to be in excellent condition before they wander up to the park for their initial workout. Thornton has rounded up a fine collection of players and their showing in the Second Division should be one ot which they will not be ashamed. Members of the executive are also requested to be present this evening. The Oshawa, Club, according to the rules of the O. and D.F.A, should pay an affiliation fee of $2 with the local association but they have been asked to pay the sum of $10, which included affiliation and entrance fees combined. The Oshawa Associ- ation were informed of this by the O.F.A. secretary, but the Oshawa Football Club feels that while they bave paid the $10, all but $2 of it should be refunded. In order (o he placed in the intermediate ranks or in senior company is a topic which is being freely discussed with a4 great many of the fans favoring the latter, Oshawa's team, which figured in the finals against St. Mary's in 1921, were capable of holding a place in the senior section and as the majority of last year's players are again available together with some new material, it would appear to be a wise step. With the O.A.L.A, annual convention only a month away, the air is filled with great expectations, Lacrosse in Ontario has made wonderful strides during the past year and this coming season will un- doubtedly bring forth even greater results, The Toronto Telegram gives this year has overy indication of outhooming lust year." Mr. W. A. Coad was at the lagt annual meeting appointed a member of the 0.A.L.A; Council and he will no doubt represent Oshawa along when the Oshawa Club organizes be- fore the convention takes place, In any event Oshawa will be able to place a strong team in the field and local fans may look forward to seeing some fine lacrosse this sum- mer. SOLOMON TO BOSS THE COBOURG TEAM? Every day 18 bringing forth some new topic for baseball fans in the Central League to talk about, but the following in the Lindsay Post will be of interest: "There is a possibility of Jake Solo- mon, onetime 'vaudeville star with ing out as manager of'the Cobourg | entry this year. Mr, Peacock, the fiery manager of the. Oshawa team, pennant winners of last year, may guide the destinies of the Durant team from Leaside," Town ball tossers have been keeping | very busy and saying nothing. When | the season opens Art Kimmel's Pets will have a varied assortment of ball will be real conte B. L. leadership, BASEBALL ANNUAL MEETING TONIGHT The annual 'meeting of the Osh- awa Baseball Club which takes place in Welsh's Parlors this evening, bids fair to be the most enthusiastic gathering of local baseball followers For many with 'delegates who will be selected A the Peterboro Central Leaguers, turn-| Opposed To Two mpire System WANDSAY BALL FANS DISCUSS PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO 0,0,B.L, CONSTITUTION AT THE GRAND It is diffienlt to imogino a more perfect role than that of tho mother in "The Greatest Love, and it 1s equally impossible to {imagine any other actress who could interpret it as superbly ag Vera Gordon does As Mrs, Lantini, the devoted wile and big-hearted mother, she has oven more opportunity to show her super-emotional ability than she had in ""Humoresque," her first big suc COS But enlibre A well-attended and very successful meeting of Lindsay baseball fans was held in the Warder Office at Lindsay, Tuesday evening. A regular gab-fest on diamond matters took place, but the real business was the instruction (of the delegates who will represent the Lindgay Club at the annual meeting of the Central Ontario Baseball League, to be held in the Y.M.C.A,, Oshawa, on Monday, March 20, The Greybird re- presentatives will probably be Messrs, M. J. Deaman, Jas, W, Anderson and ¥. W. Moynes, Several ideas in connection with amendments to the constitution were discussed, © Lindsay will favor the double schedule, as arranged last year, In case a protested game has to be played, the local club will favor ft being played as soon after thé original gume as possible, rather than being relegated to the end of the season, oven as ano actress of 15 Miss Gordon has to be sure rounded by a strong supporting cast! if her work is to ho most effective, | and in this picture that has been amply supplied, Playing the role of the father is Bertram Marburgh, | while Fannie Shelton and Hugh Huntley play the roles of son daughter, and the irresistible Bobby Connelly and Dot Williams have children's roles, Ellis Island, the ocean liner, the crowded and the pretentious Riverside were all nged as locations for picture, When you see it you prae ! the | Fost Si an | | | | sLeera ie Drive tieally take a such | 4 and | . | 4 the Rexall Stores VAAN AS FAVORITE NRUCHETHP in Canada wear glasses to rest i It thelr eyes or to improve sight, i Glasses really save coyes i] are uw sign that the 1 wearer { tk 4 d When We Test Eyes It Isl Done Properly y JURY & LOVELL, Ltd. ¢ Phone 28 I £) values eyesight preciously, Our examination will tell if q your eyesight, too, will benefit, f \ and [8 | Phone 110 {| | If this report i8 correct, the Ferry artists, and it is assured that they | nders for the C, 0.| Umpires Lindsay will ask that the base um- pire be done away with, This two- man system caused infinite trouble last year, and It Is thought best to hive one man from a neutral city | handle the whole game, Officers (executive committee of the Central League will comprise two representa- |tives of each club in the League, in 'order to give equal representation {when voting, and that the officers shall |be: Immediate Past President, Presi (dent, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, 3rd Vice President, Secre- | tary-Treasurer and six councillors, All twith-the-exception of the past presi 'dent to be elected by ballot. Lindsay desires that Article 3 be | | ramended to read as follows: That the personally cond.cted tour of the most interesting spot {New York. tions an airing, too. It is being 9.10, 11 AT THE REGENT J'ever hear those stories about girls fresh from high school stepping right into moying picture fame and fortune? There's Just such an individual in the cust of "Midnight," Realart's in- tensely dramatic story of South America in which Constance Binney will be seen Friday and Saturday at the Regent Theatre, Ouiy two and a half years ago Helene Lyneh was a sophomore in And you give your emo- | shown at the Grand Theatre, March | i Hot Dawg. | Ray---tadmiring littl ---What a nice little {sho bite? May--No, indeed! "Topics Of The IX | chow doggie G meer SAPS Film "In suing for a separation Mrs. iBmith says her hushand is a rover." | "1see. Led her a York Evening | A Utica, N.Y., man was stricken with | paralysis after paying his taxes, Per- {haps he found he had a dollar left, dog)! Does | | | ~owind that the do not intend assuming baseball in the Liftlock City this year, the Peterborough Baseball Association are asking Council to rent them the Riverside Park grounds at $800 a year, The ball people wrote Council that they Claiming to P.AAA, | 1 ! charge of | | | would abide by the city's rules and regulations, allowing citizens free use of the park when not required | for sport purposes. The baseball hoys, it seems, con= |'tend that were the grounds leased to {tho P.A.AA, and the latter sub-let them to the former, the baseball ore ganization would be placed in posi- tion of putting up the sport while the WAAA. reaped the benefit with- oul any responsibility for baseball management, Last night Ald, Gainey in Couneil was prepared to sponsor a by-law Jeusing these grounds to the P. A. A. A., dating 1st March, but owing | to the seeming friction between these two sport organizations concerning rental of the Riverside Park, the matter was again referred to the { Parks Committee in the hope that the two factions will get together in agreement on this question, | } ma ETT TT TT TTT TTT TLL LLL UU nn, New Martin News ERNIE MARKS Mgr. its opinion in the following article: |¢ver held in this city. "Brampton never had such gates { days the main topic for discussion pi even though the Excelsiors were out! #8 been concerning some of the im- 3 re . , .| portant items of business which are A ~ ike tunbise Hee the vars of Doe / dealt with. Never has interest | SUIT OF C L 0 T H ES to be Weston |. = sarhaid: snes p could not seat her spectators at any | bn SHY post Bere reached shel a time during the season. Oshawa has 8 the present time in| | baseball circles and when the season | not taken such crowds away on ex- °° : | cursion trains since the days when play with the T. and D., they must pay $1 for affiliation and $15 for entry, which, together with the fee! of 310 to the Oshawa Association | would make $26. The matter is to] come up before the O.F.A. at ths the Long Beach, California, High | Sehiaol, She went up to Hollywood | and played "extra" in a mob scene | Just for a lark one day, a director noticed her ability, and since then Mr. Lester Lytle, 291 Celina Street, | rise has been sure and rapid. For will have the pleasure of walking into | cight mouths she played leads with opens there will be many admirers!J. M. Ashby's Tallor Shop and order-| Jimmy Aubrey in Vitagraph come- 4 > up at the ball park watching the Mo-|ing a $45 suit of clothes without worry- | dies; then with Mabel Normand, they used to borrow Cornwall's team (or Town crew hold their opening ing about having to pay the bill. Mr.| frank Mayo, Christy Cabanne, Gas- to fulfil their engagements some. (jee, {Lytle was the successful man out of | pier, and more recently with Wanda twenty-five years ago. St. Mary's; Cobourg, Port Hope and Pater. large number who took a draw for | jjywley in "The House that Jazz had her citizens' eyes popping out horo Clubs have organized for the|the suit of clothes, which was held | Built." that there could be so many people. season and there fs a general move- under the auspices of the G.W.V.A.| in the world all at one place when ment around the circuit of preparing |The draw was by Mr. Ernie Marks on | they sawed off with Oshawa andifor an exciting race in the Central |the stage of the New Martin Theatre Riversides. And it was the game in| League this year. Every club i{g!Tuesday night. The seventh ticket! Campbellford, in Havelock, in Dur-'semingly as strong as last season | taken from the box was numbered 70, | ham, in Orillia, in fact in scores of although Belleville is without a | with Mr. Lytle's name inscribed on it. | towns fielding O.A.L.A. clubs last pitcher, Goyer's removal to Guelph ------ season. In a word, it boomed. And having struck them a severe blow. However they may be counted on to have a formidable when the time arrives. COMING TO-NIGHT TO-MORROW SATURDAY "10 Nights In A Bar Room" next meeting. SEATS Ground Floor Balcony Children MRS, MARRIED WOMAN Do you know what makes for happy and successful home life? . 36 Rs MARTIN THEATRE NEWS see GEORGE ARLISS in , "DISRAELI" Regent--Next Mon. & Tues, § Ernie Marks ¢{ Manager isl NEW Socitty Purp lady (inspeeting puppy)--Is he] aggregation [ell bred? | | Peddler--Say, lady, if any 0' yom reighbors has got a dog ye'd like to |sec snubbed, this dog will do the job dl for youse!--Implement ¥ Tractor 1 {Journal | ; OTHERWISE THE TIGER AND THE DONKEY Fricuds may come and friends may #0 but real friends are yours forever. Here Tonight Tomorrow YOUR FRECKLES Need Attention in March or Face May Stay Cove Now is the time care of the complexion if nm (to look well the rest of (A vi Worse than the say is the rumor | The March winds have a strong ten- | thereof. {dency to bring out freckies that may | stay all Summer juwpless removed Now is the time to use Othine - double strength. This preparation for the removal of freckles is usually so success that it is sold by druggists guarantee to refund the money fails. Get am ounce of Othine double strength, and even a f plications should show a wonderful improvement, some of the smaller : { freckles even vanishing entirely. for outlaws | Interesting Relessed by NOTHING BUT THE BEST thug VERA GORDON The "Mother" of "Humoresque" in "The Greatest Love" THURS, FRI. AND SAT. : also BE It's a dull dance that gets no en- FOUR ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE BY cor. Li | and Special Comedy BY Bad company is dangerous for man or beast--moralizes the "'Aes- "THE MONK TO THE FRONT" | op's Film Fables" movie "The Tiger | ' | and the Donkey." t LJ is no the law. and Saturday A page from the Book of Life Livel ; y (onad dn Fe atures True to Life Prodisfion Golid ~ read 1 Millions hav he Be Million > bh A the Play. ae Moral ol thie 8] Passionate SEATS--GROUND FLOOR, 35¢--BAILCONY, 25¢--CHILDREN, 10¢ VE Seen " - A fellow who "'spouts" too glibly | is probably only an *"oil-can." - - - . Everybody's seeing the Picture. . Now being shown for First Time. ful under if it w an- i " * There | within COMING SOON place BASEMENT BARGAINS! @ HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE THRONGED THE BASEMENT ON THE OPENING DAY AND PARTOOK OF THE GREATEST BARGAINS LVER OFFERED. IF YOU HAVE FAILED TO ATTEND THE OPENING DAY, THEN HERE ARE A FEW ITEMS THAT MAY INTEREST YOU FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY - " If you stick around bad ERY you must expect to be "stuck M * | { A sharp human tongue may prove | (more dangerous than the teeth of | the tiger. » ol Some' people are like dice---easily ER a a a a a a a ww 4 -- i rattled but hard to shake. Ld . » - EGENT ONE OF CANADA'S BEST 7% rp pp Ap pin BIG JUBILEE CONCERT TO-NIGHT Np pS pp PROGRAMME x : | Iold-up men should be held down. --"Aesop's Film Fables." LJ - - ZL pi ---- A td DOGGONE GOOD SMILES Going to the dogs--1Tor a laugh or 'Awe is a good idea. Usually this ex- | pression suggests that one is headed {in the wrong direction. But, when [it comes. to laughs, those referring to our faithful friend-- the dog -- ought to prove very popular. Yes, jas Aesop, Jr. says, "It's a lone per- {son who doesn't like dogs." Mark! { Hark! the dogs do bark--relates an { old nursery rhyme. Press humorists {have penned a fine array of jokes! {mentioning dogs. They say, "Evers | {dog has his day." Perhaps every dog {has mot his laugh but we are sure {that the "doggie" jokes we have I"ecllared" here have elements to | provoke laughter. * Ld - 4 Sorta Watch Bog ! "Marie is so modest she puts her | pet dog out of the room while she is; changing her gown!" { "The idea!" | "Well--it's a Pekingese." --Wash- | ington (D.C.) Times. ! / - - »- 1. Overture--Regent Orchestra 2. Regent News Review 3. Pathe Review 4. Loyd Hamilton in "The Vagrant" 5. Harold Bateman, Comet Soloist 6. J. R. E. Segouin, Baritone 7. Fred Balshaw, Violinist 8. The Reid Twins, Juvenile Enter- tainers 9. Rudolph Valentino in "The Moran of the Lady Letty" a Sr i i iris FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Observing : Little Poi. Roy To dogs get | | 15 pair only of BOYS' BOOTS, tan colors only, per pair §] 49 5 only SERGE SKIRTS, or pleated $2.95 a... A carload of RUGS and OILCLOTHS will be offered at a great saving. Lae de dae 0a Sa Ser "Lay down, pup. That's a good doggie. tell you." "Mister, you'll have to say, 'Lie down." He's a Boston terrier." -- Nashville (Tenn.) Tennessean. - ® - 100 CANS SALMON to clear at per tin §¢ Lay down. Lay down, 1 PF Pr - » . - » " " - F " - * - - - " F . » - * * - y Ca a Se Se Sc a eS J Sa First Showing in Canada aie, . | Mother--Certainly not, dear. CONST BINNEY |i sigs, : {Prince to growl "MIDNIGHT" [pees !"T'ransecript. THE HOUR OF 22? See and Theill LET US HELP YOU DO YOUR SPRING CLEANING. A FINER RANGE OF HOUSE FURNISHINGS CAN NOT BE SEEN IN THE COUNTY. WE LAY FLOOR COVERING EXPERTLY ENGELS BARGAIN BASEMENT ENTRANCE AT REAR OF STORE

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