Ontario Reformer, 9 Mar 1922, p. 3

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1922 PAGE THREE --_-- | Oshawa and District Scientific Palmist Here till Saturday night only. Has read the hands of hundreds of dis- tingufshed people. Central Hotei Room 6. Hours, 10 to 12 to Hh: 7to9, Terms, $1.00. Butter and Eggs Cheap The Reformer was informed yes- terday that butter and eggs prices are rapidly falling in some parts of the county, At Clumbus and Myrils eggs are selling at 25 cents a dozen and butter at 25 cents a pound, | | 2 My, Garbutt Spoke At the regular meeting of Simcoe Street Home and School Club on Monday afternoon, Mr. A. BE. Gar- butt gave an interesting talk on auxiliary classes. There was Sood attendance, Migs Bernice hortt gave a plano solo, while Miss dwottie Arnold contributed a vocal selectipn,, .The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 3, Toronto will assist speaker, =%" Gets a Bequest M | . _. when members will be re-enrolled { and officers will be elected for an- other year, More Taxes to Come About $43,600 of a total of ap- proximately $209,000 has been paid: in on the 1921 tax voll to date. Al- though the money has heen coming in a little better since industrial con- ditions imporved, there is still room for improvement and the tax vol lector is anxious to have all tax ar. rears of last year paid up. Helping Union Along The Presbyterian and Methodist Churches at Millbrook are helping! union along by deciding to hold spe- cial union evangelistic services, They ' will Rev. ho gin Mr, next Sunday, March 12. Wood and Mr. Hamilton of the local pas- tors, the former heing the special while Mr, Hamilton will] have charge of the singing. 7 The oxall Store: ! ANF E SNA PAND Va Se | AVO RI Throw Off « "DRUG STOR That Tired Feeling At this season we are apt to find our blood sluggish and our systems in a rundown condi- tion generally, ' PEPTONA is a most excellent remedy for putting your- self in condition before arrive, It is pleasant to take and prompt in results, Take it now: the lazy Spring days i amelling department of the The Rexall Stores JURY & LOVELL CAA SVAN = 4 = HERE TO SERVE YOU F. W. THOMPSON Had Thumb Injured | A------ I {tact with a saw which he was operat- Jae J. C. McGILL --Llothing = Mens Furnishings Boots and Shoes in pure Wool, selling fast at Special--Men's Navy Blue Serge Suits indigo dye--made in plain sack style, beautifully tailored and Children's Navy Blue Reefers in all sizes--New goods and at much lower prices. Two qualities at $6.75 & $8.95 either plain white Arrow and W.G. & R. Shirts in all sizes, or neat pager a Ladies' Strap Slippers or Oxfords in the new shades and styles at $3.95& $4.95 1000 pairs of men Boots in all sizes, , shapes and colors, at $6.95 $4.95« $3.95 's Goodyear Welt We are headguarters for Rubber Footwear J. C. McGILL -- | Bible young people were present fOrs, done, | with : Street, | died ,eque was in the employ of the Rath-! Dr. Baines, of Toronto, who dled on January 12th last left an = es- tate of $118,788. According to the will his niece, Miss Katherine Baines. of Port Hope, receives twelve thou- | sand dollars and a silver tea ser- vice, Gen, Willis Here Friday, -_--s___ ae ass iL GP. Major General Victor Williams, | Qthcet Commanding Military Dis trict No, 2, Toronto, will make hls | 'annual inspection of {on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Tho | general will he accompanied by say- | jena) members of his staff, | Clean Docket \ There are no criminal cases and 5 only four eivil cases on the dockel | for the Spring Assizes, which opens! at Whitby on Monday. For tho | past two or three years there hag scarcely been a criminal case tried | | at the gittings of the Supreme Court ut Whithy, Discuss Bible Sunday The monthly meeting of Oshawn | Ministerial Association was held on Monday forenoon, when the question | == (of holding a Bible Sunday under the | wuspices of the British & Foreign Society in Oshawa the first 'Sunday in June was discussed. A {number of local matters were also | taken up, but no actich taken on any of them, as an adjournment was made until Monday next, , New Factory Almost Certain H Negotiations for the taking over hy another industry likely to locate lin Oshawa, af the Thornton Rubber! Company's site and portion of the: factory left standing after the fire! are reported to have reached {most favorable stage, and the loea- | tion of the industry here is now al-| : most certain. The Reformer ex- pects to be able to announce definite particulars in a few days, ave NMiustrated Talk At the regular weekly meeting of King Street Epworth League Mon- "day evening an interesting talk was given by Rev. A. M. Irwin on the Life of Christ, which was illustrated hy a number of lantern slides. The meeting was in charge of the Bible Study Department for the purpose of inereasing interest in the study of the Bible A large number of to enjoy the program. Fires Nipped in Bud Two small fires were nipped in th ! bud within a few hours of each oth- er ut the plants of the General Mot- One occurred about five o'clock in the shipping department, and the other about seven o'clock in the en- Chevro- Stres On department and adopt- was | let building on Mary t each occasion the fire made very quick respons quick and effective measures ed before any great damage a While factory of McLaughlin Motor Car oa pany on Monday morning, Mr. Kagleson, 4 Bond Street East, a' painful accident when {thumb of his left hand came in ¢ at work in the Jas, "mer | the 0 The end of the thumb, just about the first joint, was completely severed. Medical attention was pro- cured and the wound dressed. Mr. Eagleson has been unable to return to work and although the injury i not serious, it will be several days before it i= sufficiently healed for him to use his hand. Recent Deaths MRS THOMAS LEV EQUE Mrs. Thomas Leveque, Deseronto. who has been con- to her bed fer the past two as the result of a stroke.. on Wednesday afternoon o1 last week. Mrs. Leveque is the wia- ow of Thomas Leveque who prede-' ceased her three years ago. Deceased was 73 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Leveque Deseronto about thirty from Addington County. fined years, moved to! years ago Mr. Lev-| 5 burns up io the time of his death.' "The coup enjoyed Tlie confidence | I and respe oi of a large friends and acquaintances around the town. The funeral and requiem high mass was sung at St. Vincent de Paul church on Saturday in ana it morning | § at 9 o'clock, after which the body ga¢e equipment. was. placed in the vault of the Der-| ..rorroq to the Fire and Light Com- leronto cemetery to await a PINE | { burial. The children surviving are. Jos- eph Leveque and Mrs. B. Hill, of Deseronto; E. J. Leveque, of Osh- awa, who, with his wife attended the funeral and mass; Mrs. Battle of Michigan: Mrs. Girvin and Mrs. Bulmer. of Rochester, N.¥.. and Mrs. Whalen, of Vancouver, B.C. Banner Year (Continued from page 1) u | to Horticulture. . | erest among the children of local | school for the love {approximately one thousand pack- ages of seed throughout the schools. it is proposed to have school ehild-' so ren attend the lecture the lecture to Maybe be given by Mr. Dockey and have the Herald. -- | scholars write a hundred word essay | about it. the best essays to entile the writers to at least 45 packages of seed The president, Mr. Frank Cars-| well will give first, second and third | prizes to the children for the best cared for flower or vegetable garden | grown from the seeds given by the Society. The judges will be members {of the Horticultural Society. Home jand School Clubs and Town Plapu-1 | ing Commission. This plan promises {to ereate considerable interes and' | and the Society is to be highly com- | mended for the efforts they are putt- ing forth for the advancement of this' important work, f i | the Ontario | : County Regiment at the Armouries | E | B more == of Main WHITBY TE TOW TO paring to purchase alarm siren 6 unfortunately, weeting of the Whitby Council Mon- | day night that some of the firemen | had failed to waken until alter circle of ' out. deputatfon urged night to build 2a new fire hall at the here is assured when other wiaces | N43 AM MARTIN SHOWING aot nearly so large as Oshawa haye | accomplished onstruction of the buildirg, will be of steel and brick. Not a few | | number of beautiful slides pertalping scribing for a vortion of the This is being arrang and Messrs. Smith and Preston are | ,mongst religious teachers all over |~ed- with a view to stimulating dpt-' rery optimistic as to the outcome of | she United States of America. it ap- ! of flowers and strueture may | the Society will distribute this year by calling at Mr Smith's offic STORE NEWS FOR THE WEEK-END THERE ARE EXCEPTIONAL SHOPPING OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOU AT THIS STORE DURING THE PRESENT MONTH. THE NEW MER- CHANDISE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN SELECTED WITH CARE AND JUDGMENT, WITH A VIEW OF MEETING APPAREL AND HOUSEHOLD NEEDS ECONOMICALLY. WE ARE OFFERING MER- CHANDISE OF KNOWN QUALITY AT PRICES THAT MAKE IMMEDI- ATE BUYING AN ADVANTAGE. ------ Have You Seen Them? THE NEW SHOPPING BAGS You should not think of going shopping without a "Shopping . Bag." They are quite the proper thing. You are not restricted to one style. There are three styles. First there is the J "Three - in - one Shopping Bag," pyramid shape, with a generous size change purse attached to side. The bag is 12 in, deep, but by unfastening a dome the depth Sap be extended to 20 in. Made of soft p » J ( y pliable leatherette, black only $1.25 Terrier Hose for Children Two-in-one rib for early spring wear; sizes 6-10!4; black and brown, priced to ~ 2,000 Yards Torchon Lace One to two inches wide, all ready for the many uses that it can be put to , according 35 48¢ Silk Lisle Women's Rib-Top Hose Wide ribbed top, in brown and black, seamless feet, sizes 81, to 10 Next comes a bag of special merit, Made of same material as the former one. "A Real Shopping Bag," measuring 10 in. deep and 12 in. long, loop handles and lined with figured chintz. These are in black and grey. Specially priced $1 68 LJ Last but not least is one of the handiest and most stylish "Shopping Bags" that has been seen for some time. A little smaller than the others. Made of thz same material, lined with dainty pat4_rned chintz, strap handles, and only Ric Rac Braid The trimming for summer dres- The two best sizes, 4 yds. Wm"s Italian Silk Lisle Hose tops, black only, Last season's pair. This sea- Canadian Beauty Hair Nets Cap shape, real hair, single mesh, large size, in light, medium and dark brown, blonde and black; three for wide 8!.-10 was 85¢ Special sizes price Tricolette Blouses Are still as popular as ever. A special shipment has arrived in all the newest eolors -- black, navy, canna, mirabella, white, and lark, trimmed with contrasting colors in braid, with or without collar, round or V neck Pure All Wool Serge 79¢ Yard A startling low price for serge, especially when it is all-wool and 40 wide. Four colors--Copenhagen, cardinal and navy. Spring Weight Vests for Women Either sleeveless or short sleeve, V i k ; special, Bow or round neck ; special, 8 for $1.00 in. brown, All Wool Navy Serge 98¢ Yard Purest indigo dye, good weight, and 10 in. A very special line. Children's Jersey Suits They are the cutest things you ever saw, and how the kiddies will enjoy wearing them with their dainty little Dutch collar, fastened in front with two buttons, trimmed with a woven stripe of contrasting color. The Bloomers have elastic at waist and knee : i, and 5 year; sand and sky Spring Veiles and' Batiste A splendid range of polka dot and floral patterns, All ready to be made up in those dainty, cool summer dresses or perhaps to make up into stylish blouses. Now is the time to do your sewing, before your spring and summer enjoyments take up all wide. I Wool Taffeta Specially suitable for men's shirts, blue, Copenhagen. and white, brown vour time. These delightful goods 8 ; ide he epuniul quality re nd sand. Suit are wi inches ; -d. with black hairline stripe. . X. a and ui $3.75 are width 40 inche 69c y 715¢ A SEL AHEM: ----"m Excellent Concert (Continued from page 1) ermission Mr. George Henley ren- dered another organ oslo: Mrs. J. | strength, A. Brand, with organ and violin ac-' companiment, gave a solo, "Goodbye ; | Forever." Mr. Henley played the rendered organ, and Mr. Carrgthers the wvio- lin. while Mrs. Brand. who has been heard on many occasions in Osh fawa, was well received. By special the | oquest Miss Irving gave a number were | che has given here on several ocea- sions, "The Chatterbox at the Moy- ies." It was a seream from start to finish and proved as popular aumber as ever. Mrs. Brand and My. Henderson were heard again in od ular numbers, responding 10 en- cores, Miss Irving gave a reading, "A Scot Indeed." Mr. Mcilveen was heard again in a stirring number, and the program closed with the Na-| tional Anthem. The concert from a musical and literary standpoint was a real treat, while the ladies of the | church netted a neat sum. 2 2, i. FIREPROOFING WOOD Bowmanville 1) mater- Wood is such ial. {| which it a convenient BUY FIRE SIREN (Continued from page th on aecount ol the ease W iid 94 worked, its re auve | wore W Laughlin. it could be] Vice-Principal a { Bowmanville, presided. Brief . dresses were made while the judges The | were consulting as to their decision Forest Products Laboratories of Can-| by Principal J. G. Althouse, M.A., and ada. under the Department of the! Mr. L. Stevenson, B.A. B.Sc.. of Osh- Interior investigating various | awa. Mr. J. H. Johnston, principal, of Prog rendering wood re- | Bowmanville Public Schools, and Mr. sistant The Laboratories |M. A. James. Besides Messrs. Alt- point out that possible. by im- Louse and Stevenson, there were pre- pregunation with certain salts. to ren- | seit at the debate from Oshawa. der wood fire-retardant. that is to de- | a. jerease its natural inflammability very | ENGINEER COMING? considerably It can thus be made extremely dificult to ignite and the persistence of glowing embers ean he prevented. This an important step in the desired direction and in view of the progress already made, it is hoped that the Processes may be made even more efficient. may be Taylor and Kathleen Me- Town fathers of Whitby are pre- an electric fire At the present time the | but, are a low cost. and attrac- tive appearance, that A. R. Scott, B.A ire alarm is sounded by a bell, would be local firefighters It was stated at fireproof ii most ideal for many purposes ound sleepers. are for to fire ast few nights conflagrations it { Residents of Port Whitby are agi n ating for better fire protection. A the Council go- ANEW and matter up-to- was Port and provide new It is reported that The Smith, of Toronto. eer, recently maeating of Commission, tion dn Oshawa in Mr. W. OC. new town engin- engaged at a joint the Council and Water resigned his posi Toronto and will arrive in nittee. i 'Mechanic Street (Continued from page 1) few days i STEN | MGHTS IN A sARROOM™ i the same task. The One of the wost remarkabioc fea Provisional Directors have uot al-|tures accompanying the precanta- | 'ered their decision in regard to the [tjon of this great picture. "Ten and «it Nights in a Barroom." which will He {shown at the New Martin Theatre ave signified their intention of sub-| ionight. Friday and Saturday. is the stock | interest which it has aroused $74.00 WILL. RETURN YOU 597 IN 1939 And in Meantime Pay You 514' Per Year Interest Your Security is Part of the CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Owned by the DOMINION OF CANADA 33 Plans of the proposed | be seen at any the | heir efforts. pears they agreed to forget their dif- ferences and tell the people te =o (and see "Ten Nights" and whai it | did in the past: what it would eon- tinue to do in the present if the old condition of things which led to the passage of the Eighteenth | Amendment remained in force. There isn't a city on the face of the globe that has not been cursed | by the saloon; there isn't a man | over twenty-five or thirty. if he was | speaking the truth, but could give a volume of evidence against those dens of villainy: there isn't a per- son, there isn't a community. there isn't a country that has not suifer- ed from them. And if "Ten Nights" was responsible for abolishinz those | places, then all the more credit cu | "Ten Nights." wil SST NOR oil H. M. WELLER & CO. Extablishiod 188% Brokers aad Financial Azcats "What makes our girls run around worries a leading club woman. hunting mother. --Augpsta 18 TORONTO 8) TORONTO -- ne Mo Sau Swallow 2 Capsule -~ RAZMAH Is Guaranteed to restore normal breathing, stop muchis gatherings sin the bronchial tubes, give ts of quict sleep; contains so Jy oa arug §1.00at your gist's. Trial ect 31 Suk AgRiicies ov Templetons, 142 King W., Tocomie Sold by JUBY & LOVEIL Ontario Regiment BL ae \ All ranks of the above | logiment whe are eatitled to pay must sign the pay sheet c: March 10th, 1922. at Friday. the Arinpuries at 8 Every child comes nes Anto the world en- dowed with liberty, opportunity, and a shave of the war debt. Rochester Times-Union, wa H. 8. CAMERON, Li. Col. O.C. Ont. Regt. 14

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