pececsaaifmmms ------ OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1922 ns a PH UP PEI <r Ce are tr Ct rt rt or PAGE SEVEN + o-- oe Ra in Articles For Sale _ DPR¢. TC. Office over po +n Tallor Shop, | 19 King St. West. - Phone 231. i DR. R. B. ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- | ley Block, Simcae St. S. Phone S04. | t | BR. T. 8. TOCKER---DENTIST, OF- | fice over Hogg and Lytle's stove. |' Phone $48, i 1-yr. | DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; OfMee overs Kyle's Grocery Etre. ha Bhine, CRBS. Phoné 959. 4-1 yr. BNCR, Tian. | BOOK YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR Baby Chicks. Rocks, free range, O.A.C. strain, sires direct from Guelph. April chicks 30, May 25 and June 20 cents cach. On lots of 100 or over dis- count of 10 per cent, if ondered on or before March 15. Hatching eggs one-fifty to' five dollars per setting. +00. H. Watson, 64 Pine Ave. Phone 144. 138-c BARRED ROCK BEGGS FOR from birds that are bred $1.26 per setting. of fifteen 349 Mary Street 140-b Bred«to-lay Barred 0 Rent | I NOWN STAIRS SHOP WITT GOOD light; suitable for barber baths.--H. Engel, 16 Phone 308, 14011 | T™WO FRONT OFFICES AND down stairs shop with good light, | duitable for barber shop and baths | H, Engel, 16 Simcoe Nerth, Fhone| 3 8, 119-18 WANTED TO RENT OR LEASH a} Six room modern ohuse in good lo- cality, Apply Box "X', Reformer | Office, 139-¢ shop and | Simcoe North, Builders and Contractors | DR. JAMES, over Jury and, Phone No, 97, DR, TREWIN, DENTIST ~ BN-| trance to office one door ells ot | Detenheck's Store. 1 i ¥ : Medical C 1 N, an Surgeon, Union Bank - oe St. North, Phone 57.'110- lyr' . McKA SIEIAN, SUR- nh Accoucher, fice and oul + dence, King St nSOrper Vietoria 8t., ous) a. phone 94 : L. Bast, Toronto, Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for consulta- | ji tion in disease of the eye. DR. D. B. NEELY, PHYSICIAN i Surgeon. Ear, Nose and fh Office over Dominion Bank. Tele- phone 1155. Hours 2 to 4 p.m., or by: appointment. 96-1 DR. A. A. HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lage Street, Toronto, will he at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store every Satur- | day from 2.30 to 4.30 for consulta- tion in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. 134-01; DR F. 7. BIIYANS, OF 160 BLOOR | Street West, Toronto, will be at his | office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- wrday; fom 1 till 4 p.m. for consul-! tation and treatment of diseases of, ® nosa and throat only. ssi Toreee---- TIST --- OFFICE | ell's Drug Store. Paw Eb 4 Building, | Legal JOBEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR-| riater, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con-| veyancer. Money to loan. Office 15h King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 446. D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Publie, Conveyan- cer, ete. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence 518J. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lie, ete. Office over Standard: Bank. | entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J.! F. Grierson, B.A, T. K. Cretzhtgn, | B.A. G..D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR-| rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Loan# arranged on mortgages, conveyancing und gem eral giractice. Phone 63. H. E..MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, 11%; iSimeoe St. "South, Oshawa: Soliettor, Notary Public, ete. Office Phands-- Office 20, Res. 160. -- Lc a -- | zz | 1 | i Chiropractic IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- ; practic Spinal Adjustments and get! well. . Framinations free at office. Dr. S. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe Bt. North. Sr rrr ------ Surveyors M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO. | { minion Land Surveyor and Civie En- | gineer, Whithy. Phone 231. Sue-! cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. feist] | eT 5 1 Educational = MISS BEATRICE STACEY, TEACH | er of Piano. Pupils now being tak- €8 on. Conservatory method. Rod) + [FOR SALE - -- |passen der [sale PHYS ic AN new, $20.00, a snap. FOR SALE -- A THREE will be at Jury & lors, cheap. 12-1 = lehair. |FOR SAL {908r2, {FOR BALE 1 GENERAL PURPOSE horse, 2 sets heavy single harness, {horse ice, BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE, FIRST I class condition.~--Apply, evening, 211 {Verdun Rd. 140 McLAUGHLIN FIVE ¢ ear, in good running or- ill sell reasonable for quick Apply Box "N', Reformer, 140-¢ LIKE Apny 10 Elgin 140-¢ PIECE | mahogany parlor suite and 1 kitchen cabinet. Apply 282 Centre Street. 140-0 GAS RANGE, ovens, 4 burn- 210 Prince St. North. 140-¢ FOR SALE -- A SHOE SHINE Apply 13 William St. E. 140-h FOR SALE -- HORSE, HARNESS | 'and buggy. Snap if sold at once 'Apply 117 Summer St., 8. 0. 140-¢] FOR § 22 e Island Red | hens and 13. Plymouth Rock hens. | {Apply 167 Pearl 2: 140-c | FO BA ICKER BABY | lcarriage and phil Will sell. cheap. | 83 Pine Avenue, Westmount. 140-h | WHITE BABY CARRIAGE, Streat. West, 9 {in good condit ion, cylinder. -- Apply, Mrs. T. G. Vancrort, Kong Whithy, 1401! E--1 TON FORD TRUCK in first class shape. $360 cash. Apply 458 Albert Street | \ 181-1! | FOR SALE -- FINE REED WICK. | {or baby carriage. In first class con- dition. Phone 462j. 139-¢ | FOR SALE -- 1 TEAM OF DRAFT horses, 1 5 h.p. gasoline engine. 1 cement mixer, 1 pair hobsleighs. | Canadian Watchman Press, Phone 13%-¢ | 1 sel light single harness, 1 spring wag- | gou, 1 top buggy, 1 cutter, 1 heavy one- sleigh. --Apply A. J. ertell, Base Line West. 140¢ FOR SALE--LADY'S NEW BICY- Ap ly 5 Nassan St, 139.¢, SALE--ONE HIGH TOP REED walnut case, a bargain at Stalter's Music Store w FOR 8 organ, $20.00. 39-11 {FOR SALE--ONE NOR{EIMER PI ano, $450.00. Choice mahogany ease and extra fine quality of tone. Regular price. $650.00. Sialter's {Music Store, 139-tf | S. ROLET 190 roadster, "Atted with 'ruck body it! desired. Good runnig condition. Tires almost new. Can b> seen ut {Stalter's Music Store, Oshawa. § 39-11 {FOR SALE--USED FORD SEDAN. | and runs like new. Amniy | {Bradley Bros. N18 {FOR SALE A NINE ROOMED | {brick house, centrally loeated. | {Steam heated and all modern con- | veniences.. Apply H. "C. Bradley. | Oshawa. 139" : | HATCHING BOGGS FOR SALES White Leghorns, bred to lay, Oldham strain, $1.50 for 15.--Apply, J. Laverty, King Street East (just bevond pave- | cottage. {honse, | floors, { awa, {| FOR SALE ! land BEFORE BUYING OR BUILDING A! new home, or repairing your old one, | ge@ me, 1 also have fine bul Nding | lots for sale, 1 can give you easy | payments and save you money. (' | N, Stacey, Builder and Contractor, Phone 557. 130-3 mos $20 Park _South, Box 450, Road "Auctioneer WILL, T. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT Live Stock 'a specially. Phone 167r1-4 Bowmanville. 124-6Gmow | Work Wanted SHOE REPAIRING NEATLY DONE, lowest price. Apply 13 William 1 180 " "Help Wanted--Female ARCADE WANTS A GOOD SEWING woman to do alterations on suits, coats and dresses; good ry: all year round position; alse . woman with some experience.--- Apply at the JT. Miiler & 1. 140-b WORKING HOUSEKEEPER FOil small family.---Apply Box V., Reformer | Office. 140m WANTED A REFINED YOURG LADY to mind office; experience preferred A Poly: Friday afternoon, to 13 Simcoe 140 siore 5 "Real Estate tor Sale FOR SALE OOM Centrally located. 63 Athol Street West . FOR SALE MODERN 21 Ritson Rd. 8S all- conveniences; most desirable BRICK hardwood new ga locality. Phone 140-¢ STOREY of eh 4 ee; 762). FOR SALE --~ THREE solid brick residence, on corner Simcoe and Quebec Streets, Ontario Apply to M Gould, J£sq., Barrister, &« manville, Ontario. 1 Hu 1424 PP 40 RES OF GOOI for crop ) large house and O'Donnell, R. R north of Cemetery 1290-1424 ArT AUCTION SALE rade fursiture and cffeels peo) I the Mary Anna Tea Rooms, 65 King Wet, Oshawa, a AC y all ready \ z house, hen DJ mile brick large Apply or 3 cement lots ol NO 45a of high orix -t On Saturday March 11h, UL weloek shar g Cll oak Diane romn taille, ah I rocker vhaars, y Laisie, "eentie Aahie wa room: chars, 1 = Deed cOmagie oR beds complete ent ¥ res (Idding ool, Whiting desk, carpet, 12 wade, sades, large kiteben tale, As range Yew 1 rans ware, and. nalnero: 1" . ers Cash Culler ieker char A POowin Lables & sin Pw aml bra Hew laren 1 CAYCETY, stCTIONI ER, Births STRFFLER To Mr. and Mr. Swciller (neé" Hazel Marshall), « Jamuuy 2 1922, ut Burgoize Hos vital, Kulamayer Mich. Helen Lorraine. n m Ww 46a iment). 140¢ Board and Room | FORNISHED ROOM OR ROOM and Board, Apply 207 Simcoe St S| iPhone G6TW. FOR ROOM AND BOARD APPLY | 269 Court St. 135-c | Storage FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN ! dry building. Also storage for cara. | son Road North. 91-1. f. appointment, prone 226. R i$1 Athol St. E. : 127-47! A PRIVATE CLASS FOR F< uu uit) pupils will commence March bid. Qualified, experienced teacher. For iaforamtion apply 76 Colborne St West, or Phone 209. LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FONERAL | direciors, embalmers, private am, balance; morgue and chapel in com- pection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. 26-1 yr FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN, = Wellington Mutual and Union Fira! Insurance Society, London, Eugland. | N. A. McLean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 | V. A. HENRY, AGENT FOR THE | Residence | {iog. 'Gananoque, Ont, "THE OSHAWA RAILWAY OM- PANY, {Day phome 552J, night 5562W. Ru NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TH ar | the Annual General Meeting of the {Shareholders of the Oshawa Railway 135-4 {Company will be held at the office i -- _(of the Company Gananoque, Ontario, on Wednesday the 15th day of March, 1922, at the hour of 10.30 a.m., for the election of | Directors, and such other business a~ | ,may be brought before the said meet- in the Town of! -k J. H. VALLEAU, Secretary. February Sth, 1922 1301 The bad thing about a shadow is that there's always something be- | hind it.--Youths' Companion. S-I-G-N-S Wall Signs of all kinds PHONE 56-3 High Class Workmanship Assured E. H. TANE 91 Wilkinson Ave. Say It with Flowers F. H. COX Florist Wedding Bouquets, Funeral Designs a speciaity. 36% Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ont. Phone BRE a -- |ager, Suite 114, Barrie Bldg. | = | j portunity, | dress permanent Sales | aay, FRAME Appiy | 138-1] a daughier, --, el jv' Help Wantea---Male WANTED -- A MESSENGER BOY; must he industrious. Capadian Na- tional Telegraph. Wi WANT A MAN "TO REPII- sent our company in Oshawa, Whit: by and district, Our up-to-dute plans |of life insurance at low level pra- {nium rates are proving attractive to {the insuring public. Special anect- dent and disability features arc in-} cluded and our contract to one who (18 willing and ready to do hard field \work is very profitable, Apply Man- ePter- boro, Ont, All applications treated 'confidentially. 139-¢ | WANTED-- YOUNG MAN TO LEARN linotype machine: must have good education.--Apply to Mr. Alloway, Reformer Office, | am Male or Female MEN AND WOMEN--OPPORTUNITY is here today and gone, to-morrow. [Are yeu a do-itto-day "winner or wait. | tillto-morrow-loser? We have thé op- but you must come after it. We can't bring it to you because we don't know where vou are. Our ad is given below, If you are twenty-five or' over, and have a fair | education, good references, call Room No, Standard Bank Building, ask for Mr. Syms, 10 am. to 9 pan. ric: sve 140¢ jm ; . Auction Sale "PHE UNDERSIGNED HAS RIE ceived instructions from Forrester & Tonkin to sell hy publie anetion at 86 King St. E., at one o'cloei, Mar (Sth, the following farm stoel [Chestnut mare, brown horse, ihre delivery wagons, team wagon, set of delivery sleighs, M. H. plough, three (sections of harrows and eveners, tof team harness, sot platform sealeg wo sets whiftitree, bugzy pole, 2 fe, Jadder, gravel box, quantity a: mall quantity of fertilizer, fee barrels, ete. Terma eosh. JAMES BIsuopr suctioneer. | 136-2 139-2 H | 1} or 25 | | | box, apple | i TOWN WILL PAY | ANY DAMAGES; - | Notifies East 'Whitby Council Re Base Line Sewer Construction night instrucied the clerk of Kast] a The Council last the clerk to write Whithy Township informing him that in consideration of the iowa- ship permitting the Town of Oshawa to build the Westmount sewer out- lot uleng the centre of the Base Line Fouad, that the town will protect) the township from any loss or dam- which the township-may safler reason of the construetion of the vr on the read, whether present | future, dnd that the town wiil the had after the laying of the sewer (6 18 former 'eondition. Thiz resolutiofi was in reply to a let- ter from Bast "'Whithy Conncil to the elect that while they did not wish ta blosk<-the - ob the | sewer the towns ip. must be held | "fnmune from all damages whien might result therefrom. Wants Plan A i uge bv "RW restore pproved G letter. #0 endorse an enclosed | plan of his property, Bonniebrae Point, not as & municipality, but as part owner of the road. Pagk Avenue, (ot which rans' through Lakeview Park | from his property to thé road al-! lowance hetweéen lots € and 7 Mr. Conant owns one half of this road : to the town's right-of-way, asked tor approval of the plan] ating the total feet | a road Leave Well Enough Alone Council decided to leave wei] enough alone in the matter of new! lation governing special meet { Coun. Moffatt introduced motion providing that at any specia meetings any general business can be transacted, provided 4% hours |motice is given members of the Coun- (cil of the time of meeting Coun. Burns had a bylaw pre- ipared to provide that owing to mec- (essary frequent meetings of the |Comneil, two meetings a month. on {the first and third Mondays, be held. | Council could pot see anything to ibe zained by either move, first be- leanse special meetings often had to be called on short notice, and second that while® semi-monthiy tings mizht be advisable, members of the | Council would have no additional! opportunity of knowing the nature | of the business to he transacted aj them | 1 -- 4 It is a long time since there has | an audible kimck from the Ku | Klan -- -Detroit Free Press. subject and indi wide area of S46 as i The inm ait] + Klux Tu spite of all that Johm Bull has | Bone thr »ugh, the cartoonists sill | show him alarmingly overweizht -| Boston Herald. i Ll WANTED all modern conveniences, stable "3, R | of iwhich comes 10 the jatre mext ye Houses Wanted _ six roomed house with veniences; in good Box K., Reformer ( Office. A. SMA by April 15th, Reformer Office. Apply. Errol WANTED TO RENT OR LEASH---A six or seven roomed modern house, in good locality. ton"s Shoe Store, 48-1 WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE A Bru- 188-0 modern con- locality.~--Apply 140¢ "HOUSE, and smal Apply Box 140-¢ {I LL and Found LOST --BLACK VELVET HAND BAG, hetween Welsh's Parlors and Ritson | Road. Finder will recel calling at the Reformer Office. ve reward hy 140h THREE LOTS FOR SA street, 401t, by 260f1,; ter Apply 1. LOST--ON to name of Tools. Blac red ring. Reward 154 LOST A DARK scarf between Welsh's Simcoe St. Reward, ly leave ut Mr. W. gin B. Payne, Cedar Dale. SATURDAY a black dog with white breast, eranian and spaniel breed, LE ON MILL ms suitable, -- 140e MORNING Pom- answers ck collar with Nassau St. [40-a "ORCHID SILK Parlors and Finder kind- Ji "Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANT ELECTRIC WI Sealed tenders will bh the clectrie wiring of Chnrch, Simcoe Street awa Plans and work may he seen at pee ED FOR RING Martin's, 140 Ei- | a received for' Bt. Gregory's North, fications the office of Osh-! af the Superintendent of Oshawa Street | Rallway and by March 15th, any tender not nec Address tenders to, ghan awa Slreet Railway, South, Oshawa TENDERS WA Tenders wanted for 4 building on the Reformer office flcation er ofiica, dire wLor. "TEN NIGHTS 1922 Plu CC. M. Mun south of Lowest or essarily accepted Mr. J. J. secreiary of Committe, Flmcoe Calla- XE NTED > the erection ne and gpeei- may be seen at The Reforin managing | dy IN A BAR ROOM" AT NEW | MARTIN THEATRE| "Then Nights in Ne Thursday, Fr urday. a story history Most people With either the play or not aware oF the fact 1 iginally produced in p in Lancashire, Englan years ago. win Waugh. is oh a It was a specid 'Ten Nights used only for the story. The story {taneous hit abroaa and erican novelis, Y. Ar inane] of t. |paper. i for The author was on: The booklet ismall and printed in a Barroom™ thor, ory a Barroom, w iday hook. - but hat it amphler 1c fd, over sixty Ea was very bright yellows « paper maa win of ARI Y] an' made This Loved nu Aa f00n ands «| Will Do So When Spiritual Side all tenders must be in Osh- | Street | t The i Martin the- 1 ei 1 1 | | bad ran ough fifteen editions and { {ig sald by Le & palit ! of the biggest sellers yi the 'of the busines. Soon an American dramatist, ities in it and made a in the history of the t | flty years it still a great favorite wi {panies and road shows {Collins Reveme plays (forimance tomorrow the entertainment has played continunall mn this conniry and abroad and it nigh lis a change of program tonight promises Ts to he ong higtory W. W. Prats saw possibil- play which is D. Conamg Bake The the Councti, |PeFahps one of the best known pia heatre "or y th stock rom © Padi ast per- | There ann 10 he ins IF YOU WANT MEATS BOTH PURE 200 A misiy MERE nes PROVE A to iots of that is to istactory service. phone 1s your friend. of our meats make their appeal the happy family eircle where quality foods are appnec- jated. Nothing but the best and there. Honest weight and sat- IA. SUDDARD SO TR PHONE 517 be found Our tele- | Dr. s strongly i { | | { 1 i i could be gathered 19 | spirit and parpose | such he tow 1b | speaker | of {im the city { stored to its piace of | ger WATCH!! For Wonderful Announcement in Thursday's Reformer of RAND OPENING OFFER La ar OF PL, Leeds Wholesale Tailoring Co. of 324 Yonge Street, Toronto SP SHOULD FILL A LARGE PLACE L} IN COMMUNITY = ed Ome Empbasized, Says Dr. Green i Mr. H. M. Gilchrist, A. ry "p Maintain Rates on a former Y. M. secretary, assisted by Seere- Galley, who introduced him- self 10 the men present and express- od the hope that he -would have co-operation in making the Oshawa power for good. 2 Harton presided at the and before the address there splendid singing allman Compan Fights mora Record, 10 berth Ly Aha' Philadephia UH £f meclng © ¥Y. NC emphnas the spiri Addre !day afternoon Bowley that ie sSing a men n ine Green when of ¥- 3 brought ito tae A fore, and former will fill munity iS Olce re days, a lar. side murs then the Associat place in the than it does wo-day He expressed the hope that in 1 future a class of 156 men gether on a Sun- day afternoon, aud ihe Y. M. A | again come back 10 the evaugelistic that ha heen of great on ool @ Lie « fit in the cities and tiie past n had 2 warm spot the Y. M. C. A... with stated. had been eon- 25 years. Viwvidly the portrayed the wonderful cou- ions through the instramentality | the ¥Y. M, C. A. of five policemen | of Portland, Maine. They! were men of the Blackest type, deep dyed im sin, yet when they became converted they hecame powers for good in church and community Dr. Green expressad the opinion that to-day we have lost the genius of spiritual power 10 bring wen tw | Christ. heing content 13 live in our! sung complacency. Almost invar- | iabiy had found that the firss de-| sire of a conver od man was te bring | audther to Christ So the ¥. M. C. 1 A. to-day could Le made Jn trumen- tal in the hands of God In bringing | more than one man hack to the stool of repentance aad the beginning of | a mew life in Christ's service. 1 The speaker stated that while to- | day we hear as much of solving the | social problems. a iask eccupyiag | largely the attention of the church, | he believed that a return to Christ | and a renewed allegiance to him | would very largely be the solution of such problem: sim bir. Grog art for which, he ted for n his in his iN 1 ne vers | | the Fa Aa The service was presided over by | wth ar arr OI G3 490s 8 0] verything ing for your office Desks, "filin cabi- nets and other office furniture--ledgers, stationery--inks, pens, pencils -- everything for vour office is here at its best and at very reasonable prices. IXON'S F133 0 he master drauiog pencil" : has lead so smooth and easy -floving thar it makes writing 2 pleas- ure. All 17 degrees are for sale here (H B for general use). If vou have mever used the Eldorado, try one just to satisfy yourself. We shail gladiy adv¥se you ree i> best for i gris | » REFORMER OFFICE Oshawa, Ont. ALL KINDS OF Edeal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- age, Simcoe' St. South. Tires for | ssle. Jamiesom Hros., Proprietors. | 11-21 Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe Organ. For terms, etc, apply om | Saturdays at King St. Methodist | or Phone 8075. T3-jue 30 | M., TEACH- | ~nr i Eo RAS A, ue > » AM COMES NOME - LL a Fk Hing IM AS MA "ME ONE A ia Le Bh Ade ~ TLL Wasi UNTIL RE i! hs - ) i le STAY OP Any THE BRUTE - GRACIOUS ITS VE AM I CANT LONGER) "ME LL. AN Ca © W221 av Inru Fearune Service. ANG, S--