Ontario Reformer, 4 Mar 1922, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1922 4 SERVICES FOR LENT IN THE CHURCHES The Lenten season, ushered in | Nearby Places 4) Short visited at (Continued "from page Mrs. Gordon Mr. with Ash Wednesday, is being ob-'Myron Robins on Sunday. served in St. Gregory's Church, Osh-| awa, with the services, weeks, prescribed Wednesday evening of humility and "penance, Father Bench officiated, The Lenten devotions here will take place Mr. Arthur Langmald hud a wood spect] 'hee Wednesday afternoon, these gontinuing for six | Wedding bells will soon be ring- there (ing again, was a large attendance at the sacred rite of the blessing and distribution ut Columbus Town Hall, 'when the! shown at the Grand Theatre of ashes, the latter being a symbol Don't forget the date, March 10, {Shantymen's Concert will be held, 'Rev, | 11 Auction | On 'Sale. of farm stock and implements | Bo sure and attend the Wednesday evening with the Ros- of W. (i, Scott at the Doolittle Farm, ary 'and Benediction of the Blessed [1 mile south of Columbu: on Wed- Sagrament, and Friday evening with pesday, the Stations of the Cross, The serv- sharp at 12 o'clock noon, ices commence at 7.30 o'clock, * This year, owing to the illness of MeNeil, | who is mow in Florida, the pastoral | letter which is sent out at Lent the churches in this diocese has not His Lordship Archbishop been written, In St. George's Wednesday evening Church until THAT'S DIFFERENT AGAIN Georgian Cracker: Senlor want to give you some, too. "Well, what is it?" "Follow the advice mg to give me." About horse in town now is another horse.-- Burlington News, (oo every | Easter special Lenten service will be held, (to Freshman who has just arrived) I want to give you a hit of advice! Fresh Freshmanp--Awright, but you arg Bo: March 8th. Salo etarts 'advertisement in this issuc. B. ADLEY'S Mrs, 8. Thompson is a welcome | visitor at Walter Cryderman's, Mrs, W. Montgomery is in Cart- wright waiting on her daughter, Mrs, H. Galbraith, who is ill with | pneumonia, Some of the hoys from hero attended the at n around boys' conference Bowmanville, on Saturday. Miss Florence Walking spent the week-end at home in Toronto, [ Miss Lena Taylor returned to To- ronto after spending a month at home, Mr. W. R. Westlake friends in Toronto recently, Wedding bells were ringing ¢ only thing that|sefires a | around here last Saturday. The m aoyrcaenr ETAOI HRDLUR Don't forget the date, March 10. tat Columbus TowawHall, when the a -- -------------- -- | Shantymen's Concert will be held DEEN QUALITY and PERRIN KAYSER All the new novelties of black and silver, navy and mode, navy and grey, brown, sand and navy, in combinations mode and etc. --those pretty gauntlet styles with straps and fancy flut- ing on wrists. NEW HOSE Queen Quality, Glove Silk Hose in shades of fawns, navy, black and brown with wide or narrow open lace effect -- the prettiest hose we have seen yet. Extra Out » Size Hose For very stout women in Silk and Lisle, of excellent quality-- stout people know how hard these are to get usually. 26 More New Hats came in yesterday-- they are particularly pretty. : Ti fate ZION bees are the order of the day. Lovely weather we are having for them. Several families helped in the presentation for Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Pascoe of Solina, on Monday night They were presented with a silver tea serviee, The girls classes pres- ented Edith with 'pieces of ivory. A [Marjory with a beautiful bible. All had a splendid time. About were presént. Miss Maud Pieree has bh en ill, and Miss Vera Baker. nurse, is attending her. | Miss Flo. Cameron had charge of the league program this week ind solos and readings and instrumental music were given. Next Wednesday night we expect Kedron young people to visit us Don't forget the date. March 10 at Columbus Town Hall, when the Shantymen's Concert will be held Wood ' very trained BEATTIE'S IRONIZED TABLETS A BLOOD BUILDER A NERVE TONIC Restores lost vigor caused by overwork, worry and ex- cesses of the muscular system. A vitamine treat- ment, supplying the vita- mines of the blood, and renewing the youth. PRICE 50c Or if you have never used them, we will present you with a ful sized box free of charge. For sale only at the "WHITE FRONT DRUG STORE 9 8. Simcoe St., Ohana The Quality Picture House GRAND Super de luxe Feature | Mon., Tues, Wed. Written by himself for the 4 Sereen Rudyard Kipling's bee large visited | AT THE GRAND They made no vows to love, hons or and obey. They plighted their troth with a ring and a garland of flowers, and without benefit of cler- | gy. And they loved one another | until death did them part, {A love story based on truth and | faith Is "Without Benefit of Cler- | gy," Pathe"s visualization of Rud- | yara Kipling's famous story, to be Mon- | day, Tuesday and Wednesday, NEW MARTIN THEATRE Eddie Collins Revue is to stay at ud New Martin Theatre for three | more days. Miss du Pont stars in | the feature film, "Shattered Dreams' and the story and plot are full of | complications, The comedy, "Gen- tlemen Cadets" is different from most comedies, hut just as funny {and "Alfalfa Love" will prove an | interesting extra, | | TEN NIGHTS IN A BARROOM AT MARTIN'S ' The announcement by the New | Martin theatre that they have se- {cured a showing of a big 'special, "Ten Nights in a Barroom," for next Thursday, Friday and Satur- day, should prove of interest not only to motion picture fans but to all lovers of the theatre. This fam- ous old play has been a stage favor- ite for over fifty years. The serecn version was made by L. Case Rus- sell, who has five hundred produc- ed pictures to her credit, and she has followed the story faithfully but she has taken full advantage of { the great opportunities offered i the screen, with the result that the | | film version shows much that the | stage production was forced to om- it. The pieture was directed by Os- car Apfel and produced by Blazed | | Trail Productions, Inc., in the heart of the Adirondacks. The star ig John | Lowell, who is supported by Baby | Ivy Ward, who plays the part of his' "daughter, Little Mary Morgan | by | AT THE REGENT Thomas Meighan, Paramount star, is supported by Mildred Harris, 115 former Lois Weber star, in his new | 'h¢ toast to the bride, which was re- | starring Was," vehicle "A Prince There | which comes to the Regent! 'theatre next Monday and Tuesday Mr. Meighan plays a rich young | idler and Miss Harris a young writer, | who formerly lived in Juxury, but! with her father's ruin and suicide is forced to write for a meagre living, ! with poor success. Little Charlotte! Jackson, in the role of the little boarding house drudge, goes to the! rich man and asks him to "inter- cede" for the girl, which the rich man does, pretending he is an as- sistant magazine editor and taking up quarters at the boarding house where he soon falls in leve with tne girl. But a broker, also in love with the girl, makes it appear that the prince was the man who caused her father's finaneial ruin and also ex- poses the fact that he had to buy the magazine to get her stories prin ted. This causes an estrangement which, however, speedily pateh ed up by the turn of circumstances and everybody happy at the fin ish is is Other players of note in the cast are Nigel Barrie, Guy Oliver. Syl via Ashton, Fred Huntly and A)- thur Hull. The picture was adapt- ed by Waldemar Young and direct- ed by Tom Forman. FARM NOTES Friday, February 24, saw a record crowd at L. T. Pacoe's sale. Judz- i ing by the spirited buying there i much optimism among the farmers as a whole. J. Bisuop was in good form aud assisted by W. T. Baker. | realized good prices, such as grain for seed at 80 and 85 cents; wmangles, 157: cents; cows averaged $75. ] -- Below is a list of presidents and | secretaries of different breed socie- | ties jist elected at recent meetings. | Shorthorus--Prsident, H. M. Pet- tit, Freeman; secretary, J. H. Day, | [ Guelph. ! | Dual Purpose Shorthoras---Presi- | ident, G. L. Smith, Meadowvale; sec- retary, I. B. Whale, London. | Polled Angus--President, James Brown; secretary. F. G. Crawigrd Brandon, Man. | Herefords --President, L. 0. Clif- ford, M.P.. Oshawa; secretary, M.D. | | Smith, Ancaster. | Ayrshire Cattle---President, Gil bert McMillan, Buckingham, Que.: P swerotary, W. F. Stephen, Hunting i don, Que. | Jerseys--President, G. D. Duncan. | Todmorden, Out.; secretary, B. A | Bull, Brampton, Ont. | Holsteins--President. AE. Hulet | Norwich, Ont.; secretary, W. A. Cle- | mons, Brantford. This list is supplied for the benefit of breeders who did not attend the | meetings. Keep in touch with yom | officials and boost your favorites. There will he a shorthorn sale at | Bowmanville on March 9. | A meeting of great importance te | live stock breeders of Durham county was held in the towm hall, at Bow- | manville, Monday, with a fairly good attendance. The object as to dis- cuss the live stock situation in the county. After addresses by F. C. Paterson of the Department of Agri- culture, and others, it was decided to launch a live stock improvement campaign to improve the standard of eficiency of all breeds of cattle by a systematic eradication of scrub {bulls from the county. A county organization may be for- will reside at 45 Elmer-avenue. Tor- ------ | SOCIAL and | PERSONAL The Reformer invites the co-opera- tion of its readers in contributing items to. this column, Send us @ posteard or 'phone 85, --Mr. Kenneth Shortt spent very enjoyable week-end friends In Cedar Dale. ---Mrs,. G. A, Martin, The Boule- vard, has returned home after a week's visit with Toronto friends. --Miss Bessie Stapleton, Cedar Dale, is visiting relatives in Toron- to over the week-end, -----Col, J. E. Farewell, K.C., of Whitby, County Crown Attorney, is home from a pleasant holiday spent in Cuba. --Miss (GGwendola Hewson was the hostess at a very enjoyable party at her home, 77 Ontario street, Thurs. day evening. The guests numbering about thirty, were entertained with games, music and dancing, after which a delicious lunch was served. --Thursday afternoon the Ladies' Aid of the Christian Church held a very successful tea ia the Kozy Kor- ner of the Savoy. The fine weather brought out over 100, with the re- sult that the ladies netted about $26. ia with JONES--DICK A happy event took place at the home of Mrs. John. Dick, 45 Elmer avenue, Toronto, when her only daughter, Edna Winnifred, was unit- ed in marriage to Frederick Whit- more Jones, of Whitby, in the pres- ence of a large number of friends. The bride, Mr. McCudden, looked charming in a dress of brown net over crepe de chine ,with hat to match and carried a lovely bouquet of pink roses. She was attended by Miss Carrie Thomp- son, while Mr. Arthur Jones acted as best man. After a buffet luncheon had been Young. officiating clergyman, gave sponded to by the groom. After short honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Jone al onto. ~ GOOD TIMES ARE COMING Los Angeles Times: The fact | that wheat has risen a few points, that cotten is selling for a few] cents nearer its actual value, that] sugar may show a slight upward] tendency and that copper is slow-| ly finding its way back to a level at whieh the mines may be reopened | and thousands of men re-employea | does not mean that we must pay | more for the necessities of life or that the old war bogey symbolized | by the initials H.C.L to com" back to haunt us indication that the country is sane | again and that it may not be long | before we will be buying and selling upon a basis whose foundation requirement, plus supply, plus a fair profit. whether it be for a day's work or a bushel of wheat. is Started Co-Operative Dairy who was given away by, | preciative address of her efforts as | | | | served, the Rev, Joseph | Rather it is au ig) Mr. H. C. Hart, of the department | of agriculture, has organized Cobourg a co-operative dairy com- pany, and an application for a char- ter has been sent in. [It is the pur- pose of the new company chase the Cobourg Creamery plant to carry on operations. Co to pur-| in | | Plead Guilty To Burglary at Cobourg In the county judge's criminal court on Tuesday, before Judge Ward, at Cobourg. Blake Stapleton. of Newcastle; Roy Stacey and Ar- thur Little, of Bowmanville, and Chas. Finlay. of Newcastle, pleaded guilty to a number of cascs of bur- glary and theft, and were remand- ed to Monday, March 20. for sen- tence PRESENT REGENT WITH PURSE| CONTRACTS ARE LET At the conclusion of the business meeting of the Cobourg 1. 0. D. E. on Monday evening, a very pleasing event took place, when Miss F. W. Eyre, who has recently retired as regent of the order; was presented with a purse of gold and an ap- regent since the order was started in Cobourg in 1914, with best wishes on her trip abroad. Mrs. J. W. Spragge read the address and Mrs, W. J. Crossen made the -presenta- tion. During the evening much up- preciated solos were rendered hy Mrs. Fullerton and Miss Salisbury, Miss K. Warner acting as accomp- anist. At the conclusion *"8he's a Jolly Good Fellow" was sung. Miss Eyre and her sister, Mrs, Craig, are leaving the end of the month on a year's trip abroad. | CHANGES OF PASTORS v Rev, E. Harston, pastor of Cam-| borne Methodist Circuit in the past] three years, has received and ac- cepted a unanimous invitation to Woodville . Methodist Chureh for] next conference year. Mr. Harston is an overseas veteran. Rey. Jos- eph Mellor of Woodville has recely- | ed and accepted an invitation to the| pastorate of the Methodist Church | at Picton, subject to the will of the | Stationing Committee of the Bay of) Quinte Conference. CARD OF THANKS Patte, 85 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ontario Street, desire to express their appreciation for the kindness | and best wishes extended to them on the occasion of their golden wedding on Wednesday last, also for the many beautiful bouquets. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Private John | Buckley, killed in action, March | 6th, 1917, in France Teday recalls sad memories; Of a loved one laid to rest; Though sad the blow, it must be =o And truly God knows best, { WIFE AND DAUGHTER. | 139-a | BY HOUSING COM. | At a meeting of the Oshawa Hous- ing Commission yesterday contracts for the ten houses to be built this year were awarded. Gale & Trick will build the houses proper; Fred Gerrard was awarded the plumbing, and Walter Stacey the painting. The heating sand electric wiring contracts have not yet heen consider- ed. The houses this year, for which ground will he broken early in the spring, will be of brick, have all modern conveniences, including wirs ing for an electric stove, and will sell complete for about $4,300. of them will be ready of the summer, the middle THE UNINVITED GUEST New Orleans-Picayune: Canada seems to he making no strenuous efforts to keep Europes undesirab- les from slipping over the border in-! to the honest, United States. we don't Just to be blame Canada. The first | 8.8. No. 5 WHITBY, REPORT The report for 8. £ No. 5, Ea Whithy, for threé months, Becen ber to February, is as follows: S 1IV.--C." Wray Siyiion.) R. Col 87, (hon.); B.A Terwillggar 84 (hon.); H. Cole 78, (hon,) Jr. IY ---R. Nesbitt .87, (hon.); D. Ne bitt 79, (hon.); A. Spencer 68. IIL--G. Pereman 74; D. Anis 70; G. Timms 67, Br, II.--F, Ledgott 96, (hon.); W, Werry 80, (hon.); H. Rahm 72; M. Parker 68; D. Timms 66; E. Pereman 56.. First, --M. Timms, (hon.); J. Love, (hon.); F. Rahm. Primer.--R. Beath; L. Timms, (absent.) M. F. ROBINSON, Teacher, BIG SALE WEDNESDAY Be sure and attend the Auction Sale of farm stock and implements lof W. G. Scott at the Doolittle Fain, {1 mile south of Columbus on Wed- nesday, March 8th. Sale stars sharp at 12 o'clock noon. Bee large advertisement in this issue. Only the modest, unpretentious side of human nature is seen by a tax assessor.--Dayton Traveler, THE MOST NEEDED "You supplied the very thing we most needed in a magnifi helped us to ificent way: You find ourselves . ......"" (From a letter). "Disney Servica" has alwevs endeavored to be a Service of Uplift and Consolation, At that, position we are now in a to do better, bigger work than ever. CALL Av ANY vIOLR, DAY OR NIGH) The Disney Fumeral Service 14 Bond Street, West 'Lelephone 1062 Unsurpassed Ambulance Service © EGEN ne of Canada's Best R T Jubilee Next Week SELECTED COMEDY --LATEST NEWS SOMETHING DOING EVERY NIGHT MONDAY 1st BIG JUBILEE ATTRACTION Thomas Meighan Mildr "A Prince There Was" AND TUESDAY ed Harris ADDED ATTRACTION MONDAY NIGHT Prize Night 10 prizes to the lucky seat holders Charlie Chaplin Night Contest For Boys $3.00 Cash Prize tc the best Chaplin Character ALL REGENT ORCHESTRA JUBILEE WEEK Wed.--Thurs.--Dorothy Dalton and Rudolph Valentino in "The Moran of the Lady Letty" | Special Added Comedy, Feature Attraction--LARRY SEMON in "THE BELL HOP" | fr NEW MARTIN THEATRE "Ten Nights in a Bar- Room" At Last Reaches the Screen Slowly but surely the motion pictures reach out and take the great plays of other days and make them their own, Aad it up be said for the pictures t they generally do full just- to the stage play and often give it a greater preduction than the stage could, due to the limitations of the stage. Now comes word that the play that has thrilled millions through- out this country and Europe has been filmed and that it is to be shown at the New Martin theatre on next Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday. Matinee Prices Children 10c, Adults 25¢ Millions have seen the Play. Everybody's seeing the Picture. Now being shown for First Time. [=a | New Martin Theatre News The Peer of All Laughing Shows Eddie Collins Musical Revue med later, but for the present ouly la Darlington townsalp seciety was formed, with these officers: John Baker, chairman, Salina; Russel Or- miston, Enfield: James A. Werry, 1 flam- ing with the fie of Ripling's zenins Made a record run in Teronto's largest theatres. A SNUB POLLARD OOMEDY Ennigkillen; Ivan M. Low, Hampton: John BR. R. Cole, Bethesda; Alex. Muir, South Darlington: Robert B. Stevens, Bowmanville; W. Charles Allin, RR. No. 4, Bowmanville, and An wp to the minute Musical Comedy Co. with the prettiest st and most youthful chorus ever assembled. A show for the most critical. Our photoplays Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. feature Miss duPont starring in "Shattered Dreams." Comedy, "Gentlemen Cadets". Extra, "Alfalfa Love." ERNIE MARKS MANAGER This IS the FIRST SHOWING of: the film version of this wonder- ful story IN OSHAWA. There are touching scenes in which Humour and P EVENING PRICES Ernie Marks Manager A different show every might, MONDAY MIGHT "HEN PECKED JIGGS" TUESDAY "JIGGS ON BROADWAY" SEATS 35--25 and 10 CENTS WEDNESDAY NIGHT "JIGGS' NIGHT OUT"

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