Ontario Reformer, 4 Mar 1922, p. 3

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R= = = ~~ Agricultural Society Meets The directors of the South Ontario Agricultural Society are in session this afternoon to decide a number of important matters concerning this vear's fair, wa a Rs == = Scientific Palmist _Have your hand vead hy a scien- {ific, palmist (lady). Has read the hands of . hundreds of distinguished people. Here Saturday, March 4, for. few days, Central Hotel, Room 6, Hours, 10to 12; 2 tn 5; T7to D,- Terms, $1.00, 139-a Young People's Day Tomorrow will be young people's day in Simcoe St. Church. The services will be conducted hy mem- bers of the Victoria College Glee Club, who will speak and sing, both marning and 'evening, Thgy will also give a concert with a vavied program on Monday, March 6, Young People's Annual The local corps of the Salvation Aymy are preparing for the Young People's annual, to he held at the Citadel on Monady evening, Maich 18th. A cantata, "The (frowning of the May Queen, or the Coming of Spring" will be given, while Sun- day School prizes for regular al- tendance will also he distributed. Must Give Dotails-- Hereafter when building permits gre applied for at the town hall, they will have to he accompanied with detailed plans of the work to he un- dertaken before a permit is issued This is the ruling made hy Town Engineer McDonald, who has heen issueing of the permits. Jit im- possible to grant a permit unless the plans are exhibited showing whar building the permit is for, what kina of construction, location, etc. Dur- is ing February only one or two per-| mits were issued, and none for the last ten days. A revival in the build- fng line is not looked for until April. The Fonthill Nurseries Established 1837 Largest in Canada eters for Quality Nursery Stock full dine of rare choles Nowering shrabs, clunbing and herbaceous perennials ripent of froit stocks io apples, pears, plums, cherries, 0s and small fruits for garden or plantings. Froit and ornamental application, STONE & WELLANGYON, Toronto, Gul. pe orchard on hooks sent sh ------ Np Improviog Industrial ; ig Conditions Are sure to make many desir- able openings for those who bare industrial training in bookkeeping. stenography and other office work. The cost ob business training is soom returned by increased earning power that such train- ing gives. We operate Day classes, teaching and general courses. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE and Night commercial improvement King St. Chambers Phone 907 ,ald's nd District Good Roads Director "I. H. Richardson, Ontario Couh- ty warden and Reeve of Pickering, has heen elected a director of the Ontario (ood Roads Association, A Big Sale Wednesday Be sure und attend the Anction Sale of farm stock and implements of W, G. Seott at the Doolttle Farm, 1 mile south of Columbus on Wed- nesday, Marchy Sth. Sale starts sharp at 12 o'clock noon. See large advertisement in this issue. | Men's Service In the King Street Church on Sunday evening, a men's gorviee will he held. A full choir of male voices led by Prof. Herbert . Treneer, wil have charge of the musical exercises, while the pastor Rev. A. M. Irwin, will deliver a special address. Method ip Consider 1922 Estimates To consider the estimates tor the year, the Board of Education is hold ing a special session this afternoon so that these can he presented to the Council on Monday evening The 1921 estimates were nearly $80,000. and it stated that :onsiderable amonnt will be asked for this year. more service of Prayer Yesterday throughout Canada and [ United States Interdominational meetings of Women's Missionary So cieties were held, it being the day | set aside particularly when Societies tof churches could unite In prayer with a view to gaining a greater in centive for work in the future. In | Oshawa, the King Street Methodist | Sunday School auditorium was well filled with missionary workers, Mrs W. A. Luke acting as chairman. Rey; ID. McLeod gave. a most interesting talk on the place of women in the | Christian world. Busy Session Monday { Next Monday evening's regular meeting of the Council promises to be a very busy and important On the docket fer digcussion are such questions az Engineer MeDon- resignation. appointment of a town engineer, the waterworks petl- {tion left over from Tucsday last, and 'nuemrous matters referred to com- mittees. The finance committee, it {is understood. will report on several (applications for grants The Board |of Education estimates may also be (tabled. The estimates of the Board jof Health and Library Board are mow in thd Finance Committee's hands. one 'Jeshje Irving Coming t Presbyterian Church Thel public will be delighted to { hear $f the musical treat in store | for thém at the Presbyterian Church { next Tuesday, March 7th; when Jessie jIrving/ of Hamilton. vill appear | The program the entertainment | follows | Part One Organ solo. Mr { Henfey: solo, "There are Fu | the Bottom of Our Garden." by Liza | Lelimann, Mrs R Bale: reading, "You City Folks" (Anon.). Miss | Jeksie Irving: solo, selected, Mr. Me- { i en; reading adapted from "Sunay { Duerow™ (by Henry St. John Coop ar). Miss Irving: solo. "Etdeusy™ (hy Frederick Knight Logan). Miss Robe of (leo. at ries Two Solo. selected, Mr. Courtney; reading. "A Seot Indeed" (lan MeLaren). Miss Irving: solo. selected, Mrs. Braud: reading. select- ed, Miss Irving: selected, Mr. Mellveen, God Save the King. solo, | 9 "The Chocolates with the Wonderful Centers Gor 5. JURY & LOVELL LTD. Socesis 'OU'LL have to bite into one of these chocolates to learn just what that means. Flavor doesn't shew on the sur- face. In the meantime, stop at.our candy counter and get some to teke home. Packed in a strikingly handsome orange-and-gold box. F. W. THOMPSON I AUTO PRICES MA BE INCREASED SOON Present Lists Based on Liquid: ation of Inventories, Says R. 8. McLaughlin The following signed article by Mv. R. 8. McLaughlin, President General Motors of Canada, was pubs dished to-day in the special "anto- motive section of The Toronto Globe: Being a fundamental industry, as everybody now admits, the motor ear business will rapidly right je gelf, and those firms manutacturing ears of enduring merit, who are who are properly financed and pro- perly ran, will survive and he strong- ar than ever, while small assembling institutions, whose anly excuse for existence has heen that during the past few years most anything ' bhailt on four wheels and with an engine fn it would sell, are bound 10 disap- pear, ; Following Carvinge Industry It seems to us that the motor in- dustry is rapidly following the path of the carriage industry, with which we were identified for more than fifty years. Carriages were made in capable of giving proper serviea and J A I a AA 4B NS J, PAGE THREE | Special Announcement eek Is 'HOME -- FURNISHING -- WEEK Look For The Special Window Displays and See The Large Number of Extraordinary Money Saving Prices. Special Values During This Next Week That Will Not Be Duplicated Again This Season. Your Op- portunity Is At hand. "BUY NOW?" SPECIAL TONIGHT And All Next Week the early stages at nearly every cross road and every little village | and town, and the methods of manu-| facture were crude and expensive, | The so-called hand-made carriage | 400n developed into an assembled ope, with the principal paris bought from specialists in the business who | made gears, upholstering, whenls, | whe. As the large factories they were able to give value, and really a beti much less money, with that the small cw hop. | While it served purpose fon '} he first ol | developed, muh harter| for! jilen- | article [AE] FEL lage its time, was doomed from disappear and did so Demand Will Be Constant The motor business, boing. as stat- ed above, a fundamental husinos sound to continue along wel fined lines, There will alwavs he demand for new cars to replace those that wear disappear. while course, for a greal many years there will always be a 2reat number of new buyers, The que is des out and tion the of second-hand | ear very important and at the | present time an all-absorl one to the manufacturer, dealer ir- haser, an equitable and I arriving at the value of worked on ull} very ; as method the wel for used cm America undoubtedly a being and satisfactory problem will he re hefors long solution | to this iehod, | Prices May Increase The present list Trout liquid prices of cars are npon and | based tories and we think ihe public may forward within | the next few months to inercases ju- | stead «of Aegreases mo the lists of | popuiar-priced 1i (he output can Ie 0 that fac- | tory brought the highest state of efficiency, press prices may be tained iu but if business con ditions prove disappointing, with a resultant smaller then it will be absolutely necessary to a the prices om of the extra caused by out put Diflicult 10 Max Manufacturing motor cars in Can- | ada is decidedly more difficult andl expensive than in the United States Canada is a larger country than the United States, while the population which is only about one-twelfth of that of the United States. is scattor ed throughout the land, making i very expensive and difficult to ( In addition to thai conditions Canada large pam of the country. ut rate. are very anfavorable for oring during several months of the year in fact, it is impossible to drive a car all in ihe northern and castern pa of the country from about the first of November until the | first of April | signs of Laprovewmend ve we in a the not 'on tal ANY Cases of value, ion inven e ' look many cars incréased, production can be to © main instances SOM $. production Lise aceount cost smaller { actuare } i} DURINEOSS climate Lite or any mot- of 0 A 1 H | ] i WORT! can see | signs improvment in | with our domestic business; { preparing to take care | same owdput as we had last | providing. at the same time. | cusbion to take care of any { which may come alongs. Our export business out wonderfully well, and our plants at Walkerville and Oshawa ave quite | busy. as he judged the faet { that the payroll of General Motors Canada for the last two weeks in { January Was at the rate of $435,000 por month ONE WHO MISSED iY 1 London Sunday Pietorial: Au {Arctic adveaturer, who returned to | civilization last week, was sarp 2d to hear that the war cuaded. I sincerely hope the sageesiio that the peace celebrations should be lat ion are the YOur, or a increase some of «conu we of about { is | | by S= " re i bined i working { A Large Assortment of Voiles in the season's latest creations both in color and design. Neat check or striped patterns and some with the daintiest little flower patterns, all 40-in. wide." Now is the time to do your home sewing hefore the warm weather comes." We offer this entire shipment to you at a very low price How About That New Tailored Suit? The loveliest Wool Serges and Home Spun Suitings have just ar- rived. Anything you could possibly wish for is in these lines, Of special mention is a PURE WOOL BOT- ANY SERGE 52° WIDE value is this ely PURE WOOL SERGE, Included mm this shipment is a ver) mean remarkable A ' absoh very ¢ 148 14 wide and only fine assortment oi Home Spun Suitings An exceptional fine quality of an ' ALL WOOL TRICOTINE, $3.50 vd. And of the more moderate price, we have an ALL WOOL SERGE 50 wide «@ ev; CHOICE OF LEADER |=: WAS UNANIMOUS. =.= very wide, and Specially .. $2.75 vd. se remarkable of- Priced at Ye, as they are on for immediate x wed, and i Ot wdly able to ew deaply moments a th addy burned nicht confessed speaker h on vd hi ow e ey his Lr. Groen wag vangelistiz ca enabled him of re wuld : un Hydro by Sinclair and Tolmie Moved | * |" Motion to This End at j tio Convention gu develop Wellington Hay, M. 1». Pt Thursday chosen | 11 Convention for-} . oat- 1 \, ern on 1 first and the choice was made unan- on motion of W.EN. Sinclair Tolmie, whose names vote, Mr Hay | the com- two candi onvent un Francis North Perth, by the Was record for of on on Province at Liberal was elected woringe olicy tor Ont: to be Leader He rio Cy and dd urge hu arestration rl The i", Jmous and Major J. © went A majority the other SO tions | ortgaged tt Lt own midst | w the? ganization cement | 1 } an | | rocams likewise to the vdd won day Bu at the lions' Inneheon yest- Men's Club ght. He will nen's and older boys id 4 0 cviork ta- essed over Was Ziven votes ol "1 God Will Find : an- 4 FRR | Sd have Mr. dates The resalt with tre- mendous enthusiasm by the huge cons antion, representing every nook aud § oo oostion of 1 orsivip 2 | of the 3 ints The demonstration con behalf of HY 3 Ader © Bas i alisw the two tried Jdb- \ . Sinclair and Major Talmie, moved make it unanamous went ta uncontrollable Jimits, and in that tremendous outburst there was mach appreciation of Mr. Siaclair} and Major Tolmie as there was for the elected leader. Mr. Hay ackuow- lndged that faet. All Classes Equal Liberalism gave its leaders 10 am: was reeeived other COrnet royvinese re 3 ar Raptist nated tar {following } N. Sinclair 1 ho awa; Lieut sCol. £. B. O'Flynn to ville: Wellington Han overed. confessed K. Murphy. Toromnie: suffered the greal Toronto; PEE with all his sons W. A. Lewis, Drockvillc: possessions, beiag when When nom ina? wore caalied th were offered: W to K was guilty ' us Archan, whe, th tern T 20s all A Greenville Piedmont, peated for his benefit will not receive the necessary support. RHEUMATISM sie w T.R.C.'S Have you given up? Have you cusigned Yourself to that old, wing pain t nothing scems Ao relieve? Do you think be- cause youcan't gotoHot Springs or take some expensive treats ment that you have neo other alternative ? We have many P tried everything, baths, serums, elec tricity, w found recovery in using T.R.C.'s. (Tcmpleton's Rheumatic Capsules). We have thousands of letters that prove beyond doubt T.R.C.'s tobe the most practical and successiul Rheumatic remedy sold. At drug- gists, $1.00 per box. For Free Trial write Templeton, Toronto. Sold by Jury & Lovell { dersiaad that its principles must he { predominant in Provincial politics. { and ho ded them the men of a great | national party wherein each class of ! ihe community is accorded rightful ! recognition where equal rights te all prevail Not gince the acclaim by #junce delegation of the election of William Lyon Mackenzie King as Leader of Dominion Liberalism has enthusiasm been displayed such as greeted the new Provincial Leader. Mr. Hay rose te the occasion. "I have no message except the message of Liberalism." said the new Leader. This "confession of} faith" the huge convention cheared to the echo. Perhaps no retired Leader bas been given the popular acclaim that was accorded Mr. H. H. Dewart, when he was called upon to speak. The delegates rose in their seats and cheered as they cheered the election of the new Leader The Provincial Liberals regfém- bered his fight against the Hearst Government, and the demonstration was a wumph for Mr. Dewart. Ai» es id an LLL Lal Still the most for the money. FTN ON Po lll

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