nw, Shh Sn ER 7 42 £0 4h 00 8 20 Lo CIE X { 'PAGE EIGHT + 'Jackie . (Continued from page, ) taller than you. I'm afraid "things would he hopeless." Jackie set his mind at ease about , 'the dress and dismissed him, almost jubilant now, with a solemn prom- | ise to catch the oene-thirty train. Then seh took farewell of Madame Lemine, clicorful again hy reagon of her unexpected windfall of fifty pounds, which she likened to the gros lot of u small Montmartre lot- y tery of five-franc abhonnements to which seh 'was addicted, . It was just upon midday, Jackie drove to the Savoy, where she ate a f quick lunek standing amidst the sea of empty tables, holding voluble con- verse in French the while with the maitro .d'hotel, From there the i taxi took her to the theatre and away Bgain with a hag containing a couple of her costumes and a pianoforte Lseore of 'Spatch-Cock' to Liverpool pitreet station, where she caught the Southend train with five minutes to . Epare, Nothing could have pleased her her 7% se NENW Nn A MAMET ENED 120 ch meen SHAMANS AN 00 gyn better than this suddenly planned adventure. She was glad of the op- portunity of helping anyone in dls- tress. In doing so she helped her- self, The distraction did a little fo allay the fever of her own crushed hopes. Poverty and suffering never appealed to her in vain, She pic- tured the actor's young wife in pain, disabled like her poor Benny: an- other broken doll, Oh, yes, by her art she could help in so many ways! Had not Calderon said so? She located the little theatre on the beach without difficulty ane found Chester waiting for her in the canvas doorway. He looked \tre- mendously relieved to see her. "Jacqueline de Brie, from the Dip- lomats' Theatre, London." "The reply df ncerted Chester. "But I--1 (.a't do that," he ob- jected. "It might get you into tron. hle, Suppose Some one" "But do not suppose," Jackie in. terjected, "I am veritably Jacque- line, and 'I dance today for your sick wife, my friend." pe -------- Bote tt, 2 BY = ee v Soule tod, Footy tek, CaO ' Book. Fost, dacs Bestel, 0) eaters hy Ce » 42 SIMCOE The Oshawa Bargain Store " K 2 On a) EER -, STREET N. Working Trousers Working Shirts Overalls Brown Fine Boots TT TT TTT TTT ITT TTT Boys' Worsted Suits, reg. $10, for Boys' Bloomers These are only a few of our samples, All goods guaranteed and if not satisfactory your money returned. M. ENUSHESKY HARIRI BEINN SIH Stores iosd im ororioiod FROM Will Carlton's WORLD FAMOUS SPECIALS FOR Friday and Saturday and Next Week Men's Working Boots, degen todo $1.75 75¢ to $1.15 $1.25 eg R Military > " = mm 3 RRR oo, ERE ERR) ee Te Toodedee} ieee) LR) ee pp re Se RRERXRRERRRR ERR / TRL J 2 i lia ali recta ine Hh LMA ee tel 8 Ey 'OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1922 IN TINT I TA ATR A EY Rl a h The amazing truth staggered him, | & He had assumed her to be one of the | || - } = actress's daneing supporters, not her | SOCIAL and | PERSONAL very self, He stood helplessly gap- ing at her. Jackie took the chalk] | from his fingers and filled in the] || board with her name. Its effect there pleased her nearly as much as | the electric signe over the portico | ®=== --Mrs, George Williams is visiting her brothers, Messrs, M. and H. Jam- ieson, Bowmanville, --Migs MeWillams, matron of Osh- of the Diplomats'. hester's eyes awa Hospital, who has been ill, is were brimming as he carried it around te the front. There he heav- reported to be much improved and will be home from Toronto today. ily underlined the three words and Miss Hilda Wennell and Miss wrote heneath them--For this Oo- casion Only. Never had he felt so elated gnd yet so humble, TO BE CONTINUED (irace Wennell passed successfully their introductory piano examina- tions held recently at the Bishop Bethune College, ---Mr, Albert Bramley, pupil of Migs MM, Stacey, passed the elemon- tary piano examination with honors ut the recent examinations held at Bishop Bethune College, --Mrs, C. B. Bmith, soprano solo-| ist of Toronto, is visiting at the Bap- | the person of Mrs, Maria French, tist parsonage. | Coming to Oshawa from Brighton, | Mr. Harry Stinson of Omemes, | where she was born over seventy-| was an Oshawa visitor last week. seven years ago, the deceased had | --Mrs, Oshorne is visiting at the made her home in Oshawa for nearly |, mo'or Mr. Harston, Camborne, H sixty years. Having suffered a sev- | Mrs. T. C. Osborne, of Almonds, ere stroke ahout three years prior | visited Oshawa friends on Monday. tc her death, the deceased had heen | foil iia confined to her hed almost constant- ~Mr. W. I. Manuel returned to ly during that time, Mrs, French was Point Anne this morning after spend- | widely known in Oshawa and had | ing a few days with his parents, been a member of Simcoe Street | Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Manuel, Kivg Methodist Church for many years, street west, Besides her husband, Mr. Carpus | Mr. 6. B Ag French, she leaves three daughters, | leWvan, Sask. are visiting Mr Mrs, (George Galloway, of Kamloops, | Mrs. Charles Brown, Raglan B.C.; Mrs. E. Piercey, of Deloraine, Mrs. MeGrath, 'of Marmora, is Man., and Mrs. George Evans, at! visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, home, and one son, Clarence, of! O'Leary, Church street. Detroit. A hrother, Mr. William| ---Mrs. Stephen MecKibhon Palmer. of Brighton, also survives, |Pleasant View, spent several There are two grandchildren and | last week with relatives in town one great grandchild. Miss Luella Norton and Miss Flos- The funeral is being held this at-|sie Gallagher spent the week-end ternoon from the residence, 282 King | with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oke, Bow- RECENT DEATHS MRS, MARIA FRENCH, Death came to, one of Oshawa's oldest and most highly respected re- gidents carly yesterday morning at her Wome, 282 King street east, in Dundas and bride, of and | of days | street east, the service being conduc- { manville | ted by Rev. J. | will take place at ["nion Cemetery, H. Chureh Yule MeBain. Interment --At the Thursday Presbyterian morning Rev. Geo COST AND SATISFACTION " Satisfaction is not dependent. on the cost of a funeral. We may sacrifice "Cost" but we never sacrifice '"'Sat- isfaction." Minutest attention is paid to every funeral, however small, however pretentious. The superior 'Disney Service" is uninfluenced by the cost of a funeral CALL, AT ANY d0OCR, PAY OR NIGH) The Disney Fumeral Service 14 Bond Street, West 'velephone 10b2 = | solemnized the marriage of tasbei | the parsonage at Prince Albert on of Ethel Matilda McKee, daughter of Mr. Cook, Myrtle. | METCALFE--In 'PARFITT--In fond and loving mem- Wynder, of East Whitby, and Joan Joynt, of Atwood, Perth Township, --Miss Hazen Wotten entertained about thirty of her friends at the nome of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tonkin, Ritson road south, on Wednesday evening. An enjoyable time was spent in games, music and dancing. A dainty luncheon was also served. ~The wedding was solemnized at February 22, by Rev, J. F. Everson, Thomas MeKee, Clarence Ceell Ww. .d and Mrs, to Mr. and Mrs. Manchester, Cook, son of Mr, DIED FRENCH--In Oshawa, on ¥riday, February 24th, 1922, Marin French, beloved wife of Mr. Car pus French, in her 78th year, Funeral from the family residence, 282 King t. East, aturday, Febru- ary 206th, 1022. Service at three o'clock. Interment in Union Cem: etery (private), Please omit flowers, IN MEMORIAM loving memory of our dear mother, Mary Matilda Metcalfe, 'who died Feb. 25, 1620. Dear is the place where our lovee one is laid, Dear is her memory which never shall fade; Sweet is the hope that again we shall meet, Kneeling together at Jesus' feet, Maud, Tom, William nad Gearge. 136-8 ory of my dear hushand, George Parfitt, who died February 20th. 1921 ' Dearest husband, you've heen absent! From our midst one year today. ! How we miss your loving presence, | Aching hearts alone can say. \ loving husband, and father (rue and kind, A beautiful memory left hehind: Loved and respected, one of the best, May he he granted eternal rest, | WIFE AND CHILDREN. | 136-8 | METCALFE--In loving memory of) our dear mother, who died Feb. | 25th, 1920, laid to rest Feh. 27th, Sad and oft our thoughts do wanaer, | To a grave not far away, Where we laid our dear mother, Just two years ago today. Her weary days and hours of pain, Her troubled nights are past; In our aching hearts we feel She has found sweet rest at last, Danghter, son and grandchildren, JUDD. | Aviators are now breaking more' records and fewer necks San Aunt- onia Light { We are not sure yet that jazz fe dead But if it is, we know where t is gone.-----Duluth Herald : "Will you have Feoteh, rye, or! \ 3 Still More Handsome Coats Came in to-day--they are works of art --new in every way--and most Extraordinary Values WW rappy Coats You want to see these--they are won- . derful values and nothing newer in the business--and don't forget to look at the price tickets. No one equals our v E | ¥ 4 The ARCADE price. gin?" "Whatever you are pleased | to call it, old chap." Buffalo Com- | mercial | | REFORMER WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RESULTS YOUR GREATEST SWEETHEART YOUR TRUEST PAL YOUR EVER SELF-SACRIFICING COMRADE The Grandest Name In All The World. Let It Live In Your Heart Every Day Of The Year. If You Love It You Will Not Fail To See "OVER THE HILL" FARM BALLADS" IS YOUR MOTHER William Fox's Masterpiece of Mother Love At The GRAND Theatre, March, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, Special Engagement WITH MARY CARR The greatest mother of the Screen, in this lovable, thrilling, powerful story, that touches the heart of all humanity. The Picture that outshone New York's "Great White Way" with the Light of Home, and made the radiant name of Mother live anew in the hearts of even the cynical, luxury loving crowds of Broadway. For one entire year New York crowded to see it. Created Metropolitan 3 i525 " {henomena run. Most successful Picture ever shown in Canada. Played to packed houses in fifteen The One Lovahle, Thrillling Powerful Story 'at Two Dollars a seat FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE Adults, 35¢; Children, 25¢ Will Never Forget That You For this is the one wonder picture of the screen that will live for all time. Hailed by critics, ministers and prominent leaders of the day as the crowning artistic triumph of the Motion Picture World Grand Theatre ADVANCE SALE OPENS ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH Ist, AT 930 AM. Special Musical Program During Showing of This Wonder Picture record STUDENTS PREPARE YOUR ESSAYS On the "Observance of Mothers' Day" in : Ontario, and win SPECIAL "OVER THE HILL" PRIZES Special Preformance for School Children only at 10.00 am. Satur- day, March 4th, at the reduced price of 15¢.