Ontario Reformer, 25 Feb 1922, p. 7

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1922 ------ ------------ Farms For Sale | Rug Weaving FARM FOR BALB--ABOUT SEV- AUG WREAVING=OLD enty-five acres, five miles from Osh- awa, Good buildings. Land al plowed. Apply A. W, Short, Oshawa R.R. No. 2. 131-1 PAGE SEVEN --_-- Builders and Contractors BEFORE BUYING OR BUILDI} new home, or repairing your old one, see me. | also have fine bullding lois for sale. J ean give you easy payments and save you money, N. Stacey, Builder and Contractor, 420 Park Road South, Box Phone S07. -_ Dental | : General Wants DR, T. C. CLEMENCRE, DENTIST, WANTED -- GOOD SROOND-HAND Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, |Winehester shot- -gun, pump, take- . 19 King St, West, Phone 231. down. Will pay cash. Apply to Box '1, Reformer. DR, R. B. ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD. | === === ley Block, Simcoe St, 8. Phone 504, Storage -tf [ FURNITURE STORED ~-- IN CLEAN DR. T, 8, TUCKER---DENTIST, OF: dry building, Also storage for cars. fice over Hogg and Lytle's store.! Day phone 552], night 652W. Rit- Phone 048. 1-yr. | son Road North. f1-t.f, DR, 8 3, PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; | "ToRemt Office over Kyle's « Grocery ftore.! Phone 959, 4-1 yr. | §Y DAY, WEBK, MONTH or YEAR rr . | Assembly hall, suitable for general DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE purposes. Good entrance, well over Jury and Lovell's Drug SLove.| ignited, hardwood floors, kitchen, Phone No, #7, ; | SobmecHane for electric stove BR. TREWIN, DEONTIST -- uN ngel, 16 Simcoe North, h, 119-1m trance to office one door east of | FOR RENT TT PUBLIC GARAGE Detenbock's Store. property 34 x ¢ 90 ft., best stand in oe Oshawa. Apply evenings, Geo. C. [Alchin, 52 Golhourne St. W. 135-¢ [HOUSE TO RENT--76 COLBORNE 1] PHYSICIAN St, Kast, Furnished and heated, Ap~ ly alter o'clock, 134-¢ OFFICES OR STEAM Articles For Sale FOR SALE---1 TON FORD TRUCK, in first class shape, $850 cash. Apply 458 Albert Street 131-tf COME IN AND SEE OUR SHOW- ing of Spring Suits and Coats. These ara well worth your attention. Schwartz Bargain Store, 186-12 (Simcoe South, Phone 725. FORD TRUCK FOR SALE; IN GOOD shape.--Apply, R. C. Henry & Co. King Street East, Lor FOR SALE --- KNITTING machine. Duplex, new, 138 (entre 8t., evenings. "135-¢ FOR SALE--IVORY BABY CAR- riage, nearly new, also child's strol- ler with wicker hood, new. Apply 608 Albert St.,, Oshawa, 186-¢ FOR SALR CREAM WICKEt bahy carriage, 14 in. artillery woock- en wheels, good rubber tires, in first class condition, 5% Eldon Ave. ' 134-c FOR SALE --- RE-NEWED Cow with calf, Ayrshire breed, good milk- er. Apply L. J. Pearce, Base Line Bowmanville R. R. No. 2. Phon+ 139, O¢ hawa, 134-¢ ABROPLANE LINEN - STRONG» est and best obtainable for shirts. waists, window hangings, dresses, ete, cte., reduced to 85¢. per yard, while it lasts. 10 only white enamel wi We Offer Shares in The Williams Piano Company, Limited To Close an Estate Offers will he received for 204 common shares and 18 pre- # ferred shares (par value $100 each) of the stock of The Wil- liams Piano Company, Limited, of Oshawa, Ontario, Manufac- turers of the Williams New i# Scale Piano, Offers may be made & or any of the shares, necessarily accepted. Address § communications to Box (C, § Reformer Office, Oshawa. v CARPETS ré-woven into reversible rugs by well known Toronto firm, Leave your address with C. KH. Aldsworth, 2 Athol St, Fast, 'Phone No. 744, andl repredentative will call on you with sample rug and supply information. 1300 a ee =r = ia = Real Estate tok Sale FOR SALE--SIX ROOMED HOUSE, all conveniences, good location. Ap- ply 228 Bruce Street. 134-0 FOR SALE MODERN BRICK HOUSH, 8 rooms, hardwood floors, all conveni- ences; new garage; most desirable locality. --'Phone 752]. _13de HOUBE FOR. BALB--APPLY 101 Estate |Athol St. 1. 136-a 4 ! . IMR. BOULES OFFERS FOR SALE Dated Feb. yl eee, at Oshawa, his house and lot, 17 Quissic Street. W. & N. SINCLAIR, |Oshawa, adjacent to gt Office, pos Solicitor or the Execntrices, gegglon April 1st. ~~ All. modern convertible stores, rooming house or duplex, JAMES BISHOP, equipments, easily into Auctioneer, 1 ------ Feb 16.23 Bot sold will lease to responsible and Board and Room = 'ggreful tenant. J. 8. Soules, 4% nelp Wantea--Male {Maitland Ave, Toronto. 136 1h | PURNISHED ROOM ALSO BATH WANTED -- AN ENERGETIC MAN id : .-. -| flat to rent. Apply 16 King St. W. "Auction Sale 136-h} to go into Lite Insurance Business THE UNDERSIGNED HAS "Iti WANTED ~~ TWO FURNISHED with the idea of making a success | eoived instructions trom Forroster | F0Oms with conveniences for light Of it as a life work. Some exporien- la "Ponkif® 10 sell by public anction at | housekeeping. P. 0. Box 537, Osh- ce Jrotersed. Li he a - married 1386 King St. E., at one o'clock, Mar awa. 115- bh man. 2, 221 Simeon pd y gr pa ua. ay Si Simro {8th, the following farin stock: : bit; roof bank house; orchard; exohange;> splendid barn; good 8-room woods, creek; near Oshawa; easy terms; price right,--Lycett and Young, 61 King FE. Oshawa. "Phone 0h 134b "WRERMS OF SALE: 30 per cent. on day of sale and bhalahice within 30 days, Further terms and condi- tions can be secured on day of sala, or in the meantime from W. E., N, Sinclair, Oshawa, solicitor for the Bxecutrices of Fmma Jane Coombe YOUNG LADY (RNGLISIH) DESIRES a position, In Oshawa, as Children's Nurse; experienced.-- Address, Miss Edwards, Port Whithy, 129g : Auctioneer WILL TF. BAKER, HAMPTON ONT, Live Stock a specialty, Phone 167r1-4 Bowmanville, 124-0mos Ld THE OSHAWA Railway CoM- ANY, AUTO for all No offer NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of {the Oshawa Railway Company will he held at the office of the Company in the Town of Gananoque, Ontario, on Wednesday, the 15th day of Mareh, 1922, at the hour of 10.30 a.m., for the election of Directors; and such other business ns may be brought hetore the said meer- ng. DR. C. B. WILSON, and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, ! Simcoe St. North, Phone 57. 110-1yr! Fo RIT DR. McKAY --- PHYSICIAN, SUR.' . -- geon, Accoucher, Cffice and resi hoated apartment, Bassett Bleek, Victoria S8hawa. Possession March 1. For epee, King Bt. Bast & Prney Victoria C1 mation phone collect, 260, Whit- 136-a DR. I. J. SEBBRT, 73 BLOOR A a $2 East, Toronto, will be at Jury WO FRONT OFFICES AND Losell's Drug Store each Saturday G0Wn stairs shop with good light, trom 11 ne 4 p.m, for eonsulta- _#nitable for barber shop and baths re J. H. VALLEAU, tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr i. Fibs 16 Simcoe North, Fhope |. Army Store, 21 119-tf hed cots and springs $3.75 to clear, Prince Street. 133-11, 135-¢ _. Chestnut mdre, brown horse, three delivery wagons, team wagon, set of | ,@elivery sleighs, M. H. plough, three 'six room house. Houses Wanted WANTED TO RENT - A FIVE OR | a Wl Secretary. February Sth, 1022, 149.1 mnanoque, Ont, Must have all mod-! A E. Baron. 136-¢ School Attendance (Continued from page 1) essary with the co-operation of Red Cross. The total number of calls made hy Miss Cress was 18), and the total fur the month for the two nurses 541, The Board sed a vote of thanks to hoth nurses for the service they were rendering to the community, a service which Dr. MeKay intimat- ed was not yet fully appreciated by some people DR. D. B. NEELY, PHYSICIAN &' HOUSE TO LBN1.--APPLY O. R. Surgeon. Ear, Nose and Throal. | Hall, 'Phone 252. 97tr Office over Dominion Bank. Tele- mmr mr p---------- Help Wanted--Female phone 1155. Hours 2 to 4 p.m., or by appointment, 96-11) -- COL. CIR, WANTED TO ASSIST WITH asework. Apply 196 Bond St. B DR. A. A. HALLIDAY, 143 lege Street, Toronto, will he at Jury } & Lovell's Drug Store every Satur-| 136-a day from 2.30 to 4.30 for £0n5mita- WANTED -- EXPERIENCED GIRL tion in disegses of (he nose, throat sor vencral honsework. 485 Sim- snaesr. 134-t0 00 Street North. 136-b DR. P. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR 3 re i y TT Street West, Toronto, will be at his Ly ANT 10 OF TIN TOD cH wi i ' ' re » h | » » a ofice id Miley's preade sath al women, who would appreciate a per uraay, from : i 4 pan. for consy ¢ | manent position; persistence, deter tation and tréatment of diseases of mination, character and presentable ear, nose and throat only. | appearance essential, --~ Mr, J. Syms me {Standard Bank Buildings, 134 Legal | WANTED SMART YOUNG GIRL TO : { assist In light house work; no wash JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR-|ing; can stay home nights.-- Mrs, N rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con-| 1". Mechin, 16 Ritson Road. 134 BY veyancer, Money to loan. Office | GLa A HOUSEKEEPE Al eD---4 USEKEEPER 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone | adh aged widower. Apply to Bo» 134-¢ 445, 1. Reformer Offic D. AJ NTED--GOOD GIRL, FOR GEN Conveyan- | eral housework. Apply Mrs. Edgar WANTED TO HEAR FROM OWN- 'sections of harrows and eveners, er having farm or unimproved land (of team harness, set platform scales, for sale, John J. Black, Chippe wa |two sets whiffitree, huggy pole, 25 Falls, Wisconsin, ft, ladder, gravel hox, quantity of RagaaiaiaesS Saint hay, small quantity of fertilizer, feed box, apple barrels, ete, spt BLANKETS, MEN'S FLANNEL Work Shirts, Riding Breeches, Put- tees, Leggings, Grey (Greateoats, un- dyed, $8.00 each. Lowest prices. The Army Stores, Prince Street, 133-tF PRIVATE BTOCK OF FURNITURE, parlor suite, 2 hedroom suites, steel range, 1 neater, dining rvom choirs sideboard, kitchen table and chalrs, ete. Call aiternoons, 2 to 5; eve- nings 8 to 10. 511 Albert St. SET BIRCH STAIRS, 14 TREADS, 24 inches wide, one 5 f.t electrie ceiling fan (new), 1 table, 4 ft. by ft., suitable for store; 1 partition "ft. by 24 rt. panelled with beaver ern conveniences Cedar Dale. S-I-G-N-S rim wall pe kinds PHONE 66-3 High Class Workmanship Assured E. H. TANE 91 Wilkinson Ave. Veterinary (Continued from page 1) town had seen what in the practice of bis profession had come under his observation, they wonld waste no time in ionstitutting an inspection of meat. Asked ag to tha possiblity of huv- ing a regular government inspection made, Dr. Wannan pointed out rhat to . he pin the same could be made on the ap en With drawer section Cheap, plication of a municipality, which, ¥ineg Sureet MLL Lal however would have to hear (ne FERRIS WHITE LEGHORN PUL- ol wts for sale, $2.50 each. Apply 123 'elina St. 33-1! 9 = 2} Terms eash JAMES BISHOP, Auctioneer, | 136-0 139-a | the THE NAME or HOLLYWOOD New York Herald: Some the citizens of Hollywpod, Illinois, are talking about changing the name of that Jittle suburb of Chicago. They fear that the place will suffer he-| cauee of the notoriety won hy the! California Hollywood. The sensitive neighbors ot Chie ago are wrong. Names do not mak: { places, The State of New York has two villages named Sodom, hui ineir citizens tread the paths of virtu: uo- afraid. Babylon, Long Island, i= ! evep conscious of its namesake's re { putation. Neither Pompeii in Mich- igan nor Carthage in Illinois has an evil name. There are in the United States no fewer than thirteen Hollywoods im- portant enough to have post offi New York has in pure St. Law- rence county, art the junction of the Jordan River and the Raquette, just east of Church Pond. But it may be years béfore anybody is shot there, except a deer hunter Hollywood is a pretty name those who have it hold it. ol i | E » PROTECT Your Income WITH AN ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS POLICY, ANNUAL AND MONTHLY PREMIUMS Call 1046W V. A. HENRY . BH. Favors Inspetcion My Fritd M.0.H., copcurred in 'the view that meat inspection should | be instituted in view of the revela- tions made hy Dr. Wannan, who was (in a position to. know of existing] conditions. The inspection would 'have to be undertaken by a veterin-| ary surgeon, and at regular periods. | (Dr. MeKay hoped that before long the Board would have in its employ' 28 an inspector of herds supplying | milk and beef a veterinary inspector, | {devoting his time to the work, and; being paid by the town. The =ani-| tary inspector, while undertaking | some of this work at the present) time, could mot possibly cover euch | One of the strangest things in thie world is how much easier it was to get a washerwoman when there were no steam laundries to compete with her.--Dallas News, A Good Business School -- here's why @ Over twenty thousand young men ard women have learned shorthand, typewriting and busi ness methods in the Shaw Business Schools. Every student has recei- ved personal auenton and indvidual help ~~ that's the secret of our success. Eleven fully quipped schools. YWe have a chair aid a desk for you. Seert at any tune. Write now for hangboek P.UCINTOSH. CHIEF PRINCIPAL SWANSON--BARRISTER, | i WAN Solicitor, Notary Public, cer, ete, All branches of Civil and' Bradley, 422 Simcoe St. North Criminal Law. Loans arranged.' Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) Kihg St. West, Osir-| -- awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence b16J. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank. | eptrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. F. Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, | BA. G. D. CONANT, B.A, L.L.B.--BAR-! rister, Solicitor, Notary Publie, ete. | Office (entrance) 7% Simeoe .St Seuth,-Oshawa. Loans arrang-d on! mortgages, conveyancing and gen eral practice. Phone 63. H. E. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER. | 11%; Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. | Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office | - Phopes---Office 210, Res. 160. " | hind JF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Examinations free at office Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North gees a3. one Foster Homes Wanted for Five Fine Lads I Boy aged 3 years. : Boys aged 6 years. I Boy aged 7 years. Photographs of any oi these children will be sent upon re quest. For further inlofagtioh apply Box 321, Oshawa Children's Aid Society of the Province of Ontario let Let Us Wire Your House If you are going to have your house wired you will want it done right. We guarantee it, and use 'only first class, standard materials. 1 200 More Men WANTED! To Fill Positions in Early Spring No experience necessary, #125 10 $20 { per month, operating gas tractors, driv- || NE oor racks, cars and famn power 11 machiner Or auto tractor machine SIL and country garages. Steady work, we have a plan wherenpy You can work | I our shops to pay for part of your |i raning Under A Sle oon be trained, ready 10 ace hese big paving jobs. This good for a short time only Creing sessions. Don't delay or call for Nill partieadars wdmediately, Hemphill's Motor School 163 West King Street, Toronty Ensim -------- 1 j 135b a The Fonthill Nurseries Established 1837 Largest in Canada Meadguarters tor You can depend on our workmanship. Say It with Flowers F. H. COX Wedding Bouguets, Funeral Designs 8 specialty. 36% Simcoe St. North Phone 886 let us estimate on your wiring. Our prices are right. W. A. Killoran PHONE 1083 34 SIMCOE N. Quality Nursery Stock a fail hoe of rare chowes Nowering shrubs, climbing . Poles ad herbaceous perennials Finest assortment of frutt stocks in apples, pears, plumes, cherides, peaches and small fruits for garden or orchard plantings Frat and ornamental hooks application STONE & WELIANGION, Terouto, thus | ; carry ' 1 : Surveyors M. M. GIBSON---ONTARIO AND DO- | minion Land Surveyor and Civie En- | gineer, Whitby. Phone 23 Sue- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port | Potty. 73-40 | | seéut on Ont, a an extensive territory The M.O.H.| intimated that under the Pub: fel ™ Health Act the Board was clothed | with sufficient authority to ord vor || this work to be undertaken The Board had every confidence jin the local butchers, and was sure | they would not knowingly offer iny- {thing not good. A municipal ab- | | batoir was not possible in a place || | with less than 25000 population, || | which was alsc the distribution | jeentre for large ared, s=aid- pr. || { McKay i Chairman John Gibson thouizht 'that it would be money well pent. | From the facts revealed to anal! Board. such jnspection scemed vicable and necessary Inspector Palmer related two instances of diseased cattle ng under his observation {vere intended for shipmewt ners ©Cne case in particular was where | ow had been found in a deplora biel 'condition, and where the owner| frankly admitted that ter 1 was| killed it would be sent to Osnawa. | Intervention of the inspector caved the day for the town Educational MISS BEATRICE STACEY, TEACH- er of Piano. Pupils now being tak-| en on. Conservatory method. For | appointment, phdne 226. Residence 161 Athol St. E. 12740 A PRIVATE CLASS FOR . pupils will commence March : Qualified, experienced teacher. /¥or inferamtion apply 76 Colbor st. West, | or phone 809. /135-4 Perhaps the unbuckled galosh is improper because it loose. De- troit Free Press. is EYES IT IS DONE PROPERLY Are sure to make many desir- able openings ior those who have industrial training in bookkeeping, stenography and other office work. IAL - T The cost ob business training LUKE BUR co. i pod is soon returned by increased directors, embalmers, prifate awm-| y : . ag bulance; morgue and chagel is com- | Sapling Sower that such train nection; picture framing: 11 Simcoe | 8 gives. St. South. Phome 210. [Residence J We operate Day 19 Diwision St. | Shiite. aching courses. MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to GS er ueneral, will be received tina until noon, on iriday, the Th of April, 19822, for the comelaned of His Majesty's Mails. on a proposed contract for fon rears, six times per week on athe conte, wshawa Rural Rowe No. 1 via columbus and Raglan from the Postmaster Goneeal's Pleasure, Printed notices _ he a and Night commercial improvement Still the most for the money. containing further in- fomaation as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of oshawa, Columbus, Raglan, and at the office of the Post office 1asghctor' Toronio, POST GEFICE INSPECTORS OFTICE, foronio, Feb 1092 SUTHERLAND, Post (flies JURY & LOVELL, Led Pasa= 23 Phos LD) au, A Insurance Sagiety, London, N A Mclean. Oshawa Agent, VN. A. MudRY, AGENT FOR Sun Life of Canada, also places fir accident and automobile insurance in geliable companies. Phone 1046w | A8C- 138-141 Inspector. WOW - TVS v5 SOME coo VE CO - FEEL AS I'm a pe Com r NG) Taxes DOME TiHiMg FOR AT? WELL - XO DON'T TH "iM oar To ANMOSE WHAT 5 THE MAT TER - LOT | ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS 57 | om Adeal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- | Age, Simcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros., Proprietors. | Phone 766. Limit] E BARBER, WYNNE-ROBERTS "&| Seymour, Engineering, Architectu=e | and Surveying, 61 King St. Eas. Oshawa, phone 792. 40 Jarvis St., Toronto. Phone Main, 2897 39-11 M ical Inst " Toast] OC. TREENER, ATC.M., organist and choinmaster of the King #$t. Methodist Church, is prepared to accept a limited ammber of pupils in Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe Organ. For terms, etc., apply on Saturdays at King St. Methodist Church. or Phone 8073. 73-jne 30 arsenals MUNDIAL AC AM. TEACH- or of plano and theory. Paplls pre- pared for all examinations. 232 Jar- aca % © 1921 av Int FEATURE SERwvior. INC. ---- "BRINGING UP FATHER"

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