Ee Lhe t shea TELLS DR Bn hd fe Ed fated sti AE fh Sh J bb ABA 0S Bi Sultan dal il he a Ee a Ih Ht TE et oi PAGE SIX "JAC By COUNTESS BARCYNSKA Author of 'ROSE O' KIE " THE SEA" CHAP, 38--Continued How good you are!" she said humbly. "But I can't let you do things for us. 1 believe I could care for you; but I conldn't hear you 'to think--what everybody else will- that 1 married fou to benefit mysell, or even dad. As for the stage, | would give anything to leave it. I hate. it! [ haven't the ambition ol the girl who means to get on, I've never felt the fascination of it. [I've seen teo much of its unpleasant side ~its struggles and makeshifts--the aspect all the people who live and die touring in second-rate companies ge: used to, though most of them loathe it a8 much as I do. You haven't hac time that. You don't really he long to the profession. You're » gentleman. To you the stage ha: only been an experience. If 1 wers vou, not dependent on it, I would buy a lovely ecttage somewhere i a village where all my neighbour wonld be my friends. And I'd mar ry a loving, good wife, and have dea little children, and go to church o Sundays. That's my idea of perlee happiness." In disparaging the stage Milly dic not know she was giving Measure an incentive to leave it. This ex pression of her feelings and tre com parison hetween a theatrical life an a quiet country one, so unfavourabl to the former, stirred him like the still small voice of conscience. Sh was near the truth in esteeming hi connection with the stage merely al experience. It had brought hin much disillusion. She could eom pensate him for that, however. He eves and her voice assured him of it So without further hesitation he took her in his arms and she did no repel him. "It's my idea wo---with you share it, Milly," be said. "Oh, my dear. [ don't deserve it." she murmured ahjectly iWnter, reiurt ng just then. look ed at them in siupefaction. He had Lxpected to find Milly draining he cup of misery to the dregs. And there she was with an expression of entranced biiss an her face. a eMasurer wita the lok of an accepted lover. Tl ~~ Turning. Milly saw rim --the fath er so faril and woe-begone whe had igved and motnered her thorughow her childhood: whose Leart she had well-nigh broken. . . .. With a little ery of penitence anc love she ieil her overs arms and Chronic Bronchitis Totally destroyed by » az . Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture, he World's most wonderful remeod v. . GUARANTEED to give relief or money refunded AO Doses for THe Sold by all druggists usd silos' ob WK. BUCKLEY, LATED. 142 Matnal St. Tamale Sold in Oshawa by Jury & Lovell, F. W. ihompsor and W. H. Karn MOVED From Our Old Stand 23 Bond St. E. Let us show you ow work. of our meats make their appeal to the happy family circle where quality foods are apprec- fasted. Nothing but the best and lois of that is to be found there. Honest weight and sat- isfactory service. Gur tele- phone is your friend. ILA. 5UBDARD SIM J0E SI. 80M PHONE 587 | ran to him, hiding her face on his hreast, CHAPTER XXXVI, The bell tinkled and Madame Le- mine, more obese than ever, waddledy from her dingy parlour into the shop. Not so very long ago it had been one of Jackie's tasks to keep it dusted, Now dust held undisgpnt- ed sway there. Otherwise it showed little alteration. Jackie took in the familiar scene at a glance, On the left, just by the door as you came in, there was the dummy figure clothed in faded hro- cade alleged to have hen worn by Bean Brummel, The material was astentationsly of German make; its 'ut that of the Minories, Along two of the walls coat-stretehers display- d an anomalous variety of faded funcy dresses. The same wigs, a lit le more teh worse for wear if any- hing, £tood on blocks on the coun- ter. "Between them- was the same | showcase of stage jewellery. Jackie recalled the beating trat Madame | wd administered £o her for dressing | ip in some of these things, decking | Jerself with paste diamonds, and | lancing in them at the corner of | Nardour Street. This ghe had done 0 gain coppers for flowers for a lead baby in the vicinity. More oppers than she expected had heen | ortheoming, but they had only gone! o swell Madame's till. Neverthe-! ess here was Jackie, hearing no mal- ce for thumps and disappointments, | 'ome to pay her a visit, Madame came forward imeertainly at the pretty face - be- 1eath a wide-brimmed, richly eap- irisoned picture hat What could a voung lidy of such fashion want of wer? Ne one obviously of the mou- ved world had crossed her trresh- Jd since that spring afternoon when L gentleman had come to make awk vard enquiries about the devil-ehild- jackie. "Madame. 0 see me?" Jackie spoke in French, and her woice with its well-remembered heeky timbre pearly startled Mau lame Lemine out of her senses. | "That voice!" she exclaimed. "Buf | qurely it cannot be Jackie?" ) The plumes in Jackie's wonderful 1ut nodded vigorous assent. ! "Bat yes. | am Jackie and [ am ome back to thank you. Madame, 'or my early training. Without it should not have arrive. At lea oon. Before long 1 shall have ny debut in Paris and then in ca. Se | suid to mysell. go visit Madame in case before you cin re- | turn she has diced of apoplexy. beiug | peering are oyu not delighted ! 20 fat." Jackie's twinkled. In this | mvironment of her early pains and pranks she could tI mischievous. "But in truth, Madame, 1 hoy ome 10 render you justice for tho lessons, The groundwork tel | nigue was in them Audagna ha: | said that from them 1 gained mach | "hoerefore | am grateful, even 1 the beatings when | made mistakes." Madame Lewmine 100k a brea . ig that she reminded Jacki Troz of the fable, inflating itself. "Decidedly it mast be Jackie," « med "What other would posse such impudence? But how pas w doef thou art dressed of such | & And hat a master like Audagna? Where bh thou been since thou did=t leave the tender arms?" Jacke made zn amused Al the tenderness she {Irom ihose elephantine arms been revealed in discolouration o1 her own slender ones io the little room and you doffee and teh adventres,"" <aid eyes not r ing of i: thi 1 + this wail grim iace had receives had Come will all mike my yor she SO once again, at the back of { 2hop. as im days of old Jackie delicious coffee in SIMCeDAn as |ouly a Fremchwoman can. boiling it up three times and clearing it after { wards. She placed a steaming cup before her old taskmistress | "There. 1 | the wad have forgotten noth she declared. and sat down in | the chair by the window where it | Was possible to breatre a little fresh | Air. And as the may with al {these 10 whom time brings anaes thesia she forgot the worst of the uu | kindnesses and blows she had receiy jod, and remembered only tre rar ; moments of well being under Ma , dame's roof. in her own picturesque langaungs which was French in construction ing. rand English in spirit. she gave th: (old woman a sketch of her eareer| froan the day when she was carried {off by Boman. Madame drank du [tthe marvative. 11 sounded to her {much more like a fewilleton out of the "Petit Journal" than a page of ram? dite. | out a great deal. Not a word of her |. i : soul did | mmest | did noi mention Mervyva And yet Jackie had Regt | she reveal and she | Treat was | | an incident. an interlude. something | | low beautiful and now { talk about. too sad to | { | Whea she had finished she opened | i her purse and laid notes to the value | {of fifty pounds on the table. Madame's eyes gleamed. Business | had not been flourishing with her of late. For some time now gout haa | s¢ erippled her that she could no | longer teach dancing. She had dis- | banded her "adopteds." Very few ments. Jackie might | in the #nd. but Aud here she w holding wmeney | in her hands For about ghe first lime in a hard-working. not foo for- innate, and avaricious life Madame [was inclined to believe in the zood- of" human nature but goodness had broneht tris ness mad- {that had been rained upon her? "But what i= this?" Her swollen gouty fingers closed the notes. "For me? "Yes, far you It is tor my main- tenance during my adoption and my H dancing lessons. Bat principally it IS gis recompense for the money pon of them had turned owt zood invest-| have done so | What else | dest of children. Jackie. to offer her | money ont of gratitude for the blows | pp Wb ----y +2 TA AA OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1922 STOCKING THE STEAMSHIP | Exhibition in Montreal of steer carcasses weighing 200,000 lbs, and game, to be used on the winter cru Recently prize beef was placed on sxhibition in Almy's window, near St. Alexander Street, Montreal, j thased at the Toronto Christmas Show for use on the cruises of the C.I "Empress of France", Scotland", and r ain". It was For three crn fn beef are a; pounds, or in oth steer carcasse weight of 7 1 ! keys, cuickens, capor ducklings have tened for the par ments of these cru storage stock of any mused. The different kir are also of uniform "ress. should ices. have obtained Now I render it to to accept it." Tears welled into the old eves : trickled down the wrinkled making a furrow grii lay upon them. thie turbed dust in 1 lost control ering, it called the head of the de one, and = The clients not now Ti body w And. for Please vou chee in voice SO geuerou did tock ted inst Anatomy. " a patented invention elastic inside beli, orts the ard i° wery b cial for use after ano involving an i ing an abdomi: we in reli Dives ments fr wi women % i iste sn fitting FREE, 2 A il Khe "LIFDUP" BAS CORSET ak oniy by Ye PIAS CORSETS Luar. MA BRATTRAN STREET | TORONTO | he { him. a had not expected. any ! this dingy shop he had expected to { he i In general cotland, follows: nA RARER 18,000 lbs, fattened .. 15,000 " broilers .. 12,000 saenss 15,000 18,000 9,000 7,000 30,000 60,000 ana ol fortunes } cut inte th shop A young man stood leasant face was clean-sha well-cared-for tweed suit Letter days Jackie ree ype, taat Proving With much hesita surprise which h Cre ated him. he 0 know whether he could he provided with a hild artiste for the aftersoon. ¥i« ud en the notice in the window Me wanted a dancer. It an ar ent matter ol on due AP a in desir n was "Madame NOW She 10 train y 10 1 the "1 am noi a become them Perhaps if you atre agents in Covent Gard they st you. 1 de not knew tieir names. but doubtless you could sert=in."' The young man made sture. Ide seemed to he » of some sort "I've heen nobody 1 could enga the terms they ask 1 cau't afford to pay why 1 came here." "1 am sorry." Jackie repeated as was about te go Ssmething in her compassionaie sorry." she saad artistes indispused does supply Loo in trou- They've of all hecause them much. That is uote that he more than in attended to by a beautiful nl dressed in the height of fashion. wonder and a look of hoplessnes his face as he turned it to her again made her quite sure new that he wus im trouble. [shall worry through somehow, | T suppose." he stammered. "Um doing an open-air pitch on the sands at Seuthend. now. A morris-dance style of thing, with my wife for pariner. But yes- terday the girl was taken ill The dostor sars its serious. . Well, 1 must keep the show going cmohow, ven if 1 have myself If they won't lan A mirthlessly ase o gmyg an the Bat it's a bad leokom don't wha 1 * he said poor tand thar "tl he a streets tor he I'm t apologe in the way vou sg were sorry, madame. 1 suppose." "Your wife, what age is she? Jackiv® enquired: "Tweaty two know "Sewething Unfortunately, | { voice stopped | A portable show, you | to dance by | the requirements for|Potatoes .. the Empress of France, Empress of | Turnips PEN <Q ur- | * and Empress of BrituiniCs C as- | A 2 to the Mediterranean and West Indies by the Canadian Pacific Steamers, "Empress of Scotland," "Empress of France" and "Empress of Britain." J 60 tons rrots . liflowers (Qa ers Cabbage 1 Egz Plant . | Lett 180 dozen T000 thy, 900 "* 1,500 * 8,000 * 500 cases 1,000 Ths 2000 ibs. Sn > ese guantities, rovical delicacies t different porta the Ned auor ca p. looking back Would to dance for Jackie nodded. But an plussed, vet Professionally? Re ; But 1--1 don't quite understaad Aad if you're a professional you'll of want paid The hope ful look of a moment despondency sally MTS to be one of 1 do not 1 can only And this after- ask Tor payment dance once Will not that be better than nothing? Tomorrow you may en- gige a dancer for always." He advanced again to the ter "You mean it? have to catch the Liverpool Street you time to get and dress coun Seriously? You'a + ome-thiry from That would give down to the beach et | You can use sweet milk, sour milk, buttermilk or water with' GGO .. Baking Powder \ ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER " azo changed to I shal lhave to go by en | earlier train to get things ready, We open at three o'clock, The west side of the pier. You'll see the name "The Moriscos'----on the fit- np. Yon can't miss it, My real name Is Chester. But | haven't thanked you yet. 1 don't know how to! It's simply splendid of you!" His face expressed a sudden doubt. "Me--it's rather like looking a girt horse in the mouth, I'm afraid, hut are you really experienced?' Juckie's lips twitched with an meni "No. 1 have not much expe rience, but all the same I can dance. J am one of the dancer sin 'Spatch Cock." Is it enough?" "Great Scott!" Amuzement Was in the exclamation "Enough? It's too much and to sparc! A dancer from 'Spateh-Cock' in a scuthend eBaeh! You---you'll keep the tide back!" His enthusiasm changed to something approaching awe. "Why, you must he first-class! I've heard that all A. B. C's people are up to Russian ballet form! And vou're really going to dance for me! Why?" "As a little help for your wife who isin hed," said Jackie awkwardly, "it will be a pleasure." "I'I1 tel ther that," he murmured in a queer voice. °"Sne'll he tremen- dously graeful---and proud. But what about a dress. Shes much (Continued on page 8) fit-up on --For Sale We are anxious to have you try a sample of this fruit as we are looking forward to doing future business with you, as no doubt we can preserve all your fruit much cheaper than you ean do it yourself and as we grow prac- tically every variety of fruit in our own gardens it will be pre- juice. served fresh and wholesome. We have several hundred quarts of cherries and raspberry pre- serves, also pure raspberry jam done up in glass jars. fruit has been picked from our own vines and preserved while fresh. The cherries are all pit- ted and preserved in their own All the We will deliver this fruit any- where in Oshawa in half dozen or dozen lots in erown quart glass sealers from sixty-five to seventy-five cents per jar. We also have some raspberry jam done up in pint jars. This fruit is guaranteed and should there be any spoiled we will replace or refund the price of same. Russel Perkins 151 Park Road Nor'h PHONE 403 a despairing | - ARE NOT A QUACK LINE, BUT AN OLD ESTABLISHED < Absolutely guaranteed 16 oz. Bottle $1.00 Gallagher's Remedies ave made from Herbs only and contain no Mineral Drug GALLAGHER"S COUGH SYRUP Coughs. mare the pel or GALLAGHER'S Burns. Removes infectio GALLAGHER'S BLOOD | PURIFIER For Constipation, Stomach and diver Trouble AANLDEN DROPS HERBAL LINE best | ® | GALLAGHER'S VERMEUGE., the great morm ex for, Cats, Serves, 4 For remedy Trouble, Gravel Steno, 5 KIDNEY REMEDY the market for Kidney Drapsical Swelling. ou 75 Cent: A Colds. Bronchitis weakest stomach Will net For sale in Oshawa only by Jne. Sadler, 37 Richmond St. E.; A. W. Kaoit, 237 Burke St. A. W. KNOTT, 237 Burke St. J. 8' Pringle, Brooklin, Distributor