Ontario Reformer, 25 Feb 1922, p. 5

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBR UARY 25, 1922 PAGE FIVE Hi ALLL Lose St. Gregory's and K One of the finest exhibitions of hockey which has taken place at Bradley's rink this season was pro- vided last night, when South Oshawa and King Street met in the final of the senior series of the Sunday School Hockey League. Although King Street defeated the South Enders 2 to 1, the latter claims the cham- pionship by one goal, on account of having a two goal lead from the first game on Wednesday night. King Street although nosed oul of the honors by a close margin, de- monstrated last evening that they are equally as good an aggregation as the champions. Showing greater speed and aggressiveness than in the first game, the King Street lads had a good margin of the play and for a greater part of the game played the better hockey. If some of the intermediate and junior O.H.A. squads in this district had the sys- tematic team play displayed by the Flintoff brothers and their comrades championships would find their way to this locality frequently. During the first two periods their accurate passing 'fooled the South Oshawa stalwarts badly but in the closing stages when the latter team moved their defence up on the attack, they could not get away. Contest Clean. It was one of the cleanest contests seen here for many a day and the large crowd of spectators fully ap- preciated the efforts of the players. Unusually keen interest has been taken in all three series, but the ex- citement reached its. height last evening as the two teams battled for supremacy. Both aggregations are strong, the South Oshawa sextette having a much stronger defence, while the King Street forwards ex- celled both in stick work and com- bined efforts. Al and Ross Flintoff were the outstanding stars for King Street, while every player on the new champions' line-up played well and worked hard. Winning Goal Scored Jackson in goal for King Street turned in a brilliant game, and it was due to him that South Oshawa did not add at least two more coua- ters. With King Street leading 2-0 in the third period and the score tied on the round, overtime was looked for, but in the closing stages, fol- lowing a mix-up at the side of the King Street's goal, Hutchinson, who was playing up with the forwards, scooped the disc into the corner of the net. King Street came back with a rush and took a couple of shots. They broke through the South Osha- wa defence and netted the disc, but it was diallowed on account of an off-sideé. It came as the result of the prettiest hit of combination of the evening and it was a hard goal to lose. Flintoff Scores First Glen Flintoff secured the first goal for his team in the first period on a shot from some distance out while the players bunched in an attempt to grab the disc. The period closed with the score still 1-9. There was mo scoring in the second stanza, and for this the net guardians alone can be blamed. for both Jackson and Barriage acted the stone wall to perfection. In commencing the third period Lott got through King Street's de- fence but lost the disc as he was about to shoot. Horne was largely rasponsible for the next counter. After carrying the puck the length of the rink he shot and Glen Flintoff batted in the rebound. This evened matters on the round and it looked like the cup would find its way down HHI TTR Championship -- Win Exciting Game King St. Seniors Have Big End of 2-1 Score--South Oshawa Senior Sunday School League Champions-- ing St. Juveniles Tie King street east until Hutchinson, who had the situation sized up pretty well, wandered down with the for- wards, waited several minutes before the opportunity came, but it finally presented itself and he scooped the rubber past Jackson for the decid-| ing goal. The score on the series | as South Oshawa 5, King Street 4.! EASTERNERS PULLING Large Turnout Anticipated At Annual Meet BALL CLUB WILL ELECT OFFIC. ERS ON MARCH 9--NEW UNIFORMS FOR BELLEVILLE Examiner: Most Eastern Ontario fans are pulling for Belleville to come through and win the intermed- late O,H.A. honors, Tt is a fact that most followers of the game perhaps have not realized that in the long record of the OH. A, the intermediate title has beén won only three times by Eastern teams--Peterboro win- ning in 1902 and Lindsay in 1808, No other townsin the east has cap- tured the intermediate championship, | although Belleville has 'been twice In the finals, losing out to London and Sarnia, Kingston twice reached the last stage, and Oshawa got within sixty minutes of the honors, Senior championships have come last via Kingston, Junior honors have been won three times by Peterboro, a couple of times by Kingston and once by Port Hope, but the interme-| diate trophy is a rare bird in the east. Belleville may make new history this year, although Niagara Falls and Kitchener are dangerous, and Midland are not definitely disposed of yet. The executive of the Oshawa Ball Club aré looking forward to having the largest attendance ever recorded when the annual meeting takes place in Welsh"s Parlors on Thurs- day evening, March 9th, This prom- ises to be one of the most interesting meetings held for some time as many important subjects will be discussed one of which, it is intiated may lead to the formation of an athletic as- soclation, All who are interested in good, clean sport are invited to be present, Officers must be elected for the ensuing year and keen contests | are anticipated for g¢very position, { When the Oshawa ball team makes | its appearance at the ball park this | summer, the players will be arrayed ! in natty new uniforms of cream with !a blue stripe. The officers of the i club intend to give local supporters avery right to feel proud of their re- OSHAWA TO HAVE A SENIOR TEAM? Oshawa may be represented In the {senior series of the Ontario Amateur | Lacrosse Association this year, ac cording to an article appearing In The Toronto Globe this: morning {Which says:- | "The Shamrocks, who under the | lendership of Harry Halpin and Jack Keegan made such a brilliant show ing against the Oshawa OA LA. intermediate finalists, will be. hack again this year with a much strong- er team. A new senior group em- bracing Hamilton, Oshawa, Mimico and Toronto Shamrocks, Is boing discussed, although nothing definite has heen done as yet. The Sham- rock officials claim to have secured the promises of two defence stars who performed here last season on an out-of-town intermediate team, and also a pair of home players, who were with Beaches seniors last sum mer. An effort will he maid to se- cure "Soda" Grand, the erack Mait- land goaler, to guard the net. All of last season's players will he back. "Dad" Brown of Mimico has been working industriously all winter and expects to put the lake shore town back again on the list of strong con- of his pretty sweetheart sent to prison for a crime he did not commit, but the weak father, hesitat- ing to confess the truth, permits the LUMBAGO I'; ig feel a touch of lumbago, you ean ward off ie evils of recurrent attack Pills without delay. s, by taking Gin Learn a lesson from experience of Mr, H. A, Jukes, After suffering with lumbago for years, and at times, Mr, Jukes hegan to take Gin Pills, being confined to the house His let- ter to us reads, in part: "and much to my surprise, 1 at once felt a change for the better, taking them at intervals, and, up to date no recurrence of my old trouble; in fact, ii felt better for years." I have been have had have not Don't delay. Buy a box on our money-back-guaran- tee, or write for a free sample. National Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, Ont. U.S, residents should address: Na-Dru-Co., Ing, 86-88 Exchange St,, Buffalo, N.Y, ds o jail John takes upon burden of the crime. breaks the heart of his It mother himself the'all wool and a yard wide, almost an when he is This beautiful and convincing q story and exquisite photoplay of mother-love, is presented with a =pe- Fr musical setting. | ORIENTAL | | | presentatives in the Central League en it Sense | Pe@cOCk would 10 EY : lefence, Lott and Hutchinson; cen-! i this year, both in appearance an dy Claus; right wing, ga left | Enter Toros, | the brand of baseball to be played. ermin ron Chane ann --y * ™7 BASEBALL MOGULS ARE GETTING BUSY wing, Long; subs, Gunn and Mallett. | King Street--Goal, Jackson; de-| fence, G. Flintoff and K. Irwin; cen-| {It will not be many wecks before the Central League teams are out tre, A. Flintoff; right wing, Horne; 'ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATION left wing, R. Flintoff; subs, Cox and| worpp NECESSITATE FINDING Drew. | : a a be Referee--J. G. Althouse. i ANOTHER TEAM~--WANY Juveniles Tied ! AMENDMENTS m the diamond again getting warm- The first of the finals in the juy-| w--tr---- {ed up for the season's activities, and enile series was played between St. The annual meeting of the Cen-| several of the clubs are Gregory's and King Street, the final tral Ontario Baseball League, which | signs of life, getting the preliminary count standing a tie with three goals will take place in Oshawa on March arrangements completed. each. The second and deciding con- 20, promises to be the busiest session A meeting of the executive of the It was one of the prettiest battles new topic will come before the meet-: 'ng, when some suggestions were ever witnessed in the Sunday School ing, chief among which will he that i made, and a real talkfest was indulg- League, both teams displaying a fine (of admitting a Toronto team. ed in. One of the results is that a brand of hockey. There was little| George Peacock, who for the past! big meeting will be called for Thurs- to choose between the teams, in ag- two years piloted the Oshawa Ball day evening, March 9th, which will gressiveness -or individual rushes Club, but who is now with Durrant! probablys be for organization pur- | King Street relied to a great extent Motors, Toronto, has written to the poses. Although intense interest had | on long shots, while their opponents secretary, expressing a desire to put] heen centred in the Ceptral Ontario attempted to hore in on goal before # team in this leagne. Should the! League race in previous years, en- shooting. The periods ended 2-1 for ¢ity team be granted a franchise it! thusiasm will undoubtedly reach a St. Gregory, 3-2 for the Saints, while Would be necessary to secure another zreater height than ever before this King Street got the only goal of the|team to complete an eight club cir-| coming season. final period. jcuit. Just bow this proposition will The final game on Monday will'be looked at by the executive is undoubtedly provide the fastest hoc- doubtful to surmise but there is 2.5, Oshawa because there key witnessed in the juvenile series Possibility of it meeting with favor.|. umejent meat bandeled this year and a good crowd of spec-| In the event of eight ~lubs being : tators is sure to be on hand. {secured it would not be improbable How the teams lined np: ito sen the executive divide the cir-ijoe 4p affidavit stating where his St. Gregory's-- Goal, Fair; defence, ©Mt into two districts, cach section sry purcased their meat, and that LeFaye and Kennedy: centre, O'Con- | P1a¥ing a double schedule ard when jocauce of this it was 'up to the nor; right wing, H. Donald; left the winners are declared, stage 3. pourd of Health to institute an in- wing, W. Conlin; subs, 1. Conlin and {ROSU-season series. However, the ,ooion, wus the statement and op- ATChand. discussion will likely tind a solution infon made and expressed by Mr. Rex King Street--Goal, Blair; defence, if it is decided to admit other clubs. Harper, of Harper & Clemens Sim James and Irwin; centre, Hall; right] ,JUdsing from information 1eceiv-io, Street north. Mr. Harper said wing, Lowery: left wing, Lott; subs, {7 resem ly: there will be a long Ist (hat go far as his shop was concerned Allman and Clarke. 4 mel ype Jo deal ud fii esides ype meat he sold was open to inspec Referce--J. G. Althouse. Folge Born rsh n ok bi o lag id tion at any time. He was of the Juniors Also The leaving Oshawa, the local club will cPiniou that the intention The first game in the junior finals). cijled on to appoint anoth : man Board of Health in asking for sign- also resulted in a tie, St. Gregory's |i, succeed him pg in ro a) ed affidavits, was to 'institute sc and Presbyterians each scoring one |e we om ig the 1 Bus ari sort of inspection amonz farmers aud goal. The latter team scored in the ; We others who brought at into ( first period, while the Saints evened! (Nott is keeping busy handling all the ol Sora " 5 correspondence coming in from oth- Awa, 20d. be believeq. that it up in the last session. The Pres- lor clubs and he predicts a heavy ses in this line should have been don byterians were the faster skaters and [sion when the meeting takes lace. "long ago. Mr. Harper =aid that most looked to have a shade the better of | PICS. lof his meat was bought irom the argument during the first period | Wholesale butcher whose herd and part of the second. but the Saints premises, he understood, were in- were always on top of the disc and | spected by Inspector Palmer. He had a good share of the play for the was not in favor of the establishment balance of the contest. The game, i . of 4 municipal abattoir at the pres- was strenuous, cach side fighting for, One pf the great epoch-making out time as he did not think it would the leadership. { photoplays many years is the.pay because there was not sufficient The line-ups were: beautiful William Fox photo drama meat handled here. St. Gregory's--Goal, Fair; defence, of mother-love entitled "Over the . Cooper and Bouckley; © . O'Con. | Hill," which will be seen at she} 2 RS G pee oo "ig Rentz. Cok {Grand Theatre on Mar. 2, 3 anc 4 MEDDLERS GET BUSY AGAIN wing, as subs gic bit Founded upon the famous poeta | i Houston Post: The Indian gues- Smith. 8, # by waL Karieton, this simple story 0 ane hot Lo he Solved in a day Dts i es a _{of the devotion of a mother for her Sh provably now nore Farr: Va a. Senet Pog tribulations to which they subject [a0¥body else, and in view of their es a | & Jan gn + efter is ome of the most appealing and S¥ccess in Imperial Governemnt, it 8. e; subs, Llarke. lovable stories ever screened. Staged |Would appear that they could be under dhe direction of Harry Mil [usted to solve the problem. If the {larde, it has relied for its great [British Government should make a {strength with the public upon the Touuest that it be allowed to handle simple theme and plain story of au!it® affairs without interference by mother and her family whom she thoorists several thousand carefully rears and protects | y 34d Produced in New York by William jou Sudinn conditions. it could not be WR P £ So . ox in September of 1920. without blamed. With the Irish question out 1 ge and goal i ner. Presbyter-locentation. withowt undue expioda- ©f the way, Americans should give fn ang Gregory's juniors meet ition, without any furore or newspa- the British lion a rest for a while, BT {per fireworks, the fawe of the simple RH {and beautiful picture, "Over the! _ Areland's infancy as a free state Hill" spread like wildfire. All who is being marked with all the usual|saw. it sent hundreds of their illnesses.--Buffaleo Commercial. friends. Newspapers hailed it as one! lof the great and crowning triumphs was not request of the local health authori me -_ mr dal : "Over the Hill" Powerful Motion Picture Drama, of S MONDAY NIGHT'S GAMES { At Bradley's Rink on Monday [night in the SS. Hockey League | juvemile finals St. Gregory's mest {King St. from 7-8. From 8-9 the All- |star town team will play King st. | forward line and South Oshawa ae- |p, ------ of the motion picture world. Clergy-! DOOD men preached sermons about it. Edi- Importers, Men's Tailors, Designers We desire to intimate to our many pat- rons in Oshawa that our complete range of imported Spring and Summer Suit- ings has arrived, and to extend a cond- ial invitation to visit us again this season. BRASH, the Tailor 239 Yonge St. Tweeds, Serges Cheviots Fine Worsteds SE. AON 10 LAVERPOGL 2 Mar. Minnedosa 10 Apr. 8 Montcalm 17 tors wrote editorials advising esery mother's son and daughter ® "Over teh Hill." The vesult of this yar R word-of-mouth advertising was send such crowds to sce "Over th Hil" that William Fox repeatedly K extended the engagement. leasing! var one theatre after another and mov-| ing "Over the Hill" continuously nn- | B til it was finally presented at six if | {ferent theatres on Broadway. It must | KE be remembered alse that "Over the A; on Melita far was presented in leading first | NM. ANAEMIA ANA--WINGSENN jclass Broadway theatres, at the top | M97 * oon neon esas Sicilian scaleof $2.00 for the best seats. and) var 5 0 FU K A . ritain for many weeks this single attrac- = [ion playing daily matinees drew the! 'remarkable gross business of more than $22.000 per week. These fig ures are absolutely accurate and Ma | Mar to see! yo. 0 NEL AGMN TO GLASGOW elMar. sapr. 9... , . Tumsian {Apr Mo... nmin . vorsican ST. ANN LIVERPOOL GLASGOW I ne aia ot Bah Arh a Metagama boll d Via Havee and Southatagton . ' . "ei. ACUrSICAN ivening Wear 1" Scandinavian T . 5 . . SEL AONN SOUIMAMPTON ANTWERP 1 St. Lawrence AUEBHC --UMERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON -- MAMBO RG I) FMay Sudune 2 been familiar with the presentation |, of feature pictures on Broadway. ; The story of "Over the Hill" deals Nay jwith 2 mother, acted by Mary Carr, M0 ® who endeavors to raise her children |) /in the path of righteousness and with |" {that end in wiew she makes every Ma sacrifice so that her children may | ¥& R have the proper schooling and com-| Vi ® forts. Unfortunately. her husband is a genial good-for-nothing., who even goes so far as 10 become involved in A crime rather than work. In the family, there ave four brothers and ® two sisters. John, the black-sheep of the family, is a lovable, harnm- scarum boy, who is constantly get- ® ting into mischief, while 1saac, the eldest, is a cad and a hyocrite. | Finally, the children are grown to 'manhood and begin life's ooccupa- tiops. The twp sisters marry. Isaac, | {the cad, becomes jsheep, is left alone with his : although he, 100, has a sweetheart. The father, caveless, lazy, and good-! {for-nothing, is accused of horse ~AANVERDOOL 26 dune Waaly 21. Empoess of Britain MONDREAL --LAVERPOOL 5 Gdune RJaly 13 June 47 July 1 23 dune 24 July 22 Tunisian Corsican INDWERP Scandinavian Melita .. Minnedosa Nay Adune 20 May 25 June 21 July 1 June July 5 Victorian Apply Local A. 8. BEAUMONT, Gen. a Toronto that to protect his father from going showing | test will take place on Monday night. in the history of the League. Many local elub was held Thursday even-| That he had recently signed, at the i of the , USA" od further that he, with other butch- omething |, miles away, most of whow are uninformed | { Empress of Seotlang | ® have boen the marvel of all who have | ¥ay 16dune 13duly 11. Empress of France SELF-DETERMINA- sacrifice, | TION Three years pass, John is released | New York Evening Post: We have ison and comes back home to made progress in establishing faeili- father is dead, his mother [ties by which China may he helped has been neglected by all the other [to find herself." In the long run the children, and the hypocritical Isanc rehabilitation of China must come bas even appropriated for his own through her own efforts; through {use the money that should have the restoration of a unified Chinese 'gone to support his aged mother. (Government, followed by the fn- She has sven been evicted from her crease prestige as against the out- own heme and sent to the poor- side world which such a unified gov- house. How John comes to the res. ernment will exercise. cue, saves hig mother from poverty, - -- [punishes his hypoeritical Brother ana! Hamilton Herald: mre long it will frags him through the streets, is told | become plain that almost all the lin vivid and dramatic scenes. John's | European nations which owe the Un- 'faithful sweetheart, ever confideni of | ited States money will never be able this innceence, welcomes him with | to pay their debts. Then Uncle Sam open arms, and it is a happy home| will no doubt decide to be generous {pork and fowl. If the farmer were indeed when the mother returns te | and cancel those debts, and he wlll prohibited from killing then what ber old home to find that even | invite the world to stand in awe at about fowl? Mr. Cawker asked. He, though some of her children may | the greatest act of magnanimity stated that personally no meat{turns out to be tho white since creation known to he condemped and unfit for human ccusumption ever enter «d his store, although it was possible that such meat could brought into town. Mr. Cawker strovgly favored the establishment of a municipal abattoir in Oshawa, where every pound of meat scld would bear the | government inspector's stamp ! Buys Only Choice Steers R. Neil made it elear that in| shop he tried to handle only the class of beef, buying choice rs from farmers who had large 1s He stated that be mever | bought a carcass from a farmer who brought one in and wanted to sell it over the counter, nor would he go out to any herd and buy a cow at | random which had not been milking Mr. Neil said that he bought and, killed all his own beef He stated, | bowever, that it was pcssible that al" sialler butcher in an outlying see- tion, handling an iaferior quality of wt, might buy from a farmer carcass which was diseased and per- haps did not know it. The tempia tion was always there. Mr. Neil stat tenders. His junior material which he used last season will be much hotter this year, and he has secured several experienced newcomers to fill 1 the weak links. With two or three exeeptions the team of last year is practically in- tact and should make a creditable showing in senior company. It is rumored that a meeting of local en- thusiasts will be held shortly to or- ganize. | Butcher ¥ A { (Continued from page 1) from a farmer, with the exception of only one, The Wife's Keen Eyes are quick to detect those spots on your clothes and she is equally as quick to send them to Peter McLaughlin The Cleaner & Presser 121; King St. W. We do all kinds of alter- ations. Phone us at 509 and we will call and de- liver your garments. Over Ellis & Canning's Store GALL STONES "MARLATT'S SPECIFIC" A never failing remedy for Appendicitis Stomach Disorders, Appendicitis and Kidney Stones ape Ly Call «, and uutil those bad ™ of one in tem Gall Stone Suf- the trouble Marlatt"s Specific will relieve La For at all Drug Stores er Jury & Lovell, Druggists, Oshawa, Ont. J. WW, MARLAIT & C0, 211 Gerrard St. E., Toronto, Ont. | | | | | | | i Mr. his ste he , bad recently signed an affidavit | nt ont the sanitary inspector | stating the source of their meat pis He understocd a this was to give the portunity te make boef coming in here pleased, which Mr Neil thought should be done. He did not think! that a municipal abattoir would nay have neglected ler, the black-sheep, c-- AD- stion. thar rhe » TT < cad pcople ] noetor An 0] an inspecton of what L ) ne > al any tun e | Lil Or vperation 11 NAVY CUT IGARETTE | { 1 { | | Cede | ond tating of 50 and 100

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