Em » Plano--Amelia Buckley PAGE FOUR * a -------- ee pA A ann sant Rev AmATAT ROL News of Nearby Placs MYRTLE In the recent Toronto Conserva- tory of Music Examination in Piano and Theory, held in the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, Miss Hazel Adam's pupils who tried were all successful as follows: Elementary (Honors) Florence Adams (Honors) Blanche Cooke, Miss Hazel Adams was successful in passing the Junior Singing Ex- amination with Honors, Mrs. B, Donnelly entertained a few young people to dinner last Fri- day evening , A very enjoyable time was spent, THORNTONS, CORNERS The. delightful weather for the past few days is a strong reminder of the approaching Spring. Farmers aro very busy cutting and drawing wood at present. Master Willie Stonehouse is pro- gressing favorably after a serious operation for appendicitis last Sat- urday in Oshawa Hospital, Mr. E, B, Farewell of Orillia vis- ited this week at F, C. French's, Owing to so much illness in the neighborhood the social evening which was to have been held Friday evening, will be postponed, The U. F, 0. Club Meeting last Monday evening was well attended and the interesting address given by Myr. Clems, Business Manager of the Co-operative Co., was much appreci- ated, Other matters of interest wero discussed. Miss Betty Robinson visited with friends in Oshawa over Sunday. Mrs H. North is quite il at pres- ent with a severe cold. Congratulations to Master George Lofthouse, in passing with honors. the Primary music examination, held recently. Also congratula- tions to his teacher, Miss Olive French. ZION On the evening of the 15th Miss filda Langmaid entertained the two classes of young people and had a lovely time playing various games. While the program was on the boys took occasion to present their teach- er, Mr. A. Stainton, and Mrs. Stain- ton, with a gasoline lamp. The ad- dress was read by Fred Cameron and the chairman was Walter Vivian. The boys.appreciate their teacher's efforts in 8S. 8. work, The address read as follows: -- Hampton, Ont., Feb. 15th, 1822, Dear Mr. and Mrs. Stainton: -- During the last months and years vou have never missed a single op- portunity to promote the good work of our Sunday School, our Church and our community in general and we feel that we are greatly indebted to: you for your untiring efforts to make our class a suceess, both =pirit- ually and socially. We were all more than delighted with the success of our banquet which was largely due to your ex- cellent leadership and influential personality. Your examples as Christian leaders and teachers - is nyaluable to us and we wish to ww that we deeply appreciate you in every way. It affords us great pleasure to have this opportunity of expressing in a small way our sin- cere feelings toward you. Signed on behalf of Zion Volun- teers Class. Mr. Stainton made a very suitable reply, thanking the boys for the love- Iy gift Mrs. Langmaid and Miss Hilda served refreshments. . Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Misses Doris ant. Nora Robbins, Cora Cause, a Langmaid, and Arma Flintoff, attended the gifls' conference at Bewmanville over the week-end. We hope for a good report soom. Mabel Vincent, Ebenezer, visited here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vivian and Eleanor, Brovklin, visited at 8. G. Chant's. The boys mumbering about 10 ex- pect 10 go to 2 boys' conference at Bowmanville this week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cameron an Mr amd Mrs. Johm Balsom, wisited at Mr. Blake Oke's, Ebenezer, oa Mouday last. Sica 1iss 1s KEDRON. H, F. Werry's house was filled to capacity on Friday evening when nearly sevefity responded to the kind invitation extended by Mr, and Mrs, Werry to the community to spend a social evening with tne Adult Bible class at their home, It being the annual meeting of the class new of flcers were elected for the ensuing year, which are as follows: Presi dent, Mr, Wes, Hoskin; vice presi. dent, Harvey Pascoe; secretary, Ar- thur Harvey; treasurer, Harold Mountjoy; teacher, Mr, Walter Ar- mour; convener of the Social Com- mittee, Miss Hazel Van Dyke; cone vener of the Membership Committee, Mr. R. I. Luke; convener of the De. votional Committee, Mr, H, ¥, Wer- ry. ' The class have decided to hold their annual entertainment in the Church on Monday evening, March 6th, when the Brooklin Dramatic Club will present their drama, en- titled, "The Dust of the Earth." This is. a highly recommended drama, having been successfully given at Whitby, Brooklin and Al- monds, where it has pleased large audiences, so there is no doubt but that the program for March 6th will be first-class and a good crowd is an- ticipated, After a muscial number rendered by the Kedron seven piece orchestra, Mr. and Mrs. Werry were the recip- fents of a delightful surprise, when Mr. Wesley Hoskin, who very ably ucted as chairman, called on Mrs, Thos. Scott to read the following ad- dress: To Mr. and Mrs. Werry: Dear Friends-- . We, Kedron Sunday School and Church people are gathered here this evening by your kind invitation to come and spend a social evening with you und your family in' your home, and hope you will not mina if we intrude on a small portion of this event to do something that has been in the beart of everyono for a long time, namely, to show In some little way our vast appreciation of your good works and deeds in all Sunday School, Church and com- munity affairs; not only have you done things, but have also been un inspiration to others. Mr. Werry, we feel is a true ex- ample of what the lesson on the tal- ents teaches. He has given freely of his talents by teaching in the Sun- day School, tuking an active part in the choir, in the business of the Church and in giving a neiping hand when and where ever there is need, and we feel it is done willingly and cheerfully. These are the kind of workers that make the Church stand strong. In appreciation of your good work we ask you, Mr. Werry, to ac- cept this chair and Bible and Mrs. Werry, this table as a small token of our esteem for you both, and we wish you many more years of health, happiness and prosperity. Signed on behalf of Kedron Church, Sunday School and commun- ity--Hazel L. Scott, Hareld Mount- joy. Harvey Pascoe, C. Hoskin, R. J. Luke, H. T. Cole. Mr. Werry, although completely taken by surprise, made a very sait- able reply. thanking all for the kindness that had been shown him. Other speeches were made by Rer. E. W. Rowland, H. L. Pascoe, Harold Mountjoy and H. T. Cole, all of whom spoke in highest terms in tes- tifying their appreciation of the wval- uable services rendered by Mr. Wer- ry to the Church and community, re- garding him as a "leader" among men. Then all joined in singing "For they are jolly good people." After all had partaken of the bhoum- tiful refreshments provided by the hostess the happy event was brought to a close by all singing "Blest be the tie that binds." Nr. A. D. Van Dyke, Hazel" and Earl, were the guests of Mr. aad Mrs. John Sounley and family, of Zion one evening last week. Miss Gussie Luke 1s epending her vacation with relatives at Selina, Bowmanville and Enniskillen. Over sixty were in attendance at Church on Sunday, it being the first Sunday of the "Go to Chuarch™ cam- paign which continues for three con- secutive Sundays. Rev. E. W. Row- land will take charge of the services I ---- New Martin Theatre Musical Review ERNIE MARKS, Mgr. The House of Vaudeville "Eddie Collins and his Sixteen Jollie Girls MUSIC AND FUN and urges a larger attendance, Every family in the community is specially invited to attend.» Come and bring your neighbors. A skating party from mere spent a very enjoablo evening at the Gene eral Motors rink, Oshawa, on St, Val- entine's night, The next meeting of the Kedron Mutual Benefit Society will be held on Friday evening this week, The Musical and Literary Committee has charge of the evening and a good program is being prepared, A cordial invitation is extended to everybody to attend, The Devotion- al Committee is busily preparing the porgram for next week, which also promises to be good, ' Miss Dorothy McGregor visited her sister, Marjorie, ut Port Hope Genoral Hospital this week, We are pleased to report that she is improv. ing. Misses Edith Peardon, Florence and Gussie Luke and Olive Brock at- tended the Girls' Conference at Bow- manville on Saturday and Sunday last week, Mr. and Mrs, John Sonley, Zion, wero guests of Mr. and Mrs, A, D Van Dyke on Monday evening. We are pleased to report that Messrs, Leslie Hancock and Wesley Lee have recovered from their ill- ness and are able to be out again, Mr, Dudley McGregor is spending a few days in Toronto. A few from here went skating at Oshawa Saturday night, Mr. Albert Luke spent the week. end at Bowmanville. Miss Bessie Scott of Columbus, spent Sunday with friends here, Miss E, Peardon is assisting on the program at Brooklin on Friday eve- ning. | ENNISKILLEN Our Leaguers visited Solina League Monday evening and report a good time. Mrs. John Slemon and Mr Stainton are improving. Mrs. J. A, Werry has been under the doctor's care, Mrs. John Dorland has purchased 2 new piano. Our congregation was small Sun- day evening owing to the thunder- storm. Rev. G. T. McKenzie gave a splendid discourse on "The Elder Brother." Those a tte ndhintge SHRD SH Those attending the Girls' Confer- once at Bowmanville and banquet from our burg were: Misses Alma Werry, May Werry, Reva MeGill, Reta Ashtop, Ruby Smith, Mrs. (Dr) Ferguson and Mrs. Theo. Slemon and Rev. G. T. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butson,, Misses Minnie, Ethel apd Ada Web- ber, and Mr. Arthur apd Roy Web- ber, Bowmanville, spent Sunday at Mr. Wm, Herring's. HAMPTON Miss Marion Stephens visited rel tives in Oshawa on Sunday. Miss Iva Avery, Oshawa, at Mr. Wm. Smales' recently. Mr. Johm Clarke has ome of his fingers nearly severed by a sawing machine recemntly. Mr. Wm. Smale also had his left arm torn in the same machine. Both are progressing favorably. Miss Ruby Clatworthy underwent an operation for appendicitis last week. Mrs. T. Salter is visiting her sister at Coldwater. . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilbur and fam- ily, Mrs. Fred Wilson, Toronto, Mrs. Isaac Bulmer and daughter, and Mr. Frank Wilbur, Oshawa, at Mr. James Burns' and with other rela- tives. Mrs. Ella Ranton with her daugh- ter, Mra. W. J. Virtue. Alan visited BASE LINE WEST Miss Margery Ross is away wvisii- ing friends in Toronto and Pene- tang. P. C. Batton, of Toronto, Friday with Whithy friends. Rev. F. Story, of Toronto, son of Robert Story, of Virden, Sask., speat a few days fim mission "work im Whitby. Mr. Roland Yates, of Bowmanville, and Mrs. Scott were visitors at Mr. MH. Reynold's on Sunday. speut TAUNTON Several of the girls attended the Girls' Conference, held at Bowman- ville last week. A boys' conference is being held at Bowmanville this week. Mrs. Harry Allin, Bowmaaville, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Russel Robbins. Mr. A. D. Langmaid had an ideal {day for his sale, which was well at- tended. Prices were fair. Mr. L. J. Cornish has been ill with la grippe. Mr. and Mrs. L. Germond, Osh-| awa, visited at Mr. Wesley Glaspell's on Sunday. i Mrs. William Beckie held a quilt- ing bee on Wednesday, quite 2 num- ber were there. Several in this vicinity ave on the) sick list, and havo very had colds SOLINA Mrs. J. Baker yvisited her pavents {the literary PERI RCS B A Le ar aati 1 nt a £90 te Yr Li 0h maa TLoG wr Ja ae OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1022 Thompson, Doreen Van Nest, Baker, Frances Cryderman, Kate Cryderman, Mary Arnot, Margaret McKessock and Marjory Pascoe at- tended the Girls' Conference in Bow- manville last week and report a good time, About 100 friends of Eldad con- grogation assembled at the home of Mr. W. T, Taylor's on Wednesday night, Feb, 16, and presented Miss Edna Taylor with a dozen silver knives, forks and spoons, prior to her marriage as a token of apprecla- tion of her valuable services in the Bunday School, Church and League and her willing hand in time of sick- ness, She will be greatly missed but we wish her every happiness in her new home, Mr, Fred, Cromb entertained the Y. M. BB, C, at the hall last week and all report an excellent time, Mr, Roy Langmaid held a success- ful wood bee last week, Wedding bells are ringing. Enniskillen League visited our League on Monday lust and debated with out League, the Eldad League winning by a small margin, The League this week was called off on account of the week of prayer which is being held at our Churh. Vera CEDAR DALE Mr. Willlam Wilkinson has been olisey to his home with a sprained nkle, Miss Dorothy Hutton successfully passed her intermediate examination in musie, Mr. Anderson Sunday evening will conduct service, the February Mr. Michael Smith left this week for his home in Ottawa Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harry CIff on the birth of a young daughter, Mr. Stone, who has been ill some time, is improving slowly. Mr. Thomas Keeler of Garden Hill, Mr. Leo Keeler and Mrs. Clopworthy of St. Catharines, were the guests of her sister, Mrs. Nelson. for held at Mrs. Frank Branton's Tuesday, Feb, 28 Mrs. Shemiit and | her daughter Vera, were called to Béthany to the bedside of little Gwendolyn Bickle, on The Union prayer meeting will be | a suru bry so PREY AL Ro bh 3s BY HR ers Rot Lut 2% i LB bg A HATA ¢ BY & Ir, 3 Ae bin hn go ee Tv, ar =a | Garis Bed es UNCLE WIGGILY AND WADDIE |] Copyright, 1081, by McClure News. paper. Syndicate (By Howard R, Garis) ! Once upon a time, when Uncle Wiggily, the bunny rabbit gentle- man, was hopping along with his pink, twinkling nose for pany, he heard a volee saying: "But what's the use of so work, Daddy? Why can't I make Just one hole and let it go at that? I don't want to spend all day dig- ging!" Uncle Wiggily stopped short bhe- neath a mulberry bush, which he hoped soon to gee begin leaving out for spring. "I wonder who that is?" thought tho hunny. "Maybe it's the Daddy Fox teaching a little fox hoy how to dig a hole," Uncle Wiggily knew he ought to be careful if a fox were near, so he peeked around the corner of the bush, and the bunny gentleman was very glad when he saw Waddie Chuck, the little groundhog hoy, and his father near a pile of dirt, "Good morning, Mr, Chuck, also Waddie," said Uncle Wiggily, as he polished his spectacles in the rub- ber end of his crutch and made a low and polite bow with his tall silk hat. "What is going on this morning, that I hear talk of digging holes?" | "Oh, I am teaching Waddic to look | out for himself," answered the old | woodchuck gentleman "He and Woodie, his brother, are getting to be quite large animal boys now, and they must soon have homes of their own. So I want them to learn how to dig burrows, or underground! houses, for themselves." "A very good idea," said Wiggily. "Only I don't see any use in dig- ging two doors to a burrow," spoke Waddie. "One door is all I'm go- ing to make to my house I can | Just ( com- much nele | who is seriously ill. tunate Sunday evening, falling and injuring one of her arms. BROOKLIN Mrs. McGowan, of Toronto, is staying with ber mother, Mrs. Jos. Hortop. An accident happened one day last week while the 1.30 train was shunt- ing. In a very strange way the eng- ine lefts the tracks and crashed into the end of the fruit house which stood at the side of the track caus- ing damage to produce owned by the Farmers' Club : Mr. Coolidge bas purchased the Sings' property and will build a house during the coming summer Mr. Luke Robinson, of New York, speat the week-end with his mother. Mrs. W. J. Hayeraft is visiting her daughter in Toromto. The second concert under the aus- pices of the Library Board was much better attended tham the former one. LM. Montgomery, thd entdrtainer of the evening, received a cordial welcome from the audience. Her read- ings were humorous and were taken from three of her books: *"Rilla of Ingiside," "Golden Road," "Anne of Avonlea." Her kind and charming personality did much towards giving her a place in the affections of the people who were fortunate in hearing her. The orchestra from Whitby, conducted by Mr. Briggs, supplied a large share of the entertainment and will be welcomed again. The pro- ceeds amounted to $24. Rev. Alex. McMillan, D.D., of Fo- route, preached in the Presbytenan Church on Sunday last. His subject was "incomprehensible Singing," and took for his text "Simg ye praises with understanding." Oa Monday evening he addressed the choirs of Columbygs. Ashbufn and Bweoklia, on the Charch Hymaal. While Dr. McMillan is a musician. having been one of the committee 10 revise the Presbyterian Hywmaal, he combines with the wusical set- ting of the hymns. He gave the ori- gin of many hymns and showed how tune and word should be fittingly combined, and gave example of hymns in adoration, prayer, praise and children's songs. A pleasant i day evening, February 26. at seve in Bowmanville and attended thef]eo'clock wi evening was closed by lunch served by the ladies. A amnited service of Brooklin and Columbus Presbyterian Churches will be held im the Presbyterian Church, Columbus, Sunday morning, February 26, for the purpose of or- daining elders. Miss Eileen Moore. of Oshawa, spent last week-end with Dr. John and Mrs. Moore. A lange quantity of first class ice has been harvested from Framcis® pond. Mr. Noah Batson has pecovered sufliciently to be around again. He is in his S4th year and retains all his faculties in 2a remarkeble way. There will be service in the Pres- byterian Chacch, Brooklin, next Sun- The annual meeting of the Brook- Mrs. John Clifford was very unfor- | go in one door and come out the same door. [I don't need two." i | "All woodchuck houses have two | { doors," said Mr. Chuck; "and you | | must have two in yours, Waddie." "Oh, it's such a Jot of work" whined Waddie. "lI think one door { will be enough!" Just then Mr. Chuck looked up, and saw Uncle Wiggily winking at him over Waddie's back. And Un- cle Wiggily's wink seemed to sa "Let Waddie make one hole to his burrow. Then I'll teach him a lit- tle lesson!" So Mr. Chuck, understanding that | Tnele Wiggily was going to play al little trick, said out loud: 4 "Very well, Waddie. Make your | house with only one door, and we'll see what happens. "I'll leave you now, for I must go to the store." "And I'll go with you." said Un- cle Wiggily, hopping off with the woodchuck gentleman. "I'm ouly going to dig ons to my new house." said "Two are such hard work!" So as his father and Uncle Wig- gily went off down the woodland path, Waddie began digging his bur- row. He made one big wide front | door, and, inch by inch, he pawed | {out the partly frozem eanth to make] |& room for himself below the ur-1 face | | When Waddie had a door | Waddie. | nic large | burrow, with only one door, all of a | sudden, as the little groundhog boy | was sitting outside. thinking how | foolish two doors would have been, | all of a sudden he heard a graf | voice say: "Oh, ho! Here's where 1 get him? A mice, fat groundhog Loy!" And} with that something with a big, | bushy tail sprang at Waddie | "Oh, ho, Mr. Fox, you don't we" cried Waddie Down through the one door of his | burrow leaped Waddie, and he hid far 'back in his underground house. But he hear a noise outside and the | graff voice said: i "Well, you can't get out, for yom have omly this one door I'M stay here aatil you get so hungry you | have to crawl out this way and then I'l grab you'™ Oh, how unhappy Waddie felt? "Dear. good, kind Mr. Fox! Please | £0 away from ay burnew door and el sok! | lin Spring Fair will be held in the | township hall on Saturday evening. February 25. See advertisement | Mrs. Geonge Robinson, who for! many years has been a resident | Brooklin, .and latterly of the Sth concession, died at her late residence on Tuesday morning in her 65th year. Before her marriage she was Miss Coakwell. She leaves 10 mourn her ! loss her husband. thred brothers. | Charles, Thomas and John Coak-{ well. { After a painful illness of two weeks from pneumonia, little Howard Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Uriah Jones, passed away on Tuesday mor- ning in his 5th year. The little follow was endeaved 10 everyone, being ex- ceptionally bright and attractive, and will be missed at the Mission Band, Sunday School, and as a play- mate." His funeral was taken by the Rev. E. W. Rowland. on Thurs- day 10 Groveside. NEW MARDIN MHEADRE The Eddie Collins Musical Review, Waddie! I'm not a Wiggily, but I tied a piece of green tree on my little tail to make rox. et, me come out!" begged the wood CHUCK chuck boy, "Ha! Ha! All right!' fox," "I'm only Come said aughing voice, over t look big, like that of 'ome out, Waddie!" the Out came Waddie Chuck, and he saw that it gily, really was Uncle "What are you doing?' asked th bunny gentleman. "Making two doors to row," was the answer, heen no fox, and if T had two doors I could have gotten away my hur the second." "That's 80," said the hunny, An he helped Waddie dig the secon bole. And if the rubber band doe n't play such loud music that makes the rubber ball squeak a little pig, Uncle Wiggily's easy lik shoes -- are a d pm ---- oul Uncle Wig- Then the little groundhog hoy started digging very fast, "I you had out of I'll tell you next about Al 3 H Cobourg Says Their 18 Players Simon Pure Speaking of professionalism in the -Contral Ontario Baseball Teague, the Cobourg Sentinel-Star has the following to say: "Oshawa, Port Hope, Lindsay and Peterboro papers are talking a lot aver the introduction of professional ism into the Central Ontario League. Last year of the six teams in the leagne there were only two that did not have paid players on their team --Cobourg and Belleville--at least we believe the latter did not, All the other teams had, and probably their experiences of last year are causing them to turn against it now, Not a player on the Cobourg team last year received one eent from the Co- bourg baseball club, nor is it at all likely that they will this year, Co- hourg has had its experience from professional ball players, and like (| the other towns, it was not altogether d | pleasant. Since the Central Ontario i- | League was formed this town has it | heen strictly amateur, and while they e | have yet to win a championship, they have had no reason to he ashamed of the teams that represented them." e 3 CORINNE The Best Dressed Star on the Screen at the GRIFFITH GRAND "WHAT'S YOUR REPUTATION WORTH" I'he tory o I YOun: in order Larry Semon Comedy '"*BETWEEN ACTS" » ma i FEBRUARY 27th, | RY acritice verything od rs happy 28th and MARCH 1st MONDAY AND FUESDAY REGENT Osh The Biggest Attraction Playing the City Nex The Peak awa's Best t Week of the Week Entrancing Dazzli Spectacular Bewildesiog Bewitching Beautiful With Plenty appearing at the New Martin The- atre next week will prove not only entertaining but will widen interest in the famous cartoon, "Bringing Up Father," which are in every issue of The Reformer. Get a program of this to see the variety of peviews. Hoot Gibson will appear for the first half of next week in the feature film "Sure Hit." which will be supported by a Capitol Comedy, "Third Class Male," and the extra will be "Nipe- son Weail™ y {| Three strong vaudeville acts have their last showing to-night. The Eddie Collins as Jiggs Get 2 program and come. You are assured of 2 night of real fun. A play bf t ¥ if Ri | aise 2 good feature film, comedy and _ py nn dC