---- ) OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23 1622 Oshawa and RR KEE Milk Price War Trenton 1s In the throes of a milk price war. The price was first re duced from 12¢. to 10c. a quart, and it has now heen dropped to He, a quart, Damaged Phones Fire ) / The Thortnn Rubber factory fire Wednesday morning put & number of telephones in Cedar Dale vicinity The services have out of husiness, now been restored. (} , by Orchesten his evening a concert is, being given in the music hall of tho Osh- awa Missionary College, by the col. lege orchestra. There is no admis. sion, The orchestra is reputed to ho 2 fine musical organization, Joins The Reformer Stall . Mr, Fred Davies, of Ronfrew, has joined The Reformer staff as loacl advertising solicitor, » Mr. Davies is a son of Mr. W. R. Davies, who ig publisher of the Renfrew Marcury, and a former president of the Can adian Weekly Newspapers' Associa- tion, \ Ons On Bail Altred Robinson who was placed under arrest Wednesday afternoon on a charge of selling liquor, came bhe- fore His Worship, Magistrate Hind, in Police Court later in the day. Accused was granted bail to the ex- tent of $4,000. Robinson appeared in Court again this morning hut his case was remanded until Friday March 3rd. - Holstein Men Meet At a representative gathering Port Perry recently a Holstein Breed- | ers' Association for Ontario County was formed. Robert Walker, of Manchester, who introduced Hol- steins into this district about thirty years ago, was elected president, and R. M, Holthy, of Port Perry, secre- tary. No Protest Entered Thursday, February 16 was the last day on which a protest could be lodged against the return of M. E. Maybee, M.P. for Northumberland. and, although a protest had been all drawn up ready for filing, it was decided not to proceed with it by the Progressive party. Difficulty in en- deavoring to perusade anyone to take up the banner in another fight, as well as outside influences exeried against the protest being lodged, were responsible for the protest be- | ing dropped. All the charges which would have been in the protest, had #t been lodged, originated in Bast Northumberland. SE * TRUE BLUES RAISE | $60 FOR ORPHANAGE | Victoria Lodge No. 55. Loyal True Blues, held a most successful dance in the armories Thursday evening, | about one hundred couples being present. The music was furnishid | by the Adanac orchestra and the | floor was in ideal condition. The pro-| ceeds, amounting to approximately | $60, will be donated to the orphan-| age, Which is in the course struction in Toronto at the time. DANGER OF JUST LETTING A COLD RUN ITS COURSE Public Warned to Beware of a Three Days' Cough and Break It Up Before it's Too Late, by Taking Asprolax, the New Sci- entific Discovery. Meney Refunded If Asprelax Fails to Bring Relief. Leading authorities 20e using ov- ery effort 10 arouse the public to the danger of letting common colds just run their course, for it is definitely known that many serious lung com- plications such as pnenmonia. srippe. ete, develop from colds that hang on persistently. Colds are curable and preventable, and Asprolax provides the surest and quickest, as well as most practical, treatment for vet discovered. Asprolax is almost magical ia its effect. The first dose usually stops the tendency to sneezing and cough- ing. and relieves the feeling of dis- comfort, and the second and third doses usnally suffice to stop the pro- gress of a cold altogether. the colds The wonderin! efficiency of Aspro- | fax is best shown by the fact that al! druggists are instructed to refund moner where it fails to give satis factory results. at | {Nirs Hodgkinson, and Messrs {posed of Mrs District Passed Exam, The following pupils of Mrs, K. J. Bale passed successfully the mids winter Conservatory exams. Plano Primary School: Dorothy Gauld, El- ementary Singing: Mildred Souch (honors), Eleanor Wood, Pastor Wil Romain At the regular February meeting of the Oficial Board of King Street Methodist Chureh, Trenton, the pastor, Rev, W, G, Clarke, was un- animously invited to return to Tren- ton for a fourth year, Mr. Clarke has aeeeptad the invitation, Fire Horses Scarce hb A new fire team for the local fire department is hard to find, Chairman J. V, Hill, of the Fire and Wate: Committee said yesterday. The search for good horse flesh has con tinued for weeks, but without su cess, The old team authorized to hn sold, is still doing service, 100 Metors Installed lowered, get on hare, and is now in operation, Pastor Is Bereaved The funeral took place at Frank: ford Thursday of Mrs, Higgs, wif of Rev, William Higgs, Madoc, und a former pastor in the Cobourg dis- triet, Mrs. Higgs hefore her mar- riuge, was Miss Lizzie Foster of Frankford, and was a lady who was dearly beloved by a large circle of friends, She is survived by her hus- House For Sale Modern brick house, eight rooms, hardwood floors, all convenlences, new garage, most desirable locality, Phone 752). 184-c AMONG THE CHURCHES Appreciates The Reformer Writing to the editor, when closing a check for renowal of subscription to the paper, James) Cornish, now of Clibton, and who until 256 years ago resided at Foley, says: "I like the paper very much." \ ANGLICAN Bt, George's==Cor, John and Contre, Rev, C. R, dePencier,. M.A, 30 Athol Street West, Rev. O, ¥, Stent, B.A,, 177 Athol St, BE. Phone 880), | SERVICES, SUNDAY, FEB. 16TH, "+ 8 a.m, ~Holy Communion, 11 a.m,~Morning Prayer, 2.30 p.m,--S8unday School. 4 p.m--Baptismal Service ond Sunday each month.) ens his Won Fancy Work \ On Thursday evening, Feb, 16th, the regular meeting of the Pythian Sisters was held and after the de- gree work was put on a draw wad | 7 p.m.--Choral Eve ' Jm,-- Lvensong, taken on the fancy work donated hy | ] . wT annhaia' Mrs. Samuel Schwartz, when tip}, Sonday. 7.30 b-1-~Teachers' Moet: lucky number 21 was won hy Mr, J. Saunders, (see- Wednesday, 7.80 | Club, p. m,---Boys' Renovating Building Messrs, Gay Company, ltd. making extensive alterations to the store formerly known as The Hub on King Straect West, which has been lensed hy George Lakas, for a term of years. The entire interior is to be put into first-class shape, The insidé dimensions of the building are 24 feet hy 85 feet, ST. GEORGE'S HALL 2.30 p.m,--Bunday School, are, Tuesday, 3 p.m,--Mothers' lon, Wed, and Girls' Club, CHRINTIAN WORKERS' CHURCH Athol Street Rev, T, J, Logan, Pastor SERVICES, SUNDAY, FEB, 268TH. 11 a.m, --~Fellowship meeting. Speaker, Mr. P, H. Adams. 2.30 p.m.--8Sunday School Bible Class. 7 p.m.--Gospel M. Gilehrist, Tuesday, 8 p.m Kdgar. Thursday, § pm Un- Thurs, 7.30 p.m. Eggs Down Five Cents and A reduction of five cents a dozen in the price of eggs was recorded at the market this morning, this pop- ular hen fruit selling for 45 conts whereas the prevailing price for some months past has heen H0 cents meeting, Me, H. Bible study, Mr, Prayer and The New SPRING Apparel Thoroughly harmonious with the new season are these zestful displays that Praise, Mr, Jackson, Butter remained at 45 cents a pound | Special Revival meetings ecom-| while chickens were selling for band, three daughters, and a son, and by a brother, Mr. Herbert Fos- | ter, and a sister, Mrs. Minnie Latta | Frankford, | | | Given Month to Settle Edward Martin, of peared before Judge Ward at Co hourg on Wednesday on remand, charged with shooting and wounding Austin Chestnut, a 16-year-old boy of Welcome, on Hallowe'en, the re- sult being that young Chestnut had | to have his leg amputated. Martin | was found guilty a month ago. and wis given a month to settle for the | damage caused, hut he had not | settled to the satisfagtion of the! Judge he was allowed another month. | Young Chestnut's father was put to! about $1,000 expense through his! son being shot, and Martin's settic- ment go far does not nearly approach | that sum. \ Welcome, ap as | Had Fingers Taken Of Alex, Gasley, residing at {bee Street, an employee of the Rob- son Leather Company, at Cedm Dale, got his right hand caught a machine at the factory on Thur day and lost two of his fingers was taken to Oshawa Hospital 1 Que Capacity Continued from page which was well received ous monologue entitled, "All About Love," by Mr. Kenney, immediately followed. In responding to an core, Mr. Kenney recited an lialian playiet called "Rosa." which d« eply tmpressed the audience Some o dis other numbers worthy of spect! ) A humor of con- {Mention were a scene from Nicholas Rev. Mr present | Nickleby sind "The Girl He Didu'cjwith the greatest kindness and con- Get." All of these brought out marked ability as an entertainer. | his facial expression making the scenes portrayed in the various nam bers appear most realistic to many of the gathering. Miss L. Stacey and | Mrs. (Rev.) ET. Cotten also took | a prominent place in this part of the | program, the former conrtibating two delightful piano and the latter two vocal numbers which drew forth strong commendation The leading parts in the cantata were taken by Mrs. R. Rennett. Mrs Jack Smith, Mrs. E. T. Cotten. Mrs | J. Jobhmston. Mrs. C. Hawkins and T. Me {Dowell and W. A. Dewland The {choruses mader the divection of Mr Koch were particuariy well canvied out and ne small amount of credit is due him for the able manner in which this part of the entertainment was conducted. One number which received much applause was the se lection smiven WF a quartotte com- R. Bennett, Mrs. J Dewan nd Me his! solos Smith, Mr | Dowell. | PORT PERRY VETERAN DIES IN TORONTO William A. Alexander, a veteran of the 116th Ontario County Bat-| | talion, died in Toronto Thursday of | | spinal meningitis, after a very short illness. He was 26 years of age and had lived im Port Perry practically {all his life. 8 Mr. Alexander was au officer of Fidelity Lodge. AF. & AM. Pont | Perry. and looked upon as the next Master. He was a charter member of Fidelity Lodge. Toronto. | His pavents. Mr. and Mrs. George | A Alexander. of Port Perry, survive | him \ safest, | {plied to the 'him mencing March 12° conducted by the Rev. D. McLeod, Formosa | cents a pound. One of the smallest attendances of the season was on hand, BAPTIST t SER Emmanuel Baptist Church--King R. | Rev. J. L. Harton, B'th, Pastor Show Appreciation Residence: 18 Aberdeen Strect, | SERVICES, SUNDAY, FEB. 26TH. | (Continued from page 1) 11 p.m~--Public Worship Smith, warden, Mrs. M. KE. Brown.| superintendent of the Juyior Auxil | fary, and President W, the AY.P.A. The Rector's Tribute CC. RR. DePeneier, the rector, regret at his assistant's The most cordial rela-1 existed himseif Mr. Stent, and it was his hope that he would meet every success in fieid He hoped that during his in the United States he would not becops Americanized Christian learned lot the King. Our Leader-----Christ Our Name--Christian Our: Creed--The Bible OurRight--Indyvidual tion. Our Fellowship SERVICES 11 am 2.30 pm: Rev expressed departure tions had and Rev, 7 p.n.--Public Worship. | The adult bible classes will meet | \tkinson, of again on Sunday in Church Audit-| oriam 1 Monday, 2 p.m.--P. M, A. Club,' Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Friday. 8 p m.--Choir practice. : Rev. Macleod, returned mission- | ary from Formosa, will preach at} the morning and evening services. | Mrs, C. B. Smith, soprano soloist, of Toronto, will sing, hetween earnest with of CHRISTIAN Rev. E. T. Cotten, Ph.B,, Pastor { Parsonage 169 Athol St. E., Phone S47) Church---Centre St. his new labor sojourn SO near and a from rector, Manle ol as to forget Canada and the Mr the opinion that at would be ditiicut Leaf Rev dePencier w Interpreta 10 secure a man in Mr, Stent's place as only three men already for, were graduating rom College this year, and unles man as vet unknown turned ap would be without sistant Character SUNDAY, FEB Public worship. Sunday Schoo! 7 p.m Public worship, SPOF Trini) cme he for n y 26TH are ready for you. They are vibrant in color, full of a rejuvenating charm. With such discriminating care have they been assembled that they are pecu- liarly suited to the use and enjoyment of our clientele. They are for you, and are ready for your inspection. Here, for instance, is a wrap that is really captivating in its style, and, the price is quite within the reach of anyone's modest pocketbook. It is made of that nice soft material, Duvet-de-laine, in Elk shade, three-quarter length semi-Tuxedo style, pockets, hand-embroidered design in silk of same color, with a little touch of light blue that has a very pleasing effect. This em- broidery is on the lapel of the coats as well as on each sleeve. The back is loose-fitting, with a pleat on either side, and a beautiful vine idea is carried out in hand embroid- .ery. It is belted, of course. Fastened at the front with buttons and loops. It is only one of our many stylish ple garments for the season. Last year the price of this coat SIH bh 4 would have been $50.00, but this season's prices are La ia Al different, as you can see for yourself. Size 18 .. $35.00 Ok id | LAS 4 -- ¥ » some time. In view th Monday, § p.m.--Prayer a ol people Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting Pub cordially invited to attend CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 6 Simcoe St. South. SERVICES, SUNDAY, FEB 11 a.m. and p.m -- Public hip. Subject, "Christ Jesus." Wed., 8 p.m. --Teslimony meeting. when testimonies are given of heal- the church should alize their greater responsibility r to carry oy egrets Departure Deeply touched, Rey. Mr address presented to The assistant rector that he had enjoyed his work in Oshawa which he found most interesting, and had learend a lot from the rector, Stent re- 26TH. Wor- | Thompson, h » on 2 South Ontario, L. O. Clifford. paid [Theatre an Feb. 27 and 23 Offer Suggestions | (Coutinued from page 1) of the persons After business in the capital, Mr.!"What's Your Reputation Worth with the member for Which will be shown at the Gr and AT THE GRAND DISTRICT FARM NEWS NOTES Some whe witness Tuesday. February 21, saw a tiful day and a grand array of cat au- will receive a shock w dePencier He had wet) ing through Christian Science. You are cordially invited. ideration, and he would always have a warm spot im his heart for KING ST. METHODIST Oshawa. The work of the Parish was Rev. A. M. Irwin, B.A. B.D, Pastor | arge, its exteat known only 1 Parsonage 139 King St. E. Phone 218 those directly in touch with it. and SERVICES, SUNDAY. FEB. 26TH. he hoped that before long another 11 a.m. -- Public Worship. man would be secured in his plac T p.--Public Worship To him Rev. Mr. dePencier had been The Pastor will preach . both most thoughtful He was sorry 10 A cordial welcome to all. eave Oshawa, but glad to Ro because of the larger field of labor to which he went which would give him more experience. Rev. Nr. Stent as a parting message to the boys express- od the hope that in the future they would feel their responsibility Mrs. Steat spoke briefly. thanking the people of the church for the kindness and gounerous spirit shown 10 her during her short stay in services Simcoe St. South, Cor. Brace Street. | Rev. G. Yule. Minister, Residence the Manse, 63 Simove 8, Phone 483 SERVICES. SUNDAY. FEB. 36TH. 11 a.m--Public Worship. } p..--Sunday School. T pam. --Public Worship ' The pastor will have charge of! both services | Oshawa. A cordial mvitation 1s extended to | Short addresses were ulso wade by al to Sind fhe solices and al the chairman, T. B. Mitchell, and 22M} : ' the church treasurer, Mr. George Friday, 8 p.m.--Choir practioa. { Puckett, both of whom spoke igngOOR ST. METHODIST CHURCH | glowing terms of the work dome by Roy J. HM. McBain, B.A. Minister Mr. Stent and his mother during 52 Simcoe St. South. Phone 148% their connection with St George's. | QRRVICES. SUNDAY. FEB. 26TH. The program included solos by 19 am. --Fellowsatp Meeting. Mr. W. H. Harmer, Mrs. F. C. Pal- 11 am -->In the Beginuing-- mer and Rev. C. F. Stent. and a read- c.g | ing by Mr. Harry Stafford. Before 3 pom--Sunday School and Men's | the sathering dispersed the mem- yo 4 bers of the Ladies' Auxiliary served 7 pom. --Subject, "The Home Life™ refreshments of coffee, sandwiches Monday S pam---Epworth League ete. Wednesday 7.30 --Prayer Meeting. MEN'S OWN also At the recent examinations ia pi- ano playing, held by the Torcato gERVICES. SUNDAY. FEB. 26TH. Conservatory of Music, at the Bishop Brotherhood Federation of Canada Bethune College. the following #V- Branch "South Oshawa Methodist. pils of Miss Bainbridae were success- Meeting with Class "EIRRA™ 2.30 ful Intermediate School Miss nm. Bible Study, also Specal and Dolly Hutton (pass); Junior Schoc! pital Subjects, up-to-date. Miss Florence Cox hon.) Miss io {let Belt (pass). Primary School Misses Annie Storie. Minerva S- clair, Usie Ross. Claribelle Wray thon. ), Lois Mandy (pass): Iatvo- ductory School Jean Mathers at 7.39 pam. {Ahomn. 126 Subj. "The Decalogue is God's AT THE GRAN® THEATRE Speaker, W. R. French SERVICES, SUNDAY, FEB. 26TH. -- ------ smn | Standard of Jndgment.™ TT This is the first of three sermins en- titled "Wha I am :. Seventh Day Ad- wentist.™ The public are invited to hear this series, Admission free. Collection. lament General Motors building in Detroit { that with which Oshawa is fortunate to least and many spectacular seis be affiliated ous committees of ers' Government were well received. Per- sonally he formed a good impression | pression he says was openly convey- tures. 2 visit of inspection to the new Par-|1. Buildings. It may be in- |™ teresting to those who have seem the tle at the Shorthora disperson of A. Langmaid, Zion. The auction was conducted by J. Bishop. who did his work well. It seemed 10 be a holiday crowd and buyers were fortunate in consery prices Mr Ed J Black got the bargain oi the sale a a splendid cow due in March, at $115 © Corinne Griffith, th aph star, take ap d cut off her bes w reeproduction of same, to hair. Before the ex ote that it cost more than twice {fOr this favorite of of the Parliament Buildings (ber hair showing this huge motors building | The story is ose of unsva to be a real tribute to an indusiry¥ lund requires am exceptionally e cl ¢ eves « a ] live merit a y 1: {furnishes Miss Griffitn a webu in which he may wear evening gowms, sporting sowus and more ierate frocks such as are worn by tac work- ing girl. The production far- nishes the star ith opportunities display her skill and srace letic sports wid The Clyde men were fortunate. at the breeders' meetings last week iw having George Wright and E. M Carroll of the Walker House and Carls-Rite Hotel donate a beautiful £1.200 cup alomg with 52.0060 cash to be subscribed in yearly payments of $200 till completed. This dona- tion applies to The Royal Winter Fair. Onutario and Durham ocuaties include two«hirds of the exhibitors so the cup should soom be reposing somewhere hereabouts. - - A Take the stormy days to grain ready for suashiny April. Mr. Thompson says that the vari- | the Manufactur- | Association who waited on the also pe] of the mew adminisiration. The im-' § { ed that it is the Government's inten- - tion to conduct the business of ths country along sane limes, without red tape. and to elimate wherever possible all wunecessary expendi- It should be noted that the Minister of Railways, Hon, Mr. During the month of February 194 new meters were installed in Oh-» 'awa homes by the waterworks de- partment. The aim of the department |is to have a meter in the home of Kennedy, represents the constituency EYery user, but finances will not rer where the General Motors plaut at mit a wholesale purchase in any one Walkerville is located for the manu- {*_ facture of motors and axles used | in Oshawa. | get seed ones of EL .---- er -- Riind tigers belong to the cat | family. as far as the nine lives arel concerned --Ranoke World-News i Teacher Says She Found Them Good Miss Thereanlt Praises Dodd's Kiduey Pills Popular New Brunswick Lady Pana ishes Some of the Roasoms Why Dodd's Kidney Pills are Suffering Women's Bost Friond. Upper Pokemouche, N.B.. Feh. 24. (Special.)---1 cam oconscientionsly recommend Dodds Kidner Pills to all persons afflicted with any foom of Kidney toouble.™ Bo saps Miss Alice Thereamit, the popular school teacher hepe. And T is what you should seck ina dentifrice. Amd it is easily found, if you will cave for your teeth regularly with Kicnso Dental Creme. And the Aclighnfill aftertaste of Klenso--tho: Cool, Clean, Kicnao Focling--is satis- THE SALVATION ARMY Adintant and Mrs. Graves, Comn- manding Officers SERVICES, SUNDAY, FEB. 26TH. 11 a.m --Holiness Meeting 3 pan --Praise Meeting Soldiers. the morning at 18 o'clock. Sunday School and Bible at 2 pam. Monday night Salvation meeting at 8 pam. Teesdar--ILife Saving Scouts and Life Saving Gaanrds. - 1.30 pom.--Alse cottage ghayer meeting at £ pam. | Saturdar--Praise meeting at 8 Miss Thereault adds that she knows out of her own experience that | Dodd's Kidney Pills are good. "1 have experienced great benefit fram | this medicine since 1 have boen | troubled with Kidner trouble. 1 al- | ways got good results from msiag | them." { . Dodds Kidney Pills ave known | from one end of Canada to the oth- | er as suffering women's best friend. | They are purely and simplr a Kidney | remedy. They strengthen the kid. | to do their full work of straw- | of the good fying cvifemor of the good it dows. Step ia and gt a tube today. 35¢ | S-- ime SLE JURY LOVEL LTD. Smcwesms ANG F. W. THOMPSON ing all the impurities out blood. i wean health. Ask 8 wour meighbors if Dodd's Kid- Pills do not make sound Kid | lpm a -----