oh ad be Nearby Places (Continued from page 2) spent Sunday with his parents My. and Mrs, .U. Hodgson, A number from here attended the Oyster Supper held at Manchester on Tuesday evening. 'Ail report a good time, Phe Ladies Aid served a hot sup- mes Behe ely per in the Hall on Wednesday even- ing after which a sociable evening was spent, BASE LINE WEST Mrs. John BStertivant week-end with Mr, at the Government at Hamilton, --GRAND THEATRE=-- FEBRUARY 20th--21st--22nd 'The Money-Ch:ngers' Adapted by B, B, Hampton from the novel by UPTON SINCLAIR An Amazing Photodrama of Those Who Draw "Blood Money" from Weak Men and Women Roland Comedy--News and Views SEE THE BEST spent the and Mrs, Hawley Hospital Farm, Understanding A Service of Understanding is a ser- vice of Comfort to the living in honor- ing the dead. If you visit the Disney Insti- tution you will learn that our Services are performed in quictude and refinement. CALL AT ANY fIOLK, DAY OR NIGH) The Disney Funeral Service 14 Bond Street, West 'relephone 1092 - fed | We expect to be able to show you a New Assortment of HATS EVERY DAY SEES Fresh Arrivals IN OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT Some more pretty Suits and Coats came in this morning Week Direct from New Chic Styles at surprisingly low Prices The ARCADE ut oh a cn he te RT: Oshawa, Mr. Strong, manager of 'the Poul- try Dept. at the Hospital, left for Montreal, where he secured another position of a like nature. We undepstand that Myr. Arnott will move into the house vacated by Mr, Strong, on Smith Avenue, There Is some heavy dynamite blasting these days for the excavat- ing for a large greenhouse on the hospital farm. CEDAR DALE Mrs. Pratley and Mrs, Martin Mason, of New Liskeard, were vis- iting their aunt, Mrs. Wm, Burr, last week. Little Robert McDonald, who was seriously injured, is recovering. The Adult Bible Class is growing rapidly. How could it do other: wise. with Rev. Mr. McMullen as teacher. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Charles Burrows, who has been visit- ing in Western Ontario, has return- ed home much improved in health. Miss Phyllis Harpell, who has heen ill for some time, is improving slowly. Miss MeQuay, who was taken to the hospital last Sunday, is progres ® Lag favorably. Mr. Gilehrist gave a very inspiring address last Sunday evening. Miss Sullivan, who has been i the hospital, is home again. Hei many friends and neighbors wish her a speedy recovery, Mr. and Mrs. John Keeller, of Port Hope, were here attending the funeral of their nephew, Oral Nelson. Rev. J. 8. McMullen will conduct the Sunday evening service to-mor- row. After the service there will be communion, We are pleased to learn that Jit tle Winnie 'Wassel, who has had diphtheria, is now on the mend. The union prayer 1 great success. Next Tuesday evep- |ing, Feb. 2], the prayer meeting | will be held at Mr. A. Westlake's, | Albert St. Everybody is invited to attend. The people of the village extend their deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson in the death of their { son, Oral Miss Retta Pankburst, who been under the doctor's care, proving. meetings are a has is im- BROOKLIN Some of the members of the Lea gue went to Kedron Friday even- of last week, and were entertained by the Society there. Mr. and Mrs. William eutertained a few of their friends on Tuesday evening. The Masonic Brethren were at home to their families and friends {on Tuesday evening. | Mr. and Mrs! Abbott, of Tyrone land Mrs. McEwen. of Bluevale, were {howe attending the funeral of their | father, Mr. Gourlay. } The Rev. Alex. McMillan, of Tor- {outo., will preach in St. Paul's Pres- i byterian Church on Sunday after {moon at 2.30 o'clock. On Monday |evening he will address the choirs (in the Presbyterian Church bere ou | {the subject of "Church Music.' Master Howard Jones has been {very ill with pueumonia {| Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Elliott been visiting in Oshawa Miss Minnie Kerr has gone to Tor onto for a tiwe. i Death has removed another of our (well kuown and highly respected cit- izens, Mr. Thos. Gourlay, year. {had been gradually failing. and a 'week ago he suffered a stroke. from Psy he never rallied. Deceased have was born in Eaniskillen. Ireland. fon August 19th, 1835. When quite {young he came to Canada aud sot- (tled with his parents in Caven, Dur- {Ra Co. Some years after he went to Grey County and later settled in Manatowanning, Manitoulin Island. From there he came to Brooklin and has lived here for the past tem years. {He leaves a widow and mine chil- dren 10 mourn his loss: Mrs. Wm Holliday, of Brooklin: Mrs. Abbott. 'of Tyrone; Mrs. McEwen, of Blue (vale, Muron County: Miss Isabel, of (Toronto; Miss Bessie, at home; Wil Jdiam, of Gleichen, Alta.: Thomas and (Louis, of Whitby, and Clifford at home. The funeral was conducted on Tuesday by the Rev. J. R. Fraser. Interment at Groveside Cemetery. Go to Church Campaign February 13th and 26th, March 5th and 12th, | Brooklin Methodist Church and Sun- {day School. We want you and your | neighbor--tell him. Subject Sunday (morning, "The Church,.: Sunday (evening, "'Should the person whe [thinks that the church has failed go to church." On Friday evening, February 3rd. (about 50 persons gathered at the {home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mac- key and.enjoyed a social hour after choir practice. The entire company |pave itself up to singing old melodies [and community songs. This was fel- lowed by a number of games in which 'all took part with much enthusiasm. Xe crown the enjoyment of the even- ng the ladies served a dainty lunch {ing Al they had prepared and brought | with them unknown to Mr. and Mos. | Mackey. {land called all to order and said he thas 2 Nour Phehsans ips 45 Destoli. and presented to jand W. F. Batty spake for the Trust- ee Board. A most enjoyable evening was brought to a close by bands and singing Syue™ safe oe | when Eva Lenore | ter of the late ling. {of Ashburn, Columbus and Brooklin | | diner with Henry in his 86th | During the past year his health | ke Aaa don BT Th dd J at a SOCIAL and PERSONAL | p= --Mrs, Brant is visiting Se Arthur Graham at Cherywood, Mr. Norman Mechin spent Sunday with his parents at Plckering, --Miss Maude Fraser is spending a few days with Trenton friends, --Mr. George Davidson, sr., of Cherrywood, spent a few days visit- ing Oshawa friends, "Mr. Russell Kerr, of Picton, re- cently accepted a position in Oshawa. --Mr. Goldie, W. P. Barber and son of Beaverton, are visiting Oshawa friends. --Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Fbster are leaving to take up residence in Tor- onto. --Mr. E. L. Ruddy has disposed of his farm at Plekering. A sale of stock and implements was held last week. Mrs. BE. L. Petley is attending the Canadian Girls in Training Con- ference, which is heing held in Bowmanville over the week-end. --Mr. Harry Smith has been ap- pointed Canadian Press Representa- tive in charge of the C.P.R. Press Bureau, Montreal. --=Friends of Mr. Benjamin Pow- ell, Brock Street E., will regret to learn that he has been confined to his home for several weeks through sickness. ~--Brigadier Moore, Divisional Commander of the East Toronto Div- ision of the Salvation Army, was a visitor in town this week, the guest of Adjutant and Mrs. Graves. ~-Messrs. C. W. Detenheck, A. N. Ellis and Percy and Morley Can ning attended the annual convention Et fh 2 REM ABAASS A RRT AR EL ERS Ste ONTARIO: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1022 ed ak MLE i {Tile wir 1 edi oH ; "The House That Jazz Built " Starring Wandas Hawley REALART PICTURES PRESENTS Thursday, Friday and Saturday SEATS 10 cents and 25 cents FEI Sag Here i the Girl Who Made the Tro) n the House That Jazz Built le a RIT IR Tre, At The New Martin Theatre| ERNIE MARKS, Manager "Treat Don't Spoil Your Wif | Taft atd of the Retail Merchants' Association in Toronto this week, Some valu-| able pointers in merchandising wer: brought out, and altogether, the con- | vention was one of the most success- ful ever held. | ~The home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. R Burns was the scene of a very ples. ant event on Wednesday evening, when their daughter, Miss Elsie, | gave a Valentine party to a number | of her friends. The rooms were very | prettily decorated and various games were indulged in. Refreshments | were served. | --The members of Ever Ready | Bible class, of Simece Street Metho | | dist Sunday School, ! | | entertained the! Men's Club at a social evening held | in the school rooms Thursday night. Quite a number were present and an enjoyable time was spent. A well rendered program was furnished, after which games were played. To-| wards the close of the evening the | Morrison | ladies served refreshments. PARDON--EDWARDS A quiet weding was solemnized at Central Methodist Church, Toronto. | Edwards, daugh- | John and Mrs. Ed-| wards. of Pickering, was united in| marriage to Robert Edmond, son of | the late Robert and Mrs. Pardon of | | Whitby, Rev. F. H. Howard, officiat- | Mr. and Mrs. Pardon left for al trip to Niagara Falls ie shor Bufialo ENCOURAGEMENT Torouto Star: Roger Babson vid in Detroit and had bis Thanksgiving Ford. "Do you re- {| member." said Mr. Ford to his wife | "seventeen years ago when you aud | I tramped the streets to get 2.chick- | en for our Thanksgiving dinner, and not a store would trust us?" Aud after a mowent he added: "And last year '1 paid the United States Gov- | | ernment $76.000.000 in taxes." If} | Mr. Ford was once as poor as he says | and is now as rich as he seems, there ought to be some encouragement in lis cas: for any healthy young fel- low who is "up against it" { just now | EG The Bicar an 3 Perfect Ventilation EVERY - LATEST NEWS AND VIEWS Em Kind" A Capitol Comedy A Good Young Man Intoxicated with -- Tea EXTRA Then blame her The consequences of spoil- ng your wife are not her fault. LISTEN! Frank and Cora Rodhum started out in married life happily together. She was a dandy pal. He was good-natured but in- different. She had all the money she wanted, and then --well, her husband gradu- ally got further away from her. and was almost vamped by another woman when she came to berself and brought him back. Collector of Craniums If you are a Good Head, see this. PRICES: 10 CTS. AND 25 CTS. charges: Stealing a quantity of meat | him, of gra sugar, biscuits and from a G.T.R. car at Bowmanville, | flour in December from C.G. Arm- (QUARTE] TE 10 BE December 15; stealing flour from . | strong's warehouse at Oromo. C.P.R. car at Newcastle December Leslie McCullough, of Newcastle, 29; stealing butter from the Orono » Creamery September 230; stealing who is out on $1,000 bail on a charge of stealing two rolls of wire fencing from the Orono warehouse of C.G.{ from the G.T.R., will receive his " Armstrong, January 9 trial on March 2. Alleged Burglars Must Face Stacey has three charges against Several Charges in Cobourg im: Stealing meat from a G.T.R i - ar at Bowmanville Decembe 5: Court stealing from C. rolled oats, rubbers, N.R. freight Blake Stapleton, Roy Staces, | Tyrone September 15, and 5 Arthur Little and Chas. Finley ap-| butter from the Orono Creamery peared before Judge Ward at Co-| September 30. bourg on Monday and pleaded not Finley has three charges against | ering the waste and inefliciency as- guilty to charges of theft and burg- | him also: Stealing flour from a C.P.! sociated with municipal government lary. and elected to be tried by His | R. car at Newcastle December 29 ; | by councils elected in the ordinary Honor Judge Ward without a jury. | stealing from the Orono warehouse | way the wonder is that thére is not Tuesday, February 28, at 10 am. | of C. G. Armstrong on January 9, {a more general demand for better was fixed as the day of trial for the | and stealing binder twine and bis- | system. The defects of the existing four, as the evidence in all the cases | cuit tins from the CNR. freight shed | system are well known. The cour- is intermingled. at Orono June 11. age and leadership necessary to Stapleton will be tried on four Little has only one charge against | | make a change seem to be lacking. T LACK COURAGE TO MAKE CHANGE Woodstock Seutinel-Review: The principle of government by commis. sion has been endorsed by repre- sentatives of the city council of London and various boards, Consid- | pte, EN and Better AN Biter and Sweet, and Sod and Glad, and Majestic and Petty. 7) __and Divine and Pitiful Ming---One of the Greatest Slories Because of Ms Theme "| "THEOLD NEST A Story of Life Like Yours and OLD NEST" AS BIG AS "OVER THE HILLS" You Will Laugh--You Will Cry--Y¥ou Will Love It, With its Moments of Sasson Joy ani Fangs of Eanpioite Yendespen MOTHER, FATHER, SON AND DAUGHTER iT 1S YOUR DUTY TO SEE THIS PICTURE Evecy Ewening--The Famed REGENT ORCHESTRA Fred Balshaw, Leader Selected Comedy TORCHY EL LA CARTE "THE GREAT IMPERSONATION" Endorsed by the Press and Pulpit of Toronto Thar.