EXPLAINS ACCOUNTS F. E. DuRisu Tells of Various Personal Monies He Spent for Veterans , r-------- ' Dear Bir, "i. 1 see by your report of the GW, V.A, meeting in Saturday's issue, that my name was mentioned very prominently in connection with some accounts sent to the G.W,V.A, In Justice to myself, I ask you to give me space to make an explanation. The accounts were for provisions, meat, ete,, supplied to me on the occasion of the visit of the Orange Black Knights in August last, The sircumstances were as follows: A few days before the date set for the arrival of the visitors, Mr, A, Cam« eron, M,C. for that day, approached me and asked how many people the G.W.V.A, Hall could seat for meals. I told Wim that we could give quite a number and he then asked if I could feed four hundred, and I re. plied that I could, providing that number were guaranteed, He then Jromised me faithfully that he would Jimself see that we got that num- ser; in fact, that we would get more han we could handle. This, com- ing from a responsible party, as 1 believed, 1 at once went ahead with arrangements to feed the number stated. The results were very dis- couraging, as, instead of the 400 us promised, all we had was one band of 16 persons and a few strag- glers. Now, Mr. Editor, I took upon my- self the responsibility of going abead with the matter in the hopes that there would be a good profit shown and that there would be a substan- rial balance to be handed over to the G.W.V.A. funds, instead of which | am saddled with the responsibility of seeing these accounts settled. Being no squealer, that is what Iam now doing. Of course 1 can quite see, that if there had been a profit instead of a loss, it would have been said I did quite right in the matter, but as it was the other way round, of course I did quite wrong. The only satisfaction I can get from Mr. Cameron is sympathy, which won't pay hills, One account included in the num- (Established in 1871) An independent newspaper pub- lished every other day (Tuesday, Titursday and Saturday afternoons at Oshawa, Canada, by The Reformer Printing and Publishing Compan Limited, Charles. M, Mundy, dent, Managing Director and Treas. urer; A. R, Alloway, Assistant Mane ager, GEO, A, MARTIN « «» Bditor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Delivered by Carrier in Oshawa or by mail anywhere in Canada $3.00 a year, United States subscriptions $1,60 oxtra to cover postage. Single coples Ob cents, TS -------------- OSHAWA, THURSDAY, FEB, »In, CLEAN UP THE POOL ROOMS » The decision of the Town Coun: cil on Monday night to grant no new licenses for pool rooms, The Hetormer believes, will meet with the warm approval of the majority of residents of Oshawa. The ex- pressed desire of the Counchllors to have the present pool rooms clean. ed up and the standard raised will also meet with the approbation of practicslly every man and woman in the 'town, Too often, however, expressed de- sires of this kind are forgotten within a few days. Sometimes, too, it l# found that the line of least jesistance is to allow matters to continve as they were, once the question under discussion is out of the public eye. The decision to lim- it the licenses here to four does ngt dispose of the pool room ques: tion It settles only the first part of it. The second part is to adopt strict regulations -- and see that the samo are enforced -- to keep the standard up to a level that will not make the pool room atmosphere a detriment to manhood. Inasmuch as several Councillors have voiced the opinion that local pool rooms are not what they should be, ratepayers will expect these Councillors to insist that conditions are remedied and that promptly. EDITORIAL COMMENT "Safety First" is the best of all insurance policies. See That yom take yours out to-day amd keep it "paid wp Evidently the hear and the sum didn't intend 10 greet each other om Ped 2, as they did in Oshawa, which is taken as om awngury of six weeks of cold weather. At least that is the conclusion 10 be reached after read- ing that the hold bears around Cochrane are roaming the wilds, having left their dens, apparently he living winter is meaniy ower. 1 Taree jallers at London jail have heen dismissed, following the sher- Ml and other officials being fired a fow weeks age. Surely it is not the niontion 10 hoeak the tnadition which London jail has enjoyed of being an admirable place trom which Prisoners cam escape'? 38 TH ih is. The level of the Great Lakes ia wid 0 have heen lower im Jamwary ham it has hoon during the same onth in the last tom years. Is one reason for this that the oollar sap- pir is being exhansted, and water has 10 he relied on mane than ever? if - 8 ; HT i | 1 di I: | I f $3 1 It is amaming that it should be pooessary for Conncil 40 pass a De solntion reguiriag all Committess to on acconnts inonnved hy their respective committess hefore the aniounts ave paid. Acchaic indeed pass Sleep, Whithy. jo is a system which has peomitted ao- counts 1» he paid withowt heing checked. Swocessial priate basin- esses ave not TRA SO loosely. Maviag turned over a aew leaf lot the Cown- oil not fall inte the same onver in Tature dhe itz Move power 19 he Commitee which is 2 wait on the Omntavie Plowmen's Association at Toveste next Toesday im an ondeaver Ao hmpress on its members the desicable | : ~£3k ghediisl 12 i i Hi have not been: for months on account of non-payment of dues and who are seeking to stir up dirty water where none exists, These individuals can be referred to my solleitor, No further discussion will be taken gM in me through the Press, as t will only lead to a lot of {ll-feeling and make bad friends, I wish the president-elect and the executive every sueness in thelr efforts, and being one of the very very few In 00d standing in the old association will do all I can to help the cause along, Thanking you for your courtesy, Mr, Rditor, I remain, Yours very truly, F. BE. DURIRU, Past Pres, OQ. W.V.A,, Oshawa Rranch, Feb. 4, 1022, W. A. Dryden (Continued from page one) than at the present time, when there was not a Conservative Government In power in any one of the provinces in the Confederation. Mr, Sinclair ouched on the coming convention '0 be held next month, expressing the hope that their new leader would be he first member of the Provincial Tovernment after the next election, Delegates Elected Great care was exercised in the election of delegates to represent hem at the convention, which result. od in the following being elected: KR. R. Mowbray, Pickering: G. D. Conant, Oshawa; Mrs. C. F. Far- well, Harmony, and Samuel Jeffrey, Port Perry. In case some of those chosen are unable to attend, four alternates weré elected, as follows: Marley Campbell, Port Perry; J. L. Whattam, Oshawa: Mrs. J. B. Mit. chell, Whitby, anda W. A. Dryden, Brooklin. Mr. Dryden in suggesting that the local association undergo reorganiz- ation for the purpose of finding out just who their friends were, intimat- od that he was desirous of withdraw- ing from the presidency, because he felt it would be better to pass the honor around and thus assist in maintaining a live organization. However, with the exveption of the secretary, all officers were re-elected by a unanimous vote. The officers of the association mow are as follows: Honorary President--Dr. D. 8 Hoig, Oshawa. Presideat--W,. A. Dryden, Brook lia. 1st Viee-Presideat--Hiram ford, Cedar Dale. 20d Viece-Presideat--NMra. F. Far wer, Port Perry. 3rd Viee-Presideat--Ralph Intyre, Port Whithy, 4th Vice-Presidemt--Miss M Git Me- E. th Viee-President--John Gorm- ley. Seoretary~--G. D. Conant, Oshawa Assistant -Secretary---J. CC. MeGill, * | Oshawa. Treasurer--J. B. Mitchell, Whithy. The executive was them selected by committees from the different municipalities hesides a ohair for each polling sub-division, The compléte executive is given below: East Whithy Township--Kxecut. Ive, Charles Lambert, KE, Parsons, Dr, Farewell, M, Doolittle, Chair men: 1, Dr, Farewell; 2, EB, Parsons; 8, C, Lambert; 4, Honry Dearborn; 6, M, Doolittle; 6, Irwin Ormiston, Whithy Township ~~ Exeoutive, Willlam Brash, R. B, Pardon, J, C. Lawrence and W, F, Bayes, Chalr-| men: 1, A, M, Bharp; 2, K, Mow- bray; 3, W. Ratoliffe; 4, George West, Whitby Town---Executive: 1, Mrs, J. B, Mitchell; 2, Thomas Conlin, J, BE. Waterhouse and L, Dudley, Chair. men: 1, W, F, Vanstone; 2, George: Anderson; 3, J. BE, Waterhouse; 4, James Moore; 6, J, M, Willis, Plckering Township--Executiyve: G, M. Forsythe, Mrs, W. QO. Barnes, | J. B, Wilson, R. R, Mowbray, J, Rich- | ardson and J D, Remmer. Chairmen: | 1, T. Osborne; 2, W. Gormley; 3, | T. Annan; 4, W, Thom; 5, R, David- son; 6, Wesley Gee; 7, G, EB. Holthy; 8, D. Annis; 9, James Wilkins; 10, John Forgie; 11, J. O. Spang. Port Perry--RExecutive: George A. Ross, D, Carnegle, Mrs, 8. Farmer! end QOeorge Davey. Chairmen: 1,' D. Carnegie; 2, George Davey: 13,! James Swan. | Reach North-- Executive: Alex 1} RY 9, 1922 the schoo! equipment to he $5,276.- 81, divided as follows: ~ Library reference ,.. .., § Lib, supplementary rend. Selentific apparatus Maps, charts, globes, ote Art models . Typewriters Biologleal specimens For physieal culture |, 08.61 480.08 1.887.807 A85.20 206.00 $h.275Mm No Nehool Flag The old time comment that there Is a flag pole on the school, but no flag, ia made hy the inspector, This fact has for years heen noted hy in- spactors, Teaching and Discipline Good The stall are all legally qualified, Digeipline is excellent, says the in- spoctor, All pupils have heen roguls arly admitted, 'Text hooks authorlz- ed, Registers and eatalogue of equipment properly kept. Fire drill is carried out five or six times cach term, 'Most of the teacking obser ved was first class. Recommendations Commenting op the character of the pupils' work, thy inspector says the courses are ness and care in writ'ni are sufficiently insisted upon. not The writ: Leask, Miss H. Cregg, Blake Cregg! ing and spelling of commercial stu- , , s and Cephas Sleep. Chairman: Alex! Leask. Reach South--~Executive: Campbell, Wilson Christie and Clarence Cook. Chair- wen: 1, R. Melntyre; 2, A. Cleigh-| ton; 3, R. Horne; 4, W. J. Phoenix; | been a tower 5, F. Watson; 6, W. Williams; 7,| School. Morley Gerow, Mervyn | dents should receive mo=e attention Compliments Principal In his general comments Inspee' oy Rogers says he is glad tha: the Board has been able to retain the services of the science master who has long of strength to the "The new principal has Sinclair Robertson; 8, Isaac Vernon; | Made good in a very eal sense, and 9, Joseph Holderson. | Seugog Island---Executive: Walter Samells, Mrs. Gerow, 0. Gerow| | enjoys the respect and esteem of his colleagues and pupils and the full confidence of the community and Isaac Rodman, Chairman: Isaac| Assoclated with him is a staff of loys odman. High School | (Continued from page 1) a class room. 'The caretaker is eof-! ficient and thoroughly interested in| his work. A fine ice rink has been provided on the school grounds. With regard to the school equip-| ment, including library books, scien- | tifie apparatus, maps, charts, globes, art models, typewriters, specimen's, equipment for culture, the inspector finds are well kept and carefully looked after, The ratio of pupils to teachers is 208 to 10, and the division of du! ties among teachers satisfactory Principal Needs Assistance Under the heading of "Provision | for teaching of Courses." the inspee- | tor says: "Ax satisfactory as pres ent conditions will permit. Ae] least three of the classes are tool large for doing the best work. Even' with the present organization owe! additional teacher is meeded. The principal should be relieved of some' teaching so that he cam give more! time to the work of sw . The inspector finds the value of Carnations and Violets Alon an assament ot other plants. We aAeliver |] : tas) biological 80 physical a that hf al, experienced and capable teach: ers." The inspector compliments tig chairman and members "f the Board for the deep interest they ave taking { in the cause of secondary eduncation { i in Oshawa "It only remains ae says, "for them to inangurate a campaign to provide adequate ae | commodation and a variety of cour- i ses for the young people who Ale coming to this sche creasing numbers | in ayer am eonfids that the people of Oshawa will, in- non a8 practicable, erect and equip worthy of this growing town" Have you Malte-Cream fous tried layers: simply 129 | sm------ - Say It with Flowers F. H. COX - Wedding Bouquets, Panera! Prices on Fordson Tractors Reduced Come in and lct us tell you all about it. Wao enrry in stoek a fall Hoe of paris for Ford Cars, Trucks and Fordson Tractors, We are here 16 serve you Chadburn Motor Co. 26 King St, West, Cor, Prince Phone well kept, but neat | an { modern Technical and High Sehoo! | one of Welsh's | delie- | ---- y. cs oe i trp <matl ' "1 would like to take the opportunity of stating that we cordially welcome small accounts at all our offices." Sur Fedonck Willams Tayler, General Manager, at the amma mating of vie Bank of Montreal a - E LFF rr rr BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED MORE THAN 100 YEARS H. S."LANGFORD, Local Manager " J As Man to Man FB yom were siting An ow ofilce and asking Aust sonnoihing questions abt The Mowat Moral Motel 8% Camvortibde Wohontanes we soi Aolt Jon dels: What we, of WW, A. Mackensie & Ou, Limited, spent savor svontihs lavestigating ovory legal and cvmm- worl phase of dlis soonnily hofore we ander MOO hat me sold the fisst SLOMAN of these De- tontares for cash to The United Books Company of Amonion, whe will aporaie the hotel. and whe will necessarily be most imorested in Ws Saancial SNOVOSS hat we soowved a Bond feom the Building Can- Aravtors 0 complote the hotmail. That we have the financial and moral whe Monteont Aransy a or mores s Me « a oy : oath of carnings and ox- vondimres hofuve we primtod thom in our olrvonlar. Cvenntbing that we possess of heain and money and wh w da with We ommsidor it the finest svosumont of its lass that Sine aan Amon: gun botove she Oanadian patilic, A A ann sander, therefore. that we have se aver- showing a confidence wm recommonding it ao yon" raion: "OR dor a croniar desoribing this Assae An t To W.A. Mackenzie & Co.,Ltd. i IR King Street West, Taronie. Boar Sirs 1 Bloase sond me a oopr of the vivonlar describing he 8% Corvortibie Bobommres of he Mount Bod al eto Compan , t al address » a Limbo. and while y Name in fal} 2 ase aveie cloania "2