Ontario Reformer, 2 Feb 1922, p. 5

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BASEBALL BOWLING CURLING FEBRUARY 2, 1922 PAGE FIVE HOCKEY SOCCER GOLF, Ete, Juniors Are Defeated By County Town 7-2 Indifference on Part of Local Youngsters Was Cause of Their Downfall--Several of Players Are Eligible Again for Next Season On ice which was suitable for any- thing but fast hockey, Whithy de- feated Oshawa in the County Town, on Tuesday night in an O.H.A. con- test by 7 to 2. The visitors did not exert themselves to any extent, oth- erwise they might have gained a vie- tory. The ice, whieh had not been flooded for two or three days, was rough in spots and not to the liking of the Oshawa lads. Whithy scored two goals in the initial period while holding the visitors scoreless; in the second stanza both teams bulged the nets once and tn the third ses- sion the home team ran in four goals and Oshawa came through with one. Oshawa juniors have one more game to play before they put their sticks away for- the season. That will be at Port Hope, the date of which has not yet been arranged. Captain Hutchinson wand his team- mates have had a successful year, having given Cobourg a close run for the group leadership and finish- ing second in the district standing. On the junior line-up this year, a number of new faces appeared, some of whom were playing their first O. H. A. hockey. Sleeman, the sixteen of the outstanding players, has still another year. Flintoff, Wright and Clarke, all of whom are graduates from the High School hockey team, showed fine ability and that they will be heard from during the next year or two is a certainty. Great credit must be given to the manage ment of the High School Athletic Association for the calibre of the players they are developing. Next year both Oshawa and Whit- by $unior teams will be the real con- tenders for group 'honors as Co- bourg and Bowmanville will suffer from a number of their players jumping to the intermediates on ac count of the age limit. Whithy this year has an aggregation of the most aggressive players that has been seen in action here for some time and hockey followers in the County Town are of the opinion that the juniors would have made a better showing in the intermediate ranks than the team that represented them in that series. When Oshawa inter- mediates went to Whithy for the re turn game a number of juniors were used hy the home team and it was quite apparent they put up as stif EGENT Monday & Tuesday Hockey Protest. [GENERAL MOTORS AND I's Successful PEDLARS TIE 9-9 o-- One of the most exciting games PRE i DECISION | over played in the Oshawa Indoor PRESEVTERIANG WIN (BROIIIN| Gasoval) League took place at the OSHAWA SENIORS=--RE- | armories Wednesday night when PLAY GAME : | tor seven innings, the result being {a tie 9---9. Pedlars opened up The Executive of the Sunday! on , g securing seven runs in the School Hockey Association met B|gegs three frames and looked to bho the Christian .Church School Room | oqqy winners but when the Big Sixes on Tuesday evening, Jan. 31. The| giapied they failed to stop until they chief business of the evening was t0| wapn on even terms with their op- deal with a protest sent.in by thei onents. The lineups were: -- Presbyterian Senior team against; Geperal Motors Thompson, South Oshawa Seniors for a game popney, Moore, Breckinbridge, Leg- played on Monday night last. The go McDougall, Cornish, Jubb, Stac- protest was to the effect that South! ,y and Blight. Oshawa team used three subs. on the lars McNeally, Robinson, foward line. Mr. Clapper, Manager| gmfth, Kilbourne, Wood, Morphy, for South Oshawa, was present ati o'Brien, Cruise, Thompson and Me- the meeting and admitted using pally. three subs. Two subs. and one sub, The score: goal tender are eligible, and in using! Gen. Motors ... 0 0 0 1 1 6 1--9 the three men. Mr. Clapper be pogdlars . . ... 313011 0-9 tieved that he was within bounds. The second game resulted in But it was a rule broken, and in ae- williams overwhelming the Simcoe :ordance with the decision of the eights nine 27 to 3. The music axecutive, the game will be plaved makers were tuned perfectly for the wer, , The Sunday School Hockey ,ecasion and knocking home runs Association are considering a card- was a common occurrence. Seven- ival to finish off the season The teen runs were secured in the last Association is paying its own Wa¥ (hree stanzas by the winners. The thanks to such splendid support (eams were: 'rom the people. Williams *Southwell, MecCon- Captains of teams are asked nell, Fishleigh, Hobbs, Legge. Carl- aote the following: -- vie. Hurst, Snowden, James, and 1. They must secure passes from f{olden. their representative on exgeutive for The seore: each player for admittance. Play- Williams . . 40860 ers will hand these in at gate as tie- Sim, Heights O60000 kets. The captain must then secure . to 2 | General Motors and Pediars battled | Girls Hockey : Teams Clash SALES AND SERVICE DEFEAT EXPORT BRANCH OF GENERAL MOTORS RY 2=1--PLAY OVERTIME For real healthy fun and sport one of the best hockey games ever played in Oshawa was witnessed by quite a crowd of spectators and rooters last Tuesday afternoon, by two General Motors girls' teams, Sales & Service vs. Export, at the Division , Street rink. : The game was played at 5.30 o'clock, and most of the girls proved far hetter skaters than hockey players, and ap- peared to be under the impression that speed was all that was required to win | the game, . ' Without a doubt the best puckchager and all round stick handler was Miss K. Wells, late of the Ottawa "Swal- (Continued on page 8) | ! JUNIORS TO MEET Cobourg juniors, winners of the local district of the O.H.A., have heen pitted against the Lindsay, Mid- gets in the first round of the semi- finals, The first game will be play- ed at Cobourg on Friday night of this week with the return game ut Lindsay on Monday. This will./he a real test for the Cobourg huskies as Lindsay have a sweet little team which is counting on going some dis- tance in the semi-finals. The Co- bourg clan are not too confident that they can dispose of the Lindsayites and in the opinion of the fans in this locality, Qindpay should win the round, The True Pesshmist The pessimist is a bird who looks at a bright and shining future and exclaims: "But what a rotten past it will have when it gets here New York Sun. REGENT | 3] LAST SHOWING TONIGHT OF an agrument as the regular team would have dome, year old lad, who was uncovered at the last minute and guarded the nets to perfection, has four years more in the junior ranks. unless the inter- mediates require his services, which may not be for several years, with Dick Smith displaying his present form. With another year's experi- ence, Sleeman should rank as ome of the best jumior goalkeepers in | this section. Hutchinson, the husky | defence, €'. Stewart: . right defence defence player, was considered to be |B. O'Connor; centre. S. Hao: able to hold a reguwr berth on the |right wing, Pascoe; left wing. Geo intermediate squad but he will be | Charlton: subs, Sleightholm and R eligible to play in the same com-| Hall pany next seasom, as will the re-; Oshawa: mainder of the team. Bouckley. who | defence, L. Smith was the midget of the team and one | Hutchinson: centre, Johnson; right wing, Flintefl; R mn Oshawa's defeat at Whithy Tues- day night was due to indifference while the Whitby boys were deter- mined to win. The game was clean and at times fairly fast. The teas {lined up as follows: Whitby: Goal, Roy Blow: left Goal, Sleeman; rizht left defence, Bouckley, subs, Mann and Wright. left wing, Tom SPECIALS For Friday & Saturday And Following Week , reg. $2.25--$1.49 Men's corduroy trousers, regular $4.75 Boys' blue serge suits, all sizes, reg. $10.50 .... $6.95 's wi furdined, regular $1.50 | ttre ? | A. J. Stalter and T { defeated a | competition, while in { Clifiord | monopolized by other people? | them again from the representative prior to next game. Captains must present a line up to | member of Executiye in charge of ! rink This must certify that every member playing has been at the ses- sion of his Sunday School and out of Sundays preceding the game and be signed by the Sunday School | teacher. No player can play without Wo OSHAWA RINKS CURL IN LIFTLOCK CITY Three Oshawa among the forty for competition bouspiel which oper lock City yesterday the three Osha skipped by L. O most successful composed of { per. { mission from executive, whether eli- | gible or nos, if name has not hdea : { handed in on list of players eligible wer neludes | to represent Sunday School for this { season | The following is the schedule for Friday night € to 7 -South Oshawa vs Juvenile «(B.) MKS enlere Peterbore dd in the Lift morning 0 rinks, the on Clifford th 7 to 8-85 Dr. Henry's quar § veniles (B.) D. F. 3 8 to 9--South Oshawa vs Henderson, wer: {tian Senior (B.) eliminated from the Morrow (Com 9 10 10 Cedar Dale vs petition in the preliminary round by} Juvenile (A) a Peterboro rink 13 10 7. L.. O. Clif 10 to 11 -- Christian vs ford's rink drew a bye. but in th Iptor «(B.) first round of the same competition vs flo Neko Lakefield rink 13 to 4 PICTON PUT CRIMP IN HOPES OF PETES Simcoe was George's vs. King Ju- ohnston Chris- Christian Simcoe Ju- Again in the preliminary round the Matthews-Blackwell competi tion L. O. Clifford defeated R. H Edmunds 17 to 7. F. W. Dobney': rink went down to defeat before A Northey, of Fenelon Fa 11 to § On Wednesday LL. O. Clifford's rink lost to G. G. Moore, of Keens, 17 to 6 in the second round the Morrow the first round of oumpetition ol A packed house watched the Picton intermediate six in a hard-fought en- gagement put a crimp in the ambitions of Peterboro's OHA. squad by defeat- ing them by 4 to 2 last might. It was a battle royal for supremacy. 'From the start the locals led the attack, finishing the first periog by 2 10 4, the second period opened with "Lift Look™ team making a supreme effort 10 even up, and thanks to Croft, the local goal- keeper, and the brilliant rushes of Heffernan, the bell rang down a scare 1 to 4 for the visitors, It was a fast and, furious game throughout, und only three penalties were handed out, but special mention rink. ¥. W. Dobney was also put out |S due to the splendid work of the Rose of this competition by a Lakefield rink brothers and Parker and Collins for 6105 (the visitors, in their effort to defeat the tie soore of a week ago at Petex- bore', while Burns: Campney, Hudgins did the honors for the home team. Picton will now meet Port Hope iu the first round of the semifinals. Peterbore' Goal, Murney: defence, Parker and Thornton: centre, R. Rose: (wings, 'L. Rese and F. Oollins: subs, Burgess and Jackson. bothers Picton--Geoal, Croft: defence: R. than when they ave dn Burns and Heflernan: centre, Hud- health. This fact proves that while 'zins: wings, Campney and B. Burns: at the Matthews-Blackwell won from M. A. Benor, of Peterborg 16 te § but lost ww Dr. Har vey, of Orillia, 11 10 10 in the second round. Dr. Heary was also eliminated from the Matthews-Blackwell event 20 10 12 in the first round In the pre liminary round of the Peterbore toaphy Dr. Henry won by default from HM. R. Martin, of Peterbovo, but lost 10 to © in the second round Ww a Peterboro Why is the business in which know we could make-mone) we alwava is a local disease > say !subs, Whattam and Jewell. MEDICINE is Referee Mitchell. r Many a man on the verge of pro- posing hesitates because he knows | beforehand that the girl will say | ves. OYAL NAVY CUT PLU ---- BEST VALUE FOR I1S* (MALF-POUND TIN, EIGHTY CENTS) FINEST OUALITY Rich fipe-Nellow Virginia Tobacco 0. 0. A. STANDING Intermediate Won Lost Port Hope 7 Oshawa lind Bowmanville Waitby Cobourg Won Cobours RR Oshawa Bowmanville Whithy Port He pe A Shrewd Suspicion " Your celebrated prisoner away? 5 "Yes," said the rural jailer. When he borrowed my keys and iold-me somebody wanted to see me in the alley on important business, confound his picter. 1 knew he was up to something. --Birmingham Age Herald go "QUO VADIS" THE $1,000,000 MASTERPIECE -- FRIDAY & SATURDAY "At the End of the World" BETTY COMPSON 5 More Passes tothe Lucky Ones 5 SELECTED COMEDY LATEST NEWS Special Children's Matinee Saturday at 2.15 i iy, | 14174463 OVERLAND Are the Movie Stare? is the question which the Movie Bditer of tw CANAIMAN 8 UNINE 10 seine Met a8 well known in ewecy of the Domin Ne below An os in the big ofties and Just bas devised ils _pusde. How To Solve The Puzzle 1 or the wet sen #1012 Rite hard. that own, village and Tatming communi ra w wae Nts are W prowe IL wer Arde DWAR I5 NO SLOGAN BLD MAN OR MEN @BET LUCY FAK RAT OMGTAHARSOME BSALA CHERRY GDLL BAY OR RD PIRE RIE WESDRY 10615 HOT is privileged oi A Can of Daront as this And it {or the the list risen to he the great men of pon think. This is the CAXAINAN FARM Only The answer gaining 85 poluts (which is t A ving ou part. 1 Tae on Sonic Shikihe cap Ain seve the puzzle and send in your answer. you know the names of wast the famous stars, but just to vefresh vo v give below a few of the most popular ones o sca , Fatty Achuckie, Neoma TT, Meighen. Normand, Gish, an yin | Parmhy [ies Mlothing to Toy person in the world Af you weve Blanche Sweet, Theda Bara. Wouldn't you be the happiest the $1000 in a contest like this which tock p v utes your time® say you would be happy! Ay Jew nin od $ "Wel 1 a el And you can do it tee. It's just thea such npartu that hundreds and thousan@s of common folks have oblained -- and hav today. You probably know of some such cases I BRS offer 10 YOU 10 give you a lke oh 18S Points Wins $100000 waximum) will win the S100 in cash) 2. decond highest will receive $500.90 and so on down won't cost you one cent. beautiful "Special" Overlund of 35 prizes. For each Movie Name that you correctly avvan rece points, points in all if you aveange all ' Bae Sh A soda ar Then you can get S80 move poims wy "qualifying" your that you have shown a copy of the CANAAN FARMER Big Publicity & Beester Campaion wih of your answer. The final 25 points will he awarded hy three prominent and independent judges the neatness, style, han@writing and spelling of vour answer. Swike while the iron is hot, and ten names corvectly. - answer. That is, by » three peaple during A qualification Wank bey mailed R send in yeur h in answer today. Write all ten Movie Names on one side of a sheet of paper. vile your name and addeess plainly in upper hand eerner same sheet. a he nt , oo if vou wish 10 write anything else, use a separate sheet of paper and sign Bae and complete address am it wlso i. y Phwee prominent judges, having no connection with the CANADIAN F will Judee the qualiied answers and award the prises The answer gaining IS points, which is the highest number obtainable, First Prize. Wen peiuts will be given fur cach verrect name you send, or points if you met all ton names cervect. Sixty additional gpinis ave gained qualifying your answer, and 25 points will he given for neatness, style writing and spelling. 3 When the Movie Bditor receives your solution, he will send vou a letter 1 yon just exactly how many points your solution earned and alse send you sample copy of the CANADIAN FARMER io help you in "qualitving ™ The Contest cluses on Saturday, March 11, 1822 and announcement of wo

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