a BE EES Rented Bakery Mr, 8, Holand, Newcastle, has rented Mr. Johnson's hakery busi- ness and will begin delivering hread on Monday, Feb, 8, 126-a Mrs, Pankhurst at Whithy Hear Mrs, Emmeline Pankhurst in the concert hall at Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, on Thursday, Feb. ruary 9th, at 8 o'clock, The subject of her address will be, "The Respon- sibilities of Citizenship." Mrs, Pank- burst is a wonderful speaker, Plan to be present and hear her. Admis- sion 35 cents, 126-a Tafty Pull Enjoyed A very pleasant social evening was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Alehin, Simcoe streot south, on Tuesday evening, about one hundred members of thy congresi- tion of the Christian Church being present, The event took the form of a tally pull and a small admission was charged the proceeds to go to- wards paying for the new piano just and District recently purchased for the Sunday School. Games and music were the order of the evening, whigh evenry- one enjoyed thoroughly, Address Home and School Club br. T. W, QO, McKay, MOH, {8 to address the King Street Home and School Club at the regular monthly meeting next Monday afternoon at the school, The same afternoon Dr Kaiser speaks at Simcoe Street, Customs Business is Heavy While the customs receipts for the port of Oshawa for the month of January show a slight decrease com- pured with those of the previous month, customs officials state that business in Oshawa has heen a orably heavier and that the decrease Is due to some of the payments not having been received, January's re- ceipts amount to $216,376.62, whije in December the returns were $236, 050.83. The returns for the present month, it is predicted, will he greatly in advance of any for some time past, Only 7 Winter Coats Left TO CLEAR AT $22.50 Beautiful goods in Bolivia Cloth and Belgian Velour, some with fur collars, all are silk lined, reg. £35.00 at $22.50 { Coming Eye Specialist Dr, PF. RB, 'Larke, 147 Yonge Street Toronto, Optogetrist, at jewelry store, Oshawa, Feb, 7th, Glasses, if required, right prices, 1 Felt Bros Tuesday, January Fire Loss The fire loss in Oshawa month of January was $1,300, were three fires, than Jannary of 1621, all in big buildings, were answered during the month, fox k -------- Two Permits in January Only two building permits issued hy town engineer to cost $2,000, and the other to ing on Bond Street, to cost $000, Factory In Operation The plant o fthe Central Spring Company on Ritson Roan is now in operation, with about 20 men om- ployed. The company have a few orders on hand and while operating now on only a small scale, have hopes of business picking up gradually, Fewer Sloe In January Vital statistics In Dshawa tor the month of January how 23 births, 18 deaths and four marmuges. The birth rate is much smaller than us. ual while the death rate is a litle high. January marked the pass. ing of several old residents of the town and distriet. f Select Liberal Delegates To select delegates to attend the hig Provineial Liberal Convention to he held in Toronto in a few weeks, + meeting of the Liberals of South Ontario has been called for Fahrae ary 8th, in the Town Hall, Whithy, i NEW 85-0 | the There This 1s much greater The fires were Two false alarms were N. G. Me Donald during January, one was to W, Cameron for a house on John Btreet, D, Guiltanan for an addition to his huild- ..SALESWOMEN GET WAGE SCALE Announcement by Minimum Wage Board--Effects Small Towns and Cities * Minimum wage rates for sales women in small cities, towns and villages throughout Ontario, as pro- posed in the draft issued by the Minimum Wage Board, will go into effect. This was decided at Toronto Tues. day night alt «4 meoting of the Board following a public hearing, at which little objection to the wage scale was fortheoming, Mrs. Jo MacGregor, of the Wom. en's Labor League was the only. one present to take exception to the pro- posed order. Her nfuin objection was against the principle of lowering the minimum wage level acoord- ing to the diminution of urban population. She thought that Iy- ng in small towns ana villages was often us high as, or nigher than, in cities, Dr. MaeMillan, chairman of the Board, explained that many faclors other than cost of food entered into the question of living costs. Street- ear faves, the fact that most sales- women in small villages and towns would lve at home rmther than board out, and other items, tended to make living less expensive fn gmall places than in cities \ The new scale ranges from $4 to $8, according to experience, in he paid in villages of . less tan 1,000 population, to a: high as $7 to $11 in cities of 10,000 to 30,000. In New shipment of Silk and Canton Crepe Dresses. Best $34 50 values yon ever saw. Prices range from $16.50 to a 1 Gents' Suits from $14.99 to $28.75, guaranteed or money refunded. Made to measure suits, fit Ladies' All Wool Heather Stockings, regular £1.85; for this week only, a pair $1.29 SCHWARTZ BARGAIN STORE 136-138 Simeoe S, Phone 725 'A PUBLIC MEETING OF LIBERALS sommencing at two o'clock citick over 230,000 population the scale previously announced for cities of over 50,000 will apply B36 At Welfare Clini The child welfare olaic for Wrg- lish speaking mothers hetd Tuesday afternoon at South Gshaw, was ate! tended by 36. Every week this vin-| ter the clinic has been well attended and new faces are seen by 'he nurse Monday night saw a full hill for the in charge, Miss Harris, from time iSunday School Hockey League, From | to time showing that inferest is in-|{8--7 the Cedar Dale Juveniles clashed 'reasing. with the Presbyterian Juveniles; the Presbyterians coming out victors with a small margin 2 wo |} Several 8. 8. Games Played On Monday High Class Musical Concert Music Jovers of Oshawa will be in- From 7-8 the King St. Juveniles 'erested to know that the Local played the Simcoe St. Juveniles, and al-| Council of Women have arrunged though the Someoe St. boys put up al for a high class concert in Simeoe good fight, the King St. boys cume off | Street Methodist Church on Thurs: ! victorious 9-1. But the Simcoe St. | lay, February 9th, at 5 p.m The | Juveniles are improving and their! irtists of the occasion will be Mise uptain. Dave Found, is to be congratu- Josephine Martino, concert soprano, [tated that such an improvement has; who has studied with Caruso, Ar- heen made. | mando Leuwei, eminent violpnist and Miss Florence Stage. accompanist and solo pianist. 3 further am-| souncements in next issue of The| Reformer 126-2 Next was a Senior game between | the Presbyterians and the South Osh-| awa boys, and the teams were well) matched, although the South Oshawa! {lads won 4-1 Aubrey Clapper. al-| ey lan though of an age to play Juvenile Salt Blaze Extinguished hockey. played an excellent game even | An oily rag appareatly carelessly Losing Seniors. But through a mis- | Nee Will be held in the Council Chamber, Whitby Wednesday, Feb. 8th at 2 p.m. for the purpose of selecting delegates to the Great [Liberal Convention IN TORONTO At which a Leader for the Liberal Party in Ontario will be elected LADIES ESPECIALLY INVITED South Ontario Liberal Association W. A. DRYDEN J. C. McGILL § investigations made 1 from: hrown down in one of the toilets Inj ke the South Oshawa tewm played | the assembling room of the clos-l ne sub too many and the game will 'd body plant of the General Mo-{pe replayed owing to a protest sent fn 'ors on Division Street, caused a Jit. by the Presbyterians. | tle blaze Tuesday night, uecessitat-] at shed, | d 3 » St. Grey ¢ teams 2 ng the calling out of the fire depart- Tuo 5 Gregory teats then. da 1 ment Fortunately the building is equipped with the sprinkler system. jthe second Seniors against Christian! 4 A Shur a {Church. The St. Gregory boys were; ua the blaze was sis =XUDERA- | bor, games victorious, winning frown | fe any damage was done he-lg.. St. 2 1 and the Christian O° yond the flooding of the floor. The Rang il i Iris an burch, wervices of the brigade were not je . wired to any great exteat, although 3 A very quick response was made. | see sss ----" - 4] The blowing of the whistle of the McLaughlin plant attracted a large | crowd of people who expected that | y there was a serious fire. The streets | ! leading to the factory were simply! For Falling Hair: black with pedestrians Here's good news for all men and! z 3 1 women whose hair i= falling out, ; who ave growing baid and hawe| scalps covered with dandruff thati itch like mad Any good druggist can wow sapply yeu with the gen- nine Parisian sage 1liguid form), which is snaranteed 10 quickly, sure-| I¥ and safely abolish every sizm of | dandruff, stop itching scalp and fal-; ling hair and promote 3 new growth or money refunded gee some can testify to its exoel-| noe | The lineup for the game was Busy Month For The first month of the New Year just closed was an exceptionsly busy one for the Iaspector Elliot of the Children's Aid Society. A otal of 188 children in the county were 'urolved and approximately 94 miles travelled. The report follows: 4 applications for childven: 1 child brought to shelter (mot ward): 108 children involved: 2 childeva made wards; 19 complaints recvived: 24 AS gpumes of mail received: 91 vicses of mail scat oul: & meetings atteadad: S04 wales (aprroximate) covered. 23 oflles in- terviews: 186 places visited outside the town: 2 Police Cont at vadance; 15 wards in" fos arhomes heard 2 wands plaosod ou: 4 wande returacd to sheator: 1 ward wisited; 1 warning given: 153 children in vegidence during the wmonth: 13 A. 8, some who feared baldness now | glory in their abundant hair, others who suffered for vears dandruff and itching head clean, conl scalp after just a days' use of this simple home treat- | ment. No matter whether bothered with; falling hair, gray hair. matted, stria- | 2% hair, dandruff or itching scalp children in shelter at end of month. try Parisian sage you will not be disappointed. It's a scientific poe-| WHITBY AYPA. WERE paration that supplies All hair needs : - VISITORS MONDAY | wt | _------ Whithy AY P.A.. aumb rine about one hundred members, paig their annual visit 10 Oshawa AN PA wn Monday evening. when one of the most delizhtfal programs over ar- with | sot a 2) ~f Js ra [v4 GY LAL vi ft has been said that due to the efforts and dis- 22 REF £3 ii owas 7; 7 ( /7 i 7 ranged by that society was twonigh- / TLL EAILLTINLS d. The Pacish Hall, Centre stot, well filled with membars of soviaties, and all aaitad te a most sajerable aveniag. 1 The musical part of the sutoriain- | ment was esosptionally well reader | od. the mambers' including a sole Wy TMr. WW. Marmer. readings by Mr. § | Marry Stafford. » recitation by Miss | {Gladys McLanghiin, a solo hv Mr. ' IC. F. Stent and a vocal selection bw | Mrs. F.C. Palmer. Pollowing this, | {| dancing was indulged in, the open { Ing number being a lucky number waltz for which a mandolin trio far- i mished the masic. The trie compris- {ed Misses Deoliy Robinson. Grace Clarke and Mr. Goonge Puckett. The | winners were a young couple of the "| Whithy society. Dainty refoesh- | i ments were served te the wisitors | | during the interval and the dancing | the first, Juniors against King St. and | GRANITES DEFEAT {they were able to secure a fow Inventory Has Been [aken arrive, turin and Madeira. Stocks are as clean as a whistle. No old stocks, nor odd lots, to hinder in any way the display of the new goods now due to 2 ~~ ohn The finest assortments we have ever received are being rushed here by steamboats and trains from the leading manufae- centres of the world. a Silks from Switzerland, France and Japan -- Dress Goods from England--Cottons from Manchester-- .inens from Ireland These together with the finest products of our own Canadian mills and factories will offer you variety and value that will instill enthusiasm into every shopper. And one word only just now about the new Ready-to-Wear. We know you are just as anxious to see the new styles as we are to show them to you. You have only a few days to wait before the first arrivals will be unfolded for your inspection. In this department we can promise you pleasant surprises, for here, as elsewhere throughout the store, we have kept your wants constantly before us. Chance To Buy The Designer hole Fora Year For 90c. PORT HOPE 11-7 The Granites. of Toromle. plaved au exhibition game in Port Hope on Tuesday evening wich the Port Hope J a > MAT VIEW B szes 3870400458 vo ERIAL "gy v 4 Such a layout, as the abovetfor example, for a smart frock,' saves time, fessing and maerial. There's a layout for all sizes and ail widths of suitable material, for this 1s The BELROBE METHOD uetism. and Naiph Lewis, reqnember- | Atkinson, Willard wee Hall, Mary od as the Stoneman of ~The Birth of { Hearn. Bridgetta (lark. Max Fen- a Nation," is thrillingly couvincing ton. Eugene Pouyet and Ward Wing. us Eugenie"s miserly father Others |The photography i= by John F. in the distinguishee are Ed-} Seitz aud the art interiors by Ralph ward Connelly, Edna Duinacy. Geo. } Rarton and Amos Myers. casi mi-- fntermediates, and defeated the home team by 11 to 7. The visitors used their regular line-up, with H. Fox abseat, and were much the heavier team. but the eave them, the scare of their lives wheel they scored four goals in as wany minutes by & neat gassing combing- tion The tirst persdd cuded 4 0 3 for the home team The Gramites were taking things easy iu the early minutes of the game. trying to get sdipted to the small surface, bat when they got started they had the ge in 5 The secon ve wp Se both teams playing good hockey. it was in the last po- riod that the Grauites' weight and speed gave them the advantage: and locals jead. which they held. winning owt br 11 to 7. Carter, for the locals, soured three goals, cach time gong through the defence. while Watson starved for the Granites. The teams lined mp as follows: Granites: Collett. zeal: Muare and Waller, defence: Aggett. can- tre: MeCaflery and Watson, wings; Aird and Smith, subs. Port Hope: Micks, goals Canter and dex, defemce: W. Hills, contre; Lowe and Ware, wings: A. Hilla, Brown and Rowden. sibs, INGRAM RIVALS "THE POUR 7 HORSEMEN Rex Ingram. thooash his masier- ful production for Metve of "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." ostatlished hinseld saprome among directors. A wremendons spectacle. envisaging J thoongh two oontinoal whelmed with a -supod sense of The Conquering Power." his production. showing at the ferent . Merve we have am in- tensely intimate stndy of family lite, a mmiversal story of love and geoed against the hackzround of a French i Whe story has hean adapted by June Muthis from Ral- sacs mevel. "Euzonte Grandet," with an exquisite sense of ;otiiy. His pictures that hase the tonal | of great works of art; the lighting of the photozraphy and the | was concluded about 11.39, when | {the visitors returned home. 1 d zoconpinns ive bd I a a a aR a a THREE YEARS OLD ON SATURDAY On Saturday. February 4th, we will celebrate the third Anniversary of our opening in Oshawa. Tea will be served from 3-6 in the afternoon and from 8-10. ~ Watch owr windows for special Anniversary prices. | Snowden's _ 92 SIMCOE ST. X. bi POPPI Grocery . PHONE 181 SHOES FOR -MEN ALL SIZES at BE | Black, Brown Mpsirated ! "aac Four Herse- artistic achieve- a stellar slow. Alice Terry, del- | beantiful and charming.