BD : (Established in 1871) " i] ingepenyent is +I ube shed every other 3 ¥, Thursday and Saturday atterncons at Oshawa, Canada, by The"Reformer nting end Publishing Company Limited,' Charles M. Mundy, Presi- dent, Managing Director and Treas- urer; A, R, Alloway, Assistant Man- RTE BEOP. & gf is GEQ, 'A MARTIN © « +" Editor 'SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Delivered by Carrier' in Oshawa or by mail anywhere in" Cantda $3.00 a vear, United States subscriptions '#1.50 extra to egver postage. Single #opjes 6 cents, USHAWA, THURSDAY, FEB, 2ND. SCOTCH TWEED S WHICH NEVER SEE SCOTLAND. 4 w---------- 5 + The other day'a man called In Osh. awa business 'establishments <offer- ing for sale men's suit lengths of what was sald to be the best of Scotch tweed. There were naturally many places where no sale was made, but one man of whom we heand was offered the cloth for $365. Heo refused to buy, and finally the vendor dropped the price to $25. it was then purchased. When taken to a tailor to be made up, the price of, making, added to the cost of the cloth, boosted the total price to over $50, whereas the talior averred he! could have made up a bettér suit for | the customer for $60, and provided | J the cloth himself, i . All of which emphasizes that] there are tweeds which have never; seen Scotland, although the smooth tongued stranger tells a different story in trying to unload his wares on an unsuspecting customer. This! same point was stressed in Toronto! this week when a member of a dele- | gation of Scotch woollen manulae-! turers said that if all the tweed sold as of Scotch manufacture really came from that part of the British Isles the makers would have to en- large the present factories tg ten times the present size, © Our elmer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1982 | De: ©, W, Moon's, Seagrove, CLYDE COOK The funniest Man on the Screen in "The Sailor" EILEEN PERCY SEEN IN FINE FOX COMEDY There are thrills and laughs ga- lore in "Big Town l@eas," a Willlam Pox feature on display at the Grand + Mis Florence and Master Norman Taeatre tonight, Friday and Satur- News of Nearby Place | "Mr, and Mrs, Herb Reeson, of Co || umbug, were recent guests at Mr, i | F Dring's. ! | Mrs. Haywood, of Toronto, is vise sat THORNTON'S CORNERS The fine days are very acceptable, espeplally for the farmers, who have 'outside work to do, Mr, and = Mrs, W, Garrard and are visitipg friends in Weston for a | tow days. The rchin has made his first visit jarednd here lately. | We are nll pleased to hear, Miss | Jean Calder is recovering nicely af- ter the operation on her throat in | Oshawa Hospital last Saturady. The Ladies' Aid meeting will he | held: the last Wednesday in Febru. {ary--the '22nd, Dno't forget the date, | Miss Gertie Lofthouse of Toronto, visited her parents over last Sun- day, School 1h closed for a few days longer this week, A number attended the wood hee last Monday in Mr. W. Stonehouse's bush, The bee was held for cutting wood for the Sunday School and oth- er meetings, i We are sorry to report Mrs. Wm, Hoag Is 111 at present witly pleurisy. Hope she will be better soon, Rumors of land sales are heard In | this vicinity. ' Chicken thieves have again visited this neighborhood. Mr. H. Dear- bhorm has had a number of laying hens stolen. Watchers should get busy, we think, KEDRON. Miss Marguerite Conlin wag the guest of Miss: Gladys Brooks at Bow- tmanville for a few days lu<t week. { Mr. Will Sharp was in Port Hope jon Friday and Saturday and attend- | ed the hockey game between Oshawa and Port Hope on Friday nizht, wit- nessing Oshawa"s defeat. The K.M.B.S, meeting herc on Fri- day evening was 13 usual a decided aneeess 1nd was well attended. An excellent program in charge of the musieal and literary committee was put. on, the subject of which was "Shakespeare." The program con- sisted of music by the K.M.B.S. seven nince orchestra, a dialogue by Misses; Berntce Werry and Marie Cole, al . | Wileoxen, Mrs. Dyer and Mr. James | Ostiawy on Tuesday to meet Mrs, | P Harnden, Mountjoy's uncle, Mr, Thos. Awde,| np A, J. Kvans, accompanied by from the west, © | his-hrother, Mr. Arthur Evans, spent {Sunday with friends in Bowmun- COLUMBUS ville, { Miss Venora Hyland spent the Ay a ant Slening Mrs | week-end at her home in Cadmus. Fred Giftroy last Tuesday when a Mr. Earl Reeson, of Oshawa, vig number of their relatives met at!ited at Mr, F, Dring's over Sunday, thelr home as @w surprise, to cele 4 Mr, and Mrs. T. Ormiston and brate the fifth anniversary of their family, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Bright, wedding day, The couple were the Sr, and Jr., and thelr families, spent recipients of a number of presents, a social evening at the home of Mr, Those present expressed themselves and Mrs. F. 'Gilroy, of Columbus, as spending a very pleasant time, lwvhen they celebrated their Afth wed- ow. Fred fre and my. WW Ward | ding anniversary. are husy men with the circular saw _ F. 'T. Stanton visited her pars Suiting Wood Lor Shott neighbors. oh Wage y ih ania R. Bond, of r. an rs. Hug! ullou J entertained a large number of theip Prince Albert, recently friends last Wednesday night and everyone reports a good time until the wee hours of the morning, The Choral Class Is now organized and will practice uiternately with both churches, On Tuesday evening, Jan, 31st,/the practice will be held | in the Presbyterian basement and on | the following Tuesday evening in the! Methodist basement, under the lead- ership of Miss H. Adams. This will | afford a good opportunity to the, young or old people Mn this communi- ty to aval themselves of receiving a good vocal training. { We are sorry to report that Mrs. 7 ) v Wi 0 04 pi IA] Beckett are still confingd to their heds, but slightly improved. { Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs, | Wm. Robson, from Toronto, are the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ellins; Mrs. Joo. Medd at her parents Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stone: Mrs. Helena Beckel. | of Oshawa, is at her sister's Mrs. R | Ashton's Mr. 'Harry Wileoxen, from Toron- to, is home with his mother. t Sorry to report that Hon. Wm. | Smith, ex-M. P., has been suffering a | severe illness the last week, but is! some better at time of writing. RAGLAN Mr. J. H. Platten and daughter, Grace, are spending a few days with friends in Scugog. Mr. Arthur Evans, from the West, Cut 4 4 i © | | A V HH | 1ting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, te --- [a = -- pr ~ -> Tea OA The Flavor|is. ti Fost sous se Appe als|te1eisso great and ever SALADE ELA nation's Beverage. tion of whether the coal barons shall Utica Observer: When the ques | continue to pay the war wages, hut tion of wages in the coal fields comes | whether we who use coal shall con- up next spring, it will not be a gues- | tinue to pay them, ; ili il _---- | THE CONSUMER PAYS, 1 [rvs -- A a -- he cee =c i' i ) " Brier More Tobacco for the Money Packages 15% %1bTins 85¢ ©). brs 5 SMONINGY In this connection it 1s worth not- ing by those who don't want to be fapes of door to door cloth peddlers hat the genuine manufacturers of Scotch tweeds in Scotland have formed a co-operative association te protect their products. idopted a standard trademark fori beset with ome grand all-consuming | Words. all goods of their manufacture. It] is their intention to put a stop to the practice of trading on the high | quality of their cloth, and also pro-! tect themselves and the public. Next time you are asked to buy some Beotch tweed ask to be shown the trade mark. EDITORIAL COMMENT Canada is not the only part of the British Empire suffering from high freight rates. From far away Aus- tralia comes the statement that many country storekeepers there are comn-! sidering the advisability of employ-! ing motor lorries te take their! goods from Sydney, the centre of! supply. An experimental load of. sugar was recently taken from Syd-| ney to Parkes, a distance of rough-! Iy 200 miles, and the cost of haul age is said to have amounted to £:0 as against £24 by rail, notwith-| standing the fact that the trip ec-| cupied nearly a week, instead of the estimated three adys, owing to very heary rain. It is gratifying to note in Rev. C. R. dePencier's report at the vestry meeting of St. George's Church thet there was such a large decrease in { work umdertaken has day, in which Eileen Percy, one of the most beautiful women of the Screen, Is provided with one of the most amusing leads ever entrusted! to her. ambition ~-- to take off her apron. hang it in the kitchen, and go to New York City to live as a "fine lady." Her dream' is realized, but not until after she becomes inwolv- ed in a jail delivery at t nearby penitentiary wherein an-{iinnocent fan js set free, becomes the savior of a whole flock of valuable bonds that have been purloined from their rightful owners, earns a big reward, | her home at Maple Grove. and finzlly sets out on her journey to the big city in the company of a handsome youth, brushing rice from Ais new headgear. The story of "Big Town Ideas" is quite the fastest and funniest offer- ing that the local screen has been privileged to show. MUSICAL TREAT BOOKED FOR FEBRUARY I5TH The Victoria Couiege Glee Club which fs almost as old an organiza- tion as the college which they repre- semi, will be with us on their annus' tour on February 15. [It is perhaps a auarter of a century since the cus- tom of an annmal tour was first in- stituted, and during that time Pre- mendous changes have taken place and of late years the merit of the steadily in- ereased Prof. E. R. Bowles, their distin- suished conductcr, has many jnte- rests in Toronto, chief of which = the direction of the Toronto Male Chorus. of over 200 vojces; He looks forward with | Shakespeare was put on. Tn "Big Town Ideas" Miss Percy. who is cast for the part of a paneahe Paseog and Harold Mountjoy who | Culloehl They have, turner at a junction restaurant, 1o| Were successful in getting over 80a number of friends from Raglan, | This week the program will | Columbus, Shirley and Brooklin, at |S talk on the life of Shakespeare by is visiting his brother, Mr. A. J. Mildred Cole, and a reading by Miss; Evans. i Beatrice Mountjoy. A contest mak-i{ Don't forget the pie social in the ing the most words out of the word | Hall on Friday, February 3rd. A | The win-| zo0d time is anticipated. ners of the contest were Mrs. H. L. Mr. George and Miss Hazel Me- | , of Columbus, entertainea|? | be in charge of the Devotional Com- | )eir home on Wednesday evening! mittee. A full mttendance is re-!j,sc. when all present spent an en- quested jovabel time. Mr. Howard Mackey. of Brooklin, | was a visitor here on Sunday. { A skating party from here enjoy- | ™= ed 2 good time at the Division St. "Pon Late to "lassify rin. Oshawa, on Saturday night. | on Joo Late to cl sify rv) { Miss Olive Brock has returned af tell Board wapted ter spendifg a couple of weeks at somveniontes. 'Bos B TO RENT -- TWO OR THREE UN- furnished rooms to Rent. Heated | and lighted. All modern convenien- | ces. Box "E" Reformer. 126-b WANTED MEN AND WOMEN | who stand for honesty and integrity | who are willing to put forth their best efforts to realize their ambi- tion, and who wish to better their, guests of their daughter, Mrs. A. R. | present position Apply to Mr.! Scott, at Bowmanville, on Sunday. | gyms. Standard Beuk Building, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pascoe were at | awa. Ont. 126-1. Solina on Saturday evening attend- | 5+ TED ---- THREE FURNISHED wg the gelebration of the 50th birta. | WANTED "THREE FORKIZHED day of the former's father, Mr Rich- north of Bruce Street and moder: ard Pascoe, who bas recovered from Reply to Box ae" stating loeality, his recent iliness and is very much rent and privileges. - Would not ob- | imuroved in health. . 4 Mrs. W. J. Langmaid, of Oshawa, | 1¢°t lo small house. 126-> spent 2 few days at E. Mountjoy's last week. 5 Mr. and Mrs. E. Mountjoy went to -_--d i } Everybody took in "Dollar at Oshawa on Saturday. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid is being held at the home of Mrs. Everett Mountjoy on | Wednesday afternoon this week. Mr. Wesley Hoskin wears a smile these days--its' a baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee were the Day*™ { | | DIVORCE. i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Yera Hamlin of the Town of Whitby in the County of Ontario asd Pro- vince of Ontario, Married Woman, ! will apply to the Parliament of Can- | ada at the mext Session thereof for | the purpose of 'obtaining a Bill of! | Divorce from her husband Rupert i the City of Los Angeles; in the State of Califormia, one of the United' Miss Violet Stanton is visiting at 55 Selleck Hamlin at present residing == dil | : OF : -- Te == -- 22553) T=<O GREATER STO So, --- --- -- -- pH A Few New Arrivals'at OSHAWA"S RE - a RY Priced Especially! very Moderately to Introduce Them To You ® ® Main Floor Section Duchess Satin, 36-in. wide, colors, Navy, Black, White and Rose. Regular $325 vd. Intreductory Price Good quality Crepe de chine, colors in Flesh, White and Maize 36-in. wide. Priced at the number of infant deaths during! £Teat pleasure to the annual towr. | | Music lovers of Oshawa may be as- the year. In 1920 there were bg- A--p---- 4 Thousands of copies of "The Can-| ediap Mother's Book" « have heen throtighout the Dominion. Have 'You sent to the Deputy Minister of | at Ottawa for your copy yet? lsured that this year's comcert will] | maintain the good reputation of the club. Board of Health {Continued from page 1) or the whole building, that being ik when the cand was put on. deavored to find PR ible "y which enarantine could He States of America ou the ground of | adultery and desertion. | DATED at Toronto. in the County | of York, this 14th day of October, ! 1921. SMITH, RAE & GREER, Solicitors for the Applicant, Messaline Silk, real heavy quality. Colors, Brown, Black, Rose, Navy and Copen. This silk sells at $2.75 yd. -every- Basement Section Carpets, Rugs, Oilcloths and Linoleums all to be offered this week at a reduced rate. at .Ready- to- Wear Section (Second Floor) New style Skirts, latest design Plaids priced to move them quickly $8.95 Children's Serge Dresses to go at .. $3.95 tA Few Real Ad 344 A 3A AA a A RAO A AAAS ARR ARR Bests) Bargains Also In The Grocery Department A a a A A a de § Simcoe St. N. 3 f f Jo at a a H.ENGEL Oshawa : A ed Hn I 38 Phone 308