Ontario Reformer, 2 Feb 1922, p. 1

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Be Fh 0 Ath A ale 2 While It Is News be 2800 ULC All the News VOLUME 50 --No. 126 Yublizbod ot shams, out, canis OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1922 Years Subwription $30 EIGHT PAGES Single Coples 5 Cents Board of Education LOCAL RED CROSS | 5ruim sow sagen: | BOARD OF-HEALTH C. N. Henry Chosen As Must Face Problem of |- HAS HIGH PLAGE | Gold Weather. Due || ASKS FOR $8,000 | Chairman of Education More Accommodation fORACTIVEWORK) co. = vi | FOR WORK NS? Board For Third Year emerged from his winter's haven Peace-time Policy of Oshawa to-day, stretched his legs, licked More Money Would Be Needed, | his chops, and then seeing his Council Must Soon Agree to| Takes Month's Holidays i ! YS | Society Commented on at om. urried back to. hia However, in Case of | Heads Education Bo Fi Furnish Necessary Money Annual Provincial Meeting CH a Be iy i Bhi Epidemic ' | on a pi Presiding Utter Be if Start To Be Made This | CRANES us he was able to see his shadow, ---- hii oh Accorded This Honor By Year on Centre Street | : | | JUNIOR RED CROSS WORK || 2 lc6sud of worldwide curvency. || JOHN GIBSON, CHAIRMAN r- | | Colleagues -- Committee says that another six weeks of School, Says Chairman Chairmen Also Chosen at down to us from a past when DURING LAST YEAR | i Ee this is known as Candlentas Day. New Vocational and High } | ing for the improvement of health, (| the term days for the receiving night to the Board by the Medical b! I | the prevention of disease and the|l of rents and other money pay- Officer of Health amounting to » ; ; Be | J School Building, Centrally 1 mitigation of suffering, the Ontario] ments. $8006. This led to somo discussTon, Decide to Place Fire Escapes Located, Needed at Once, A 4 Diviain | 3dopts _ Jolicy aud, pro- iE dlemat Pay 1s le day on gome of the HioAtbers being onder ---- : on High School as Ordered b A a suitable 8 i n- a PRHE 0 ress e ost © was 4 But Start Cannot Be Made ing agserted the president, Catholic churches for the year, not plcanton tho health of the! wr By Fire Chief--Call For This Year No Overcome || Mrs. H, P. Plumptre, at the annual It Is the festival of the Purifica- public was the most important con- gid" : Tenders to Place Electric : ve | meeting Tuesday afternoon of that!] tion of the Blessed Virgin, but in sideration at the present time. How- h Waste in Purchases | tion at' the Jenkins' Art|] Pagan times, when Jupiter ruled ever, it was oes out that in the | 4N Lights in Albert Street - Gallaries, Toronto, which, was at-|] in Rome, it was the day on event of an epidemic breaking out, | b School To provide adequate accommoda- tended by delegates from Oshawa,||] Which candles were burned to or some other eventuality turning 00 tion, particularly in the public Reports presented at the meeting | Februa, the mother of Mars, up, which meeded more money 0 | schools, will be the greatest problem showed that in peace time work cov. | -- combat disease or eircumstances, For the third year in succession. before the Board of Education this| ~ COL J. 5 FARRWEL "|ering a very wide field, a MAJOR A : that the Board had power to meet a . ' - & X ig Jocat manager of tie year, and in order that the new Cen- 'OL, J, E, FAREWELL, K.C, branch, outside of branchps still] F. HIND IS it hy drawing on the town treasurer, a -- ominion Bank, was last usut a tre Street school may be started as| Veter 'row y ) | carrying on work among soldiers in Sn. as ioht'a 5 y Ee ', N. HENRY the organization meeting of the y an Crown Attorney and County | carrying on 5 ol AT SCOUT MEETING Last night's meeting was the inau Mrg. F. W. Cowan Again Elelted || This bit of weather lore comes || Elected for Fourth Term--Re- 3 | Inaugural Meeting of METH ODS IMPROVED Division smore relied upon and believed Inspector - WILL PREPARE THE cold weather will visit the land. Hen : ry to Executive of Ontario | legends, like ghost stories, were - quest Made for Meat Borad Wednesday Night bik | than is the case to<lay., Officially ; "Within the far-tlung bounds of | The festival Is a notable one in The estimates for 1922 of the b the slogan of the Red Cross provid- |] Scotland inasmuch as it is one ot Board of Health wero presented last , ' ESTIMATES EARLY early in the year as possible, it will €lerk, who left yesterday on a| military hospitals, occupies a ve gural nceting of the year, and all peste for Third Term Chairman of | Board of Education of 1922, honored be necessary for the Town Council' month's holiday to Cuba. high and most creditable place in| members were present. Bota hol Education for 1922. He| with the chairmamship--an honor to consider quickly the provision o' apie ---- i ---- the province. The work of Oshawi| Major A. F. Hind, chairman of the Mr. John Gibson was elected chair- is the first to hold the position for { aecccrded no other .chairman in the the necessary funds. i» pranch in the past vear was referred | Boy Scout Committee for Oshawa, | man of the Board for a fourth term. three years in succession. past, as the custom has invariably This was the message of Chair to by the president, Mrs. Plumptre. | is in Ttoronto attending the annual | Mr, Gibson has occupied many civic . fo been to give a one-year term. The man-elect C, N. Henry to the Board in her address, reviewing the work | Provincial Conference of Boy Scouts | positions, including that of Mayor, | election was by secret ballot, and of Education at the inaugural mect throughout the province. Mrs, | which is in session there to-day and | during his long residence in Oshawa. | notwithstanding his expressed in- tention to retire after having occu- ing for the year held last night, dur- : Plumptre, who was again honored | Friday. Scontmaster McConnell of y ing the course of an address in which with the office of president, gave a|the Oshawa troop is also in attend- Wants Meat Inspection | pled the chair for two years, Mr a number of important school prob- A communication was read from! i \ comprehensive review of the work ance. On Thursday evening Major Henry was elected on the second lems were reviewed. The chairman of the Ontario Division, mentioning | Hind will attend a special sitting of | Alex. Wannon, V. 8, pointing out ballot as head of the Board by a sub- gave emphasis to his message re- IN REPORT OF ! ! with regret the death during the (the Provincial Council on the invita- | the necessity of meat inspection in| stantial majority. On the first bal- garding the accommodation problem year lof the vice-president, Lady | tion of Sir Joseph Flavelle, Holwood, ( the Town of Oshawa. The Board] lot Messrs. Henry, E. W. Drew and Beck, of London, and of the honorary | Queen's Park, at which the Lieut- agreed that Mr. Wannan's communi- | H. 8. Smith were tied, each receiving by -stating that if the Centre Street school question were not dealt with president, the late Lieutenant-Gov-| enant-Governor will be present. cation, with the Inspection of the| four votes. i right away, the Board would next| General Good Health Increased | ernor. She then referred to the pro The local Boy Seout Committee | herds from which the milk was pro- | Committees . Elected fall find itself in the same position as thE. 3 y gocle i as a torh in coninne luced, was most essential to having oy: Yast 13) whon. thie schools pos' on ae Attendance--Bad Teeth on | ble ms confronting the society infhas been working in conjunction | © *1C.Q.S. William Ball Forgot Past The election of chairman of com- , ' providing nurses and doetors in New | with other philosophical hodies and | 800d, clean, healthy milk. ~The . ' crowded und portable buildings had Decline Ontario, to the need of popularizing] it is thought that after the confer-| Board decided to have Mr. Wanna! When Beaten in Bordeaux, mittees was also by secret ballot, iu to be provided i , ; . T, ] : ddress th at thei xt ting. | accordance with a resolution of the p x Ee health knowledge, and of instituting | ence in Toronto, Boy Scout work | 2ddress them a elr next meeting. | France Board passed in 1920. J. B. Thomp- The High School Solution Ti the annual. report: for 1921 public health and citension courses| will show marked progress in| OF @ny subsequent meeting, when n ass ded the finance commit- Th crowd) conditions I the annual veport tor 1481 oni pty ral communities. | Oshawa, convenient to him, | y m-- : son, who hea e finance 0 same overcrowding conditions| Oshawa Public Schools of Inspector --- It was decided that the Loeall Losing all memory of his Canadian | tee for a portion of last year, was provailed at the High Selon, ( ais R. I. Hutchinson, a brief report of Report of Oshawa Branch Bt Board of Health would meet on the home and associations when beaten |re-elected. E. W. Drew was re-elec~ 3) » yr 8 o! » i , y " 1 x a J 0 Tal Sea y said The only solution the work accomplished hy the school| fhe report of the Oshawa pranch, | LIBRARY RECEIVES Jast Thursday of every month in the| 20d robbed on streets of Bordeaux, |ted chairman of the management Bg da Pron | nurse, Mids M. E. Sieling, is incor-|a5 presented by the secretary, Mrs. | DONATION OF BOOKS | Health Department room at the new France, in April, 1919, Company | committee. The place of Geo. Norris Sr 1 er rellef was the erection of a baild- ate standing is y sta "y . : artermaster-Sergea ' =| voar's i J porated. Outstanding is the state-| g J Dale, covered a wide field of tow all at 8 o'cloe Qusrtermaster-Sergeant William Ball | on last year's Board as chairman of ing centrally located which wounid| ment Phat the improvement in the | work ae Th A he the als iF | 0 yh hall al ei dura Miss B, of the Canadian Forestry Corps, of Port| the property committee is taken by serve as a school for vocational| general health of the ehildren is re-| ing the year. It included proyidins| Oshawa public library has receiv-! pg Harris, and Sanitary Inspector Joe, did not regain knowledge of his | w. B. Nott. H. 8. Smith and Frank training and high school combined. | flected in an increase of five per| clothing donated by the citizens for|©d from Mr. F. W. Cowan a splen- | prosented theif monthly renorts home and family until he found him- | Chappell were re-elected ch-irman Dus worl do avay with the present] gent, in the attendance. It is also | those in distress through unemploy-| did contribution of about 100 books, The Medical Officer of Health sup. S€il, @ member of the Spanish Foreign | of the Commercial Adyisory and In- ol pe and release it for' public | noted that there wag a decrease dur-| ont. the purchase of boots, rubbers, [3d these are being placed on the | mito a report upon samples of Legion, in a jail in Refs, Morocco. | qystrial committees respectively school purposes. He bad obtamed | ing the year of 6 per cent. in carious | underwear, sweaters, ete. at an ex. | Shelves this week. The books in-|{ uy taken by the Sanitary Inspecto Sergeant Ball declares that he was| pe standing committees for the the views of prominent citizens on|teeth. The report follows: enditnpe: of $150; aot: ls wing | clude a complete set of British Clas- af od the P ¥ Pe I 'struck over the head with a rifiebutt| ... 2 0 ac follows: this matter and they concurred with | My. Chairman and Members of the | bo re oO 50; uetual sewing ee complete. set of | 200 forwarded to the Provincial 1a- igi ed by 4 Spanish officer, He is!" p00 00 3 (ehair- him th i H A ers o ? | done-and garments made by the Red | 3105, 2 plumes, a complete set of | oratories for examination. The re- Finance--J. B. Thompson a'r m that the. solution he Wid men- 4 . hy ot | the works of Humboldt, eminent d . * inow in. Ottawa. to. report to the Do- Father Bétich, -H- 8. Smith tioned was the only proper and feas- Board of Education:-- Cross ladies; a very real interest in| 4 vA "1 port shows as' follows: minjon headquarters of the Great War man), Father Bench, +F 5. ible one. However, he had been told The following is a brief outline of the work of the Public Health De scientist, also the works of Alexand- Butter Bacteria vv ans' Assoeiation which has been Mrs. Cornwall 8 J Storie A of the y woop artment, particularly that relatiye|©r Dumas. In the collection there Fat Per CC ows ator : Management--E. W. Drow (01 by Dr. Merchant, of the Department | the work accomplished during the 4 } » P 3 p Rin . , a . ucting a search on behalf of his nie TT of. Education, that there were sol year 1921. to child welfare; the successful cam. | gd i bot ih ag fe tion, history No. 1 Geo. Hart .. 3.65% 30,000 wife for the past two and a half years, | M2n). Mrs. Myers 2 Haig many formalities to go through, such There were five routine inspee- paign in May when a particalarly and yay ous ot ber popular . works. No. 2 H. M. Hinkson 4.1% 200,000 At the time of his disappearance Ball Saunders. D. M. Hall. wry as the selection and approval of altions made consisting of an exami good response was needed to the ¢ El! , needless to say, is very|nNo 3 O. Lander .. 3.4% 300.000 w.s engaged in showing moving pic- Property--W. B Not Jehal site, and the preparation and ap-| nation of the throat, teeth, ears and |34nior Red Cross appeal, and the Dach avpretiated, and Somes pt To No 4 L. Horne .... 3.256% 50,000 tures to the troops on behalf of the|™man)., H. S. Smith bi nek p TAAL y . ai ane no & WwW e ar 8 Li ly . : » proval of plans, that it would be im-| yoge, ulso skin of face, neck, arms asm onamee of 3 sabply depol fof i 3 I g Compensation For Quarantine [IL 4g his disappearance he Frank Cvavpell, 4. W. BIOwEe. ; N ake a start i is . 4 . nah ahi po 1e sick, particularly 108¢ with ig was declared 2 deserter, 4 ry ke 8 any his 4 and lands of cach cpila. In. addi- i PsA , and many other| During the month of January a A communication was received T, GW.V.A. officials Ball stated that | Bext meeting the apoointment of the rection this year. Such a building tion to these spections 1 found the | UE ESTEL TREC BT mulY ook | total of 2,655 books from the libra- | from Mr. Joseph P. Mangan. solicl- nis jast memory, as far as his previous Commercial Advisory and Industrie! er Tn si Ti Fava Woskly class-room Juspoctions. very showed that in various ways the]3ry were read. Of this number 2,-| tor, who applied on behalf of Earl life was concerned, was walking along | committees, so that representatives growth, The chairman quoted from ons Beta is A Pk i ns ren) ity is endeavoring to carry ou: | 225 Were books of fiction and 330 | Palmateer, College Hill, for com-|the streets of Bordeaux on the night of | Outside the Board may be asked if the annual report of the High School wie hin. Ciseases: AV ENCIND S0007 [the peace time policy of promoting classified. Adults read 1571 works | pensation for goods damaged April 18, 1919. Subsequently he dis-|they will stand. Last year several Inspector, just sent in to the Board aL & Minin health ard mitigating suffering of fiction and juveniles 654. The | through the store owned by the ap- covered that he had been picked up by | appointments were made withont coneurring with the idea of a cen. Health talks and tooth brush Mrs, . W. Cowan, who has been | classified books were divided be- | plicant being quarantined for dipth-|French soldiers and taken to hospital, | consultation with the result that tral cducational building. 4s outhn drills were given to the different a member of the executive since thel tween adults 209 and juveniles 121.1 erfa. The report in connection with where the back of his skull was found | some did not act. It was decided to ed, and expressing the opinion that classes. The school children have inception of the Ontariaq Division, | A total of 35 new readers were ad-| the case was produced by the Medi- [to be fractured. ILeaving this institu-| curtail the size of the two comm*- the people of Oshawa, as soon as it taken advantage of the opportunity. = oi, re elected. ) ded to the library during the month, | cal Officer of Health and Sanitary |tion, Ball was told by a waiter in one| tees this year and limit the number was possible, 'would "el 2bont ; to offered them by the Canadian Oral { 25 adults and 10 juveniles. Inspector. The Board did not see of the restaurants that he was a Can gof Board and outside representatives erect such a "puilding fo be in keey- Prophylactic Association -- through Of Interest to Oshawa ee -- ' where either they. the M. O. H.. or 'adian soldier, but according to his} to four each. ing with a town of Oshawa's present the Board of Education--of buying| Of particular interest to Oshawa] Durham Holstein Club the Municipality were liable for these [story his applications to United States| In accepting the chairmanship for importance and future growth. With the tooth brushes at tne reduced rate | ways the address at the convention of | i bap goods. Mr. Palmateer was carrying |and British authorities were not fruit-| a third year, Mr. Henry said that such great problems with which to of fifteen cents each, Mr. McCready, who has charge of] Elects New Officers on business In a house. the front ful. Subsequently, Ball says, he ship-| he appreciated in a measure the deal, the chairman said, the Board During the year there was a de-| the Junior Red Cross in Ontario. Dur-| room of which had been turned into [ped as 4 member of the crew of a} honor accorded him. If he had con- could only carry out its duty to the|CTease of 6 per cent. in carious teeth. | ing the campaign in Oshawa last| 'The fifth annual meeting of Durhain | a store. There were only two doors | Vessel trading to German ports and lost | sulted his own wishes he would have people by the co-operation of every Undoubtedly this improvement was| May 690 contributed to the Junior County Holstein-Friesian Club was (Continued on page 2) {bis ship in Hamburg, Germany, owing | retired. He found that the office member. It could not be done by (due to the co-operation of the Sehool ! Red Cross work appeal, placing the well attended, with President A. J. -- [to the intervention of revolutionists. took up a good deal of his time and one member, but by all pulling t#- | Board in providing free dental treat-] town in an unique place in the prov-!Tamblyn of Orono in the chair. "Hepp ameeeilb ix 1 served in this revolution on thel ne had intended to retire. The only gether for the best interests of the ment for the children. ince. Mr. McCready, in Lis address, (Was decided to offer prizes again at] | COMING EVENTS J iGorernment sae. Ball said, "but mand-| reason he allowed his name to go town, so that only the best results Through the kindness of the fLo-]pointed out that Junior Red Cross | West Durham Fall Exhibition for & (38°4 12 fea 1 the United States in| pefore the Board for re-election was might be obtained cal Council of Women in presenting | work had been begun but recently. cattle of these breeds. The meeting : oT : v {July, 1920. ; that he had promised to do so. The The past year, the chairman con-|seales to one of our cciools, weigh-| There were now over 100 auxiliaries Was closed by a banquet in the even- COME TO SIMCOE STREET METH- io at hal bapheted uring pis chairman promised that he wouid tinued, had seen improvements made|ing the children each month has|in tbe province. When the Junior | IDE. This club has a membership of odist Church, Tuesday, February [nave a clear: ides 2 os uot seem 10} give his best attention to the busi- 4 Ra ra t of iol' wi rad © tucdoms "ross idea had been intelligently [26 and represents approximately 250 7th, at 7.30, where a miscellan- Dave a clear a, but he says that ss of the d end in the methods of the Board in con-|been tried with marked success, | Red Cross i a 4 ¥| ; ' . New: Orla haa ness of Board end endeavor to dueting its business. The special|there having been a decrease of 17] applied in Ovtario' schools. the ro- {bead of cattle. It is the intention of | eous concert will be given by IB. a he interviewed thel po ue confidence placed. in him. . {the organization to hold a combination scholars of the school, assisted by Spanish Consul and was placed in Present at the imaugursl meeting committee appointed to deal with|per cent. in children under weight sults in the school life of the pupils | & charge of th a i A a 4 mark i » tire. sale in the spring. Mrs. C. M. Mundy, who will tel] [charge of the recruiting for the N v ; this matter had brought in a report {during the past year. had been remarkable, and the tire-| The election: of officers resulted. & the Storg: of: "The Other Wise | Spanish Legion, subsequently sailing Bere C.? "ty EW. Dio. Dr. follows: President, R. R. Stevens, Bow- Man" illustrated with lamtern for Spain and Morocco on the steam- » Mrs. ers, 1. ders, W. with important recommendations at Last Marc: a Girls' Health League | S0me Sub ert of hygiene had Agen | B. Nott, W. P. Knight, H. S. Smith the last meeting, these being adopt-| Club was formed at Simcoe Street|on a new and more real aspect. There! ville: V » allie 4 4 4 xb : iship Cadiz. - Nott, W. P. K A r y \manville; Vice-President, W. F. Fallis, ; ree-wi ) rill he {SBP Cadiz y slides. Free-will offering will b Sergeant Ball gives fresh evidence] Me. J. L. Cornwall, Frank Chappell, ed. The committee was still at]school, consisting of sixteen mem-| Was a new asterest in the game of | A ilibrook ; Secretary - Treasurer, 26-1 ather Bench and work, and he -felt sure that when|bhers. The girls were given instrue-|bealth, and theory of the past bad) arthur 2 Gibson, Ry Directors, taken. 126-D10f the alleged adverse conditions under 8 J. Storie, Rev. Fi h they again reported such recommen-|tion in the care of the baby, first aid | to-day become practice. i mship. A. Cour. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE which the Foreign Legion labored in A. W. Browne. The new men are dations would be 'made as would |and bed-making. In June a demon- Scales are Valuable | Dariingion. towel. 2 Bu our Oshawa Red Cross Society will be |Morocco. . Messrs. Knight and Storie. The 2b- right many wrongs of the past. stration was given at the Home and Of interest to Oshawa was the Clarke. township: A. J. Tamblyn, held in the Municipal Buildings, | Memory Returns sentees were J. B. Thompson and A desire for better seating ar-|School Club when all the mothers! emphasis laid- by Mr. McCready on |Orono; Stephen Jose, Newcastle; Hope Simcoe St. 5., on Friday, Feb. 3rd.| "My return of memory was brought|D. M. Hall. It was necessary to uti- rangements in the public schools, in | were invited to see just what had) she value of scales in the schools. township: Arthur J. Runnalls, Wel at 8 o'clock, p. m, Members and about when I interfered in the punish-| lize candles to let the lght in on order that certain unsatisfactory |bheen accomplished. This proved 0! Ho read from reports of various ac-|come; A. T. Pearce, Port Hope; Cavan friends of the society are cordially ment of one of my comrades" Ball|the first part of the meeting, conditions might be righted, was ex-| successful that a request was made| (jy. junior epganizdtions Shr ring township: A. T. Johnston and W. T. invited to attend. 126-2 [saye. "This man had been tied up and {to an interruption in the electric pressed. by Chairman Henry. Arlto form another class at King Street] that where scales had been intro Belch, Millbrook: Audijors, L. C. CADET NOTICE--ALL YOUNG! cut him down without authority.|light service. present "here were complaints that {school. This was done in October, | quced in schools physical develop- [Snowden R. M. Cale, Bowmanville. fellows 12 to 18 who would like | Afterward an officer threatened mue| In calling the meeting to order, some seats were too low and some and we have at present an enrolment | yiont of children followed. Another e------------------------ to join the Oshawa Cadet Corps. (With a rific and I hit him over the retary Punshon announced that too high for some of the pupils. Helof thirty-six members. phase of Junior Red Cross work of Vete Ci ic 8 t for a good time, come up to the bead with a revolverdbutt. This] it was just 21 years to-night that he thought that a rearrangement ofl y sou) that considerable could be| particular interest was the introdue- ran Lavie an Armories next Tuesday night trom officer then Lit me. and when I woke of the Board, the seating might to some extent! ouo in regard to the spread of eom-| tion of mite boxes for raising money _7to 8. Cap. C. Follest, Lieut S. ub in jail I remembered my home and provide a remedy, and to. this end bel municable diseases by exercising] for charitable purposes. In the Watson. 0. C. 126-a} For striking the officer Ball a had asked the supervising primeipall , oventive measures, aw instance schools also the children held little UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE 0 5 F00E He of a sen- to let him have the number in each| wpicy [ shall give here. In ome of | concerts and health talks, thus teach- Local Council of Women, Jose: on occasion -- marched fat - room requiring to be changed. our schools last November, two diph-| ing the fundamental principles of phine Martino and assisting ar-1,,,..001 ang Je was aia hod Sut brs To Overcome Waste theria cases were reported. Nose | good citizenship and usefulness. The ; tists, will give a concert at the ps jite was spared owing to 2 threa- Another matter. touched on by the |and throat swabs were immediately | money raised went for the assist- Simcoe Street Methodist Church, tened mutiny om the part of other chairman was the purchase of sup-| taken of the other children in the ance of erippled or tubercular child- : on Thursday, February 9, at 8 | members of: the Legion, aud alse, he plies. He felt that in the past there |class-rooms. Five carriers were} pen, children's aid or any other p-. .s 2 126-¢ |pelioves, because at this time the had been a waste, and he hoped that | found and. after they were isolated | charitable work. 3 MR. GARBUTT WILL ADDRESS British Government was beginning to the recommendations to be made by |and treated by their family physi-i Jupior Red Cross Work was also Albert Street Home and School lask guestions as to the treatment the special committee would over-|cians no more cases have been re-! endorsed at the eonveution by Hom. 2 Club, Wednesday, Feb. Sth, at 4 i this. ported from that school. R. H. Grant. Minister of Education, o'clock. All old members come In order that the Board might in-] During the year four hundred and | vho said that the welfare of the and bring new members. 126-b telligently deal with all matters com-| fifty-three home wisits were made | children of our schools would be ad- MADAME ZEDDA, DEMONSTRAT- jacross the Atlantic as a fireman on the with gratifying results. These visits | vanced through the organization of ing Palmistry at 59 King E. Leay-|Canadian Government chip Canadien 1 consider are equal in importance | Junior Red Cross auxiliaries. ing Feb. th for selleville. HMaif|Baider and holds his discharge papers to the class-room inspections. Oshawa delegates to the conven- : readings. fifty cents; full, one (from this vessel. He landed at St The improvement in the gemeral|tion were well pleased with the re- ; i dollar. Hours, 10 to 19. 126-a John, NB, a few days ago and was health of the children is shown in |POrts presented, and of the policy tor A DANCE WILL BE HELD IN ST. [helped on Lis way home by war other inzormation the average - attendance record for | future work as laid down by the » Gregory's, Friday evening, Febru- Veterans there. garding the schools which would as- |e, vears as given below: iety. : ary 3, for the benefit of the Hos- Het in dhe carrying out: ofl o... 1950 54 per cent.. 1921 Eg i Ww pital. Tickets $1.00 on sale at In du Kies ; £ rule 2 an promised | 3? Per cent. Increase, 5 per cent. : Py the Arcade. Adanac oebesa, that he would co-operate with every ns arr : 2 " { CHURCH CHOIR ember of the Board. He urged DURING THE TIFF gg fei ond bc Thursday, there should be a regular and| Boston Transeript: She--Before oA : punctual attendance by all trustees. | we were married you used to catch JOHN GIBSON Jubr F2. Wil dap 126-128 of the Board was ham-| me in your arms. Who has been elected Chairman of SQUARE DAN: RID, NIGHT if , was not a regular at-] He--Yes, and now I catch you in Oshawa "Board of Health for] fin the A nay auspices my pockets? : Fourth Term. of the Fire Department. 126-2 Ad TH PRET alles La Hi hh ! | is

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