PAGE EIGHT Ad Eh > Ee Dae aa li / ha png Prd being tetra ee ra a 4 WA (3+ Ni CR i ; OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1922 BASIL KING'S FILM A PHOTOGRAPHIC MARVEL The lure of a woman's charms so irresistible (hal marriage vows and family ties are swept away hefore it, passion, tragedy and vengeance s0 intense that even death cannot settle the score' have made of "Earth- bound" a drama so powerful, so mystifying, so breath-taking in Its intensity as to overshadow all mo tion picture achievements of the past. It is not to be wondered ai ' therefore that this master Goldwyn film, produced from the story of Basil King, caused such a stir among New York dramatic crities during a recent run at the Astor Theatre, "Earthbound," which comes to the Regent theatre for two days, begin- ning Monday, has a plot that bare as no other film production ever - has done, a man's struggle against a woman's seductive charms; his fut- le efforts ito resist; the vengeance of his closest friend, whose confi- dence he had 'betrayed by robbing him of his wife, and finally his pun ishment, so drastic as to carry the story of the play even beyond this life before his regeneration is achieved. Notwithstanding the much Lalk ed of depression in trade the SAL- ADA Tea Company had an increase in 1921 of Two Million and*® one third, making their total output over cleven million five hundred and nine- ty-six thousand pounds. If these packets were all placed in line, end touching end, they would stretch for two thousand one hundred and nine. ty-six miles. 121-a lays| BLAIR REMANDED FOR EIGHT DAYS William J. Blair; who was brought | to Oshawa "Tuesday alternoon to be tried on a charge of forgery, caine before Magistrate Hind in Police Court on Tuesday evening, The Crown asked for a remand for eight days which was granted and Blair will appear for trial on Tuesday next, He was removed to Whithy | jail, Blair who was sentenced to' six months for bigamy in the Torontc Police Court has had his term of imprisonment reduced to three months. After sentence had been passed, the evidence of the accus- ed's second wife was taken, She admitted kr ving Blair was already married wl. 1 she agreed to become his wife, CARD OF THANKS Mr. Frank Jones, son and nephew, wish to thank their neighbors and many iriends for the kindness and deep sympathy shown to them during their sad bereeavement and | for beautiful floral tributes; also! Mrs. W, Shapland of New York, wishes to thank her brother's many friends for their kindness. 121-a WANTED -- INTELLIGENT WOM- an, young or middle-aged, to act as "the Mysterious Miss (or Mrs.) Dollar", on Dollar Day. Good pay. Apply at once to Mr. Alloway, Re- former Office, As a "lady killer," Landru was too liberal. --Greenville Piedmont. SOCIAL and | PERSONAL | I EET, --Mr. R. H. Lockwood was call- ed to Leskerd this week owing to the death of, Archie, 4 former Oshawa resident, -- Friends of Mr, Grant Lawson of T.awson and Ledger, King St. E., will regret to learn that he is seri- ously ill and confined to Christie Street Hospital, Toronto. --Mr. and Mrs, J. D, Storie, Miss Pollard and Miss Squires, left on Friday to spend some weeks in St, Petershurg and Jacksonville, Flor- ida. ~--Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Henderson of Pickering, Ont., announce the en- gagement of their only daughter, Beatrice Fern, to Mr. Robt. J. Gur- liver of Whitby, Ont., the marriase to take place quitly in February. --Messrs. L. 0. Clifford, MP., and W. BE. N. Sinclair, K.C,, MPP, were in Ottawa this week for a few days attending the Winter Fair, Mr, Clifford is a prominent county agri- culturist and Mr. Sinclair the presi dent of the South Ontario Agricul. tural Society. --A successful euchre party was held Thursday evening at the hom: of Mr, John Ashby, Park Road N. About twenty were present, and 2 most enjoyahle evening was spent. The first prize went to Miss Lill Arkwright and the consolation prize to Mr. Wallace Price. Many othe games were played and before the TRAVEL FREE! ross Em gr PE ---- simu Lg Fe Fo Free With Every DOLLAR Purchase Made | Saturday Jan. 21 | and other useful nos Bottles, Flashlights rticles given free for our Profit Sharing Coupons, Beatties Drug Store 9 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RHR TE TETAS { LR be the event ever staged This Wonderful Sale Will Last We said it was to Biggest MPN in Oshawa It and will continue to be the talk of the Town. There isto be an ending next Saturday Is oO A 11 that will surprise the whole town and district "See Tocsday's | - Newspapers The Acrade gathering broke up refreshments were served, | --The chgir of King Street Meth- | odist Chur held a most enjoyabic | skating party at the Division Street {rink Thursday evening. about fifty | of the members with a number of | their friends comprising the gathe: ing. About ten o,clock the party went to the home of Mr. and Mrs { Charles Werry, Agnes Street, where refreshments were served. | : Samii mies -- | oo | News of | Nearby Places (Continued from page 3) COURTICE. | Weather being inclement on Sun day, the services were thinly attend ed. Sickness amongst the children is very prevalent, several cases of diph- theria being in the neighborhood. the school was closed and thorough- | ly fumigated \ Mr. Beckle, having bought Mr. | Hughes' house on Maple Avenue, has taken up his residence there. W welcome him and his family to th ' community. The Epworth League of Ebenezer | are being entertained at Maple! Grove on Wednesday Evening. Its a lively time on the pond aif West Courtice these dayg cutting Lice and filling the immense ice [ house. Hambly Bros machinery is | working admirably The ice is 16] | | | inches thick and clean. AUDLEY A large contract for gravelling | | the Audley road has been secured | and work will begin immediately. { It is said that one of our neigh- { | bors released a number of rabbits {into the swamps near his place ana | | thought it unsportsmanlike of sev-! | eral Oshawa hunters to dig tem of | | them out of a hole near his orch- | ards. The death of Mrs. Wilcox, of To- j ronto, this week, recalls former days i here, where she was born and schoo! | (ed. Her maiden name was Adelaid 1 Frances Chapman, being the third | | daughter of the late Neilson Chap-' man, a Councillor of the township of Pickering and a leading farmer here. having owned the farm and built the house now occupied by Ur-| | bin Blake. She was one of the first! | assistant teachers in old No. 5 in the days when that little red school- louse was crowded. Later she taught" at Dixie west of Toronto where she met and married D. J. Wilcox whose. father was one of | those sturdy pioneers of Ontario. He also is remembered as a friend | of the rebel William Lyon Macks a- | zie whom he protected and took ox- er the border. Three daughters be- sides the husband survive; one a %! and PHILATHEA CY.ASS HOLD FINE SOCIAL The Philathia Class of Oshawa Baptist Church held a most success ful soclal on Tuesday evening in the Sunday School 0oms. Mrs, P. Waram officiated &s8 chalrman for the occasion, The program which had been® arranged by Mrs, Paul, was of a high order and was well re- ceived by the audience. Between forty and fifty members o fthe class, with a number of their.friends were present, Those who took part in the program were, Mrs. McCaffery, Miss F, Hurst, Miss M. Harton, Mr. Wren, Master Frank Waram, Mrs. Witter: ick, Mrs, J. C, Anderson, the Witter- fek brothers, Master Bernard How- ard, Mrs, W. Paul, Mr, Fred Hurst, Mr. Raymond Waram. A duet hy Mrs. Paul and Mr, R., Waram was much appreciated. At the close of the program, re- freshments were served and a social hour was passed. A hearty vote ot thanks was tended to all who con- tributed to the evening enjoyment and to Mrs, Paylm convener of the program committee. ------ EXPLAINS STAND AT _ MONDAY'S MEETING "In the report of the ratepayers' meeting at Cedar Dale Monday night appearing in Tuesday's Reformer, Mr. Ed. Powers, a merchant in the village, was quoted as follows: -- Mr. Ed. Powers took the stand that the trustees had a perfect right to tell the Council of Kast Whithy no to receive an Oshawa deputation. Oshawa had not gone about the matter in a legal and proper way. They were also trying to put some- thing over Cedar Dale. Se advised that the trustees should get a sol- icitor the next dealings they had with Oshawa and get everything down in black and white. Chairman Whattam, of the Water Commission. "had led the village to believe that they were to get three hydrants when the water main was laid through the village, but this prom- ise had not been kept. How couid the village further trust Oshawa? Mr. Powers stated to The Reform- er yesterday that he did not mention Mr. Whattam's name at the meet- ing, and further that the hydrants referred to were those" promised a number of years ago when the first main was laid up Simcoe Street, wot the main that was laid about a year ago, on which thre: hydrant connections were provided CONVICTIONS ARE FEWER IN NUMBER Only 96 During Last Three Months of 1921 in Ontario ' County During the last three months of the past year, from September 13th to December 13th, 1921, there have 'been 96 convictions, according to the schedule of returns of convictions as issued by the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Ontario, These in- clude all convictions, which have come before Justices of the Peace or Police Magistrates. For the pre- ceding three months the number was greater, 113 in all. . Of these 96, tho@largest for any one item, was for violation of the Motor Vehicle Act. The remaining 83 was made up as fol- lows: -- Intoxicated condition on pub- lic street, 10; selling liquor without a license, 2; violation of town by- laws, 6; cases of neglect and depend- ent children, 3; violation of the Statute Labor Act, 10; cases of in- sane dealt with, 4; violation of the Lord's Day Act, 9; having liquor in an unauthorized place, 3; reckless driving, 2; speeding, 6; parking car without lights, 4; trespass on rail- way, 10; cases of assault, both com- mon and occasioning bodily harm, 7; threatening to do bodily harm, 1; theft, 4; vagrangey, 2. In the three months just before this, that is, from June 13th to Sep- tember 13th, the number of thefts was much greater. Only 4 charges of theft were dealt with during the last three months of the old year. CHEVROLET CARS ARE KNOWN ABROAD That the fame of Chevrolet cars is known far away from the centre where they are manufactured is shown by advertisements in British papers. V. A. Henry yesterday showed The Reformer a copy of the Free Press Gazette of llkley, England, which contained the advertisement of the Yorkshire distributing agent of Chev- | rolet cars, which said: "Chevrolet-- everyman's car; the sensation of Olympia; the economy car of quality; | never before has such value been of- ! fered." . Write for booklet to Oxo Limited, 23) Lemoine St., Montreal. 0X0 and MILK Children, invalids, nursing mothers, and old people, should take a glass of Oxo and milk once or twice a day, It is a splendid food, a perfect meal nourishing and delicious. Oxo in milk overcomes the difficulty of digesting milk which many frequently experience, 13¢c and 30c Tins, Beef-food GRAND THEATRE 227%2%% BESSIE LOVE "The MIDLANDERS"' From the Absorbing Popular Novel By CHARLES TENNEY JACKSON A love story of the Mississippi Valley when a Pioneer Civilization was moulded out of primitive passions and tender loyalties to become the rugged Middle West of to-day Snub Pollard in a New Comedy Pathe News and Views PLAYING SOON "OVER THE HILL" "QUEEN OF SHEBA" "THUNDERCLAP" THE GREAT RACE HORSE STORY The first three of Fox's nine big masterpieces. Watch for advertisements. 4 REFORMER WANT ADS BRING RESULTS EGEN R MONDAY & TUESDAY T The Unveiling of The Unseen World "No God-- No Sin--No Future Life" Had Been Their Creed WHAT WAS THE ANSWER FROM THE OTHER SIDE? farmer's wife in Alberta; one in the postal department at Ottawa and; one on the staff of the Toronto schools. Three sisters and two brothers also survive. F. M. Chap- man, Progressive candidate in the recent contest, is a cousin and was a pallbearer at the funeral. W.HS. WIN FROM HHS BY 24 'was played yesterday afternoon at the High School rink between the two High School teams. W_H.8. won from H.H.S. 20, the winners play- ing a better brand of hockey throughout. For the winners Smith's rushes featured. The losers had the advantage im weight but teamwork was lacking. The teams wee: -- H.HS.--Goal, Mitchell; defence, Grant and Miller; centre, Taylor; wings, Henry and Irwin. Subs, Mc- Cabe and Ferguson. W.HS.-- Goal. Hart; defen Smith and Montgomery; centre, W fiams; wings, Clarke and Little. Subs, McKay and Mackie. Referee--T. Bouckiey. MON. & TUES. REGENT ; | A Union Hockey League Fixture | | Four lives bound together by a common creed --No Ged--No Sin--No Future Life--Two men two women torn by conflict between loyalty and passion. Then the inevitable disaster--and for one of them a headlong plunge Lo death. Is the soul swept from earth the moment it is freed from the body, or does it, Earthbound, still share in the violent emoticns which the living must endure? Does the personality change with death? Is there growth and progress even after the shadowy barrier has been passed "EARTHBOUND" is the remarkable lifting of the veil that stands between this life and the next. Don't Fail to See What It is Good to Know PRICES Children, 11c--Adults, 25c--Reserve Seats, 40c. TAX INCLUDED Reserve Seats Plan Opens Friday at 10 am. | Wednesday and Thursday "WHO AM I" Coming Attractions Friday and Saturday, Wallace Reid in "THE HELL DIGGERS"