Rd PAGEFOUR +® ITAA TIT TAN AE RRA TA TY an $A (em { [ ' OSHAWA, ONTARIO; SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1922 rE ANNE EW MA Tee 0 Re Specials' in Dresses All dresses reduced for today only - -at Schwartz Bargain Store, 136-138 Simcoe St, South, More Gas Machinery Herve "Two further carloads of machin- ery for the extensive improvements snow under way at the gas plant of the Hydro Electric Power Commis- sion arrived in Oshawa yesterday. A 'gang of men have also arrived to 'erect the machinery, and before many weeks have passed all will be in full motion, taking care of the Jown's gas needs for some years to come, An audit of all money expended in connection with the Chrigtmas Cheer Fund is to he made next weex and published in the press, Secretary Durieu of the G.W.V.A, told The Re- former yesterday. Acknowledgment is to be made of all contributors to the Fund... The auditors are H. 8S. Langford, Fred Palmer and A, Bar. ton. Phone 725, | Oshawa and District Getting Report Ready Waterworks Engineer N, J, hel is preparing his annual for the year 1921, It will review not only regular water main con- struction, but the laying of the 18- inch main from the lake to the Base Line, Goe- report Red Cross Annual Oshawa will be represented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Red Cross Society to be held in Jen- kins' Art Gallery, Torento, January 31st, Mrs. F. W, Cowan, a member of the Executive, expects to attend, us well as other local officers. Tht annual meeting of the local branch will not be held until after that dates Will Petition For Parole It is understood that a petition ix being cirenlated in and about Manchester for the purpose of short. ening the term of Arthyr Gray, who was sentenced to two years' impris p= King SE JURY & LOVELL LTD. Simoes: AND F. W. THOMPSON onment in Kingston on charges -of stealing grain and chickens. The appeal will probably he made te the new Minister of Jus. tice, penitentiary, Babies Galore In Uxbridge Tp, It is estimated that 150 babies are being cared tor throughout the homes in Uxhridge Township, that have been sent into the municipal ity from the hospital in Toronto. These children are expected to re- main for two or three months, but in many eases they remain much longer, Most of the little ones are suffering from mal-nutrition, but after @ short stay in the conntry, wonderful progress is noted in their little bodies. While it takes a large fund of money to maintain the work, results are ample to prove the un- dertaking is worth while.--Uxbhridge Journal, Drank Too Much " Frederick Kinton and Fred Balshaw came hefore Magistrate Hind in Police Court yesterday mor- ring charged with being in an in- toxicated condition on a street, After pleading guilty: and telling a straightforward story as to where they obtained the liquor, a fine of $10 was imposed in: each case, « Kinton explasned that after the show a friend had invited him over to his house where he had tak- en two or three drinks, which he stated had heen procured at a ven- dor"s in Toronto, He did not pay for the liguor he consumed, he said. The statements given by Balshaw corroborated those of Kinten which His Worship bhalioved were correct, O.H.A. STANDING Intermediate Lost Oshawa .. .. r 1 Part Hope... .. vv... B Whithy : 1 Bowmanville 2 Cobourg 1 Cobourg Oshawa rg Whithy-...... ...a Bowmanwville .. Port Hope SS. HOCKEY GAMES ON MONDAY NIGHT The following will he played in the Sunday School Hockey Leagues on Monday night: 6 to 7- St. Gregory vs. Preshyter ian A. (Juvenile) 7 to 8 King St (Juvenile 8 to 9 South St. A. (Junior) 9 to 10 -St. Gregory Oshawa B (Senior) 10 to 11 St { coe A (Senior) | The nmpire for the { will he Dr. Phillips | fixtures will be worth | some is promiged | Sunda School Leagues have been vs, St. Georges B Oshawa vs King vs South George's vs. Sim- senior The well se good hockey public TF STOLEN CAR IS | FOUND IN WHITBY Toronto Alleged Auto Thief Left Machine in County Town Garage Fred. W, England, the auto thief 'par excellence," who 'was arrested n Halifax last week, when ahout to hoard liner for Europe, and who has since heen back to To- ronto where it was learned that he was concerned in the theft of forty motor cars during the past year, dis posed of the last of hi stolen cars by leaving it in storage in Whitby, wherp it was discovered last week. On Monday last, January 9, ENg- land, at that time an unknown stranger here, dntroduced himself at L. Rowe's Universal Garage at Whithy, stating that. he wonld be in the vicinity for a few days selling stock and would like to keep his au hrought mobile 32, with license plate No. | 22-247, was left and England did] {not put in a further appearance, for| {the reason, of course, that he was | making dll speed for Halifax, | On Monday of this week Detective | | Sergeant Mitchell, of Toronto, came | {to Whitby and identified the car in| | question as one of those believed to | rest to those who contemplate living | | have heen stolen by England. He was led to come here to investigate | [from certain = statements maffe to] him by the prisoner. | Detective Mitchell stated that so | far twenty-four ears had heen lo-| cated of the forty that were stolen | ,during the campaign of theft carried | fon by England and his agsociates | putting up some good hockey games | {and will improve as the season goes | | along. A big crowd is anticipated | | for Monday night. Tarn out and! cheer your Sunday School boyz along Games will also be played | on Friday next week. Admission 15 cents. The secretary of the lea gue, A. W. Petrie. who has been ill is back on the job again and the captains of teams. are notified that they will receive a copy of the sched ule of their group to sign and re- turn to him by Tuesday of nex! week, The representatives will have a copy of the constitution for refer. ence in the near future now that all the rules and regulations have heen settled | 0 Prevent Baldness Baldn wn cured dandruff hy best for the back not stores sss can be prevented easier falling hair Parisian Guarantee satisfactory Stop using hair and Sage; money all at drag | used | great " FREE HOME HELPS FOR CANADIANS In addition to %he "Canadian Mother's Book," dealing with the feeding and care of infants and pre- natal preparations by the mother, which Dr. Helen MacMurchy of the Department of Health, Ottawa, sends free upon request, the Government has compiled a small set of fourteen books of * help to home-makers throughout the Dominion. Though none of these volumes are as spec- Ific or as large as The Canadian Mother's Book, each is very com- plete in itself and the set furnishes a helpful all-service guide to thosa just starting housekeeping in Can- ada. Part or all of the set will he sent free upon request to the Deputy Minister of Health at Ottawa, The. titles of the fourteen in 'the series are self-explanatory: 1. Good Wishes to You from Can- ada. A welcome to the brides from other lands who are making their homes here. 2. How to Build the Canadian House, For further information than ear in the garage. The car, a Hup- that contained in the little book, the | reader is recommended to B. Evan Department of Health who will send it gratis 3. How to Make Our Canadian Home. 4. How Canada. write at Ottawa, Make This is of special to in inte- ar off the heaten ion. 5. Canadians Need Milk. A trea- tise on the value of milk as a daily food to the growing child. 6. How We Cook in Canada. A full explanation which ig of valuable issistance to the immigrant girl un- to Canadian methods and of help, too; to the little dian housekeeper who is starting out trails of civiliza- 1 t alone on her job for the first time. | Even some older housekeepers will find helpful hints in the advice con- tained therein. How to Manage Housework in Canada. This gives a detailed week ly routine and suggestions as to time for preserving, pickling and doing of odd johs about the house. Informa tion to the making of soap and the lessening of daily drudgery by systematic methods also @ontain ed 8. How to Take Care of Mother 'Don't spoil your family" comes the advice and little hints for the pre serving of Mother's life and insurir of it being a daily routine ume, "9 as is happy are given in this vol How to Take ( Mother this ti her snge 1 spoi her 'are of the Fam- helped to od to neither family bat to care for them all Iy: run suppress nor helped how hest even Father 10. How to Baby This is is naturally not formation Mother's 11 home Take Care of the self-explanatory. It as detaied in "The Ca as given 13 How LS to Take Care "The Chance of World Peace" ARTHUR G. DANIELLS President World's Conference 'Seventh-Day Adventists Will speak on the.subject, "THE CHANCE OF WORLD PEACE," at the Regent Theatre, Oshawa, Sunday night, January 22nd, at 7.30 o'clock. Mr. Daniells is a world-wide traveller, lecturer and well-known author. He has travelled extensively in Europe and particularly in the Balkan States since the armistice was signed, Special Music--The College Orchestra--Mixed Quartette, Solos Parry, Housing Branch of the | Outpost Homes | Cana-; one despite her ALL SEATS FREE ALL WELCOME Rt | Greenwood Mills Established 1838 THE STERLING MARK FOR QUALITY 2 | KISSIMI gn of Flour for Pastry and Cake Baking | but| There appears to he no truth in the ! reme- | report that the Conservatives of Tor- » also given and! onto are thinking of changing the tions for trdining in good hab- name of King street.-=Lethhridge Herald. 20t and only their morals, = food ple Children Household Cost Accounting in This deals with the finan- f the f i life and con and MON. & TUES. REGENT "EARTHBOUND" SEE ! LEARN House- il, ete and hooklet Fe 0 OO --_-- 'DOLLAR DAY ™ BARGAINS SPECIAL OE NN 0 -- OSH AW A 0 I AS COMING! NEXT SATURDAY JANUARY 28 Whole Year | The Greatest Buying Opportunity of the 50 will co-operate e in providing PROGRESSIVE MERCHANTS OF THE TOWN ing Hundreds of Bargains such as will never be offered to you again. luvite Your Friends--Fares Refunded on Tickets from any point up to 20 miles LEN 50 SEE TUESDAY'S REFORMER FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS AND LIST OF MERCHANTS PARTICIPATING