NN . Oshawa, phone 793. Sen sm V-- reed we NTARIO, TH OSHAWA, 0 URSDAY, Dental , T, 0, CLEMENCE, DENTIST, ---- Qffice over Andison's Tailor Shop, | 19 King St. West, Phone 231, DR. R. B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD. ley Block, Simcoe 8t, 8. Phone Lis DR, T, 8, TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- | fice over Hogg and Lytle's store, Phone 948, © lyr, DR, 8. J, PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; Office over Kyle's Grocery (tore, Phone. 959, 4-1 yr, DR, JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store, Fs No, 97, , TREWIN, DENTIST -- EN- trance to office one door east of Detenbeck's Btor®w ir ns ° DR, C, BE, WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St; North, Phone 57. 110-1yr DR. McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, , Office and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria St., Oshawa, Phone 04, DR, L. J, BEBBRT, 73 BLOOR ST. East, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for consulta- tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr "| This is the greatest JANUARY 19, {921 Aad BR CL A Land fd PAGE SEVE:; - I 5 / 44 REGEN FIRST IN ALL ' | 'Articles For Sale, | Lost and Found | ABROPLANE : LINEN + STRONG: TOST-AROUND CENTRAL PART | ast.and hest obsaineble for shirts, | of Oshawa, . on Monday, January, waists, window hangings, dresses, 16th, $80.00. Finder please com- ote., gto, §LA0 yarg, while it| municate with Box "N" Reformer. taste The ya | ~~ a Last Showing Tonigh > of '"" Beating the Game' e, 21 "Pringe | Liberal reward. 119-c street. 120L0. OULD THE PARTY WHO PICKED | BABY CARRIAGE AND BABY |up a revolyer on Canadian National Bleigh -.- With hood, good as new, |trajn arriving at Oshawa December | cheap. SrETgnick gale. © Apply. 102 | 27, midnight, please return to Gana- | Elgin Stree} Wegt of Ghurch Btreet,| dian National Express office Oshawa ' : 120-¢c 'and regeive reward, 114-tf| BLANKETS, .. MENS FLANNEL | STOLEN OR BTRAVED -- BLACK B TRAYED -- BLACK | Work Shirts, Riding Breeches, Put-| Cocker Spaniel, Bowmanville' tag. | tees, Leggings, Grey Greatcoats, un- Apswers name of Rex Rebuin,--H, | dyed, $9.00 each, One leather cont| J, Tylor, Simcoe St. N. 120-a | and ope leather vest. Lowest prices. |--em--e 0 = 7 The Army Stores, 21 Prince Streét. | " Board and Room ! 3 120-tf. | Sir ER en dE | AND BOARD -- RBDUC: BLECTRIC FLOOR LAMPS -- DIB- | tion for two, Apply 857 Centre ol posing of our stock at reduced 119-0 | prices. Stand complete with your... i if choice of silk shades at $25.00. | Stands and shades sold separately, - Storage | rgain ayer | pORNTIORE STORED -- IN CLEAN | fered In Oshawa, Killoran's, Sim- Gry building. Also storage for cars. coe North. . y 120-8 ! Day ¢ hope 662J,. night 6652W. Rit FOR BALE -- 15 TON OF TINOTRY | °° foal North. "tt FRI. AND. SAT. The biggest picture that ever played the Capital Theatre, New York City, so says S. Rothephelf. | = | rete-| * Help Wanted--Femal phone. 239r16. 115-48 | WANTED --- "EXPERIENCED | ' Re- | French. For particulars apply On- former. i EW CUTTER W| rr _ Apply 44 Charles 8t, ! APPLY | FOUR PURE BRED PARTRIDGE Cent ' bi ply E. Smith, 97 Colborne East | WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL | Phone 639. 119-¢ DR. D. B. NEELY, PHYSICIAN & Surgeon. Ear, Nose and Throat. Office over Dominion Bank. Tele- phone 11565. Hours 2 to 6 p.m,, or by appointment. 96-tf DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Milier's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. D. A. J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Pablic, Conveyan- cer, ete. All branches of Civil and Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence 516J. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, etc. Office over Standard Bank. entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. F. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, B.A G. D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Pablic, ete. Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St.. South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen- eral practice. Phone 63. HE. MORPHY, B.A--BARRISTER, | Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. | | | | Lidl { Chiropractic IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- | practic Spinal Adjustments and get | well. Examinations free at office. | Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. i | ARIO AND DO- | minion Land Surveyor and Civic En-| gineer, Whitby. Phone 23 Suc- cessor to late W, E. Yarnold Port | Perry. 73-41 | MISS BEATRICE STACEY, TEACH- er of Piano. Pupils now being tak- en on. Conservatory method. For appointment, phone 226. Residence 161 Athol St. E. 127-48 directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- nection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St. South. Phone 210. R:sidence 19 Division St. 26-1 sr DW. DALTON -- UNDERTAKER and Embalmer; private ambulance, morgue and chapel, motor funeral if desired. Phone 47. 199 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. 108-r Insurance Agents FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN Wellington Mutual and Union Fire insurance Society, London, England. N. A. Mclean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 | y. A. HENRY, AGENT FOR THE Sun Life of Canada, also places fire, accident and antomobile insurance in reliable companies. Phone 1046w. . 9-6-3mo. rr i ideal Tice Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- age, Simcoe St, South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros., Proprietors. Phone 766. 114f ", BARBER, E-ROBERTS & Seymour. Engineering, Architecture and Surveying, 61 King St. East, 490 Jarvis St., Toronto. Phone Main, 2897. 39-tf Piano Tuner Phone 274), will tune your piano that it geally will play. n guaranteed. Pianps tuned singly or ts. 106-1m Cc. | hay, 7A 1 quality, at $20 ton deliy-| | ered, W. F. Scott, Columbus, iC FUM OAK NG" ROOM. 'lady cook. Russian, Polish or snite for sale. Apply Box *V' : 119-b | tario House, Port Hope, Ontario. $50 8 A IH | Box 98. 119-c doors. Apply 119-b | WAITRESS WANTED. -- ral Cafe. (120¢) Rock Cockerels for sale cheap. Ap-! ua hongework, good wages. Apply | Lda Ad ____ --~""" Whithy House, Whitby, Ont. ° ] FOR SALE--OAK HEATER WITH | yn pipes. Apply 49 Elgin Btreet East. | 119-¢ { ------ 118-1201 7) Ly ; Pa x OUR DAILY SHORT STORY | it! ypewriter. rice reasonable. Ap-' Newspaperdom: "I can't keep ply Box "Y" Reformer. ~~ 119-b | yisitors from coming up," said the | FOR SALE -- PONY AND COM- | office hoy, dejectedly. "When I say! plete outfit, including, brass mount- | you're out they won't believe me. | ed harness, buggy and cutter, all in | They all say they must see you. ! excellent condition. Box 395, Osh- "Well, put them off somehow," | awa. 119-tf | aid the editor, with a worried loox FOR SALE -- FIRST CLASS TIM: | Whatever they say, Just tell them, othy and clover hay, also ensilage, hid what they all say. Be firms. | by the ton. For further particulars | ee he apply J. N. Thickson. 119-n | The sr ion a lady called. She FOR SALE -- FIRE FLY HEATER, | had hard features and an acid ex- good as mew. Can be seen at pew pression, and she demanded to s. house south of Harmony Corners, the editor at once. or phone 908r2. 118-¢ 's Adapted from the famous novel by KATHARINE NEWLIN BURY Directed by 1 REGINALD BARKER LAMP BURNS 94" AIR Beats Electric or Gas A new cil lamp that gives an amaz ingly brilliant, soft, white light, even better than gas or eleefricity, has been tested by the U.S. Governmeiri land 33 leading universities and found tc be superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns without odor, smoke or noise--no pumping up. is simple clean, safe. Burns $4; air and 6 | common kerosene (coal-oil). i The inventor, F. N. Johuson, 246 | Craig St. W., Montreal, is offering to send a lamp on 10 days' FREE trial. ! or even to give one FREE to the first | user in each locality who will help | him introduce it. Write him to-day for full particulars.- Also ask him to explain how you can get the agency, amd withcut experience or | money make $250 to $500 per month Standard ! particulars. 119-c T™O FRONT OFFICES AND down stairs shop with good light, suitable for barber shop and baths. H. Engel. 16 Simcoe North, Phone 308. 119-tf HOUSE TO REN1.--APPLY O. R Hall. "Phone 252. 9741 | TO RENT MODERN SIX ROOM-| ed house, all conveniences, central. | Apply Box "WW", Reformer. 118-¢ LR dd A dE SNR NY, "But I'm his wife," persisted the FOR SALE -- OAK DINING ROOM | lady. table and chairs, oak dresser, dress-' "That's what they all say," ing table, desk, heater, oil stove and | the boy. oven, folding cot, kitchen utensils. | Apply R. MacKenzie, Oshawa Mis- | sionary College. 120-a | HARDWOOD FOR SALE -- $11 A NEW cord, in cord length; $138.50 in stove length. Harris, 14 Mill St. : Phone Young, 1036. 119-¢| ONE SET STAIRS GEORGIAN | Pine stringers, Birch treads, one door, half glass. Cheap. 21 Prince Street. 120-t.1. VIOLIN FOR SALE -- COMPLETE outfit including instruction book. stand, etc. Will sell reasonable. Apply 11 Athol St. West. 119-¢ FOR SALE--HORSE, DELIVERY wagon and delivery sleigh, set of harness; cheap for quick sale. Apply to Henry Wilkins, North Oshawa. 120-¢ To Rent BY DAY, WEEK, MONTH or YEAR Assembly hall, suitable for general purposes. Good entrance, well lighted, hardwood floors, kitchen sink, connections for electric stove H. Engel, 16 Simcoe North. 119-1m OFFICES FOR RENT -- A SUITE of three fully modern equipped of- fices for rent. Above Bank. Phone 89 for Whitby Lumber & Wood Yard We have all kinds of rough and , dressed lumber, flooring, V- joint, shiplap, dou- ble siding. shingles and lath. Tremendous in every detail A story you'll never forget REGENT . ORCHESTRA SELECTED COMEDY--NEWS 4 i ork W. STATIONERY ENGINEER --WITH | papers, seeks position, would except | firing job, first-class man. Write! Box "T" Reformer. 119-c YOUNG GIRL, 17, DESIRES IM- mediate position in store. Apply to Box "K" Reformer. 119.¢ Business for Sale BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY HALF interest offered in a good, reliable business in Oshawa. $3,500 meed- ed. Only an honest hustler need apply. Rex "Zz" Reformer. 119-c; Farms Wanted FARMS WANTED -- WE BUY, sell and exchange farms, town or city properties. Let us have partic ulars. We answer promptly. E. Trull, sales manager, Imperial Real- ty Co, 187 Y Street, Toronto, Ont. Toes. & Thurs. to Feb. 16 Phone us at ow expense for Building Material. Tele- phone 12. Evenings 127. Special Attraction For the Children Sat. Mat. Say It with Flowers F. H. Cox # Flori Wedding Bouquets, Faneral Designs 2 specialty. 36% Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ont. | | "Little Red Ridinghood"' Special Essay Contest con- ducted by the Home and School Club. PRIZE FIVE DOLLARS COMING MON. and TUES. BASIL KING'S GARBAGE OONTRACT Tenders will be received w 5 o'clock p.m. Saturday, uary 21st, 1922, for the garbage collec- tion contract for the Town of Osh- awa for 1 year, dating from Feb- ruary ist, 1922. For information as to duties, etc., apply to F. C. Pal- Sanitary until marked cheque for $200, and ad-| dressed to Clerk. F. E. HARE, Town ' ' = 119» Saturday, Jan. 21.---Auction sale of one pump and bowser tank. 250 gallon capacity, nearly mew, in use only three months, the property of H. A Lebar, Dundas St, Whithy. Sale at 2.30 o'clock sharp. organist and choirmaster of the King St. Methodist Church, is prepared to accept a limited number of pupils in Pianoforte, Voice Culture and Pipe Organ.. For terms, etc, apply eon Saturdays at King St. Methodist Church, or Phone 807J. 73-jne 30 MpNICa McNBIL AC.AM, , TEACH er of piano and theory. Pupils pre- pared for all examinations, 282 Jar- wis Street ny a a Aen -~ A "EARTH BOUND" {eash or bankable paper. Wm. | auctioneer. jp i WALL {eases and general store fixtures at - |! mailing desk, one with bicyele pre. | Help Wantea--Male | WANTED -- MEN AND WOMEN, | Apply to F. Syms, Roam Number §, | Standard Bank Building, Oshawa, | Ontario. 111-4 WANTED -- BREAD SALESMAN |' married man preferred. Post Office | Box 265. 120-b WANTED -- SMART BOY FOR Canada's _ $300,000,000 Electrical Market It has heen authoritatively stated that developments in Canada require $300,000,000 to be expended for elec- trieal equipment in the next three years. As a result of this flemand+a large amount of business has already been secured by the - Baglin, Blosl Simpnny The successful manufacture and installation of electrical machinery and equipment demands years of experience and research, large scale organization and resources. The English Electric Compuny of Canada, Limited, com- bines in the one organization the manufacturing, engi- neering and construction experience of both the English Electric Company, Limited (of Great Britain), and the Canadian Crocker-Wheeler Company, Limited, thus placing it in a position to handle the large amount of business that will he forthcoming. We v d the 8% Cumu- he English Electric | terred, | Limited, 120-h | WANTED GOOD, HONEST | business 'man, with little: capital, to | go into partnership. Fof particul- ars apply L. K. Boskoff, Ontario | House, Port Hope, Ont,, Box 98, 12003 FTTH Apply The Pedlar People DIVORCE. { NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that {ada at the next Bession theradbf for Vera Hamlin of the Town of Whitby in the County of Ontario and Pro- |yince of Ontario, Married Woman, | will apply to the Parliament of Can- ithe purpose of obtaining a Bill of {Divorce from her husband Rupert | Selleck Hamlin at present residing {in the City of Los Angeles, in the | State of California, one of the United | States of America on the ground of {adultery and desertion. | DATBD at Toronto, in the County lof York, this 14th day of October, 11921, edly ve lative Preference Stock of t . Company of Canada, Limited, carrying a bonus of 40% Common Stock, as one of the strongest investments ever placed before the Canadian public, Write for full particulars (Gnadian Debentu Corporation Limited Established 1010 36 King st East TORONTO Phone Adelaide 6956 SMITH, RAE & GREER, Solicitors for the Applicant, 2 Wellington Street, East, res COMING BEN HOKEA "and Orchestra in Town Hall, Whitby on THURSDAY, JANUARY Dancing 8.30 to 1 o'clock Admission--Gents $1,00; Ladies Hie, War Tax Extra ; am -------------------- 206 | | EE, Se Those interested may communicate with Oshawa Real Estate Sales Co. 61 King St. East ' ni 2 EVERY IS A SPECIAL SALE DAY The papers periodically contain shoe advertisements proclaiming extraordinary special sales, advising the public to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities to buy at exceptionally low prices. Shoes at these much-vaunted prices or lower may be obtained any day at the Burns Co., Ltd. Our customers have had the benefit of these recently advertised prices. Our stock is marked down in accordance with market condi tions. We do not have big sounding sales. We wish this adver- tisement to convey the fact that every day is "EXCEPTIONAL LOW PRICE DAY" at the Burns Co., Ltd. You can get all sizes." too. . We keep pace with the lowest prices in the country, and those prices may, at this store, be taken advantage of on what- ever day or at whatever hour you may require shoes. Our . windows display many of our low-priced lines, and in all depart- ments our bargain counters are always filled with them. Every Thursday we advertise a few seasonable bargains, which are always in stock. Qn Ladies' Broadcloth Spats in four colors that were regularly $2.98 are selling till they are gone at $1 98 Ladi 3 Fl Sed Hockey B are selling at oe nin g vs -, $3.00 'Our Ladies' Bargain Table of Calf- skins, Patents and Kids in Blacks and Browns is still unequalled. All - $2.98 Our Boys' Solid Leather School Boots are also unequalled at' the price. $3.00 Sizes 11 to 13 Child's Fine Black Calf Solid Leather Boots in sizes 4 to T'5 at ... $1.65 Infants' Pussyfoots. Everybody knows the Pussyfoot Boot. Sizes up to 5 Men's Fine Brown Calf in latest style and in all sizes. Welted sole and of very high grade. Worth $8.00. Special $545 Ce A a iJowest prices. A postcard will! | brink our representative to call om | ou. See us before {Wwhere. Royal gar St, Toronto, EE 119-1m | | REFORMER WANT ADS PAY