CURLING "HE SPORTING WORLD Edna a SLL) Er Hifi le, 40 mato 0 a 0 To EE baa do Cyye ppp isi Kalai bs Wf i FA BT Es AST RI AE A NO Ap er Ap i PAGE FIVE Port Hope Juniors Are - Easy Mark For Locals Oshawa Trim Visitors 10 to 1 in Listless Game--Locals Displayed Good Team Work--Forwards Show Up Well--Little Interest in Result Very little interest was taken in the O.H.A. contest here last night and a crowd of some four hundred \ Spectators saw Oshawa juniors romp away from Port Hope 10 to 1. The only opportunities) afforded the fans to voice their feelings came when the locals slammed another goal past Ham who undertook to guard the nets for the visitors. Port Hope was completely outclassed and the second period saw them marching steadily to the penalty box at the request of 'Bob' Armstrong, who handled the bell, The one-sided score was a fair indication of the play and the one goal secured by Port Hope was a gift although un- intentional. Sleeman failed to get his lamps on the disc when it bound- ed off his pads and Bouckley made an attempt to bat it to one side but missed the mark. Ware walked in and landed it in the net. The score by periods was 3-1, 8-1 and 10-1, Practically every man on the team except Sleeman figured in the scor- ing and for the greater part of the game they did not exert themselves to any extent. Hutchinson experi- enced no difficulty tn solving the visitors' defence and Smith also made several successful attempts in getting through for a shot at Ham. Only one of the locals' goals was scored from outside the defence, the remainder being registered from close range. The Port Hope goalie was given a warm time throughout the evening and while ten went past him, he turned aside dozens of ota- ers that came his way. Local Forwards Good. Port Hope were dissatisfied with the official but from a local stand- point he kept the game clean, hanag- fing out penalties where they were deserved. It is true a number of offsides got away from him but referee can get them all. Oshawa's forwards gave their usual good ex- hibition of backcheckiug, also dis- playing some teamwork. The locals have still three scheduled games fo play, one at home with Bowmanville and two away, at Port Hope and Bowmanville, all of which they should win quite easily. They have a silght chance for the group title, providing both Whitby and Bowman- ville defeat Cobourg, im which case they would be tied for the deadership with the latter team and a playoff would be necessary. Good Teamwork By using the same teamwork as was shown last night Oshawa juniors would stand a good chance with Co- bourg in a third battle. The ma jority of their goals last night came when two or three men went down together. Mann notched the firse one on a pass from the corner by Smith and Clarke batted in the sec- ond on a pass from behind the met by Bouckley. Flintoff came near reg- 1 WILLIAMS DEFEAT REGIMENT NINE Two fast and close games were played in the Indoor Ball League on Monday night, Williams winnig from the Regiment 9 to 6 and Pedlars tak- ing the other contest 8 to 3 from Simcoe Heights. In the first game Pedlars piled up a lead of eight runs in the first four games, while their opponents were unabze wo score until the Aast innings, when tthey tallied three counters. The winners dis- played an excellent brand of ball and thidy will give the piano tuners a stiff voyage whem the two teams meet. The lineups: Pedlars--McNeally, Robinson, Cruse, Morphy, Kilbourne, Wood, O'Brien, no istering but was tripped. Smith cap- tured the disc and skating around the Port Hope defence secured the third one. The second period saw the home team run in a string of four goals in ghort order. Hutchinson was suc- cessful in getting through the entire team but the shot bounced off the goalie's pads. He came down again a minute later and notched the fourth counter. Mann secured the next one and Hutchinson came through with his third goal of the period. Johnson and Flintoff each scored before the period closed. Many penalties were handed out dur- ing this stanza and it was seldow throughout the twepcy minutes that the visitors were at full strength. It would not have made much differ ence had they stayed on the ice as they were checked too hard to »e dangerous. - Third Period Tame Port Hope went into the third frame with two players on the fenee The Game Last Night Was Listless Times Sleeman made the prettiest stop of the evening when all alone in the nets Roberts got through and shot only to have Sleeman. come out of the goal and turn the disc aside Bouckley opened the scoring im this period by following mp a shot ana batting in the rebound while Joh- son notched the last one on a pass from Hutchinson. The locals took matters quite easy im the closing stages and with Sleeman in fine form and a big lead to their credit. they had no reason to worry about the re- sult. The teams were: Oshawa--Goal, Sleeman; defence, Smith and Hutch- inson: centre, Bouckley; right wing, Johnsyn; left wing, Flintoff; subs., Clarke, Maun and Crandell. Referee-- Bob" Armstrong. la. Thompson, Mcinally, Thompson. Simcoe Heights--Dafoe, Cole, Bald- win, Smith. Taber, Small, Farrell, Mc- Intoch, Cook and Dell. The score: -- Pedlars 313100 x18 Simcoe Heights .. 900900040 3-23 The Soldiers might have captured the second game but for some loose playing during the earily stages, al- lowing Williams to push across four runs. The losers were coming strong at the finish, scoring five runs in the last three frames. The teams were: Williams -- Southwell, Fishleigh, Carlyle, Peacock, Missett, Legge, Mc- Connell, Hurst, Snowden and James. Regiment--Salter, Gower, Turney, Mercier, Ambrose, Carvey, Lovelock and Brown. 2 20-9 it Ll 224 Batteries--Carlyle and Snowden; Green and Salter. OLA. STANDING Intermediate 2903 P1401 Oshawa .. | Port Hope .. Whithy Bowmanville .. ... .. Junior Cobourg .. Oshawa .. .. -~ BVI. nn annn an Bowmanville .. .. SOCIAL BENEFACTOR Howard--What good are you at a party? Coward--I1 can talk to the people who can't sing, and want to sing, and prevent 'em from deing it.-- dundge. -- - suvwed suumusd Travel Talk on India The Great Empire within the Empire. LYMAN B. with Wonderful Pictures and the Latest Facts. OSHAWA HIGH SCHOOL Aan. 20th, at 8 pan. Widkets 35c. INTERCOLLEGIATE GAME SATURDAY The opening game in this district of the Central Ontario Intercolleg- iate Hockey League will he played at High School rink here on Satur- day morning with Whitby as the visiting team. Next week the local students go to Bowmanville and the following week Bowmanville comes to Oshawa, The dates for these fixtures have not yet heen fixed. The Oshawa team went through fast season without a defeat against Whithy and Bowmanville but if they are successful in winning again, they will be called on to meet some of the eastern teams which are. also playing off in groups. The O. H. 8. representatives are a fast and well balanced aggregation and are pick ed to win this district quite easily. Simeoe Sextette Show Improvement The Juvenile fixture between Sim- coe and South Oshawa hockey teams in the Sunday School League, which was postponed from Monday, was played between 6 and 7 on Brad ley's rink Tuesday night. Simcoe was considerably strengthened since their last game and put up an inter- esting battle against the fast South Oshawa Juveniles. The first accident in the Sunday Green, Gibson, School Leagues happened on Tues- day night, when Captain Found, of Simeoe, got a nasty gash across his eye. We are sorry to hear this be cause the Simcoe team need their (Captain who may be forced to stay out of a game or two. The score by periods was as follows: 4-1, 6-1. 8--2, the referee being R. Flintoff The teams lined up as follows: -- Simcoe Centre, Found; right wing, Hurst; left wing. Vickery: de- fence, W. McKay and R. Mackie: goal, Stacey; subs. Bryans and Snipes. South 'Oshawa -- Centre, R. M« Inally; right wing, H. Edmondson: left wing, J. Miners; defence, E Arnold and E. Snowden; goal, Bent ley; subs.. Cunningham. BOWMANVILLE TRIMS WHITBY BY 6-3 In a fast, clean game of hockey in Whitby on Tuesday night between Whitby and Bowmanville intermed- jates the locals were defeated by a score of 6 to 3. Stewart and O'Con- nor were the best for Whitby Mc Murtry and Avery starred for the visitors. Lime-up: Whitby --Goal. G. O'Connor: leit defence, Maundrell: right defence Lavery; centre, Southwell; left wing ('. Pellow; right wing, Bundy; subs Stewart and Mayne. Bowmanville--Goal, Cook; left de fence, Bounsall; right defence, Greenfield; centre, Piper: left wing. Myse: right wing. Avery; subs, Me Murtry and Weiler. Referee --l.ou E. Marsh, Toronto A CLOSE GAME On Thursday night one semi- final match was played in the Mau- tual Life competition at the curling rink. Dr. Heary defeating Jacl Cooper 7 to 6. The game was the closest of the entire competition and many curlers were on hand to wit ness it. The other semi-final match will not be played till next week when F. Bailes and W. A. Coad wili decide who is to enter the final ag- ainst Dr. Henry. SOOOERITES 10 MEET A general meeting of the Thorn- ton Football Club will be held in the Y.MC.A. on Saturday evening, Jan- nary 21, at 7.30. All players and members are asked to be present. J Robertson, secretary. Roberta--Don't you think her voice ought to be cultivated? Robert -- No, 1 think it should be harvested. --Milford (Del.) Chron- Cobourg Curlers ualify for the ankard Games CLOSE GAMES ON ""VESDAY--- LOCALS DEFEATED BY A NARROW MARGIN, Cobourg curlers qualified to take part in the Ontario Tankard games this year by winning the loca) distriet on Tuesday. The games were playea in Cobourg, with two rinks from Oshawa, Port Hope, Colborne and Cobourg competing. The two Oshawa rinks were drawn against Colborne in the first match and were victorious by 4 shots, L. 0. Cliford's rink winning by a mar- gin of 8, and Geo. Southwell's rink losing by 4. Cobourg won from Port Hope in the morning and the final between Oshawa and Cobourg was played in the afternoon and evening. The ice was keen for the opening games, hut during the deciding game it hecame heavy, putting the visitors at a dis- advantage. ' L. 0. Clifford's quartette curled well throughout, winning both games, but in their mateh with Co- bourg their small margin of one tered to Geo. Southwell. The games were all won by close scores, Cobourg winning the group, from Oshawa hy only 2 shots. The scores of the Osh: awa games are as follows: Oshawa. Colborne. Cooper 8S. Seripture C. R. Bailes H. Fowler A. G. Lambert F. Griffith L.O. Clifford sk21: ¥. Wilson sk Oshawa ..023021101140100221 Colborne .300100010003014000 Oshawa. Hobbs H T. Fishleigh 4. C Peacock " G. Southwell sk17 L. Total-Oshawa, Oshawa. J. Cooper C.R: Bailes D Sprague A. G. Lambert W. Allin L.O.Clifford sk12 W. Tilford, sk 1 Oshawa ..010000010201122201 1 Cobourg ..101221102010000016 1 Oshawa F. Hobbs T. Fishleigh 4d. W. Spragge C. Peacock G. W. Hargrart 14 0. McCallum sk 17 Total- Oshawa, 27; Cobourg. 29 J. Colborne. Dudley Edwards Coyle Edwards, sk 38; Colborne, F. Cobourg. F. Greer Cobourg D. MeCallum Speedo--Can your wife sing? Peppo--Neor but she does ies of the Day" Filws. - imm------ Top DISTRICT CUP GAMES BEING PLAYED TO-DAY The District Cup games got under way at noon today at the local curl- ing rink with rinks from Port Hope, Cobourg, Belleville, Colborne and Oshawa participating, The execu- tive have heen working to have everything in readiness, which they succeeded in doing. The ice is keen and in excellent condition so that the curlers will be able to show how expert they are at this popular game, ' Arthur Germond and George Ev- ans are skipping the two Oshawa rinks, and with keen ice they should make a creditable showing. Play will be concluded early this evening, owing to the number of rinks in at- tendance heing smaller than was at first anticipated. Picton was npt represented, the club not having registered. The Oshawa rinks at Cobourg made an excellent showing in the Tankard Primary, losing the group hy 2 shots, but Messrs. Germond and Evans declare they will make a strong bid for this group in the Dis- triet Cup competition. shot was not sufficient to offset the | defeat of 3 shots which was adminijs- | 21 | 34. & > Sees er 4, Keo the Aurion gent fs bnrd, ATE what Kei Lorry nowt tissking ore £5 Shi ler Aawe glorenie Lorton £o hb off reeres, fort ener rriamsntie fn Packt So et tr "lok moene Goek Monbiot ilo re ot Kasins Zant wight. Guat nts | San bbed i 4 » id srensg f ncn alls wield on | A> FD fads an pov To coef others fu rnbe, and chat Kee food a Ko nidr. Toe we Pos alr =? Ae by again sang freed, weather this winter that, told, fur dealers have done a business.--Arkansas Gazette, There has heen so much summer we are hig > "You know, every time a man falls in love he feels like a new man." "Whereas, he's simply the old one revamped!"---Buffalo Commercial, Travel Free Two Miles of Travel Free With Every Dollar Purchase Made Saturday san.21 See our window display of Silverware, Thermos Bottles, Flash- lights and other useful articlesigiven free for our Profit Sharing Coupons. Beatties Drug Store 9 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH I -- TI SI -------- WLLL TEE ED TTT TE NEILL'S EAT MARKET We carry oply fresh good quality meats and give prompt delivery every day. Phone your. order in and we will guarantee you first-class service and satisfaction. For Good Values in Fresh, Cured and Cooked Meats, call on us WITH THE 7 in all probability ©. Farlow, who officiated at both junior fixtuves with Cobourg and gave entire sat- isfaction, will have change of the game with Port Hope here on ¥Fri- day might. Should Oshawa win this district of the intermediate 0. HH. A. thei next opponents will probably be Peterboro or Belleville. Friday night may decide whether or not Oshawa will enter the first round of the semifinals as our corner friend states the Red Shirts ave coming' up at full strength. A Union Hockey League fixture will be staged at the Division St. rink Friday evening from $30 10 7.30 o'clock, when Cork Town sen- iors meet the Huskies. Both teams ave strong and a good game is as- sured. The next games will be play- ed on Tuesday and Thursday of next week at the same rink. Peterboro Examiner: The an-| nouncements of Lakefield"s bonspiel will likely be vecalled and 2 new date set in order to avoid collision Peterbore will be glad to send strong contingent to Lakefield's fir: bonspiel. Notice of the change in dates will probably be forthcoming i THE BIG SALE "| IN OSHAWA'S GREATER Only Six Days More to Go! 9 O[ILL ON STORE | To those who have not attended this sale yet we wish to announce that we: still have the same bargains as ones. advertised and some better Sugar is Still 101bs. for 69¢. PROVIDING YOU MAKE A DOLLAR PURCHASE IN ANY PART OF THE STORE See the Window for our Morning Special H ENGEL, Simcoe St. N. Phone 308, Oshawa yg Wy