Show Cases ; Bi ET --------_-- all 3 \ bd duit A RRR, Ep v ah : poi ' As ¢ ™ OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1922 PAG SEVEN Exchange ,.T. C, CLEMENCE, DENTIST, over Andison"s Tailor Shop, Ing St. West. Phone; 231, Block, Simcoe Bt. 8. Phone 504. a 89-t1 I over Hoge and Lytle's store. , 8, J, PHILLIPS -- over Kyle's e 959, J 18T; Grocery = Store. j -1 yr. over Jury and Phone No rance to one door east of Detanveck's Sore SRR @ Medical hi) C. B. WILSON, PHYSICIAN id Surgeon, Union Bank Building. Simcoe St. North, Phone 57, 110-1 Cc! , SUR- gegn, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria 8t., Oshawa, Phone 94. : Lovells Drug Store. 1s ole B A OR ys , Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store #dach Saturday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m, for 'consulta- tion in disease of the eye, 12-1 yr DB, , PHYSICIAN & Sprgeon. Ear, Nose and Throat. Office over Dominion Bank. Tele- phone 1155. Hours 2 to 6 p.m., or by appointment. 96-t1 Pud Bare DR. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his| office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m. fdr consul- tation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Lexal JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Omics 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. D. A.J. SWANSON--BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- cer, etc. All branches of Civil and Crimipal Law. Loans arranged. Office, King St. Chambers (formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence 516J. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, ete. Office over Standard Bank. entrance Simcoe St,; Phone 13. J. F. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, G. D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St.. South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen-|- eral practice. Phone 63. | | H. E. MORPHY, B.A. BARRISTER, | Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phones---Office 210, Res. 160. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, ete., Bank of Commerce Building. IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Pxaminations free at office. Dr. 8. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. - n A minion Land Surveyor and Civic En- gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Suc- cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port Perry. 73-1 AND DO- MISS BEATRICE STACEY, TEACH- er of Piano. Pupils now being tak- en on. Conservatory method. For appeintment, ph 226. Resid FOR BALE--SHOWOCASES, WALL cases and general store fxturey at will lowest prices, A postcard bring our 0 tive to ca you, Bee us before buyin where. Royal Cabinet Co., 1 .gar St., Teronto. ° Hay PURNITURE Storage --~1IN Iry building, Day phone -552J, night 552V son Road North.. WL 3 t North. ust clage iy By Goods valled for tiyered. Bverything for th hone Ll W. F. Seott, Columbus, phone 239r16, FOR SALE -- FIREPROOF arge size. Apply Standard Canada, Oshawa, FOR SALE-- . --A~ FORD - COUPE first class condition, 1920 model Re- fer to Box "Q", Reformer, FOR SALE-- and sound, nice driver, also hamiess, buggy and cutter, St., E. run BA pe © 0 in good condition. Price cluding 15 records. Gliddon Ave. FOR SALE--THR I ons, three set light delivery sleig two cutters. Apply Sugden Caria Repair, east end of pavement, ONEY -- F "FALL HO jet the best. Ten pound pails $1.3 five pound pails seventy cents. H. Kirby, Park Road. are lower than for some years. ed? right. St. or phone 9557. ply 165 Albert St. 1165 1164 HAKDWOOD ~~ FLOORING PRICES Ww pot get your old floors laid with g new one or, if bardwood, re-surlae. R. A. Wright will do these jobs Send a card to 63 Division 116-¢ SIDEBOARD FOR SALE, $14. AP- 116-b WE HAVE FARMS TO EXCHANG | for town property and town property | to exchange for farms. Apply Osh ! Street East, Phone 793. 114-¢ Miscellaneous WILL BUY A LIMITED AMOUNT of Victory Bonds in exchange for 87 y [dividend bearing stock and pay dif: KY. 116-1 WANTED -- A FIRST MORTGAGE = [loan of $1500 against a $4500 resi-| [dence praperty., Centrally located. Security - guaranteed. Apply "M"" Reformer. ANNUAL MEETING . Notice is hereby given that the An, 116-¢ cultural Society will be held at the! clock in the afternoon. E. J. JACOBI, Secretary. i 115-¢ IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT Me | LAUGHLIN, deceased, The creditors of Robert McLaugh- lin, late of the Town of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, deceased, whe died on or about the 23rd day of No- vember, 1921, and all others having claims against, or entitled to share in, the estate, are hereby notified to! send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to 'the undersigned, one of the Executors of the Estate, their! Christian names, address and de- scriptions, and full particulars of , [their claims, accounts or interests, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. Immediately af- ter the said 28th day of January, 1822 the assets of the said Testator " |will be distributed amongst the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims or interests of which the undersigned shull then have notice, and all others will be exclud- ed from the said distribution NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Limited. King St., East, Toronto, Ont. onant, Barrister, etc., Oshawa, Ont. Solictor for the Executors herein 22 GD. Houses For Sale | Dated at Oshawa, this 7th day of | January, 1922. Jan 10-17-24 FOR SALE -- 6 ROOM Hough centrally located, on Jot 44 ft. w x 145 ft. deep. gas installed, sale. 413 or Phone 544. sale or to rent, throughout. tric stove and water heater. 40 Fair- banks St. Phone 1124w. 116-c TO LET--FOUR ROOMED E Apply 69 Hogarth St. 11 YOUNG M AN AANTE TOWFORF able room with board near Gene! Motors, State terms to Box "8" former. 116» tielp Wantea--Male TWO MEN ~OF NEAT APPR ance wanted at once. Apply Box E. 116-0 BOOKKEEPER -- THO LY experienced and capable bookkegper and office manager wanted to * take charge of books and to manage of- fice and office staff. Oshawa position. Apply, giving full particulars as to ability and experience and where ob- tained. Also give references. . Box "I" Reformer office. 114-c WANTED -- MEN AND WOMEN. Apply to F. Syms, Room Number 5, Standard Bank Building, Oshawa. Oatario. 111-tf WANTED--FIRST CLASS CHORF man, capable of driving team. - derly man preferred. Apply M! J Pereman, R.R. No. 2, Oshawa. " 116-2 1 Athol St. E. A271 Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL dipectors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- néction; picture. framing; 11 Simeqe St. South. Phone 210. Residence 19 Division St. 26-1 vr D. W. DALTON -- UNDERTAKE and Ewbalmer; private ambulance, morgue and chapel, motor funeral if desired. Phone 47. 199 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. 108-r Agents FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN | Wellington Mutual and Union Fire Insurance Society, London, England. N. A. MoLean, Oshawa Agent, Tel. 31 ¥. A. HENRY, AGENT FOR THE Sun Life of Canada, also places fire, accident and automobile insurance in reliable companies. Phone 1046w. 9-6-3mo. Tire ALL KINDS OF Ideal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- age, Simcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros., Proprietors. Phone 766. 11-tf BARBER, WYNNE-ROBERTS & Seymour. Engineering, Architecture and Surveying. 61 King St. East, Oshawa, phone 793. 40 Jarvis St. Toronto. Phone Main, 2897. 39-tf a or -- Phone 2747. will tune your pi 50 Help Wanted --Fe WANTED NURSEMAID child vear old. Apply Mrs. Ca 309 Golf Street. WANTED -- A YOUNG GIRL housework. Phone 495. WA ED A YOUNG housework.. Phone 4 WANTED -- A COMPETENT G for geueral housework. Apply Carlyle, 309 Golf St. 1 Lost and Found LOST -- GENTLEMAN'S R overcoat on King St. W. bet Union and Nassau Sts. » Fi please communicate with Box Reformer. Reward. LOST -- ON SUNDAY BVEN Rr le, 15-a DR GIRL on Simcoe St., N., or King St., gold wrist watch. Finder pleas turn to Reformer Office. LOST--9-K. CAMEO RING (Ki sake), between Albert and Kinglt. Methodist Church, Sunday eves Anyone returning same to 69 Ave. will be 3 el LOST -- STARTING CRANK McLaughlin car, lost on Simco# North, Friday afternoon, Januag Finder please leave al Refor fice. , STRAYED ---- 70 THE FARM George Wilbur, Lot 34, Con. 7, lington, a year old heifer. © may have same by proving ps and paying expenses. 11la- WOULD THE PARTY WHO PIC up a revolver on Catindinp Nati train arriving at Oshawd Dee 27, midnight, please réturn to € dian National Express office Of and receive reward. that it really will play. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pianos tuned singly or annual contracts. 106-1m For terms, etc., apply on Saturdays at King St Church, or Phone 807J. 73-jne 30 NOKICE McKBlL ACTAM. TESOH er of and theory. Pupils pre- pared for all examinations, 282 Jar- wis Btreet. Siar Say It with Fi 361; Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Out. Water, sewér and A bargain for quiek For particulars apply Bex 115-¢ SIX ROOM BRICK HOUSE FOR hardwood floors All comveuiences, elec- MORTGAGE SALE. Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain Mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale at public auction on Mon- | day, the 30th day of January, 1922, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after- noon, at the Commercial Hotel, in the Town. 'of Oshawa, by James , (ference, it any, Apply~Hox "P". | nual Meeting of the Oshawa Horti- | 'On---men . Nyland jands of dollars, Councillors | (Continued from page 1) very important to get the Westmount | awa Real Estate Sales Co., 61 King sewer stared and give work to our gedar Dale." men. Coun, Moffatt's motion was | defended. He did not think it cast any reflection. on Mr. Hare or any of last year's Couneil, The system | of bookkeeping was wrong and the Council should make & clean up and start with a elean . sheet, Coun, Trick again advocated the placing of the town's engineering work under one engineer, believing that it would save the town thousands of dollars, r ('Lot's pull shoulder to shoulder and | 0x make Oshawa a great city," was; Coun, Trick"s advice. ~~ | Major Hind ehgracterized the men | {of the 1922 Comheil as men of vig-| in craey was safe, whose hands demo-| He believed that | Board room of the Public Library, on 'é¥ Would give a good account or| George's vs. King. Saturday, the fourteenth day of Jan-| uary, 1922, at the hour of three o'-| themselves during the year. ! Town Engineer McDonald told | the Council that 75 per cent. of the! cost of the Westmount trunk sewer | would be on the Base Line, as the deep eut there was the most expen-| St. vs. St. ive. He hoped to get a start made soon and that the work wonld he| dope within the estimates of the hy-| law. Coun. 0. R. Hall said he would | have a hard job in upholding Zhis predecessors' record as market com- | mittee chairman. He believed in th: co-operation of the committees ani hoped 1922 would be a successfint | year for the Conncil and for the town. IBx-Coun. Graves said he wa: feated buf not disgraced and Kopos to come back again. He did not | envy any member of the 1922 op in- | cil. He congratnlated the Council on appointing Mr. Vickery to the | Water Commission. Adjutant Graves of the Salvation | Army spoke a word of. encourage-| mont to the new Couneil. From/the addresses he listened to he felt that they were the right men in the right | place. He wished them success and | assured them of any co-operation | the Salvation Army could rende.. Mr. Ormiston spoke as represen- tative of The Reformer and Mr for The Telegram. Fire Chief Cameron hije said that | 1c was disappointed and sur-| prised at the defeat of the fire hy- law, he was satisfied with the de- cision of the peaple. He asked "for ithe support of the Council of 1922 in the fire prevention work carpicd {on by his department, which in past years had saved the town thoys- T. K. Creighton, acting town solicitor and Assessor R. H James spoke briefly. The latter asked for co-operation in prepara- town { tian vs. Simcoe. {now Lot Number Ome Hundred and {the future. tion of their estimates early in ihe year so that he might 'have a opportunity of getting to early on his roll, in a year wher assessor's work had beemggreatly in creased by the Government. The gathering broke up at (wo o'clock with the singing of the Nat- ional Anthém. Bishop, Auctioneer, the following property :---- ALL THAT PART of Lot Number Eight in the First Concession of the Town of Oshawa, described in a Mortgage from J. J. Davidson to A. J, Stalter, registered as No. 16182. having a frontage of 47 ftecom the East side of Verdun Road and a depth of about 464 said lands being taii vork the ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERY Genersi<Gonrad Palys a correspon ; dent, has informed the academy of There is said to be a substantial | Iuseriptions et BeMes Lettres of an dwelling house with conveniences on | important 'discovery made by M the said lands, being No. 222 Ver-| Moutet, who was sent by the 'Acad- dun Road, Oshawa. emy to carry on archaeological work TERMS: --109, of the purchase! in Syria. In the course of excava- money to be paid down at the time| tions on the site of the ancient city of of sale; a further payment of! Bybles, what appears to be an entire 28 1-3% of the purchase money to| measure of an early Egyptian temple be paid within 15 days after sale: has been laid bare only three feei and the balance shall be paid within below the surface of the ground. | 3 Yours. and shall be secured by al Among objects discovered are statu-| ret Mortgage on the lands, bear-|ottes in bronze, gold, ivory: bronze! ns: Sevest ut. Seven per cent. per| ornaments, crystal and cornelian | For a¥; : cul hide _ | beads, gold ceims, and an alabaster z » ur ef, particulars and condi-| v, ge. intact, mentioning Pharoan | ons of. sale, apply BD NANT | Hounas of the Fifth Dynasty, who Lik Barrister. ete { iguey some 2,500 years before the | Ocha Ont | Christian era. The discovery is of par- Solicitor for the Morgagee § isnlar interest, ab it proves withoui z ia doubt that Egyptian penetration of Dated at Oshawa. the Sth day of | 3 ou" that Egyptian pe on January, A. D. 1922. | 3h 4 2 A on : Jan 10-17-24 ©211 it jazz. --San Francisco Examin- Thirteen according Plan No. 195. to registered | ] | - : THE BANKRUPTCY ACT | ! IN THE ESTATE OF MILES ENOWLES, of the Towa of Bowman ville, in the County of Durham, Mer-| chant, authorized assignor. NOTICE is hereby given that! MILES KNOWLES of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Dur- | ham, did on the 6th day of January, | R925. make an authorized assigumen: | by the Washingion Conference is NOTICE is further given that the | only a partial atonement for Wash- first meeting of creditors in the above | tnzton . refusal wl giter 2 Worle: Estate will be held at the pffice of | ".4¢ comity of natiops. / The Trusts and Guarantee Company. Limited, 120 Bay Street, Toronto, on! the 16th day of January, 1922, the hour of 12 o'clock noon. | TO entitle you to vote therea: proof of your claim must be lodged with ue before the Meeting is held. | roxies to be used at the meeting a : , at i 9 ri a i < NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Must be lodged with us prior (here. oo Willan Greaney 9 or AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE, Town of Oshawa, did ou the seventh that if you have any claim against |: of January, 1922. make an au- the debtor for which you are entitled thorized sssignment to the Under- to rank, oh clad | signed. a atk: rami on such Claim yang be | NOTICE is further given that the the date of this Notice, for from and | first meeting of creditors in the atter the expiration of the time fix-|#Pove estate will be held at the of- ed by sub-section 8 of section 37 of fees of The Union * Trust Company the said Act we shall distribute the limited, corner Richmond and Vie Pr ds of the debtor's estate among | (ori Streets, Toronto, on the twen- the parties entitled thereto - having | wig oy Janis, 1922, at elev- jieh | €n o'c n the forenoon. 26a] oily wo the slain of which | 0 ENTITLE YOU to vote thereat DATED at Toronto, this 7th day I'"00f of your claim must be lodged of January, 1922. | with us beforé the meeting is held. THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE, PROXIES to be used at the meet- COMPANY, LTD. Authorized 18 must be lodged with us prior Trustees. | thereto. J. P. MANGAN, Oshawa, Ont., Solici-| AND FURTHER take notice that tor for the Authorized Assig- if you have any claim against | the ness. 115-b debtor for which you are entitled to | rank, proof of such claim must be RESOLY tilled with ms within thirty days from Sélected: Build upon Resolve, not | the date of this notice for from aud! upon ruinous regret, the structure of | 2ler the expiration of the time fixed shadows of ol us bat we ne | suid Act we shall distribute the pro, soul's delight shine upon the path |cecds of the debtor's estate among | of hope and dispel the darkness. { the. parties entitled thepeto having Waste no tears upon. tiie blotted regard only to the claims of which | record of lost years, but turn the! We have then aotice. Jeaf and smile, oh smile to see the 4 Ded at Jams, : o | day © y, 1922. Zit white pages that remain to thee. | THE UNION. TRUST COMPANY.) Te Bent | 5+ Iadmited, Authorized Trustee. | BD. A. J. SWANSON, Oshawa, Ont.. HOUSE TO REN1.--APPLY R.|%; Solicitor for the Hall. "Phone 252. Trustees, WASHINGTON'S REFUSAL Teronto Globe: For EBurepe a three-power group Brita, France and Haly--is now comtemplated. The world is dividing into groups aud | special allianges again, a system that the League of Nations was planned | to supersede. All the good achieved | N atl NOTICE TO CREMITORS i The Bankruptcy Act IN THE ESTATE OF Max William Greenberg, of the Town of Oshawa. in the County of Ontario, Authorized | Assignor. | " this eleventh | Authorized 0. 1 ) dan. 10-27-24 Tied M------ -- EN \ S. S. League (Contiitned from page 5) Feb. 7, 6 to 7--8t. Gregory vs. Juvenile B. Jan, 11, Wednesday, 6 to South Oshawa vs, King Street. Jan, 13, Friday, 7 to 8--8t. Greg- ory vs, Simcoe, Jan, 16, Monday, 7 to 8--S8imcoe Street vs. South Oshawa, Jan. 23, Monday, 7 to 8--King St. ve, St. Gregory. Jan. 27, Friday, ve, King. : Jan. 30, Monday, 7 to George's vs. South Qshpwa, 1st night, Feb., 6 to South Osh- awa vs. Simcoe. F 1st night, 1-- 7 to 8--Simcoe 8--8t. Feb., 7 to 8--S8t. 2nd night, Feb,, 7 to 8 -- South Oshawa vs. St. George's. 3rd night, Feb., 6 to 7--King St, vs, Simcoe. 4th night, Febh., 7 George's. hth night, Feh., 7 to 8---King St. ve. South Oshawa. Junior to 8--S8imcoe A, Jan, 13, Friday, 10 to 11-- St. (iregory's vs. South Oshawa. Jan, 23, Monday, . 8 to 9--South Oshawa vs. King St. "Jan. 27, Friday, ft. vs. Bt.*Gregory. » Jan. 30, Monday, 10 to 11 (Oshawa vs. St. Gregory. 3rd night, Feb., 8 to 9--King St. vs. South Oshawa, « 5th night, Feb., 10 11--8t. Gregory vs. King Street, Junior B. Jan. 11, Wed., 7 to 8--Preshyter- ian vs. Simcoe. Jan. 16, Mon., 8 to 9--Simcoe St. vs. Christian. Jan. 30, Mon. Presbyterian. 1st night, Feb. 10 to 11--King South to 8 to 9---Christian VS. 10 to 11--Chris- 2nd night, Feb, vs. Presbyterian. * 4th night, Feb.. terian vs. Christian. Senior 8 to 9---Simcoe 8 to 9--Presby- A. Jan. 11, Wed., 9 to 10--King St St. George's. Jan. 16, Mou. St. vs. King. Jan. 23, Mon. | Gee rge's vs. Simcoe. t Jan. 30, Mon., 9 to 10--8t. George vs. King. Ind night, rs. Simeoe 5th might, Feb., 9 to St. vs. St. George' VS, \ 10 to 11 --Simcoe 10 to 11---8t. Feb, 9 to 10--King 10---8Simcoe Senior B. iL, Wed., Jan 8 S-1-G-N-S Glass Si Cotton VES Signs of all kinds PHONE 56-3 High Class Workmanship Assured E. H. TANE 91 Wiikinson Ave. q WHEN WE TEST to-night, EE ---------- Gregory vs. Christian. Jan. i4, ¥ricay, ¥ w Oshawa vs. Preshyterian, Jan. 16, Monday, 9 to 10- Chirts- | tian vs. Preshyterian. * Jan, 23, Monday, 9 to Gregory vs, South Oshawa. Jan. 27, Friday, 8 to 9--DPresby- terian vs. South Osuawa. Jan. 27, iriaay, tian vs. St. Gregory. st night, Feb., wa vs, Christian. 10---South SPRING AND AXLE 7. CO. TO RE-OPEN! The factory. of the Centrai nisl 10--8t. '& Axle Company, on Ritson el which has been closed for nearly ag? iyear owing to the industrial depres-§i sion, will open up again in about; 10 days, giving empioyment to 20%! 10 10--Chris- Oshawa men. Announcement wasgi . | made this afternoon to this effecti} 8 to 9---South by local' officials. The company -haya..* a few orders on hand and expect to 2 Po get more after operations are start- a2 Dig, Eo. 32 to ed. The plant is now being put in ' : . shape for work, H drd night, Feb., 10 to 11--Chris- | _ tian vs. South Oshawa. 4th night, Feb., 9 to 10--Presby- | terian vs, Christian. ! 4th night, Feb., 10 to 11--South | Oshawa vs, St. Gregory's. i 5th night, Feb., 8 to 9--Preshy- v Os! 11 St. Open New Additions Thursday The .new addition to St. George's Sunday School building on Centre Street, just completed, is to be formally opened Thursday evening terian vs. St. Gregory. fat a congregational social and re- The President, E. L. Petley, asks 'union, for which a splendid program that the Captain of each team cut has been prepared. The new wing out a copy of the schedule in which (was built to meet the demands en: his team is entered. The Captains the Sunday School owing to rapid' will receive copies of the schedule 'growth, while the hall itself will to sign and return to secretary in serve the congregation better than the next few days. The executive of ever in the past in a general way. the Association are pleased at the! way in whieh the Ministers, Sunday School workers and Church Man~ ger Ed, Donald has 3 teams Mem- from St. Gregory's entered in the bers are getting behind the teams Oshawa Church League, viz. Senicr, representing their church and they Junior, and Juvenile. The boys from promise to give those interested a St. Gregory's will be decked out in fine brand of hockey. So be sure jrand new outfits, bearing their and be on hand to cheer for your colors of gold and white, Ed says teams----they will need ycur help. they expect to land the cup in each division. Lon E. Marsh will officiate at the Cobourg-Oshawa fixture in Cobourg | Conference wil. not limit | aircraft, use "of {rm ------ -. rH IH IIS k --- Having been appointed Sole Agent for Oshawa and Distriet for the Sale of the celebrated Hudson Bay Blankets | I am forced to dispose of a portion of my stock of other lines to make room for same. Hudson Bay Blankets in Grey, Blue, Khaki, White, Green and Scarlet, now on sale. Army Blankets, brand new $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 and $3.00 each A beautiful soft wool 7-1b. Blanket $6 per pr. Heavy riding Breeches, sizes 33-in. to 38-in. $5.75 pr. Tunies $2.00 each Flannel Shirts with collars in Khaki, Light and Dark Grey, an ideal working man's Shirt ; $2.00 each Khaki Sox 35¢ per pr., 3 pairs for .... $1.00 Issue Sox 30¢ per pair, 3 pairs for Khaki Serge Pants, size 40 only, $4.50 per pr. Pre-war issue, Dark Serge Pants $4.25 per pr. Heavy all wool Sweater Coats .... $5.25 each Heavy all wool Underwear $1.60 per garment Regular issue Boots (not seconds) $6.25 per pr. Grey Army Great Coats (not dyed) $9.00 each Large sizes only in Army Rubbers 90¢ per pr. Sheets 3 yds. by 2 yds., Single Bedspreads, Puttees, Khaki Handkerchiefs, Money Belts, Fatigue Breeches, Kit Bags, Haversacks, English Leather Leggings (Brown or Black), Medal Ribbon and Brooches, ete., etc. Last But Not Least Aeroplane Linen A most beautiful' material and very, very EYES IT IS DONEPROPERLY ; 5 JURY & LOVELL, Lud. Phone 25 Pkecge 118 5 EA mma strong. Splendid for Embroidery, Window Hangings, Ladies' Suits, Children's Dresses, Men's Shirts, ete. It has everlasting wear and is the strongest Linen made. This is the $1.25 quality at ONLY $1.00 PER YARD 36-in. WIDE THE ARMY STOR 21 PRINCE ST. de ed eo pe el a om, LY the | b¥ subsection 8 of section 37 of the * RAR SESE Sas ome eo EE ng 1