Ontario Reformer, 10 Jan 1922, p. 3

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| Stoner Girl Bride At Secret "19-Year-Old Prodigy Chooses Frenchman as Husband" PIO Who says men 'will not marry claver wives? Those folk who declare much learning 'for 'girls is a dangerous thing will have a sad blow in the announcement of a wedding that has heen kept quiet since last August, Winnifred Sackville Stoner, Jr, became the wife of Charles Phillippe de Bruche, of Paris, last August 7, a few days before she reached her nineteenth birthday, The ceremony was performed right up in her mother's apartment in Centyal Park West, but was not anh ced at the time and only re- cently hecame known. Since then, Winnifred, Winnifred's husband and Winunifred"s dog, Bonny Bell, have heen motoring through the West and South. Winnifred Stoper, who lectured in Toronto a few years ago, probab- ly has the most phenomenal brain of any woman in the United States, Thera have been many boy prodigies, but few of the other sex. At' nine months she Virgil, At seventeen months she could read,' picking out the words with the ald of a typewriter, She modelled her mother's family coat of arms on a plague at five, published a book of poems at six, and did a miniature of herself at twelve, Her "Bumble Bee" poem, writ- ten at three, has been included in a famous anthology. "The Little Folks' Book of Verse," where it appeared side by side with a poem of Tennyson's. At nine she passed college ent- rance examinations and at twelve Dr, M. V. O'Shea, of the University of Wisconsin, who observed her for many weeks, declared she knew more than the average college grad- uate, M. de Bruche has married a wo- man who speaks fluently in eight languages and is familiar with sev- eral more, is a poet, historian and novelist, the author of sixteen books and many songs and scenarios. ean vie with any man in high diving, horsemanship, fencing and other sports and has many tro- phies to her credit. Do you feel a little sorry for Mr. de Bruche? Well, you needn't, for his bride is unusually endowed with the beauty. youth and vivacity that men are reputed to prize ahove everything else in a woman. She is unusually scannéd pretty, with 'red hrown hair, red cheeks, brilliant teeth and a perfect figure. They met at a theatre party and didn't wait for a conventional year to pass before taking the mad leap, How did a mere male ever capti- vate so learned a Young woman? cognize it as potent, He's older than she is and lie can keep her amused, Here are the five reasons Wini- fred unssigns for her marrigge to M. de Bruche: i "1, 1 like people who have trav- eled and are not narrow-minded, My hushand has heen a globe-trot- ter, making him broad in his views of the world and giving bim much subject matter for discussion and comparison. : I have always enjoyed the companionship of boys and men older than myself, because [ believe that girls develop in mind as well ag in hody hefore hoys. Naturally any girl likes a man who is saperior to herself in physical and mental strength. '3. From babyhood I have ad- mired athletes, and I am fortunate n having a hushand who combines physical strength with mental. He loves the sports that I love-sswim- ming, rowing, riding, hoxing! fenc- ing, tennis, golf, skating. dancing and taking long walks in the woods. He is also an expert at playing my favorite game of chess. . 1 .am/there- fore supplied with a playmate for indoor amusement as well gs for games in the open. { ""4.As a lover of hooks I am drawn toward those who like my hook friends, My husband and | both like the same poets and writers of history, biography and scienge. He ig familiar with the literature of many countries, heing able to read ind to speak a number of langu- ages. As a great psychologist has said: 'If one grows weary of'think- ing of one language use another to refresh the mind.' We néed not grow weary of our thoughts because we can talk together in different tongues. "5. And most important of all, T love him. After all. what foes it matter how rich or poor, how great or small a man may be if he wins v zirl's love?" All the sceptics who believe the only true preparation for marriage is in mother's kitchen are shaking their heads sagely and saying. 'But "o Here's the secret---all girls will re- | what kind of homemaker will she! OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1922 WEEK OF PRAYER IS BEING CONTINUED The Ministerial Association met on Saturday afternoon and decided to continue, at the request of many. peo- ple, the Week of Prayer services which met sneh great sutcess and spiritual blessing last week, Monday evening the service was held in the Preshyterian church, and to-night, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the meetings will be held in Simcoe Bt, Methodist Church, Rev, DD, Mcleod, of Formosa, home on furlough, is in charge of ull services, On Sunday morning he gpoke briefly in the Pres- byterian Church, Gave Interesting Lecture { | An interesting lecture was given in Engels' hall last night by @. Morris, character analyst. The at- tandance was not large owing to {counter attractions, but: those who were present wére deeply interested, Practical demonstrations of char- acter reading were given, and gev- eral volunteared to be analysing sub- jects for Mr, Morris, who while ha did not discourage them, told them plainly their vocations and adapta- {bilities, Mr. Morris intimated that the proposed starting a class in Osh- | {awa if enough students could he) pd a Ihe? "What will her Greek and Latin {and French and Italian avail her at the kitchen range?" | fn answer --At the age of two Winifred told the cook how to makes {an omelet. At five she baked ner first pie, and her culinary endeavors were so many and so varied that she still has the little cook hook she com- piled in those days. She has com- pleted a manual called "Life Savers," MORE PERMANENT, ROADS IN WHITBY In his inaugural address ta the Whithy Town Council Monday morn- ing, Mayor Burng predicted that dur- ing the year more permanent pave- ment would be constructed in Whit- by. He reminded the Couneil that the Toronte &. Eastern radial pro- jeet would have to he finally dealt with, and perhaps the people given another opportunity to vote on it. There are six Council committees, each with three members. The con- veners appointed weve: Streets, 8. Castle Smith; Town Property, J. M. Kenny; Finance, F. L. Beecroft; Fire and Light, Seymour Whitney., Appli- cations, R. 8, Vickery; Relief, James Moore. John McGregor (Continued from page one) as Mr. MeGregor had a thorough knowledge Of what was required it would he mgre satisfactory to have him continhé ih that position. A bylaw wag introduced and pass- ed authoriziig the clerk and treas- urer "to rai money by temporary loans to d ay. expenditures until the receipt "of taxes for the year 1922. The amount was not to ex- coed $50,000, The elerk Was instructed to write the clerk of the Township of Reach informing him that the East Whitby Cougreil \would not he responsible tor work|done on the boundary line unless they were: previously con- ulted. his was done to avoid ac- co! coming in for work that had been earried out which they knew nothing about. Forms were algo band, from the Department of which explains how you can save countless steps in the kitchen by a little scientific planning. | She keeps "smile" in big red let-| ters above the sink in her mother's | kitchen. Do you get it? It's utilizing | the power of suggestion on the | cook, She helped instal a blue color | scheme in that room also,' because | bliie has a sedative effect on dignitary there, The kitchen pencil dangles not from an ugly hemp string, but from a decorative beaded cord. To-mor- row's list of groceries takes on a new flavor when you seribble your memoranda with the Stoner kitchen Faber. CAN HE COME BACK? Farmers' Sun According to the Hon. "Bob" Rogers, the Tories ghould get together and pick on a new leader. "Bob" from suggesting leader should be? who that Ald. Howard elected Mayor by Guelph City Council, on Tth ballot the [Ships aceounts. {appointed as a representative on the | East Whithy Board of Does modesty prevent | Highways to he filled out to show the detailed expenditure on roads for the year 1921 in order that the Township may receive the govern- ment grant of 20 per cent. These statement, will he completed and forwarded after the next meeting. Samson Roberts and James Me- Kenzie were appointed auditors for the current year to audit the Town- Arthur Grass was Health and {School Attendance Officers were ap- pointed as follows; H. J. Pankhurst {for 8. S.No, 2: Joseph Greentree, {for school sections, 1, 3, 18, Union i4 and Union 5; James Scott for School sections, 4, 5, 6. 7. 8, 9. Three Three officers have taken the place {of the two who were appointed last iyear. A new by-law was passed to | that effect and the former by-law {repealed. ! 'Passing accounts occupied the at- tention of the Councii for the re {mainder of the afternoon. Among {them was one from King Edward Samitorium for $96, for the care of indigent patients who "were resid- REFORMER WANT ADS GIVE YOU A BIRDSEYE VIEW OF THE CITY OF OPPORTUNITY Look over the Want ads before you buy a house or car FORMER Want Ads give yon a broad view Walking along the streets, you see but an occasional for rent sign. page you can see at a glance practically all the section of the city, You can survey the worth-while RE- before you buy or sell, they increase your range of vision. want ad every Thru the rental opportunities in Just as the aviator looks down and takes in the entire city within his view. so do want ad pages enable you to look over the various business propositions in which you are interested, You can survey the employment situation and be had. know instantly where the best jobs are ' automobile situation and know at once just where you can get the kind of used car you want at the price you want tg pay. Look before you buy--rcad THE WANT ADS in THE ONTARIO REFORMER ents of the Township. last year the erable expense in this way and ih 11 be an equally heavy one ip this Township was placed under consid- dications are that the present_year respect t 2 ish i : ii A HOSE SPECIAL Women's Black Cashmere Hose, with wide garter tops, seamless and fast black. Sizes 9, 93. 10. SPECIAL 49¢ PAIR EXTRA SPECIAL TABLE OLAIOTH, i5 and colored WEDNESDAY ALL DAY SALE wide, white 39¢ YARD inches Wednesday A Red Letter Day In The History of Our Annual January 5 Only Fall & Winter Suits There's no reason why you shouldn't be down bright and early to-morrow to see which of these suits become you best. That won't be a hard thing to do, for styles, fabrics and even colors are greatly varied. A generous reduction on every garment in the Ready-to-Wear Department, but specially mentioned are these fine Fall and Winter Suits at actually HALF PRICE. NUMBER 1 Isa Boa RB NUMBER 2 Brown Veleur, size pleated back panels, lined throughout. Reg. $69.50, for lines. Box NUMBER 3 NUMBER 4 A Cloth, size 38. three-quarter length, plain }' = uN tailgred, 1apey silk stitching. Reg. $35.00, for $27.50 36, cut on the new straight tailere Si silk $34.75 Dark Browa Duvetine. size 20, plain tailored, fancy strap stitching, cpuvertible collar. Reg. $48.50, for $24.25 GUARANTEED NSURINKABLE ed | IH (i W 7) RR pattems, reg. $1.75, $1 19 - ol yd. CLYDEIfLLA FLANNELS A COAT GROUP SPECIAL All Coats up to $50.00 regulagly bave been put into one group for 2 auick clearance. So mow is your opportunity to get the coat of your choice at an extremely low price. auuers Sale esc; 928.15 AN ALL WOOL SERGE The wonder value of 1922. This is the biggest opportunity yet for ob- taining a 50" wide Navy All Wool Serge at a price that was not thought possible for this season. Would advise early purchasing, as uantity is lima q y nited.... $1.10 YD. Clearance Sale t CORSET NEWS A Many women meed Corsets and have just put off getting them for one reason or another, not because of the necessary expenditure, of course, but still it is good when you know that by choosing it to-morrow you will save materially. These are models of extra quality. made of very dura fabrics. The boning is supple, ihe kind thai usually demands a high price, for it assures N ve Yf size 16, box pleated back, panel stitching, 5 2 wins Bi ng beaverine collar. pT $30 00 Specially adapted for Blouses, in $60.00, for £0 omme . plain colors, Rose, Sand and NUMBER 5 Copenhagen, 31" wide, unshrink- Brown Duvetyne. Size 18, plain tailored. button trimmed, able, a Viyella product. Reg. $1.00 yd. Wednesday 69¢c Y4 convertible collar. Regular $44.50, for $22.25 pe:fc © corseting and the fashionable sithouette. Sizes 20 to 27. Pink Bro- caded Coutil. elastic iops, four sus- peaders, best clastic. . Regular $3.50. TO-MORROW $1.98 A Angihe: brand nes shipment the newest small and medium Bleached Table Dare. regular 75¢ yard, for 5 CO, SR 59¢ yard Huck Bedroom Towels, good large 2 Bicadtuat Cotton Sheeting. regular 33¢ each RE EERO SANS an 45¢ yard Check Apron Gi m, regular 25¢ 4 : - and 35¢ yard. Kingha i 15¢ yard oy me A separate Pleated Skirt' | - n > 4 in the finest Botany Serges Wool Sweaters in navy and black, braided les, values wp panels with button trim- ming. Some with fancy stitching. Regular $13.50 PLEATED SKIRTS size. regular 60c, for Women's and Misses and Fulicwvers, coat ~to $5.96, for .... Cotton Barber Towels, regular $1.20. Colored Cotton back Satins, full range colors. Reg. $1.25 for... 88¢ vd 18¢c yard, Roller Towelling, 10 d-zon Gide Natural Floesedined ouality, sizes 4 to 10 Dravwcrs, fines: Bt | cod years, 1cg. 19¢ anc -- -- 2 0dd lot of Romper Cloth, Wrapperettes and Blouse Flannels, zegular 35c io Colored Turkish Towels, good heavy quality .......... EN OO . 49¢ paix EE ------------------------------------

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