\. "Delivered. by Carrier in (Bstanlighea in 1871) An independent newspaper pub- lished every other day (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons) at Oshawa, Canada, by The Reformer Printing and Publishing Company Limited, Charis SM. Jandy, Fhesi- ex a . Director and Treas- werd AR Away, yolh i an- IRR REE FS TE EE deo. A, MARTIN * '. 'o Editor ¥ ON RATES: shawa or by mail goywhere in Canada $3.00 Ae xt sod States thee. Single Lo. # over postage. coples 6" cents, Posy i 1] ' Pibficity seekers and ~ publicity dodgers are two elasses of people who daily give newspaper editors 'much work. Under the head of the first class are people who desiré as- wd press in letting - the public know what they, or some or- ganization with which they are 'con- netted, are doing, or intend to do. Exeept in the case of 'propaganda specialists, of whom there were a great many during the war, some of measures, ' 7 whom have survived, the people ua- der this head usually find the news | paper is-ready to help. Spedking for | 'itself The Reformer is always willing | to give 'assistance to any project or enterprise which is for the good -of the community 'or the good of 'hus manity. i «Under the head of the second clacs are those who desire that publicity be withheld for a time because it # felt premature publication may injures the enterprise, and those who want no publicity because their connectidn with some incident 'may sok, in thefy opinion, reflect credit on themselves: Frequently, it is true that prematuse publicity may be detrimental to some! ple entepprise which will be a boon %o the majority of people. en 'such can be shown newspapers usually eo: operate by withholding publication of thie story for a time. It is generally the people who don't want publicity because they feel -it will reflect on them who are the most persistent. In cluded among these are people who run foul of 'the law and are hailed to court. : Experience has shown that one of the" first" things 'people worry about when involvéd 'in 'some court case is how to avoid' publicity. Frequently publicity is feared imcre:tham a fine oréeven a short jail seutenve. Scarce- iy: a week passes that several peo-| ple; who have figuredn éourt' cases, | do not come to The Reformer wn 100,000" in "exdess: of the 'combined parties in December, and the actual majority by which"the act was sus,|j tained, wag itself almost identical with the total Conservative vote in this recent election., In the vot last April the majority for non-im portation was twice the majority o Conservatives over Liberals in De cember,' ba shia» Ji § / | "This « réview of ithe blectoral turns 'completely discredits the cf 'forts tb "belittle the electoral sup- port given-to the two rovibiig VEHICULAR TRAT Toronto ratepayers emphatically stated on Monday' that they desired the Council of that city to pass a dy- [ton law providing that sll vehicles mast show lights at night. More than double the number voted for this re- form to thé number who voted against it. da Motor traffic bas come to stay: It has increased rapidly during the last decade, and the thousands of motor cars and trucks which now thredd their way along the roads of this pro- vince will grow 'in number as the years go on. Growth of such trafiie makes a revision of the traflic rules néeessary, and ho change is more necessary than that providing fo@ lights on all vehicles, ' i Each year hundreds of aceidents occur because 'of motor cars knoek- ing down cyclists or running into buggies or wagons on a country road: Phese weciderits 'aré not" weesssarity| & d4E to' carelessness, but' would in most cakes have been averted had thie filotorist ' sedi' ' the Veliblé "ahead. Showing of Head and tall fights by AH vehicles would prevent accidents, Joss of life. 'and filjuiries fo many peo- . EiZ BE "Br Poo inew ® " The 'Ontario! Moter ' Ledgue has Peen urging on the Provineisl Gov- émmment the advisability 'of ehacting giteh 2 Jaws It'ik'to be hoped' that this reqabst' will be: acceded 'to at the' coping "session 'of the Legisla- faire, particulasty 'since 'the electors of Toronto have given such an em- phatic expression of opimion in favor ofttheichbalied AY, COISIME EDITORIAL: COMMENT noi . i i DRL Yow Here's hoping Mayor Stacey does- n't forget the G. T. R. subway now that he has Been given a fourth térm. We are glad to report that Robt, f is still confined to ber hed, but Dr Tightly Ting at the time of writing. . X . Mr. Wm. MeCullough, of Toronto, 'his been visiting old friends here! Mr. Frank Thompson, Hayden, has been guest of Mr. and Mrs, Jag, Ashton.' at Nell. 'Fraser and sister, Maggie, have spent their Xmas holidays with haxs hint Rev. Mr, Fraser, ; er parents in Ottawa, - ' Mriiand Mrs. Arthur Marchington, of . Toronto, have been visiting hig parents Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Marehing , Mrs. Stella Sniith spent Xmas 'dome with her parents. ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Robson and family, of Toronto, spent Xmas holidays with and Mrs, Levi Ellins, e , here. aro visited her. ents, } A Zz. ion visited 'Ber father his b: FG Ak [. Wnbar. te . bind 1s home Yeon Guelph . u ught And WHA noma i In e 5 e trom Rev. Chas, Adams was highly ppreciated by all present. Services ye o A 8 4 "Phe Ontario Minimum Wage Board pas issued several mew oyders' with respeet to wages for female employ- ees. One of these orders No. 8 deals with eities and towns over 5,000 and less than 50,000 and places the ex- perienced worker's minimum wage at $11 per week. Imex ad- | ults start at $9, after 6 months they | get $10. Young girls start at $7, ai- ter 6 months $8.50, after 12 mouth: $10, and after 18 months $11. Order No. 9 applies to all the pro | vince exeept in cities of more thay | 5,000." Experienced adults Wilcoxin is slightly improving, : Soo) to Slightly Luprovin WwW. D. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Smith spent| | Xmas with W, 'Sutherland, of | There are wars which are wel- | receive come, Toromto housewives, fof i 1 $10 10 Sarl, sid incsverionted fs. stance, are quite enthusiastic over | od oe $10, Young girls start _ ae 7s / f Y 5, 1921 ¢ NTARIQ, THURSDAY, JANU Ey iS strain and not' compel men," | Rev, Mr. Stent. Young people could (do so much, The thought of a sat. isfying service was particularly ap- propriate to young people for they are essentially livin gand want to live: in every sense of the word. What a pity then for the young peo- ple not to know and seek the true path to a real life when they are just commencing life. Life 'was { found in Him, for He is the Way, {the Truth and the Life. He is found ~1:.when one loses oneself in true ser- m---DBe there! | vice--~gervice for Him, and the pe- :_ Rev.'Mr, Adams, of the Co -| culia® service is found in the Church fun cirepit, preached an fxcellent {pn dHome especially, for He left us said KEDRON. Ne Mr, Harvey Crossman was in Tor- onto last week, Mr. and Mrs, Howell Roy and little (daughter Margaret, of Brautford, §pent New. Year's at Jno. Sharp's, i .. The Literary apd Musical Com- mittee put on an excellent program (at the KM.B.8. meeting on Friday vening. This week the Devotio Jommittee have charge of the ermon here on Sunday. to fulfil His Mission to save the ow: Fr and "rs Clatonee Ba world, title daughters oreen and "Church and Comunity' was the Brant, of Oshawa; Mr. and -| topic of a very comprehensive and yhank Batty and family of Brooklin; | inspiring address nelivered in King Tr. and Mrs. Earle Batty and child, | gtreot Methodist Church last night of Myrtle; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wetry | yy Roy. A. M. Irwin. The service was and Mies | udrey, $i Ochawa, SPent| to have heen held in the Baptist y ; gt at H, F, Werry's, Chureh but could not be carried out . Pearl Crosken, of Toronto, | on aecount of the fire of the preyious as 1 e guest of A. D. Van Dyke's|gyening, The unfavorable weather for Over New years =. did not prevent a large number from ; umber of the young peoble coming out. Taking for his text, from here were guests of E. Werry's,| upp whig Rock will I build my Bolina, recently, ~ "» ri a ow | Chureh," Rev, Mr. Irwin defined the Yorr Ninresor family spent New| py 4h'as composed of human be- Mr. Albert Luke and Miss. Olive] i088 Who beholn Jesus as the Christ, Luké, Toronto, were recent. guesi®) the Spn of the living God, and whose or Reali lives gre aglow with of A. L. Pascoe'. Solina. {| What ds the relationship between the A number from here went skating church and the community? Rev. at Oshawa rink on New Years day. Mr. Irwin asked, answering the ques- Fors amen on ha omit | 1108, declaras has svar estore oot al the Nlege | of community life, that is commercial wy Is. ess -Seotk adn is | ucational, sopial political and Hl Mrs. Jas. Scott a 55 | philanthropic, should earry , on un- Bessie, of Columbus; Mr. and Mrs | der the influence and inspiration of Wallage Scot; or Enfield; Mr. andthe tejehings of Jesus, radiating ontinued on page 5) Se A A NA = fers of the Nazarene. Tc-night Rev, J. L. Harton will (speak in the Christian Church ou | "Evangelism", and on Friday even- START NEW SEWER ing in the Presbyterian Church Rer ABOUT JANUARY 15° Macleod will speak on Missions. | Next we may expeet that someone | will introduce in the congress a biil | forbidding mewspapers to print news Will Employ Between 40 and 50 | of crime, to make i* sccm that this Men Excavatin g Durin |is a e¢rimeless- coumtry.--Albany -, Wy 4 Journal, Winter essianie truth. | | from the daily connuet of the follow-| T Use to S Munieipa! Bonds indicates ness conditions. in ingeme returns, the inv stantial dividend rates, In this connection the 8% ing with it a bonus of 409 dustry. We unreservedly recommer soundest investments ever public. Establ geo King st East Osha January Investment Funds An Increased Income The steady rise in the prices of Victory, Provincial and With higher Bond prices and corresponding reduction to sound Industrial Preference Stocks with their sub. of English Electric Company of Canada, Limited, carrys usually good investment for your surplus funds, "No industry forms a sounder basis for an industrial investment than the electrical manufacturing in- ae | Write for full particulars. | (@nadian Debentures EL Those interested moy communicate with Oshawa Real Estate Sales Co., 61 King Street East, Your ecure the beginning of hetter husi- esting public naturally turns Cumulative Preference Stock Common Stock, offers an 1né 1d this offering as one of the placed befcre | the nadian / ished 1010 © TORONTO wa, Ont. Bowmanville Take Pt. Hope's Measure In the intermediate O. H. A. game played at Bowmanville Wednesday night Bowmaaville defeated Port Hope by 5 10 4. Line-up:---- Port Hope- Goal, J. Mick; right defence, Darch; left defence, Carter; Centre; W. Hills; right wing, Brow: left wing, Lowe; subs, Jex and Hillis, Bowmanville --Gual, Fletcher; right defence, Bounsa!; left defence, Grant; centre, Piper; right wing, Moyse; left wing, Avery; subs. Weii- er and Greenfield. First Period--Port Hope 1, Bow- manville 2. Second Pzriod--Port Hope 3, Bowmanville 2. Third Per- iod--Port Hope 4, Bowmanville 5. i Referee---sSteve Valir. -------- -- ™N- ! Work should commence on the | ---- ET pe sewer, approved by the ratepayers on Monday, about the 15th of Janu-| ary, said Engineer N. G. McDonald yesterday, in expressing' himself as| highly pleased with the big vote in! favor of the work. Exeavation will] be begun on the east end of the Base. Line, and 40 or 50 men will | be ecmployed, - Winter weather is ideal for, excavation, particularly if there is lots of frost to maintain the trench walls. Plans of the sewdr will be for warded to the Provincial and Fed | eral engineers so that the town w receive # "third each ment bf the abnor cost of the work. Moing the work by day labor Oshawa, Ontario, Jan. 4th, 1922 Ladies and Gentlemen :-- TO THE ELECTORS S.E. WARD, OSHAWA, ONT. I wish to thank you for the magnificent vote you gave me on January 2nd which elected me as Councillor for 1922, and I hope that my actions will be such as to merit the confidence you have placed in me. ~~ tum requesting that their 'Mames be! the bread war, as 3 result of whieh | ers for upes) will be received "left out of the 'paper. In each and | very case the request is refused, The Reformer believing! that ft is in the publi: interest that matters 'of court record should: 'be published. Fre- quently it their 2éil to have - their names képt out people will plead that the evidence 4id pot warramt convic- tion" - That is' a question for the courth to detide and 'aot for # news- paper; 'which reports what transpires. | . The Reformer is anions to publish the facts where people are acquitted just as much as when they are con- vieted. Once in a leng while some- one comes forward who believes that The Reformer has its price, and that it can be bought to.betray, what jit considers is, the public trust. } Ratlier than come to The 'Re- former office to request, demand br order that sce court mews be sup- pressed, people should consider the consequences before they take actioh which invelves them in court casés. The Reformer has one policy for aif in such matters, whether they We in high places or low places. 'whether they be advertisers or = nom-adver- tisers, whether they be subscribers! ,. or mon-subscribers----to publish the] facts; including -ufanes ~i0. AE eB 3 let 1 ' Foeguéently i that the wotes cast in the referem- dam which sustained the O.T:A., Referendum, April, 1921. 912.238 the prices continued to drop. ! . 1 Unless a life has some strong | and solid stakes set dows, unless it has 'very positive purposings, | some things that must be done and | toward which the whole will and de- termination will be directed, the very best cannot be expected. Mr. MH: G: Wells says that the Bible has A0it its hold: and there arc thousands. of "thonghtiess persons | whio are willing 10 accopt. statements of this kind: without challenge and without going to the trouble te find out the grounds upon: which they are based. Theres are fo emoneous statements about the Bible, how- ever, thut are easier 4» disprove thas that of Mr. Wells. 'The secerds of the yearly imereasing sules of the Bible 'and of the: languages inte which it-is being tramslated are suf- ficient to show how wide of the truth? shiching" sth tbh id. New York now guotes rubies, a 145,009 to the doNar, Put New Yor quotes czars rubies. Porsoas of ess expensive tastes nave the new kind cheaper. it Free Press' . The uttermost limit of caution was shown, yesterday by a certaip friend of ours, who in commenting on the ealther "The fires upon the 'hearth are s ABeatth are] Again the star of promise sends Its message downward through the, night. ? 4 Peace, spreads lier mantle o'er tho of The tumult cases for a space; The world is resting and seren " "And hopes transfigures every face, The limbs ave gathered in the fold, | Where dangers may not menace At love's behest again is told .. The story brought from Bethis y shadows } and pas. Tr hE s brief. after that period $10. : The new regulations will co, in to effet on January 17. at $6, after the second 6 ths 7.50, after third 6 mouths y A FC, WILL BE ONE OF HARDEST GAMES Probably ome of the hardest bat- thes in which Oshawa's jumior 0. H A. team will take part this season will be Saturday might's fixture at Bradley's rink with Cobourg. The local outfit are much the lighter oi the two but their performance against Bowmanville shows that" a» advantage in weight does not at all bandicap them. Oshawa needs this game to tie up the growp with Co- bourg and their chances for doing so were never better. This will make y game p for the lo- {he Jbird ame tp po two hard gl you ers but afte 1 ng 'Monday and Wednesday, they are going at top speed and they will be agjthelr beef k ad HH £8 :. 13 $ § JE without a ko, Olive Avenue, Hind in ans Po le and during (he winter uaturally adds to the cost, as was shown by the large mmount of extra money speut last year by the Board of Water Commissioners in the excavation at the lake for the large 18 inch water main. The employment of 40 or 50 men at this time should relieve comsider- ably the local unemployment situa- tion, which is still acute. A large delegation of men called on the may- or and Government Employment su- New Year. My earnest desire is to be of service to you, and the Town in General. _Agdin thanking you, and wishing you, one and all a Happy and Prosperous Faithfully yous, W. J. TRICK rintendent C. J. Wilcox Wed y morning seeking werk. » The union services for the Week of Prayer, which opened in Oshawa Churches on Mcnday evening, and continue until Friday evening, are being well attended and very grati- fying to the Ministerial Association, | ander whose auspices they were ar | ranged. | The Power of Prayer t On Monday evening the first service (he Elealor of (he North Wes! Waid In the Corporation of' the Town of Oshawa Ladies and Gentlemen: «1 offer you this expression of my appreciation for the distinet honour of heading the Poll in your Ward. - It was a Very generous response on your part, and for which I trust you will have no cause to regret. ROLAND MOFFAT Oshawa, Ont., Jan. ith, 1922 70 THE ELECTORS OF THE NORTH-EAST W I beg to most sincerely think you for my election to the Municipal Board : for 1922. I thank you for the generous and broad minded spirit that char- acterized the entire election and for your expression of confidence in me. ; 8 3 y! Again i ------------ ness that the New STOP {HE an fieadache, Nenraigui. Bhcumatic, Bask- ache, Sciatic and Ovarian Pains. Ope oriwo DR. MALES' ANTI-PAIN PILLS, | the pain is gone. Safe a you and wishing you all the prosperity and all the ear can possibly bring, I am, Sincerely yours, a CU - 1 that my work in the Council may be of service to you and to the Town as a whole and will endeavor to so re, . gulate my actions that they may at all times meet with your entire approval. a ; happi- y