rs OSHAWA, ONTARIO, Rapa. JANUARY 3, 1922 > ot SaaS " - ------.-------- ------_---- i UNION HOCKEY GAME TO-NIGHT : ° end-toghd = dash finally drew Slee- 2 & § LAS ' In the jupior series of the Union 0 ha J la t TY. o| man ot Of the goal and shot the w HI BY JUNIORS Hockey League, the Trail Rangers Ih) wa uniors IC (0) S, puck to iin open net: Piper added y HERE WEDNESD: AY I -------- . -- oy - nA I 4 meet the Y, M. C. A. to-night at the, "| anotigr, "immediately following | po ng ews ; Divigion Street rink. A good game ° whetfhe freed his wa y. through the | HE | | » i8 expected. Tho sunior fature will! eat ; owm n 8- Oshgva didence, although. checked | __ Whitby Juniors will be the attrac. anyille & Li not he played on Wednesday night as hard = With two goalis to get. the tion at Bradley's rink to-morr usual at Bradley's rink but on Fri- : vigiprs towk up the: aggressive, { night when the County Town aggr - day-night, when 'the Y, M. C. A. will' ! y bafekley got one of them with a tion stick up against the local youni- § Ey AES ean om. Ny Etat ay" 8: to --Ca 1 lh & huge shoty form the side, and |sters who disposed: of Bowmanville's CLOSE FIGHT IN pp FECT SKIPS TONIGHT | cross sticks with Amity Square. Locals Make a Surprising Showing me Goes TRITtY I Hr er a ri a Be JUNIOR SERIES | son 3 plaction. DE skips for Lhe sen RS ! Minutes Overtime in Opening Encounter of the AJ Oshawa 3, { should be a fine exhibition as Whéthy's will take place at the curling| pp AYERS GIVEN THEATRE PASS / ny | representatives. ire said: to be. jit. €x- rink this evening preparatory to As a reward for "their splendid Season New Year's Aftertioon : Tid. Perio, reiont andition Port Hove were : ' | commencing the competition for the | showing ; ov Rat . f In opening the third and sup-f 40 i 8 em anc oh Sirone fem Jot Junin honors of Mutual Life Trophy, the first games a Wing In Ihe er key dian] : (By Staff Reporter. y > ; posedly 1a st period, Bowckley cap deteutea ance this season Bo y and _ Bo the ns 'of Es of Sich way be Played tooo Friday night, all local hockey play- After an hour and thirty minutes) pema¥ty for tripping and Crossey tol urd Ihe Hine 20d Worked his Way Ing will have to stop to make them take "\ played so 'far, Oshawa, Whithy, Port night. 101s competition will take) org have heen given a season's pass | of the most strenuous hockey scen| lowed him a viinute later. However [fom 1 4. Ohne LOSI tw _ | the short end of the score sheet, Vi) Paved: , 'ie. t} about two weeks to run off and all}; the Regent Theat#e by Manager! in this district for many seasons,| after Hopper came on, Hutehinsonf S¢ore fod. . OLIN AWG Or ar = Hope, Cohgurg and Bowmanville, the | yompeps are. expected {0 take Part. Pomeray. . This. will no doubt be an' Oshawa Juaiors defoutod Bowman. muds a AFotty attempt, going: the] ihree shots at thelr oppoments® gon | -------- five teanis entered, are very "evenly | The trophy was won .last year hy L. . shawi 4 " but lost' the dise." Den sen cored {soem eman ~~ making a brilliant stop. incentive to the intermediates to t! ville in the latter town 8 to 7 vyes-| length ofthe rink, and after breaks A . 8 igh 3 y ) put ville in the la p ! i niny y or © : nha ge close y : fnatched. In Pori Hope-last night| o, Clifford's. rink which won from A. | forth thelr best efforts when 'they! terday afternoon in ay O.H.A. match, | ing through the defence, netted (he the play sto the other ent], bit Hii} The shot came (30 close that the Cobourg defeated Port Hope 1 to Oy gealter 10 to 7. The Mutual Life . Yh pl ad 2 J i Thi cesta | ehinson aime to the frong and waik-' home team and its supporters acti Alter 2 hard tought contedt and on 3 Syn 21 a te Yi vIn journey to Cobourg next Thursday. | The game was of a/ decidedly son- DUER, This Shoouvagsed the visitos. od | rights. through she whole Bows. | ally believed that & goal had, heon ig hy ; i 4 onated by 4 } . i fon: ature y wcore at fuli| and as al result the Bowmanville ; . Ww ! iW | uly ' at i ad, he the play there was little to choose pire A pe C for annual Re mer {Sutional = nathre, the scote ap Teiilah are ON Ann | manville eam, putts 'the visitors! registered und voiced their feelings . 4 ssurance Company fo y Rr time standing 6-<6, at the end o/| goal was the centre of attraction ( Ais) | iy J between. the' teams. competition, GOOD ALL ROUND, the first overtime period 7-7, at| for the balance of =the period. Just] Edi in the lead. Jobnson and accordingly However, the goal 0) : H hy: vis , rT . » 'Tklev N . ine » former | ira' OAR nah . p . Cobourg has already defeated Bow- HAE AA SAT Hamid Horan: Down hom: the the end of the second overtime per-| before the whistle blew, Smith took oul in Rican, Ye ior " a ! VHS . % Thon yas pi W fy tne y v pr e ¢ a} vod By ps - . . ™ Manis dh ca's +3 ohn seoring i 458. N was | referee an 2 victory was cl 3 Manville, od Oshawa Lise Soon RRom © PETERBORO WINS OPENER ki es Of claughiin cars. If the ljod 77, and finally' $--7. Both |u pass from Clarke while 'right in| Sb penalized. aml While he was iby OANA: Fohreaotaatives he BE ry ar born gid ve Peterboro, Ont,, J 3.----The first Hg 5 ot : p ys Fesult in the! teams kept up a: dizsy puée from | front of fhe net; aud counted msily off Piper' deorsd from 'onetside tie "The tem Wipe: HE : took their first game from Port re » Ont san, 5 A ympking OF more cars. It will be good | gtart to finish, although in the last | on Pearce. fence. Smith went 'one et Tt ni th Ye : 2 to 1. Cobourg has won both their | Intermediate 0. H. A. game for this for the motor-car industry and for | . . 3 defence, Pmith nt down alone, Oshawe (Goal, Sleaman; defence, Recond Period, put overskating the puck, allowed | ftutehin-on and Smith: centre, ten minutes the players were tiring games this year and are conceded to | district was played here last night | hundreds of men now out of work | fast and every one of them knew . $4 1 have a good chance for the honors, | With Lindsay as the visiting team and it is not likely to be hud for they had been through a hard con | Entering the second twemfy min-| Densen to earye! .oand made a Bouckley; right wing, Clarke; left To get back into, the running Bow-| The locals won by a score of 5 to 2. | the manufacturers, test. when the final gong sounded. | utes with a'two-goal lead, Oshawa SUCCESS! ul', swash oT Jshawa $1 wing, Johnson; subs, Crandall, Flin- manville have to defeat both Oshawa | The teams lined up as follows: -- emt {It "was generally thought thas i supportersiwere iu high spirits, hui] The score was again tied, 6-0 off and' Mann, and Cobourg. The local juniors Peterboro--Goal, Murray; right BABY AND THE DOG Bowmanville, with a great advant-| their enthesiasm was short-lived as? Overtime, 7 /( 3 Bowman lle Goal, Pearce; de- have two more games this week, with | defence, Parker; left defence, P Ph siaant . . : | age in weight, and the henefit or | Piper gralibed the puck from thef Ib the 1arst ten minute ol ovar-| fence, MeMuriry and Densen; cen- Whitby and Bowmanville and by tak-| Thornton; centre, R. Rose; right Boston Transcript, How old 1 several practices, together with a face-off and shot from well outside | time, cach side scored once, nt in tre Piper PY i wing, Crossey; left ing both fixtures they would have | wing, Burgess; left wing, Jackson; |Your baby brother?" asked Tommy hard game with Cobourg, would dis-| the Oshawa defenge, the puek cate | the second overtime period: ueiiher | wing, Kelly; sibs Sooper and Lux- grand chance for the group cham-|subs., Collins and Halpin. of the new neighbor's hay. | pose of the Oshawans quite easily,| Dg @ corner of the goal. Thirty | team' found :the nets, the score pe. | ton. 1 Los vee pionship. Lindsay Goal, Williamson; right "One year fold," Johnny told him. | but the brand of hockey the Oshawa | seconds after. Crossey came down | mainiug a =f. Hoses A the | Referee ). Smith. of Whitby reeset -------------- defence, Coombs; left defence, | "Gee, I've |got a dog that oid, on' hoys displayed came us o surprise | the side and shot from the wing. | first five WU sites ol the third ext : - - er Green; centre, Scott; right wing, | he can walk\twice as well as your to the Bowmanville fans and players] !t fooled Sleemar and the score was | overtime, Htitehinson #hated down ON COMMON LEVEL, DESERT STRANDS 3 Sandercock; left wing, Moodle; subs,, | brother." . alike, The visitors actually should | tied. With both team€ on even | the side and tegisterod with a per i= Oregon Journal: T here .js ona An optimist is the man who combs | Chambers and Williams. "Well, so lie ought to," replied have gained the deeision without |-terms, the game developed dito | fect shot, wk eh ora could nh | filg In Which the wise mai und a few stray hairs across a bald head. Referee--"Peck" Wright, of Tor-| Johnny, "he's got twice as muny having to play overtime but for ap | merry battle, andiit was anybody's handle: I ns pro ed ' het re win | le fool ny eet on Ly common level, --Milford (Del.) Chronicle, | onto. legs." accidental trip on the part of Huteh-| game from then on. McMurtry got | ning goal 0 bs ville threaten. | That is WlLon they fall in love and inson, for which he was penalied. | In some fine work, and after an |ed to score hy Whe ast few minutes, | take their pens in hand. | : Cr Sm ---------- ---- - -- - . rap - - - - - -------- AF ash of Combination. Oshawa showed a brillant fla or. Combination durtugtie fir | 0 VA Te TO-NIGHT -- | faded, and from then to the end Ltheir play was of a more or less Vindividugl nature. This pertod was and Wednesday JAN. 3rd--4th Yo, WITH decidedly in favor of the winners 'Matinee Wednesday The Railways of Canada Draw to Your Attention the | | the visitors checking back hard ung! = AT 2.15 P.M. Metro's Picturization of THE FOUR HORSEMEN NEW RAILWAY RATES! ~~ -:i-o Of The Apocalypse » INTERPRETED BY An All Star Cast--Headed by IANO IOPQ | lead, although they threatened FOR +PASSENGE RS SCOre on many occasions; that kept other words, whether thése savings in railway charges are passed a hard battle, but hy resorting ul Y most entirely to individual rush th® fans "in a continual stage ol The advance on sleeping and parlor car tickets authorized in To i on to you--or whether they are absorbed in marketing, cannot be their efforts are wasted. The {af An astounding wgrk of genius, in which all the i is precisely the same as t controlied either by the railways or the public. precisely the same as that w 1020 has been cut in half--the advance made on ordinary fares at A Splendid Exhibition put Oshala out of the running virile force and tie intensity of this noted ¢ Apart form being oxciting that time having been completely taken off many months ago. game itself was a pretty i . | of hockey, and seldom has two ju | Year, and while they are' con pe ' ably faster this year ti last. Hhe . is Se 1 ened i locals are much stronger, a ji) ders story i pr rved, and height white Yhe weil y - day's contest bears out. Oshawa #lso a 2 2 , y on ge rimdoprndian iia vast magnitude of gigantic events recounted HO 1 y a " ren , [if they adopt. they should havi no » . » UT this fact remains: a very great sum of money-- dilicalty $5. winniag their Boral. are pictured again in a wonderful way. Million 2 "a il ---- ve = 4 3} Enertainment > FOR SHIPPERS $ - this popular game in the local gronp with such a fine contest All the The percentage of advance granted to the Railways in 1920 has Oshawa plasers, some of whom i x been reduced ten points. In addition to a five point drop at the fixture. Worked hard. The star of . the locals nd probably the be Erst of the year. man on the ice, was Donald Hat . inson, the brilliant defence nlave These changes became effective December 1st. His rushes were frequent and o 4 : gerous, and alihoug! HE the ! by at least Two of the ing players, he quite often throuzh sometimes oring 3 J J his partner, turned in a stell our cost 0 1ving while Oshawa's new pet zn Art Sleeman, gave a fine ox ¥ y His work in the net wy 2 tor in the victory. While OUR cost of living should be directly affected If it is not 1t is Sl 0 i hesause (1) vs the railways have pointed out before, the cult to handle. Slee intioe SE A : iy i e vears of age, and wit! on more actual money paid for their services is an almost negligible factor vears in junior hocks hou . 3 iy 5 $ - develop into a wonderful nluves " Ys nook Ard scavse (2 In maxing prices, tnd tecause (2) even the huge sum now cut out On the forward line, Johnson, of the railways' reve. v3 ond amounting to approximately-- Bouckley and Clarke started d ine Flintoff eing used a - They were all much light or $25,000,000.00 * the Bowmanville forwards, but checked close and stuck t ! : v men continually Bouckley =o annually becomes a very small fraction of a cent when split up out prominently. both in checking PRE a iHinisa ids Will: A > icles whic and stick handling. and worked i among the billioits upon billions of small and large articles which And Sick banding sud. won hu constitute the freight traflic of Canada during a year. And because toff took his turn at the cesire pos ition and showed up well, A TI A 1 il Bowmanville Weill Balanced From the goal oui, the Bowma ville,squad are a wel] halanced t5§ : | They. are good skaters, have wi : 2 2 : and speed. but Jack ihe most n (3) the Court which has the power to control railwav rates is not essary thing-- combination. Wj able to direct who is or is not to get the benefit of reductions. In steady team work the easterien would give any junior aggregation TTT or teams provided the follower: « enough 10 build every year a small city, or 2a Que- Referee Satisfactory. . chi "Dinner" Smith, of Whitby, offi- bec Bridgc, or four hundred and fifty of the newest and ciated, \his decisions being unqes- hg A 'satistactory to oth most-péwer fi ful locomotives --is now removed from the TERE ud stistacry in in C onquest- £ N evenues of the Canadian Railways and should be doors, a large 'percentage of the spectators hailing from the AMbptor reflected, : t least to some extent, in the family budgets Town. : D gople ' i The first period saw both taams ea - : 3 of all Canadians ! checking hard, but the visitors dad | the better of the play, as the sore From all parts of the | indicates Hutchison took the first "shot on goal after a long rush, but Str - - world have thrilled to = | Was unsuceessful. Hooper drew a ruggl le- this powerful dramatic HETHER your railway can continue to function without the : he REL Sr \ : Famine revenue thus lost to ikem, is an experimental problem facing 1 sad fie various managements. It depends largely on whether traffic : scps up or falls ofi--and whether costs rise or decline. But the gacements aie attempting the problem cheerfully and with mation to keep Canada's railway service the cheapest, mile , and amon? the most cfficient in the world! Ta » Reach out and grip you and hold you spellbound in this Wonderful Masterpiece. All Seats Reserved Ev ing Prices- Centre $1.00 - Front and Back Centre 75¢ - Sides 50c < 'Matinek PricessBest Seats 75c - Sides 50c¢ - Ji I AILWAY ASSOCIATION of Canada bs Street, 306 Union Station, PQ. Wign ipeg, Man. wr \ ST