Pass run Bs IinE UshiAw A DAILY Lies. 1nuravAY, DECEMBER 6, 1940 The Fifth Oshawa's held a very suecessful Fathers' and Sons' Ban- quet on Friday last. Among visitors for the evening were Field Sect. Jones from Tor- onto, S. M. J. Blow from Whitby, M. A. Ingham from Oshawa, and r. Petley Secretary of the M.C.A. All members of the Troop Com- ittee were present, Dr. ald ng the Toastmaster's chair for evening. ed A. Wilson, UL. tin, P. B, McEwen, and IL. food acted in their capacity as Pa- rel Fathers and sat at their patrol tal les, ; he toast to the Fathers' was pposed by Mr. A, R. Wilson wha apntioned, during his remarks, the sat Scout Troop in Oshawa which under the care of Mr, Mack [Sqanes, This toast was replied to by Mr. Leese who made some pleasing parks on Scouting and its help the younger generation, fter some community singing Sdescrintive song, "The Tale of ree Good Turns," was rendered accentably by the Hound Pat- rd] as their contribution to the p@rramme. she presentation of the Scout "Phanks Badge" to 8S. M., Terrett then made hy Mr, L. Wood, hehalf{of the Troon Committee, ame the 8) M. revlied as fittinelv as possihle after having recovered m™ his surprise. e Toast to the Scont Movement pronosed bv Mr. Mack Soanes yBo snoke of the relationship of grouting to the boy, as a character former, This Toast was replied to in a masterful fashion by Field Secre- tarv Jones who smoke of the mave- ment in General and Ontario In partionlar, The Mule Patrol then tendered a W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 KING STREET WEST Hun |-eds of pe: 'le wear with utmost comfort Hare's Fa 'Ic Lenses TIME TABLES C.PR, TIME TABLE, Schedule taki flect 13.01 ®, (0 : "i April } Going West Daily. Daily Daily except Sunday, Daily. Daily ex ew day Sunday, Dally Sunda: . Daily except Sunday, Daily except Sunday. y . Daily. 09 a.m. Daily. imes shown above are times traine from Oshawa Station, CNR TIME TABLE Effective Sept. 30, 1928, Eastbound am, Dail = except Sunday, a.m. Sunday. only. a.m Daily 1.17 p.m. Daily except Sunday, 2.32 p.m. Daily except Sunday, ' p.m Daily except Sunday, 11, 8 8 |) PNT NINOS ET p.m. Daily. p.m. Daily except Saturday, a.m, Daily, v3 am Daily. a.m. Daily except Sunday, $ a.m. Daily. Sond ,07 a.m. Daily except Sunday, 2.06 p.m Daily bostiH Sunday, 4.37 p.m. Dail 27 p.m Daily except Sundty, 14 pm. Sunday only. - 45 p.m. Daily except Sunday, 4. 5. ) S/EVL TET YENI SSE FES IS Tengu RTPI TEESE £3 i --. recitation called "The Bad Boy" as their part of the program. After this came the intfoduction of the visitors during which S. M. Blow and Ingham addressed the troop and the S. M's report follow- ed by a short play admirably put on local |by the combined forces of the Wolf and Chipmunk Patrols which fin- ished off a very successful evem- ing. The thanks of the Troop are ex- tended to all who helped to make the evening a success, especially the Mission Circle who waited tables, the Simcoe St. S. United Church who so generously gave the Troop the use of its Sunday School for the purpose of hélding the Banquet and Mr, W, Jackson who acted as accompanist. The results of the Table Dress- ing and Program Competition are as follows: : Hounds: --Table 2, Program 1, Wolves: --Program 2. Chipmunks: --Program 2. Mules:--Table 1, Program 1, We are sorry to note that 8, M, W. G. Sutton is sick in bed and we wish him a very speedy recov- ery. TROOP NOTIORS Troop will meet on Friday night at 7. 30 p.m, in the Y, M, C, A, All boys must be present, and should have running shoes with them, Dominion Registration Fees of §0¢ are now due and boys who have not already paid them should endeavour to do so at this meeting, The Toy shop js progressing very well and a number of Toys are be ginning to take very presentable shape, Last Saturday some of the boys were to be seen working away in the Shew room of the Moffat Motor Sales, and attracting a good deal of attention from the publie, Toys continue to come, in and an honest endeavor is being made to put them in the best of shape, Help is still needed however, and gifts of Toys, Glue, Paint, Brushes, {cotemenr| 17/7263 0 Slo HIGH GRADE EQUI. MENT KEPT IN PER FECT CONDITION MEANS RELJIABLF SERVICE COLEMAN LONG OI LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES and TRUCKS ALL MAKES Quickest Service and Lowest Rates Avail- able. i or 1419W if yom hich you would to give to this work and the will g "call; EEE ; Kitchener, Dec. 6. -- Having a wildcat attack him while seated in his car at night was the experience of Roy Spaetzel, of this city. He was on his way to Tobermory in the Bruce Peninsula and, becom in tired, he stopped the engine and had a nap. When he awoke, two bright eyes were peering at him and the wildcat made a jump at the windshield. This was repeated |several times and in the meantime Spaetzel was attempting to get his gun from the rear seat. In doing so he jengled the tire chains. The animal, alarmed, disappeared. Wildcats become thoroughly fright ened at the jimgling of chaims, he Says. Another tion of Mr. Hoov- er's trip to South America is that he wants to get one long last look at a population that will not ask hw for government jobs.--Toronto tar. A Rochester, N.Y. firm has produced an automatic cheque signer that signs 1,200. cheques per hour. But what the average man needs more is an automatic cheque casher.-- Border Cities Star. ' In farm Weekly Sta dollar a year with it a super Pagers the Family Herald "and r, Montreal, leads them all. One r three years for $2, and magazine free. CHRISTMAS BUYERS GET BUSY! PICTURES Lasting Gifts to your dear friends. Pre. sented to you at very attractive prices, Store Open Evenings Until CHRISTMAS PAT Phones 125, 1846 Painting and Decorating TES 85 Simcoe St N. Eye Care and Eye Strain The Relation of Defective Eyes to Health, Par¢ "2" Copyright 1928 BY ©. H. TUCK, OPT. D, Certain Statistics show that und- er drain on the nervous system will tend to shorten life as well as to cause it to be one of misery and suffering while it exists, Is it not them sana reasoning that if we can relieve this strain though we do not prolong the life we would feel some pleasure in knowing that we had ziven some re- Hef even in the few declining years, And yet it is a fac: that this need not apply to those well up in years, even in the very young it is possible for undue strain prolonged ta the breaking point so sapping the re- serve energy that the eyes func- tion only as the eyss of ona of more mature years, Build up a stronger physical é¢on- dition and the glasses used at this stage will soon be discarded. It 1s more common in this run down cen- dition to find that strain upon the the eyes is a comomn cause of head- aches, nausea, dizziness and the sorrection is the only means of re- l'ef and an assistance also toward the upbuilding of a stronger con- stitution. To be continued next week. ALLEGED SWINDLERS ARRESTED IN PARIS Paris, Dec. 6.--Madame Martha Hanau, 42, and her former hus- band, Lazare Block, were arrested Tuesday and taken before an ex- amining magistrate on charzes of swindling investors of sums re- ELLA CINDERS--The Reason Why + --. pi ------ rn Do You Own Your Own ES le A eM ---S Money to loan at 6% per ceng. first mortgages. 4. H. R.. LUKE Phones: »/1 931; 687TW. ported to total mearly 600,000,000 francs. Most of the victims are stated to be small investors. Word that warrants had been issued for the arrest or the couple brought a large crowd to the front of the building occupied by the newspaper Gazette du Frame, which Madame Hanau founded and managed. The police, however, had little difficulty in dispersing the crowd. Madame Hanau was described by newspapers as a woman of remark- able intelligence and activity, ASK LARGE AMOUNT FOR KIPLING'S BOOK Toronto, Dec. 6.--When Rudyard Kipling was a school boy in Eng- land, he wrote a number of poems, which were afterwards printed in a small paper-covered hooklet at the Civil and Military Gazette Press in India. The edition was limited to fifty '|for a specimen advertised for sale PHONE 7163 , SULLEY. Auctionce Telephones 572. 223 Night Calls 510, 1560, RR copies for private circulation. This little book has been much sought after by wealthy collectors of first editions and is npw so scarce that in the catalogue of a New York dealer received in Toronto Tuesday, the record price of $5,500 is asked. It was Kipling's first book. A Hungarian chemist who has developed a method of making ray- on from corn stalk pith grinds the entire stalks into pulp and ob- tains valuable by-products from the residue. Buy a Home That Keeps You TRIPLEX TYPE 3 Family Size 1 Minute to Motors You. live Free--No fuel to buy--No taxes--No insure ance, and a revenue be- sides. PHONE 1550 4% Prince ST Oshawa, ont. BRINGING UP FATHER-- OMyMOTHER! THIS 1D REALLY A BEAUTIFUL WATCH ) BOUGHT I'T FOR YOUR FATHER You THINK HELL. LIKE vr? IT MAKES ME S50 HAPPY TO KNOW YOu LIKE \T~ -DO a) ; I } 2 ¢ 0) ql Fo A JOST WHAT | NEED- A PRESENT LE THAT WUT MIGHTY NICE OF MAGGIE ~ NOW VLA. GIT HER ® 1928, by Int'l Fo LJ ie Servies, Ins. Greet Britain rik Solve your ready cash problem. Greer & Humphreys "Leave 24"; Simcoe St, N. vy Aad | Phone 3160 Open Evenings THE EARTH TO YIELD ANY FOOD UNTIL SHE HAD SLEPT, AND A GREAT FAMINE CAME, SOMNUS, THE GOD OF SLEEP, CREATED A Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and afters Nov, 4 THEY MAKE STUFF OUT OF POPPIES THAT PUTS PEOPLE TO YOU WILL FIND SOME VERY INTERESTING § STORIES IN MYTHOLOGY, TOMMY, DID EVER TELL YOU ABOUT THE OLD TRADITION THE ANCIENT GREEKS HAD ABOUT THE ORIGIN OF THE POPPY 9 - sow SEEATIRAS NII IIIT BG ow 83 w 10.50 a.m, 12.45 p.m, -- WN Oo Songmas aBTELnS28s8EsE oPPPPPP POPES? i S00 yu = O00 NS S28BEBL 4.35 p.m, gE33388338RasE: OOP A WRNO S8SrERips SEE EEERT EEE - ooN S - 1 ao PoropPPPorEe? RD D nm § if wi PROSERPINA WAS CARRIED AWAY BY PLUTO, HER MOTHER CERES, "THE GODDESS OF GRAIN, DESPAIRED OF EVER SEEING HER AGAIN, HER GRIEF WAS 50 GREAT THAT SHE COULD EITHER SLEEP NOR EAT CERES FORBADE f WHICH WAS SLEEP INDUCING AND CAUSED CERES TO FALL INTO A DEEP SLEEP. THIS WAS THE ORVGIN OF THE THE JUME OF THE POPPY ARE SLEERINDUCING. © 1920, by King Features Syndicrs. Ine: Genet Britain rights rssrved. | I ; PPOTPE TPIT P Pee E DISNEY.COTT AMBULANCE Phone 1082 | wre =SBman SBLE8ese Bhmun SERIA For bettervalues in DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King and Prince, Cash or Terms a 8 SSaBgite Np WO 2 de & PPP Po TPO RPEER ERR EREERE EEE TILLIE THE TOILER LJ HELLO, SIMPKIN® AND ) CO? 15 "HI© MAC? OH,1 THOUGHT IT DIDN'T SOUND LIKE MAC'S VOICE - MR, 25 By Russ Westoves TILLIES DIARY HES WONDERFUL~ k OH, YoU PANE HE OF ME? VES, 1 WORKED THERE FOR YEARS ---- YES, MR. RINPKING LE0B3BaERBEEREE 3 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE est Going W, § 1927 Chev Sedan ROSS, AMES & ORE CO, DISTRIBUTORS wa Phope Ii V. A. Henry \ 'nsurar. ce & Loan: poanSo 1 537371 A] PEE T ePTTPTOe B288BEE - Ss & ville | HUDSON-ESS. » Prince 8¢.. Usha 1.00 p.m Time marked " /hithy Hospital Special Busses For AR Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful T A. GARTON Proprietor Bowraanville- Phone #12 or 346 Osbawz. Wait Roots. 10 Prince St.- E 1200 p.m " are through busses to THING BLT RONCE- GOOD NIGHT