Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Dec 1928, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1928 PAGE ELEVEN Man-Ea Tigers Are by Francisco, Dec. 6. == Mad-; ture cameramen and tng Users of Slam have bec | toll from the by American motion pic- ed 95 per cemt, ia eating subdued Scaied otion Picture Camera-Man the . death bas decreas "This Christmas Give the Family a Panat Tbe Entire Musical Scale ora BRUNSWICK LIGHT JOCKEY rope RADIO Built to the high musical standads cf the Panat Tbe Entire Muscel Scele rope CHRISTMAS... inspired music eee universal good-will, better way to capture and joyful spirit of What retain the oel than by giving a new Brunswick Panatrope or Light Socket Radio to your family, Having triumphed with the famous Panatrope, Brunswick has directed its scientific that would genius to produce a radio e a fitting companion to the Panatrope--a musical instrument easy of operation, direct from your electric light socket, certain to give satisfaction, Such instruments! magnificent nat. ural reproduction com ining with distinctive cabinet artistry-the most acceptable Christmas gift you could give your family, See, ear and compare the Brunswick Panatrope or Light Socket Radio at your deal- er"s. delivered in time for Have the model of your choice hristmas. C Easy terms may be arranged. ca i « Ls F em---------------- p - i ' ! > =A tJ J " (25 cycle) $170. complete wher Tosomto ~Montres! - - Calgary The Larges Organization of its kind « Vancouver in the British Empire years, Ds. Douglas R. medical missionary, said arrived here from the Jungles. i Dr. Collier, who has spent the last seven years in the "land of the ever-humgry tiger," on the liner President Taft spend Thanksgiving with relatives "Three years ago there were 100 deaths a year in my district of 20 square miles due to raids by tigers," Dr. Collier sajd. "The natives. believe man-eating tigers are imbued with some holy spirit, and that anyome who kills them will be visited by evil, "Then the motion picture cam- era-men came into the jungle and trapped some of the beasts to photograph them. The animals im- mediately became fearful and went into seclusion, There are only five persons killed by them a year in my territory mow." Dr. Collier had to travel five days on horseback to the mearest rail- road when he started his journey Collier, when he Siamese A -------------- ORONO 4 Orono, Dec, 3.--Miss Mary Hun- ter, of Toronto, visited with Dr. -_ mel, south of Millbrook, is home for a week of two, her school being closed owing to an epidemic of mea- Miss Alma Cuttell accompanied her cousin, Miss Lillian Cuttell, to Toronto, where she will consult a specialist for throat trouble, Mr, H, N, Jenyson, of Toronto, Shem the week-end with Dr, and rs, Kerslake, Born--In Clarke, on Wednesday, Nov, 21, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs, J. Whitney Boyd, a son, The Mrs, Mary Allen residence on Church St, near CN.R. station, hands this week, Mr, John McGill, a farmar, of Enniskillen sec- tion, being the purchaser at $1,000, Mr, McGill, who is succeeded on the farm by his son, takes possession on Dec, 15. Mrs, Allen will make her home with her son, Arthur, We wel- come Mr, McGill and family to our town, Mr, F. J. Hall, delegate from the local branch of the Women's Insti- tute; Mrs, J. R. Cooper, substituting for the district' representative; Mrs. Honeywell, Mrs. Dickson and Mrs. Cuttell, attended the Institute con- vention held in Toronto this week, and were among those entertained at a banquet tendered to the dele- Fale by the Robert Simpson Co., t Miss Hilda Gamsby left last week for Toronto where she will undergo an operation for goitre. Her father accompanied her to the city, The Ladies of St, Saviour's Angli- can Church have received much well merited congratulations on the splen- did supper served by them in the Orange Hall, Saturday evening, which was well attended. A sale of work, held during the afternoon and evening, was also well patronized, the total proceeds heing around §175. Mrs, John McRae has returned from Montreal wheré she has been staying on account of the dliness of | her mother, who has her home there. A very enjoyable social evening was held at the home of Mv, and Mrs, M, H, Staples, president bf the Clarke Agricultural 'Society, on Mon- day, when the officers and directors with their husbands and wives were entertained, During the evening it was decided to organize a Dramatic and Operatic Company in connection with 'the Clarke Township Agricul- tural Society, and a committee com- prising Mr, W, F, Rickard, Mrs, D. Robb and Mrs, J, R, Cooper, chosen to name a management committee representative of the various sections of the township, submitted the fol- lowing: W, F. Rickard, Newcastle; W. Laing, Newtonville; B. W. Jack: son, Newcastle, W, Moffatt, Orono; ¥, Blackburn, Town Line; A, Ball, Liskeard; C, Powers, Kirby; Mrs. John Armstrong, Orono; Mrs. C. O, Chapman, Orono; Mrs, M. H, Staples, Orono; Mrs, -Percy Hare, Newcastle; Miss G. Holman, Newtonville; Mrs, Adolply Henry, Orono; Mrs, R. H. Brown, Orono, The Kendal represen- tative to be appointed at a later date, Music and dancing was engaged in and Mr, and Mrs, Staples were ac- claimed ideal host and hostess. The Senior and Junior Mission Band of the Park St. United Church gave a very interesting and enjoy- able program on Friday evening last the children acquitting themselves in a most acceptable manner, Mo- tion songs, readings, and instru- ments made a very pleasing variety, A vocal selection by Miss Dorthy Raine and instrumental duets by Miss Marion Green and Miss Edra Best brought to a close the entertain- ment, the proceeds of which includ- ing mite box givings .amounted to $17. Several quilts, the work of the children; were exhibited, The Mis. sion Band Allocation was $60, The gathering was well attended, The timely visit of Prof. and Mrs. Young of the Young-Adams Concert Company, and Len, Gamsby late on Sunday afternoon, to the home of Mr, Orme Gumsby, is all that saved the life of Mr. Gamsby, whom the visitors found lying in a parlor chair completely overcome by coal gas which escaped from a defective fur- nace, Hastily getting Mr, Gamsby from the gas-filled house, the res cuers rushed him to the hotel apd from to the home of Mr, J. J. Giml where the family physi- cian, Dr. W, G. McCyllock applied poi Mr, iby had com- ves, Ga from he inhaled in an about year in the Bay of rence, and is spending Kerslake recently, - Miss Greta Davey, teacher at Car oul | ¥ rink | N But next time take this tip from me, Get there somehow the fun to see. Mrs Weatherbogg of Oshawa is visiting with her sister Mrs. Robt. Squelch. Miss Hazel Pierson of Toroato spent the week at her home here. Mr. George Bay is recovering from his recent illness. Misses Hazel Ockmey and Miss Iva Gilbank spent the week-end at their respective homes at Utica and Bowmanville. Miss Hazel Croge, of Toronto visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Grose receafly. Mr. Norman Hughson has pur chased an Essex Coach. Mr. and Mrs. J. Evans and Edna visited with Mr, and Mrs. McKee, Manchester. Mr. and Mra R. Brown of Osh- awa visited the latter's parents Mr. | and Mrs. W. Kellington, Sunday. , Mr. Talmadge Taylor visited at Mr. Gordon Brent's recently. Mrs. Talmadee Taylor and child- ten Evelyn, of Burketon, and Jean spent Tuesday with relatives here. BIRKENHEAD MAKES SPEECH ON ROYALTY Link of Crown Proves Strength Holding Em. pire Together London, Dec, 6.--Lord Birken- head, former Secretary of State for India, speaking at a Press Club luncheon Tuesday, sald that it was and depended upon the personal- ity of the present Monarch. "that great as is the the attach- ment of the outlying Dominions to the character, example and achieve- and one in the eastern, The sister auxiliaries are invited, Please keep this date in view and don't fail to hear Miss Mitchell, . A pleasant social evening took place at Centre St. Church 'on Wed- nesday evening last, under, the aus- pices of the Ladies' Guild. A novel feature was a musical group eompeti- tion, 5 groups of the audience be- ing contestants. Another new ad- venture into the musical rank of our village was the appearance of the Orono Musical Sextette under the leadership of Mr, Harold Allen. They were heard in vocal and instrumen- tal numbers with much pleasure. General John' Hughes officiated as chairman in his usual capable man- ner, ------ rs RAGLAN Raglan, -Dece.' 3 -- Mrs, George ..00re, Mr. J, Moore and Miss Susie ray spent Sunday with fiiends at ~iooklin, Mr, Meredith Dring of Oshawa spent the week-end with his par- ents Mr, and Mrs. F. uring, Mrs, Willlam Squeleli is visiting her daughter Mrs, N, Saier at Tors onto, Miss Mildred Wilsan of Oshawa and Mr. Eugene Dearborn of Col- umbus visited the former's parents Mr, and Mvs. J, Wilson, on Sunday, Mrs, Pierson is visiting friends in Toronto this week, «Mv. and Mrs, Chas Luke visited relatives at Toronto Sunday. Our Bazaar | The Razlan Tadies did decile, One bright, and hhppy eventide, Bazaar they'd have and that the date Would he November twenty-eight. This as you know was just last week I wish T was not quite so meek! Por then T micht in words sublime Do justice to it in this rhyme. The folks they came from near and far, To visit us at this bazaar, And if you did not get there too, No wonder that you're feeling blue, It started with a supper grand, We ate and ate to beat the band: The things to eat they were so prime, It was indeed a glorious time, Then after this we had to buy. All kinds of things, candy and pie, And Oh! there was a fish pond too, From which strange things were brought to view, Next came an autograph quilt that had heen made, By thosze dear folk, Tha Ladies' Ald And, if 'tis true as I've heen told, This quilt was worth its weigh in gold The rest 1'll tell you to your face, The editor will want the space. I merely have one word to add ('Tis only this makes me feel sad.) Some gentle reader's missed this treat Maybe they were not on their feet; Left Over ON S/.LE TOMORROW MORNING 8 to 10 o'clock Customers are assured of _ Fresh Goods Daily. of weeks in the Oshawa esbyterial, one ip Western section Nut- Krust Bakery Robert Fraser, Limited ts of the people of these small islands, it would be an idle dream to suppose t avpress {tself At the last Tmperial conference it was made plainer and plainer 'hat it was the link of the Crown "hon the streneth of which alone vould be sunnorted ane strane combination of self-governing com- 'munities, Never to a repiiblin could there he that alleefance. The nersanal- ity of him who at the riven moment wears the Crown 1s an asset that connts far mare than the rennta. tion of anv statesman hawever hril. 'ant. Only when we hava fait ir the last twe or three favs that 'hare has been grave risk to the Hite of one who nnahstrneivaly he constant service hag eantrihnted more ta the fortnnes af tha ¥'m. nire do we realize the anviaties "hich nna charred by tha wean af fon Vimrira tn everv part of the ward, "To that ladv who haa stand he his. slde with a gerena Alenitv and a sense of publi» dntv not Inferior only at times when the King has - been: gravely ill that the whole | Empire realized how much it owed | "We are apt to forget," he said, | attachment conld | permanent terms, | unless it were founded upon some | romantic and historical cancention. | = = LR BE BE LE I EEE I I IE I I BE EE BE BE BE BE EE BE BE EE BE BE BE EE EE EERE EE) » DOM Accepted Everywhere! [ fou &® 5-10 / NJ "Tasty Bread" A Wrapped Loat Qc ~ youn Per Pound Reduction on 0. S.L. BULK, Reg. Sc tives sists sav encee vali Ahn ) DOMINO--English Breakfast Style, Reg. 68c .....1b. §§e RICHMELLO--A Flavory Blended Tes, Reg. 75c 1b. §§¢ GOLDEN TIP--Broken Orange Pekoe, Reg. 85c . .1b. 'J§e DOMINO JAPAN GREEN, Reg. 88c ............Ib. §§e¢ _# Try One of These Blends of High-Grade rn Quality Teas This Week BISCUITS 6 Pkts. 25¢ New Christmas Fruits Finest Recleaned Currants Lb. 18¢c Thompson's Seedless Raisins. .2 Lbs. 23¢ Finest Candied Peel-- Sh -- -------------- -- ---- ---------- = ------_2 --------------------_ ------------ T---- Velveeta CHEESE Reg. 21c . 13-1b, Pkt. 18¢ McLaren's Invincible OLIVES 6 1; .0z, Mason Jar 2 btls, bel, 1 (AN EE EEE EE EE NENENNNNNENEBBEEIEEREEEE ERLE BEE SSSE E000 =. "® @ rrr ibe Bac Shelled Valencia Almonds ... 1;-1b, 30c Shelled Walnuts, Halves Shelled Walnuts, Pieces Patrico Ground Almonds , Smyrna Layer Figs Golden Hallowi Dates Glace Cherries Maraschino Cherries . . { Toy Pail Peanut Butter Delmonte California PEACHES Halves or 21 Cc Very Special Value--Less Than Wholesale Price P.&G. vi SOAP 10 es 33 Positively No Dealers Supplied At This Low Price . + 8-0z, Btle, 28¢ to his own, our messages of sym- pathy go. Let us send word of More than one third of the Swis: railway system has been electrified hope that her anxieties may yet be happily assuaged." A Great Many Men Are Taking Advantage of-- SELLING THE FINEST MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS TWEEDS--WORSTEDS--BLUES--DOUBLE OR SINGLE BREASTED $18.00 $25.00 $29.50 $35.00 $40.00 This Truly Remarkable Selling of VERCOATS Cuts Dollars Off the Selling Prices at 1 8 2 4 2 0° 3 4° HUNDREDS OF BOYS OVERCOATS FOR LESS ANY STYLE--ANY CLOTH---ANY PATTERN $10.45 $12.45 $14.45 $16.45 I AM DRIVING MY MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT INTO LINE WITH THE SELLING OF MY 542 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS--THE VALUES ARE EXTRAORDINARY

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