PAGE 5... THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1928 [SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times favites the eo operation of ita Teaders in Hema to this eontributing column, Send ia a postcard or phone 36. Miss Wilda Knight, of the Uni- versity of Toronto, and at her home, Ahanks street, * : Miss Irene Cretzaman of Toronto, 'was the guest of Miss N. K, Gough, Albert street, over the week-end. Miss Marion Nicholls, Christie avenue, visited friends in Weston over the Neok-end, 3 Miss Annie King of Wolfville, N. 1a the guest of Mr, and Mrs, W. al King, King reat east, LJ Messrs. Fred and Harry Hudson have returned to their home in Napanee after spending a few days with friends in the city. * * Mrs, Elgin McLean and baby have been visiting the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson, Napanee. . * » * Miss Jean ilall of the University of Toronto spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Donald M. Hall, Lauder road. *» * Mr, and Mis, VU. hubbell of To ronto spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, D. Hubbell, McMillan Drive. * *® ] Mr. Wilse McKay of Toronto University spent the week-end with his parents, Dr, and Mrs. T. W. G. McKay, King 'street east, Mrs. Richard' Cronsberry of Sutton, Ont, visited with Mr. and Mrs, N, 8. Baird, Drew street, over the week-end. LJ w ® Miss Margaret Smart has veturn- ed to Toronto after spending a few days in the city, the guest of Mrs, R. A, Holden, Gibbon street, . v0» Mr, Howard Adair University, Kingston, week-end with his of Queen's spent the parents, Mr. Special Values in Ladies' Coats and Dresses, at the Fashion Shop 84 Simcoe St, 8, wa Woman's Daily Interest and Mrs. T. Al "Adair, Colbotae street. Mr. a Mra" 1 wile sd Zelma, Osha ulevard, spent the Te friends tn t the week- | Eris exhibitors at the Horse Show. Those from' Cana attending the Horse Show at the ter Fail night were: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, Erie Ph Mr. and Mb, R 8. McLaughlin entertained at luncheon at "Park- wood" yesterday for the out-of- town exhibitors to the Horse Show of the Royal Winter Fair and other guests. Places were laid for about 260 guests. i . 8. Rn an A ug *® Rev. J, Mortimer of Cheng-tu China, a missionary on furlough, was the guest of Rev. and Mrs, BE. Har:ton, Simcoe street south, yes- terday, when he spoke at the morn- ing service of Simcoe street United Church, : LEE BE J About 24 friends of Mra, Harold Abbott surprised her at her home, 262 John street, on Friday even- ing on the occasion of her birth- day, Mrs, Abbott was made the recipient qf many fine gifts, The evening was spent in games, music, singing and cards, Miss Baith 'Sintlat}, Girls Work Secretary of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. A, ©. Reeves, Knox Church mance, Brock street west, yesterday, when she conduct ed the evening services of Knpx Presbyterian Church, [0 DE J The officers of the Stanley Bar- racks entertained at dance on Sat- urday"atfter the Horse Show for the out-of-town exhibitors. Col. and Mrs, Douglas Bowle received the guests, Those from Oshawa attend- ing were: Mr, R, 8. McLaughlin and Misses Isobel and Eleanor Mc- Laughlin, ¥ ¥ ! The ministers of the Oshawa Presbytery are holding their an- nual Ministerial yetreat in Bow- manville from 9.80 a.m, to & p.m. today. The pastors from Oshawa attending are: Rey, W, P. Fletcher of Centre street United Church; [WE iR) ¢ LLL AN Yt wii) Aa HUT when you entertain you cannot lack these pieces of silverware os sential for the serving of salads, soups, breed and butter, and other side dishes, without seri- ously detracting from the charm of your table service, » + + these pieces are in the essential servieeoftheholmes & edwardssteppingstones plan. in this plan a complete silverware service is acquired gradually in four convenient steps, let ns show yon this essential service of holmes & edwards super plate and explain the step- ping stones plan to a perfect table service, ------ ™. | Flora R Win- r, Toronto om i th t and homemade cooking: McRoberts, fancy work; Evelyn Andison, candy booth, The tea room was attractively decora Christmas decorations. five tables were lighted with small 1 Ia Th mps. @ Proceeds amounted to more than $60, * Dr, and Mrs, Rover Bruce em: ertained at tea yesterday im homer of the guests of the Horse Show at: their country "Annan- dale", The ladies at the tea table in the dining room were: Mrs, Arthur Meighen, Mrs, William Mulock, Mrs. Clark Noble, Mrs, Fred Banting, Mrs, Arthur Kirk- patrick, Mrs, Alfred Beck, The as sistants were: Mrs, Howard Burn- ham, Miss Marjorie Mulock, Mrs. Strachan Bongard, Miss Betty Blackwell, Miss Eleanor Ross, Miss Margaret Aitken, Miss gy Gunn, Miss Jean Adele Burritt, Miss Mary Ruddy, Miss Betty King Smith, Miss Lilllan Meighen. The guests included: Mr. and Mrs, R. 8. Me¢- Laughlin, "Parkwood, Miss Isobel McLaughlin, Miss' Eleanor Me- Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs, George Me- Laughlin, Simcoe street north; Mr. and Mrs, John Pangman, Con- naught street; Mrs, Eric Phillips, Park road north, Weddings BECKMAN--PHILLIPS The marriage' was solemnized at the Centre Street Church parson. age, Athol street east, at moon Saturday, when Miss Adelaide Iso- bel Phillips, of this city formerly of Neva Scotia, became the bride of Harry F. M, Beckman, also form- erly of Nova Scotia, Rev, W. I Fletcher performed the ceremony, Mr, and Mrs, Beckman will reside in Oshawa. LJ LAWSON--HINKSON The marriage took place at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon at Centre sireet United Chureh nar- sonage, Athol street east, of Gladys E, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. B, W, Hinkson, Bruce street, and Gordon Lawson of Toronto. Rev. W. P, Fletcher officiated. The bride was lovely in a wine transparent velvet frock, After the ceremony a wedding supper was served at the home of the bride's parents after which Mr. and Mrs. Lawson left on a motor trip through the West, On their re- turn they wiil reside on Danforth avenue, Toronto. J Bernard Shaw Entertains at School London, Eng., Nov, 26.--George Bernard Shaw enjoyed himself at the McMillan Nursery School Training Centre at Church Street Deptford, recently when he de- lighted the 340 children in the school by asking them to perforin the "Pied Piper" for him ano amused the 40 students in train- ing there by giving a humorous lecture on the present state of Europe, The noted author and BAB-O Bi tens a. BARB O ENAME! PORCELAIN "A WIPE AND ITS BRIGHT" Playright asked the childrem if they had read any of his plays, and Y SCOUTS ARE "Ne™ for an answer, he NOW TOYMAKERS Rotary Hall is a Toyshop Whate: Discarded Toye Are Repaired for Needy Children Rotary Hall is already functioning a community centre-- THE COAT DRESS A clever (treatment, especially figure, is wide box plaits at centers front of two piece skirt, with orna- mental pockets at each side. The surplice closing bodice is underfae- ed and vpyollel in ryevers with straight collar attached, Printed wool jersey is medium chosen for this swagger street dress. The collar, rever facing and vestee are of plain jersey, Edge of collar and pocket trim are of binding in deepest tone of print to match suede belt. Sheer tweed, home- spun and printed sheer velvet are popular ideas with the woman whe 'knows.'" Crepe satin, flat silk crepe, pain velvet, velveteen and crepella, also chic. Style No, 306 is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 4% inches bust, The 36-inch size takes 3 1-4 yards of 40-inch mater- ial with 3-4 yard of 36inch con- trasting and 1 yard of binding, Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred), Bole oo Boeke obocdontodsodedtocd a 2 J J i J J J i PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON 1 A A To The Oshawa Daily Times A Pattern Department y 4 » 4 4 Oshawa, Ont, Enclosed find Please send patterns listed be . o Price, 20 cents each. samp or coin. carefully, Send Wrap coin RRR a a nnn a as eR oe RB RnR ev 8 RRR 8 8% 2 3 o adapted to the woman of mature n the t We hall the Boy ve ed a toy shop and now ll Chri t: mas the room ho with the work of the smen, Te~ pairing broken toys, which condition and needy ' children of the city at Christ © scouts pred! to every Awa citizen 10 send in any broken or discarded toys and help make th Christmas season a Joyo one the little children whose fathers " mothers are Hable to play the of gen In the attic of almost every home there are discarded hs ET - i The boy scouts like to have these to further this SAmBMEN Christmas cheer to poor children, This is a worth-while cause and | everyone should get behind the boys in this matter, The toys may be left W . hall, the office of The Daily Times and the scout toy shop at Rotary Hall, A boy scout will call for toys ii notified at phone 1419W or 119W. TNO CANDIDATES BOYS' PARLIAMENT 10 HAKE SPEECHES Clifford Baker and George Kory to Appeal for Votes-- Election Saturday a, Local interest in the Tuxis Boys Parliamentary elections is owing keener amang the boys of the city, as the campaign swings into its fin- al week. Il boys between 12 and 20 years of age, inclusive, registered in Sunday school classes of the co- operating Protestant Sunday Sghools are eligible to vote in this election, To Address E the fire A meeting is being held at eight o'clock Thursday evening in St. An- drew's Church when both the candi. dates, Clifford Baker and George Kory, will address the boys, Voting takes place from 11 to 4 on Saturday in the YM.CA, J. C, Young being the returning officer. APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE STIRS CHICAGO "400" Mrs. Catherine Spaulding, Heiress to Thirty Millions, Seeks Single Blessedness Chicago, Nov, 26.--Gold Coast society and high finance are inter- ested in the diverce suit filed by Mrs. Catherine Barker Spaulding, against her young husband, How- ard Henry Spaulding. She inherited as 8 minor a §30.- 000,000 estate from her father, J. H. Barker, railroad car manufac- turer. She married Spaulding in 19165 when both were just of age, It was regarded as an unusual love match, She now charges her hus: hand with habitual drunkenness, He is a member of a family noted in the - early development of the city. On his death bed In 18010, Mr, Barker named the late James R, Forgan, president of the First Na- tional Bank, as guardian of the child and as trustee of the $30, 000.000 Barker estate. Since the estate has swollen to an estimated value of $50,000,000, Mrs. Spaulding can never obtain control of the principal. Until she reached twenty-one she received 860,000 a year of the income, $150.000 until her twenty-sixth birthdsy and since then has heen getting the full income, estimated {at nearly $2,500,000 a year. The trust terminates on her depth and the principal becomes nart of the estate, The Bpauldings have no children, cago. AND ARTIGANG" = ======-=== . into first Pstribued to vi dence No details of the charges are made by Mrs, . The pair have lived abroad at imtervals for years. At the marriage \ were 400 guests, and they were considered "the 400" of Chi- The bride was given away MAN CLAIMING TO BE PASTOR GIVEN TWO MONTHS AT S00 Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Nov. 26. --Edward Buckland Russell, who for a couple of months has been confined to the Soo jail on a charge of ney, was Saturday givem a term two months when he ap- jana on his sixth remand in Court.. Russell got into trouble here when he issued 2 worthless cheque $250 on a To- ronto bank in favor of the Plum- mer Memorial Hospital, where he Was a patient, Since his arrest evi- has accumulated here alles- ing that he left a tral lof franda- lent dealings between the Soo and the Maritimes, where he claimed that he was a Presbyterian minister, Russell adopted a 12- year-old boy in the Maritimes two For dinner, the whele wheat wafer, Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Co., Ltd. lr yedrs ago, who came with him to] ther charges, it is stated, will be the Soo. The boy has told his story | preferred against the man at thé to the police, and as a result fur-| conclusion of his jail term here: -- SANTA CLAUS will be delivering Moffats Electric Ranges to all parts of the World--England, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, China, South America, ete, ete, Over one hundred thousand Christ. mas Dinners will be roasted on Mof- fats Electric Ranges this year, You, too, will discover real happiness this Christmas if Santa Claus delivers a Moffats Range to your home, Moffats Limitedh Weston, Ontario you will booklet on end osk fore Bassett's, Cor, x oy Tg 0, Felt, 14 King Feit Bros., 12 Simcoe St. 8. & St. EB. ~ Dolly and Bobby - ' oor HAS DROPPED ¢ T° Ariel A iDeLLy aD Copy HAVE To GET THE MaGie STAFF. | io oar vu: 3 | MAFIE WeRDS | AWFUL BUICK | CHAE THE | Wi 18To SomME~ % | Tn Cosy AdD KIND BEFORE SHE WAKES up. THEN THEY cA Rescue Bossy; From Bie Wiles Tren. FTE THE Wen WARES up. BUT COMPY HAS The 3TAFF ~ = - rr = irre Thr Wiles STATE To say THE MASIE WORDS = BUT COMFY URK ~~» STs To womx- A A IVA - A te) whe r -h AND THERE WAS THs meneiD obD Wilin Abb Genk | ANAS. AnD mn MER PAAE was A Evie, cosy, ROSY, i KMD, 040 LADY AMD Mo epy EveR SAW ThE milrm ASAIN _--