FAGE LWil VE THE (SHAWA DANY TIM. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1928 a © ACCL N CONCEDED AA MAYOR W. I. CRAIG circles a second year by accla- tion is conceded to Mayor W. H, . Nominat! ficers take place No K.C., LL. uh at Assia 0 Was a By his oo members of the Bar 8, 8 alter noon on Saturday, the fng his eighty-sixth birthday 3 he wyersary. LITTLE THEATRE Nox EMENT BEGUN IN KINGSTON Kingston, Nov. 26. AF movemeny fas begun in Kingston looking teo- ward the establishment of a Little Theatre. the initial steps being ken at a meeting here, Dr. G, Clarke, head of the English De- ent of 'Queen's 'University, I act as director pro tem, umn- Nl the new dramatic club gets started. LEADER hy PATRONS BACK AT SCHOOL hy ge 26.--Joseph L. ayeock, who led the Patrons of dustry in the Ontario Legislature mare than 30 years ago, has start- ad to school again. At the age of %¥8, he is considered the most en- Phusiastic of the 96 students at- tending enecial night classes in motor mechanics at the commercial high school, ACCIDENT AL INC HARGE OF N INJURES LAD Ganonoque, wn 27, -- While unting with a companion in the pods north of the town Saturday fternoon, Ford Mastin, son of eorge 8. Mastin, a member of the cal Board of Education, was ser- usly injured hy the accidental fscharge of a gun, One of the ys fell and in some manner oung Mastin received the full con- ents of the charge in his hip, Joe sivie of- | Saturday mor Lira 6.--J. B, Walk- AW Ww (a a ing, the nt being Mahone, Indian, Te 10 the offense and for sentence for one struck on Bridge wou driving it wp hd sidewalk front of the Dank of at eal doing damage to the extent of some twenty five dollars, Mahone's car was worth only thirty-five. dollars when he bought it. Mr. Mikel decided that Mahone was not a fit to drive a car, so ordered him to rid promised to do. LARGE BLA R 18 SHOT YN TOWNSHIP OF ASPHODEY | 2 Norwood, November 26. -- \ large black bear, weighing 0 @ 200 pounds, was shot in the tow morning last, A few of the sporis in that district had gone out for a hunt when they came across the tracks of a bear in the wet snow leading into one of the fields of A, Leaiteh,. The trail was followed and in a short time John McColl and James Comstock came upon the bear. Bullets from both guns put an end to Mr. Bruin, and a team was secured to remove the carcass to Leaitch's barn, where many of the neighbor's viewed the nimal. The hunting party consisted oa James and Harold Comstock, John McColl, Alex and Norman Leaitch, and Clarence Douglas, LARGE CLAIMS VILED AS RESULT OF YACHT BURNING Kingston, Nov. 26.--Just Brown, a touring yacht, caught fire near Thousand Island Park, N.Y, on July-1 last and Mrs, Sarah B. Smith, of Collin's Bay, Ontario, died as a result of shock Recent: ly Aftorney Harold Hooker, Wa-~ ertown, N.Y., was made Commis- (sioner to receive claims for dam- ages, ete, Last week these were himself of his auto, which Joseph ship of Asphodel on Thursday fore 1 SEES Wall. Falls J the C.P.R. service inte Carmwall, since made his home here. Surviv- ing are We sesand 'wife, who: he- her (Was 'Miss Eva Wilsher of «Cornwall and two sons and a daughter: Gerald Maxwel of Toronto, idtrey 'Maxwell of Montreal and Mrs, Harold Hessell INTERNATIONAL ATRWAYS PLANS FORCE LA Cornwall, Nov, 26.--Two - inter- national Airways of Canada. 'Lim- ited, DeHavildan-Moth . planes, which left the St. Hubert 'Aevo- drome, Montreal at 11.30 Sunday morning, bound for" Taronta, are lying in separate fields just on the outskirts of Cornwall, one of them forced down hy engine trouble aud the other landed to see 'if the pilot could he of any help to his: com- panion. The planes are the G-CAUA, piloted by J. R, Robertson, and the G-CAUO in charge of Pllot Wallace, Wallace's engine 4 came troublesome when his plane was over Cornwall, and he was forced to descend. Pilot Robert- son was slightly "in advance, and seeing his associate take to earth he returned to see if he could be Proclaimed to the world as the Bift that rings true A Bift that is to be 8 constant reminder of the iver must be dependable, The Sheaffer Lifetime" pen, un- conditionally Busranteed for a lifetime, has token sn outstanding place emonp the world's commercial mas. terpieces because it is dependable, And so with the Sheaffer Titan pencil, Both sre built like mapnificent pieces of fine machinery, Iridium snd Waspalumin sre plmost precious metals skillfully used in their icting construction, These sre endurink remem nces=--besutiful pifts of the discriminating piver, "Lifetime pen in green or black, $9.75; Ladies', $8.75--pencil, $5.00 Ds Luss "Lifstime" pon, $11.50; pencil, $5.75. Others lovsr yO PENS» SHEATFER Den CO OF *BKR At better stores everywhere HEATER ERD, o/h Mr. Dairyman and Stockfeeder- We recommend the immediate purchase of any feeds you will need for the winter, Cottonseed Meal, Gluten, Oil Cake Meal, Bran and Shorts are all higher at the mills, and we will have to advance our prices soon, We rr a oes Wr ter Dairy Ration and Schumacher Feed, HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED apps NIONEY phil JIE m HTH Ih. Ll mil Both moths made perfect landings. The pilots decided to fly Robert- son's plane to Woodsfield, a short distance west. Wallace. the light er of the two, ran the Robertson plane to Woodsfield, but in lands LANDING. ing he struck a soft spot and ran into a diteh and the plane turned upside down with Wallace still in the pit, but he escaped without a scratch, The only damage done was the breaking of the propeller and ruddér of the Robertson plane. With the aid of somesmen from among the big erowd wiheh assemb- led the plane was righted, The pilots then came down stown and honed Montreal of the mishap, flot Wallace returning to the city on the afternoon train, and Pilot Robertson will go on to Toronto to- night by train. Pilot Wallace was. forced down at Cornwall in dark: ness by strong head winds early in the summer, and was compelled to spend the night here, CHURCH CLASSES SPLENDID SUCCESS Sixty Obtain Diplomas on Completing Training Educa: tion--Miss Mills is Dean Bowmanville, Nov. 26.----The classes in connection with the Standard Training School which were held in Trinity United Church from Novem: ber 18th to 23rd inclusive, were an unqualified success. The School is interdenominational and consisted of five departments, namely, Beginners and Primary, Junior, Boys and Girls, Young People and Adults. The teach. ers were Miss Mills, Dean of the School, Rev. Mr. McLellan of Beaver: ton, who had charge of Young Peo- Bley department, Miss Winchester, eginners and Primary, Mrs. Eaton, Junior department and Rev. Mr. Ro- gers, Newcastle, adult department. A special feature of the adult depart: ment was demonstration lessons, The first was taken hy W. Ross Strike on the "Life of St. Paul," the second | by Rev, R. J, Shires on "Friendship with God;" the third, Melville Sta- ples on "The Prayers of Paul;" the fourth hy Mr, McKessock of Solina on "Fhe Call of Isaiah to Service" lessons re Eh and the fifth by Rev. J. Grifith of Blackstock on the subject of "Salva: tion." During the teaching of the on a certain book were giv and certificates were awarded for satisfactory writ ten work as well as class attend- ance, mas. The officers of the school were, Rev, J. U, Robins, director; Rev. Mr, Bick, chairman of promotion committee, Rey. Mr, Stainton, secre: tary; C. H. Mason, treasurer and re- gigtrar, There were 1168 registered with a maximum attendance of 124, A motion to the effect that another such school he held next year was unanimously passed and the teachers were enthusiastically applauded for their excellent service. INJURED BY EXPLOSION Newcastle, Pa., Nov. 26. -- Three persons were injured and much prop: erty was damaged here Friday after- noon when an acelelyne tank, being used by Penna. Railroad workers, blew up near the Pennsylvania ep gine works. Those hurt will recover, doctors said. Damage was estimated at $50,000, Windows in houses with in a radius of almost a mile from the scene were shattered. The ep: gine works were damaged by the blast, ' Who is Your Skinny Friend, Ethel? - Tell him to take McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets for a couple of months and get enough good healthy Lh flosh on his bones to look like a real man. Tell him it's the only way to take those srave-dike hollows from 'his cheeks and peck, ' Tell him that thousands of thin, puny, peaked scrawny men all over America have physical health and appearance and bless the day they first heard of these wonderful sugar coated tab- lets so full of weight producing and health building essentials. Ask for McCoy's Cod Liver Bx- tract Tablets, Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitchell W. H, Karn and every druggist sells them---60 60 cents--economy size $1.00. Al- most any thin man or woman can put on five pounds of hesithy flesh in 30 days or your money will be refunded. One woman put on 15 pounds in six weeks. Children grow robust pnd stropg--feeble old people feel youpger in a few weeks, | when About sixty obtained diple- |, improved their |: STAFF AT TRAINING SCHOOL HOLD THEIR ANNUAL "AT HONE" Be. and Mrs, 6. E, Reamen Function ville, Nov. 26. -- A most, evening was spent at the School on ntendent and Sal their annual "At The guests which numbered about 175 were received at the en- trance to the assembly room hy Dr. Mrs, Reaman and Mrs, Bradt. decorations which were carried out in the school colors of blue and amber, 'were beautiful, The walls were lined with tall evergreen trees among which were hung quantities of ty lanterns in blue and amber. he centre lights were festooned ih streamers of the same shades, e whole making a charming set- for the lovely gowns of the la- the dancing commenced, four promenades, the first led off by Dr. and Mrs. Rea- man, The floor was in perfect con- dition for dancing and with excel- t, y musie supplied by the urton Till orchestra of Toronto, this part of the evening's entertain- ment was a delight. At intermission supper was served in the class rooms upstairs at the conclusion of which a short musical program was given Signor Lamberti and Madame tt-Hannigan of Toronto, which Was most enjoyable. Signor Lamber- tl sang at the concert in connection with the Boys' Fair and sustained last night the splendid impression he made at that time. He possesses a wonderful voice and sings with mar- velous expression. Madame Secott- Hannigan also has a beautiful voice and her solos were enthusiastically pany the Department that has reac the any British harvesters at Wayne, Alber- ta, are subject to tation," Hon. Robert tion, said report on the complaints that miner-harvesters were used as strike-breakers in the mines in that district. As a result of a Frank * Wheatley, President Mine Workers Union of Canada, } days that operators were R ploying harvesters in the mines, a de- partmental inspector has been ecar- rying on an investigation. Althpugh Mr. Forke declined to comment further, it is understood that no action will be taken by Gov- ernment authorities. The strike at Wayne has been econ- tinuing despite efforts of the Labor Department to effect a settlement. The miners have refused the finding of the conciliation board that they should, accept the operators' offer of a four cents a ton raise on the sereen coal basis. The men demand an in- crease on the run-of-mine basis which has been in effect there. DANCER TO APPEAR TODAY BRAMPTON CASE ADVANCED Brampton, Nov, 26.--Through readiness of the defendant to ap- pear and plead earlier than expect- BUY YOUR COAL - The Best COKE « Jeddo Produced Solvay WOOD - - GMC. DIXON COAL CO. QUALITY SERVICE ASSURED ed or scheduled, ® Mrs, Martin (Madeline) Kenney, of Toronto, professionally known as Leoni the Great, will be arraigned before Magistrate Robert Crawford this morning on a charge of "commit- ting an indecent act before one of more persons in a place to which the public were permitted to haves access.!" When her case was called last Monday in court here H. H. Gordon, of Toronto, filed a re- uest for adjournment until next uesday, It is not known what made it possible for the case to be pro- ceeded with three days ahead of time, but it is understood that the affair, arising out of an alleged dance performed by Mrs. Kenney at a roadhouse party near here: on Nov. 10, will be disposed of to-mor- row. No prosecuting have been started or subpoenas issued to give evidence against any of the 23 young Toronto people who attend. ed the party. THE ARCADE LIMITED Good News for the Children Our Toy Department Opening Next Saturday, December 1st Santa Will Arrive at 10,30 See Full Announcement Later The Toys this year are more fascinating than ever, Our new enlarged Toy Department on the Second Floor is just a Fairy- 'land of Toys--Mechanical Toys, Instructive Toys, Dolls, Car- riages, Electric Trains, Blocks, Games, Gifts for Boys and Girls, and scores of other things that will make this Christmas one to be long remembered. Toy Department, Second Floor. A Deposit will hole any article until Christmas, The Arcade Limited