Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Nov 1928, p. 13

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IHk USHAWA DAILY 1IMES, WEDNESDA, NOVEM PAGE THIRTEEN JHE CLASSIEIED SECTION 4 ; - Legal Music CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, rns Notaries Public a, Sneed Sh sou | 288 G. AF. Annis, Bal joes FRANK S. EBB BARRISTER, Nowe Pub Come' age Blane Opposite Post (4h) w EN SN K. & BANK ee RP ANGAN Te 116-1 yr.) rister, J yy Office 1434 Phin Monty to | Sng a She Bh, GRIERSON & CREIGHTON BAR ancer by Gi et oN dad pan one . . £ Geven, x) K Creighton, rE AND GREER, BAR- risters, ete, Momey to loan, Alger Bldg. Oppote Post Office, Phone 1614, A, J. Parkhill, A, W. 8. Greer, A, CO, H, Field, R. D, Hum- phreys. (Oct, 19-Nov, 19) LOUIS 8 HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe street north. Phone 67, Residence 3206W. (9811) Git Medical DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI. cian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Special references to maternity work and di seases of women, Two years' post raduate experience, Office and resi- ek 167 Simcoe St. N,, (cor. Brock) phone 303, (119-16) |-§ ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA. a |cher (Ham! a To ronto) pupils pr d for all wa, ne Simeon 84. t,|North. Phone 2754F, (129-41) HERBERT C. TRENEER ORGAN- ist and choirmaster of King street United Church will accept pupils in plana, organ and vocal music. Coan od free, 63 Drew St. JOHN H. RENWICK, ORGAN- ist and choirmaster hes Us United {ing Church. Teacher of pia cal. Studio at the oy gn kt) Connaught St. Phone 2609W. pro ) 45 | FREDERIOK WILLIAM CHAP: man, 95 Silverbireh Avenue, To- | ronto, Ontario, organist and choir master, teacher of Plano and Vocal. Now making up schedule of classes for season 1928-29, Write for special rates. (Oct. 25-Nov. 25) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re- putable Fire Companies. (118tf) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants attended 10 and your interests protected. (Oct. 11-1 yn) HEPBURN, 77 ONTARIO the € B St, District Re Presentative yor Great West Life Assurance Company. Phone 1365]. (Feb. 1-1yr.) INSURANCE--~OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for one of the best English companies. Of- ce 38 Simcoe St, N. (86-11) DR, McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- eon, Accoucher. Office and resis goon 4 King St. East, % veka Victoria St, Oshawa, Phone 94 DR GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office and residence, 97 Bond East, Phone 1135, DPR, B, J, HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- sian an "Surgeon, special attention ven to X.ray work and Electro- fish Office, Disney Block, Phone 2050, Office open 9 am. to gm King East hone Residence 161 Ear, Nose, Throat i DR, F. T. RRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Sffeet West, Jopante, will be at his office over Lovell's Drug Store each a from 1 till 4 for consultation and treatment iy diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appeintments may be made at drug store, Phone 97, (49-tf) Mouey to Loan CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress loans arranged. Parkhill & Greer, Barristers, ete, Alger Bldg. Phone 1614. (4911) WE CAN ARRANGE LOANS ON completed homes at 61a per cent Have funds available for purchase of good second mortgage Lett, Nicholls & Hallitt, 11 King St. B, Building Supplies FOR SALE-CEMENT BLOCKS, sand and gravel. Quality guaranteed, Good loam for lawns. . Borrow: dale, Phone 1618, (80¢1) FOR SALE--SAND, GRAVEL AND stone, Immediate delivery, $1.60 a yard, Essery Bros, Phone 882 pr 11, (Nov, b-Dec. b) (B11f) Dental Painting and Decorating DR, 8. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, office over Bassetts'. Phone 959; Residence 306, 4-1 yr. DR, FRED A, FLORA, DENTISY, 87 King street east, Alger building, Phone 8860, Evenings by appoint ment, (48t1) DR, H, M, CUDKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mitchell's Drug Store Gas for extraction, Phone 54. DR L E, HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extrac. tions, Office, Royal Bank Bldg Phone 948, residence, 1378M. htt -t DR, J, P. BROCK, DENTIST, 1§ Simcoe St. N., over Dewland's Phone 1067, Evenings by appoint mept, (July otf) DR, W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE Regent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780. Residence 66V, 66-tf DPR. LANGMAID, DR, DAVIES, Dentists, 87 Kipg St. E. Special at- tention to gas extraction and X- ray work, urse in atiendance. Phones 231 and 1243, {A5LE) IEEE Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- io Land Surveyors and Civil Engin eers, sub-divisions, town Hanaing Dunicipal engineers, 365 or 411 3H 2) or 2544. | 2544. 4. (BItf) Window Cleaning OSHAWA DOW CLEANERS --House ning, woodwork and floors polish Jeroen gud orm s on ; indow pi remove ne Woodworking R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, graining, etc, Twenty years' experience. Prices right Work guar- anteed. 151 Huron street. Phone 2007W, (45-tf) P GC, HILL, DECORATINY paperhanging, painting, Work guaranteed, Estimates given, Phone 042W. 136 Brows east (148t0) THE OSHAWA PAINTERS, (MYG- land and Lindstad), Paperhanging, painting and graining, Special -- Soft Wood Filled, Work guaran: teed, 14 Nassau Street, Phone 1406W, (after 6) (Oct, 20-Nov, 20.) P, E, ELLIOTT--DPAINTING, PAP: erhanging and graining, work guar: anteed. Prices right, Estimates giv- en Phone 2006J, (Oct, 23-Nov, 23) Auctioneer PHONE 716J, W. J, SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8. We can sell your odd pieces of furni- ture and other articles aL our yards 41 King St. W., Oshawa, Ontario, Phone 8264. 105 Transportation CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand anq cinders, Local and distance Morigen i. Fao Frye] FR CATO rier COLEMAN cae service. Moving age. 85 Bond ment, Dagsies a bo 6 trucks er pone from all trams. f) RERR TRANSPORT AND i \ 4 one distance Stance mow. (90) CARTAGE AND TRANSFER. LO- cal and long stance hauling, EB, Baird, 403 Mitchell Ave. Phone 15233, (Nav, 3-Dee. 3.) CARTAGE OF ALL KINDS, Phone 1840W, (1081) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT Wave Shop. Permanent wave, special $5.00, Marceling, finger waving. 86 Simcoe street north. Phone PERMANENT WAVING (DOE£S not need Finger Waving), $7.60, Evalyne Branch, 111 Colborne St. Bast, Phone 608J, (59-21) CINDERELLA DRESS SHOPPER, 163 Simooe St, 8, Marcelling and manicuring from 9 till 4; evenings by appointmant, Phone 2879. LLEWELLYN BEAUTY SHOPPE Marcelling and shampooing, ldew- ellyn Apts, 82 Simcoe St. 8, (ground floor). Phone 8213W. (Oct, 30.-Nav, 30) CROSBY TWO CHAIR BARBHR shop, Beauty parlour, Hair cutting, 25 cents, marcel, 60 cents, Corner Brock and Mary Sts, (113¢) Vetermary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King west, Phone 629, (56tf) C8. DICKENSON, V.S. DISEAS: es of all domestic animals scientifi cally treated. Dominion Gevernment Veterinary. 34 Brock St, E. Phone i (131tf) Dressmeking ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKINY done at reasonable prices. Apply 21 Rowe St. Phone 1347TM (47t1) EXPERIENCED DRESSSMAKER. and talloring, 83% Simcoe St. N, Apt. 1, Mrs. O'Donnell. Phone 808OW, (Nov, 1:Pec. 1) =. Ee Architects C, C. STENHOUSE --~ GENERAL architectural work Second foot, Royal Bank Building. Phone Jia Res. phone 909]. ( tf) THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS. sociate architects, Simcoe St, 8, Over Felt Bros, (66L) Watch Repairing. F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shep gt 44% King Street West, Your 2 ronage 1s solicited (29tf) "Wanted to Buy SECOND HAND DEALER, FUR piture bought and sold, 186 Bloor St, E. Phone 1617M, (Oct 19-Nov 18; For Remit Real Estate for Sale EXCLUSIVE APARTMENT THE GEORGE 304 SIMCOR ST. SOUTH Beautiful spacious apartments, four rooms and bath, All comveni- ences in exclusive residential dis- t ict. Electrie reirigeration, kitchen maid cabinets Beach stoves, elec. | Prick tre laundry, storage 100m, ads, curtain ryods, janitor, New, clean and without doubt Oshawa's beat constructed apartment. Telephone 1550 or cai at 29 King St. Bast. Opposte Post Office. L. V, Dido: ) FOR RENT--SIX ROOM HOUSE | hardwood floors, All conveniences. {lor 1370 W, Somerville Avenue. Phone 954 J (930t8) 1|TO RENT. -- TWO FURNISHED TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 33 Ask for Sawifvd Ad De MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load, Also bone dry body wood aterous-Meek Limited. Phone | (Apr, 20tf) FOR SALE--3 BURNER GAS range, with shelf, Enamel. Closed top. Ventilated, Nearly new. 156 Centre street, (106tf) rooms, bathroom, light, heat and gas. Married couple or two ladies. 20 Maple St. Phone 799W. (11le¢) TO RENT--RIGHT ROOM HOUSE. Close to General Motors, Hara-|N go land C2 Lae on Ofna A HOUSE Victoria Park 4 Fiaes Pat 10 swt you Fo J5.400---NEW 6 ROOM -- house in splendid location. Chestnut trim, Oak floors all through, French doors, Coal mam: tel, Kitchen cabinet, Hot water heating. Saris, 3 This is an excep: thing ke it in lf Sed See Nh before you de- cide, Only $1000 down, balance at 6% per cent. A 11 King street ety Phone 32 (1120) FOR SALE-- BRICK VENEER house at 142 Alice St. Apply T, C. Farrow, R.R. No, 1, Oshawa. Phone 1654 r 123, (113b) CHOICE LOTS FOR SALE-- 40 by 100 ft. on Arlington, First off Simeoe St. N. Avely 550 Simcoe St. N. Phone 1493J, (111e) wood floors. Ali conveni Newly decorated, Now vacant, 195 Albert St. (111¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM TO rent. Phone 1761M. (111¢) FOR RENT--FIVE ROOM HOUSE on St. Julian St, Apply 295 Vimy Ave, (111e) TEN ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE-- Two bathrooms, double garage. close ta General Motors, Box "G" Oshawa Daily Times, (111¢) BEAUTIFUL BRICK HOUSE FOR sale, Two and a half storeys, Shade trees. Snap for quick sale. Apply 42 Ritson Rd. 8 (1131) FURNISHED APARTMENT WITH all conveniences, lights, water and heat. Apply 97 Colborne St, East, (111e) TO LET -- A SIX ROOM BRICK house and store corner Elena and Albert Sts, Apply 864 Simcoe St, South, (111p) APPLES!-- SPIES, BALDWINS, Sweets, Wagners, ete, Sold by bar- rel, bushel or peck. Delivered, Also fresh eggs, F, Shaw, phone 631, (Nov, 6-Deec. 6) STRICTLY NEW LAID EGGS FOR sale, Apply P, Kilburn, 466 Albert St. Phone 624W, (1101) FOR SALE--SEAL COAT, SABLE trimmed, Good condition, Also soft yellow evening dress, size 36. Worn twice, Box "V" Oshawa Daily Tim- es, (1138h) FOR SALE -- GOOD ELECTRIC three burner cook stove. Good as new. At a very low price now, Call at 163 Simcoe 8t, N, for particulars, (113h) - Lost and Found LOST--ONE SEIBERLING 36 x 6 Truck Tire, A reward will be given for return to , Dominion Garage, Oshawa, Apply Mr, Wells, (111¢) POG LOST -- DARK BROWN Doberman Pinscher. Reward, G. W, Hezzelwood, Phone 761, 400 Sim- coe St, N, (112b) Help Wanted ---Female EXPERIENCED MAID WANTED for housework, Mrs, G, W. Heuzel- wood, 400 Simcoe St. N, (112¢) KITCHEN MAID WANTED, MUST have some knowledge of cooking Highest references required. Apply Housekeeper, Parkwood, (112¢c) EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTED-- For general housework, Apply Mrs, Swartz, 208 Gliddon Ave Ave, (113¢) |HOUSE TO RENT--6 TWO UNFURNISHED OR PARTLY furnished rooms to rent, Phone 2395W. (111e) MODERN APARTMENTS North Simcoe St.,, Simeoe Manor and Buckinghamy Manor. South Simeoe St. Victoria Apts. Four and five rooms all latest conveniences including, Electric refrigeration, stoves, and fixtures, laundry rooms, with Electric Dryers, incineratur, and shower baths. For further par- ticulars, Apply Your Local Agent or Janitor on Premises. The Trusts and Guarantee Co., Ltd.,, Manager for Owner, Toronto, (111tf) FOR SALE--SIX ROOMED BRICK house, hard wood up stairs, Oak down. Nice locality. Apply Box "M" Oshawa Dally Times. (1134¢) ES For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT---SIX ROOM- ed houses, Oshawa Blvd. Hardwood floors throughout, Chestnut trim, Built in cupboards, linen closets, All conveniences. Beautiful homes, Phone 954 J or 1370 W, (90t1) FOR SALE OR RENT - FIVE room bungalow, Also seven room two story house, Apply to owner, A. G. Storie, 870 Simcoe St South, (106tf) FOR SALE OR RENT--SMALL new house on Colborne St. Apply |! 121 Albert 8t. Phone 1835, (113¢) Boarders Wanted FOR RENT--SIX ROOMED HOUSE garage, Possession at once, Oppos- ite Union Cemetery, Apply 168 Col- borne St, B. (111¢) NICE BRIGHT FURNISHED BED rooms §@ rent with separate beds Apply 122 Simcoe 8t. N, (112h) ROOM conveniences. 1st, Cor, brick house, All (Garage, Possession Dec Park Rd. and King St, Box ""B" Oshawa Daily Times, (112tf) COSY BEDROOM FOR GENTLE- men, single $3 per week, shared $2.50, Close to Motors, Phone 28827], (112h) FOR RENT--LARGE FURNISH. ed room. Light housekeeping. Phone 667J, (112h) THREE ROOMS TO RENT, WEST of Gibbon St, on Louisa, L. J, Trick, (112h) FOR RENT--TWO UNFURNISH- ed front rooms, heated, light, water, use of bath, Close to car stop, 828 Simcoe St, South, (112¢) PRACTICAL, NURSE WANTED, Phone 2021W, (118¢) Motor Cars PONTIAC COACH, 1927 MODEL in first class condition, Gone 1,000 miles, $600, cash, M, C, Wilson, R, R, No. 1 Brooklin, (111e) POR BALE-- 1028 CHEVROLEY Coach, Like new, Good motor, $600, Terms to responsible party. 818 Division St, Phone 3138W, (112e) .20tf) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to order. We save you money. Estimates free, G. A. Con- stable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone 1595]. (56tf) FOR SALE--1028 Coach. Splendid condition, $675 cash, Phona 1326J, (118¢) FOR SALE--LATE FORD TOUR- ing, Reasonable for cash, Phone 2862, (11%¢) CHEVROLET BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for apd delivered 76e, if rental supplied $1. 8, Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1885W. (Oct, 29-Nov, 29) EC --. R Undertaking HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, FIN- ished with sanding machine. Phone 21713. Apply miter five p.m, Nov. 7-Dee. 7) LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance, nee, 642 Simeoe street north, Phones 210) and 210W, MRS, PENTLAND, SPIRELLA Mapaging Corsetiere, Spirella Shop 68 Elgin St. E. Phone 936, DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOMZ 87 Celina street, Osbaws. Corner Bruce street. Ambulance. hone 1082. 96-8) Contracting (86tL) LEARN MODERN DANCING (NEW easy Method), Private Lessons. Be- sinners Specialty. Terms reason- gable. Shirley's Studio, 69 1-2 Sim- coe St. North. (Oct. 16-Nov,. 16) OLD TIME DANCE WINTER GAR- den, each Wednesday under same management as dapce over Arcade last winter. Four piece old time or- chestra. (Oct. 26-Nov. 26) CONCRETE WORK PLASTERING, carpetering, electrical work. If you are contemplating alterations or building phone Hugh Palmateer, 139, 154 Alma St. Satisfaction guaranteed. (Oct, 25-Noy. 26) Position Wanted POSITION WANTED AS TRUCK driver or chauffeur, Two years' ex- perience. Apply 18 Beuna Vista, Park Rd. N, (112¢) Room snd Board Agents Wanted AGENTS WANTED TO SELL PER- sonal Greeting Cards, best value ever shown, easy to sell, Regal Art Company, Manufacturers. 310 Spa- dina, Toronto, (1182) Salesmen Wanted An attractive proposition for am- bitious salesmen with initiative and ability who are desirous of improv- ing thelr present situation; full or part time; assistance and co-opera- tion; duties pleasant and remuner- ative, Give age, occupation, and re- ference, Address J, L. Hearn, 307 Falmerston Blyd., Toronto, Star a Wanted to Buy en soil, apply Lewington's Nurser- ies, Kingston road, or store, King 14 t, B ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen, Private home, Close to GM.C. 143 Agnes St (111e) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT -- SMALL bouse by November 27. Young couple with one child, Apply 187% Simcoe St. N. (ai WANTED -- THREE OR FOUR roomed mpfurpished apartment on downstairs flat. Not too far from business section, Box "¥" Oshawa Daily Times, (1L13bh) CONCRETE MIXER WITH OPER- ator for hire. Reasonable prices, W. L. Borrowdaje. Phone 1618. (110t6) Automobile Repairing WANTED--TWO UNFURNISHED rooms before Nov. 20th. Vieini'y Motors. Gas Rraterred Apply Box "E" Oshawa ly Times. (113e) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal Tire Shop Tires for sale. Bros, Phone 438. fH) STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE 18 Church St. Repairs all kinds cars. Special attention to bumping and welding. Snappy charging and repairing. (10781) Only the brave desert the fair, In time of peace prepay for war, Pleasant company is always except- Battery service |ed The best of friends must park. WANTED TO BUY--MAN'S TOP- cont size 88. Box, "Z" Oshawa Daily Times, (1132) For Exchange EXCHANGE FOR A BUILDING lot or house in Oshawa. Buy equity in modern pix room house, Toronto. 1c) | Box "K" Oshawe Daily Times. (1130) RM ---AhAL Peis and Live Stock FOR SALE--BROWN POMERAN- ian one year old. Well trained. Fond of children. Apply 577 Sim- coe St. N. Phope 1193W, (llle) FOR SALE--7 YEAR OLD HOL- stein cow and calf, a good milker. Dan Malench, Lakeview Gardens, Cedar Dale, (112¢) 59 PULLETS BRED TO LAY White Leghorns. One cockerel and wo cocks. Phone 1648 r 14. £112¢) WANTED Good, brown, fibrous loam, Maid- [591 oy APARTMENT FOR RENT, ELEC- tric iron, washer. Every conven ence, Apply Robertshaws Book Store. (112) ROOM TO RENT, HOT WATER heated, Suitable for two, Board op- tional, Private family, Twenty minutes walk from Motors, Box *Q" Oshawa Dally Times, (112h) TWO CL .AN, FURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping rooms. $156 per month. 300 Montrave Avenue, (118e) FOR RENT CINDERELLA Dress Shoppe with fixtures, Phone 589, (1181) FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISH- ed bedroom suitable for gentleman willing to share with another, Breakfast if desired, Apply 81 King St. E,, Apt 2. (118¢e) ROOMS TO RENT TO BUSINESS people. Light cooking and home privlicges. Near G.M.C. ollies, C8)) TO RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. Ap- ply 611 Somerville Avenue. (112¢) TO RENT-- TWO FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. All conveniences, 554 Mary street, (112e) FURNISHED TWO ROOM APART- ment for couple. Warm and ceptral. 96 Centre St. (1120) ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY. Very central. .24 Prince FTP , ; Cc FOR RENT--BRIGHT APART- ment. Five rooms and bath. Klec-|resu tric fireplace, stove, frigidaire, garage, Apply Casa Joma, Apart. ment 2, 161 King St. E (118¢) TO RENT -- THREE LARGE Electric lights rooms, Ei i phene. No children. 167 pork "ol north, (118b) for light housekeeping. 301 Kings- dale Avenue, (113b) d) [Years ago, was being sought here | BOARDERS WANTED--OPENED under new managemen for board and rooms, Also 11,80 meals serv: ed. 199 William 8t, B, J, Plg- den. (Oct, 15-Nov, 15) ONE GENTLEMAN BOARDER wanted, Willing to share room, Phone 1586F or eall at 100 Rand st, B. (112¢) Help Wanted--Male I CAN USE THREE GOOD SALES- men, small capital, exclusive terri- tory. Good pemuneration, Apply Box "Q" Oshawa Daily Times, (112bh) YOUNG MAN WANTED FOR JAN: itor work, Hours 1 pm. to 11 p.m. Apply Superintendent, Alger Press, (113a) Auction Sale AUCTION BALE, FRIDAY, NO- vember 16, 1.830, 219 Nassau St, Three piece chesterfield suite, ma- hogany dresser, bedstead, folding cough, gramophone, wicker go cart, screen door, cook stove, elec- tric washer, rocking chairs and settee, two kitchen cupboards, kit- chen table, dry goods, Any person wishing to place articles in this sale see B, J, Pomery, 18% King Bt, B, (113n) WPHERSON GASE RECORDS SOUGHT Believed Documents Will Prove Suit's Dismissal Was Bought Los Angeles, Cal, Nov, 14--A hidden chest not filled with treas- ures but containing documentary evidence which grand jury inves- tigations bglieve will help to prove that thousands of dollars were in. volved In the dismissal of the Aimee Semple McPherson case by District Attorney Asa Keyes, two Monday, Evidepre concerning transae- tions of at least $100,000, said to be in the hands of the investigator.# who reported to include both tele- grams apd letters exchanged be- tween persons vitally interested in the evangelist's case, Several cheques for large amounts in addition to ations bank records are asserted to have been turned over to the grapd jury by Yilliam Parker and Arthur IL. Marek, pewspapermen, who. were given the documents by Mrs. Min- pie Kennedy, mother of Mrs, Me- P pir pearly three months ago, y # Accused with her ghter of co) oneiracy Aid Shatrect ustice as : 0 ng episode In Which Mrs. Fast disappeared at Ocean Fark and $100,000 in an effort to vim- dicate the evangelist The mystery chest now being Slowing, Organization Organization a Bonus anuary Salary an Mills, a ¥- Eleven Million dollar cos- Yor hned Ms its first plant in a Ar this plant Chas been enlarg- ed anadian organization has grown hig nothing to 30 sales- and 1% catload dealers. ition. territories now being op- ened offer a few men an unusual opportunity to grow with a large, PRofTcsaine and fast-growing organ- tion. Qualify you must have ungues- --_ character and industry, pre- vious Sxherience and an Agn- lan ton or its Savalas. Ate 25 to 35. ve previous record of employment and a recent photo or snap- shot 1m first letter. EY n- -- HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID RY EXPERT MECHANICS OM floors finished Mike new. Storm mn doors. Gem eral Contactors. B. W, HAYNES residence 150x2. Wl King St. W. Phone 481, PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8.--We Deliver bd Wy ew will s hortly d doy : above Nr aa: L.L Sicslen District Sales Reaper, Purina Mills, St. Louis, rp CHE Boys' Navy Blue Over- coats Special .. . ' Dominion Clothing Phone 2141 Store 08 King S¢. W, OSHAWA CONCRETE WORKS Is Your Address for | CEMENT BLOCKS And Cenient Bricks Phone 1875) Dhsne -Cott AMBU 89 Celing St, ANCE 1088 ; LUMBER F, L, BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard Phone Oshawa 324 Whitby 12 omeirist EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Servive Your Eyes and Health Eye Care and Eye Strain Disney Block Opposite Post Offisy PHONE 1516 1516 Let Lycett Locate You 52 acres good clay loam, located few rods off Govern. ment Highway in lovely little village, with 7 room frame house, barn, stabling, pig pen, hen house, some woods, small orchard, spring creek, Price five thousand, Will consider Oshawa house in exchange. Good 6 room lLiouse to rent, 25 KING ST, BE, PHONE 205 2.2 Bo odectedd: 2.3. Bodo LH A a Li 0 APLL LEAF BUSINESS COLLEGE Day and Night Classes in all Commercial sub» jects, Enter any time. R. OC, ASHENHURST Principal 'A Trained Mind Wins' Fell Bros. The LEADING JEWELER Estab ished 1886 12 Simcoe St, South EE EE EEE EO wes = JURY & LOVELL'S EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL PARLORS Examination by Eyesight Specialists. Phone 28 or 20 Scientific the. eyes of experienced SIMCOE ST, NORTH COAL | COKE Waterous-Meek, Limited Oshawa Agents for STANDARD BRICK WOOD A Yegeteble prods further Beecham Advertisements. BAA toi d the evidence believed to asserted 0 He srabgst: | fst and therein fis reported to TWO SEMI-FURNISHED ROOMS congh | by grand jury detectives fs be of prime importance yhen the belong 'ase asainst District Attornsy be iKeyes comes up Tuesday. Irvin Cobb js said t recently that it was « some of his best storic printed, riunate that s couida't be

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