Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Nov 1928, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1928 per and svening supper was served im t Sunday School' room when a goodly aumber enjoyed all the good which were spread before them. At eight o'clock all gathered in the church where a play was staged for their entertainment, The name of the play was recking Robert's Bud- get." and the young people of Little Britain presented it in a very good manter. E present enjoyed it very much. proceeds of the everiing - amounted to nearly $100, hali-of the proceeds of the play go- ing to the Little Britain Society, Regular services will be held at Ebenezer church and Sunday School on Sunday, November 11. Church services at 10.30 am. and 7 p.m. and Sunday School at 2.30 pm. Every- one is welcome. . THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, Nov, 8., -- Mrs. Peter Lofthouse has gone to spend the winter in California. Mrs. N. Buss, Mrs. Roy Lick and Mr. Walter Buss were recent visit- ors in Toronto. There has been a very good -at- tendance at the Sunday School lately. A week ago, Miss Myrtle Glover, sang a solo accompanied by Miss Marion Gummow, The Boy Scouts held a very suc- cessful Hallowe'en party last week. A large number attended in fancy and comic costumes, The evening was spent in games and all had a very jolly time. The best wishes of the commun- ity are extended to the bride and ,"Mr 'and Mrs Clarence Luke, All wish them long and happy lite together, Mrs, Luke had sever- al showers given for her before her age. Mra. , Luke, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Luke,' and Mr. Yeoman Luke 'weye recent visitors in Tor- Mrs. Edgar Pascoe, Mrs, m and Mr, Harold Pas- ed the funeral in Solina, Pascoe's uncle, Mr, Wm, band Mrs. Wilfred Pasebe and thres 'ohildren have returned from the West and intend residing here for the future, They spent last Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs, B, Pasco. Mr. and Mrs, W, D, Luke, Osh- awa were recent Sunday guests at the home of Mr, Edgar Pascoe, A number of young people at- tended 'the Eldad chicken ple sup- per and the church, Mr, and Mrs, B, Pascoe attended the fumeral in Hampton of Mrs. 3, J, Pascoe. All were very sorry to hear of the death of Mr, H, 8, Smith, of the Coopep-Smith Co. Oshawa. Mr, Smith was well-known here and at one time taught for three years In the school, Mrs, Smith is a sister of Mrs, G, H, Robinson, The fun- eral was held on Monday from St. George's Anglican Church, Inter- ment was made in the new Mount Lawn Cemetery, The pall bearers wera; Messrs. T. B, Mitchell, H, King, = Barton Mothersill, Alex Brown, .C, C. Stenhouse, and E. Cj. Hqdgins, The sympathy of the Cummupity is extended to Mrs, Smith/ spd family, Mp, and Mrs, Edgar Pascoe In- tend; ing to Belleville to spent: Thanksgiving. REPORT Following is the Senior room re- port, fo! at; for Thorntons cor- ners; With #ames in order of merit Sm IVi--Kathleen 'McRobinson, When your Children Cry , for It auspices of the 's Seo- ety. During the early part of the |i re-opening Of the Bernice Jackson, Vietor , Derothy Steph Garnet Wetherup, Ronald Northay, Pearl Scott, Harvey Scott. _ Jr, II1--Cora Wetherup, Melrose Winnacot, Wilfred Lindsey, Don- ald Allman, Lyla Thompson. Sr: - II--Bobby - Pierson, Ella Lindsey, Dorothy Kerman, Doris Northey, Margaret Northey. 0. Taylor, Teacher, Jr, II--Helen Kerman, Gordon Jackson, Minerva Stoddard, Fram. ces Robinson, Jean Neer, Gladys Wetherup, Norman Wetherup, Clit- ford Marnien, Sr. IL -- Gladys Luke, Cecil Stephenson, Jack Le Roy, Arthur Winacott, Frank McClure, Jr, I--Ethel Lewington, Gordon Lofthouse, Frederic Robinson, Margaret Plerson, Bernice Le Roy, Burroughs. Sr. Pr--Peggy Northey, Billy Jack Neer. Walter Scott, Bernice Luke. A Class Freddy Korif, Peggy Bowers, Myra Holliday, Teacher, Nov, 7.-Mr. Lloyd Ashton and Mr, Gordon Werry have e on a week's hunt back to Narth Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Ferguson and daughter Rs visited their som, , HW. Mr. and firs. E. Mitchell and son, Mr. and Mrs. G. Th ville, with Mr, Spies recently. r. - Charles Tamblyn and Mr, Gordon Shannon of W with the former's sisters, Mrs. H, Werry and Mrs. W. Stainton. Mrs, Albert Stainton and Clifford, Toronto, Shem the week end with her mother, Mrs. John Pye, Mr. and Mrs. J E. Virtue and daughter Laura, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnson and son Bobbie, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs, J. W. Virtue, Mr, and Ry Stanley May, Toron- to, visited Mr. C, E. Ashton's. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Lamb on the arrival of a baby fr. and Mrs, Theo, Slemon and Joka visited friends i Toronto Sus: Mi . - iis Jam Shen, Bowmanrile, Jb { and Mrs, G. A, Cook. Mr, and Mrs. John Brows, Olive, Mr, Jim and Everette Browns Mrs. A. J. Knox, Orono, Mr. Mrs. Russel Ormiston and a H J Wotry Sundayed at Mr. W. J. Stain- Sa Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith took in Ellad anniversary Sunday, Mrs, Fred Smith and son Claude visited with her brother, Mr. Herbert Stainton, Mr. Wilfred has ht the Potter farm west of the vi instead of renting it as in last week's paper, Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Smith and son Ross, Oshawa, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. - Mrs. George Preston has returned home with her son to Port Huron, rs. Thos. is visiting with frighds in Oshawa and Toronto. H. Davies of Oshawa and Miss | Tr. Francis Taylor of Toronto at Mr, W, H. Moore's, 3 A number of our citizens went to help Hayden le fight 2528 is 85 Hie 4 bought | vas con i BS "For they are jolly good f Mr. Stevenson is making extensive repairs to his house. ° r. E. 'C. Ashton is at Cobourg on the jury, MYRTLE Myrtle, Nov. 2.---Mr, T. Baker of shawa has moved into Mr, W. J. Lawrie's house south of the village. Regret to report that Mr. William Tarvis was removed to a Toronto fire on Tuesday, it being so windy Mz. Greer lost his wd] and some contents, it got started from the hospital on Thursday of last week where he is undergoing an operation for a cancerous growth on his cheek. It is hoped that an improvement in their return. Hallowe'en passed here for a few piano recital in the church on Friday night of this week, r. Andrew Lawrence of the Col lege of Pharmacy, Toronto, spent the week end at his home here. Mr. G. Habn and daughter of To- ronto spent the week end at their summer home. kl Miss M. Rodd of Oshawa is visit- ing her brother, Mr George W. Rodd. AYLMER MAN SHOT WHILE OUT HUNTING Parry Sound, Nov. 10--Mistaken for a deer, Herbert Simpson, agea 51, Aylmer, was fatally wounded yesterday im the woods at Pickerel when he was shot by ome of his hunting companions, Manoeuvres of their dog attracted his compan- Real diamonds of greatest brilliancy obtaining the greatest \ In our latest selection of these precious gems ~-- you are assured of this extra quality. Come in and see us first before making such FELT BA ee ing is most essential in nimi ions, 1. - Paupst a his cousin, ar'es Clarne, who found the |hitt neck. body in a thicket. ng Wim 14 the shot in the neck and di Simpson was standing im dense thicket clad in khaki, ana |refused to wear any when the dog ran a deer in frov instant lseasons, and, his person as a safeguard. of him one of the og fir 0) Simpson was |huated in this district for sixteen in spite of: daily pleadings of his camp friends, he of red on Baby has little upsets et time All your care capnot prevent them But you ean be prepared. Then you can do what any experienced nur. Would do--what most physician: 'ould tell you to do--give a fen rops of plain Castoria. No sooner Gone than Baby is soothed; reife: § just a matter 'of moments, Yet y: ave eased your child without usc Pf 2 single doubtful drug; Castoria ' 5 vegetable, So it's safe to use 2° ' Piten as an fibfant has any little Pain you cannot pat away, And itis! iways ready for the crueler pangs | pf colic, or constipation, or diar- hea; effectic, too, for older child- en. Twenty-five million bottles 'ere bought last year, y Join the Crowds at the ARCADE "THE ARCADE Commencing Tuesday URING the period in which the workmen are completing the plans to make this a better and a mor eattractive shopping centre, we are going to offer the general public a host of wonderful bargains, in which we will re- duce our stock to make room for our Christ- mas Toys and other Novelties, Aa TTY St. North 'Phone 1000 Meet Me at the Arcade Simcoe

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